Master Cowboy

By amh

Published on Aug 19, 2023


Every mark that I give you draws you even deeper into the depths of your slavery; depths that you most likely never dreamed of that night you begged Me to make you My slave. Now slave, I wish for you to tell Me once again just what it is that you wish for your Master to do for you."

thing looked downward, since it knew better than to look His Master in the eyes and spoke the words:

"Sir, this slave wishes to wear its Master's new mark with pride Sir. it has given its life to its Master and become His property. it no longer retains any semblance of manhood Sir. it is Your property Sir and wishes to be further marked as such Sir."

With that Master Cowboy reached over and pulled the red hot brand from the brazier and held it before the slave's eyes for it to behold its next mark. He then proudly walked behind the hanging slave aimed the brand to the exact spot where He wished the brand to be and firmly pressed the hot brand firmly onto thing's right ass cheek. The slave's flesh sizzled and the smell of seared flesh engulfed the area. Although deep in the slave's mind it knew that it was to make no sound, thing could not hold back a deep, loud scream of pure animal agony as the brand burned Master Cowboy's mark of slavery permanently onto its ass.

Master Cowboy withdrew the brand and thing's body slowly began to relax from the extreme pain. Master ordered slave alphaboy directed slave alphaboy to lower thing from where it hung while branded. When thing was lying face down still spread eagle on the cold concrete floor alphaboy detached thing's wrists and ankles from the bars that stretched the slave. Steel shackles were reattached and locked in place; these, and all the other metal that Master had pierced it with, were thing's only clothing.

slave alphaboy was ordered to dress the wound. The slave boy gently wiped the raw brand mark with an antiseptic lotion and applied an antiseptic ointment to aid in healing. Yet, the raw mark remained exposed for all to see that it was Master Cowboy's permanent property. Cowboy craved showing off His slaves. It let everyone know that He could and did own human males; His property for as long as He wishes.

When alphhaboy was finished, he helped thing up to its knees so that it could crawl over to its Masters boots. slave thing knelt before its Master and requested the right to kiss its Masters boots to thank Him for His gift of the brand.

"Do so slave", Cowboy commanded, "it now wears another mark of My ownership and I am pleased. it may kiss its Masters leather covered crotch and beg for My piss, slave."

After thing had worshipped Cowboy's boots it raised its body with its head bowing.

"Sir, please Sir, may this slave kiss its Master's codpiece drink it's Master's piss Sir."

Master Cowboy grabbed thing by the back of the head and jammed its mouth onto His codpiece. The slave kissed and worshipped the bulging leather before pulling off the black leather codpiece with its teeth. Master Cowboy aimed His massive cock at slave thing's open mouth and let go with a stream that nearly overwhelmed the slave. However, it swallowed all of its Master's piss, but its face was left dripping because Cowboy kept pissing all over thing's face and body. thing wore Master Cowboy's piss with pride knowing that there would be more of the same during the weekend ahead.

Master Cowboy attached a leash to thing's steel collar and a leather leash to slave alphaboy's spiked leather collar. He abruptly turned toward the door and jerked the two slaves leads and led them toward the farmhouse. There were still guests up everywhere and Master Cowboy strutted to the house with His slaves behind Him. He enjoyed showing off His Mastery over His slaves and paraded them slowly before the onlookers. After this exhibition He led them up the main stairs and into His Master Suite.

While slave thing was being branded, Master Robert was working His new slave bengi. After slave bengi had begged to become Master Robert's slave, it endured Master Robert's first fuck of His new property.

Master Robert spit on the boy's hole and drove His hardened cock into the boy's waiting ass. bengi let out a loud squeal as it's ass was impaled, but it did not fight the inevitable. Master Robert proceeded to rape the boy's ass roughly. He continued to plow it and power fucked the ass with growing pleasure. He would pull out as He was about to cum and then ram His cock deep inside and preceded to power fuck the slave's ass. The boy was crying out in pain and pleasure and begging for more. So Master Robert used the new slave's ass for hours.

Once Robert had satisfied His sexual needs with the new slave and had assured Himself that the boy was completely willing to do anything that He wished He tied bengi and slave jake together so that each slave had the other's cock in it's mouth. Robert bound them tightly together in this manner and laid back upon the mattress and fell asleep at last.

As the sun rose overhead, a bright beam of light woke Master Robert from His dreams of breaking in His new slave boy. He sat up and observed His two slaves still bound together as He had left them. They actually fell asleep in that position, but Robert kicked each awake and ordered them to suck each other off for His pleasure.

"My slaves had best enjoy this gift from their Master. It will not be often that My slaves will be allowed to cum. This is My gift for the acquisition of My newest slave and the pleasures you both shall give Me. Now I wish to see My properties suck each other off so start fucking!"

He enjoyed watching the two pump their young, hard dicks in each others throats. they squirmed and fucked as best they could in their bondage. Finally both slaves jammed their cocks into each other at exactly the same time and sucked each others cum down their throats. When they had finished, Master Robert slowly unbound the two and allowed them to kiss His feet in gratitude. He pulled each of the slaves up onto the mattress and shoved a slave head into each of His armpits and ordered them to clean the sweat from His pits. After they had lapped His pits clean He ordered them to His crotch; jake to His cock and bengi to His asshole and allowed them to worship Him. Each slave buried its head to its task. jake's throat was quickly filled with its Master's hard cock, while bengi buried it's tongue deep into Robert's ass. The slaves worked in tandem, attacking their tasks while Robert lay in the most extreme pleasure that He could imagine. He had two slave boys servicing Him at the same time and He daydreamed of all the extreme pleasure that His two slaves were going to give Him. This continued for about an hour; an hour of extreme, soothing splendor for Master Robert.

Finally He ordered His two slaves to stop and to kneel at the foot of the mattress. He laid back and observed His two young slaves with satisfaction. He grabbed up a black leather bag from beside the bed and found just what He was looking for; a new chrome cock ring for slave bengi. He ordered the boy to hold its hands behind its back. Robert had measured the boys cock and balls earlier and selected a ring that He would just barely be able to squeeze bengi's cock and balls through. However, just now the boy had a raging erection which would make it impossible to mount the tight ring. He hauled off and slapped the boy's cock several times and bengi screamed with pain.

"Now hush up slave," Master Robert softly commanded, "I have a gift for My slave and its cock cannot be hard if it wishes this first mark of My ownership."

bengi ceased crying and merely hung his head in shame as Master Robert worked the boy's balls through the tight ring. He had to pop each ball through the ring which caused excruciating pain to the boy, but he never said another word. Robert finally forced the boy's wilted cock through the ring and grabbed a hold of the boy's cock and balls and pulled them tightly away from the slave's body and worked the tight ring as snug as possible at the extreme base of bengi's cock and balls so that the tight ring was seated properly.. It was so tight that the boy's genitals immediately swelled in size until they were nearly purple.

"What does My new slave boy say to its Master?" Robert asked.

"Sir, thank You Sir for my new cock ring Sir." bengi answered.

"Very good boy, except that it is now My cock and My cock ring since you are now My slave property and shall own nothing. Do you understand slave?"

"Sir, Yes Sir!"

"Excellent slave, that and your collar are now your only slave attire unless I dress you for humiliation, exhibition, or for my own pleasure. W/we are now going to get back to the farmhouse and prepare my new slave for its first public display. It will be such fun to see how your old friends react when they see you as My naked slave boy. Before that however slave jake and I have some other special touches to add to my new slave so that it will be shown off to its best advantage."

Master Robert clipped a leash to each of the slave's collars and led them back to His apartment in the farmhouse. It was early and after all the partying that had been done the night before no one would be up and about yet. That was perfect for His plans. When He did take the slave's to lunch with Him it would be a surprise to everyone, especially bengi's former friends. They would get to see His newest slave and He would make it one of the high points of the weekend.

When they got back to His rooms He ordered both slaves to undress Him and bathe Him. they both began to remove His clothes and fold them very neatly. He walked to the large shower that He had especially constructed for a number of people to gather in. He turned on the three shower heads and just stood there while the two boys began lathering His body from head to toes. bengi was assigned to take care of Master Roberts backside while jake was to get the front. When they were finished to Robert's satisfaction He had them pat dry His body thoroughly.

Next He ordered slave jake to cover bengi's body with an exfoliating cream. bengi stood quietly as the lotion was being applied. jake left the pubic hair above bengi's slave cock in tact for now, but all other hair below the neck would vanish. bengi stood there with its legs spread wide and arms raised with his hands on his head as jake rubbed the cream all over bengi's body. bengi remained in that position until Master Robert ordered jake to wash the boy down and to make sure that all remnants of hair were gone. jake then led bengi over to Master Robert who was standing next to the sink with a pair of electric clippers in His hand.

He ordered bengi to kneel before Him and beg to have its Master cut its long blond hair. slave benji had tears running down his cheeks as he begged to have his hair cut. Master Robert grabbed a hold of a handful of hair from the top of the slave's head and hacked them off with scissors and allowed the newly shorn hair to cascade down so that it lay on the floor where benji could watch it as Master Robert picked up the clippers and began buzzing off the remainder of the boy's beautiful hair. When He was finished He ordered slave beji to look at himself in the full length mirror to his side. What bengi saw was that Master Robert had left three inch wide Mohawk which tapered in the back to a tail which was still its original length.

Master Robert ordered slave jake to slick the hair and make it stick straight up in the air and looked like a fan from the side. Master Robert then trimmed the punk hairstyle so that it had a smooth even finish. bengi also now had a tail hanging from the nap of his neck. Master Robert informed bengi that the tail would be grown so that it would hang and be there as a convenient hand hold for Master Robert. Robert grabbed a hold of the tail and pulled bengi to his feet so that he was looking straight into Roberts brilliant azure eyes.

"Now slave I wish for you to lie down on your back so that jake can work on that wild pubic hair that you have growing down there", He said as He grabbed hold of bengi's cock and balls and gave them a good harsh squeeze that dropped the slave to the floor. slave jake rolled bengi onto his back and began cutting the new slave's pubic hair. When finished, bengi had a one inch wide strip running upward about two inches and an outrageous punk hair style which was really going to set his college mates to hooting.

bengi laughed to himself as he thought about the reaction Master Robert would get from bengi's friends, but he did not care in the least. He now had a Master and a purpose in life. he would from this day forward be the slave that Master Robert had made. He was Masters property and would soon learn the ramifications of this new role in his life. Master Robert pulled on the boys new "cue" which hung down his back and ordered bengi to eat his Master's asshole. The boy sucked for all he was worth so that he could taste his new Master's ass and knew that he would be expected to do so every day because Master had told him that he would be trained to be a slave toilet among many other things.

Next: Chapter 26

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