Master Chats

By Master Redbeard

Published on Jun 25, 2023



By Master Redbeard

"Bob" is a prominent attorney and friend to many in the upper echelons of the slave trading community. He has kept a record of his Instant Messenger chats with many of his friends and clients, but has deleted his own comments from these transcribed conversations. He has changed names and locations or removed names where appropriate.

Bob's Statement: "I'm releasing these chats to counterbalance the recent spate of sentimentalist BS supposed-enslavement stories, most of which paint the owner or slave trader in a harsh and negative light. This may be an incendiary statement, but I suspect that some of our most prominent slave story writers may be closet abolitionists! How is it possible that slavery enjoys such a high level of support among the American people and yet the public sees any man who enslaves a younger family member as some sort of ogre? It's time the public heard the unfiltered comments of the men who have contributed so much to our way of life by adding prime young stock to our enslaved population."

(If it's illegal for you to read stories involving homosexual acts or if you're offended by stories that include family or dominance-submission scenarios, please go away now. If you can't distinguish reality from fantasy, please leave and get help asap. If you want to contact me please include the title of the story in the email title line. Flames ignored. Redbeardedsf at yahoo dot com.)


By Master Redbeard

I've just sent you a video but don't you dare open it and look at it until I tell you the story behind it. I'm in the back of my limo, just left the estate and have a long ride ahead so I hope you have some time to stay online with me. I promise you'll appreciate this story.

Oh, please don't apologize for missing her funeral. That was more than six months ago. Well, all those different painkillers mixed with bourbon finally made her wish come true - she left a beautiful corpse. Look, I may have been married to that nasty bitch but it's not like I loved her or anything. I fucked her long and hard plenty of times so I earned the money, believe me. Yes I can fuck a woman when I put my mind to it. The fact she had a portrait of that gorgeous blond first husband of hers on the wall helped me shoot my load more than once.

Also, keep in mind this was my second marriage. Well, yes, you've known me long enough to know all about that. It's just the height of irony that a man like me who's so hot for the idea of incest should end up with a son who is flabby, with bad skin and ugly as sin. He's mostly been away at school but I'll get to that part of the story soon enough.

Her sons grew up a lot since you saw them at our wedding. The older one, Jesse, has turned into quite a hunk. He's not a little boy anymore; he's quite a hot young man. Into surfing, you know. No not just the Internet, in the ocean. And he really fits the stereotype of a California surfer boy: blond hair that falls into his eyes, golden tan, perfect features, flawless body, pert buttocks. Yes, of course I notice all my stepsons' buttocks. I notice my own son's butt also, except his is fat and sloppy and not very nice to look at.

The story I'm trying to tell you started a little less than four weeks ago. I'm bare assed and heading out to the new hot tub I just had installed. Yes, I have kept my body in shape. I'm in terrific shape - my shoulders, my chest, my arms, my legs are even better than when I was 30. You know how hairy I am. Well, I now have all that black chest hair trimmed neatly so it shows off my definition instead of hiding it.

But I'm trying to tell you the story. I get out to the hot tub but someone is already in the water. It's Jesse, my older stepson who should have been at school 900 miles away. I see his school uniform strewn all over the patio and he's just grinning up at me from the tub. I have to confess my dick reacted a bit. I mean it's kind of nice to show off your meat to a straight teenage boy. Yeah, trust me when I say he's straight. I searched his room and searched his computer files - nothing but spread pussies and big titties. He was submerged in the tub below his shoulders but I found myself thinking, "No girl will ever appreciate that face and body the way a man would."

I got into the tub beside him and asked how come he was at home. Apparently the day before had been his birthday. Of course I don't keep track of these things. I have a secretary slave who sends out appropriate gifts and cards. So he thanked me for my generous birthday gift. Well, I'm spending his mother's money. I might as well be generous. He thanked me and told me that now that he was legal age he decided to drop out of school so he could devote himself to surfing.

Yes, he wanted to devote himself to surfing. Well it's not like I give a crap about the kid's future. If he were to inherit his mother's money he would be so filthy rich he wouldn't have to work a day in his life. Well, yes, I said, "If he were to inherit..." - we'll get to that part of the story soon enough. Oh, remind me to thank you for the clever wording you put into my late wife's will.

When Jesse gets out of the water I realize he's wearing his boxers that are soaking wet now. The weight of the water pulls them down so I can see the top of his ass crack and when he turns I can see the very top fringes of his blond pubes. That's when it occurred to me - this kid just pointed out that he's legal age! It was time to make my move, but the kid was already running into the house.

The next day the kid is running around town and spending a ton of money on surfing gear. Oh, did I tell you he booked a private limo all the way home? He could've flown first class for a fraction of what that cost but he doesn't care. That mother of his never taught him any sense about money. Well, rich as the family is I guess they don't need to be sensible.

So two nights later when I see he's home I invite him out to the hot tub. He says he doesn't wanna go for a soak with me, gives some lame excuse. So I offer him some ________. Let's just say I offered him milk and cookies, ok? I figure he's legal age; he's old enough for milk and cookies. He perks up at that and he's following me down to the hot tub like an eager puppy. I immediately start stripping and he's a little more timid. When I'm bare ass naked I don't make any attempt to hide my rod or keep it at all soft. My dick is growing right in front of him and I'm letting it happen. He keeps on his boxers. I tell him to take them off so he can appreciate the feel of the water jets, but he doesn't want to. So the two of us get into the hot tub, me naked and him in his boxers.

I take out that milk and cookies that the kid was looking forward to (wink, wink) and we start passing it back and forth between us. Then I talk about how horny I get and how much I jerk off like I was still a schoolboy. I ask him how much he jerks off and he doesn't wanna tell me. He's getting all tense now. I tell him to relax. I lift myself up onto the rim of the hot tub and my dick is half way hard. I start to stroke it and look right at him. I ask him if he's ever jerked off with a buddy. I said something about how nice it is to have another hand on your dick and to make a buddy feel good.

Finally I just grabbed his hand and put it on my hard dick. I said something like, "C'mon, be nice to me. It's not gonna bite you," but he pulled away and jumped out of the hot tub like he's totally pissed off. When he's almost at the house he turns to me and yells all this crap about "I always knew you were a homo pervert. I always felt creepy when you looked at me. I'm gonna call mom's lawyer tomorrow to make sure you don't have any control over my money!" And then he disappeared into the house.

Well of course I had his mother's lawyer on the phone by 7:30 the next morning. I woke the boy at 9 o'clock to tell him we had an appointment at the lawyer's office and he had to be ready in half an hour. He looked pretty scruffy since he didn't have time to shower. He had put on a nice pair of khaki pants but he was wearing one of his summer short-sleeve shirts and a pair of sandals. His hair looked like it hadn't been combed all year, but that was the way Jesse liked it.

He was eager to get to the lawyer's office to tell the man all his complaints about me. So I started off sitting back and letting the boy ramble digging his own grave. He told the lawyer that I had come on to him. Did I try anything physical? No, not really. The boy explained I had been in the hot tub with him and talked about masturbation. Even the way the boy explained it that seemed like a reasonable thing for a stepdad to talk to his stepson about.

Then the boy made his most damning charges, saying that I got out of the hot tub and showed him my erection and that I had given him drugs. I shrugged my shoulders and smiled at the lawyer and made a remark about "well maybe my penis wasn't 100% soft when I got out of the hot tub." But then about the drug accusation I acted all outraged and offered to take a drug test on the spot. Of course the lawyer said that wouldn't be necessary. I could tell by the way this lawyer looked at Jesse that the boy had already lost his argument.

Now, do you remember the way you wrote my wife's will? She was ready to sign a will that said in case of her death I had complete control over her sons. But then her smart-ass lawyer started in about the temptation where large sums of money are involved and how he was certain I was a good man and would be a loving father but he objected to that provision because some unscrupulous stepfather might use it to enslave innocent boys and gain control of their inheritance. All this time he's smiling and apologizing to me for even bringing this up.

But you were sitting next to me and you remarked in the most casual way, "What if one of the boys acts in a completely irresponsible manner? Are you saying that the stepfather should have no way to do anything about that?" So you helped that other asshole lawyer work out the wording in about ten minutes. I brought a copy of it with me that day I took Jesse to the lawyer's office. It says that in case one of my stepsons acts in an irresponsible manner I had full authority to every parental right including enslavement. I remember the very last thing you added into that paragraph was "including enslavement." I could kiss you, man!

Jesse is still clueless at this point. Me and the lawyer take him right over to the courthouse and right into Judge Flemm's chambers. Yeah, you know Flemm. He's old and half blind and just rubber stamps whatever is put in front of him. Well, it would've been a slam-dunk win in front of any judge. The fact that my wife's lawyer, charged with the best interest of her sons took my side really made it an open and shut case.

The boy dropped out of school to pursue a life as a professional surfer - even though he hadn't even won any local competitions. He spends loads of money on renting a limo to come home and then spends thousands more in the surf shop by treating everyone in the store to anything they want. Then to top it off he makes wild accusations against his stepfather - and here the lawyer really turned up the stakes calling me a pillar of the community with an impeccable record for decent dealings in all things. It was all I could do to keep from bursting out laughing.

My oldest stepson is not the brightest bulb in the chandelier. He's finally catching on that this is an enslavement proceeding. He demands to speak and since he's still a free boy they have to let him. But, just as I'd hoped, he only dug his hole deeper - justifying why he dropped out of school because school was pointless and reaffirming his accusations about me coming on to him sexually. The judge banged his gavel and said, "Enough." Then he declared Jesse enslaved.

Oh, it's such a clich^Î the way free boys like him act when they're enslaved. I mean, convicts or older guys - that's a whole different story. But you know the most delicious enslavements are when there's a boy from a privileged background who isn't prepared to be stripped and collared. The kid actually tried to bolt from the courtroom. You know the layout with the dock for the accused up a few steps. Where did he think he was going to go?

So he gets dragged back into position and two guards hold him while a third one wields the curved knife. Once again I see the boy in a pair of boxer shorts but this time they're cut down the side and fall to the floor. His arms are being held by the guards so he can't cover himself. His dick was soft but I could tell it had a nice thickness. But oh my when they turned him around - mmmmmm, that sweet round white ass! I was so hot for that ass when it belonged to my former stepson. Now that was the ass of my newest slave boy. And everyone knows what a gentleman slave owner does with a new slave boy's ass. Damn, my dick chubbed up in my pants.

Yeah, of course Jesse knew everything about handling slaves. In fact, I had even offered him a chance to fuck some of the younger and prettier slave boys back well before this incident. But he turned me down. He wouldn't even take a blowjob from a slave boy. He thought that was queer. He knew I liked to fuck slave boy ass and he made snide remarks about how he couldn't understand how men who are "truly heterosexual" could do such things. Well, that boy had a lot to learn.

Well I followed Jesse down to the basement of the courthouse to watch the proceedings. Believe me, I know what goes on down there with those guards. It's really easy for a guard to "slip," accidentally fall on top of a cute, newly enslaved boy, and end up with his dick up the new slave's ass. Nobody was gonna steal my chance to be the first one up that sweet butt.

Also it was fun to watch him go through all the phases. He was whimpering with the tattooing and then he was protesting about the enemas. Of course they zapped him with the electric slave prod a few times and that got him quiet and docile. So at the end of the process his body was shaved, he had a slave number tattooed across his left collarbone and his right butt cheek and his handcuffs were attached to the rear handles on his slave collar. I had them trim his hair but leave it a bit shaggy. They didn't like doing that. They want everything standardized on every slave. But this wasn't just any slave.

I kept him naked. He was curled up in one of those small carrying cases and he stayed silent on the trip back to the estate. Damn, that boy had been sitting fully dressed in the passenger seat on his way to the courthouse. Now he was cargo in a cage without a stitch of clothing. But he stayed silent during the drive. You would've thought a boy in that position would have protested, but I think he was just too stunned by how fast everything happened.

But back at home when I got him uncrated in my bedroom he started pleading with me. He told me he'd learned his lesson and "we can stop this game now." But when he called me by my first name I zapped him with the electric slave prod. I think I had the setting too high that first time because he kind of blacked out for a bit. But I guess that showed him I wasn't playing a game. I reminded him to call me Sir or Master at all times.

Then I gave him a full slave examination, just as you'd do at an auction. I'm rubbing, then twisting his nipples until his eyes start to water. I weighed his balls and stroked his penis till it was hard. I kneaded the muscles on his sides and his shoulders and his thighs. And of course I ran my hand up and down his crack. I fingered his butthole. That was the point when he couldn't stay silent and he whimpered begging me, "Please, not there, sir." I smacked his rump for speaking out of turn.

I came right out and asked the boy how come he never let me see him naked. When I first became his stepdad about four-and-a-half years earlier, he would shower in front of me or change into a swimsuit. In fact he thought it was cool when his mom wasn't home and I let him go skinnydipping with me. But in recent years it was a big deal if I even saw him in his boxers. He didn't want to answer me but I gave him permission and told him I wouldn't punish him. He stammered out that he and his brother both thought I was gay. Actually he said "a homo." He said they both started to wonder whether I was "perving" on them.

Looking right into Jesse's eyes I told him he got most of it right. I was in fact more homosexual than hetero. I was hottest for firm young athletic bodies with smooth skin. I had jerked off many times thinking about him. I had even thought about him when I was fucking some slave boy's ass. I couldn't resist. I whispered in his ear, "I know you're totally straight, Jesse. But I'm not. So how does it feel to be the naked sex slave for a homo perv?" His eyes got wet. I think he was working very hard not to cry in front of me.

I came right out and told him that the previous night I would have been satisfied with just a handjob - a friendly act between a dad and son. "Was that so much to ask for?" Of course he's all eager to give me that handjob once I said that. I told him that would be a good start. I uncuffed his hands from his collar so he was essentially free in my bedroom. As he looked around I warned him that he better not be thinking of trying to escape and he better not be thinking of doing anything unpleasant to me, his master. I reminded Jesse that the judge had sentenced him to five years enslavement, but had very wisely left the term of enslavement in my hands. I had the right to shorten Jesse's enslavement and I also had the right to extend it to lifetime servitude. That certainly gave the boy something to think about.

He was clumsy and nervous about undressing me. Apparently Jesse had no concept of how to fold any article of clothing. After all, the way he was raised he just dropped things on the floor and slaves took care of them. When he took down my pants he couldn't miss my boner sticking up at full mast. But I kept it inside my boxers. I decided to keep my boxers on.

Now this may seem kind of perverse. Here I had this gorgeous naked slave boy. But I knew there were some of the boy's old clothes behind the back wall of my dressing room. I sent Jesse in there to find a pair of his old underwear. No, not boxer shorts. Before he wore boxers he used to wear white briefs. Of course it's been a few years so the briefs he came back with were very tight on him. His thick dick was sticking up over the waistband and the top of his ass crack was also showing over the waistband. He suddenly seemed so young and so vulnerable.

I had him sit beside me on the couch, both of us in our underwear. When I turned to kiss his lips he pulled away. I smacked his face so hard it left a red handprint for a long moment. Then I kissed his lips softly. His face had a look of disgust on it. I slapped his face again. "Till you learn how to look happy about sex with me," I said with a little laugh.

Then I gave him a deep tongue kiss. My hands were all over him and I was grinding my hairy body against his smooth slim one. I took his hand and put it around my erect penis, which was sticking out of one leg of my boxer shorts. There was an instant where he seemed like he might pull his hand away. But then I felt him grip my erection and slide his fingers up and down.

Such a nice soft hand, of course I was oozing precum instantly. So I guided his fingers up to his own lips and made him lick them clean. The boy was working so hard to not show a disgusted face I found it simply adorable. He continued to be obedient. He wasn't hopping instantly to each command as you'd expect from a trained slave and his free boy attitude did peek through at times. But, hell, I had dreamed so long of having that face and body for sex, I wasn't quick to complain.

I took him to my bed and instructed him to call me "Daddy." I could tell he didn't like the idea. The whole time since I'd married his mother neither he nor his brother had ever called me Father or Daddy or Dad or anything like that. They had just used my first name.

Well, yeah, we are getting right into my long-held incest fantasies. Now I had a beautiful blond son with a great body and he was going to act like I was his father when he was in my bed. I can't think of much that's hotter than that.

You know I have a theatrical background. So when we got into bed I told him to pretend that he had come into daddy's bed because he didn't want to sleep alone with a thunderstorm outside. No, I don't know where I got that scenario from. Probably some silly porn story I read online. But he played along. "Daddy, can I sleep in your bed tonight. I don't like the thunder." Of course he was way too big and developed to play a role like this, but with his white briefs and his body hair shaved the fantasy sure worked for me.

So I told him that if he slept in bed with daddy he would have to be a very good boy and do everything daddy told him to do. (Oh, stopping typing that - you're going to wear out the LOL keys!) So I started him off licking my hairy chest and sucking on my nipples, while I went along feeling him up, especially pushing down the back of those briefs. I couldn't keep my hands off that sweet round ass.

And then it was really strange how fantasy and reality can get mixed up. I'm not sure which of his reactions were part of our roleplay and which were authentic. When I got behind him and rubbed my dick along his crack, he started begging me, "No, daddy, not that, anything else." Then he blurted out that he would take it in his mouth if I just wouldn't put it in his ass.

I told the boy quite frankly that would only work if he did a really expert job with his mouth and made me cum. Well, this was his first time ever taking a cock in his mouth. Of course he couldn't do much of a job. He gagged once I got the first three inches in - and you know I'm a helluvalot bigger than three inches! I'm sure I was much more tender with his mouth than I would've been with any other new slave boy. I'll tell you the honest truth: as lousy as his blowjob was, I was so aroused just looking down at his face and seeing those soft lips of his wrapped around my thick rod, I could've shot my load. But hell, I'm not gonna lose out on my first chance to take his ass.

So I ended up with the boy on his back, his feet up on my shoulders and me looking down into his eyes. He couldn't look back at me, he was weeping kinda softly. I kissed his tears away. He didn't want to let me kiss his mouth with tongue, but I slapped him and that loosened him up. Actually I told him that if he wanted me to be gentle with that first fuck he should be nice to me and kiss me and lick my chest. Yeah, whatever, truth is I was gonna fuck him hard because that's my style.

Oh man, I wish I had a camera for the look on his face that first time I slid my thick cock all the way into him. I'm so glad I fucked him on the back so I could see his face. Yeah, I fucked him hard, but I could hardly hold off for five minutes. At least that first time. But then I stuck it in his mouth for a cleaning and before you knew it I had it back up his ass again. This second time I really fucked him deep and hard.

I knew it would set the wrong precedent to let him sleep in my bed, so I chained him on the floor next to my bed. I woke him in the morning to drink my piss. He really put up a fight then and the floor was a mess. I strapped him across the horse for his first paddling. Then I released him so he could lick up the floor. He learned soon enough to thank his master for giving him the honor of a nice drink of man piss.

For the next week I just went crazy with sexing up that boy. He learned to do everything in every position. I'm proud of how fast he learned to suck my cock all the way down. I also started playing lots of scenes with him. Yes, there's my theatrical bent again. So I'd dress him up in his free boy clothes and have him come in and call me dad and tell me his girlfriend had left him real horny after their date. That was a nice one. We ended up just masturbating each other - no fucking, no sucking. No, I am not getting soft in my old age!

The favorite scene we played out a lot was where he came to dad for punishment. Instead of stripping his clothes off, I would leave his pants and underpants tangled around his ankles and his t-shirt pulled up to his armpits. Then I'd bend him over my lap for a barehanded spanking. Of course that led to a rough fucking. But the game we were playing was that he was my free boy son begging me not to put my dick in his ass. Yeah, I can't explain why that kind of scenario makes my dick so hard, but it does.

That's when my son Lem came home. OK, granted, Lem got my genes. When I was his age I was out of shape and my skin was bad. But I had treatments and plastic surgery and now I'm hot and hunky in my middle years. I suppose I give Lem a hard time because I don't like people seeing that he's my son and wondering where he got his looks from. Sure, someday he'll start getting the blubber cut out and some surgery to make his face look better. But for now he's my cross to bear.

So I tell Lem I have a surprise for him. I make it clear that this belongs to daddy but that he may borrow it. Then I open his bedroom door and there's Jesse in slave kneel position, hands behind his neck and looking down at the floor. You wouldn't believe how fast Lem got his fly open. He asked me whether Jesse was trained to drink piss, but he was already peeing down the new slave's throat before I even had time to answer. And of course that pissing session turned into a facefucking session.

Lem started calling some of his friends from school right off. Yeah, he has friends at that school. I mean his friends aren't jocks or popular kids like Jesse's friends. They're mostly geeky boys, not very athletic. They have a club where they play this online game - they're wizards and giants and elfs and whatever. Well, Lem invited them over to sample the new slave for their game.

It turns out all of Lem's friends resented Jesse in the same way. Jesse always thought he was so cool and he always made fun of these geeky boys. I watched some of what went on with the group of five boys. Two of Lem's friends protested that they were straight, but the other boys said you didn't have to be queer to stick your pecker in a slave boy's mouth. As far as I could tell all of the boys at least sampled Jesse's mouth and most of them got up his ass as well. In between they were playing games to embarrass him and humiliate him. You know that Lem is interested in videography so he was recording a lot of it. Well, OK, yeah, I suppose you wouldn't know that Lem had gotten an interest in making videos. But he sure got a lot of footage of his buddies messing with Jesse.

Lem made a little movie of Jesse begging to worship his young master's body. Oh man that got me hot. Here's the beautiful blond with the incredible chest and cut abs begging to lick the sweat from my smelly fat son. Then this skinny boy whispers something to Lem and all those boys start whispering together. One boy steps away and goes "Eeeuuuu!" and makes a face like he's disgusted by what they're talking about. The skinny boy speaks up and says that his grandpa told him about how they used to humble a new slave. Well, I know what humbling a slave means. Apparently, Jesse also knew what it meant. He was begging and pleading and crying as they strapped him down naked in an x-shape. Then Lem pulled down his own pants and underwear and sat his fat ass down on that pretty blond boy's face. I didn't watch the tape beyond that because that sort of thing turns my stomach just a bit. Well, I may not want to look at it, but I sure did like the idea that my high-and-mighty stepson had been brought down so low.

I must say that after that day Jesse became a much more obedient slave. He really snapped to it no matter what my command was. Apparently my son can be even nastier to a slave than I can - well at least to this one particular slave. But, that's the odd thing, once Jesse became so quick to obey, once he had been so broken, I started to lose interest. Well of course I could still get erect just looking at him: he's a beautiful boy with an incredible body. But I wasn't so interested in spending a long time playing with him. I was surprised how quickly me and Lem had managed to break Jesse's free boy spirit.

One thing I did enjoy - Lem started making movies of the little scenes I played out with Jesse. Turns out Jesse is a good actor. Well, mostly he was playing himself - his old free boy self - but those scenes were hot. I set up a really special scene for a movie me and Lem planned out. I even removed Jesse's slave collar and Lem put some make up over Lem's slave tattoo. I dressed the boy in his boxers and his snazziest new clothes and we played a scene as if he was just coming in from a date.

Well, Jesse played his part real convincingly. He sat beside me and told me how much he wanted me and how much he wanted sex with me, all the time calling me dad. I played along and we kissed and caressed and undressed each other. He eagerly went down and slurped on my cock telling me how he now knew he was queer and what he needed was his dad's thick cock. And then he's begging for me to put my cock up his ass. I have some dialogue where I say I can't help myself because he's so beautiful, but that I know it's wrong for a dad to do this to his son. That was Jesse's cue to start begging me to make him a slave. I keep protesting, saying things like "if you're a slave you'd also have to service Lem and you'd have to take the dicks of any of my friends." He replies perfectly with the dialogue I gave him and tells me that he knows now he's hot for cock and he was meant to take care of men's big hairy dicks, and that the only way he could be happy was serving as a sex slave for men.

So that's the video that I've sent you. Nobody is going to give me acting awards, but I think it comes across realistic. Yes I have a copy here on the same computer I've been using to Instant Messenger you, right from the car. I did all the editing on this very computer. Yes, I know people have been doing that for a couple of generations now, but I just mean it's an accomplishment for me.

We're more than half way there now. Oh, I didn't tell you. The driver is taking me to Arizona to pick up Jesse's younger brother Robbie from school. I was wondering how I'd go about telling the lad what happened with his older brother and I decided showing him this video would be the easiest way. I don't know how Rohbie will react. It is a very erotic video after all and I plan on showing it to him while we're on the highway. I'll probably need to masturbate right here in the car while we're watching it.

No I'm not heading home right away. I'm taking the boy on a side trip to Las Vegas; I'm looking at purchasing some land around there. What's that? Yes, of course I'm aware of the news about Las Vegas lowering their age of consent law. Well, yes as a matter of fact I do believe the Robbie falls within the new age range.

No, I didn't leave Jesse with Lem. I can't trust Lem with that valuable piece of slave flesh. I'm glad I managed to stop my stupid fat son before he got further than two lashes on Jesse's upper thighs with a thin bamboo cane. Keep in mind, Jesse could bring in a lot of money if I put him up for auction. I don't want his value lowered. Well, no, I have no plans to sell Jesse right now, but one has to plan for the future. And yes of course I know that a five-year indenture doesn't bring in all that much. I've already completed the paperwork to have Jesse made a lifetime slave.

I left Jesse with my father. That gentlemen's club he belongs to likes to have a cute boy chained in the locker room to help with showers and such. As I understand it you have to be at least 55 to even qualify for membership in the club. Oh, don't think Jesse's gonna have such an easy time of it. My dad takes one of those new pills and he can fuck for hours like he's a twenty-year-old. Funny thing, it turns out a lot of the men who belong to the club are the grandfathers of the boys Jesse knew from school. In fact, the new club president is the grandfather of that skinny friend of Lem's, the boy who was so interested in humbling a slave. My father tells me the club president is especially keen on Jesse and has already made a generous offer if I decide to sell.

No I've never spent much time in Las Vegas but I know plenty of people there. Our old pal from school, Slinky, is well established there. In fact he's head of the Las Vegs office of my former wife's law firm. So he would be the person who'd need to sign off on anything relating to my stepsons while I'm in Las Vegas. Of course I'll be bringing Robbie over to meet Slinky. I know Slinky's tastes. He was a leading force in getting the age as low as it is now in Las Vegas. I sent him a picture of Robbie and he sent back the crudest comment - something about wanting to see the boy stripped for the auction block. How silly, I have no intention to auction off Robbie. At least not anytime soon. First, I'll be looking forward to getting those two brothers reunited. Oh? You'd pay good money to see that? Well maybe I can have Lem make a video.


(No, there will not be a chapter 2... if you're intrigued, you can write to me what follows as the stepdad brings Robbie to Las Vegas and beyond. But there may be more installments of MASTER CHATS as powerful men describe the enslavement or acquisition of an especially desirable piece of slave flesh. Let me know yr thoughts or story ideas... redbeardedsf at yahoo dot com.)

Next: Chapter 3: How Many Ponies

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