Master Chats

By Master Redbeard

Published on Jul 2, 2023



By Master Redbeard

"Bob" is a prominent attorney and friend to many in the upper echelons of the slave trading community. He has kept a record of his Instant Messenger chats with many of his friends and clients, but has deleted his own comments from these transcribed conversations. He has changed names and locations or removed names where appropriate.

Bob's Statement: "I'm releasing these chats to counterbalance the recent spate of sentimentalist BS supposed-enslavement stories, most of which paint the owner or slave trader in a harsh and negative light. This may be an incendiary statement, but I suspect that some of our most prominent slave-story writers may be closet abolitionists! How is it possible that slavery enjoys such a high level of support among the American people and yet the public sees any man who enslaves a younger family member as some sort of ogre? It's time the public heard the unfiltered comments of the men who have contributed so much to our way of life by adding prime young stock to our enslaved population."

(If it's illegal for you to read stories involving homosexual acts or if you're offended by stories that include family or dominance-submission scenarios, please go away now. If you can't distinguish reality from fantasy, please leave and get help asap.)

If you want to contact me please include the title of the story in the email title line. Flames ignored. Redbeardedsf at yahoo dot com.)


By Master Redbeard

I know how you lawyers are and I know the clock is already running, but I'm OK with that. I need you to write up a contract for me and you're the only one I trust to do it.

Oh, I didn't mean to be rude. I'm doing fine and glad to hear that you and yours are well. My business got a big boost after Crufts last year. You saw the cover of the latest issue of Quality Master Magazine of me and my ponies, didn't you? Well, the magazine has a much wider circulation back home in London than in the New World. I suppose "quality" is better appreciated on our side of the pond, don't you agree?

Yes, in point of fact I am at my California estate as I write this. But I hope to get back to London very soon. I know we're months away from Crufts, but so much is expected of a gentleman in my position. One of the judges told me that nobody else even wants to enter the pony competition this year knowing they'll be up against my pair.

But even aside from that I have to get out of California. I don't thrive well in this unrelenting heat. That's one of the reasons I want to get this contract dealt with expeditiously.

In a way this is about my team of ponies. I had bought both of those boys right here in California. Everybody asks the same thing. Well, they ask me one of two things: Either they think the boys are twins or they think I spent a fortune with a surgeon getting them so perfectly matched. In point of fact, the boys are brothers and there's almost two years between their ages.

No I didn't purchase them together. There was almost two years between the two purchases. I bought each boy just as he came of age.

It started quite by accident about four years ago just after Bodoni & Felch opened their branch in Santa Cruz. I stopped in to visit Bodoni - yes, the skinny old queen was out here barking orders and getting everything set up. I was just looking around the new facility and I happened upon this slave induction. There was this swarthy-looking man who couldn't have been more than 40, and he was enslaving his oldest son. The boy was just breathtakingly beautiful - black eyes, black hair, strong but pleasing features. Well, you've seen my pony, Tonga? That's the boy. But when I first saw him he had shaggy hair, sloppy teen boy clothes, and a big goofy smile. Even in the baggy clothes he wore, he couldn't hide those shoulders and that chest going down to those slim hips and long powerful legs. Well, you can see it all in the pages of the latest Quality Master Magazine.

But I was telling you about seeing this family walk in for the slave induction right at B&F in Santa Cruz. Oh yes, it wasn't just the father with the son who was being enslaved. The dad brought along three other boys. And he told me there were two other younger boys back at home, along with six girls. That's right - a total of six boys and six girls. The father told me he would never consider enslaving any of his daughters. It turns out the family is from somewhere in the Pacific. I know they're not Hawaiian, but it's one of those island groups. That's what accounts for the unique bronze color on the hides of my ponies. Oh, but the point I was getting at is this: In their culture the daughters take care of aging parents and not the sons. So of course it makes sense the dad would enslave the boys but not the girls.

The truth is I've seen the daughters. Oh dear. You know how the boys are big and powerful and rugged looking? Well, the girls are just as big and powerful and rugged looking. Those square jaws and broad backs may be sexy on the boys, but they hardly make the girls sexually appealing. Yes, of course they'd be good for breeding powerful ponies, but that's beside the point.

Well, from the time I saw the boy who was being enslaved I knew I was going to buy him. I'm not like you. I know you like the slim and boyish ones. This boy had just turned legal age but he was all man, all muscle, all solid power. My dick was throbbing just seeing the boy stripping out of his free boy clothes. You know how you see a newly enslaved boy and you figure you have to spend time getting him trimmed down and getting his muscles developed - I swear to you this boy was in perfect shape as a free boy.

Oh, but here's the other part. When the dad told me he wouldn't consider enslaving his daughters he said it wouldn't be right to give his daughters over to be used for sex. So I asked him coyly about slave boys being used for sex and he said something like, "Oh, that's OK, my boy isn't gay. They would only use gay boys for sex like that." He was serious. I just nodded to him. I wasn't going to tell him the truth about the way any gentleman master would use that hunk of slave flesh. In fact, at that very moment I was watching his son's pubic hair being shaved and my dick was dripping thinking about taking that young stud's cherry ass.

In fact that night was truly memorable. The boy wanted to be a good slave. He was all keen on being obedient and being a hard worker. He knew he wasn't all that bright but that he had the power to lift and to pull - well, he even liked the idea of being made into a pony slave and pulling one of my many vehicles. But just like the father he seemed to be oblivious to the sexual expectations that gentlemen like me have on slave boys.

Of course I had him strapped down to the horse before I informed him of the tradition for the master to take the ass of a new slave. He was so frightened of taking it up the ass he actually tried his best to suck my cock. He was gagging and weeping and no way was his mouth going to bring me off. Of course I ended up dicking him up the butt - in fact, I gave him two nice hard fucks that first night.

In spite of how gorgeous he was and in spite of how powerful his body was, he had that delightfully obsequious nature. His father had raised the boy to believe that he wasn't very bright (which was true) and he was only good for heavy labor and service, so the boy was a natural for slavery. Within two weeks he was already being trained as a pony and he was an obedient sex slave. In fact, my son came on holiday with some of his mates and the boys made liberal use of Tonga's mouth and ass. You know how rough and nasty boys that age can be with a new slave. But Tonga accepted his role.

Of course there was that awful three-month isolation before I could bring him into the British Isles. You have to know what to pay for and what to demand. I didn't want this prime piece of stock mishandled by those damn guards. I used the isolation time to perfect just what I wanted for decoration - the distinctive rings and markings. I used a South Pacific kind of motif on him, given his heritage, but I designed it all myself.

But here's the point, even when I was making the deal for that first boy I knew I could potentially get others from this same brood. The father told me his story of why he had to enslave his oldest son. He told me that he had a problem with drinking and gambling and he had built up debts. But he swore that he had learned his lesson, that losing his son this way was so bitter for him, he would never drink again and never gamble again. Yes, it was all I could do not to burst out laughing in his face when he said that.

That's when I took a good look at the other sons. Good heavens. They were just as gorgeous as the oldest brother. Of course the rest of them weren't fully developed yet, didn't have the musculature of the oldest brother, but I could see the potential. There was just short of a two-year gap to the second brother and then two years to the third brother, then almost three years to the brother after him. And that wasn't even counting the two youngest ones that had been left at home. I knew that some of these other boys would end up enslaved. I was hoping then that all of those boys would end up in my possession.

Sure enough, I get a phone call from Bodoni about two-years later saying that the next son was available for purchase. I jetted to California that very afternoon and negotiated with some low-level drone in the B&F organization. I left with the second son and the scenario repeated itself as with the first. Well, except of course that I had the added fun of having the two beautiful dark-eyed brothers perform with each other. Haven't you been to one of my dinner parties where the two ponies performed sex together? Well, I shall have to correct that oversight.

I did have the two of them perform for one of those slave skin magazines. Yes, they did offer quite a bit of money. But that was never a consideration. It was the assurance that it would be done tastefully by one of those arty photographers. It's due on the stands in England over the summer, but won't be available on your side of the pond. I'll send you a copy.

So now I'm in California again because of another call from Bodoni, and the third brother is for sale. The father is still as clueless as ever about the sexual uses I've made of his first two handsome sons. And he's still swearing that he's learned his lesson and will give up drinking and gambling. I chatted with the younger boys and they seem to be more realistic than their father. It's like they accept their fate that they'll eventually end up enslaved like their older brothers. The youngest one was quite philosophical about slaves not having to worry about paying rent or making decisions. It was simply adorable.

Oh, but here's the important difference this time: Bodoni has flown out to California to negotiate this deal himself. You wouldn't believe how he's inflated the price for me. As handsome as this boy is and as well built as he is, nobody else would meet the price Bodoni has set. But he thinks he has me over a barrel. He knows I have the first two brothers and he figures I want the third matching one. Well of course I want the third one. But, honestly, what would I do with a team of three ponies? Who has a chariot with an odd number of ponies? I'm not about to import a troika from Russia.

He says the third brother has special value to me and therefore is worth the price. Well, do you think those first two ponies move in synch purely by accident? Do you know how much training it took to get them so that every muscle moves in perfect unison, their heads even bob at the same rate as they saunter. You know what good pony trainers cost. Not just British ones, I imported someone from Austria - my goodness he did whip them into shape.

Of course I want the third brother, but more than that I want to know I can get the fourth brother when he comes up for sale. That's where I need your skill in writing contracts. I want a contract with the father and with Bodoni. Well, it can't be a contract to buy the other boys. The other boys are not for sale and the father is protesting that he will never sell another of his sons. I want a contingency contract. There must be some way to word it. It should say something like: if the father should choose to sell any of his additional sons in the future, that I have the right of first refusal and that there's some cap set on the price.

Yes, Bodoni is an old pal. But I trust him as far as I could throw him. When I have three of the brothers he could jack up the price on the fourth brother into the stratosphere. What choice would I have then?

If we extrapolate this into the future, consider the potential of what I'd have! There's a twelve-year age difference between the oldest brother and the youngest one. That means that when the youngest one is 19 and his musculature is really filling out, the oldest one will still only be 31. A well-kept pony slave can keep pace well past 40. I could have a team of six matched ponies!

Well, yes, of course I started breeding from the first brother as soon as I got him. I already have some promising pups. Of course I've thought this through. By the time the oldest one needs to be retired from the team, we should have some of the ponies he's sired.

I trust you can come up with a way to write this contract so I can go back to London confident in the future of my stable? Yes, it would be ideal if I could just buy up his whole brood of pups at once and put them all into training. But, alas, we do have laws governing those sorts of things.

I'm just sending you a few pictures. The first one shows the son who's now for sale stripped, shaved and collared. Then there's a rear view of the same boy. I know how you appreciate rear views. Then there's a candid picture of the other three brothers. Yes, they're all free boys. They're fully clothed. I just want you to see the potential that I'm talking about.

Yes, the middle one of those younger boys certainly does have an adorable smile. You're right, at your rancho near Cancun there are a lot of things that would be legal, you dirty dog! OK, you contact Bodoni's lawyers and see what you can work out. Well, I don't see how you can get the father to go for a deal like that, but if you can somehow manage to get me a package deal where I can buy up all the rest of the boys today I'd consider shipping the younger ones down to Cancun to start their training with you. But if that happens I'm going to consider the loan of those boys to be your payment, you rascal!


Next: Chapter 4: Adopted Twins

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