Master Cowboy

By amh

Published on Oct 2, 2006


Master Cowboy - Part 15 another ring another ring.

It had been a month since Lord Bond had purchased bobby from Master Cowboy. After two days and nights of fucking and torture He had finally accepted it as His new slave dog and renamed it "scum". He had totally defeated the proud youth and made it into a barking dog. it would now be Lord Bond's dog slave "scum" and live its life as the animal Lord Bond had created. it would never be allowed to speak as a human or even a slave ever again. All of the slave's in Master's compound were thrilled with the final solution for bobby. They still talked about how it had been degraded and humiliated and totally broken by its Lord and were somewhat leery of just what might be in store for them all.

As i thought back i realized that this week would mark the four month anniversary of signing the slavery contract binding me to my Master for life. i had been so busy after scum dog had left that i had lost track of time. i had signed the slave contract on March 4th and began life as a true slave and Master's personal property.

Master kept all His slaves and some volunteers busy getting ready for His July 4th Grand Opening of The Farm. How could i forget that it would mark four months of being His slave as well. i am sure that He has not forgotten and most likely has something planned to mark the date accordingly.

i am locked in my cage thinking of all this when Master Cowboy appears before the cage with His cock ready for His slave to drink His morning piss. i open my slave mouth wide and he lets go with a powerful stream of acrid piss that He has obviously been holding for just this moment.

"That's right slave, swallow every drop of Your Masters piss. I have much more in store for it since it marks its fourth month as my slave this week. it will have much to thank its Master for by the time of the Grand Opening this next weekend. it has another ball ring to be installed, as well as more weights to be added. it also is going to have its slave cock pierced as a gift from its Master. There will be other special surprises for it if it behaves well and pleases its Master. it has been doing a very good job of becoming Master's slave property and Master wishes to take it further down the path of no return this week."

"it had best make its Master very proud this week or it might just get sold off this weekend if it displeases Me."

"Permission to speak Sir", I begged Master.

"Speak slave", He replied.

"Sir, it thanks its Master for everything that He has done for His slave. it worships the ground that its Master walks upon Sir. it will always do anything and everything that its Master wishes Sir. May Your slave suck its Master's ass please Sir?"

"Permitted slave", Master said with a smirk on His face. He opened the cage door and ordered me to follow Him to His chair where He put His legs up on the chair arms and presented His ass for me to worship.

"Thank You most gracious Sir", i replied as i placed my open mouth on His asshole and began to lap it with my tongue. He grabbed His ass cheeks and made more room for my head between His legs. i immediately began groveling and sucking His hole as if i had not eaten in a week. i stuck my tongue deep into His ass and began to tongue fuck Him. He pushed His puckered hole out further so that my tongue went yet deeper into His already sweaty hole. i ate like a pig at its trough trying to get a good taste of Him. He let me continue for about thirty minutes before He pushed my head away.

"That was very nice ass sucker", He complimented me. "Maybe later I shall let it eat its dinner from its Masters ass hole. In the mean time i want my slave to join the other slaves and finish up on the barn preparations. it had better work its ass hard for its Master so that it might have a treat later. Now off with it slut hole and get to work."

i toiled with the original four slaves that Master had acquired when He moved to the farm. He had also added two more slaves to His harem when Master Rebel sold Him slave boi, and a friend of Lord Bond had offered Master a young black youth that He just could not refuse. Although as slaves we were not allowed to talk while we worked, over time we had gotten to know one another.

slave 013 (formerly roy) was still an outcast and harshly treated. it would be on the auction block the night of the grand opening. it was made to do all of the really distasteful or harshest jobs. For example it had to empty all of the slave's slop buckets everyday, which was a smelly, disgusting job that we were thankful it had to perform. All of the slaves disliked 013 and had no contact with it if at all possible. None of us wanted its bad actions to reflect upon any of us. 013 always wore an extremely heavy metal collar. it also had a chastity device which it could never remove. It consisted of a metal device which covered a metal tube containing its cock, The device was made somewhat permanent because 013's PA was looped through the metal as well as several other piercings which locked the device in place. it was never allowed to remove the device and could not even if it wished to. it also wore an enormous ring through its septum. The ring was permanently spot welded so it could never remove it. The ring was at least two and a half inches in diameter which made it very difficult for 013 to eat since it hung over it's mouth and it had to stick its tongue through the ring just to lap water. it often had its septum ring locked to a ring in a wall and would have to spend hours in that position as punishment for its constant disobedience.

This morning as the other slave boys and i were beginning to clean up the final remnants of trash and tools from the work area, slave 013 was led over to where the work was taking place. it was on its hands and knees harnessed to a large cart. There was a wooden yoke locked around its neck and this was attached by harness gear to the cart so it looked more like a true farm animal than a slave. The Trainers ordered all the slaves to load the equipment on to the cart so that slave 013 could haul all of the equipment to the storage shed where it waited while the other slaves put away all equipment away properly. When they were done with the equipment, which took several loads, slave 013 was led to the work site again while the slaves loaded its cart with wood and other building scrap and it was made to haul off all the scraps of lumber and other debris from the work area to a dump at the back of the acreage. When it was finished the muzzle of the hood was unlocked and it was allowed to lap water from the horse trough.

Just when slave 013 thought that its horrendous task was completed and that it might be allowed some rest, Master Cowboy strode into the work yard.

"I see that You have finally found a task that slave 013 in capable of doing well," He laughed. "I think that I shall see just how well it does hauling its Master around the farm. I need to check out some things to make sure that everything is being completed for My opening reception this Friday."

Master then climbed up in the cart and took hold of the reins and ordered 013 to get moving. The Trainer had removed 013's leather mask and replaced it with a rubber bit attached that the reins that Master Cowboy held in His hands. The large ring mounted in 013's septum made it look even more of a beast of burden.

Master pulled on the reins, jerking 013's head up and backward. He then removed the bull whip from His waist and cracked it in the air near the slave's head. "Git up ox" Master commanded. "I want to take a gander at My farm from this ox drawn cart , now git-up and pull this cart or I will apply this whip to its back." 013 refused to move until Master cracked His whip on its ass cheeks. It then jumped and began pulling the cart slowly forward. Master kept applying the bull whip to the slave's ass and back until it had increased its speed and began to haul Master around the open yard in front of the barn.

"Lets go, giddap ox" ordered Master Cowboy as He cracked the slave's ass harshly with the whip. "I want My new ox slave to ride Me around My property. Now go gee", he ordered and the slave turned right and slowly pulled the cart forward. As Master Cowboy continued to whip the slave's naked, exposed ass He drove it forward and out of the barn area.

Some sixty minutes later Master Cowboy led "ox" and its cart into the barn. ox was dripping with sweat and collapsed to the floor when Master released the reins.

"This ox slave will need more practice in the art of pulling a cart so that it will be ready for auction this weekend," Master Cowboy stated as He unhooked the lead from ox's nose ring. "See that it is released from the cart, watered and wiped down. When that is done take it out and lock its nose ring to one of the posts that have been set in the ground just outside the barn entrance. it is nothing but a farm animal and will be further trained as such this week. Have it fitted with a saddle and give it some experience as a saddle horse. One of the Trainers is to ride on its back at all times until it gets used to the load of a man on its back. We want to make sure that it shows well as a farm animal when it is put up for auction."

He ordered me to His side and attached a leash to my collar and led me into the dungeon area of the now finished barn. A table had been set up in the center of the space and Master Cowboy ordered me to climb up on the table and lay on my back with my legs and arms spread wide. i did as ordered of course, as i had long ago stopped questioning anything that my Master ordered me to do. Two Trainers shackled my wrists above my head and my ankles to the other end of the table. Lights were set up so that the area where i now laid spread eagle was well lit. They hung a mirror above me so that i could watch what was to be done to me and set up the cam recorder to document everything.

As i lay there waiting for Master to give me another "gift" to further mark me as His slave i thought back one month, to the day after Lord Bond had taken control of His new dog slave. Master Cowboy had me tied down to the same bondage table, only that time i was tied face down with my head just off the end of the table. As i lay there bound in place i could hear Master and another man talking as they stood at my side.

"I very much like the tattoo that you have designed for My slave's back Rebel. This will be the beginning of a full body tattoo as I told you when I commissioned you for this undertaking. Your complete design is very pornographic as I requested. Once you are finished with the process this slave will be a tattooed freak of images from head to toe. This first large tattoo on its back will be healed in time for the `Grand Opening' and will be very impressive as slut hole is strung spread eagle at the entrance to the barn."

At that point my back was bathed in alcohol and Master Rebel sketched the design on my back. It would spread from shoulder to shoulder and neck to waist. While Master Rebel was doing this my Master appeared in front of me with His swollen cock swinging in my face.

"Open wide and swallow its Master's cock deep into its throat. We will keep its mouth stuffed with mancock during the tattoo process to stop any possible sound from its throat interrupting Master Rebel's work."

Master buried His huge hard cock deep into my throat in one slow motion thrust. Just then i felt the first zap of the tattoo gun as Master Rebel began to outline His design. Master and the Trainers traded off stuffing my throat as Master Rebel worked. The entire process took hours. When Master Rebel applied the last bit of color to His design Master Cowboy ploughed His cock deep into me and filled me with His hot cum.

"Ah, my little slut hole, now it is even more of a visual freak. There will be no doubt in anyone's mind when they see my slave's back covered with this new tattoo."

He stood before me and held the original drawing so that i could see what was now permanently etched into the skin on my back. i stared in wonder at the magnificent drawing that He held before me. The design consisted of a naked, muscled Master standing resplendent with His arms spread wide. The Master also had magnificent blue-black wings spread wide from His back that spread from one side of my upper back to the other. Kneeling before this triumphant, winged god was a naked slave kneeling in submission at His feet with its head laid back licking a drop of cum from Master's huge, swollen cock. Tears began to run down my cheeks as i thanked my Master for this beautiful new mark of slavery that would permanently mark me as His slave. Since I was never allowed to wear a shirt, even in public places, everyone would be able to view this image of a triumphant Master and His slave.

Just then I was brought back to the present as Master Cowboy walked over to where i lay waiting and bent down so that His face was directly above mine and hawked up a huge load of mucus which He spat in my face as a reminder of the low life scum that i now was and forever would be.

"So my little slut hole, it is time to decorate My slave further so that it will be more presentable at the grand opening of its Master's slave farm that slave so kindly purchased for Me. slave will be given some new metal "clothing" to enhance its nakedness. I trust that I do not have to gag my slave since it knows better that to cry, scream or even moan as the piercing is done. Of course if it makes any noise it will be fed slave shit from its brother slaves to fill its mouth."

Master Rebel then bent over me and gave me a sinister grin as He held a huge stainless steel ring before my eyes.

"Today slave We are going to mount the appropriate metal rings on its body as yet another symbol of its slavery to Master Cowboy."

He began to work on my already swollen nipples, pulling them up and away from my chest. He set a nipple shield in place and clamped forceps on each nipple. Next He picked up two huge piercing needles and held them before my eyes so that I could see how large my new nipple rings would be. He grabbed a hold of the clamp on my right nipple and shoved the large needle quickly through the skin and then did the same to the left nipple. He picked up the first ring which was at least a 00 gauge and fitted it through the fresh hole. He adjusted it with a pair of pliers and clamped it closed. The same was done to my left nipple.

Next, He clamped forceps into my nostrils clamping then tightly in place on my septum. Another large piercing needle was worked through the septum and a very large ring was mounted in place. It too was a 00 gauge and had a diameter of about an inch and a half so that it rested upon my upper lip. This would allow my master to lead me with a leash clipped to the ring but it would not get in the way of His cock feeding my throat as He so loved to do.

After cleaning each piercing with disinfectant Master Rebel next stood between my wide spread legs. He played with my cock until it began to swell and then He shoved another piecing needle through the head of my slave cock and mounted an immense PA ring though the fresh opening. This ring was also 00 gauge, but had a diameter of at least two inches. This piercing assured me that i would never again be able to have my slave cock sucked on again. However, it gave My Master another convenient place to attach a leash or anything else to in the future.

When Master had finished with His slave's new markings He had it unfastened from the bondage table and ordered it to the floor in front of Him.

"Now my little slut is really beginning to look like a real slave at last," He stated as He grabbed my head and buried His swollen cock deep down my slave throat. "I have to make sure that people know about the Grand Opening this weekend, so I am going to use my slut hole to help advertise. I think that I need to demonstrate just how much of a slave that it has become and allow gangs of man try out My slave's asshole as an invitation to attend the Grand Opening."

Master Cowboy attached a leash to my new septum ring and led me like a dog out of the barn and over to where He kept His van parked. He opened the rear doors and ordered me to jump inside like a good slave dog. Once inside He fastened chains to my ankle cuffs and locked them to the van floor so that my legs were spread wide. He then attached another chain to my wrist cuffs and locked them to the ceiling above where i knelt. I was securely locked in place with my head on the floor, but with my asshole exposed and waiting to be fucked.

"Now slut hole, we are ready to make the bar circuit to offer my slave ass to all that wish to try it. slave will be My advertising tool and have its ass filled to overflowing with men's cum. I want at least one hundred men to try out My slave's ass as an invitation to My party. Charge just twenty-five dollars a fuck tonight just to tempt them with a taste of what they can expect this weekend. Of course they will have to pay a hundred dollars for entry to My sordid dungeon and the farms enticing offerings this weekend."

With that stated Master slammed the van doors and went off to get dressed for His night on the town with His "slave mobile". i knew that i would be used well this evening and cum would be flowing out of my well fucked hole. An excited chill ran through my body at the thought and i was filled with visions of becoming a "cum dump" for huge quantities of men with absolutely no say in the matter. i was my Master's property and this would be driven home by the fact that i was now a mere fuck object and selling tool for my Master's party.

Next: Chapter 16

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