Master Chats

By Master Redbeard

Published on Jun 24, 2023



By Master Redbeard

"Bob" is a prominent attorney and friend to many in the upper echelons of the slave trading community. He has kept a record of his Instant Messenger chats with many of his friends and clients, but has deleted his own comments from these transcribed conversations. He has changed names or removed names where appropriate. But in this case, everyone knows that Bodoni & Felch is the leading high-end slave-trading establishment and that Wild Pup Auction Night is one of their monthly events open only to the wealthiest and most powerful. Many outside of that circle have heard the story about Old Man Smith and his teenage grandsons. We can now offer an insider's account told by a participant within hours of that now-legendary auction.

Bob's Statement: "I'm releasing these chats to counterbalance the recent spate of sentimentalist BS supposed-enslavement stories, most of which paint the owner or slave trader in a harsh and negative light. This may be an incendiary statement, but I suspect that some of our most prominent slave story writers may be closet abolitionists! How is it possible that slavery enjoys such a high level of support among the American people and yet the public sees any man who enslaves a younger family member as some sort of ogre? It's time the public heard the unfiltered comments of the men who have contributed so much to our way of life by ensuring that fresh young stock is added to our enslaved population."

If it's illegal for you to read stories involving homosexual acts or if you're offended by stories that include family or dominance-submission scenarios, please go away now. If you can't distinguish reality from fantasy, please leave and get help asap. If you want to contact me please include the title of the story in the email title line. Flames ignored. Redbeardedsf at yahoo dot com.


I'm so glad you're online. I must tell you about last night at Bodoni & Felch. Yes they are the most expensive slave traders up and down the coast and you know how I just can't stand Bodoni, but you know that once a month they have a sale on Wild Pups. I never miss that. I refuse to buy from B&F but I never miss attending that auction.

Yes, the Wild Pup Auction was last night. I can't believe how you always manage to be out of town and miss it. How important can your business be?

No! Pup does not mean underage! A pup can be any boy under 21 as long as he's boyish and "more cute than handsome" - that's how they say in the brochure. Of course they are all shaved for auction but a pup is supposed to be naturally smooth.

Yes, it was that damn supposed pup I bought from Bodoni three years ago - then when his body hair started to grow back in he was a hairy beast everywhere. I demanded my money back but Bodoni wouldn't hear of it. So that's why I stopped buying from B&F. But you have to hear about last night.

Bodoni always gives me a dirty look when I show up for wild pup night. But he wouldn't dare kick me out. Half the men there I do business with and the other half belong to my country club. I just like to see and feel what's on display. I always make sure to grope the boys when Bodoni is watching just to piss him off, since he knows I'm not buying any. Well at least I hadn't. But I'm trying to tell you about last night.

What I really want to tell you about is Old Man Smith. Well I don't know if he's richer than God, I haven't checked out God's accounts receivable, but he's richer than me and you know I have a helluvalot of money. So Smith shows up at the auction with his two grandsons, the youngest grandsons. Yeah, the ones from that real pretty daughter he had. It was before my time but everyone knows the story. The girl was gorgeous, Smith's favorite, but she ran off with some good-for-nothing boy from an abolitionist family.

The poor girl died in childbirth with the second son and then that husband didn't even want his boys to see their grandpa. Well, you know how powerful Smith is. So the asshole son-in-law ended up bringing the boys to grandpa's estate for visits anyway. This guy was such a horse's anus that he wouldn't even take money from Smith for anything. He sent his sons to a public school. Can you imagine the grandsons of Old Man Smith in a public school? Well if that dad of theirs hadn't been so almighty arrogant and proud the boys might not have ended up... well, I'll get to all that.

Smith brings in the boys and you know that you have to be legal age to attend an auction. At least an auction like this one. It's different when it's household slaves and they keep that merchandise covered up. But this stock being auctioned had either loincloths or briefs of those pouch things, all of which were mostly pushed aside with tackle on display.

Every one of the slave boys was erect for most of the examining period. Yes, Bodoni gives a 2-hour period before the auction. That's what makes it so much fun. And of course he keeps them cock caged for days before so they'll all be boned for the customers. We are supposed to examine them and not jerk them off, but there's always some boys who squirt while on display. The crowd cheers. Bodoni grumbles. The boy blushes.

Well yes all of them blush. This is WILD Pups. None of them are trained. One of the selling points is how recently the boy was enslaved. Imagine how it must feel for some hunky teenage athlete who was living the life of a free boy just two days earlier and now he's stripped nearly naked, body shaved, collared, cuffed and shackled, while a bunch of horny homo pervs stuff their hands into his briefs. Yes, I know, I know! I'm a married man myself, but you know my taste. I'm a horny homo perv if ever there was one. I like my slaveboys like I like my cheesecake: fresh, tender, white and smooth.

But I was starting to tell you about Smith' grandsons. No, neither of the boys was technically of legal age. The older one had his birthday the very next day so he'd be turning legal age at midnight. Well, I sidled up to Bodoni and said something about allowing the boys in to the auction. Of course, Smith is so powerful and such a big customer he can get any rule bent. But Bodoni just got this curious look on his face and snickered "there are some exceptions, certain boys of that age that are allowed in to an auction like this one." Well, the only exception I know of is a boy who's going to be auctioned off.

Now I looked at the two boys with more interest. They were gorgeous. Well, you know that all the grandkids in that family are great lookers. I've seen pictures of Old Man Smith when he was young and before he got so fat - damn he was a hot man.

The older grandson had dirty blond hair, the younger one was more of a red-blond. The older had smooth tanned skin, while the younger one had freckles. They were dressed in khakis, nice shirts and ties and sport jackets. They were both very healthy looking and you could tell they were athletes. No, neither of them would ever be a football hero. Both boys were kind of small for their ages, shorter than you expect the men in the Smith family to be - I understand the dad wasn't a very tall man.

I started sizing up the boys. Was it possible Smith would sell his own grandsons, these beautiful boys? That's when I saw Bindthem. Yeah, everyone knows Bindthem. I don't think anyone knows his first name. But he does seem to pop up at all sorts of events. And he knows the inside scoop on everything. I don't know how that man does it.

Well of course Bindthem had the scoop on the Smith family story. It seems the son-in-law, the one who sired those gorgeous little blond boys, had been very proud, never wanted to take money from Old Man Smith. But a few year back he went to Smith for investment advice - he started worrying about being able to pay for college for his boys. Yeah, I told you he was an asshole. I'm sure Grandpa would have sent the boys to the most expensive college by chauffeured limousine.

So anyway, this jerk takes investment advice from his father-in-law and loses a bundle. So that's when he starts taking loans from Old Man Smith. The strangest thing - the man keeps taking investment advice from Smith and keeps on going further and further into debt to that nasty old bastard. It turns out the son-in-law was already enslaved a couple of months earlier for the debt.

The boys went to live with grandpa. You expect a happy ending, right? Well, Bindthem tells me that Old Man Smith is still bitter about the abolitionist son-in-law, still fuming about the boys not acting like Real Smiths, y'know slave-owning macho bastards like all those Smith men. Plus Smith is still pissed off about the money - something like 2-million dollars - as if the old guy would even notice that much money missing. But it's the principle of the thing. So Bindthem assures me those two Smith boys are gonna get auctioned that very night at B&F.

Man I got a boner that wouldn't quit. I mean, I'm watching these real good-looking boys. U could tell they're straight. I have a sixth sense about this. Fully dressed in expensive clothes, good family stock, confident free boys mingling with the crowd. And I now knew they would both be stripped down and turned into slaves - turned into NAKED SEX SLAVES for some horny old man!

Old? Some of the guys at the auction, well you know B----- and L----- and W-----! Even when they were young they were never in shape or handsome! A hot body is not a prerequisite for being filthy rich. Actually why are most of the rich guys I know so damn unappealing? Well, I don't consider myself old. But I'm certainly not young anymore. My oldest son is starting college in a few months. Yes, I know you always thought he was cute, but keep your smutty thoughts to yourself - I'm not about to pull an Old Man Smith on the boy! ;-)

Well yes, of course B&F is very careful to mark the merchandise that isn't yet legal age. The boys wear a green ribbon around their slave collar and a green ribbon around one thigh. And there's a big green sign saying in big letters: This Merchandise is NOT of Legal Age in this Jurisdiction, followed by all this small print.

Well of course the important words there are "in this jurisdiction." Look what's happened since Florida changed the law about legal age there. It's not just the tourist spots that are doing it anymore. They're even talking about lowering the age in New York - they're losing too much tourism and conventions now that California lowered their age. But then again I think every man at wild pup night had a Florida home - I was in the first wave that bought up property in Florida when they changed the law initially. Yes of course, why am I telling you - you were the lawyer who handled the paperwork for me.

I'm certain none of the fine upstanding citizens at the auction would break the law of our jurisdiction. No, I'm not trying to be sarcastic. I mean it. But I'm just as certain a lot of the younger merchandise from B&F would soon be on its way to Florida or Hawaii or Las Vegas or California or... well, that's what I'm saying it's more locations all the time isn't it?

But where was I in telling the story? I got close to the boys so I could listen in and I gave a big friendly greeting to Smith. Yeah, I don't like the fat bastard either. I'm sure he can't stand my guts. But between us we do tens of millions of dollars of business a year, so we are both very cordial and act happy to see each other. He introduces me to the boys: Matt is the older one and the little one is Andy. They shake my hand. But then Andy is whining to his grandfather that he doesn't like it here, that he thinks a lot of these men are gay! Can you imagine? Out of the mouths, as they say.

The older one is telling his brother not to get grandpa angry. The older boy is sweating and looks nervous like he knows something's up. But the younger one is just self-absorbed as kids are. Andy complains about the old guys who are showing boners in their pants. Matt is trying to shut him up. Andy protests that he's totally straight and doesn't want to see old guys with boners.

I've gotta tell you the boner in my pants was leaking at that point. I mean I go to all these school events for my sons. I know you do also. There are all these boys around who are dressed just like these two and look like these two - well except that these two boys were cuter and hotter than 99-percent of the other boys I see. I sometimes see those boys at the school in their khakis and wonder what it would be like to strip them down. No, I don't think I'm a perv. But damn those speeches at school events get boring I have to focus on something.

Anyway, here's this adorable freckle faced redheaded free boy complaining that he's totally straight in this environment where the male pheromones were thick as San Francisco fog. And I know for a fact I will get to see this very boy stripped naked and maybe even get a chance to examine him as I would any other piece of slave flesh!

So it's ten o'clock and time to start the auction. Felch takes the stage. The other partner, y'know he's more of a showman than that skinny old queen Bodoni. Felch welcomes everyone and then says he wants to introduce some very special guests. Smith is leading his two grandsons up to the stage. The younger one acts like this is a big treat but the older one looks scared half to death. He had to have a good idea what was going on.

The old man introduces the boys to the crowd and then he pulls out the paperwork. You could feel the tension in the room. When he announces that the boys are enslaved to help pay off the debt their father racked up, the older one suddenly turns real mean. "No fucking way, old man!" he's screaming. "You can't do this to me!" He tries to run from the stage but two of those big ebony slaves grab him from behind and lift him right off the floor. Then he starts crying saying how he's a good boy and he doesn't deserve this.

I think Smith was purposely playing this out for the crowd. Y'know in case anyone was going to be outraged he enslaved his own grandsons. He goes into a tirade about the money their father owed. He bellows, "Is it fair to all your cousins to do without that money?" He went on about how the money from auctioning the two of them would go to pay back the share to be split among all the cousins.

Damn, y'know I just thought of this now. The old man is so filthy rich even splitting his fortune among all those cousins those two kids would've gotten fifty times the amount their dad owed him. He could've just taken the 2-million out of their inheritance. But... ours is not to reason why. It was a helluva show.

Matt put up a fuss about not wanting to strip. Now he's the one complaining that the men in the crowd are homo perverts. Of course they could've brought out the prod right then but I think they wanted to use the curved knife on his clothes. The two big black slaves were holding him upright and Felch himself wielded that sharp thing. The blond boy's shirt and pants fell in rags. Other slaves pulled off his loafers and socks. His white boxers were slit almost all the way up one side, but Felch raised his hand to stop it going any further. He grins at the crowd and says he wants to leave something for us to stick around to wanna see later. Yeah, like any of us would leave at this point. I told you he's the showman.

Andy stops sniffling long enough to beg his grandpa not to enslave him. You could tell from looking at Smith that nothing was gonna dissuade him. When the kid is threatened with the curved knife he decides to undress himself. You could tell how shy and nervous he was from the way he was blushing - I don't know why these things make my dick leak but they do. That chest was really nice. Well developed pecs and a tummy as flat as my computer screen. (No, silly, it's not a curved screen!) When he dropped his khakis he kept at least one hand in front of his white briefs at all times.

Well of course they collared both boys and cuffed their hands to the rings around back of the collars. Y'know, the usual. Both of them displayed tents - the younger one in white briefs and the older one in white boxers. I especially enjoyed the look on Andy's face. Just minutes before that he was saying how uncomfortable he was being around all these homos - and now he was displayed nearly nude in front of this crowd of middle aged men, and a lot of the men in the crowd did nothing to hide the tents in our pants as we smiled up at the two brothers. Damn I was licking my lips.

Bodoni announced that he and Smith would be taking the boys to a side room to begin the transformation. Yeah, transformation - the pretentious creep always likes to be poetic about things. The whole crowd groans. He tells them that there will be a video of the proceedings for sale after the event. Felch then announces that the auction will begin with the stock on the floor and that the two Smith boys would be the final lot for sale later that night.

No, I think the bidding went fine on the floor stock. Sure everyone was thinking about the Smith boys but let's face it those boys were going to fetch a small fortune. Now granted every man in that room was rich. But those boys were going to end up with someone super rich. I think the thing with the Smith boys got such a charged atmosphere going in that place that B&F probably made more money off the other boys than they might've otherwise.

No I didn't stay to watch the auction. I managed to grab Bodoni by the arm and whispered to him that I know there are viewing rooms where he's going and that I wanna watch. He gave me a look like he just smelled sour milk over rotting fish. But before he could say anything I stuffed a bunch of 10-thousand dollar bills in his hand and just smiled at him. He nodded and pointed the way.

I was settled into a private cubicle that was on a mezzanine level with one-way glass looking down into the slave induction room. Of course there's a B&F slave down at my feet, a real cute boy who would've had my full attention any other night, but I was way too wrapped up in the show going on in the room below. When the slave boy tried to unzip me, I pushed his hand away. I was afraid I would cum too fast and didn't want to waste this experience.

The two adorable blond free boys were dragged into the induction room below in just their white underpants. With their hands already cuffed to the handles on their collars, they were attached to chains hanging from the ceiling and left to dangle there with their toes just barely touching the ground. Believe me their bodies stretched out like that looked damn delicious.

Old Man Smith saunters in after them and takes a seat in a big padded chair where he could view all the action. Then - I swear this is true - the old letch unzips and pulls his dick out of his fly. He doesn't actually masturbate that pole, he's just lightly playing with it as if he's watching a porno movie. Well, who am I to criticize since I was doing the same thing? Yeah, you're right, I guess it is different with him being the grandfather and all.

The boys get their underpants pulled down and then the big black slaves are soaping them up for shaving. The older boy I could kind of tell he had pubes but the blond color made them barely visible against his skin tone. The younger boy probably had some smaller bush, but you know how red-blond hair doesn't show up against that skin tone. They only seemed to give the younger one a perfunctory shaving. It was clear even the older one didn't need his ass crack shaved, but they took a few swipes with the blade anyway. Also, it didn't take long to get rid of the bits of armpit hair and shave Matt's lower legs.

Then they both got slave haircuts. No, I hate it when they shave them totally. These were like quarter-inch crew cuts or even shorter. Matt already had short hair but Andy had long wavy hair that just fell all down his naked body. This left the two of them looking even younger than they had started out.

They were unhooked from the chains, had their hands uncuffed and one of the big black slaves started giving them instructions in slave posture. Well, the boys decided to use this opportunity to start begging their grandfather not to enslave them. Old Man Smith would snap a finger and one of the black slaves would zap the boys with a slave prod. First one and then the other was writhing on the floor and twitching. Finally the boys got the message and they were snapping to slave attention, slave rest, kneel, display and all those other positions slaves do.

My dick was out. I was toying with it, kind of like Old Man Smith was doing with his. But I wasn't jerking it off. I wanted to keep on enjoying this scene to the maximum.

Satisfied that the boys knew their poses, Bodoni ushered the two pretty blonds over to the side of the room with showers and drains. Well, yes, the room is used for preparing slaves so of course they have everything right there in one place. The boys are told to bend over for enemas and once again Matt balks at the idea. But just showing him the slave prod was all it took to get him bent over with that adorable butt in the air.

Now I've already told you that all this time I'm doing my best not to cum. But as Bodoni greases up their buttholes - oh yeah, the slaves did most of the work but you don't think Bodoni would miss a chance to be the first finger up those straight boy rectums - and then I watch as he pushes the nozzle of an enema first into the older brother and then into the younger one, well, what can I tell you? The sight of that nozzle sliding into that beautiful butt and the sound of the boy groaning at the intrusion, well of course I shot my load.

It was handy the slave boy was in the cubicle with me. Those B&F boys are well trained. Even though I hadn't even let him touch my cock he was right there and caught every drop of my cum in his mouth. Damn, I was out of breath but I didn't want to miss a moment of the action.

The boys were washed out three or four times, I lost count. Then scrubbed in the shower of course. Then there was a room divider and the younger one was taken to one side while the older one was brought to the other side. Andy was just chained up again as before, but Matt was being spread out over this very modern horse, his butt in the air and his head hanging down over one end of the contraption. The horse may have looked modern but the pose was classic: His legs were spread wide and hooked to the legs on one side of the horse and his arms were hooked to the legs on the front side of the bulky piece.

I look at the clock. It just turned midnight. That meant that Matt is now legal age for sex. And, hold on to your seat, Old Man Smith was calmly and slowly stripping off all his clothes. That great big fat and hairy old guy standing right where his older grandson could see him and taking off every stitch. Damn, his belly looked even bigger like that. And his white beard seemed to just keep going on into his chest hair.

Well you certainly know how hot I am for guys. But I figured the sight of Old Man Smith's big hairy body would be enough to deflate my dick. And yet, it's an odd thing. There was a strange turn on from the contrast between the tight defined smooth body of the boy spread out on the horse and the bloated abominable snowman hovering over him in such a threatening way.

I looked at the way Matt's muscles tensed, knowing he was still thinking like a free boy, knowing that he had been leading a privileged life in expensive clothes just two hours earlier. Frankly, having to serve a body like Old Man Smith's has to be the ultimate in breaking a straight teen athlete like that into accepting his new role as a slave. Yeah, you're right, knowing it was his grandfather must have made it even more intense for that blond beauty.

By the way, I was shocked at how stiff Smith's dick was. I didn't think men that age could be that stiff. Oh, yeah, you're right, he probably got some pill to take, but still it was impressive. And I could see even from my viewing room up above that his dick was leaking as he rubbed it all over the boy's face.

Of course the boy was doing the usual - he was turning his head and keeping his lips clamped together. Smith gave some verbal cue and then there was a scream from the other side of the room divider. He had decided that if Matt disobeyed he would use the slave prod on Andy. Smith explained that and ordered the older brother to stick out his tongue and clean his balls. I watched that pink tongue. I saw that disgusted look on the boy's face and the way his bound body was twisting on the horse. This was clearly a straight boy being made to do things he never dreamed he'd have to do.

I looked at the other side of the divider and Bodoni was spreading slave oil on the younger boy's bound body. No sex, mind you, just oiling him up. Of course he was taking his sweet time about rubbing on that tender young body and working his fingers real special into certain spots.

By this time Old Man Smith was sliding his cock in and out of the older brother's mouth. Two of the black slaves were at Matt's rump. When one finished jerking himself off the other took the cream and used it to grease up the boy's virgin asshole. Think about it - when this boy pulled on his boxer shorts earlier in the day he never dreamed that his butthole would get lubed up with a black slave's spunk.

Next thing you know grandpa is at the boy's rear entrance and rubbing his fat cockhead around the opening. Now Matt isn't acting so brave, he's whimpering and begging.

Bodoni joins them on their side of the divider and starts pulling his clothes off. Yes, that's right. Well, all I can tell you is his dick is like his body - long and thin. Bodoni is after the boy's mouth. He's smirking down at the teenager taunting him that he once overheard Matt say he thought Bodoni was a fag who probably wanted to suck his dick. But now Bodoni says, "But I don't suck slave dick. Slaves suck me." Then he shoves the full length of it down the blond boy's throat. As Matt is struggling to breathe, Old Man Smith shoves the full length of his fat one deep into the boy's guts. I'm watching the old guy's big hairy belly bouncing on the boy's hard butt cheeks.

Old Man Smith and Bodoni are talking to each other while they're spit roasting the boy from both ends - just as if the kid isn't even there listening. Well, after all, that is the way we act around slaves. Smith says how he knows that fucking the boy will lower the auction price, but he feels like he deserves this dividend from the sale. Meanwhile the younger brother is chained up on the other side of the divider, able to hear all that's being said and all the action but unable to see anything that's being done to his older brother.

The old man is dripping sweat on the boy and gripping him. I thought Smith was gonna have a heart attack. I couldn't look away - I sure wouldn't have wanted to miss that moment. But then he just collapsed on the boy and you could tell he was creaming up his own grandson's ass. Bodoni slammed into the boy's face and the way he was grunting you could tell he was feeding the kid his spunk. Then grandpa pulls out of that gorgeous butt, slowly comes around in front of the boy and demands that his cock be tongue cleaned. I could see the ooze sliding down the back of the boy's legs. That blond beauty was so broken by that point he just stuck out his tongue and did as ordered.

Well I put my dick away. I wasn't gonna shoot my cream a second time just from watching. I hurried back out into the main room knowing the auction would proceed soon enough.

Have you seen the latest media features at Bodoni & Felch? They've got a plasma screen wall that they can break into as many images as they like - and it goes up the full two-story height of that main room. Well, I don't know how they edit the stuff so fast, but they had one huge screen showing bits and pieces of the enslavement process I had just witnessed. Fuck, no, they didn't leave out a thing. There were the two of them getting those enema nozzles shoved into their virgin holes! They even showed Old Man Smith bare-ass naked and dicking his grandson up his rear end! They showed close ups of Bodoni rubbing that slave oil into the younger boy!

But that wasn't the whole reason the crowd was going wild. On another screen beside it, just as big, there was footage of the two boys just as they'd appeared three hours earlier. There they were, bigger than life, in their free boy khakis mingling with the guests. That was intermixed with all sorts of footage of those same boys from their free life. There was Andy in his baseball uniform. There was Matt on his swim team. There was a picture of the two of them dressed up for some formal event, and then a picture of them wearing baggy shorts and sloppy t-shirts washing a car.

Felch is doing his best showman act on that stage telling the crowd how they now had a chance to own the very free boys we had just mingled with a few hours earlier. The kids are brought out. Once again their hands were cuffed to the handles on the backs of their slave collars and each boy was in a fresh pair of white underpants - boxers for the older and briefs for the younger.

They're not gonna give the crowd a chance to feel up this merchandise. Felch tugs down the undies and feels up both these boys with every eye on his hands. He turns them around, plays with their cracks and then raises one finger to say, "Oh, something wet in this one." Somebody yells out "That's his grandpa's spunk." The whole room breaks into laughter.

That gives Old Man Smith an excuse to jump on the stage and regale us with a blow-by-blow description of that blond beauty's butt. Fuck, the way the old man was going on could've made a truckstop toilet slave blush; that grandson of his was completely red and quivering all over. But that creepy old bastard knew what he was doing - the auction started taking off like crazy and going into the stratosphere.

Oh, Rodolpho was the one who ended up getting Matt. No matter what anyone bid, Rodolpho just went higher. Yes, I know he's a boor with ghastly table manners, but money washes away all sins, don't you agree? What a sweet deal Rodolpho has! He gets to write off the cost of a beauty like this one to his business and then he takes the boy away for a couple of months in the name of training. So he'll get to enjoy Matt while the skin is still tender and smooth and the ass isn't all stretched out like a tunnel.

Well, yeah, I agree - once he's been used in Rodolpho's business for a couple of months, he wouldn't appeal to me. I mean, far be it from me to criticize how some other man makes his money, but it just seems so twisted. I mean, brothels are important to economic health and sexual health. But the things people do to those boys in Rodolpho's establishments... well, yes, of course I've been there and used the services. But I've only been a few times on special occasions, just for the change of pace, not like some weirdo.

Oh, don't worry about Andy. Rodolpho didn't get his grubby hands on the younger brother. In fact, that's what I've been getting to. I'm writing this from mid-air in my private plane stretched out in just my boxers. I'm heading down to my Florida estate. No, I'm the only passenger back here. But I'm looking at some valuable cargo right at this very minute.

That's right. I'm Andy's new owner. I took off his shackles so he's just in his collar and his free boy white briefs. He's in his cage with his knees up to his chest, his arms wrapped around those smooth legs, doing his best not to look at me. Oh, he's so adorable.

In fact, I was contacting you to see if I could visit your rancho outside Cancun? Will you be there anytime this month? You know Rodolpho has that complex in Cancun. That's where he was heading with the older brother and we thought a family reunion might be entertaining. Oh, Rodolpho is so theatrical. He wants to stage this whole wedding thing with his new slave as the groom and....

Oh, this is what I've been waiting for. The captain just announced that we've entered Florida air space. Time to let my merchandise out of the cage so he can get to know his master a little better. Damn, that look in his eyes - it's as if he can read my mind.

(the end... No, there will not be a chapter 2... if you're so intrigued, you can write to me what follows as the new owner gets better acquainted with his new merchandise. But there may be more installments of MASTER CHATS as powerful men describe the enslavement or acquisition of an especially desirable piece of slave flesh. Let me know yr thought or story ideas... redbeardedsf at yahoo dot com.)

Next: Chapter 2: Prep School Dropout Stepson

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