Master Cowboy

By amh

Published on Feb 15, 2007


The slave ploughing.

(From this point forward all material will be in the words of slave alpha boy. Master Cowboy has ordered that His slave `thing' can at no time function in any manner other than a worthless piece of slave property.)

The gladiator turned to face Master Cowboy, knelt on one knee and saluted Him with the trident across his massive chest.

"The slave is secured as ordered my Lord" he stated to Master Cowboy and then rose and pivoted around to face the entrance and marched out of the arena.

"Now let the games begin," shouted Master Cowboy as if nothing had happened to slave thing.

There was a loud sounding of trumpets and the retinue of visiting Masters and Their slaves began a triumphal march to the dais to be seated on either side and behind Master Cowboy. The ceremony was taking on a majestic replication of the ancient Roman Arena with its gladiator games. Trumpets were sounded as the doors to the arena opened.

There were twenty-five Masters attending that had invested in The Farm. Most were from parts of the USA, but there were two from Germany, three from the UK, one Canadian Mountie, two lifeguards from Australia, a slave plantation owner from Brazil, and one black South African Master.

The Masters varied in age, interests, and lifestyle, but the one thing that They all had in common was the need to rule Supreme over male slaves. Of course five of the Masters attending were good acquaintances of Master Cowboy's already; Lord Bond, Master Rebel, Master Slick, Skinhead Master Dog, and Master Max. They had already been involved in aspects of slave thing's spiral into depraved slavery. All of the others were either friends of one or more of these Masters, or they had heard about The Farm through an underground network of real slave Masters.

The Masters proudly paraded around the arena with Their slaves in tow and eventually took Their assigned seats in the chairs surrounding Master Cowboy. The crowd was in awe of the wide variety of Men as well as slaves. Master Max proudly led His naked slave homo-boy' around the ring to show off its magnificent body tattoos. The slave had a heavy chain attached to its PA and it walked with its head bowed in humiliation. Even from where it lay locked in the center of the arena thing' smiled as it saw that the former Derrick, the street punk who used to enjoy using thing' for His pleasure before it was enslaved by Master Cowboy. homo- boy appeared totally debased as a now permanently naked piece of property owned by the biggest drug dealer in the area. i could just imagine its treatment as a rock whore' and drug runner for its Master. Surely homo-boy would be used effectively during this long weekend that my new Master had so carefully planned.

When the Masters were seated, the arena darkened and a spot light focused on the arena entrance. A well muscled older Master appeared at the entrance wearing a chain mail kilt and arm cover. There was a black leather strap attached to the top of the chain mail sleeve, wrapping across His hairy and muscled pecs, winding around His back and hard abs and attaching to the black leather waist band of the Roman style, chain mail kilt. His body was covered in a magnificent coat of lush, dark brown hair and He stood at the entrance with legs spread wide, holding a black leather flogger in front of Him. As He strutted into the arena He stood to one side as a small naked slave walked in with a chain attached to its steel collar. Behind the slave a "monster" of sorts was visible.

The slave walked forward and knelt on its knees as the `monster' walked forward. it was the gladiator master's slave; a huge being of pure muscle. The audience reacted with what seemed a choreographed gasp at the sight of what had just emerged from the dark behind the entrance doors. The sight was one of grand pornography.

The naked slave was a massive thing, even larger than its Master. The Master was Master Sergeant from the state of Virginia. He was an ex-military man who had met my Master at an M/s event that had been held outside of Washington, DC a few months back. This was the same event where i, slave alpha boy' had been introduced to my new Master. i had attended the event at the invitation of Master Sergeant. It did not take long for Master Cowboy to convince me to become His new slave. i had spent most of the weekend naked and led around by Sergeant's slave caesar, the `monster fuck being' that stood in the arena.

slave caesar stood in the entrance, naked except for a red leather chest harness, its muscled body oiled and shining. This was the same slave that had previously played the gladiator that tied slave `thing' in place at center stage awaiting its preplanned performance.

Around caesar's waist was a black rubber harness from which was attached a huge dildo that hung a weightily from its crotch. The dildo hung 20" in length overall. The head was 6" tall and 15" circumference at its flare. It dropped to 12" circumference once the head is past the sphincter and grows to 15" at the base. It was the most enormous dildo that anyone in attendance had ever seen. It projected from the slave's crotch like a cock belonging to a raging stallion. slave thing knew as it looked up from where it lay that the enormous dildo was meant for it's exposed slave ass hole. Master Cowboy had decided to start His celebration with a ploughing of His slave's stretched ass.

i was ordered to walk into the arena carrying a large metal grease gun. i walked up to where `thing' was laid out, roughly stuck the end of the tip of the gun into thing's ass and squeezed the trigger filling its hole with a gun full of grease in preparation for its raping by the bull Caesar.

Master Sergeant proudly strode over to where thing was tied down, stood facing Master Cowboy and bowed in respect.

"Master Cowboy, my friend and fellow Master. I stand here tonight as payment for accepting my true son alpha boy as your slave. alpha boy was born of a female slave that I raped eighteen years ago so that I would have a son that I could train from birth and then sell into slavery and am most grateful for your acceptance of him. Tonight my slave caesar and I shall give your worthless slave `thing' a proper working over before this audience. W/we shall show everyone in attendance what a powerful Master that you have become in such a very short period of time. You have told me the story of just how this now pitiful slave begged You to be its Master; deprive it of all its earthly possessions and turn it into Your personal, lowlife piece of property. I stand here in Your new arena proud to entertain all Masters, slaves and attendees with the rape of Your slave. All shall see what a true Master is capable of and empowered to do to His property."

Master Sergeant turned around and raised His right arm high above His head, swinging His flogger in the air before bringing it down and smashing it onto things' right ass cheek. The force of the hit was so powerful that slave things' ass raised as far as its chains allowed only to be forced downward by the next powerful swat of the flogger. The Master continued this forceful beating while two Master Trainers led out four naked slaves and allowed them to watch the whipping. After ten minutes of heavy flogging Master Sergeant ceased and ordered slave Caesar to take its place in preparation for the rape.

slave caesar knelt down and grabbed thing' by its hips and proceeded to push the huge dildo head into its waiting fuck hole. With one slow, deliberate motion Caesar pushed the monstrous dildo all the way into things' already well stretched hole. The slave then began to fuck the ass like a wild animal. it ploughed all twenty inches deep into `things' greased ass and wildly fucked as if it were a stallion riding a mare.

This was truly an event that brought the audience to its feet howling as a pack of raging Romans in the coliseum. They urged caesar on with their boisterous cheering and yelling. There was pandemonium as caesar continued its rough raping of `things' hole. The crowd wanted more and harder action and caesar gave them everything that they yelled for.

caesar's raping of thing's ass continued for nearly thirty minutes. During this event the other four other naked slaves were led to fuck benches, slings and ceiling hung chains. Lord Bond's slaves scum dog and white boy were fastened down on fuck benches with their naked asses at a level where caesar could just walk up and plow their holes with its monster dildo. Master Max's slave homo boy was strung up in a sling with its ankles and wrists secured so that when it was ploughed it would be swung in the air riding the huge dildo freely. Master Victor's slave rocky, a large, muscular, hairy slave was strung from a chain attached to its wrist cuffs with its feet barely touching the floor. All four slaves faced the center of the arena where thing' was still being brutally raped. These slaves were ordered to pay strict attention to things' abuse so that they witnessed just what was in store for themselves when caesar used them in turn.

Meanwhile, Skin Master Dog proudly walked onto the arena dressed in skin tight leather pants with bulging cod piece, knee high logger's boots and a vest of chain mail. The crowd roared its approval at the sight of this rough looking skinhead Master.

Behind Dog walked a slave carrying a bucket of ass lube. Dog stopped when He reached the sling which held homo-boy. He plunged His hands into the lube and began to spread it around His hands, wrists and arms. He then took His left hand and proceeded to work it into homo-boy's asshole. He twisted and turned His hand until it disappeared in the slave's hole. He worked it deeper so that His arm was deep in the slave's hole and then began working His right hand into the hole before Him. He played with his greased hands and arms stretching slave homo-boy for the monster cock that was soon to be plunged up its ass.

When He was finished greasing homo-boy's hole Dog pulled out His arms and proceeded to prepare the other slaves asses for their raping by "gladiator caesar".

The crowd was in frenzy at this point. They roared their approval and called out for more extreme fucking and visual stimulation. They had paid top dollar to attend this weekends events and were just beginning their pleasures. They had no idea just what might be a head of them, but if this "monster fucking" was any clue, they now knew that their money had been well spent.

As all this was going on in the arena, the Master Trainers began placing urinal slaves around the seating levels. All of the men that had signed contracts to be slaves for the weekend had been prepared to become piss drinkers. Master Cowboys "on property" slaves, 069 (formerly Doug), 169 (formerly Tim), 269 (formerly Jimmy) which had been the original movers of Master's property to the farm months ago were now preparing the "contract slaves" for their first serious assignment.

Each weekend contract slave was dressed in a rubber body suit that fit each like skin from head to toe. A piss funnel was locked onto each of their heads and their hands were locked behind their backs. A rubber collar was locked around their necks. Their cocks had a catheter inserted so that all piss that they consumed would be saved in tanks in the floor below each piss station. The slaves were led to convenient locations on each seating level where their collars were locked to rings in the walls and their ankles were chained to the floor. Each of these slaves was now a human urinal to be used by all attendees to the opening ceremony. There were no other toilet facilities built into Master Cowboy's barn dungeon and arena.

In the arena slave caesar pulled its monster dildo roughly and swiftly from things' well used ass. A slave ran to caesars side to wipe him down and feed him nourishment. When the slave had rested briefly it strutted over to where Lord Bond's two slaves lay bound. caesar proceeded to fuck each slave in similar fashion as he had slave thing'. The crowd continued its frenzied yelling and cheering as these fuckings took place. Meanwhile slave thing was released from its bonds and i led it back to its Master's feet where it thanked Him by kissing His boots. Master Cowboy patted `thing' on its head as reward for its service and allowed it to lie at His feet for the remainder of the performance.

When slave caesar had spent fifteen minutes fucking Lord Bond's two slaves it walked over to where homo-boy hung in a sling. it was crying and begging for caesar to spare it the pain of a "monster fuck", but its pathetic pleadings were ignored as the enormous dildo was shoved deep into homo- boy's waiting slave asshole. Once caesar had buried the dildo deep in the slave's ass he pulled it all the way out and then immediately plunged it in to the base. caesar continued like this and homo-boy began to swing in its sling. With each push in the slave swung backward only to swing forward again burying the dildo deeply in its ass. Caesar just stood there as the slave's momentum swung it back and forth, so that it was fucking itself on the grotesque rubber monster. The crowd was wild with the scene presented to them. They continually cried for more excessive ass fucking and pain.

By this time many of the crowd had drank so much beer that many were forced to seek out the toilets. They were surprised and very pleased with the human piss toilets that awaited their offerings. Long lines grew before each waiting human toilet and each toilet had no choice but to swallow every drop of piss fed to them through the funnels locked in their throats. As the piss slaves drank and their stomachs swelled with piss until the warm fluid drained from their catheters into the piss tanks below the floor. This was only the beginning of their weekend of slave service to Master Cowboy.

Meanwhile, in the arena, slave caesar at last strode up to where slave rocky hung from its chains. Two naked slaves lifted rocky up into the air and positioned the slave so that the monster dildo was touching slave rocky's waiting asshole. They released the slave's legs and it began to slowly slide down upon the gladiators massive dildo. slave rocky screamed as it slowly slid down over the dildo's head. Once the head was embedded in slave rocky's ass, caesar began to walk around the arena with the slave sliding slowly down the dildo. slave rocky's wrists were locked to chains that hung from the ceiling and allowed slave caesar the freedom to walk freely while the slave impaled itself on the huge monster. slave caesar finally grabbed rocky by its hips and proceeded to ravage it with the dildo. This went on for at least fifteen minutes before Master Cowboy rose from His seat and ordered slave caesar to cease its wild fucking. caesar stood still while two slaves slowly raised rocky up and off its massive mount and placed the slave upon the floor. Master Cowboy immediately ordered slave thing to "clean up that slave's asshole". thing ran to where slave rocky lay sprawled upon the floor of the arena and stuck its mouth into the slave's wet and well fucked ass. thing slurped and lapped the juices from the raped slave's asshole until it was clean and ready for its Master to lead it out of the arena.

Master Trainer Techman announced over the loud speaker that there would be a forty- five minute break so that the audience could make use of the piss slaves and get themselves more beer. The next portion of the opening ceremonies would involve the raping of the seven slaves that had signed over all rights to Master Cowboy to be auctioned off Saturday afternoon. Before that was to take place, Master Victor would brand His slave rocky in a demonstration ceremony that Master Cowboy had arranged.

The crowd slowly began to get up from where they sat transfixed upon the events happening in the arena. They took advantage of the piss slaves and waited in lines that meandered around each level of seating. Each piss slave would consume and store gallons of warm piss before the evening was over.

After approximately forty-five minutes Master Trainer Techman announced that the next demonstration was ready to take place if everyone would "kindly" take their seats. The crowd finished emptying their bladders in the piss slaves throats, got themselves another beer and headed slowly back to their seats.

When everyone had settled down and Techman and the other Master Trainers had finally attained a semblance of order the lights lowered and a spot light lit the entrance once again. As the doors opened Master Victor, the slave plantation owner from southern Georgia, led His slave rocky once again into the arena. He pulled the slave over to a corner of the arena where a brazier glowed hot with glowing coals. He stuck a ball gag in its slave mouth and strapped it tightly in place so that it could utter no sound but a groan. The slave's arms were locked behind its back and it was made to kneel naked on the floor before the red hot brazier. its slave cock grew to a rock hard state as it waited for its Master to prepare for its marking. Master Victor picked up a branding iron from a nearby table and shoved it into the glowing embers to heat it to a white hot state in preparation for the slaves branding as a plantation animal.

The awaiting crowd was wild with anticipation as they watched the events unfold. While the brand was heating to the proper state for branding; the slaves that had applied up to be auctioned off to Masters were led into the arena. each was made to kneel on the floor. The slave's legs were spread wide and their shackled ankles were locked to steel rings in the floor and their arms were pulled behind their backs and locked to chains attached to the ceiling. Each auction slave was left kneeling with its head on the floor; its arms stretched high overhead and its legs spread wide apart. When the branding of slave rocky had been completed the "auction slaves" were to be raped with caesar's giant dildo as their first step into real and complete slavery. They had either signed up individually or by Masters wishing to sell them. Once auctioned they would become the property of whatever Master paid the highest price, with all proceeds going to Master Cowboy's Farm funds to be used for upkeep and future events.

The preceding events of wild animal like fucking had only whetted the audience's appetite for even more debauchery. The scene of naked slaves in the arena created a tension that brought silence to the waiting audience.

As the brand slowly heated to a white hot state, slave rocky waited with an ever hardening cock for the brand to sizzle into its flesh and permanently mark it with the word `slave' on its chest as symbol of it being Master Victor's slave farm animal.

Next: Chapter 20

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