Master Brett and Slave Mark

By Mark Irving

Published on Oct 24, 2023


Master Brett and Slave Mark's Feminine side, chapter 7

I woke up the next morning, to the sounds of the bloody alarm clock going off, and wondering where the night went, no sooner had my head hit the pillow and I was gone. Then I remembered the intensive erotic activities of the night before, and it certainly would explain my tender very well fuck butt, and the tireless fucking machine that raped the both of us last night. Neither, Tim or I could walk properly, and our butt muscles had the work out of their lives, but as total sluts and submissives that we are, we would do it again in a heartbeat, it was that good. Having 10 incredible fat inches ploughing our butts consistently gave us a workout, and drove us to heights of pleasure that neither one of us had experienced before. Master Brett and his beautiful horse cock is unsurpassed in quality and feel, and packed full of sensual stimulus that no artificial cock will ever have, but that mechanical monster was pure unadulterated power and force.

Even as I entered the shower, my mind wondered to the upcoming party and the probable high jinks that Master Brett casual spoke of, my only hope was that my butt would return to normal by Saturday night, but as much as I wanted to remain under the teasing hot water spray, my work at the office wasn't going to do its self, so I set about my normal shower routine and excited the shower, dried myself off and dressed accordingly, my under garments consisted of garter, stockings, and soft silky panties as per Master Brett's orders.

My work day was much like every other day, the drafting team had their allotted assignments, and my only meeting with Tim was as he walked past me in the coffee room, he whispered that he arse was a little tender, I just nodded , confirming mine was the same. About 11.00am I received a call from Master Brett, and he asked if I was clear to talk, I told him that I was in my office and alone. "WOW FUCKING WOW!!! The show you put on last night was fantastic, I had no idea that you two sluts would actually take the entire 10"inches, and it looked like both of you wanted more, especially you my sweet slut, I think Tim maxed out, but what a sight, my two Sissy Sluts fucking the newest member of the family, I'm proud of the both of you. "How did you and Tim pull up, after taking that monster?" Both Tim and I are a little tender, but once we got used to the machines relentless thrusting and size, we couldn't stop, and it became a type of ego game trying to outdo each other, thank you Master, we loved it!" "Fantastic, I'm glad you enjoyed it BUT, no more play until the party on Saturday night, believe me you'll thank me later, once again thanks for a show I'll never forget, I'll see you later on this week, love you both". And with that Master Brett hung up and he was gone, and I was left to pounder our fate on Saturday night. During the day I spoke to Tim and told him that Master Brett called and asked how we liked the new toy, and if we had any after effects from it. Tim relayed that his butt and muscle were somewhat tender, but after a few days rest would perfect for Saturday night, I told him that Master Brett forbid us to play until the party, Tim was certainly OK with that. He did ask if "I knew anything about Saturday night", I just shook my head, and told him that "we'll just have to wait and see, it's fairly new to me as well". Then we both went back to work, with a thousand questions running through our minds, knowing that we would just have to trust Master Brett.

The next few days were fairly uneventful, just the normal drafting formalities, customer requests, and enquiries, and as normal Tim and I did our best to accommodate their request, or tried to steer them towards a more viable option. I received a phone call from Master Brett to confirm he would be back on Friday afternoon, and he enquired if we were still right for Saturday night. I confirmed that both Tim and I were looking forward to it. The closer we came to Saturday, the more excited we became, our butts had returned to normal, but our cocks were constantly on full alert, and extra keen to play, both Tim and I had to be careful not to expose our 3D pants as we moved about the office, and we had to fight off the urge to stroke our panty covered dicks to satisfy our growing need.

Finally Saturday arrived, and both us Sissies were old to deep clean and wax for the party and wear the Maids outfits that Master Brett had purchased for us, I was amazed that our outfits fitted perfectly, right down to the pumps, stockings and garter. And when we presented ourselves in front of Master Brett for inspection, the look on his face was one of sheer delight. He presented us with matching collars, and ownership tags, with our names embossed into the tag. He even gave us matching pink silk see through undies, to help us remember our status, not that it was really required, our outfits clearly defined our roles, and to whom we belonged.

When we arrived at the club, we were told to remain silent unless spoken too, and to remain about 3 steps behind Master Brett, who was decked out in bespoke designer leather pants, white silk shirt, and matching leather vest, he of course looked beautiful and in stark contrast to our Sissy attire. I don't know about Tim, but apart from the first night I met Master Brett and Manny this was my first experience at being a real submissive at one of these functions, and to my amazement, and pleasure I saw other submissives similarly dressed and decked out in their finest girly gear. I even saw Manny who gave me the thumbs up as we walk by. His attire was sheer and frilly, and it caught every ones attention, and he was lapping it up. He and Master Brett spoke for a short while, introduced Tim as one of his new Sissies, and he also thank Manny for the superb training he gave me (Sissy Mark). "I remember your first night here at the club, you nearly blew a dozen times that night, and you really loved looking at our Sissy member. But now you're one of them, and a very nice one too" Manny said as he patted my arse, I'm fairly positive I blushed, and you couldn't wipe the smile off Tim's face, as he learnt of my introduction to the BDSM scene. We made our way over to the bar, pulled up a seat either side of Master Brett , who ordered us a couple of drinks each, the first one didn't hit the sides going down , but we sat on the next one , as we surveyed the club. Master Brett told us to remain in the bar area to socialise, while he spoke with other Dominates in another room. It wasn't long before we had other guys wanting to buy us drinks, and offering to play a bit later, if we got permission from our Dominate. We took the drinks and vowed to get back to these guys later on.

Taking the plunge we both moved in separate directions and mingled with the crowed that was gradually flooding in. I ended up talking to other submissives, and we began discussing outfits, waxing and shaving, where to get the best gear to wear. I even had one or two dominates caress my cock and balls as we were talking, one even tried to put his finger up my butt. From my vantage point I could see that Tim was getting his fair share of attention, front and back. I could also see Master Brett surveying the room and our interaction with the other members, from his position at the bar he could watch and intervene if required. But both Tim and I made sure to remind others that we were the property of Master Brett, and he and only he would allow any real play. The other members knew what protocols needed to be followed and respected ownership rules; it didn't stop them from grabbing my arse, pulling and twisting my nipples. It was a flurry of fingers and hands all going the grope, until a bell sounded and all play stopped, from both Tim's corner and mine.

"Ladies, gentlemen, doms and Subs and anybody in between, could we all adjourn to the main play room, so the fun can begin". A few minutes later, we all gathered in the play room, all us Sissy Bitches were on display whilst the Dominates and Masters watched on from the far side of the room. One of the helpers went along the line of the submissives handing out blindfolds, and made sure they were securely fastened. "Now you Sissy girls get down on your knees, and open your mouths, Dominates could you fetch out your beautiful cocks and start one by one, going down the line allowing each bitch to suck your cock, If your submissive Slut picks your cock by raising his hand , you and your girl will be out of the game BUT if she gets it wrong she will be punished on the cross" . After hearing all of the rules, I figured that Tim and I had chance at winning, given that Master Brett had such a large horse cock, but we had not seen the other dominates. I could hear the dropping of Zippers and the popping of buttons as the Dominates moved forward, and not only that but I could feel the heat from those cocks as they loamed forward. Then I felt the smooth head of a cock pressed against my lips as it edged its way in, it was a lovely cock, thick and pulsating, But not Master Brett's. Then the mysterious cock disappeared, only to be replaced by a slightly thinner one, but just a bit longer, it was strange to feel the difference, but so exciting, so I licked and sucked, creating a vacuum for the piece of flesh pounding my face. Then I heard the announcer say that we have our first submissive to be punished, and that he was removed from the game.

We carried on sucking cock, I heard others loose, and others had found their respective Dominates, to the applause of the club members, I had no idea just who many of us submissives were left, but the cocks kept on coming and I just continued to lick and suck those wonderful weapons, then I was introduced to a cock that not only filled my mouth but did it's best to slid down my throat, I did my best to accommodate the plunging cock, then I was almost about to raise my hand , when I remembered a trick Manny taught me, and that same trick always made Master Brett moan and his cock twitch, so I swallowed the monster cock, used my throat muscles and grip his dick, and when I heard his moan, I thrust my mouth deeper onto that powerful horse cock, sinking it deeper than it had ever been, I quickly raised my hand, and was escorted to the winners area of the competitions, my blindfold removed, and was ableto see who was left. I saw Tim still blindfolded and another Sissy, kneeling and receiving cock, Master Brett took his position in front of the second Submissive and drilled his throat, I could see how much this girly boi was enjoying the treatment and thinking he had his Master put his hand up into the air, Of course he was eliminated from the game, leaving Tim on his knees with his mouth open and willing excepting the other Dominates cock, and as much as the dominate tried to entice Tim to put his hand up, Tim was resolute and kept his hand by his side. Master Brett introduced his stiff cock into Tim's mouth by passing his lips going straight to the back of his throat , Tim took every inch and wanted more, even going as far as to moving his head forward to except more of that beautiful and power weapon, Tim raised his hand knowing perfectly well who that cock belong too. Once again there was a cheer and applause from the crowd as was raised to his feet and his blindfold removed. The look on Master Brett face was one of proud ownership and joy, knowing that his two Sissy Girls could pick his cock blindfolded, from the other twelve, Dominates who participated. Master Brett kissed us both and then we headed for the bar and some refreshment. I have never felt so proud to be owned, and the most remarkable thing was that Tim's dick and my own clearly strained and stained our silky undies, we certainly looked an impressive pair of Sluts. I'm fairly positive Master Brett walked a little taller at that moment as he led his dick wielding pussy bois to the bar in front of defeated Sissies.

"Nice work girls, I'm so proud of you, I told the other Dominates that I had the best Sissies, and that performance only proved my point." Thank you Master, it was a lot of fun and very tasty, but Tim and I could pick your cock anywhere, it's that good". "The next competition, deals with your cute arses, and nipples, but I'm sure you'll do well. Those other Sissies that lost are about to be punished, but the winners, like you two move on to the next round, so finish up your drinks, and we'll head back into the main play room". As we walked past the punishment area of the club, we saw the other unfortunately Sissies that lost, their respective dominates had secured long, fat dildo gags in their mouths, and locked them onto the St Andrews Cross, or benches and were taking out their disappoints on panty covered butts, even allowing others to vent their displeasure on the hapless Girls. Part of me wanted to watch, and my panty covered dick certainly wanted to raise to the occasion, and it appeared that entertainment and punishment ordeal wasn't lost on Tim either, his beautiful cock was at fall mast, straining the material of his see through undies, "Come on you two Sluts, control your little dicks, we have a show to put on, and I know you won't let me down, and just remember to relax, breath and have fun" Both Tim and I followed Master Brett into a separate area of the club, our very excited cocks standing proud and leading us. As we approached the play area, we saw a number material covered benches with various high and low points, and the 3 other Sissies that were victorious in the first game. Once in the room the games announcer spoke again "Gentlemen and Sissy bois, this section of the games deals with the other fun hole, but first, Dominates could you once again blindfold your girls, and you of course will be required to assist and guide them throughout the game. We have a series of toys to stimulate your pussies, the Sissy girls that goes the longest, takes the biggest, and performs the best will be crowned this year's Sissy Bitch Award winner, and I'm sure we'll be able to find some sort of deviate prize for you to walk or crawl away with".

Master Brett guided me to a spot, and Manny was asked to help mauver Tim to where he needed to be, all us submissives were appropriately lube up and our butts prepared, and just to make life more interesting we had ball gags placed in our mouths. Master Brett whispered to both Tim and I "Just to relax, don't rush and breathe normally, let your body do what it does naturally, and I don't care if you win or lose, just have fun. Think about the fucking machine and how good that was". I don't know about Tim, but I was very relaxed, as Master Brett pushed me back and into position, my legs were slightly spread, there was a slight pause, then the announcer told the slaves to "squat down", I automatically felt the tip of a rubber cock touch my arse, and made a mumbling sound, as I allowed the cock to invade my butt, it wasn't overly large, but it certainly felt good. I descended to take the lot and felt the base hit my arse, the crowd applauded, "Well done bitch" I allowed my body time enough to adjust to the width and girth, "Now let's move on to the next", I raised up, hearing a slight pop as my butt released the toy, Then once again I was positioned over a toy and automatically squatted taking the head of the next dildo, this one was bigger, and wider, but because I allowed some time for my muscles to relax, whilst using the last one, I was easily capable to edge my way down , but knowing Master Brett wanted a real show I twisted and rotated my butt, my moans of muffled pleasure could be heard, along with the other contestants. I had a plan, it was clearly obvious that these dildos were going to get bigger, wider and longer, so there was no need to rush, I just needed to allow my body to slowly adjust to the dimensions of each toy. I no longer worried about others or in fact Tim, I couldn't help him anyway, so I concentrated on what I needed to do. I eased my way back up the greased cock, thinking I may as well enjoy myself, whilst entertaining others, I slipped back down taking more and more of that static dick, until I reached the base, I loved the feeling of having a cock stretch my arse, but once again I needed to stretch out my hole still further, so with a combination of twists and turns, and by rotating my butt, I was easily able to bounce up and down on that cock.

I had no idea how the other players were going, so I kept riding the toy, until asked to move onto the next one, the announcer informed the blindfolded constants that one of our players pulled out, leaving just the four of us, "OK girls let's move on to the next challenge" then someone suggested we make it more interesting, "Do something with the Sissies nipples, make them moan a bit more while they fuck themselves". Then without further to do, I felt my nipples being clamped and a circular disk being used to stretch my nipples and those of the other girls, I could hear muffled screams as one of the contested apparently bailed out, leaving just the three of us. I hope that Tim was still with us, but I was fairly sure he could withstand a little nipple play, and he did mention that his former Dominate used to play hard, only time would tell. Master Brett slowly edged my way back to the next greased toy, and whispered that he was proud of me and Tim, but this was the real test, and would require both of us to relax our entire bodies, take your time and control your breathing. Then the announcer said that "Us Sissies could use our hands to position the toy on or near our pussies, but if you fell you can't continue just shake your head, there is no disgrace to pull out". "Dominates could you please tighten up the screws on your Girls nipples. The crowd wants to hear some real moans and groans".

The Dominates didn't fool around, and Master Brett showed no signs of favouritism towards myself and I presume Tim, so he screwed my nipples, and was rewarded with an appropriate winch and moan, "Good Girl, now go show them why you're the best Slut in the club", with that he moved away to watch the contest. Now with the Dominates out of the way, and their words of encouragement still ringing in my, and of course the constant burn in my nipples, I set about concentrating on the cock nipping at my rosebud arse hole. This was no ordinary dildo; it had a large engorged head, unlike the normal cock shape that I was use too. But it was a cock and well greased up, so I relaxed, breathed slowly and let my body get use to feeling the head, I kept constant pressure and a death like grip on the head and gradually my hole slowly gave way to the downward pressure from my body. A light sheen of sweat covered my entire body, and then as I tried to keep remain calm, the head of that monster slip past the outer rim, much to the amazement of the crowd, I could hear muttering and silent applause, as the monster invaded my arse. I kept my grip on the shaft, which appeared slightly less bulky and smooth, and far easier to handle than the head. Once again I drifted up and down the toy, but certainly not removing it completely, I have no idea just how much I was taking each time, but It was certainly thick, and gradually getting thicker the further I went down the shaft. The head of the monster appeared to be punching my internal organs, and then once I got down the middle section of the shaft, it broadened out again, as if were another type of head creating a type of bulge. As I waited for my rim to stretch out, I could hear the announcer say another one of our constants chose to retire, leaving just two in the competition. My entire inner bowel was filled to the brim, and judging by the length and girth of this monster, it was way bigger than Master Brett's horse cock, and then it dawned on me, the dildo I was trying to take was a faux horse cock, like the one I saw in the adult sex shop, I thought to myself at the time nobody could take that, but here I was, 2 months into servitude to Master Brett and my once virginal arse is being stuffed with horse cock.

The beads of sweat were growing bigger, and the crowded onlookers awaited our next step, I allowed my body to completely relax, the only movement was a slow rotation on the shaft, hoping that would relax the rim just that bit more, then I felt a shift or release deep in my inner bowel, then as if the internal gate keeper let the huge horse head pass I slowly descended past the second bulge, and onto the base. The applause was deafening, and the sense of achievement was overwhelming. My entire body impaled on the horse cock, I have no idea of the size or girth, but I allowed my body to relax and expand, excepting that monster, if only for a minute or two. "WOW you truly are the best, I have never seen anybody take one that large, let's take that blind fold off so you can see just how many people loved you Sissy exhibition and your devotion to me , I'm so proud of you, of both of you". I had completely forgotten about Tim, but he was there applauding like everyone else, he was the last Sissy to pull out, leaving me as the solo contender and eventual winner. The look on Master Brett's face and that of Tim's will be one that I'll never forget. Both of them helped stand me back up and of course the mighty horse cock to slide out of my extended rim. I was help over to the couch area and I think I must have passed out, because the next thing I remember was Master Brett cuddling into me, and Tim presenting me with drinks, the first drink didn't hit the sides, but I slowed down on the second.

As I slowly focused on my surroundings, I could see the other contestants all playing with their Dominates, and the large TV screen showing a recording of the dildo challenge, I was impressed of course by Tim's efforts and told him so, He truly was part of our family now, Master Brett never left my side all night, and he waited for my body to recover enough for us to walk around, and watch the others. I was congratulated all night, by both participants and dominates alike, I'm not sure who was the proudest Master Brett or myself, it was certainly a night I'll never forget. Tim and I basically rested for the remainder of the night, and was rewarded for our efforts, with gift vouchers for whatever clothing we wanted, toys we wanted at the adult shop, and a resort holiday, catering to all our needs and those of Master Brett, and as a trophy and memento of the night, I was given the horse cock. "OK Girls, it's time to call it a night, let's go, I think we've had enough excitement and it's time to relax at home". We said our goodbyes to Manny and the others, knowing full well that we would be back at some point, especially since we'll have a whole new wardrobe of lingerie to show off.

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Slave Mark

Next: Chapter 33: Interracial Adventures 1

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