Master Cowboy

By amh

Published on Aug 13, 2006


Master Cowboy - Part Twelve Rituals and tortures

The new slave now known only as number 013 had been resistant to Master's attempt to turn it into His slave. it had disobeyed direct orders of the Master Trainer and Master Cowboy. Although the others had accepted their fate they were made to watch every punishment that 013 had to endure. Finally Master had determined one last torture to put 013 through and He was convinced that it would finally break 013's will and make it beg to be made into a slave. 013 had been tied down tightly to a table and had its cock and balls mounted through the opening in a butterfly board. Master explained how He was going to go about pinning the youth's cock and balls to the board. When He was finished the skin of 013's cock and balls would be stretched out on the board and pinned in place.

Master began by pulling a portion of "013's" ball sack and sticking a needle through it into the board. He continued this all the way around the ball sack. He would slowly pull the skin out taught on the board and push a large pin through the skin and into the board. When He had finished with the boys ball sack He ordered the ball gag removed.

"Does the slave have anything to say to its Master? He asked.

There was no response but a deep cry of pain. Master Cowboy had the gag replaced and continued the process by stick pins up both sides of its cock. He then picked up a pin that had a loop on one end it. He squeezed open the end of the boy's penis and jammed the pin through the bottom part of the opening until the metal loop was right at the urethra holding it open.

Although 013 had been screaming behind the ball gag and tears were streaming down its cheeks it never implied that it was ready to give in. At this point Master showed "013" a long metal sound and told it that He was going to push it down its piss hole. The frightened boy shook its head wildly but Master inserted the sound through the metal loop and deep into the boy's urethra. He next stuck surgical needles through the flesh up the center of the penis shaft forming a ladder of surgical needles up the shaft. Finally the youth cried a muffled sound through its gag. Master unbuckled the gag and removed it. Immediately we heard a very garbled sound emanate from 013's mouth. He was so stressed that he could not form the words. Master stuck a tube in its mouth and allowed it to have a long drink of water.

"So, what does it have to tell Master?" He asked.

"SIR, PLEASE SIR, i will do whatever it takes to have You make me into Your slave," the boy cried.

Master abruptly pulled out the rod and replaced it with a large metal plug. He then slowly removed each pin and placed them in a metal dish for sterilizing and later use. He had a Trainer swab the slave's crotch area with antiseptic. After the Trainer was through He unstrapped "013" from the bondage table and ordered it to kneel before Master Cowboy.

"Kiss my boots slave," Master ordered. "it is going to make a good slave as soon as it is broken and remolded to My liking," Master Cowboy stated. "I have had an offer of purchase by a good friend of mine and I have some things to do to it so that it will be prepared for its new Master. it will be His personal toilet before it is through and fuck its Master's ass everyday with its tongue.

"Lock this slave up in a rubber suit and mask and attach a piss funnel to its head so that it gets the feel for how a slave urinal lives" Master ordered. its collar was locked to a cleat in a wall and it remained kneeling with its arms bound behind its back and its legs bound to the floor so that it could not move. it would serve as the urinal until Master Cowboy ordered otherwise.

Meanwhile "bobby boy" had also been having a difficult time adjusting to its slavery. After spending days tied up in the bondage chair it would be hosed down and brought before Master to see if it was ready to accept its new life. Each time it had spit on the floor in response. Master would then order it suspended from the ceiling with weights on its cock and balls while it was whipped. After about thirty minutes of whipping it would be swabbed with vinegar, gagged and secured tightly in the bondage chair for several days. A rubber hood was again strapped to its head with tubes stuck up its nostrils for air intake. There were two tubes connected to its mouth, one was connected to a funnel for its liquid nourishment and endless piss from all the slaves and Trainers. The other tube was connected to a catheter in its penis so that it would always be fed its own recycled piss as well. There was a hole in the seat of the bondage chair through which the Trainers had total access to bobby boy's asshole. A grease gun was stuck into its waiting hole and Master Cowboy filled the boy's ass with lube. Master Cowboy then laid on the floor beneath the chair, made a fist with His right hand and slowly twisted His fist until His had slipped in to the wrist. He then drove His arm deep within the boy's gut all the way to the forearm and proceeded to punch fuck boys ass for thirty minutes.

"This slave is to be fist fucked constantly until it finally begs to submit as my slave," Master Cowboy stated as He pulled His arm free of the boys ass. "Each Trainer will use this pussy hole and open it wide. I wish for it to constantly have a Man's arm fisting its hole until it begs to become my slave."

He walked over to where I knelt next to His Chair. As He took His seat He ordered me to lick His arm clean of all the grease and ass juice that He had creating while fisting the boy. i immediately began sucking His fingers clean as He sat back to watch the boy be fisted by the Trainers. One after another they worked their arms into the boy's ass and plowed its ass like pistons in a well greased engine. After an hour of this entertainment Master Cowboy attached a leash to my collar led me after Him as He left the barn and went back to His bedroom in the house where He would rest while I continued to service Him.

The Trainers continued to drive their arms deep into boy's ass. They must have fucked the boy's ass a dozen times each, driving Their arms ever deeper into the boys gut. They poured beer into the funnel and used boy as their urinal as they worked the ever widening asshole. After several hours of this abusive treatment, boy's Trainer stood before the bound and helpless youth.

"Is it ready to submit to Master Cowboy now boy?' its Trainer barked.

boy shook its head in the affirmative and the Trainer detached the hood and tubes from its head. The boy's head dropped to its chest and he was sobbing like a baby with drool and mucus running from its mouth and nose.

The Trainer grabbed it by its hair, pulled its head up and stared deep into the boy's eyes. "I want to hear it beg to become Master Cowboy's slave, fucker", He demanded as He spit into the boy's face.

"S..S..Sir, yes Sir. I will do anything to avoid having my cock and balls pinned like 013 had done", it replied.

its Trainer kicked it in the groin and started it bawling once again.

"slave will never refer to itself as "I" ever again, is that understood asshole? it is a slave now and had better learn quickly just what it needs to do to prepare itself for its new owner," its Trainer replied.

"Sir, yes Sir, it is ready to accept its role as a slave Sir."

Master Cowboy was called for so that He could hear what the slave had learned. When He arrived in the dungeon area He walked up to where bobby boy still lay whimpering.

"So asshole, has it finally decided that it will accept its new role in life," Master questioned. "Sir, yes Sir. Please make me into a slave Sir. i will do anything for Master Sir."

"Well, the first thing it had better do is get used to not referring to itself as "I" ever again. it is a slave, and shall refer to itself as it, this slave, or any other degrading name I might give it."

Sir, yes Sir, it understands Sir. it begs to be made into Master's slave Sir."

"Well fucker, it is a day late and a dollar short of that happening. I have already offered it to a sadistic Master friend of mine and He will be coming by as soon as I call Him to let Him know that it is ready for it's training to begin. Prepare itself mentally because it is in for a BIG surprise," Master laughed.

"This slave's new Master wants His slave to have blond hair, because He gets off on raping a blond white boy. First remove its body hair, especially around its ass hole. You are to leave a patch of pubic hair that is to be bleached blond as is its head hair. When that is done its slave number is to be tattooed on the back of its neck. No matter what its new Master names this slave, its slave number will permanently be 03469690 with bar code so it can be easily identified."

While this was taking place, Master opened my cage, attached a leash to my collar and walked me outdoors. He had me hosed down with cold water and had me lay on a table in the yard. He had a Trainer to grab my ball sack and pull it to its limit away from my crotch. Master then attached three separating ball weights to the sack. Each was almost a pound and a half of weight for the balls. Each was 2 3/8" (6cm) in diameter on the outside, and the inside opening was about 1 1/4" (3.3cm). The width of the ring (the amount of stretch) is 1.5" (3.8cm). Unlike other metal ball stretchers these came in two halves so that it could be closed around my balls and screwed closed rather than having to force the balls through an opening at the center. Each was locked in place with a hex bolt. The weights stretched my balls a good 4 inches and weighed just over four pounds, stretching my balls farther then i ever thought possible. Master ordered me off of the table to stand with my legs spread before Him.

"Now My slave has low hanging balls that will remain locked in weights," He said proudly. "I will continue to add weights regularly to keep my slave's balls stretched and hanging low. Next week I will attach another permanent ring to mark its three months of slavery to Me. The extra weights will be locked on below its permanent ball rings. Let Master see His slave walk with its new ball weights. I wish to see how they swing as it walks. i did as ordered and it was a difficult task. With each step the weights swung between my legs causing great pain. Master only laughed at His slave's discomfort.

"Ahh, that is a sight I am going to love watching slave. its balls are hanging nice and low and may not have to be removed after all. Tonight We will be having a special party celebrating the taking of "bobby boy" by its new Master. My slave will be apart of that celebration by cleaning up after all the Masters and Their slaves. I will enjoy seeing it lapping up cum, cocks and balls, and of course ass holes."

When He was finished watching me waddle with my new weights he ordered me to shine His dress boots and get His leathers ready for this evening. It would be the first function to take place at "The Farm" and He wanted it to be special.

The other "new" slaves were ordered to continue painting so that things would be looking a bit more finished for the gathering tonight. After another three hours of work they were ordered to clean up the painting equipment and line up before the barn to be hosed down so that they would be ready for the evening's festivities.

They would serve their Trainers at the party tonight and be shown what it means to be a Man's slave. Prior to the presentation of "boy" to its new Master each would have a metal collar locked around its neck. This would mark the beginning of their serious slave training, after which each would be placed on the auction block. This would take place at the big Fourth of July celebration to take place at the "Ranch". Guests from many nations would be invited, so an auctioned slave could as easily end up in Saudi Arabia as in Georgia, or any other State or nation.

"Let's bring all slaves into the barn," Master ordered. "I have a special showing of a slave that will be sold to its new Master tonight. it is being prepared for that function and I think that these slaves will enjoy watching."

As the slaves eyes adjusted to the light level inside the barn they saw that they were kneeling before a slave strung up to a frame. There was a gasp as each saw "bobby" hanging from the frame. it had most of it's body hair removed and the rest had been bleached blond. its head hung in humiliation as it saw its former "buddies" observing its preparation. its Trainer took it down from the frame and ordered it to lie on its back on the floor in front of the other slaves. it was then bound in leather shackles so that its wrists and ankles were attached to a bar which was raised by a chain so that its ass was in the air. Extra leather straps were buckled around its thighs so that it could not move. Bobby's Trainer then ordered me to undress Him. Once He was naked, He squatted above `boys" face and ordered it to suck His ass.

The bound slave boy stuck out its tongue and began slobbering at the Trainers ass.

"Fuck My ass slave," the Trainer ordered.

The slave stuck its tongue deep into the Trainers ass and began sucking on the hole like a baby on a bottle. All of its former friends watched in horror to see what an ass- sucking slave it had become and of course saw what was to happen to them.

When its Trainer was satisfied it stood and ordered its restraints removed. i jumped to obey. The Trainer then attached a leash to its collar and led it over to my Master.

"Lick your Master's boots slave," Master Cowboy ordered. The new bleached blond quickly began licking the dirt off of Master's boots until ordered to "submit". it knelt with its forehead touching the floor.

"SIR, Thank You Sir," it replied. "this slave submits to Your Power and Mastery of it. it only lives to please its Master."

Master then ordered it to present itself to each Trainer and lick Their boots in submission. it quickly crawled to its personal Trainer, knelt with its arms behind its back and begged to be allowed to clean its Trainers boots. it did this for each trainer and returned to my Master.

"this slave awaits Your orders, Sir," it said with its head bowed.

"Good slave," replied Master. "Now submit to each slave and beg to suck its slave dick. Start with slave 013 and continue to each of the others. Oh yes, 013 is the new slave name of what once was roy."

The slave crawled to slave 013 and begged to suck its slave dick. 013 gladly stuck its dick forward through the cage bars and let "boys" throat slide down its cock and pump it to climax. . Each slave was more than happy to oblige bobby by fucking its throat and completely enjoyed the use of its former boss.

"Now crawl to slave slut hole and beg to eat its ass." Master ordered. it crawled and knelt before me and begged to suck my slave ass. i turned around and presented my ass to it and it proceeded to clean my hole. it had lost all of it's former pride and conceit which pleased My Master tremendously.

"Now slave, return to its Trainer and beg to be prepared for its new Master," Master ordered. it has been offered for sale to a new Master and will be presented formally this evening. At that time its new Master will give it a new slave name if He so desires, or He may refer to you as 03469690, as it is labeled with the tattoo on its neck."

Only then did the other slaves notice the fresh tattoo below its new blond hair. i caught them looking at each other in shock and could only smile. i knew some of what new slaves had to look forward to and endure. we were dismissed by my Master and each was led off by its Trainer for some more "specialized" training before the new Master arrived.

"I want that slave boy crucified and waiting for its new Master," Master ordered.

The Trainers got a St. Andrews cross set up and "boys" Trainer ordered it crawl over to it and to kiss the cross prior to being mounted. it did as ordered and after kissing the cross it waited with hands behind its back at the base of the cross. They let it kneel there for about thirty minutes until it was shaking so badly it almost collapsed.

"OK Men, I think it is ready to be crucified," its Trainer ordered. The Men grabbed it by the back of the neck, turned it around and began to tie it to the uprights with shackles and rope. Once it was secure, They bound its balls tightly with cord and stood back to admire Their work. The slave would remain on the cross until its new Master arrived which would be in about three hours. its Trainer decided that its urethra needed to be widened so He brought a set of sounds over and set them on a table next to where "it" hung on the cross. He also had some large dildos and nipple clamps as well.

"Since I know what it is in for when its new Master arrives," He stated, "I have decided that it needs to have its holes widened. The slave looked at Him in confusion as He picked up a large, realistic looking black dildo.

"Open its mouth wide," He ordered. "I want to stuff this dildo down its throat."

it opened its mouth and the Trainer pushed the head of the dildo to its lips and ordered it to lube it with its saliva. When the dildo was juicy wet He slowly pushed it into the slave's mouth and into its throat. He strapped it in place so that the slave had the massive dildo crammed in its throat with no way of getting rid of it.

Next, He selected another dildo, which must have been sixteen inches long and three inches in diameter and greased the end and worked it slowly into the slave's ass. This too was strapped in place, so that the slave had both of its holes crammed full.

"Now for something that I am sure it will want to scream for, but will be unable to," He chuckled. "These metal sounds are of increasing diameter and are for stretching its piss hole."

As "it" looked on in horror, He lubed the first sound and worked it into the slave's penis until all eight inches had disappeared. He then fucked the slave's penis with the sound. He continued with other sounds, each larger in diameter until He picked up the final one. It was an 11 mm sound, nearly as big around as His little finger. He shoved it deep into its penis and began fucking the slave with it. By this time tears were running down the slaves cheeks and it was sobbing from the pain in all three holes.

"Now it might be better prepared for its new Master," He said. "I understand He loves to cram slave's holes and widen them to accept His massive size for fucking. I know that it will learn to love its new Master and become a real slave dog before He is through."

Next: Chapter 13

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