Master Brett and Slave Mark

By Mark Irving

Published on Jul 9, 2023


Master Brett and Slave Mark (3) Hello Sailor

As we just lay there basking in the afterglow of fantastic sex, and my virgin arse being flowered in such a beautiful way, all I could think of was the control and power this man had over me, and as soon as I gave over that control, he completely manipulated and choreographed every move we made. It clearly wasn't his first rodeo, but boy could he ride, he was smart enough to allow me to set the pace initially , but as soon as my body adjusted, I was just a hole and receptacle for his beautiful horse cock , and equally delicious cum.

I desperately wanted round two, I could feel his body pressed up against mine, and his now deflated cock just lay in wait, but I also know that my role as the submissive, no longer gave me the freedom to initiate any type of play. And with that thought in my head and the comfort of knowing I had a powerful dominate to take care of those endless urges, I dropped off to sleep, as the storm pounded the tent, what a night, what an adventure.

The morning had finally got here, but there was still rain falling, not as bad as last night, and certainly not as heavy. I slowly extracted myself from the arms of Master Brett, and as quietly as possible unzipped the sleeping bag, and moved outside the tent, the one thing about being in a rain storm in the North of Queensland is that it's always warm. First things first, I needed a piss, and even as I held my cock to relieve myself , I reflected on just how exciting it was to have Master Brett suck and drain my cock last night, and how I turned the table from being fucked , to sucking the very last drop of his cum out of that massive horse cock. I quickly scanned the area, to make sure the boat was still secured, and the camp site had survived. I was thankful that Master Brett had set up a type of lean too for the camp fire, and our collected wood supply was dry. The next step was to organise the fire, and prepare breakfast, I also put a large pot of water on the swing BBQ for coffee and showers, there's something special about camping and the fires, everything tastes better, smells better, and what could be better, than sitting around a fire with a cuppa?

Anyway, I jumped back onto the boat, and into the cabin to check in with the base, I informed them that we were ok, but the seas were too rough to mauver between the reefs at this point, so Brett and I will do our survey in between the rain showers, but we could be here for a couple of days until the waters settle, I also mentioned that I would check back during the evening and mornings each day until we leave. The official part of my job done, it was now time for that coffee. The rain had settled for a bit, but the damp air was still present. I hadn't bothered with putting clothes on, we were in the middle of a reef, storm all around us, and rough seas, and it certainly wasn't cold, The Tom Hank's Castaway movie sprung to mind, and I don't think anybody else was about to drop in for coffee. The fire was well aflame by the time I got back to the camp, the hot water was right for the coffee, with plenty to spare for the showers. Master Brett finally stirred, and I handed him a coffee, "Perfect way to start the day", and how's my little Bitch this morning". "Could not be better, thank you for last night, it was everything I had ever imagined, but so much better, I have never been so turned on in my life", "Hang on Bitch, I need to take a leak", so he drifted to the side, grabbed his cock and let loose a torrent of piss, he looked over his shoulder, only to see me licking my lips, " Easy there Bitch, we'll cross that boarder some other time, you don't want my piss this early," Truth be known I was looking at his beautiful cock, but that's interesting he went down that road, (Mental note, look that up on Google). Returning to the fire and his coffee, he asked me if I enjoyed what happened last night. I confirmed my previous statement, and told him how magical the night was, and I love his beautiful cock. "Good , get over here, on your knees, and kiss my balls and you may as well lick and suck my cock", a split second later my tongue lapped at his big horse balls, taking each one in my mouth and licked them all over, now I turned my attention to the giant flesh , which had now grown to full length, every time I see that monster, my cock gets harder, but my only thoughts were to please and serve this power man, I sucked up and down the shaft, licked the knob, nibbled the very tip, then slowly engulfed three quarters of the fleshy monster, generating moans of delight, then to show my devotion to him , I plunged forward taking the shaft deep into my throat, leaving it there and allowing my throat muscle to tickle his knob, my free hands played with his arse, spreading his cheeks, exposing his hole, I even dare to tickle his wrinkled butt, I kept this up for five minutes, then I felt his entire body stiffen , his cock began to swell, his balls tightened, and his grip on the back of my head indicated he was about to deposit a full on protein shake into my waiting throat, he released his grip up to a point then began thrusting in and out of my mouth, then it happened, mid thrust, he blew into my mouth, and as much as I tried, still his cum leaked out of the corner of my lips and onto my chin. I could not get enough of this cock, the power cum loaded horse cock, and even as he withdrew, he was kind enough to smear the remaining few drops of cum over my face and lips. My fingers quickly collected any cum and slipped them straight into my eager mouth. "Your such a fucking slut, you can't get enough can you?, But don't worry we have a few days here, and by the time I'm finished with you , you will be well and truly broken in, and we have all sorts of games to introduce you too." Being the smart arse that I am, I asked him," if there was any way we could put his creamy cum into the coffee". He laughed, and said "we could try, you filthy Bitch, now let's gets some breakfast, and by the way you do have a lovely set of lips, top and bottom".

We both ate a couple of pieces of toast, another coffee, and also prepared a thermos for the field survey, along with enough stuff for lunch, if the weather held off. By 3.00pm we had enough of the wet weather, and the uncomfortable conditions, so we headed back to the camp. Most of our survey notes and studies were on computers, and that suited Brett down to the ground, this all meant less work for him later when we returned to the boat. And my daily progress reports only needed to be typed up and transferred from dot point to a more long winded draft for the Scientist back at the base. So by about 5.00pm, we were done, and as promised I reported back to base for safety reasons. Then together we found a couple of steaks, and noddles for tea. As I said before we could all cock a bit, and we were not averse to turning a steak into a gourmet meal, and with enough herbs and spices and a drop of alcohol, and we could have been in any fine dining restaurant in Europe.

" Are we off the clock Mark", "Yep we've finished all that we had to do, reports are done, survey notes completed, and we've checked the boat and the camp" " Ok bitch, get your collar on, and you can serve me tea, and later on we'll talk about desert". Without further to do I prepared his food and knelt down to present it to him, holding the plate out "Sir your meal as per your request" "Thank you Bitch, you may have yours now, Always remember protocols, Your Master always comes first, and If we're out and about in the presence of other BDSM devotees, you will kneel beside me, whilst I eat or drink, and when given permission, and only then will you be able to eat or drink. Sometimes, you slaves will have your own table or eating area. And when we go anywhere together, you will be on a collar and leash, and one step back. And most importantly I will protect and guide you through club protocols, and nobody uses you without my permission, and I will be the one that punishes you if you digress or displease me, by your own admission you wanted to be my Bitch, and these are just some of the rules. You may ask as many questions as you like or if you have any doubts, I want you to come to me and quietly raise your concerns, BUT not in an open forum, like at the clubs", Before or after the event is fine, this way nobody gets embarrassed". Do you understand Bitch?"

"Yes Sir, I can ask any questions prior to or after the night out, and to observe club protocols, and except punishments by you if and when you feel I deserve them". "Have you ever been punished, you know, spanked, flogged, cropped?, had your pants pulled down, bent over a knee and spanked bare arse?" "No Sir, this is all very new to me, but I think I was spanked when I was a child". "OK, well after tea, I want you to come to me, and ask me to spank you, I want you to almost beg me to pull you over my knee and slap your bare arse, and what's more you will thank me for it, is that clear" I just nodded, and started to do the dishes, "Bitch, you just earned yourself a sound spanking, for no answering me correctly" "Yes Sir, I'm Sorry, "You will be, now you can clean away the dishes, have a shower and an enema, and this will be your routine every night." With my orders handed out, I set about completing my given tasks, Master Brett followed after me and he too had a shower to clean off the salt build up from the day's survey work, surprisingly he too gave himself an enema, perhaps he wants me to fuck him as well, who knows, this is all very new, but I was so excited, and it showed on my cock, I was walking around with a stiff cock, and my only piece of clothing was a leather collar.

I guess now was as good a time as any, so I walked over to Master Brett, knelt before him and asked to punished, "Why do you need to be punished Bitch" "I forgot to answer you correctly Sir" Please Spank me Master I deserve it," with that he grabbed my upper arm and dragged me across his naked lap, my cock was soon wedged between his thighs, and I felt his horse cock pressing into my groin, "Now this is where you're supposed to be, and your very fuckable arse belongs to me, THIS IS YOUR SAFE WORD, DO NOT FORGET IT, YOUR WORD IS UMPIRE, if things get too much for you, you call out that word and everything stops. Are you ready? ". "Yes Sir" The next thing I felt was his hand resting on my exposed arse, then just as quickly received my first slap, then he alternated between both left and right cheeks, I was amazed how quickly my butt heated up, but felt nothing but excitement, and my cock was still rock hard , and trapped between his thighs, Master Brett stopped his assault on my arse, just long enough to finger my butt, first with one finger, then a second one, for a minute or so he drilled my exposed hole, creaming my orifice, I wanted more fingers, "Please Master fuck your sluts hole, I love your fingers" He pulled them out and continued spanking my arse , but this time he used far more force, and out of know where he picked up a paddle and slapped me until I was driving my cock between his legs, I was basically fucking myself, and Master Brett quickly picked up on what I was doing, and slapped my arse even harder almost bringing me to tears, " Get off Bitch, you filthy Slut, I've told you before, I always cum first, and you will always cum after me, now get in the tent and lay down, face up". I moved so quickly, I never even had the chance to rub my burning arse, I was quickly followed by Master Brett, his powerful horse cock waving in the air; He stood over me, his imposing figure, loomed over my head and face, then he turned, so he faced my cock, but more importantly he squatted right on top of my waiting mouth and lips, "Lick my arse Slut, Your just a cock sucking whore , and only good for butt kissing, I want to feel that tongue deep in my hole, Get to it now", with that I was introduced to his manly hole , and again I had never experienced anything like this, but I wanted it , I needed every part of this man, I was Master Brett's Bitch and whore. I could hear his moans of delight, as he pulled his beautiful cock, and occasionally he sucked my pulsating shaft. But he had other plans, and produced his set of clover clamps, attaching them to my nipples, and pulled on them extending them by about 4 inches from their natural position, now it was my turn to moan, but I did it whilst my tongue was buried up his arse, I absolutely love have my nipples played with and abused, the more he pulled and twisted the more excited I became , my cock was fucking the air and occasionally pumped into his mouth, but my insatiable tongue never left his arse.

Once again, Master Brett changed positions, this time he slid between my legs and eased his horse cock deep into my arse, burying it to the hilt, taking my breath away , he just left it there, and once again I felt like I had a tree trunk up my girly arse, "Fuck that feels so good Master, I love being your little whore , your filthy Slut", my cock was waving in the air , my nipples burned every time he pulled or twisted the orbs, then he engulfed my pulsating cock, sucking and licking my over sensitive organ, " Please Master I can't stand it any longer, I need to cum , you're so fucking hot, but your cock sucking, arse licking whore needs to cum, I'll do anything you want , but if your mouth keeps sucking I'm going to blow, Fuck Master Please I need to cum," he just nodded his head, and I just screamed with pent up lust, and thrust into his mouth and throat coating the inside of his mouth, It felt like he had sucked the top off my dick, and with every swipe of his tongue, I moaned again, and again. I couldn't even feel my nipples anymore, every time he sucked my cock he pulled even harder, I was in Heaven and I was being milked by a God, that same God that had his giant horse cock up my arse, and as I came my butt hole tightened on his cock.

Finally he released my pulsating cock from his vacuuming mouth, and withdrew his snake from my arse, crawled up my body and kissed me deep, transferring my cum into my mouth, which I eagerly swallowed, we swapped tongues, licked each other's faces, then he turned me over, pulled me onto all fours and then ploughed my arse again, this time he controlled his powerful thrust, some were shorter ones, others deep and long, causing his balls to slap against my arse. Then I felt his grip on my hips tighten, and his thrust became erratic, his moaning became increasingly louder, and he again attacked my nipples, then he blew his seed deep into my welcoming butt. The bird life may never nest here again, his roar was almost animalistic, he thrashed about taking full advantage of his willing Slut, every hole I had was being used for his pleasure. He pulled out of my very well fucked hole and then stuck his still pulsating cock in my mouth to finish him off. I couldn't get enough of this man love, and my life as a slut had certainly been an eye opener, I sucked and licked his cock until he could no longer stand the sensitive touch of my tongue.

We collapsed on the Mattress , both of us trying to re-capture our breaths, but both loving the way we lost it, Master Brett was huffing and puffing, and a slight sheen of sweat covered both our bodies, slowly but surely our body temperatures dropped, and our breathing levelled out. We kissed and hugged passionately, our hands roaming, touching, and occasionally probing holes that were now oozing juices. "OMG that was fucking amazing, I love your cock Master and licking your cute arse was a dream, taking your horse cock up my arse fulfils any fantasy that I've ever had. And someone should market that delicious cum, I'd have it on salads, and hamburgers" Together we just laughed at the thought of putting McDonalds out of business, (Master's Magic Sauce).

"Get up Bitch and follow me out of the tent, I want to show you something", that's all he said, as he disappeared, I quickly followed his orders. Master Brett walked about 20 metres from the tent and pointed towards the ground, "lie down, face up" I complied without question, I spread my legs and arms, not really knowing what was going to happen. " Now Bitch I want you to pee on yourself" " What " "Just do it or you'll get another severe spanking" I was shocked to say the least, but I also didn't want another beating, so I tried to relax, concentrating on the job at hand, it's not that I didn't need a piss, I really had to go, slowly my body relaxed and the first trickle of pee flowed from my deflated cock, the pee spray slowly then more forcefully, until it hit my chest, and chin, I closed my eyes, and thought about what I was doing, it wasn't just going to the toilet to relieve myself , THIS WAS SEXUAL, and I was doing it for my Master, The stream finally hit my face, and automatically I opened my mouth, even raising my head to capture the nectar. "Keep your mouth open Slut, and only close it to swallow" I then felt hits piss hit my face, and with better aim, started to fill my mouth, I swallowed the first mouthful, BUT then I realised his piss had no smell, odour and the taste was pure and definitely not as acrid as mine. I had to have more, I not only raised my head, but bent forward to actually take his cock into my mouth, just enough so no pee could escape, I swallowed as much as I could , but some did leak down my chin. Slowly the stream died down to a trickle then finally stopped, Master Brett slipped his cock out of my mouth as I licked my lips. Then I lay back down again, my piss had stopped and I was drenched, but very satisfied. "Let's have a shower Bitch, I think we need it".

We quickly rinsed, the soaped each other up, taking time to feel and massage every nock and cranny, even soaping up our hair, then we rinsed off again to remove any soap residue. Away from the shower we dried each other off by the fire, and both shouted ourselves a beer. It was a fantastic moment, naked in front of the fire, drink in hand and absolutely glowing in the aftermath of sexual delight. "Well Bitch, how's your camping session going, is it everything you thought it might be, and hopefully more?" Master Brett enquired, with a slight grin on his face and probably knowing the answer. "I think you already know how I feel, and I think the bird life around here may know as well. From the start, even at the unit, when you and the boys introduced me to male dominated sex, my mind has been spinning, and I've felt and learnt so much, and last week end, I also wore out my cock investigating those links you sent me, and now that you have fully exposed me to all sorts of wild untamed sexual adventures and fucked me so beautifully with that fantastic horse cock, I can't imagine going back to the way things were, I absolutely crave your dominance and control, and when I don't have it, there appears to be something missing in my life." "And what about your spankings and the water play?" " I wasn't sure about spankings, but from what I've seen and read about, pleasure and pain , go hand in hand, and what's more I trust you to extend my boundaries, and taking me to the edge, and in the end I craved the feel of your hand or paddle. As for the water play, how is it that your piss didn't , smell and tasted pure, unlike mine," "Simple Slut, during the afternoon I drank lots of water, pissed a lot more, and basically purified my pee. A Dominate will always want to play, and use his slut, BUT just like the enema, he wants the session to be as healthy and as clean as possible, and most importantly fun for all concern, that's why your pee tasted different. Most of us dominates generally have a plan, and we love new adventures, and especially with very willing submissives, which you appear to be." "Ok, well that explains a lot, and what we have done over the last couple of days, and last week with the boys, is this the normal course of play, and more importantly, DO I NEED TO DO ANYTHING DIFFERENT, am I doing things to your satisfaction". "Bitch, you have exceeded any expectations, I had in mind, you truly are amazing, I can't wait to see what happens next" "Neither can I, I've loved every part of it so far." ..

Next: Chapter 5: Hello Sailor 4

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