Master Cowboy

By amh

Published on Apr 12, 2023


Master Cowboy - Part 24 The debauchery continues.

Master Robert had succeeded in capturing this fresh young man ben and claiming him within the first twenty-four hours of the long weekend. He had many plans for bengi's training and exhibition. He was going to love showing this boy off as His new slave; a fresh piece of meat to play with and fuck. By the end of the weekend He would have it sign its slavery contract in front of the entire group attending the opening. Master Cowboy would be pleased with this slave claiming and of course would claim His right to use the new slave as part of it's initiation.

Master Robert lay back, holding bengi while being serviced by slave jake, and grinned with total satisfaction at His accomplishment. The three would rest like this and nap briefly in Master Robert's private wooded corner of the farm. In the morning He would lead both of His naked slaves into the "mess hall"; exposing bengi for the first time to public humiliation and exhibition. He would have them both sitting at His feet as he ate and if they were good little slave's He would feed them table scraps as a reward.

After an hour of rest Master Robert woke slave bengi and fed it more smoke. slave bengi immediately began to beg to worship its Master. Master Robert ordered bengi to wiggle its naked body down the mattress until its head was at Master Robert's feet.

"Now slave I want you to begin licking the soles of My feet and slowly work your slave tongue up My legs. I want every inch of My feet and legs to shine with your slave spit boy. slave is not to touch My cock and balls until I order it to do so. I wish to feel My new slave boy worshiping its Master's body in gratitude. Only when slave has satisfied Me with its pleasing tongue will it be allowed to worship its Master's cock and balls. My crotch is what you will now live for. it's life is devoted to My pleasure and My ownership."

Slave bengi quickly squirmed down to its Master's feet and began worshipping its Master's feet. Master Robert ordered slave jake to attach a leather leash to slave bengi's small slave collar. He then used the leash to guide the new slave slowly up His body. slave bengi did its best to please its Master with its worship. In its mind it knew that it would do anything for the right to worship Master Robert's cock and balls.

After some time the boy was sucking on its Master's ears; when Robert ordered it to stop. The Master then rolled over on to His stomach, placed His hands on His ass cheeks and pulled them aside showing His rose bud. He ordered slave jake to feed bengi another hit of the pipe.

"slave bengi, crawl between My legs and sniff its Master's ass hole. Bury its nose in My hole and smell its Master's essence. Show Me just what an animal it can be as it smells its Master's hole. When I jerk its leash it is to begin worshipping Master's hole with its tongue. I want my new slave to eat it's Master's ass hole ravenously. Show Me how much slave loves it's new Master."

"Sir, yes Sir", slave bengi replied as it buried its nose in Master Robert's hole. it nuzzled the hole for some time until it felt the tug on its leash. With that directive it stuck its tongue in Master Robert's ass hole and began to suck on Master's ass lips. it continued to suck and lick Master's hole with the determination of a pig feeding at a trough. After nearly thirty minutes of ass sucking bengi felt the leash jerk again and knew that it meant that he was allowed to worship Master Robert's cock and balls.

slave jake fed bengi another huge hit of smoke which kept the slave boy in the mind set of a sex craved animal. bengi began licking Master Robert's balls and continued until they were dripping with it's saliva. it then proceeded to suck upon the head of its new Master.

Before bengi had met his new Master he had always been used by the guys in the frat house that he belonged to. During his initiation he was made to strip naked and service all of the guys, both frat members and pledges. They used him as their "queer boy" and allowed him to enter the fraternity on the condition that he was to be the house slut. Now a year later, bengi was actually becoming a real slave to a real Master and the boy buried its head to the task of servicing its new Master's cock. Master Robert made the boy work on His cock until He knew that the boy was exhausted from the task. He ordered bengi to cease sucking and to kneel between His legs. In His hand He held a studded black leather dog collar and leather leash. Slave bengi bowed its head as Master Robert removed the temporary collar that He had attached earlier. He then placed the collar around bengi's neck and locked it in place.

"you are now my slave boy bengi", Master Robert stated . "As My slave you have much to learn and tonight is only the beginning of its training. By the end of this weekend I will offer slave a contract to sign. If slave decides to accept My offer of slavery it will sign My contract and its new life shall begin. In the meantime I will be putting you through a series of trials to determine if I wish for you to become my new slave."

"Oh Please Master I wish to be Your slave Sir. i will do anything You want Sir. Please Sir, allow me to be Your slave Sir."

"Hush slave, I believe that you have Master's crotch to work on boy. I desire to watch my new slave grovel at its Master's crotch and feed on it. slave bengi, I want you to act like an animal in heat tonight and show Master just how much that you desire to become His slave. you will only talk when spoken to slave. your purpose is to be my crotch slave and worship Master's cock, balls and ass. Do a good job boy because your future may depend upon how well you service Me. Now I want you to attempt to swallow all of your Master's huge cock. I shall teach my new slave to bury Master's cock down its throat so that I can pump My juices deep within you. Suck Me fucker!"

slave bengi opened its mouth wide and slid its mouth over its Master's cock head. it slowly worked its way down the long shaft, until Master Robert grabbed it by the hair and rammed the boy's head down to His pubic hair. He held the boy's head so that His throbbing cock filled the slave's throat. Bengi began to gag and spit up mucus but Master Robert held its head firmly in place and began its first lesson in slave service.

After along hour of plowing bengi's throat, Robert could easily bury His throbbing cock deep within the boys widening throat. He held the boy firmly by its long hair and pumped its head on His cock as if He were fucking a melon. He used it as His personal fuck hole and smiled at His easy victory over the youth. This boy would be His slave, of that He had no doubt. He pumped the boy full of His cum and pulled bengi's head off His softening penis. Robert laid the boy on its back and tied its wrists to a post in the ground at the top of the mattress. He then ordered slave jake to suck on bengi's slave cock softly and slowly so that He could watch the youth squirm with pleasure. When it appeared that bengi was nearing climax Robert pulled jake off and flipped bengi on to its stomach. He spit on the boy's hole and drove His hardened cock into the boy's waiting ass. bengi let out a loud squeal as it's ass was impaled, but it did not fight the inevitable. Master Robert proceeded to rape the boy's ass roughly. He continued to plow it and power fucked the ass with growing pleasure. He would pull out as He was about to cum and then ram His cock deep again and proceed to power fuck the boy again. The boy was crying out in pleasure and begging for more and Master Robert used the new slave's ass for hours. ____________________________________________________________ _________

The piss pit in which slave cochina remained locked had finally filled to the top and the slave was sloshing in piss up to its neck. slave thing was released from where it was bound above the pit and dragged off to the dungeon. Two slaves hosed thing down to rid it of the smell of the piss that it was covered in and scrubbed its body clean. When finished with its cleaning thing was led over to the center of the arena where a wide steel bar hung. The slave's wrists were locked into heavy leather wrist cuffs made especially for hanging its wrists from. The leather cuffs were locked onto either end of the steel bar spreading things arms widely apart. The slave's collar was attached to a ring in the center of the bar. It hung with its feet barely touching the floor until the attending slaves carried over another heavy steel bar. thing's ankles were locked into place on the bar drawing thing tightly into a wide spread eagle position. The slave could no longer move in any direction. it hung there awaiting its Masters pleasure.

Thug Master had slave cochina dragged into another area of the dungeon but did not have it hosed down. He wished for His new slave to smell of men's piss. it was laid out on the floor and a heavy iron collar was locked around its neck. Next a ring gag was placed in its mouth and tightly strapped around its head forcing its mouth to remain open and available. Heavy chains were locked to the collar and attached to rings in the wall above its head. Another logging chain was locked to its collar and attached to a ring in the ceiling so that its head could not be moved. its arms and legs were locked to chains which drew it up tightly in a spread eagle position. Thug Master took a pair of large alligator clamps and roughly snapped them in place on each of the slave's nipples as it moaned loudly from its wide open mouth.

Thug Master next grabbed a hold of the slave's cock and balls. As he pulled them away from the slave's crotch He ordered one of His drug slave's to lock a wide metal band in place around the stretched skin. The metal band was about four inches in length and extremely tight fitting and was locked to a ring in the floor. slave cochina was totally immobilized and exposed.

"Now My cochina pig, I have readied it for the pleasure of all attendees. First however I shall show My new pig slave how it feels to eat its Master's swollen cock. I shall rape its open mouth to show it that it is merely My fuck whore. its holes are My fuck holes for the rest of its filthy existence. Those are My fuck holes to use, abuse, rape and sell at My choosing."

Thug Master knelt with His legs straddling the slave's chest. He opened His baggy pants and pulled out His enormous, swollen cock and began to rub it around the slave's mouth and nose.

"Smell that dirty Master cock whore, I have not washed it for days so that My new pig could enjoy its Master's smell and taste," He stated as He skinned back the foreskin to reveal the smegma that was accumulated there. "Eat up My pig whore."

He then roughly shoved His filthy cock deep into the slave's open mouth hole and began to rape it. slave cochina began to gag from the smell and taste but Thug Master merely continued His rape. This was His new whore and He meant to show it just what a piece of filth it was and would always be as Thud Master's pig whore. He bent over the slave's mouth and drove His cock in to its base and began a very long, rough fucking. Before He was finished cum and slime would be running from its open mouth making it ready for the gang of men waiting in line to use the whore.

The rape continued until Thug Master had cum several times. He lifted His cock slowly from the slave's mouth and began to fill the slave with a bladder full of piss. When finished He rubbed His cock juices all around the slave's face and upper chest. He then slowly stood up and looked down at the exhausted pig slave and sneered.

"So, this whore is open for business gentlemen. It is nothing but a fuck hole that is available for all to make use of. There is no rush however, it will be right here for at least the next twenty four hours. pig slave will be taught what I expect of My whores. NEXT..."

Thug Master jerked up His pants, stepped away from His stance above the slave's chest and walked away. The next man immediately took His place and rammed his hard cock deep into cochina's hole and began his rape. The guy formerly known as Pete was no more; Pete had become Thug Master's pig slave and would remain as such until Thug Master tired of it. it would never be free again and would be pimped out on the streets of Chicago until Thug tired of it. If it had time to think about its new life, it just might wish that it had never introduced `thing' to Master Cowboy in the first place.

As this had been taking place Master Cowboy had been firing up a brazier near where thing was strung up. Cowboy had ordered a new brand to be made for just this occasion and was preparing it so that He could brand thing's right ass cheek. thing watched wide eyed as the coals burned ever hotter. Sweat from the heat began to run down His bare head and chest. In fact its entire body was glistening with the sweat created from the closeness to the fire.

Master Cowboy strode up to where it hung and held the new brand before the slave's face so that it could see what was to be permanently burned into its flesh. The word `SLAVE' had been created out of metal attached to a long handle. The letter's were three inches high and would be branded on its ass marking it yet further as a piece of Master Cowboy's property.

Cowboy had ordered alpha boy to get `thing' prepared for its performance. alpha, with his shoulder length black hair and dressed in his black singlet with knee high logger's boots on looked extra stunning tonight. Thing's eyes followed the young boy's every move with admiration, knowing that its own slavery was so different from the boys. alpha walked up to thing and held up a pair of huge metal clamps for thing to see. He then pulled thing's right nipple, which had grown to extreme proportions, out further from its chest. he opened the huge wood clamp wide, poised it over the enlarged nipple and let go of it so that it severely snapped shut on thing's waiting nipple. thing winched in pain but did not utter a sound. alpha did the same thing to thing's left enlarged nipple and stood back to watch the tears roll down thing's cheeks. Alpha grinned slyly and held up a heavy logging chain for thing to see. alpha then attached an end to each clamp, held it for a minute and then let it drop, allowing even more extreme pain to jolt through thing's suspended body. The boy took another length of logging chain and locked it onto the triple zero size PA ring in things cock head. When the boy let the chain drop it hung just above the floor it swung backward and forward for several minutes causing thing more agony.

Now the hanging slave was ready for its Master to administer His next mark. This brand would even more clearly note thing's status as His piece of totally owned property. Master Cowboy sneered as He approached His slave.

"So my property, it must seem like a lifetime ago that you begged Me to be your Master and to make you into My slave. I am sure that you could never quite imagine the journey that you were to take with Me. Here you helplessly hang naked before me awaiting your next step into the depths of your enslavement. you are My piece of property to do with as I please. Every mark that I give you draws you even deeper into the depths of your slavery; depths that you most likely never dreamed of that night you begged Me. Now slave, I wish for you to tell Me once again just what it is that you wish for your Master to do for you."

thing looked downward, since it knew better than to look His Master in the eyes and spoke the words:

"Sir, this slave wishes to wear its Master's new mark with pride Sir. it has given its life to its Master and become His property. it no longer retains any semblance of manhood Sir. it is Your property Sir and wishes to be marked further as such Sir."

With that Master Cowboy reached over and pulled the red hot brand from the brazier and held it before the slave's eyes for it to behold its next mark. He then proudly walked behind the hanging slave aimed the brand to the exact spot where He wished the brand to be and firmly pressed the hot brand firmly onto thing's ass cheek. The slave's flesh sizzled and the smell of seared flesh engulfed the area. Although deep in the slave's mind it knew that it was to make no sound, thing could not hold back a deep, loud scream of pure animal agony as the brand burned Master Cowboy's mark of slavery permanently onto its ass.

Next: Chapter 25

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