Master Chuck

By Chuck Wilson

Published on Nov 2, 2015


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My Adventures with Master Chuck - Episode 1

I felt so protected with Master's warm body next to mine. His arms pulling my ass into his hardness. Even through our clothes, I could feel his hard cock pressing into the crack of my bum. My bum still sore from being twice pumped this morning by Master's dick, was twitching with desire as we listened to the speaker.

Sunday in Hyde Park is always packed with folks at Speaker's Corner. I paid little attention to the screaming minister on the stand condemning everything from gay marriage to homosexual sex.

We had wandered around for sometime in the fresh early morning air cruising the park before stopping at Speaker's Corner. I guess Master just wanted to hold me and press his body into mine. Oh, I do love his caresses.

We only met a week ago in Edinburgh at my class graduation party. He was there with some faculty friends. I was intrigued by his handsome face and body. I couldn't take my eyes off him. He finally looked at me and I must have blushed as he gave me a wink and smiled. Very soon we were talking and I was melting with lust as he put his arm on my shoulder telling me to follow him out after the party.

I had no idea who he was or exactly what he wanted but I was certainly dreaming. What happened later that night is another episode. Suffice to say a week later we are in London as the first stop on a debauched world wide sex tour.

Continuing my warm snuggle with Master, I was aware of a presence slightly in front of me. The crowd was so packed he was practically pressed against my front. Glancing at his face I noticed he was smiling at Master. Master pushed me forward a bit as the stranger's hand pressed against my already hard dripping cock. Master was inviting the stranger to fondle me.

I wouldn't betray Master but I certainly do his bidding. So, I relaxed and went to heaven as Masters member pushed my bum and the strange hand unzipped my fly caressing my wet sticky member. I shuddered with ecstasy as his fingers touched my slippery foreskin moving it around.

The stranger asked in broken English if we would like to join him at his hotel. I was sorry when we made ready to leave as my minders had to stop touching me for a few minutes.

Arriving at the hotel room, one look from Master and I immediately removed my clothes and stood at display. My dick was bounding up and down with every breath and I was excited about being naked before this stranger.

The stranger, who I found out was Gregory was groping his basket and looking at Master. Master told me to remove his clothes. I quickly knelt before Master Chuck removing his belt, unzipping his fly and letting his pants drop to the floor. His dripping cock sprang out of his boxers and hit me in the face. Moving my face into the waiting crotch, I licked and smelled his musky manly odors all the while whining and groaning with pleasure.

Master moved me away, taking off his shirt and kicking off his shoes telling me to attend to our new friend. I crawled over to Gregory and looked up into his hard Eastern European face. He was probably Czech or Polish and had what looked like a sausage down his leg.

Removing his belt, unzipping his pants and pulling them down I was pleased to see he had no undergarments. The large cock immediately hit me on the chin as it rose up tight against his stomach throwing a string of precum up his chest.I looked back a Master and he nodded so I licked up the turgid member before me, tasting the tangy slime running down to his balls. Gregory shuddered and pressed my head into his groin. I could smell the cheese under his uncircumcised cock.

Master came over and picked me up turned me upside down so I could suck the smelly cock. I crooked my legs over Master's shoulders and he began to lick and tongue my ass. Since I was upside-down my dick was in Gregory's face. He began to nibble on the glans causing me to purr like a kitten. Hearing my moans Master knew I was close and didn't want me to cum until they had their fun.

Placing me on the bed my Master crawled over my head settling his ass on my face his hard cock laying and dripping on my chest. Although my training had been short I knew what he wanted and began to press my tongue into his hot steamy hole. I heard his sigh as it entered the tight orifice.

Suddenly my legs were lifted and Master grabbed my ankles pulling my ass up and available for Gregory. Feeling a hot breath on my hole, I cried with joy as Gregory began to push his nose and tongue into me. It was almost all I could do to keep from unloading. Gregory's mouth left and then the head of his great cock began to enter my exposed hole. I relaxed as much as I could for I needed him deep inside as quickly as possible.

He pushed in without lube causing me to gasp and sputter into Masters ass cheeks. Master chuckled as he knew I was going to enjoy this pain. "Oh Fuck," Gregory cried as his pole moved through my second sphincter.

Greg was going at my ass like a rabbit. I felt the end of his dick pushing against my stomach. Master knew I could not last long with that sausage plying my gut. He moved back and placed his dripping penis on my lips. My mouth automatically opened and he slipped into my throat beginning a slow mouth fuck.

Master was right. I started to void out with pleasure, my body shaking and twisting. My groans of joy and pain sent Gregory over the edge. He pushed deep inside and shot his hot loads deep in my gut. My prostate was overwhelmed by his pulsing member and my cum began to blast out on Master's chest.

He was incensed by the sight before him and I felt the tube on the bottom of his cock began to pulse as he filled my other hole with his delicious offering.

After the shouting and heavy breathing settled down, Master pulled out and Gregory moved up to my face demanding I clean my shit and his cum off the sausage. I almost came a second time just looking at the slimy monster as I did my duty.

Later as Master and I were cuddled up in our hotel room, I thanked him for giving me so much pleasure. He looked into my eyes, kissed me passionately and said, "Babe this is just the beginning." I snuggled in closer, went to sleep with my head on his shoulder and dreamed of the cumming possibilities.

Next: Chapter 2

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