Master Cowboy

By amh

Published on Sep 16, 2006


PART FOURTEEN A weekend of debauchery

Lord Bond had His new slave sign its contract and in the process it acquired the slave name "piggy" since it's new Master had decided it should be trained as a dog slave and fuck pig. its new name reflected just what it was to become in its new life so its name would help it more quickly grasp the lowly position that it would be in from that day forward. piggy was tied onto a wooden frame so that its holes were available for all to use. its holes were open and its humiliation was assured.

"As the new Owner of slave piggy I wish to invite everyone to partake of its degradation as My dog slave. I especially want its former friends to help in this slave's training. I am sure that it will be more than grateful to please each of Master Cowboy's new slaves, as I am sure there may be some vendettas to be fulfilled."

slave 269 and 169 were first to partake in using piggy. It seems that both were treated as less than equal by this slave in its former life as their boss "bobby". slave 269 mounted a stool in front of where piggy was tied. its cock was at piggy's mouth level and it grabbed piggy's hair with some enjoyment and spit in its face and called it a fucking pussy as its hard cock slammed into piggy's throat. At the same time 169 was greasing its hand and arm for its taking of piggy's ass hole.

"This is for all the shit that you threw our way as underlings in your moving venture. Take this slave's arm and remember well how you treated me like shit. Now you are the shit head and pussy boy piggy, it laughed as it ground its clenched fist into piggy's ass hole and worked its arm in so that piggy's ass lips stretched around its forearm. They both proceeded to fuck piggy with a vengeance.

To complete piggy's humiliation all of the Trainers pulled out their cocks and proceeded to piss all over it until it was dripping wet. its hair, once its pride, was soaked in piss.

"Now it is a true "piss drinker" and a fuck hole that deserves total humiliation and abuse," Lord Bond stated proudly. "I want that dog fucked, abused, humiliated and made to grovel," Lord Bond demanded. "Before the end of Saturday afternoon I want that fucker to crawl before Me and beg to be marked as My dog.

"fag boy,' He ordered His other slave, `get your slave ass over to your Master. I want you to show this piece of worthless shit how your Master marks His slaves."

slave fag stood at the end of the bondage rack where piggy's head hung in shame. Lord Bond grabbed piggy by its bleached blonde locks and raised its head up so that it was looking at slave fag's crotch. The slave had been tattooed on its thighs, abdomen, ass and cock. it wore a heavy chrome ring at the base of its cock and balls and another heavy weight locked around its ballsack. Neither ring nor weight could ever be taken off. There was a butt plug strapped in its ass hole. It was when piggy finally noticed the metal rings piercing fag boy's cock that it cried out in fear.

slave fag had a large ring as a frenum piercing, but rather than a straight bar worn at the base of its cock head it had a ring that tightly circled the glans of its penis. fag also had a 00 gauge Prince Albert piercing which consisted of an enormous ring which prohibited it ever being able to have its slave cock sucked.

piggy whimpered as it looked at the slave's piercings and body decorations. Lord Bond smacked it across the face and ordered it unbound from the rack and dragged to its Master's feet. The Master placed His boot on piggy's head and began to press down hard, making it cry out once again.

"I want this shit head muzzled so that I can no longer hear it's whining. I am about to give it something to whine about. This slave is to be used constantly, all night and all day tomorrow. it will get no rest and the only liquid it is allowed is a Man's piss. When Saturday night arrives it is to be hosed down and brought before Me. At that time I will have its fag cock pierced and bound in the only thing it ever will be allowed to wear; the beginning of its Masters marks."

"I have also decided," Lord Bond continued, "that it no longer deserves hair on any part of its body. Trainers, have this piece of shit shaved from head to toe, including its eyebrows. Later it will undergo electrolysis to have all of its hair permanently removed so that I can place My markings wherever I feel appropriate."

"When you are finished shaving this thing bring it to Me so that I can personally lock it up in Master Cowboys electrical torture booth. I will then place alligator clamps on its ass, nipples, inner thighs, balls, ears, nose, and the hole in its penis. When I turn on the power and leave it will suffer hours of pulsing, intermittent, electrical shocks until it begs for Me to do anything to it that pleases Me. The fucking, bullheaded piece of slave shit will be My personal dog and permanent torture toy."

The Trainers and slaves laid piggy on a table. it gave little resistance after hearing its new Lord in such a rage. it was shorn of its freshly bleached head of hair. it was then covered in shaving cream and all hair was removed from its body, cock, balls and asshole. When that was all removed, slaves were ordered to hold each of its limbs tightly.

The Trainers then plucked all the hair from its eyebrows. it could not cry out because of the muzzle that was tightly strapped over its mouth. However, tears were streaming down it's face from the pain of having each hair plucked. it was balder than a baby and the other slaves laughed loudly at it and called it manikin slave, dolphin boy and other more humiliating names.

Every bit of its humiliating treatment was of course recorded and it knew very well that the DVD would be used to mock it further in the future. it had seen how Master Cowboy had humiliated slut hole by showing the DVD of it getting fisted. How long ago that day seemed when it and its friends were free men and laughing at the plight of a slave. it was going to be what it never believed possible; a complete, totally owned piece of human flesh. it had just begun its life as a slave and it could only imagine how painful and frightening its electrical torture would prove to be. it also knew that it had no way out!

it was released and helped off the table, but the Trainers ordered the slaves to let it go. When released it fell to the floor sobbing behind its muzzle. it looked over to where it's Lord and Master sat in His throne chair. The Lord lifted His arm and beckoned it to come to Him. it crawled over to where its Lord sat, fell to the floor and began licking His boots.

"Now it looks like a real slave, a low life piece of shit that no longer looks human," He growled. "Of course it is not now and never will be human again. it can only be My slave or be cast out on the street naked. On the other hand, maybe I will just sell it to the drug dealer to be used as his whore. What does it think of that?"

it looked up at its Lord and shook its head no and crawled over to the booth where it would spend the next eight or more hours. it was already defeated but knew what its Lord wanted.

Lord Bond strutted over to where the slave lay on the floor. He grabbed it under an arm, lifted it to its feet and shoved it in the booth. He shackled its hands behind its back and placed its head back into a notch in a board. He then picked up the front of the stock like device and locked it. The slave's feet were bound together so it was immobilized. Lord Bond picked up the first alligator clip and held it up to the slave's face so that it could see it clearly. He pressed the teeth open, pulled its right nipple from its chest and let go of the clamp. The teeth bit hard into its flesh making it jump from the pain. Lord Bond continued with the clips, snapping each in place on a part of the slave's hairless body. He then picked up the final clip with one hand and its cock with the other. He opened the piss slit with His small finger and let the clip bite hard into the tender flesh. He stood back to admire His workmanship and then flipped on a switch. At first, nothing happened, but then a jolt of electricity bit its nipple and then released. Next, it shot a jolt to one of its thighs and randomly continued to jolt the slave.

"Master Cowboy designed this device to punish His slaves and break their will to resist,' Lord Bond told His slave. "I will let this torture continue for a minimum of eight hours. There will always be a Trainer here to keep watch of it. I will return in eight hours, or before if a Trainer informs Me that the slave has had enough. I will release its muzzle. At that time all I want to hear from it is

"Sir, please Sir make me Your complete slave".

When I hear those words from its filthy mouth, I will flick the switch off and release it. it is to drop to its knees and beg Me to break it of all the human characteristics that it may still have. it will beg to be remolded into My dog slave and accept everything that I give it."

He then walked out of the barn alongside Master Cowboy to rest for the night. The Trainers continued Their night of torture, and abuse of the slaves. They spent much time working over slave 013, formerly roy. it was the most resistant to what was happening to it. They were determined to break its will at any cost. They shackled it to a wall and mounted clothespins to its flesh. They fucked its ass with an inflatable dildo until it begged to do anything They wanted. They located an available dog cage and mounted the resisting slave in a torturous fashion and left it there, muzzled for the remainder of the night.

Meanwhile they utilized the slaves shackled to the table and fucked their holes relentlessly. When They had finally exhausted themselves They left the slaves shackled and took rest on mattresses spread about the barn.

It was 8AM when my Master and Lord Bond walked into the barn. They hustled the Trainers out of a good nights sleep and ordered Them to get Their slaves ready. Lord Bond walked up to where piggy was still hooked up to the electric torture device. it was shaking its head up and down wildly.

"Do I understand that My slave wishes its torture to cease?" Lord Bond asked.

The slave shook its head even more wildly until its Lord flipped the switch to cut off the current to all the clips mounted on the slave's body. its head flopped forward as much as the stock would allow. Lord Bond removed the slave's muzzle and stepped back to listen.

"Sir, p-p-ple-e-ase Sir m-m-a-ake me Your complete slave", it begged in exhaustion.

Lord Bond had a Trainer remove all of the alligator clamps. As each one was painfully removed, it bit its lip not to cry out. The Trainer finally released the slave from its box and helped it out. When He let go the slave fell to the floor in total exhaustion. it slowly got itself up on its knees facing its Lord

"Sir, this worthless slave begs its Lord to break it of all human characteristics. it begs its Lord to remold it into His dog slave. it will gladly accept everything that it's Lord might give it. Sir, please make it into Your slave dog that worships the ground that it's Lord walks on."

"Very good fucker," Lord Bond replied, "I will allow it to have Me break it completely and remold it to My pleasing. it is My personal piece of property that has absolutely NO say in it's life ever again. its total existence is to please Me in anyway I see fit. it will be My low life "scum" dog, because all that it is all is scum under My feet. it has no more say in its life and I shall do anything that I please with it to make it into My dog. Is that perfectly understood scum?"

"Yes my Lord and Master," replied the slave humbly. "this slave wants only to serve its Lord in whatever capacity He will allow. it needs to be owned by its Lord and craves to be His scum dog."

"Excellent," Lord Bond replied. "its name is now changed and will forever be "scum". Trainers clean scum up and bring it back before Me for the first of its many markings.

scum was picked up and carried out to the barn yard where it was hosed down and scrubbed with disinfectant soap. They attached a leash to its collar and tied it up to dry.

After about an hour left in the sun, it was untied and led back into the barn. Master Cowboy and Lord Bond were sitting in their respective chairs with Their slaves kneeling by Their sides. The Trainers sat on bales of hay with a slave at Their feet; except for one Trainer which was standing next to a large red chair placed directly in the middle of the space. He stood next to a metal table that was covered with a white sheet. scum was led to its Master's feet where it bowed down and kissed each of His boots and remained with its head pressed to the hard floor.

"I have a new contract for it to sign before We go any further," Lord Bond stated. "it's other contract is null and void and I tear it into pieces with contempt."

Lord laid the new contract on the floor before the slave and ordered it to sign the new agreement to prove its willingness to serve as `My dog scum' as it begged for earlier. A Trainer handed the slave a pen and it signed the document where required.

"I will read it the most important points of the contract. It will be able to read it everyday of its life in its Lord's dungeon or in its dog cage.

"Effective immediately, dogslave scum shall freely and willingly relinquish all rights and privileges which an adult male is otherwise entitled to its LORD, including its body, its mind, and its name. dogslave shall be bound to serve, in complete dedication of body and mind, according to the terms of this Agreement, dedicating itself to its LORD.

Upon signing this agreement, LORD shall obtain full right and title to dogslave scum to use in whatever manner or for any purpose He may decide.

dogslave has surrendered completely to LORD's will and control:

LORD's judgment of slave's mental and physical status and limits shall prevail, and He shall at all times have the right to expect slave's loyalty and attention and total obedience.

LORD may affix any physical indication of ownership or identifying markings on dogslave's body as He deems necessary or desirable.

Slave shall at all times:

ú keep its body available for the use of LORD, and in the

desired shape LORD requires. ú keep its mind concentrated solely upon the pleasure of LORD. ú demonstrate acceptance of its role of absolute obedience and commitment to LORD. ú dogslave shall never be allowed to speak as a human from this day forward. it can only respond with the appropriate dog sounds as LORD trains it to use. ú dogslave will be provided a cage or kennel as seems appropriate to LORD. ú Dogslave will never be allowed to use the toilet as a human again. it will always relieve itself out of doors when allowed by LORD or His representative. ú dogslave is only allowed to live as a dog as is expected of and trained by LORD.

dogslave is to expect PUNISHMENT for all INFRACTIONS of both the letter and spirit of this Contract. The form and extent of Punishment shall be at LORD's pleasure. LORD shall never have to explain why any Punishment is given and dogslave shall always thankfully accept Punishment as its role in the service of LORD.

"With that formality out of the way," He solemnly stated, "I hereby order the first marking of My property. Trainers, place the dog in the chair and strap it in place.

The Trainers used the heavy leather straps to fasten it to the chair. it was seated upon a plank and bound in place with leather straps running up the back of the chair, over its shoulders and locked to a leather piece through which its cock was pulled. A large belt wrapped around its midsection while its arms were strapped at the elbows. Flat leather mitts were locked on its hands and attached to the chair arms. There were straps binding it just below the knees and at its ankles. Another heavy strap wrapped around its neck. Lastly, a leather gag was put in its mouth and tied behind the chair holding its head tightly in place. Through all of this its cock grew harder with each binding. scum was completely in it's Lords control, naked and bound, awaiting it's Lords pleasure.

"Let the marking begin," Lord ordered, "Trainer, You may begin with Your work. The video of this marking will be kept locked in a safety deposit box along with its original contract. Of course I will present this video and others for their viewing pleasure when I take "scum" to My favorite bar for its first public showing and use."

The Trainer removed the sheet covering the table to begin His procedure. He first measured around the base of its cock and balls, selected a metal cock ring that was smaller in diameter. Due to the hardness of its cock, He selected a ring that was open and could be seated around the base of its genitals. The ring was then spot welded together so that it could never be removed. Attached on either side of the ring were two other rings through which He forced its balls. Over this He locked a spiked metal cock ring. He then strapped the base of its cock and balls down to the board, laid its cock out in front and nailed it to the board through the penis where He would later mount a PA. Next He pierced a needle though two positions on the upper glans of its penis and mounted a large surgical steel bar in each.

Finally, He selected a zero gauge ring to put through the hole made with the nail. The diameter of the PA was an inch and a half. The dog's PA was also spot welded so that it could not be removed. The Trainer then stepped aside as Lord Bond stepped up to the chair. He picked up a small padlock from the table, hooked it through the PA, locked it and placed the key in the pocket of the leather pants that He was wearing.

"it is now marked as My dog," He announced formally. "it will receive many more markings over the length of its service to Me, which for its own good had best be forever."

He ordered His slave boy to crawl to His feet from where it knelt next to it's Master's chair. Lord Bond locked a dog chain around scum's neck as well as the metal training collar.

"it will wear both of these collars until I get it broken in as My dog slave. Only then will it get a permanent collar welded around its dog neck. Suck your Lord's cock fucker and show this dog what it will be fed everyday of its dog life."

He proceeded to face fuck the slave fag roughly until He was just ready to cum. He quickly pulled His cock out of its mouth and shot His load all over His new dog "scum".

He attached a chain leash to scum's PA and lifted it upward.

"This is where its leash will go as I walk it through the bar or anywhere else I let it go with Me. Eventually I will mount a Princes Wand in its penis so that I have total control of its cock. That and a dildo locked in its ass will be all it ever needs as clothing." He jerked on the dogs cock a few times and then ordered it unstrapped from the chair.

"What does it say to its Lord scum?" he asked as He pulled it up from the chair.

"Sir, Thank You Sir for the gift of ownership"

"That will be the last human words from its mouth," He stated firmly. "The next marking will be when I have its vocal cords snipped upon its first visit to the Vets. How does that sound to MY scumdog?"

"Wooooof," barked scumdog as it dropped to its knees where it would stay for the remainder of its life. it was now a dog slave to Lord Bond and it rubbed its head on His black boots thankfully. it had come a long way from a smart ass southern boy with more balls then brains. Now "it" had a permanent place as a dog in Lord's home. it's life as a low-life piece of scum had only just begun. it had been broken to the point that it looked forward to its new existence and it wiggled its butt happily, to the surprise of its former buddies.

Next: Chapter 15

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