Master Cowboy

By amh

Published on Jul 17, 2006


Part Ten - You better think twice

When boy finished with me, he went upstairs and found Master and Dog smoking Their cigars and laughing. They also had been hitting the pipe and boy sat on the bed and waited to get a hit from them.

"Hey fucker," growled Master. "What do you think you're doing sitting up here? Dog and I have been doing some thinking while you took so long putting slave to bed. In fact, we were listening in on the intercom and heard everything that you said. So you think that you are my boy already do you smart-ass? Well, you got another think coming. Get your sweet ass over here and show Me just how "good" you can be and maybe We will share a hit with you."

boy crawled up to Master's feet and begged to have a hit and that he would do anything that pleased Master to get one. Master grabbed boy by the hair and pulled boy's head to his crotch and ordered boy to suck "Master's cock", and suck it good. Master stuffed his cock into boy's mouth, held boys neck and face fucked him harshly. When Master was done with boy He pulled boy by the hair to Dog's dick and ordered boy to service Dog as well. Dog rolled boy onto his back and hung His hard dick in boy's face, taunting and teasing boy.

"So fucker you really think that you are ready to work a slave over?" he laughed. "Lets see how you do while Dog fucks you like His bitch, His little girl dog bitch."

Dog humped boy's face, shoving His long cock all the way in so that boy's mouth was eating Dog's pubic hair. Dog ground His crotch as He fucked leaving boy's face raw with whisker burns that he would have a hard time explaining to his buddies. When He finally came down boy's throat, He pushed him onto his ass and ordered boy to open his mouth wide because He and Master had to piss. They both had full loads to feed the boy and it was all boy could do to try and catch it all. Being the first time he swallowed piss, he began chocking with piss flowing onto the floor. When they both finished, Master grabbed boy's head and stuck his nose in the piss he had spilled.

"I guess that you are no better then a mutt and I will have to treat you as one. Now lick all of that piss up while Dog and I think up an appropriate punishment."

Master and his friend Dog lounged on the bed, getting high and finding boy's predicament amusing. They discussed the possibilities for punishment openly as boy licked the piss from the floor.

"I think that this boy needs a good taste of what it is like to be inferior," Master said. "What do you think Dog? What shall we do for his punishment?"

"If he were My boy I would make sure that he understood what being a slave is really like," said Dog. "He needs to know what bondage and discipline mean in the context of sadomasochism. If I were you Cowboy I would punish boy with a good dose of bondage and pain."

"I agree completely my friend, bondage it is!"

Boy over heard everything that the two men were saying and cringed with fear. If Master had not taken away his clothes, he would have tried to make a break for it. However, the two were on him before he could even finish the thought. Dog grabbed boy's arms and jerked them roughly behind his back, while Master grabbed boy's legs and bound them with a belt. boy was abruptly picked up, thrown over Master's shoulder like a sack, and taken back to the dungeon.

Their sudden appearance in the dungeon startled me since i believed them to have gone to bed, or at least gone upstairs to have sex. Seeing boy hanging over Master's shoulder made me smile after his last gloating words to me. i watched as boy was taken over to a torture bench, laid down upon it, and bound in place. His head hung well off the bench, but his torso, legs and arms were bound with leather bands so tightly that he would not move. Master laughed at boy's plight and immediately picked up his head and began face fucking it. Master and Dog took turns, and continuously kept boy's throat and mouth very busy. As they pounded his throat for nearly an hour, slobber and mucous poured from boy's mouth. As Master was fucking him, Dog began to use His cigar to begin to singe the boy's chest and pubic hair. When they finally stopped, boy neared total exhaustion. Dog had removed a great deal of the boy's hair with His cigar. They guffawed and belittled the youth while smearing his face and body with all the fluid. Master then ordered boy to keep his mouth open wide because They needed an ash tray and his mouth seemed just the right thing for Their use.

"Maybe this will give you a better idea of what a submissive and slave can be put through," Master stated gravely. "you are far from being My boy, and will have to endure many of the tortures that slut hole is put through. you must understand the nature of the Master/slave relationship before you will become My submissive."

Dog picked up a crop and began to scourge boy's torso with it. He lashed out in anger not caring where on boy's body the crop struck. Before He finished, boy was screaming with pain at the top of his lungs. i was glad that the dungeon was soundproof.

Dog picked up a needle from a nearby table and approached the terrified youth. He grinned and snickered as He stuck the boy in the arm and pushed the plunger down.

"This is going to get you real comfortable boy." Master stated. "It is a tranquilizer that will release all of your inhibitions and allow us to use you in ever more sadistic ways. By the time We get through you will wish that you had never accepted My invitation so innocently. This drug is going to keep you cool, calm and collected as we torture you and break you."

After boy had calmed to merely whimpering from the experience Master untied him and pulled him to the floor. However, he did not stay there for long. The two Men dragged boy over to a post and lashed his wrists to it. Master placed a ring gag in boy's mouth and tightly strapped it into place. They each grabbed a leg, placed leather cuffs on them and attached him spread eagle to rings in the floor.

Dog selected a set of nipple clamps and walked up to boy and held them up to his face so that he could see the next torture that he was to experience. Each was an alligator clamp covered with sharp metal teeth. In his drugged state boy did not react until Dog roughly pulled on boy's right nipple and opened the first clamp wide. He let go and allowed it to snap roughly into the tender skin of boy's nipple. boy's mouth and eyes opened extremely wide but all that came from his throat was a gurgle. Dog laughed sadistically and allowed the second clamp to roughly bite into the skin of boy's left nipple. Tears were running down boy's cheeks but he could utter no sound.

"So kid, your suffering is not over as yet," Master laughed as He attached a large metal ball stretcher. "you will lie here within sight of My slave and suffer yet further pain."

He attached a rope to the chain on the stretching device, pulled it roughly to another ring in the floor so that boy's balls were stretched to their limit. As He stepped back, Dog appeared between boy's legs holding another alligator clamp. He pinched open the end of boy's penis and allowed the clamp to snap shut in the piss hole at the end of boy's penis. There was blood slowly trickling down his chest and from the end of his clamped penis. Boy's head flopped to one side and he began drooling onto the floor unable to scream or say a word to try to stop Them.

Master walked to the wall and selected a 20" long rubber flogger and stepped between boy's wide spread legs. Without a word said, since boy could not respond anyway, Master began to apply the flogger very harshly. He did not start gently and work His way up to the powerful lashing. He began at full strength and whipped the boy's shoulders, chest, abdomen and legs with all the power from His well muscled arm. He continued whipping the youth until bright red welts began to rise up all over boy's body. He did not stop until He the boy's body was one huge red mess. When He stopped He laughed at all the mucus that boy had drooled onto the floor, creating a huge wet puddle that He left him lying in.

"When you wake from your drug induced state boy, you are going to think twice about being amused at what my slut hole has to endure. This is just a beginning of the very harsh lesson that you are going to be taught. I have decided to make you into a slave because you have screwed up the right to a position as my sub boy. Slut hole has never been whipped as harshly as you have because he genuinely desired to give himself over to be my slave. it is treated as a slave every day of its life and will never be anything else. In the morning boy will be an "it" and I will have a new slave. As my new slave it will be given no rights of any kind. it has blown its chance to become Master Cowboy's boy, and will soon learn that the life of a slave is not something that it will ever laugh at again"

"This will be your bed for the night boy," Master informed him. "I hope that you still feel so cavalier when I allow slut hole to fuck your face in the morning prior to releasing you. Upon your release, I will expect you kneel at My feet and beg to continue to serve Me. I must warn that you will be put through more hardship than you can ever have imagined.

Dog, having listened to what my Master said walked over to where boy lay stretched and tromped His boot down on boy's balls. He pressed hard, almost flattening them and told boy that He looked forward to being able to "play" with the Master's slave in the future.

"We will have a rompin' good time showing it off to my fellow skinheads, Oi, they will love getting' their hands on a pretty slave like you."

Master and Dog headed upstairs assured that Master's slave and boy were settled for the night.

Early the next morning Master was at my cage needing His piss drained. He wore a pair of His new leather chaps that had buckles down each leg and appeared especially powerful. He also wore a tight cock ring, so His cock was hanging large and semi-rigid. He walked over to the cage, stuck His cock through the bars and fed me His morning piss.

Sir, thank You Sir", i responded to my first daily chore.

He then went over to where boy was stretched on the floor and untied boy's cock and balls. boy whined in relief and then stared at Master with hateful eyes. Master stepped on boys cock and balls with His heavy boot while He unstrapped the ring gag in boy's mouth.

Obviously the drug had worn off slowly over night and boy had regained the ability to speak. boy would end up wishing that the drug was still controlling his body and mind.

You fucking son-of-a-bitch", boy yelled. "Who the hell do you think that you are, leaving me bound like your slave and tortured for the night? I want to be released immediately!"

Master pressed on boy's cock and balls, crushing them almost flat to the floor. boy cried out in agony, but Master did not let up.

"Well, did you think that you were going to get off that easy?" He barked. "I did some checking up on your background before I hired you and your crew. It seems that you have no family of any kind to wonder where you are. I called "your crew" just a bit ago and let them know that you had stolen drugs and money from Me while we were getting high. Then you hauled out of here with some bitch, stole a car from next door and headed out of town. I also called the police and reported the stolen car and now there is an APB out for your arrest on auto theft."

"You mother fucker, you can't get away with that," boy yelled back. "When I get out of here I am going to the police myself and tell then just what is going on around here."

Master guffawed loudly and removed His boot from boys genitals and hauled off and kicked boy hard in the crotch. As boy was screaming in agony once again, Master locked a large chain collar around boy's neck. He then attached a metal spreader bar to the shackles on boy's ankles. He untied boy from the post and strung him from a chain in the ceiling. boy was still cussing, so Master grabbed a roll of duct tape and taped his mouth shut.

"So you little fucker," Master stated, "I thought about how you acted last night and decided that I did not need a smart ass boy after all. You probably do not remember because of the drug you were given but I have decided that you will now be a slave. I know of another Master who will buy you from Me and I already called Him to tell Him "it" will be at the farm preparing for Him."

Master then took the duct tape and began to wrap boy up, starting from its feet and working His way up to his head. When He was finished, the new slave was totally bound in duct tape with rubber tubes sticking out through the tape so that it could breathe. Master then brought a large wooden crate in from the back deck, laid "boy" down in the rubber padded interior and strapped him tightly in place in the crate.

"you won't be making any noise now slave" He laughed. "When your former buddies arrive this morning you will just be another item to load onto the truck."

He then nailed the top on the crate and labeled it for delivery to the barn at the farm site. In a short while the moving boys arrived and i could hear them upstairs talking to Master.

"So Bobby freaked out on you and took off? asked one of them. "I never would have guessed that he would steal anything. Man he is in some shit now!"

"Yes son, he is in some real big shit now," Master agreed. "It will be prison time for him if the police catch him. If he were still here I would have me another slave to train. I don't think that he would like that, do you guys?"

"No Sir," one of the guys answered. "He has always been an independent sort; in fact he could be a real SOB at times. I sure would feel for him though if You got a hold of him after what he did."

"Yea well you got your work cut out for you," said Master, "especially since bobby has disappeared. I want everything delivered to the farm by tonight. You can leave the trailer parked at the farm and unload tomorrow. I should have you some more help by then. However, you can help Me get My slave ready for moving if you would like."

"Sure Sir, it would be fun seeing just how it is going to make the trip in the truck."

When they got to the basement, Master ordered me from my cage. i crawled out and knelt at his feet awaiting orders. He walked me to the crate that held "boy" and had me get on top on my hands and knees.

"So, who wants the first blow job?" Master said to them. "I figure you can each have one now and another when you get the truck to the farm."

"I would be more than happy to have Your slave suck me off," said Roy. "The other guys can follow according to age, which means Jimmy gets sloppy fourths."

After they were finished, Master strapped a muzzle on my head, cuffed my wrists behind my back and chained me in my cage. They immediately got to work and boxed up the remainder of the "toys" in the dungeon and finished by noon. They began loading the truck and the work seemed to go quickly. Master interrupted the loading to let them know that He wanted my cage and the crate to be loaded in the back of His van. Finally, they had loaded me and, unknown to them, bobby onto the van and headed out to the farm. Both boy and i were to be slaves together, although i knew that i was still bottom "slut".

Master had driven ahead and was waiting for the movers on the porch of the farm. It was an old structure with many out buildings. Most were in need of repair, but that is what Master expected and would use slaves to get the place in order. He envisioned a rough, but comfortable environment in which He would live and use as a setting for His Master/ slave gatherings. Master directed the truck to the barn behind the house. Master ordered the boys to unload my cage from His van and set it outside the barn, next to a small out building. The crate containing boy was put in the barn where the new dungeon would be constructed with slave labor.

All things related to the Master's dungeon were placed in the barn so that they would be out of the way of construction. Master's bed and other household furnishings were left boxed in the house.

"If you young men would care to avail yourselves of My slaves services feel free", Master offered. "it will do anything that you order it to do. If it does not comply with any instruction please inform me and it will be punished.

The boys thought this was a great offer and proceeded to first use me as their toilet since their bladders were near bursting. my Master unlocked the cage and locked one end of a long chain to my collar and the other end to a post just outside the barn. They took turns fucking me from both ends at once and changed places so that each got to use both ends. They were especially horny after all the work that they had done. When they seemed to be slowing down, Master made them another offer.

"I could use some farmhands around here, if ya'll are interested," He commented. "Of course it would involve each of you taking an oath to never release any information about the farm, nor what goes on here. I have some very wealthy and connected partners and clients and they would be very unhappy if anything leaked out about their private getaway."

"Does that mean that we can get out of this damn moving business?" Roy asked. Bobby conned us into this job while we were high one night and had us sign a binding contract. However, since he has taken off we could sure use some steady employment."

"Oh, I think that you can consider this as steady work as long as you don't fuck up."

The boys talked it over as a group and decided that they would enjoy being around the farm and doing some real work rather than moving peoples household belongings.

"Yes Sir, me and the other guys would look kindly upon being able to work on fixing this place up," stated Roy. He seemed to have taken on the role of "boss" as soon as He heard that Bobby had disappeared.

"Well that is just great boys," Master said to them with a grin. I am sure that the other owners will be glad to see you too. Why don't you fix yourselves up in that larger white building over yonder? We will be making it into a "bunkhouse", so ya'll might as well get in there and see just what needs to be done to whip it into shape."

Of course, Master already had plans for it to be a slave "bunkhouse". The boys would find out soon enough that they were never going to leave the farm except as a slave to a new Master. He let them rest in the "bunkhouse" for about an hour and then called for their help with a project in the barn. While they were resting Master used me to get "boy" out of the crate. i pried the nails and removed the lid to find "boy" still bound in tape. Master lifted it out and undid the tape from its hands, locked wrist cuffs in place and secured it to a hook in the ceiling. He next unwound the tape from its head and found the gag still securely in place, so it would not be making any noise to alert the boys. He then strapped a leather hood over its head and locked a leather muzzle in place. When He was sure that "boy" could not communicate, He had me help Him to pull a rubber suit in place covering its entire body. He stood back to view the results and decided that it was not recognizable as Bobby. He then called the boys from the bunkhouse.

"Hey you farmhands, I could use some help in the barn," He yelled

They came running and stopped dead in their tracks when they saw the rubber covered figure strung up to the ceiling.

"Wow, where did he come from Sir," Roy asked bemused.

"Why you hauled this slave from My house in that large crate. I purchased it from another slave Master," my Master lied. "it was delivered just prior to your showing up to move My things."

"Gee Sir," whispered Jimmy, "We didn't know there was a body in that thing."

"Well, it looked like My surprise worked," Master gloated.

"Ya'll see that big black chair next to it," Master pointed out. "I could use My strong "farmhands" to help Me to get it down from that chain and into that chair. You are going to have to hold it tight so that all those heavy leather straps can be buckled around it so that it will not be able to move at all. it has been a bad slave and needs a great deal of punishment so that it will learn just who its new owner is."

"Sir, how will he be fed or take a piss," asked Doug . "See those tubes coming from its crotch and mouth? Master asked. "These will allow it to be force fed liquids. The tube from its crotch attaches to a catheter that will allow it to piss. its piss tube also connects to its mouth tube so that it always recycles its urine."

"You mean that he is going to be drinking his own piss," Jimmy asked with a shocked look on his face.

"That's right boy," replied Master. "You didn't seem to have any problem feeding your piss to My slave did you? You certainly thought that it being your urinal was a real gas. Well the only difference is that this slave is completely bound and helpless. it is being punished as part of its training. it needs to be broken of its belief that it is human. it is now just a piece of property that I will dehumanize, break its will and turn into an obedient slave."

The boys seemed to be a bit surprised at what Master had said. They were snickering amongst themselves. Roy grabbed Jimmy by his hair, pushed him to the ground and forced his face into Roy's crotch. Jimmy tried to break loose from Roy's grip but the other guys took their hands and helped Roy keep Jimmy kneeling and "eating crotch".

"Well, it would appear that you enjoy the idea of Jimmy serving ya'll," Master said in all seriousness. Maybe you would like him to be "your" slave."

"Yaw," Roy said, "I think that would be a fun game to pull on ole Jimmy "boy", how do we make him our slave?"

They all stood back and watched Roy grind Jimmy's face in his crotch and tell the boy to get it good and wet before he would let him go. The rest had a good laugh at that and began to chant, "jimmy's a slave, jimmy's a sissy, cock sucking slave".

Master walked over to Roy, grabbed Jimmy by the head and dragged him off Roy's crotch. Jimmy was crying and sobbing with tears running down his face. He thanked Master for stopping Roy from hurting him anymore.

"That's a good little boy jimmy," Master taunted. "The big bully won't hurt you any more. Not for a while that is. Why don't you boys turn around and meet part of my "Farm Guards". They are here to make sure no one gets in or out without My say so."

The boys turned around and were shocked to see a group of hot leather clad men just inside the barn doors. Roy and the boys started to look for somewhere to run.

"Ain't no place for you to run to boys. you said you were going to work for me and I'm not letting you back out of our deal," Master laughed.

"See boys, you are all going to be the slaves that help here on the farm and these Men are only a part of what is going to keep you here," Master stared into the frightened eyes of the youth. "Oh, by the way, this slave bound up in that chair in none other then your former friend bobby. He pissed Me off Saturday night when he thought he might be My junior Master. Well, now he is going to be a slave and sold to a very special Master. you all might as well give in to the inevitable, because until I decide other wise you will be learning to be good "farm hands" and slaves at the same time.

Each of the leather clad men strode over and attached a collar and leash to each boy's neck. They were then ordered to strip naked, which of course they balked at doing. One man wearing a leather mask carried a riding crop and preceded to whap each boy's ass until "it decided to take "its" clothes off. As they watched, i was ordered to gather their clothes and dump them in a barrel outside. Master walked up to the barrel, poured some lighter fluid on the clothes and set them on fire.

"you won't be needing those nasty clothes anymore," Master informed them. "you will never wear clothes again unless ordered to put something on to please your Master. The Man that collared and leashed you will be your training Master and you are to follow His orders or pay by being punished for your insolence. I am so glad that you all enjoyed using My slave as you did. It is what made up my mind about capturing you for slavery."

Next: Chapter 11

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