Master Cody

By Kirk McCorkle

Published on Feb 13, 2017


Master Cody Part 8 Slave To Cody's Feet

by Kirk McCorkle

MM bd feet sneakers hypno

This is a work of erotic fiction. All participants are fictional, and are over eighteen years of age. If reading erotic fiction about adult male participants that involves sex, sexual servitude, chastity, bondage, and sneakers is illegal wherever you are, don't read any further. Go out and change the world so you can read your smut in peace. I welcome your feedback, and hope you enjoy the story.

Nifty has been getting people off since 1992; at this point it's an anthropological treasure. Celebrate Nifty's enduring contribution to society by sending them a little money. Donating to them is easy; just go to this URL: and let them know how much you appreciate what they do. __________________________

"Son of a fuck, that chair is heavy," Cody said, dropping his end of it. "Why didn't we just leave it on the curb again?"

"Todd likes it." Kevin pushed the chair up against the wall, then collapsed into it.

"It's comfy." Todd put down the stack of boxes he was carrying. "Fits my ass."

Kevin looked around at his stuff, stacked incongruously in the living room of their new place. Between the freshly-painted walls and the freshly-steamed carpets, it was hard to imagine the new house looking sloppy or lived-in. The trees were dappling the light that came through the windows, making even their piles of junk look vaguely picturesque.

"This is a really nice place," Kevin said.

"You know what would have been nicer?" Cody took a swig from his water bottle. "Rafters."

"Yeah. If only this place had rafters." Kevin nodded in solemn agreement.

"Guys, I'm sorry. I just blurted it out." Todd sat on the carpet near Kevin. "It was worth it to see the look on her face, though."

"That poor realtor," Kevin said. "The place would have been perfect, though."

Todd sighed a dramatic sigh. "I'm sorry. I said I was sorry. When are you guys going to lay off on this?"

"'Hey, I bet you could even hang me from those,'" Kevin quoted. "Fucking priceless."

"All right, fine," Todd said. "What do I have to do to get you guys to drop it?"

Cody got that glint in his eye. "You want us to drop it? Fine. You do everything Kevin tells you to do for 24 hours."

"What?" Todd said.

"Yeah, what?"

"You're being useless today, Todd. I need you to focus and get shit done. We've only got the truck until six. And I don't want to deal with you. So I'm going to have my slave do it for me." Cody gave Todd a grin. "Unless you're chicken."

Todd looked Kevin over thoughtfully. "He's going to be a pushover. I'm in."

"There you go, slave," Cody said to Kevin. "Don't say I never gave you anything."

"Seriously?" Kevin asked. "Todd is mine for the day?"

"Slave to a slave," Cody said. "Go ahead, Todd, kiss his feet."

Todd stood still and gave Cody a smirk.

"Todd," Kevin said, "Kiss my feet."

Kevin watched in amazement as all six foot five of Todd's big frame dropped to his knees in front of him, and then bent to kiss his sneakers. Kevin had put on an old pair of worn-out Pumas for moving day, and damn if Todd didn't put his lips on his right sneaker and kiss it. Then he started licking it, in big exaggerated strokes.

"All right, stop." On Kevin's order, Todd stopped licking and looked up at Kevin.

"You sure you're okay with this?" Kevin asked.

"Yeah, sure." Todd shrugged. He looked embarrassed. "Least I can do for you."

"All right, then." Kevin got up. "Let's get this stuff moved. Todd, get out to the truck and bring back two of the dining room chairs. I'll get some space cleared out over here."

"Slave, stop Todd a minute," Cody said. He pointed to his feet. "Before you start, have Todd kiss my left foot."

"Um... Todd, kiss Cody's left foot."

Todd grumbled as he went over, dropped to his knees again, and started kissing Cody's Nike. Cody had worn the Zoom Airs today.

Cody pointed at his other foot. "Slave, kiss my right foot."

Kevin knelt, crawled over, and joined Todd at his Master's feet. He put his lips to the laces of his Master's Nike.

"That's right, Todd," Cody said. "I own Kevin, and he owns you. Today's going to be fun. Now move your asses, we've got a lot to do."

Kevin jumped up, but Todd stayed where he was, making out with the white leather of Cody's kick.

Cody gave Kevin an exasperated look. Kevin said, "Todd, get up."

The big guy lumbered to his feet, looking smug.

"You know what?" Kevin looked over his new possession. "I've wanted to do this since I met you. Get on your knees."

Todd's smugness was replaced by uncertainty. He knelt.

Kevin jumped on his back. "All right, now take me to the truck."

Todd put out a hand to steady himself on the wall, and got to his feet. He started for the door, and the doorframe became an immediate concern.

"Duck!" Kevin said, and his mount ducked. Kevin's head cleared the doorway by a fraction of an inch.

Cody was laughing behind them. "You could ride him into battle."

"I feel like I have to clear a level now or something," Kevin said.

It was late afternoon before they had the last of the big stuff packed up. Kevin had discovered that Todd was mostly enjoying pointedly not doing what Cody told him to do, and was hoping to keep slacking off for the day. But he did respond to specific commands, the more specific the better. Eventually Kevin had a system down where he was telling Todd exactly what to do, and how to do it, and Todd ended up working his ass off.

Plus, Kevin got to ride him around a few times, so that was fun. Todd seemed to enjoy it too.

With everything cleared out, the old apartment looked even smaller. And, Kevin had to admit, kind of drab. It was hard to imagine he'd spent so many years here. Now there were only the ghosts of his furniture on the carpet to show for it.

"All right, then. That's it. Let's go." Kevin turned to leave, but Cody put his hand out. "There's one last thing to take care of."

"Yeah, I've got to stop by the office and drop off the keys," Kevin said. "I want to thank them for holding off on the whole eviction thing."

"No," Cody said. "Something else. Which wall is the one Mrs. Henning lives behind?"

"Umm... that one?" Kevin pointed at the back wall of the bedroom.

"Good." Cody had a couple of the straps they were using to tie stuff down in the truck slung over his shoulder. He gave them to Kevin. "Have your slave strip you and tie you up. Wrists to ankles."

"Um... we've got to get the truck back..." Kevin said.

Cody pulled Kevin's collar out of his jacket pocket. "We've got time."

Kevin looked at the collar, then at Todd, then nodded. Cody put the collar on him.

In the empty apartment Cody's voice echoed commandingly. "Have Todd strip you and tie your wrists to your ankles. Now."

"Todd, strip me naked and tie me up, right wrist to right ankle and left wrist to left ankle," Kevin said.

Cody circled around them watching as Todd pulled off Kevin's shirt, then knelt to take off his Pumas. He stripped Kevin's jeans off roughly, and then grabbed the tiedown straps.

Kevin lay down, and Todd made quick work out of tying him up.

"Have Todd carry you into the bedroom," Cody said.

Kevin relayed the order, and Todd picked him up and slung him over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

"Put him down."

Todd didn't respond to Cody's order.

"Put me down, Todd."

Todd put Kevin down gently next to the back wall in the bedroom.

Cody tossed a condom and some lube on the floor next to them. "Order your slave to fuck you as hard as he can."

Kevin gulped. He looked from his Master, to Todd, to the wall he'd shared with Mrs. Henning for way too many years.

"Todd," he said, "Fuck me as hard as you can."

"Roger that," Todd said.

Todd hauled his cock out of his pants and got it wrapped and lubed up, and knelt between Kevin's legs.

"Tell him to shove it in," Cody said.

"Shove it in me, Todd," Kevin said. "Make me scream."

Todd shoved. Kevin screamed. He hadn't realized what letting Todd loose on his ass was going to mean. Todd had fucked him before, sure, but now Kevin understood that the big guy had been holding back. Todd was slamming into his ass like he was drilling a transoceanic tunnel.

"Make him go faster," Cody said.

"Fuck me faster," Kevin ordered Todd.

Todd increased the pace of his brutal assault, slamming Kevin until he was pushing him across the carpet.

"Tell him to fuck you harder," Cody said.

Kevin caught his breath. "Fuck me harder."

"Say it louder," Cody said.

"Fuck me harder," Kevin told his slave. Todd was doing his best, plowing into Kevin's ass furiously.

Mrs. Henning started pounding on the wall.

"Keep saying it." Cody's grin was intoxicating.

"Fuck me harder!" Kevin yelled.

"Okay!" said Todd, and he fucked Kevin harder.

"Oh god," Kevin said, and he grabbed onto the carpet with his bound hands, trying to hang on for the ride.

"Again," Cody said.

"Fuck me harder!" Kevin yelled. Todd was slamming into him like an avalanche, slamming him up against the wall. "Fuck me harder!"

"If I fuck you any harder my dick's gonna come off," Todd muttered.

Kevin snorted with laughter. "Fuck me harder, you big stud! Give it to me!"

"Now tell him to talk dirty to you," Cody said. "Loud."

"Oh crap. Todd, talk dirty to me. Yell dirty to me, you big studly fucker."

"You little slut," Todd said, a big happy smile on his face. "Take that cock. Take that big cock!"

"Give it to me, you fucking man-beast!" Kevin was trying to remember what people said in porn movies. "Fuck me harder!"

Todd's brutal fucking acted as a tempo as he and Kevin yelled bizarre obscenities at each other. Cliches from porn movies, random swear words, threats to family members, expressions of prowess on Todd's part, admissions of submission from Kevin. Cody was sitting by the door trying to keep from laughing too loud.

The stream of vulgarities got gradually more incomprehensible, then degenerated into grunting sounds. Todd was banging Kevin up against the wall now, the impacts thunderously loud in the vacant apartment. Todd was coming into the home stretch, all the muscles in his shoulders defined as he took hold of Kevin's hips and fucked him like a rag doll.

Kevin yelled out as he came, years of frustration and yearning and suppression erupting out of him in a guttural, animal cry. He clamped his legs around Todd and pulled him as deep inside him as he could, using Todd's big cock to force the cum out of himself.

Todd grimaced, let out a roar that almost matched Kevin's, and came. Kevin felt the big guy's cock surge inside him, and that took the rest of his own orgasm to a new level. With vocal accompaniment, of course.

Todd held still in Kevin's ass as he came, buried up to his balls, feeling the remnants of Kevin's orgasm pulsing around his cock. Breathing heavily, and somewhat hoarse, Todd rolled off of Kevin. "Fucking hell."

There was a single, feeble thump on the wall from the apartment next door, then silence.

"That was so beautiful," Cody said. "I'm so proud of you guys. Plus, turned on."

"You should have joined in, Master," Kevin said.

"Maybe later." Cody came over and started untying Kevin. "We should probably get the truck back."

"Right," Kevin said, sprawled limply on the carpet. "Truck."

It took a while for Cody to get them moving, but eventually Kevin and Todd were up and dressed again, and the last of the stuff from the apartment was in a half-empty box by the door. Kevin did one last check, then grabbed the box. "I'll stop by the office if you take this to the truck."

"Are you going to miss this place?" Cody asked him, taking the box.

Kevin looked around. "The best times I had here were the past couple of weeks," he said. "I'm good."

"Okay." Cody closed the door behind him.

The apartment complex's office was quiet, since it wasn't near the end of the month. Kevin gave the woman behind the desk a warm smile as he approached.

"Hi, Donna," he said. "I'm all done."

"Well, we're sorry to have you leave."

"Hey, I'm just glad you were able to keep Mrs. Henning from getting me evicted. You've been tons of help. Thank you." Kevin put his keys down on her desk.

"That crazy old lady has driven off more good tenants," Donna said. "She's honestly nuts. She called ten minutes ago, saying you guys were, um, making noise in there again."

Kevin rolled his eyes. "We were moving."

"That's what I figured. You know, she called a couple of weeks ago and said you had a dog in there?" Donna laughed. "Total nutcase."

"Yeah." Kevin shrugged. "Well, I found a nice new place, so it all worked out. Thanks to you."

"No problem. Just sign here and here, and we're all set," Donna said. "We'll send you the security deposit and itemized list of deductions from it within a month."

"I appreciate it."

With the old apartment cleared out and the truck dropped off, the guys stopped at a Chinese place near their new house for an early dinner. Over a plate of bland crab wontons, Cody proposed a toast.

"To the new place, and our new future," he said, and three sodas clinked together.

"We should call it something," Todd said. "The dungeon or something."

"The fortress of horniness," Kevin suggested.

"Maybe," Cody said. "Something will come to us. My question is, what do I call you guys?"

"Well, I'm Todd," Todd said. "And this is Kevin. We suck your dick sometimes?"

Cody flicked his straw wrapper at Todd. "No, what I mean is, what are we going to be? Roommates? Fuckbuddies? Boyfriends?"

"I don't know if any of those work." Kevin said. "I don't know what to call it. I guess it depends. What do you want?"

"I like what we've got so far." Cody stepped on Kevin's foot under the table, not hard, but he kept his Nike on top of Kevin's Puma as he talked. "We're friends, were' more than friends, and maybe more as things go on."

"But... the three of us?" Kevin groped for words. "Are all three of us a thing?"

It was Todd that spoke up first. "Fuck yeah." He brought his fist down on the table hard enough to get looks from the one other occupied booth. "Why the fuck not?"

"I like how it's working," Cody said.

"Me too," Kevin hastened to add. "I just think we need to talk about stuff. Like, okay, what about fucking around with other people?"

The waitress arrived with plates and rice and promises of entrees. Cody thanked her, and when she'd gone he said, "If we don't mess around with anyone else for a couple of months, we can all get tested and stop using condoms."

"Yeah." Todd was eating rice. "Bareback."

"On the other hand," Kevin said, "We might want to get someone else involved sometime."

"Got anyone in mind?" Cody asked.

Todd had stopped eating and was looking at Kevin.

"No, no," Kevin said. "I was just saying, maybe we shouldn't eliminate the possibility. Someday."

"All right. Todd?"

Todd considered for a moment. "Maybe. Someday. But nobody fucks around with anyone except us three, unless all three of us are okay with it. Deal?"

"Yeah," Kevin said. "Makes sense. If you want to have sex with someone else, talk to the other two."

"Deal," Cody said. "But... do you guys want to shoot for a while where it's just the three of us? See what happens?"

"Yeah." Todd answered right away.

"Three-way monogamy? Why not," Kevin said.

"All right, then." Cody grinned. "That'll be fun."

The first of their dinners arrived, followed rapidly by the other two, and the conversation turned to important stuff like sauces and sampling each others' food. They were nearly done when Todd spoke up.

"So, uh... who owns who?" he asked.

"Nobody," Cody answered quickly. "Most of the time. We'll do the collar thing. Someone collars you, you're theirs until they take it off, whatever time limit you set up expires, or you safeword. Whether to put the collar on is up to you."

"What about you?" Todd asked. "You ever going to wear a collar?"

"Not likely." Cody very deliberately took a sip of soda through his straw. "But you never know. That'd be a hell of a day, huh?"

"Oh, yeah," Kevin said.

With dinner finished and leftovers packed up, the guys headed out. They piled out of Kevin's car in the driveway and into the house. They'd just piled into the front hallway when Cody stopped them.

"Guys," he said. "This is our house." There was a smile on his face that was part wonder, part triumph, and part contentment.

Kevin looked around. Even with the boxes piled everywhere and the furniture scattered about, it already looked a lot more like home than his old apartment had.

"We did it," he said.

"I think we should celebrate," Cody said. "Or, actually, I think I should celebrate." He held Kevin's collar out to him. "Put this on."

Kevin's cock started growing in his jeans. He took the collar and put it on. The leather felt smooth now, familiar against his skin.

"Now tell Todd to strip." Cody flopped down on the sofa, with his feet up on the arm. "And get me a beer."

"Aw, crap," Todd said.

"Todd, take all your clothes off." Kevin navigated his way through a maze of boxes to the fridge, and brought his Master a can of beer. Todd was just pushing down his boxer briefs, revealing his magnificent ass.

"Slave," Cody said, "Get naked"

Kevin pulled off his t-shirt. They'd spent the day moving, so it smelled pretty strong. Todd stood watching him, legs spread, hands on his hips as Kevin kicked off his sneakers and pulled his pants and boxers down. He peeled off his socks and tossed them on the rumpled pile of clothes.

"Tell Todd to make out with you," Cody said.

"Todd, make out with me."

Todd shrugged and came over. The floor didn't move as he walked, which was a nice change from the old apartment.

As Todd leaned down to kiss him, he was looking Kevin in the eyes. And his look was tender, serious, not at all the kind of expression Todd would have expected to see on him during Cody's sex games. Todd took hold of Kevin's head, leaned down, and kissed him sensuously.

"Slave," Cody said, "Tell Todd to kiss you all over."

Kevin's cock throbbed. "Todd, kiss me all over."

He expected hesitation or a smartass remark, but Todd instantly started kissing Kevin's face, soft kisses which landed on his cheeks, his nose, his eyes. Then Todd went for Kevin's neck, and started kissing hard, licking. Goosebumps rose on Kevin's back as Todd moved to his shoulders, then his chest. Kevin was conscious of having worked hard all day, how he must have tasted, but Todd didn't seem to mind at all. He kissed and licked at Kevin's pits as if he'd been dreaming of doing it forever.

Todd knelt as he moved down Kevin's chest to his abs, and then he bent down as he licked down Kevin's thigh. Kevin put a hand on Todd's broad back for balance as Todd lifted his leg, and to Kevin's surprise, started licking away at his foot without hesitation.

Kevin glanced over at Cody, who had his cock out and was jacking it casually to the scene he and Todd were playing out.

"He seems to be enjoying himself," Cody said.

Todd finished off Kevin's other leg by lapping at his foot vigorously, and then he grabbed Kevin by the shoulders, spun him 180 degrees, and then bent down to start licking up the back of Kevin's calf.

As Todd kissed and licked his way up the back side of Kevin's legs, Kevin had to admit to himself that Todd wasn't approaching this like something he was reluctant to do. Kevin would never have ordered Todd to do this, no matter how good it felt, because he hadn't thought Todd was particularly into him. He'd thought Todd was mostly playing along to be near Cody. But this... now that Todd's tongue was licking up Kevin's left butt cheek eagerly, this wasn't just a game.

"Tell Todd to jack off while he's doing that, but not to cum," Cody told Kevin.

"Todd, jack your cock but don't cum, and keep doing what you're doing," Kevin said.

Todd took his cock in his big paw and dove into Kevin's asscrack.

Kevin gasped and grabbed a stack of boxes for support. Todd was lapping up his ass crack like Kevin was made of ice cream. Every time his tongue grazed Kevin's asshole, Kevin's whole body shook. Then Todd was working his way up Kevin's spine, kissing and licking his way upwards.

"Todd, get back down there and keep doing that," Kevin said.

He heard a chuckle from the couch as Todd reversed course and headed back for Kevin's ass.

Kevin pumped his cock with one hand while supporting himself on the boxes of books with the other as Todd planted his face in Kevin's asscrack and licked. Todd's hand was working on his own cock as he made out with Kevin's ass enthusiastically.

"All right, you've got to stop," Kevin said. "I'm gonna cum if you keep going."

Todd laughed, right there in Kevin's ass, which was a unique sensation, then he resumed his path back up Kevin's back.

When he reached his neck again, Cody spoke up. "Have Todd lie down on the floor," he said.

Kevin relayed the order, and Todd lay down on the floor near the couch.

"Now go sit on his chest. Put your feet on his face."

Kevin looked at Todd dubiously a moment, but he was pretty light and Todd was pretty sturdy. He straddled the big guy's chest, then put his feet on Todd's face one at a time.

"Tell him to keep jacking off," Cody said.

"Keep jacking off, Todd."

"Ask him if he likes having your feet in his face."

"Todd... do you like it?" Kevin asked

A small muffled 'yes' came out from under Kevin's feet.

"Ask him if he wants to spend more time as your slave," Cody said.

"Do you want to be my slave more, Todd?"

Another muffled 'yes.'

Cody laughed. "Okay, enough of that. Kevin, go get rope."

Kevin scrambled off of Todd and ran into the master bedroom to find the gear bag. He'd left it in the closet, but now there were boxes stacked in front of it, so it took him a minute to get to it.

When he brought the rope back out into the living room, Cody had arranged Todd so he was face up in front of the couch, with his arms stretched out along the front of it. Cody took the rope from Kevin and bound Todd's wrists to the legs of the couch while he had Kevin tie Todd's big feet together.

Then Cody sat down on the couch and put his Nikes on either side of Todd's head. He looked at Kevin.

"I want you to make Todd cum. If you don't cum at the same time he does, you'll both be punished." Cody started untying one of his sneakers. "Oh, and hand me your socks over there."

Kevin gave Cody the socks he'd worn all day while they were moving, and Cody wadded them up and stuffed them in Todd's mouth. Then he took off both his Nikes and planted his feet firmly on Todd's face. He handed his right sneaker to Kevin. "You'll be wanting this for when you cum."

Kevin looked over Todd's body, from his huge bound feet to his stiff and quivering erection to his huge chest. "Thank you, Master."

"Get to work, slave."

Kevin knelt at Todd's feet and started licking. Todd's feet were ripe from the day's move, but Kevin had gotten fond of the smell. Todd's feet weren't very sensitive, so Kevin started with nibbling at them, which always drove the big guy nuts. He had to hang on to the rope binding his feet together as Todd squirmed.

Then he made his way up Todd's calves and his thighs, and started licking his balls. Todd's cock towered above him as he looked up towards his Master, who was pushing Kevin's socks into Todd's mouth with his toes.

Kevin had just been planning on sucking Todd off while he jacked his own cock, but something about seeing the big guy helpless and this turned on made him irresistible. Kevin grabbed some lube and a condom from the gear bag, got himself ready, and then rolled the condom onto Todd's cock.

Todd's whole body shook as he realized what Kevin was about to do.

Kevin straddled Todd again, took hold of his cock, and got himself into position. He lowered himself onto Todd's cock.

Todd groaned into Cody's feet. His cock thrust up into Kevin as Kevin pushed himself downward, taking Todd as deep into him as he could. He felt tiny on top of the prone giant's frame, he felt like a jockey on top of a horse. He pushed back and down, and felt Todd thrust up into him again, and Todd was almost all the way inside him. One more push, and he was fully impaled on Todd's cock, his own cock throbbing hard between them.

This also put Cody's feet a few inches away from Kevin's nose, since they were on Todd's face. Kevin could smell them faintly, and it made him even hornier. He started fucking himself on Todd's cock.

Having Todd helpless beneath him was an incredible rush, and being able to use his cock any way he wanted was amazing. Kevin found himself crouched on top of the big guy's frame, riding him viciously, using Todd's cock to hammer at his prostate.

Todd thrust up into him in time, his wrists pulling at the ropes that bound him to the couch, his face pinned underneath Kevin's master's feet. Cody was jacking his cock fast now, watching as Kevin fucked himself into a frenzy on his friend.

Kevin missed the first signs that Todd was about to cum, the clenched hands and the grunting, mostly because it was smothered in his socks and in Cody's feet. By the time he realized Todd was getting close, it was almost too late. Kevin grabbed his Master's Zoom Air and put it up to his own face. He breathed in Cody's scent deeply and worked Todd's cock with his ass, feeling him thrust harder and harder as his orgasm became inevitable.

And then Todd was cumming, groaning into Kevin's socks, pushing up into Kevin as the cum exploded out of him. Kevin breathed deeply of his Master's scent and slammed himself down onto Todd's cock, feeling his orgasm building as Todd bucked underneath him.

Then, suddenly, Cody kicked the sneaker out of Kevin's grasp, and Kevin was face to face with Cody's socked foot. His Master pressed it to Kevin's face, and Kevin started cumming, waves of orgasm thundering through him as he pressed his open mouth to his Master's sole and licked at his socked foot. Kevin's cum sprayed out across Todd's chest and belly, his hands dug into Todd's chest, his ass clenched around Todd's cock and he breathed in his Master's scent as he came.

Cody took his foot away and Kevin collapsed on top of Todd, a thin layer of his cooling cum between them. They lay there breathing heavily as Cody toyed with both their faces with his feet. He was stroking Kevin's cheek with his toes when he said, "My two favorite people. Right where they belong."

"Fuck off," Todd muttered.

Kevin wasn't going to argue with either of them. He nuzzled his Master's foot.

"But the night is still young, and Kevin still has his collar on, and Todd still belongs to him, and guess who hasn't cum yet?" Cody stretched his arms along the back of the couch. He patted his slaves' faces with his feet. "I've got two beautiful guys who'll do whatever I tell them to. Hmm. What should I do?"

Kevin pressed his face against his Master's foot and looked up at him, his muscular body stretched out on the couch, his cocky grin turned up to eleven. He started pulling at Cody's sock with his teeth.

"Not yet, slaveboy," Cody said. He gave Kevin a little smack with his foot. "Untie Todd here first."

Kevin undid the ropes around Todd's wrists, then got his ankles while Todd sat up and rubbed his wrists, looking dazed.

"Now order Todd to go make the bed," Cody said.

"Todd, the sheets and stuff are in the boxes on the bed," Kevin said.

"Gotcha." Todd got up and headed for the master bedroom.

"Master, that was-" Kevin started to say, but Cody said "Hush. On your knees. At my feet."

Kevin stopped short, and then dropped to his knees at his Master's feet.

"Suck on my socks."

Kevin put his face to his Master's feet and kissed them, then took the toes of his Master's right foot in his mouth. His socks still smelled strongly, even after Todd had been huffing at them. Kevin licked across each toe, and then started down the sole, cradling his Master's foot in his hands.

Cody brought his other foot up to Kevin's face, and Kevin held them to his face and breathed in deeply, then licked. He lapped at his Master's heels, licked up his arches, sucked the sweat out of his socks.

"Take them off," Cody said.

Kevin peeled his Master's right sock off, licking the sole of his foot as it came off, savoring his Master's taste. He licked, gnawed and nibbled at that foot, then repeated the performance on the other.

By the time he was tonguing between his Master's toes, Todd had come back into the room, and was standing watching the scene with an impressed expression and a hard-on.

"All right. Follow me. On your knees." Cody got up off the couch and headed back to the master bedroom. Kevin crawled after him obediently.

"Tell Todd to do the same," Cody said.

"Todd, crawl with me."

After making a show of rolling his eyes, Todd dropped to his knees and followed behind Kevin.

Cody led them into the bedroom, and jumped up on the master bed. "Slaveboy, have Todd tie your hands behind your back."

"Todd, would you get some rope and tie my hands behind my back?" Kevin asked.

Todd shrugged and got the gear bag. He proceeded to tie Kevin's hands firmly behind his back.

"Have Todd bring me the leather cuffs and a padlock," Cody said.

"Here, Todd, take these to Master," Kevin said. He unlocked the padlock, and handed it and the cuffs to Todd.

Cody cuffed Todd's hands behind his back.

"It's been a long day, slaveboy," he said. "You and Todd should take off my clothes and make me feel good."

"Todd," Kevin said. "You heard the man."

Kevin took the right side of the bed, and Todd took the left. They started with Cody's shirt. Their first efforts were kind of clumsy, and Kevin thought they were going to tear his Master's t-shirt as they pulled it off of him, but they managed to co-ordinate their efforts better while working on Cody's jeans. Kevin grabbed the waistband near the button with his teeth, and Todd did the same a few inches away. Smelling his Master's ball sweat, Kevin worried at the denim determinedly until he got it unbuttoned. After that, Cody's fly was easy. It opened to reveal gray boxer-briefs, ripe with the manly smell of a day's hard work.

Kevin nuzzled his face into Cody's crotch, inhaling his underwear, his mouth up against Cody's cock, hot and hard under the fabric. Todd was using his teeth to pull Cody's jeans down. Once the jeans were in a pile on the floor, Todd started where Kevin had left off on Cody's feet, worshiping them with a dedication that almost matched Kevin's.

Kevin had pulled the elastic of his Master's underwear down just enough to expose the glistening head of Cody's cock. He licked at it playfully, teasing it, and then pulled the boxer briefs down its length with his mouth.

Once they were down far enough, he handed them off to Todd, who pulled them off and tossed them aside, then continued his exploration of Cody's feet and their sensitive spots.

With the underwear out of the way, Kevin knelt between his Master's legs, his bound hands behind him, and started long, slow, wet licks up the length of his Master's rigid shaft.

"Slaveboy," Cody said. "Pits."

Kevin crawled up the bed and bent down to lick his Master's armpit. With his hands tied it was pretty impossible without losing his balance, so Kevin lay down with his face in his Master's pit and started to lick.

"Both pits." His Master's voice sounded stern.

Kevin blanked for a moment on how he was supposed to lick both his Master's armpits at once, then figured it out. "Todd, lick the other pit," he said.

Todd grumbled under his breath but crawled up and planted himself in Cody's left armpit. He started lapping at it like he was a dog, so Kevin followed suit.

Cody gave a contented sigh.

Kevin had his face in the warm hollow of Cody's pit, and was immersed in the sharp smell of his Master's sweat. His tongue found all the spots he knew his Master liked and played over them.

Cody's breathing had gotten noticeably faster. "Nipples," he said.

"Todd, just... do what I do." Kevin tongued lightly at Cody's nipple, and Todd did the same on the other side.

Cody settled comfortably into the blankets and started jacking his cock. Kevin and Todd played with his nipples with their tongues, their eyes meeting across Cody's muscular chest, working in tandem to bring Cody as much pleasure as they could. They varied their rhythm together, spending a while with long, soft licks, and then digging into his nipples with their tongues, really rubbing at them.

Cody started moaning, and then started moaning loudly. Kevin flinched, dreading the inevitable pounding on the walls, but none came. He smiled across at Todd, and nipped at Cody's nipples.

With both of the biting him, Cody cried out. "No! Bad slaves." He was laughing, though. "Now go suck my cock."

Kevin and Todd started down the length of Cody's lean torso slowly, licking the sweat off of Cody's ribs, kissing down his lean abs. They traced from his hips towards his cock, and they arrived at its base together. Kneeling, hands bound behind them, both of them started putting a series of gentle kisses up the length of Cody's shaft.

When they reached the head, they both started back down together, this time with the tips of their tongues out, tracing delicate lines down the smooth skin of Cody's cock. Todd's eyes were locked on Kevin's as they arrived back at their Master's balls, and on Kevin's cue they started licking at them, Kevin at the right nut and Todd at the left, lapping at the wrinkled soft skin. Then Kevin opened his mouth and took Cody's ball into it, and Todd did the same on the other side. Their faces pressed up against each other, Todd's breath on his upper lip, they licked at Cody's nuts together.

Cody let out a loud groan, and Kevin took that as a sign they should get back to his cock. He let his Master's ball slide from his lips and started licking up his Master's cock, short hard licks almost like little punches with his tongue, and Todd was doing the same on the other side. Cody was gripping the sheets with his hands, which Kevin took to be a good sign.

He switched to long licks, all the way up and down Cody's shaft, his tongue and Todd's touching as the big guy mirrored his actions on the other side of Cody's cock. They got sloppy with it, slobbering over their Master's cock, licking up and down his shaft hard and fast.

Then Cody grabbed both their heads, clamping his hands in their hair. He held them still, their faces pressed together, mouths around his cock, and he started thrusting.

As his cock pumped in and out between their mouths, Kevin started tonguing it and Todd did the same, and soon they were making out over Cody's cock. Their Master was face-fucking both of them at once, his pair of slaves bound and serving him willingly, eager to feast on his cum.

Cody arched up off the bed as Todd and Kevin both licked and sucked at his shaft. With a roar, Cody let his cum fly, the first couple of spurts hitting his chest before Kevin got his mouth over Cody's cockhead and started sucking down his Master's seed. Todd kept working Cody's shaft with his tongue while Cody slammed into Kevin's mouth, bucking up off the bed, his heels dug into the mattress.

The flood of cum ebbed, and Kevin made sure to lap up every last bit of it. He looked up to see Todd looking kind of forlorn, so he kissed him, giving him what was left of his Master's cum. That seemed to cheer him up.

Cody was limp on the bed, looking half unconscious. Kevin straightened up, hearing his back crack a couple of times, and then lay down with his head on one of his Master's shoulders. After a second, Todd joined him on the other side.

Cody put his arms around them.

After a while, Todd spoke up. "Is anybody else hungry?"

"Seriously? You just ate dinner," Kevin said.

"Yeah, but that was hours ago." Todd snuggled into Cody's chest. "And there wasn't any dessert."

"I think there's some crackers in the box on top of the stove," Cody said.

"Awesome. I'll go get some. With my face." Todd sat up and turned around. "Unless you can untie me?"

"Argh." Cody moved slowly and reluctantly to untie Todd's hands. When the big guy was free, Cody dropped back down onto the bed. "I suppose you want to be untied too?" He asked Kevin.

"Nah, I'm good." Kevin took up his position on Cody's chest again as Todd went out to the kitchen for snacks.

"I think he really likes you," Cody said.

"I really like him too." Kevin was riding the waves of Cody's breathing as it slowed. "He's a sexy beast."

"He gets really attached, you know." Kevin loved the way Cody's voice rumbled in his chest.

"I think we're all getting really attached." Kevin kissed Cody's nipple. "I don't know how it's going to work. The three of us. I don't know if it's going to work. It's crazy, moving all of us in together like this. What if we hate each other in a week?"

"I don't see any signs of that happening. And besides, what if it does work? I mean, Todd really seems to be what makes things work with you and me, and you guys seem to have something going on, and he and I never really went this far when it was just us. Sure, it could blow up, but it might work. And if it does work, it'll be amazing. The three of us, on the same team. Having fun. Helping each other. Having awesome sex all the time."

"So, yeah, worth a shot." Kevin nodded, feeling his cheek move against his Master's skin.

"Hey, when I got lost getting here yesterday?" Cody said, sitting up a bit and displacing Kevin. "I drove past a park that's about three blocks north of here. Two tennis courts."

"No kidding?" Kevin tried to make his voice sound enthusiastic.

"Will you show me how to play?" Cody asked.

It took Kevin a while to answer. "Sure."

"Can you show me too?" Todd asked from the doorway. "I could do some vicious serves."

"Why not?" Kevin said. "We can play unmixed triples."

"Funny," Cody said. "You're a funny man. Oh, hell no, Todd."

Todd was climbing onto the bed bearing a plate of cheese and crackers.

"Todd, no crackers in bed," Kevin said. "That's just wrong."

"It's my bed too," Todd said. "I'll cut the cheese if I want to."

"You really want to sleep in cracker crumbs, Todd?" Cody asked, taking a cracker. "Does that sound like fun to you?"

"You've got slaves," Todd said. "Have them clean it up."

"We need that king sized bed in here sometime soon," Kevin said. "There's space for it."

"Yes! And I can have crackers on my half." Todd fed Kevin a couple of crackers with a slice of cheese sandwiched between them.

"Who says you get half?" Kevin asked around a mouthful of crackers.

"Math," Todd said. "One of me equals two of you."

"Yeah, a bigger bed, for sure. Or you guys are going to be squabbling over bed space forever." Cody lay back on the pillows, his hands behind his head.

"Then we'll just fight over you," Kevin said.

"I saw him first," Todd said, and lay down on Cody's other side.

"He likes me more." Kevin stuck out his tongue.

"Yeah, this is gonna work out great." Cody put his arms around Kevin and Todd. "Should be no problem."

"Umm, Master?" Kevin said, his voice smaller than he'd intended.

"Slaveboy?" Cody said.

"Thanks for, well, everything. Being honest with me. Not doing the whole hypnosis mindfuck stuff anymore. This is a lot better." Kevin cuddled up close to his Master. "I do kind of miss it sometimes, though. It was pretty hot, wondering if you were really trying to make me into your slave."

"Well, you've got to think," Cody said, "I got everything I wanted. A nice home. A family. Friends who are fun to play with, maybe more than that. A future." Cody ruffled Kevin's hair. "And here you are by my side. So you're pretty much always going to have to wonder, aren't you?"

The End

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