Master Cowboy

By amh

Published on Jul 25, 2006


Part Eleven - slave initiation

Master Cowboy started to walk out of the barn, but turned around to inform the boys He had just taken control of that there was no escape from their new life. As slaves, each would be trained to specifications of certain Masters that required new slave boys. The "guards" each selected a boy and attached leg irons to their ankles. There would be no running away, no freedom of speech, no solitude.

"So boys we begin with calisthenics at 5:30 AM," the Head Master stated. "you will be woken at 5 each morning, fed, and drink from Your training Master's penis. There will be no exception to this. you are no longer a human with a name, but a slave with a number. As a slave you will from this point forward be referred to as "it", slave, or your number."

"There will be a slave's creed posted in each cell," the Code Master stated. It will learn each code by heart. Starting tomorrow, it will learn the first Code of slavery and repeat it before it is allowed to eat or drink. Each day another code is added to its list to memorize. If it makes any mistake it will be punished. Does it understand this directive?"

"Sir, yes Sir," all slaves mumbled.

"What was that, fuck heads?" the Head Master barked as He slapped His slave (that was once roy) in the back of its head, almost knocking it to its knees.

"SIR,YES SIR," all yelled in unison.

"That's better slaves," He commanded. "I will assign each slave a number at this time. it is always to respond with "Sir, yes Sir. The slave formerly known as roy is number 013, the slave formerly known as doug is number 69, the slave formerly known as tim is number 169, and the slave formerly known as jimmy is number 269. Do not forget its number, because that is now its new name and will be tattooed on the back of its neck after breakfast tomorrow. Is that clear?"

"SIR, YES SIR," all responded promptly.

For the rest of the day the new slaves unloaded the truck and placed everything in a stable as directed. Getting used to the leg irons was difficult and there was much tripping and falling to the ground. Each time one fell or tripped it was given a whipping on its ass. By the end of the day they all had very red asses. When the truck was unloaded, each slave had a bit gag locked on its head, metal cuffs were locked on its wrists and locked to its collar. it was taken to one of the stables and its collar was locked with a chain to a ring in the floor. All that was available to sleep on was straw and a worn blanket. There was a bucket in each stable for each to use as its toilet that would have to be emptied behind the barn each morning after its breakfast routine.

"By the way there is an intercom system so I would not even try to do any talking. However, We pretty well took care of that with those bit gags. You be good little dog slaves and get a good nights rest," Head Master laughed. The Masters shut out the lights and locked the barn doors as they left.

It was a very long and uncomfortable night for the slave boys and that would just be the beginning of their hardship as each learned what it was like to be a slave. Life during its training would be filled with hard work and hardship. Each tried to find a comfortable resting position and of course there were none due to their shackles.

Three weeks had passed and life on the Farm was getting very serious. Master had His Trainers working with the new slaves each day and then using them as free labor every afternoon. Master Cowboy was getting the place ready for a special event which He was planning. They had already painted the entire barn exterior.

"Rise and shine fuck heads," yelled the Head LeatherMaster. "It's time for breakfast slaves."

A bowl of what looked like a mixture of cold cooked oatmeal and dry dog food was shoved into each stable. Each of the new slaves crawled to it and turned its nose up in disgust.

"If you don't eat that within five minutes there will be punishment whippings for one hour each," ordered the Leather Master.

Each of the slaves shoved its head into its bowl and began to lap up the mess, gagging and whining. However, each cleaned its bowl up except slave 013 (the former roy). it was dragged from it's cage and it's wrists were locked above it's head in the center of the stable area for all to watch.

"This is what happens when a slave disobeys a command," stated Leather Master. "013 will be flogged for thirty minutes by its trainer and then made to beg for it's trainers piss."

The trainer grabbed a cat-o-nine tails from the wall and began to flog number 013's back. He started at the shoulders and slowly worked His way down the slave. Each swing became harder until 013 was crying in pain. The whipping went on as 013 twisted with each stroke. As it twisted the whip hit its abdomen, thighs, cock, balls, and ass. The torture continued for thirty minutes and 013 hung from its shackles screaming in agony.

"Beg fucker," the Trainer yelled. "Beg to drink from its Trainers cock or I will continue until it cries for mercy. If I have to continue with the whipping I will piss on its wounds, wash them with vinegar and leave it to dry and think of its mistake."

"SIR, PLEASE SIR," slave 013 cried, "Please feed this slave Your piss Sir."

The Trainer unfastened 013 and it dropped to the ground.

"Crawl fucker and beg to drink its Master's piss," the Trainer yelled.

The slave crawled painfully to the Trainers feet, looked up with tearful eyes and begged, "Sir, Please Sir, feed this worthless slave Your piss. it will do anything to please its Master, SIR."

After it finished drinking its Trainers piss, slave 013 was left hogtied in the barn as the other new boy slaves and i went to work cleaning out an area of the barn that Master wanted to use as a dungeon. Rubbish of hay and dirt had to be swept up and hauled off. All the walls and floors had to be scrubbed and the area made ready for a coat of paint.

Of course, the three slaves left to work on the dungeon area were naked, with only metal collars and leg shackles. They worked hard and were sweaty and grimy by lunchtime. Master ordered the slaves to be hosed down, so we were lined up outside the barn and one of the trainers took the hose and sprayed each of us down with bone chilling cold water. After the cleaning we were fed slop in dog dishes. The other slaves were told that they had earned the right to fuck "slavedog" 013 as reward for their good labor. i of course no longer had the right to ever fuck anyone.

slave 013 was dragged from the barn and bound to a stock- like device which kept its legs and arms spread wide and helpless. it had regained some of its anger after a morning of being hogtied in its stall and would be made to suffer the consequences for its attitude.

"Each of the worker slaves will line up for a blow job from slave 013," ordered the Master Trainer.

The youngest, slave 269 (jimmy) was ordered to shove its slave cock into 013's mouth and get its reward for its mornings labor. 013 was angered at the fact that it was to be "slut" for the others, especially jimmy.

"The fuckhole will service the worker slaves and swallow all their cum," it was ordered. it will serve as a cum and piss receptacle for its former pals until further notice. When it accepts its role as slave its treatment will be reconsidered."

The "boys" lined up and gladly used 013's mouth as a toilet and cum dump. All three seemed to relish at the humiliation of their former "boss", and ridiculed and spit on it. it would remain in the stock-like device for the remainder of the day. After their brief rest, the three slave boys were put to work again cleaning stalls, washing walls and floors, and being put through basic slave service training. The slaves and i continued our labor until late afternoon when Master Cowboy entered the barn.

The three working slaves were shoved to their knees with heads bowed. They were told that they were always to kneel with bowed head whenever a Master entered their presence.

"I believe that it is time for these slaves to be shaved of all hair as a mark of slavery to Me," He ordered. "I want each to have a strip of hair to remain on the top of its head. This will be clipped short except for the hair at the base of its neck that will be allowed to grow long to form a "slave tail" or cue."

Each had its head and body shaved as a first symbol of slavery. slave 013 was the first to have its hair removed. its Training Master unlocked it from its stocks and grabbed it by the neck to walk it to the shaving area. He pushed 013 to its knees, took a hold of its chin and tilted its head back and then coughed up a mouthful of flem and spit it into its open mouth.

"That is its Master's spit and it shall hold it in its mouth while its head and body are shaved," He ordered. "I will fuck its throat when it is finished, so it had better still have a mouthful to lube Master's cock."

its eyes were covered with duct tape and the shaving began. When the shaving was finished it had a leather hood locked on its head. A heavy metal collar was locked around its neck and its wrists were shackled by chains to the collar. its Master stripped off His pants, spread His legs wide and pressed His cock toward the slave's head.

"Open its mouth and show Me that gob of spit I gave it," He ordered. 013 opened its mouth wide for its Master Trainer.

"Swallow My cock deep into its throat, because I plan to fuck it hard and long." "it had better accept its Master's offering and show that it wants to learn to be a good, cock sucking slave."

The Master Trainer grabbed a hold of the slave's hooded head and face fucked it harshly. The slave had no opportunity to slip its Master's cock from its mouth and had to learn to breathe with each plunge of the cock. The Trainer pounded the slave's throat with His hard cock, pulling His cock out to the slave's lips and then ramming it deep into its throat. This continued for at least thirty minutes until the Trainer pulled His cock out and shot His huge load of cum in the slave's mouth.

"Do not swallow My cum until I order it to do so," He ordered.

The Trainer then dragged 013 over to a large metal cage, locked its head and wrists through holes in the top frame. its hooded head and cuffed wrists stuck out of the top of the cage. its legs were spread and shackled to either side of the cage, immobilizing it completely. A wide ring with interior spikes was locked around the base of its cock and balls adding greatly to its discomfort.

"it shall remain locked and waiting to have its mouth fucked or to swallow a load of piss. Open its mouth so that I can wash My cum down with My piss. slaves or Masters can use its mouth as a toilet or fuck hole."

"it will remain in punishment as a lesson to the other slaves," the Trainer said. "it will remain in some kind of torture until I break its will and it admits that it is a low-life slave. it will remain in heavy chains and always in some form of torture until it begs to sign a slave contract and can repeat all the slave's creeds by heart." its former life has been taken from it and it will never be treated as a man again."

it remained locked in its toilet cage all night. The Masters were sitting in the cleaned barn discussing what renovations needed to be done. Master Cowboy ordered me to His side, and each Trainer had His slave sitting at His feet.

"slut hole," Master ordered, "get its Masters each a beer and keep them coming whenever it sees an empty bottle. I see that We have a convenient toilet for Our comfort and We shall fill it until its belly is full and bulging. it will hold all of Our piss until ordered to release it. I look forward to watching it suffer and then have to piss on itself."

The Men drank late into the night using 013 as a toilet often. They laughed at it locked in its toilet cage serving Them. it had become Their toilet and They ridiculed it and told it what a low life, piss drinking piece of shit that it was. The slaves creed was posted so that it could study them. They relished in having it read from the creed often.

"slave, repeat creed number three," its Master Trainer ordered with a laugh.

"Master," slave 013 stated, it acknowledges that His piss and especially His cum are precious and when introduced into its body, it will regard it as a privilege to be a vessel, to hold them within it through swallowing or in its rectum. it vows never to spill or leak The Master's fluids.

They all got a great laugh out of the readings until they finally ordered all slaves to piss in the "toilet". Then all slaves, except 013, were locked in their stables for the night.

The next morning each Master fed His slave its food and piss, and then ordered the slaves to begin painting the outside of the house.

"slaves will be under the control of one Master Trainer this morning. We have another disrespectful slave to break," Master Cowboy ordered. "This will be its trial by pain to beg to become My slave."

Two of the Trainers went about unlocking the 013 from its torture box. it had been locked in a confining box with its head and hands sticking out of the top and forced to be the barn toilet. When it was released it was made to crawl to Master Cowboy's feet and kiss His boots. it did so with pain and weakness. it was fed a large bowl of oatmeal and dog food that it gobbled up hungrily.

it was then picked up and laid out on a bondage table. its arms were strapped under the table and its legs were strapped tightly to the table legs. A rubber ball gag was shoved in its mouth and buckled tightly behind its head. its head was strapped tightly downward so that it could not see what was to take place. A butterfly board was brought over to where it lay helpless. The Trainer worked the slave's cock and balls through a round opening in the board. The board was then strapped tightly in place so that its cock and balls were totally exposed and unmovable.

"Order the other boy slaves to get there asses in here. I wish for them to see the extremes that I will put My slaves through when they misbehave. Of course I may just decide to use this board on each of them anytime it pleases Me."

When the slave boys were present and kneeling on one side of the table they stared with fear in their eyes at bobby tied down, immovable and helpless.

"Today," Master Cowboy stated bleakly, "013 will be put through a very special torture. This board is known as a butterfly board because of how it is used. This slaves cock and balls will be tacked to the board much like a butter fly is mounted for display. Of course the butterfly is already dead when it is pinned to a board. This slave is not so lucky. it will be awake throughout the entire process and experience the pain as each pin is stuck through its skin and pinned to the board."

"I will not stop what I am doing until its cock and balls are tacked to the board that is tied around its waist. When I am finished its gag will be removed and I want to hear it beg to do anything that I order to break it and mold it into My slave. If that pinning shall fail, I will continue piercing it. There will be pins and needles mounted all over its body until it resigns itself to its fate and cries to be made into My slave."

Master Cowboy walked up to the table and selected a large pin and showed it to the slave. He then stretched out its ball sack and pushed the first pin through its skin and into the board. The slave screamed behind the ball gag and terror blazed from its wide open eyes.

Next: Chapter 12

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