Master Cowboy

By amh

Published on Feb 20, 2007


On With the Show and more.

When the branding of slave rocky was completed the "auction slaves" were to be raped with caesar's giant dildo as their first step into real and complete slavery. These slaves had either signed up individually or were offered by Masters wishing to sell them. Once auctioned they would become the property of whatever Master paid the highest price, with all proceeds going to Master Cowboy's Farm funds to be used for upkeep and future events.

The preceding events of wild animal like fucking had only whetted the audience's appetite for even more debauchery. The scene of naked slaves in the arena created a tension that brought silence to the waiting audience.

As the brand slowly heated to a white hot state, slave rocky waited with an ever hardening cock for the brand to sizzle into its flesh and permanently mark it as Master Victor's slave farm animal.

The enchantment that hung over the entire arena as the crowd awaited the next acts to begin was overwhelming. At last someone yelled out it frustration.

"Get on with the fucking already. fucking. fucking.fucking.!"

Everyone abruptly turned toward the voice, and Master Cowboy peered up to the man standing with his arms in the air and chanting. slave thing raised its head from where it lay on its chest in exhaustion and stared up at the brazen individual in the audience.

"Pete!" was all that it uttered as it turned its head to Master Cowboy. The Master leaned over to `thing' and ordered it to repeat what it had said. The slave whispered something in its Masters ear. A sneer appeared on Master Cowboy's face as He motioned for a Master Trainer. Master Trainer Boss rushed to Cowboys side and awaited orders. Master Cowboy motioned in the direction to where the insolent man still stood yelling "fuck, fuck, fuck."

Master Trainer Boss walked quickly up the aisle and over to where Pete stood and grabbed him by the neck and the upper arm and yanked Pete from his place in the crowd. Boss shoved Pete out a rear door and it slammed shut behind them.

The offending man, Pete, had once been a friend of `thing' while it was still the man called Bruce Lansing. Pete had befriended Bruce and finally got him hooked on rock when he used to come by in the middle of the night to "play". Eventually Pete would show up at Bruce's door with some street punk. He would tell the punks that Bruce was his slave and would do what he ordered. He would then order Bruce to strip naked before the different punks and to kneel before them and beg to suck their cocks and be their slave. Bruce would then have to pay for all the drugs that they wanted as they allowed him to worship them. This went on for over a year until one night Pete showed up at Bruce's door with Cowboy. The rest is history!

Master Cowboy leaned over to where i sat next to him and whispered in my ear

"We now have a new slave to add to the auction alpha boy. I never did care for that weasel Pete, except he was the punk that took me to `things' house and I found my first slave. I think that it is time that ole Petey gets paid back."

At that moment a door opened that led from the slave quarters to the arena. Master Trainer Boss dragged a naked Pete through the door and brought him before Master Cowboy. Boss shoved Pete to his knees and pressed his head to the floor.

"Your new slave Master Cowboy," stated Boss loudly. "this new slave awaits its new Master's orders Sir."

"String that naked piss ant from a ceiling chain so that it can watch the events from a new perspective Trainer Boss."

Master Trainer Boss dragged the kicking and screaming slave to the center of the arena. With the assistance of Master Trainer Mick, they locked cuffs to the punk's wrists and locked his wrist cuffs to an overhead chain. They then motioned to Master Trainer Techman to raise the chain and Pete was pulled to his feet. The automated chain stopped so that the punk could just touch the floor with his feet. Master Mick unhooked a ball gag from His belt and shoved it the yelling slave's mouth. When He had strapped it tightly in place Master Mick grabbed the punk by one of his legs and spun him around so that he twirled in place while the Master Trainers walked out of the arena.

Master Cowboy waved His hand and the light levels lowered to almost pitch black. A bright spot lit up the area where Master Victor stood before His slave. The slave was a very well muscled and hairy specimen that had been serving as a field slave at Master Victor's southern plantation. it now knelt with its arms tightly secured behind its back and a ball gag strapped in its mouth. its cock had risen to rigid hardness as it waited for its Master to brand its right chest. Master Victor slapped the slave's turgid cock and turned His attention to the brazier where the branding iron was stuck in a pile of red hot coals.

"What does My slave wish for," asked Master Victor.

"Your slave begs to fulfill its Masters desire to wear its Master's mark for all to see, Sir," rocky said in a somewhat quivering voice. The slave's voice may have quivered as it spoke, but its cock remained bloated and in fact grew even harder as it spoke.

Master Victor pulled the brand from the coals and held it up before His slave so that it could behold the reality of what was going to happen. slave rocky's eyes grew wide and wild as it stared at the white hot branding iron held before it. The slave bowed its head in submission and waited. Master Victor raised the brand in the air stating

"I place this permanent mark on My slave's chest so that all shall know of its complete servitude to Me."

He then took the brand and pushed it firmly into the flesh of the slave's chest. rocky threw its head back in agony as its skin sizzled from the searing brand. As the audience watched in silence the slave's cock shot cum high into the air, followed by a gigantic stream of piss. As Master Victor removed the brand from the slave's chest its head fell forward in agony as its piss continued to spew from its rock hard slave cock. slave rocky now wore a bright red "slave" mark branded on its chest as another symbol of its permanent and irrevocable slavery.

The spot light dimmed and left the two in semidarkness as the performance ended. Another spot lit up the entrance to the arena where slave caesar stood with its massive black dildo jutting far out from its crotch. it would now force fuck the seven slaves bound to the floor. slave caesar led two slaves on heavy chain leads behind it as the gladiator slave walked into the arena. one slave had a black leather hood and head harness locked in place. From its mouth hole a rubber dildo had been attached to the harness. The dildo jutted out ten inches from its face and turned it into an ass fucking slave. the slave knelt before the first slave that slave caesar led it to and began to fuck the waiting slave's ass with its mouth dildo. it spent about five minutes ramming the slave's ass with its mouth dildo before caesar pulled it up and sent it on to the next waiting slave. the dildo headed slave then went from one tied down slave to the next preparing their ass's for the monster dildo that would follow.

slave caesar knelt between the spread legs of the first waiting slave, aimed the monster dildo at its hole and rammed it in full force. caesar ploughed the dildo all the way in to the hilt and immediately pulled it out. A loud scream of agony could be heard throughout the arena as the slave cried out like an animal. The gladiator plunged the massive cock in again and began fucking the auction slave's hole in earnest. it fucked like a raging bull for some fifteen minutes before finally pulling the monster out of the slave's hole leaving its ass lips red and puckered from use. As caesar strutted over to the next victim the crowd saw what the other shaved slave's duties were. it immediately buried its head in the well fucked slave's puckered ass lips and began sucking and cleaning its fuck hole. it buried its head to its labor and appeared to nearly shove its bald, slimy head into the wide open hole. The crowd roared its approval and began screaming loudly and cheering for caesar and the worker slaves to

"Fuck that cunt, suck that ass pussy, bury that head in that sloppy slave ass, plow that huge dildo deep, give it to em, fuck, suck, ream, fuck it, fuck it, fuck it."

The roar continued unabated as the scene before them unfolded. They were in ecstasy, and totally mesmerized by the total debasement of the slaves tied to the arena floor. Another loud roar went up when they saw what the slave with the dildo harness was going to do when it finished with the auction slaves. it crawled over to where Pete was strung form his chains watching in horror at the wild events taking place around him. When the dildo harness slave knelt behind Pete's exposed ass he knew what was next. The slave grabbed a hold of Pete's ass cheeks, spread them wide and plunged its mouth dildo deep into the waiting ass. it fucked Pete for some time before Master Trainer Juan walked out into the arena carrying several dildos of increasing length and circumferences. He walked over to where Pete hung and pulled the fuck slave's head away from its manic focus. Trainer Juan removed the first dildo from the slave's harness and attached another that was ten inches long but at least twelve inches in circumference. Juan then shoved the slave's head and dildo so that it was buried in Pete's ass. After it fucked for another ten minutes its head was pulled back and another dildo of increasing width and length was attached and the sequence continued until a dildo eighteen inches long and fourteen inches in circumference was nicely buried in Pete's now well used ass.

It was no surprise that when slave caesar finished with last auction slave. he proudly walked up to where Pete was strung up by his wrists with sweat running down his body. caesar looked Pete squarely in the eyes and growled,

"Now little fucker i am to inform you that Master Cowboy has ordered that you are now His slave and that i am to plough His slave's ass until it begs to accept itself as Master Cowboy's slave "zero". caesar unhooked the ball gag and ripped it from the sweating slave's mouth and spun the slave around on its chain, grabbed its ass cheeks and plunged the monster dildo deep into its prepared asshole. slave zero scream out in pain, but was ignored by Caesar as he continued to deep fuck zero's slave ass. After about twenty long minutes of pounding zero's ass, its screams had turned to sobs as it tried to speak. slave caesar stopped fucking but left the monster buried deep in zero's ass and spun the slave around so that it faced Master Cowboy in His throne.

Master Cowboy was lounging in His comfortable chair where He watched the slave ploughed. "So slave, does it have something that it wishes Master to hear?"

"S-s-si-ir, please S-s-i-r, please accept me as Your slave zero S-sir," it begged.

"I am not accepting anything slave so why doesn't it rephrase the comment and correct its assumptions fucker."

"Sir this slave begs Master's forgiveness Sir. this slave accepts itself as the rightful slave of Master Cowboy Sir. Please Sir; make this slave into a slave worthy to be one of Master's slaves Sir."

"Since it has begged so well slave zero, it is now a slave of Master Cowboy and begins its training as of this moment. slave caesar, release slave zero from its bonds and deliver it to the slave quarters."

"Sir, yes Sir," responded slave caesar as it began to unlock the slave's wrists from the chain while still balancing the slave with the dildo firmly up its asshole. slave caesar then walked out of the arena with slave zero dancing on the dildo buried deep in its asshole.

The crowd roared its approval and cheered caesar as it strutted out of the arena and the limelight. The arena doors closed behind the four slaves as they disappeared into the darkness. The lights were brought up to full brightness as Master Trainer Techman announced that the Opening Ceremony was concluded.

"The audience will remain standing as Master Cowboy and the other Masters exit the arena with Their slaves."

Another huge cheer roared through the crowd as the Masters began to exit. The crowd clapped and cheered in excitement as the ceremonies ended knowing that this was just the beginning of a great weekend of sadomasochistic pleasures.

Once the ceremony was concluded and the Masters and slaves had left, the audience was allowed to leave the now infamous "theater". There would be a dinner break before the long night of free for all sex, humiliation, exhibitionism, and extreme sensual pleasure.

While the attendees broke for dinner Master Trainer Robert had plans of His own. Throughout the afternoon, Master Trainer Robert and others were stationed near the human toilets to oversee their use. At His feet were His slave jake and the young man named Ben that Robert had befriended at the entrance to the arena. Ben had followed Master Robert and jake everywhere that they went and reminded Robert of a puppy dog.

When they arrived at the station Master Robert had been assigned, Ben gasped as he saw a slave boy with a funnel sticking out of its mouth. The slave was dressed in a body fitting latex body suit and hood. it was on it's hands and knees with its slave collar attached to a chain that was locked to a steel ring in the wall. The slave also had a chain around its waist that was locked to another ring in the wall. The chains kept the slave immobilized in a kneeling position with the black piss funnel sticking for its first customer.

"W-what is that Master Robert?" Ben asked sheepishly.

"Why that is a toilet Ben. It is here for all these guests that are consuming beer and needing a place to relieve themselves. These are piss slaves. A man can walk up to the funnel and just piss in it. Let me show you boy," He stated as He opened His pants and pulled out His cock. He walked up to the piss slave and let go with a bladder full of His warm piss, directing it into the open funnel.

"That tube coming out of their tiny slave cocks is a catheter that runs to a huge collection tank below. All of the piss collected will be used later for water sport events."

"Oh, I see," said Ben very quietly. "Can I use one Sir? I really have to piss something bad."

"Of course you can Ben, let me help you," Robert said as He guided Ben over to the funnel and unzipped the youth's pants. He reached in and pulled out Bens cock and balls and squeezed them gently. Ben jumped with embarrassment and turned bright red.

"Everything is just fine Ben My boy," Robert reassured him; "You have a very nice set of sex organs and should not be ashamed of showing them off to other Men Ben. Let Me hold your cock while you piss so that you can see that there is nothing to be afraid of."

Master Robert stroked the boy's cock and it took some time, but Ben finally let go slowly with a stream of piss. When he was finished Robert led Ben by his penis over to slave jake and ordered it to clean up Ben's wet cock. Ben could not believe what was happening. He had read one novel about a leather Master and His slave that he accidentally ran across while in a bookstore near campus. He remembered how badly his whole body shook as he read the illicit passages. That was the first time that Ben had ever read about male Masters and slaves. He had ejaculated numerous times while reading the book and now here he was with a male slave sucking his cock as its Master caressed Ben's shoulders.

After the ceremony Master Robert led Ben back to His private suite in the main farm house. Master Robert had been a friend of Cowboy's for some years. Robert was a leather biker buddy. On Master Cowboy's third visit to slave `things' house while it was still the "free man" Bruce He had set up a special arrangement with His friend Robert. They showed up together in the middle of the night and rudely awakened bruce. When Cowboy shoved His way into the house He was followed by this biker dressed to black leather from head to toe. They both spent the weekend working bruce over. At the end of the first night they had taken a set of house keys, car keys and credit cards from bruce. From then on bruce had no more choices to make, he was Cowboy's slave and Robert had helped Cowboy gain possession, since then Robert was an equal partner in everything that Master Cowboy did. Master Robert could be especially evil or a real gentleman depending upon the situation, Where He had played His evil side in the taking of thing, He would use all of His skill as a gentleman with boy Ben.

Because of this special arrangement with His friend Cowboy, Master Robert was made the Head Trainer and set up in His own special suite. The suite consisted of a living room/dining room, a kitchen, an enormous bedroom/dungeon with special bath. Ben was in awe when Master Robert led him into His suite. There were leather and rubber implements covering walls in the living room as well as the bedroom. Master Robert had a king size bed that was covered with a large black leather hide. There were chains attached to rings in the floor at the base of the bed. Master Robert took hold of jake's collar and locked it to one of those chains and it obediently laid down like a dog.

"There we go Ben, now we can get better acquainted. I will have dinner brought to us here so we can get comfortable for awhile before the evening events take place," He stated as He removed His tall black CHIP boots. "Why don't you help Me off with these hot leather pants? Just untie the laces in the front and pull them off of Me boy."

Ben shyly did as he was asked. Master Robert was wearing a black leather jock with a cod piece in the front. Ben starred at Master Robert's crotch for some time, nervously twiddling with his hands not knowing what to do.

"Say Ben, why don't you take off your shoes, pants and shirt so that I can admire your young body," Robert suggested as He lay back on the bed propping Himself up on His elbows.

Ben slowly undressed and place his clothes neatly in a pile on the floor. He stood facing Master Robert in his tight light blue briefs. His cock had gotten hard early on in the day and remained that way, so there was a huge wet spot of pre-cum soaking his briefs. Robert directed Ben to crawl up onto the bed and lay down next to Him. As Ben did so Robert held out His arm and the boy crawled into place next to the Master. Robert squeezed Ben close to His own muscular body and stuck Ben's nose into His arm pit.

"Now, isn't that much better boy, here you are in a Master's private room with your young boy nose smelling a Man's wet, sweaty arm pit. I think that we are going to be very special friends, boy." His other hand reached over and cupped Ben's wet crotch and squeezed it. "you have a very desirable body boy and I wish to see it all, so pull down those uncomfortable briefs. I wish my boy naked in Master's arms so that we can become even closer boy," Master Robert cooed softly in the boy's ear.

While Ben did as Master Robert suggested, he had no notion that he was being seduced by one of the coolest and wily Man that he would ever meet. Ben's weekend was only just beginning and the naive youth had no clue as to exactly what Master Robert had in mind for this young, shy, and beautiful piece of boy flesh.

Next: Chapter 21

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