Master Brett and Slave Mark

By Mark Irving

Published on Oct 11, 2023


Master Brett and Slave Mark's Feminine side, chapter 6

After Tim and I served drinks to Master Brett, we took our kneeling position by his recliner, whilst he and Tim got to know one another better, Tim received most of his training from a Master Fritz a strong willed, assertive dominate from Germany, but unfortunately he had to move back overseas to run the family business, leaving Tim to look for another Dominate, or play both sides of the fence and become a switch. Master listened intently to Tim's BDSM history and allowed him to recall one or two adventures, and also gaining a better understanding of Tim's knowledge of the game. Tim informed Master Brett that Master Fritz played hard, and when he received a flogging or severe punishment, he could not sit down for days. You could almost see Master Brett mentally taking notes, Tim also mentioned that it was Master Fritz that introduced him to female lingerie and how to appreciate the softer feel and quality of the materials whilst wearing them, and from that point on has never worn jocks or boxers since. Master Fritz ordered Tim to remove all his body hair for a smooth sexer look, which only made the wearing of his female underwear so much more exciting and erotic, and when Tim saw Sissy Boi similarly turned out, he just had to pursue and eventually have him. "I completely understand how you feel", Master Brett replied, "he does present well, and his butt and mouth have a real quality about them, BUT he's my bitch and Sissy Boi, and if you want to join him in being one of my sluts, you need to know a few rules. YOU can use him and play together, when I'm away working, but you DO NOT play with anyone else. You have already told me that you want to belong to me, and wear my collar, that means I control you; Sissy Boi over here is good enough for the both of us, and you won't need anybody else, IS THAT CLEAR?" "Yes Sir, Thank you, I've been looking for a Dominate to use and train me, and would never disrespect you or Sissy Boi, and it would be an honour to wear your collar." "Your work with Sissy Boi will remain the same, if you have a social life, it too will remain the same, BUT my needs will come first, if there's a function that requires my two slaves, you will attend with me, dress accordingly, and my BDSM protocols will be adhered too. You will always belong to me at these gatherings, but be prepared to be lent to others, or used by friends at my discretion. I'm well respected in the BDSM circle and I expect the best from my girls, and of course, both of you will be under my protection, if you're happy with those rules, we can proceed." "Since Master Fritz, I' have been caught in the middle of where I need to be ( on my knees ) or imitate a dominate that I not really suited to be, I need to be owned and used, my very soul and being will be dedicated to you Master".

A few hours later and one or two more drinks and Master Brett decided that our new playmate should go home and think about tonight and the various promises he made during the course of the evening, but also reminded Tim, that he was not to play with anybody else except us two, Sissy Boi and himself until they next met. As Tim wandered back to his car, Master Brett slapped my arse in appreciation for bringing him a new Sissy girl. "Now clean up and I'll meet you in bed". I cleaned the lounge, cleared away glasses and the nibbles I prepared earlier, then quickly had a shower to freshen up, put on a fresh pair of knickers, and then made my way into the bedroom. Master Brett pulled me into his arms for a cuddle, we lay together spooning each other, and I could feel his semi hard cock pressing against my panty covered butt, but Master Brett was more interested in having his Bitch close and in his arms. An electric feeling was running through my body with his every touch, his strong powerful legs nestled into my clean shaven and waxed body was heaven, and it took all my will power not to get a raging stiff whilst thinking of him. Finally the excitement of the night overtook the both of us and we were soon fast asleep.

The week end came and went way to quickly, at every given opportunity I had the pleasure of feasting on Master Brett's cock and the endless sprays of cum hitting the back of my throat, Master Brett also had me sit on his cock, once I got it nice and hard, believe me it felt like I was sitting on a cricket stump, it just kept going up until I felt my arse settle on his balls, Master Brett eased my butt upward then allowed me to sink back down again. At one point I felt the very tip of his horse cock at the entrance of my man pussy, then he pulled me right back down again. Master Brett delights in pulling and twisting my nipples, knowing what affect it has on me, a few minutes of this and he knows I'll do anything for him. "Your suck a pussy Slut, you can't get enough of my horse cock, and your nipples turn you into a screaming little girl, that you'll beg for more". I not sure who was getting more turned on, but the familiar body shake that he gets when he's about to cum always starts a domino effect, setting me off. By this time I was bouncing up and down on his shaft, creaming my girly butt, and just as he was about to explode, I jumped off, turned my body around and swopped on his cock, taking it deep into my mouth and throat just in time to catch his first delicious spray. The combined taste of my creamy butt and his cum made for a fantastic afternoon snack, and one that I could never get enough of. For the rest of the afternoon we lazed away, on beach towels soaking up the sun, having food and drinks on the back lawn until the sun and the warmth of the day disappeared. Like most weekends, they go too quick and Monday soon rolled around, but this Monday may be completely different, given Tim's new involvement with Master Brett and myself.

Master Brett, and I showed together in the morning, and I was treated to a beautiful hard cock, which I gladly swallowed and sucked, I never get tired of it and the overall power and majesty of his pulsating shaft, not to mention the delicious taste of his cum when. It may have only been a blow job in the morning, but it definitely defined the lines of power and control in our relationship, and I was very happy with my role, and judging by the smile and satisfaction on Master Brett's face, I'm fairly positive he was enjoying his part as well. Unfortunately, Master Brett was away at a conference for the next few days, so I was going to be left on my own, He reminded me, that the only playmate I could have was Tim, and just to remind Tim of his commitment and promise as well.

My work day started off with the usual staff meeting and question time, and job dispersal, it was fairly straight forward and the staff basically knew what was expected of them, but it also gave the team a chance to voice their opinions, and to speak to me personally about work, home and family issues, basically to have someone else to lean on if required. Tim of course listened and gave input if someone asked a question on a job related issue, but left the personal stuff to me. Meeting done, we all drifted off to our work stations and me to my office. Tim drifted by later on, and told me that he absolutely loved Friday Night and looked forward to catching up with Master Brett again, whenever he called. He also asked "what colour I had on", "Red silk, with pink lacing," I said, "and you" "See through black lace"," Very nice, we'll have to compare at some point, see you later". It was a strange conversation and one of many I'm sure we'll have in the future, but with a wave of his hand he was gone back to his area. I have no doubt, what so ever that our selection of preferred panties was not the only thing he had on his mind as he disappeared, I know I was thinking about other things besides drafting jobs, and it certainly took me a while to get back on track. But eventually I started to get into the groove of doing things, and actually made some progress, on some of the bigger projects on my books. Master Brett called just after lunch to check if everything was fine with Tim and if anything had changed within the office. I told him that he just enquired about my choice of undies, and that was about it. Master Brett asked me to set up a conference call on Zoom for 3.00pm so he could talk to both of us, and said that he had a surprise for the two of us Girls.

Tim and I waited in my office for 3.00pm and had the computer set up for the incoming call, no one in the office were any the wiser, we were forever doing Zoom meetings with our jobs. At approximately 3.00 the computer lit up and the Zoom meeting, preceded, after some pleasantries, Master Brett informed us that "There was a BDSM party arranged for Saturday night at the club, and we would both be required to attend. Master Brett also informed us that he had left a gift package in back room for the both of us and a few toys for us to try out on Tuesday night, but after Tuesday neither one of us were allowed to come until the club on Saturday night. He also reminded us that the club will have lots of activities, and full play and protocols expected from both of us. Master Brett told me that I was NOT allowed to snoop in the back room until Tuesday night"; he must have been reading my mind, "Yes Sir". "I'll see you two Sissy Bitches in a few days", and closed off the meeting.

The look on our combined faces indicated high levels of expectation and anticipation, and we both couldn't wait until Tuesday, but both knew we had to wait. And it certainly put a stop to any worthwhile productivity for the rest of the day. And it's not easy to disguise two raging hard ons in silky panties, and Tim's 3 D pants certainly looked amusing as he tried to tuck his stiff shaft into the hem and belted part of his slacks, he even grabbed some files to cover his pulsating cock and crutch area. Master Brett quickly called back to ask "If Tim was OK with the party", I told him, that "judging by his stiff cock, and strange walking style he was very excited about Tuesday and the Party", he just laughed and said "That was one of the reasons for the call, and he wanted to judge Tim's reaction, have fun on Tuesday, I also have set up cameras around the house, so put on a good show, but don't tell Tim".

I made a mental note to check for the cameras when I got home that night, another restless night lay ahead of me, but also another day at the office before Tim and I could open our gift package and play, but finally 4.00pm rolled around and the staff all went their separate ways. Both Tim and I disappeared about 5.00, and made arrangements to meet at my place around 8.00pm. Once home I set about my normal shower routine, and shaved as close as possible, not that I had a lot since the electrolyses, I made sure I was cleansed inside and out, in preparation for what came next. Stockings, garter, and low cut corset was on the menu, along with see through knickers, which did nothing to hide my overly excited cock. Tim rocked in at exactly 8.00pm, dressed in a similar fashion, with only a light weight track suit to cover his true identity. After a quick drink and a fashion parade, we entered the back room to discover a large cardboard box sitting on the bed, all tied with a bow, and a short letter" To my two little Sissy sluts, I hope you enjoy the toys and of course the other gifts inside the box". We couldn't open the box quick enough, inside we found two matching maid outfits with garter, panties, stockings and matching pumps in our perfect sizes. We were both very tempted to put them on, but agreed to wait until Saturday night, when we were with Master Brett. The other wrapped present was slightly heavier, but when we unwrapped it, we both gasped, it was a fucking machine complete with a 9 --10 inch silicone cock which could be screwed on or off in lieu of a smaller or bigger attachment, I think we both started to dribble and lick our lips. And there were two sets of clover clamps with extender frames, to tease and torture our nipples, plus a double headed 20'' black silicon cock about two inches round, just built to stimulate and excite, and it was doing just that, large wet patches of pre-cum stained our panties, it was time to get rid of them, so they were the first to go.

We removed the machine from the box and placed it on the floor of the bedroom, we took our time setting it up , making sure everything worked according to the direction and judging by the swinging cocks between our legs it was almost time to play, Tim placed the spanner he had down and began to wave his cock in my direction ordering me onto my knees and presented me with his very stiff, dripping cock. It took no time for me to extend my tongue and taste the oozing pre-cum that he offered, and to savour his pure delicious essence and for me to fall straight into my submissive role and Tim into an assertive one. His cock easily slipped into my mouth and my hands caressed his butt, I loved the way the garter framed his bottom and his stocking clad legs brushed against my chest as I gave lip service to his pulsating member, my fingers found their way into his butt causing a moan of delight as he edged all the way into my throat, and back out again. I knew exactly how he felt, and how excited he must be, Master Brett delights in doing the same thing, and it never fails to encourage more cock down my Sissy throat. "What an absolute cock sucking Slut you are, you drop to your knees so quickly, but now let's get this machine into action, get off my cock, and on your knees in front to the machine, and present your girly twat." I must have really presented a sight to the cameras, two Sissy Sluts, scrambling into position to get their sexual gratification from a machine. The 9 inch dildo was perfectly lined up to my pussy, and thankfully Tim greased the toy, as I edged back onto it, I could feel the cold lube touching my hole, and slowly the head eased its way in, almost taking my breath away, I slowly rocked backward and forward, allowing my arse to adjust to the girth and gradual length, Tim added more lube, then set the machine in motion. From the position I was in, I figured I had have the toy in my butt, and I was slowly being impaled by about 5 inches, no sooner had I started to adjust to the length, it withdrew, almost removing it's self, with a slight adjust to my position, I was able to keep the toy inside of me whilst it plunged in again, then retracted, only to plunge in over and over again. Tim knelt down in front of my face and once again presented his cock to my waiting mouth, I couldn't get enough of his fleshy cock or the one pounding my arse, I was moaning and groaning with lust, both my hole were being serviced and filled. Slowly I edged further back to the automated cock, taking another 3 inches, I was being fed by Tim's 7 inch cock in my mouth and approximately 8 inches in my Sissy hole, Tim controlled the machine via a remote control and hit the speed up dial, and now I truly was getting fucked at both ends. My mouth was slowly driving Tim crazy, and taking his monster deep, kept him on the edge, whilst my Sissy butt was getting creamed by the endless thrusting. And with ever inward action of the machine, I would try and push back to receive more of that powerful endless cock. In the very short time that I have been a submissive to Master Brett, I have taken cocks into my girly hole, but this machine completely overwhelmed me, I had never been so consumed by greed and lust, not only did I want to suck and blow Tim, but I needed every inch of this ever hard invading monster.

I grabbed Tim's butt with one hand, and pulled him closer to my all consuming mouth, but also doing my best not to lose my balance, and when the time of the trust were right I edge back to the pounding cock, taking the last two inches, OMG, this machine didn't care that my butt had never taken anything this large, and certainly didn't stop to ask how I was, it just kept ploughing my very sloppy trench. A few minutes of this was almost too much, and released Tim's cock from my mouth and told him I was done, he quickly shut down the machine, and as it slowly ground to a Holt, I shuffled forward, as the lengthy monster eased out of my butt, but remained rigid and ready to go again. I collapsed on the bedroom floor trying to regain what composer I had left, my cock had been constantly dripping pre-cum and lay motionless, but still very excited, and Tim's cock still had the remnants of my juices plastered over it.

Tim was keen and chomping on the bit to have a go at the relentless monster, but I convinced him that we needed a drink first, so I gradually made my way to the kitchen, grabbed some drinks and returned for round two. The couple of drinks I brought into the bedroom barely touched the sides as Tim dropped to his knees and backed up to the waiting cock, I know that I was keen , but Tim showed another level of anticipation, he even re-greased that magical wand and was waiting expectantly to begin. Upon reflection, we must have look like two very desperate Sissy Sluts, neither one of us could get enough cock to satisfy our lust fuelled desires. I know my arse felt very used and abused and now Tim wanted to know what that felt like, but I had one or two plans myself, and was about to put them into play. As Tim spread his legs and eased the head of the monster in his Sissy Hole, I allowed him time to adjust to the girth, and to rock back and forth, taking about four inches at a time. I picked up the control, set it on the slowest speed, and basically left the finer details up to Tim; I could see him slowly edging back. What a beautiful erotic sight, a strapping well build man, dressed in female lingerie, about to receive the fucking of his Girly life from a machine designed, cream and plough your arse until you can't take it anymore. Now I put my plan into action, I crawled on my back under Tim and between his legs and devoured his leaking cock, this almost took his breath away, and I knew that this was going to send him completely mad with desire. Tim was close to coming before , but now with the added sensation of his arse getting creamed, and me with the controls, I couldn't resist, I turned the dial and the machine picked up speed, Tim being equal to the task, pushed back to receive more cock.

What a powerful erotic sight, mere inches away from my sucking mouth, the constant thrusts had turned his hole into a dripping mess, and slow steady stream of Tim's internal juices slipped around his balls and covered my forehead. I wanted Tim to blow his load right down my throat, I also wanted him to take the entire cock pounding his arse, so with my hands free, I pulled his body backwards, the guttural sound he made will stay with me forever, but he drove his butt back and took the monster dick. With every thrust of the cock, Tim's pulsating cock jerk and I knew he was about to explode. With a scream that could wake the dead, he filled my mouth and throat, almost collapsing on me, but the pounding cock continued ploughing his creamed and sloppy arse. Tim's entire body shook, muscles tightened, veins popped, "OH MY FUCKING GOD, Stop this fucking machine Slut, and hurry up Bitch". I must admit I was tempted to keep it going, but I relented and brought the cock to a standstill, as Tim moved forward, strings of left over cum and more body juices from his girly pussy cascaded onto my face. Tim slumped to the side, completely spent, his cock was drained, his arse was totally fucked out, and I'm not sure but I think he possibly passed out, because he didn't move for a minute or two.

Eventually, we staggered to our feet, embraced one another, and looked at our assailant, a 10 inch mechanical cock that still looked hard and menacing and definitely powerful enough to take us on again. We looked at each other and chose to let it go for now, vowing to revisit the newest member of the Master Brett household. We instead grabbed more drinks before heading towards the shower. The shower has a way to bring everything back to normal and level out your thought patterns, as the warm spray cascaded over us we soaped one another up, caressed, prodded and probed our tender butts, then dried and dressed before having a reflective cup of coffee on the couch. It truly was a night to remember, and I'm sure our well fucked man pussies will never forget. Tim and I sat around for the next hour, wondering what might be in store for us at the BDSM function that Master Brett told us about, and if was going to be anything like tonight's adventure, we both couldn't wait. We decided to call it a night and Tim kissed me good night at the door before driving away, leaving me to clean up the play room and the mechanical toy. An hour later on, I crashed on the bed, totally exhausted and fell into a deep sleep.

Next: Chapter 32: Slave Marks Feminine Side 7

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