Master Cowboy

By amh

Published on Feb 26, 2007


Falling in lust with a Master.

"Now, isn't that much better boy, here you are in a Master's private room with your young boy nose smelling a Man's wet, sweaty arm pit. I think that we are going to be very special friends, boy." His other hand reached over and cupped Ben's wet crotch and squeezed it. "you have a very desirable body boy and I wish to see it all, so pull down those uncomfortable briefs. I wish my boy naked in Master's arms so that we can become even closer boy," Master Robert cooed softly in the boy's ear.

While Ben did as Master Robert suggested, he had no notion that he was being seduced by one of the coolest and wily characters that he would ever meet. Ben's weekend was only just beginning and the na^Ëve youth had no clue as to exactly what Master Robert had in mind for this young, shy, and beautiful piece of boy flesh.

When Ben was naked Master Robert requested that the boy stand in front of Him so that He could give the boy a good "once over". He had the boy posing before Him so that He could see all aspects of the "surface" Ben. The newbie was told to turn slowly around for a good look at his ass and then to walk around the room and pose in front of a full length mirror. After several uncomfortable minutes Ben was told to crawl up on the bed again, but this time to lay with his head on Master Robert's crotch with its rock hard cock standing at attention. Ben slowly lowered his head until it rested on Master Robert's balls. Master Robert could feel Ben's warm breath on His balls.

"Now Ben, turn around, and with your head still on my crotch lay with your legs toward My head." Master Robert pulls the boy's legs over to hug His body. The boy's crotch is in Robert's hand. "Now Ben if you wish to please Me you will lick My hard cock head and suck the pre cum that you have created out of My hard cock."

The boy does as told and tentatively licks the drooling pre cum from the head of Robert's cock. The boy then places his mouth over the end of the penis and sucks softly, drawing Master Robert's pre cum from His cock. Robert moans softly and pulls the boy's head up to His face and kisses him softly on the lips. He then rolls Ben over onto his back and begins to slowly check out the young man's body. He sticks His fingers in Ben's mouth and the youth opens it so that Master Robert can run His fingers across the boy's teeth. He slowly slides His hand down the youth's neck and chest and toys with his nipples and gives them a slight tweak. Ben moans softly so Robert pinches harder until the boy lets out a loud yip. He continues down the front of the boy's smooth, hairless chest and abs and begins to fondle his cock and balls. He bends down and softly kisses the youth's cock head in a concerted effort to draw the boy closer to Him and lesson his fear. Master Robert next rolls Ben onto his stomach and plays with his bubble butt, squeezing the boy's hard ass cheeks. He takes His hands and spreads Ben's ass cheeks so that He can view the fresh, young hole. Robert wets His finger and begins to toy with the boy's tight rosebud. While Ben wiggles and moans beneath Him, Master Robert allows His spit to drool from His mouth so that it slowly wets the waiting asshole. Ben lets out a long, low moan as he completely relaxes to the Master's moves. Robert works His finger slightly into the boy's hole and realizes that Ben's ass is virgin and all His for the taking.

This is even better than Master Robert had imagined. He was going to turn this sweet, innocent, horny young man into His second slave boy. Two young slaves would be a great triumph for the final banquet on Sunday as He leads them on leashes. He would dress them in red leather body harnesses with slave collars around their necks. His two young slaves would provide a striking contrast in beauty; jake with its dark complexion, short black hair, and ben with his pale skin, long blond hair. Both boys had bright blue eyes to match Master Roberts. He would be the envy of many at the banquet.

Master Robert aroused Himself from His daydream and rolled Ben onto his back and scanned the boy's stunning body. He looked deeply into the boy's eyes and ran His fingers through the kid's longish blond locks of hair. Ben's body was nearly hairless with only tufts of blond/white hair in his arm pits and a small patch above his cock with a tiny trail of soft hair crawling up the abdomen.

As He stared into Ben's bright eyes He began to softly talk to the boy, beginning a process that would place the boy into a deep hypnotic trance.

Just relax and breathe deeply. You are getting tired. Breathe slowly and look into My eyes ben. Your eyes are getting heavier. Give in to the heaviness of your eyes and let then close."

Slowly Ben's eyes became heavy and Robert told him to close them and listen to Master's voice. Shortly Ben was deep in a trance where Master Robert wanted him so that He could begin to plant His somewhat evil plans into the boy's psyche.

"you are completely relaxed Ben. Listen to My voice and allow My thoughts to become a part of you. Now you are completely relaxed and all that you hear is Master Robert's voice. you are going to be mine, completely mine ben. You are going to become my slave boy. you will beg to become my personal slave boy ben. When you awake, and I tell you to look deep into My eyes, you will become totally entranced by their brilliance. When I say the words what do you desire boy?' you will lower your head and softly ask to be My boy toy'."

"Whenever I call you boy toy' you will drop to your knees, close your eyes and open your mouth wide. you will place your arms behind your back and clasp your hands together - they will be locked behind your back until I utter the word release'. Nod your head if you understand boy."

ben slowly nodded his head in the affirmative and Master Robert smirked with satisfaction. The process was working as planned.

"When I say the word collar' you will ask permission to have Master place a collar around your neck. When that collar is in place you will be totally obedient to Me and I will be your long awaited Master. you will then always refer to me as Master after that moment boy. When I utter the words sweet ass', you will ask for permission to speak and then you will beg Master to take your virgin ass for the very first time."

"Now boy, I wish for you to wake up from your dream. Slowly begin to breath normally again. As I count to ten you will slowly awaken. Once I say the word `ten' you will be totally awake and not consciously remember anything that I have said. Everything that I have said to you will be buried in your subconscious for My future use. Now I will start counting and when finished you will be wide awake and responsive.1..2.3.4"

When Master Robert said the word `ten' ben was wide awake and lying on the bed totally relaxed. Ben looked up into Master Robert's stunning azure blue eyes and a big grin formed on ben's face. Master Robert stroked ben's long blond hair and caressed his cock and balls.

"Well, boy, I believe that I will order us all some food so that we will be ready for the nights adventure". He picked up the phone and softly spoke into the receiver so that ben could not hear Him. "Now boy why don't you go into the bath and take a nice warm shower. When you are finished slave jake will be kneeling in the bath and will towel you dry for Me. That is one of slave jake's tasks as My body slave so let it do as ordered and then present yourself to me and I will have food ready for us to eat."

Once ben had completed his bath and jake had dried his body and hair, they returned to where Master Robert was sitting at His table. As ben stood naked before Him and starred into Roberts deep blue eyes, Robert asked

"What do you desire boy?"

ben immediately lowered his head and asked to be Master Robert's `boy toy'.

"That is very good ben, I accept you as My `boy toy'."

Ben dropped to his knees, placed his arms behind his back and opened his mouth wide.

"Very good boy, it is time to eat dinner. Keep your boy mouth open and I shall feed you boy."

Master Robert picked up a scrap of steak from His plate and stuck it in the boy's mouth. That was how boy ben would get fed until Master Robert had finished His meal. He placed His napkin on the table and stood before the boy with His bulging crotch stuck in the boy's face. "boy has been very good eating his food from Master's hand; jake crawl over to My desk and retrieve the collar that I left there."

Upon hearing the word `collar' when Master Robert spoke to His slave jake., ben immediately bowed his head and said

"Sir, May I please wear Your collar Sir. Please Sir?"

Master Robert smiled wickedly and locked a thin leather collar around the boy's neck. The front of the collar had a shiny metal plate riveted into the leather band that had the word `slave' on it.

"Master, thank You Sir for allowing this boy to wear Your collar Sir, er Master Sir."

"boy is quite welcome, so release yourself and kiss your Master's boots slave boy."

The boy dropped to his knees and kissed both Master Robert's boots with humility, not knowing exactly what had happened or what would happen. he only knew that he felt complete for the first time in his life.

Meanwhile back at the barn.

The new slave `zero' was being prepared for the evening as well. slave zero's treatment was in stark contrast to the soft and gentile method that Master Robert was using to entrap boy ben. Slave zero had been dragged from the arena and into the slave quarters and slave prep area. Here was where all slaves were hosed down and readied for the long night of service ahead. slave zero was no exception. After zero was hosed down and its ass given many enemas to assure that it was deep cleaned, it was fitted with heavy rubber wrist and ankle shackles. it had a piss funnel harness strapped on its head and its shackles were locked to a ring in the wall of a common area in the Master and slave preparation area. Master Cowboy had ordered that zero's ass be stuffed with an immense butt plug until it would be planted upon a massive dildo that was to be strapped in place for the duration of tonight's activities.

zero was to serve as toilet slave for all Master's and slaves using the dressing facilities as they prepared for the night of sexual pleasure. it was not fed any dinner because Master Cowboy wished His newest slave to be starving for all liquid refreshment, and it would be getting its full of piss and snot before the long night came to a conclusion.

After the conclusion of the Opening Ceremonies the guests had an hour to rest before dinner. Dinner was a "pig pickin" that took place in the field next to the barn where the dungeons and arena were located. This was mainly for the regular paying guests, which included Masters, slaves and other participants. One of the Master Trainers served as host while regular farm slaves and all voluntary slaves served as "the help".

The "investment" Masters, who were all housed in the main house, were treated with a special sit down dinner hosted by Master Cowboy. The Master had done a massive renovation to the existing farm house which dated to the early 1900's. He had a huge wing added which was set up like a hotel and was where His special guests were housed. There was a huge reception area, large formal dining room and a huge kitchen. The main house itself was where Master Cowboy and Master Robert lived year round. Of course all labor for the renovation was free since it consisted of the existing farm slaves and slaves that were borrowed from Masters close friends.

Once dinner was finished everyone was allowed about two hours for rest and preparation for the night long events that were planned. At ten thirty Master Cowboy would start the evening affairs outside the barn. He had designed the grounds as a sexual resort. Besides the barn, which housed the arena, slave quarters, and special dungeons that could be rented, at least two acres nearest to the house and barn were set up with a multitude of vignettes for sexual pleasure. There was a large pool in the shape of an erect penis and big set of balls which was surrounded by areas set up with mattresses for sex and play. At the entrance to the "Garden of Delights" were two tall posts with chains attached so that a slave could be strung up as the central figure fir the opening events. The new slave zero' would start its night there. Master Cowboy was going to use thing', but after capturing zero' He had a big change of plans for the start of the night of debauchery. This would be the area that slave zero' would be mounted on a massive dildo.

At ten- twenty in the evening a loud speaker announced that the first night of "pleasure" would commence at exactly ten- thirty. Surrounding the area where the two posts were set into the ground was seating so that all attendees could view what Master Cowboy had planned for the only structured event on the evening. It did not take long for the seats to fill and the crowd of attendees to gather. Master Cowboy walked into the area surrounding the posts leading slave thing and slave boy alpha on long leather leashes. He was followed by all the "invested" Masters and Their slaves. The last to enter was Master Robert leading His slave jake on a leash. Next to Master Robert walked ben in a pair of skimpy white latex briefs. Master Robert had His hand clamped around the boy's neck guiding the wide eyed and scared boy on its first public outing.

When all were assembled two overhead spots lit up the area between the two upright posts. slave zero was led in on a heavy chain lead by Master Trainer Ali. The dark black Trainer was dressed in a red chest harness trimmed in white. He wore a tight fitting pair of black leather pants with cod piece front. Slave zero was waddling along due to the huge dildo crammed up its asshole.

When they reached the area of the posts they stopped in front of a stand on which a 20 inch long dildo was mounted. The dildo had large rings wrapping around its length and was a site to behold. Zero was taken by four naked slaves and stood with its back to the dildo stand. Chains were attached to its ankle and wrist cuffs. The slave's left wrist and ankle cuffs were attached to a chain attached to a winch on the left post while its right cuffs were attached to a chain attached to a winch on the right post. On the order from Master Cowboy the chains were drawn up by the winches so that `zero's ass' was about four feet above the ground. A slave walked up and in one swift motion yanked the huge dildo from zero's ass that left zero swinging from the abrupt action. At that point two other slaves walked up and grabbed zero by its legs and moved the slave so that its ass was seated upon the tip of the head of the dildo. They greased up the dildo and the winches slowly lowered zero so that all of its weight rested on the head of the monster dildo. zero cried out that it would do anything that Master Cowboy wished. Master Cowboy answered,

"Yes slave it will do just what I wish for it to do and I wish for it to be fully mounted on the dildo that I have selected for it wear tonight."

Once the slave's ass had dropped down over the large head, the chains attached to the winch were released. The suspended slave slowly slide down the full length of the shaft, screaming all the way down until it hit bottom and zero was impaled upon a dildo the size of which the poor slave could never have imagined in its life as Pete the hustler. it was allowed a few minutes to completely settle down on the monster and then a slave walked over carrying a dildo harness to strap the monster in place for the night. When this was accomplished zero was lifted off of the platform and lowered so that its feet were on the ground. The chains were detached and it was led over to a pit with a metal grate attached at ground level. The grate was opened and zero was walked down into the large pit and chained in an upright position. The grate was lowered and locked in place with only zero's head sticking up through the bars in the grate. This would be the only toilet for all to use during the entire nights event. zero would be the toilet and the lowest piece of shit at the farm.

Master Cowboy walked over to the piss pit and ordered zero to tilt its head back and open its toilet mouth. When it did as ordered Master Cowboy released a bladder full of piss directed into the open mouth of the toilet slave. When He had finished he ordered slave `thing' over to the pit and allowed it to also piss in zero's mouth as a slight revenge for what the former Pete had done to the slave.

It would be an extremely long, wet night for slave zero. Before the night was over it would be standing in a pit full of men's piss. This was just the beginning of a night of extreme debauchery to be experienced by all.

Young ben looked on with frightened eyes as he stood next to Master Robert and not really remembering how he came to be in that position. boy ben was to begin his slavery to Master Robert in earnest that very night and he had no clue.

Next: Chapter 22

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