Master Cowboy

By amh

Published on Feb 2, 2007


Master Cowboy - Part 17

Let the Festivities Begin.

my Master had me strung up spread eagle fashion so that i was on full view for all entering the Farms dungeon for the Opening Ceremonies of what would be a weekend of pleasure for all the Masters attending. i was strung spread eagle with my slave tattoo facing the entrance for all to behold. A ten pound weight was attached to the metal rings that stretched my balls. Two pound weights were attached to the rings in my ever enlarging slave nipples. i hung like a pig awaiting slaughter which is in fact what i had become.

Yet as i hung there as my Master's thing i dropped into thought of that night one week ago as i was tied up in my Masters van.

Master Cowboy attached a leash to my new septum ring and led me like a dog out of the barn and over to where He kept His van parked. He opened the rear doors and ordered me to jump inside like a good slave dog. Once inside He fastened chains to my ankle cuffs and locked them to the van floor so that my legs were spread wide. He then attached another chain to my wrist cuffs and locked them to the ceiling above where i knelt. i was securely locked in place with my head on the floor, but with my asshole exposed and waiting to be fucked.

"Now slut hole, we are ready to make the bar circuit to offer my slave ass to all that wish to try it. slave will be My advertising tool and have its ass filled to overflowing with men's cum. I want at least one hundred men to try out My slave's ass as an invitation to My party. I will charge just ten dollars a fuck tonight just to tempt them with a taste of what they can expect this weekend. Of course they will have to pay a hundred and fifty dollars for entry to My sordid dungeon and the Farms enticing offerings this entire weekend."

With that stated Master slammed the van doors and went off to get dressed for His night on the town with His "slave mobile". i knew that i would be used well this evening and cum would be flowing out of my well fucked hole. An excited chill ran through my body at the thought and i was filled with visions of becoming a "cum dump" for huge quantities of men with absolutely no say in the matter. i was my Master's property and this would be driven home by the fact that i was now a mere fuck object and selling tool for my Master's party.

Master Cowboy left me strung up in the van with my slave ass high in the air waiting to be fucked. After sixty long minutes Master opened the rear doors to the van and ordered another slave inside. it was Master Rebel's slave boi. boi was dressed in a skintight pair of white latex shorts which barely covered its ass or crotch. Of course being white latex the slave's hard cock was clearly visible through the material. Master Cowboy ordered boi to kneel so that its swollen cock was pressed into my slut hole ass. Master Cowboy and Master Rebel climbed in the front of the van, started the engine and headed out for a night of debauchery. They would go to all the known gay bars, S/M, leather/Levi, twink, yuppie, skinhead, and black.

After about thirty minutes the van stopped in an alley behind an S and M bar called the Noose. They ordered slave boi out of the van, attached a leash to its collar and led it into the rear door of the sleazy bar. Very shortly Master Cowboy opened the rear door of the van and this slave could hear them discussing the terms of its use. Each man would be allowed to fuck this slave and shoot his load of cum deep into its "pussy". When one man finished the next man in line would replace him in Master's "slut hole ass". This continued until fifty men had fucked this slave's now juicy hole. slave boi was ordered back into the van and they drove off to the next destination.

The next bar was a skinhead bar and this slave was fucked by another forty men. The skins really got off on the sleazy quality of my slut hole ass. Cum was pooled on the van floor as it ran freely from the over full asshole. They rode this slave like a dog, plowing their swollen cocks deep and rough. One of the skinheads commented how sloppy the "slave hole" was becoming and shoved his hand in along side his cock and masturbated in my ass. Every man after that did the same so that when they were finished my hole was stretched wide open. They ordered the "dog" to show how much of a whore it was by making it push its reddened, swollen ass lips out of its hole so that it looked like a woman's over used pussy. There were five more bars on the agenda until finally the van pulled up in the parking lot of a bar which catered to black bikers. Master Cowboy had called ahead so that a crowd was already lined up and waiting to fuck this slave hole. this slave's ass was so stretched at this point that each man fisted this slave rather than merely cock fucking it. They each punch fucked my hole and rammed their huge hard cocks in beside their arms so that they could add their cum to the overflowing mass of cum draining from the now wet, wide, red pussy. This went on until 6AM when Master Cowboy parked the van at the door to the barn and ordered two slaves to unhook this slave and drag it to Master Cowboy's feet.

i was brought back to reality when i felt a fist pushing into my exposed, greased ass. i opened my eyes and looked straight into the stone cold green eyes of a Trainer. He laughed as He spat in my mouth as His partner shoved His arm deep into my waiting slave ass. The two Trainers were dressed in skintight black leather pants, latex tank tops, and knee high CHIP boots. i shivered where i hung exposed to such use, not because i feared it but because i loved the hot look of both of Them. They had spent days and weeks using me and treating me as the low life slave that i was. Now They would be greeters at the entrance to Master Cowboy's dungeon on this special night.

Of all the Trainers at my Master's facility these were two of the hottest. Of course i know that as a slave to Master Cowboy i was not allowed such thoughts, but these two Men brought out the beast in me like no one except my Master did. i knew, however, that my Master placed Them at the entrance to the dungeon facility for just that reason. Besides, They were the biggest, meanest, and most muscled pieces of Manhood that Master had hired as Trainers.

The green eyed Man that stared deep into my slave eyes stood six feet tall and must have weighed over two hundred fifty pounds of pure muscle. He had been an Australian lifeguard and tri-athlete before being hired by Master Cowboy as the Head Trainer. my Master had met Him through His close friend Master Rebel and He was the epitome of what the word "skinhead" stands for. His shaved head shined with oil and was marked with a beautiful tattoo of a colorful snake which started on His left pec and crawled its way up His huge neck to the side of His shaved head, where its wicked head rested just above His right ear. With my head lowered, my eyes stared down at a massive bulging crotch that showed His cock and balls in full detail. Leaving nothing to the imagination, it appeared that His Manhood strained to be released from Their leather captivity. He grabbed a hold of that bulging mound to let me know that i could expect to be used by Him during this weekend.

The Trainer with His arm shoved deep in my ass was a dark, tawny brown Man with a stiff black punk style Mohawk. His eyes were like black coal that made all the slaves quake when He stared into their eyes. He stood 5'10" tall and had an incredibly monstrous black cock that was at least twelve inches long and as fat as a club. All the slaves at the facility had experienced that massive beast stuffing both of their fuck holes at one time or another. He also had a set of huge balls that hung low between His massive, muscled legs and He enjoyed having a slave hang on them with their slobbering mouths.

Trainer "Boss" pulled His arm from deep in my asshole in one quick motion when Trainer "Mick" told Him that they needed to man their posts. His arm popped out of my fuck hole so rapidly that it left me swaying from my chains. Master Boss held His wet arm up to my slave mouth and ordered me to get it "good and clean" so that He would not smell like slave ass. Using my tongue i licked His muscular arm from His elbow to the tips of His fingers to remove all remnants of "disgusting" slave juice. When He was satisfied, He and Master Trainer Mick strutted over to the buildings entrance and stood as two beautiful columns on either side of the doors.

It was twelve noon when Master ordered the barn doors opened and for the festivities to begin. Master Trainers Mick and Boss unlocked the entrance and swung the doors open. i could hear all the commotion as the first attendees began to enter. As planned i was the entry display. A large sign had been posted just inside the entrance which stated:

"This slave that is strung before You is Master Cowboy's personal property. it has been placed here for all to view Masters work in progress. The Master has spent months in the training and marking of His slave and this weekend you will be allowed to view further humiliations of this special property. it is placed here for your viewing pleasure. Attendees entering might wish to spend a few minutes caressing and toying with a real life slave property."

The guests that were arriving at this time were what Master referred to as "commoners". Most of those entering had heard about it from the posters placed in the bars that Master had taken me to the week before. Many of these men had paid the introductory fee to use this slave in the rear of Master's van.

Several of the young men that had used me last week had picked up a "Weekend slave Contract" that Master made available at the bars. Exactly eight had filled out the contract and signed it earlier in the week or that very morning. They now were stripped naked and chained to the walls on either side of the entry space in which i hung. All had their hands locked behind their backs and their ankles chained to the wall. The spiked leather collars around their necks were also connected to the wall with chains. Each had a ball gag in his mouth to keep them from conversing with friends and other guests. Since most were youths from the community their friends were seeing them as slaves for the first time. Some had played with local Masters, but only as fantasy. This was their first taste of what a real slave life could be about. they would function as slaves for the weekend and would be expected to serve meals, run errands, and do all of the grunt work that would make that weekend happen as planned. Of course they would also be available to be sexual slaves to Masters upon request.

In a corner of the entry stood one of the Master Trainers dressed in exquisite, tight brown leather pants with a full cod piece jutting from His crotch. He wore brown knee high line mans boots and a tight black T-shirt with the word `Trainer' on it. The Man was Master Trainer Robert and He had His personal naked slave groveling at His feet. Robert was there to answer any questions that the newly arrived guest might have. However, He also served as enticement for those arriving. He was over six feet tall with spiked blond hair and brilliant blue eyes that would stop anyone dead in their tracks; both male and female. His body was well muscled as all the Trainers were and he filled His clothes especially well. He was a beautiful man and He knew it. His naked slave wore only a metal collar locked around its neck. it lived at the farm as did its Master. As Roberts personal slave, it slept at the foot of its Masters bed in chains. it was a body slave and always prepared to give its Master the special treatment that Robert had trained it for. Currently it crouched naked under His feet at all times, groveling for His attention and the entertainment of the guests.

A young man barely old enough to attend and dressed in baggy Levis, tennis shoes and a dress shirt approached Master Trainer Robert very hesitantly. He was staring at the naked slave on the floor, but also at the Trainers swollen crotch. A friend shoved him forward almost knocking him into Robert. The Trainer grabbed him by the arm and steadied him and looked straight into the youth's eyes with His piercing bright blue eyes.

"Do you find something that interests you youngster?" Robert said in His deep, throaty voice. "Speak up boy; I am very interested to know why you are staring at Me as well as My slave boy. So speak up like you have a pair of balls in those wimpy pants."

"Y-y-yes S-s-sir", the boy replied softly. "I-I j-just wondered if you always kept your slave naked sir, and how did he become your slave sir, and did it take long for you to train him sir, and have you always been a Master Sir, and .."He stopped his run on sentence with embarrassment and just stood there turning a very bright shade of crimson.

"Well now boy, those are all very good questions. You seem to have quite an attraction to my naked slave boy and My crotch son. Maybe you wish it were you down there servicing Me. What do you say boy, want to give it a try?"

"N-n-not just now sir, it kind of scares me sir" the boy replied.

"Well, I tell you what boy, why don't we just shove your pals along into the dungeon so that they can get some good seats and you just stay here by my side for awhile. How would you like that son?"

"Sir, may I please Sir? You are so gorgeous in all that leather Sir. I have never seen anything like this stuff Sir. These guys are from my dorm and bought me a ticket and made me come along with them Sir. They are always picking on me and teased me all the way here that they were going to have me be their slave Sir, but I didn't understand what that meant Sir." He hung down his head and moved closer to Robert and the Man put His arm around the youths shoulder.

"You just stick with Me for the weekend and I may have some nice surprises for you, ok?"

"Oh, thank you Sir. You are so very kind," he replied not knowing what Master Robert really had in store for him. Master Robert smiled slyly at the boy. He always did want another slave and this sweet young thing could be just the ticket. "Just you sit yourself down on the floor next to my boot here and we will get to know one another.'

i watched this entire scene take place and wished that i could warn the boy about Master Robert. i knew what was on The Trainer's mind. Before the weekend was over that young man would be on his way to slavery. i watched as Trainer Robert leaned over and unbuttoned a couple buttons on the boys shirt and stuck His hand down the boys chest and rubbed his belly softly. Oh yes, that boy was in for a totally new and unexpected adventure i thought and grinned at him. The boy smiled back at me and the hung his head with embarrassment. That was a weakness that Robert was going to use to His advantage and then change if He got His way, and Master Robert almost always got His way.

So the men continued to mill around me as they entered the space. Many of the bolder ones grabbed my ass or cock. Some hit the weights and made them swing between my legs. Every part of me was open and available to them if they were brave enough. Many of those that entered had already used me at Master Slicks shop when Master was fitted for His leathers. They had already had a piece of me and felt entitled to fondle me or work my nipples and cock hard. One of them spit in his hand and rubbed it on my puckered asshole and ordered me to show Him my `rosebud'. i pushed out my ass and showed my swollen ass lips which now had the appearance of a well used pussy, which is what my ass had become. Several newcomers gasped when they saw how large my swollen ass lips were. Several even dared to rub their fingers over them thinking of what it would be like to stick their fingers through my stretched sphincter. Master Trainer Mick ordered me to "keep that juicy slave ass puckered slave" because the crowd had paid for that pleasure. i had to hold my ass up and out with my red ass lips puckered for at least fifteen minutes before i was allowed to "relax and hang free shit slave".

The one personally satisfying thing about hanging there as a `slavery sign', was that my Master had placed me on a heavy exercise schedule from the very beginning and my body has grown far beyond anything i could have imagined . He had me taking large doses of steroids to aid to the muscle building effort. i was actually as large as some of the Trainers, but still merely a groveling slave that was meant to be my Masters muscled and well marked piece of slave meat as everyone entering would attest to.

It was going to be a long and serious weekend of use and service to my Master.

Next: Chapter 18

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