Master Brett and Slave Mark

By Mark Irving

Published on Oct 1, 2023


Master Brett and Slave Mark's Feminine side, chapter 5

If you think I had trouble sleeping before last night, now it was even worse, but in a very good way, from the very first time I entered the BDSM club, I had been on a high, a roller coaster ride that appeared to have no ending. My entire body and mind set had completely changed and now evolved in a vessel for sex, my body has now been devoid of any hair below the neck line, my range of under clothing now consisted of silky, but very sexy see through stockings, garters and undies and my chest was consistently covered with a low cut body hugging Corset that left my nipples exposed to any would be Top or Dominate. I've been used by my trainer Manny, my best friend at work and most trusted employee, Tim, been hit on by various shop staff who wanted to offer that extra service. And now, only ten days later, the man that started this ball rolling has had me suck his giant cock, and then bent me over then fucked me long and hard, with what can only be described as a horse cock, all whilst I was blindfolded and dressed as his Sissy Slut. Then just to top the night off , I was rolled up and ordered to blow all over my face and mouth, I'm sure how I did it, but I even bent up enough to lick the tip of my cock as it spewed cum into my waiting mouth.

Eventually I managed to go to sleep, and it was certainly strange to have another person beside me, especially another man, I cuddled up to him and caressed his strong, muscular body, but he was fast asleep, leaving me to ponder what tomorrow would bring. .....

The following morning, I awoke to the sounds and smells of freshly brewed coffee and cooking bacon and eggs frying on the cook top, a quick trip to the toilet then into the kitchen, I saw Master Brett madly cooking breakfast. "Hello sleepy head, nice of you to join me, I thought you might like a cooked breakfast, whilst we discuss your training week and anything else you've discovered about yourself". "Sir, I think you already know how things went, Manny showed me all sorts of things, in regards to protocols, and what was required of me as your slave and Bitch, he opened my eyes to all manner of sexual diversity, changed my way of thinking and to except your control no matter what. Manny taught me to except pain as a type of pleasure, and appreciate there is degrees of pleasure which can be derived from heavy punishment". "Wow that's a lot to take in, but along the way DID YOU ENJOY YOURSELF? Did you enjoy being ordered around and used, our future really does depend on your truthful answer, I only want a submissive, that wants to serve, and be used, I know already how good you are." Moment of truth time, so I dropped to my knees, bowed my head, and told him honesty that "I needed to serve, and to be used, shared and be constantly under his total control, and I've never been happier. Before I met you at the club my life was boring, and dull, and my work was all that I lived for, and once that was done I went home, only to do the same thing the next day, I've never been so excited, or horny in my life, I'm constantly walking around with a hard cock at work and the silky underwear has me tingling all day"

I felt I needed to do something else, so as soon as his cock was close enough, I slipped my tongue out and licked the head of his impressive shaft, then I realised that I had not seen his weapon. Master Brett turned off the cooker and offered me the opportunity to really get to know his growing monster. It felt big last night , BUT today it appeared so much bigger, wider and more threatening, just the sheer volume of man meat was bigger than I would have ever imagined, I licked the shaft from top to bottom , licking his massive balls, occasionally sucking each one in turn, rolling his nuts in my mouth. Master Brett appeared to enjoy my early morning mouth, and rewarded me with a few moans of approval. My hands roamed up to his muscular butt, as my mouth worked up and down his shaft, slowly but sure I increased the volume of cock in my mouth until I was at the point of taking his entire shaft. I could feel the head of the snake pressing against the back of my mouth and the start of my throat; I started to breathe through my nose as I pushed the last two inches into my waiting gullet, I would never have thought it possible to take something that large into my mouth, let alone my throat, but here I was on my knees sucking the life out of a 9 inch fat python, which belong to my Master. I eased that monster out of my throat and mouth only to be rewarded with the sight of the most impressive hard cock I've ever seen. My cock stood rock hard , but Master Brett's cock dwarfed mine, I quickly sucked him long and deep, increasing my speed , twisting and licking every inch, Master Brett's cock started to swell impressing me even more, His movements became erratic, he started to buckle at the knees and his verbal rants only spurred me on , all the name calling in the world was never going to stop me from reaching my goal, I wanted a heavy load of cum, I wanted his cum on my tongue , filling up my mouth and finally being able to swallow every drop. "What a beautiful cock sucking whore, you're such a slut, suck that horse dick Bitch, You're going to make me cum right down your throat" and with that his first spray of cum hit the back of my throat, the second hitting my mouth until I drove his cock so deep, I smashed my chin into his balls , I also took the opportunity to shove a finger up his arse and hold his butt hard , forcing his groin against my face, he pulled back only so he could spray my face with his seed, both of us were possessed and never wanted it to stop, but he became so sensitive that he pulled right away before collapsing on a kitchen chair. I remained kneeling on the floor, licking my lips and wiping any residue cum into my mouth. We smiled at one another, "Good morning Sir" then laughed "your very tasty first thing in the morning" "WOW, good morning Bitch, and you are fantastic in the morning".

I gradually rose to my feet, my stiff cock, still dripping pre-cum and loving every bit of my new life, waved in the air as a testament of my excitement, I moved to the cook top and recommenced Master Brett's attempts to make breakfast. Finally we sat down at the table and ate breakfast, had a coffee and were able to discuss my week. Master Brett was very happy with my progress and how I had accepted my new life style. He reminded me that when he was in the house I should wear my see through panties, as a reminder of my Sissy status. I assured him that I would do anything he requested or demanded. Master Brett also wanted to know more about Tim, and his fetish for wearing female undies; he told me that he wanted me to arrange a meeting with the two of them, and a possible play session in the future. Master Brett told me that "he had no problem with Tim playing with me, but he was to be the only one. And I was to inform Master Brett exactly what he did and how he did it. If and when we go to parties or gatherings, he alone will be the one who decides who uses me, and of course there will be punishments and rewards at various times, but you seemed to have embraced that idea already".

Our breakfast and discussion ended after a period of time, then we headed for the shower, unfortunately we still had work to do that day, so there was no time for extra play in the shower, and I still had my shower routine I had to abide by. So I had the pleasure to wash Master Brett, taking time to rub my hands all over his beautiful frame, cock and arse, before he excused himself and got dried. By the time I was finished, he had dressed for work, had another coffee, but before he left he took time to inspect what I was wearing, the smile on his face clearly indicated that he liked what he saw, he pulled me into a passionate kiss and a patted my arse, rubbing his strong hands over my panty covered butt. "Don't forget I want to meet Tim; try to arrange something for Friday or Saturday night." It was more of an order, than a request, and left me in no doubt as to what I was to do. Master Brett told me that I looked lovely and with that he disappeared off to work, I continued to get dressed and within half an hour I was on my way to meet up with Tim and another day at the drafting office.

After a quick meeting with the staff, purely to touch base and to answer any questions they may have with their job allocations, I set down a time to have a meeting with Tim about our new client and their plans, and of course discuss Master Brett's request to meet up with him. Tim was just as keen to hear about Master Brett and my adventures last night and also this morning, once I told him all the delicious details he said he was available on Friday night, and couldn't wait. I'm sure he was just as excited as I was, if not more. When our meeting was over I informed Master Brett that Tim would come over on Friday night, about 8.00pm if that was OK. Master Brett confirmed that it was perfect, and he too was looking forward to it. Worked dragged on for the next couple of days and Tim wandered the office, but kept to himself, without bringing up Friday night, except to say that he would dress appropriately, because knew what Master Brett preferred in regards to underwear. Finally, Friday afternoon, arrived and the staff slowly disappeared home to their families. Tim quietly disappeared, saying that he would be there at 8.00pm with a few bottles of wine to help set the mood. I did a final check of the offices, sent off a few last minute emails, locked up, and then made my way to my car, on the window was a message from Tim saying that he was very excited, and can't wait to meet Master Brett, and join me as one of his submissives for the night. I, never even thought of it that way, how dumb can I be? We are both submissives (OK, Tim is a switch) and Master Brett is a total dominate, I should have known that's why Master Brett wanted to see him. This night will be a lot of fun, and a lot more surprises, I'm sure.

As per normal I went through my shower routine, making sure I was completely clean inside and out, my legs and body were silky smooth and my sexy underwear in pristine condition. I had 2-3 Scotch's prior to 7.30pm, and awaited Master Brett arrival; I had prepared platters of fruit and cheeses biscuits and dips and stocked up the fridge with wine and beer. Master Brett arrived at 7.45pm and I greeted him on my knees as he walked in the door. "You look lovely Bitch, is everything ready for our guest, and just remember all the protocols Manny taught you, where to kneel, where to stand, and sit, let's just see where the night goes, and have fun with it. I love having you as my slut, and total bitch and If I tell you to do something, just do it, no questions asked, it's almost time, go kneel by the door and wait" Master Brett made himself a drink then sat down on one of the leather recliners, leaving me to greet Tim at the door, and at precisely 8.00 the door bell rang, and I raised up to open it for him, allowing him to see my full ensemble, from my toes to my lacy corset, not to mention my bulging cock. I took the bottles of wine and set them aside, then I escorted Tim into meet Master Brett, and as we approached the recliner, Tim quickly dropped to his knees as a show of respect. "Thank you for allowing me to meet you Sir, Sissy Bitch Mark has told me all about you, and it's an honour to kneel before you" "And my Bitch has told me a few thing about you, are you a switch tonight or a submissive?", "Tonight, I'm whatever you want me to be, It would be an absolute pleasure to serve you Master" "Good, glad to hear it, stand up, Sissy Bitch take Tim's clothing off", I quickly started to remove Tim shirt, revelling a light weight silky top and then I dropped to my knees and began to unbuckle Tim's pants, I slide them down past his knees to reveal equally silky garter and see through undies that barely encased his growing cock, his stockings were lacy fishnets with micro holes that showed off his legs perfectly. "Very impressive, my Sissy Bitch didn't tell me you were so beautiful all dressed up, stand together you two, I want to check out my two little Sissy Girls". Both Tim and i stood side by side, our cocks straining the very material that was trying to keep our fleshy shafts contained, both of us turned at the same time giving Master Brett the perfect view of our butts, like a rehearsed choreographed movement we both bent forward, displaying the valley between our butt cheeks. "OK Girls stand up and drop your silky panties I want to see those Sissy Cocks" Once again we dropped our undies to our thighs, allowing our stiff cocks to spring forward, pre-cum dripping everywhere, "Sissy Bitch, lick and suck our guest, get that cock down your throat, and don't forget her balls" It took me all of about three seconds to comply, and another three seconds to swallow Tim deep into my mouth, I massaged his balls gently rolling them in my hand, my other hand caressed his arse. Tim was moaning and groaning with pleasure, he made involuntary movements like he was trying to fuck my face. "OK swap you two, Tim suck my little whore, and take him deep, I want to see her balls on your chin" like a professional, Tim descended on my cock, showing all his years of experience. His hands not caressed my arse, but his fingers found their way into my hole massaging and stretching; now it was my turn to thrust into his mouth. I was so caught up in what Tim was doing that I failed to see that Master Brett had removed his clothing and was parading around behind us. "OK, my turn, Tim you suck my cock and Sissy Girl I want your tongue deep in my arse" we were like a pair of vultures swooping on a meal, Tim also found it a little harder to swallow that monster horse cock, but I loved watching him engulf Master Brett's shaft, just the sheer girth was enough to stretch Tim's mouth, and the length could be seen pressing on his gullet. Not to be outdone, I spread Master Brett's cheeks and plunged my mouth and tongue deep into his hole, I'm sure my tongue grew another inch as I was fishing around in his butt. Each time I probed his arse, Master Brett drove his horse cock further down Tim's throat, I didn't get to see much, but I know exactly what Tim was receiving.

"That's enough foreplay, Tim, bend over the couch, and spread your butt cheeks, Sissy, you lick him out, get him nice and wet, it's time we introduce your Sister Slut to my cock". Not wanting to disappoint anybody I licked Tim's butt, making sure to put my tongue in as deep as possible. Satisfied with my efforts, Master Brett pulled me aside, and placed the tip of his cock at the entrance to Tim's man cunt. "Please Sir put your manly cock into my Girly pussy, Your Slut didn't tell me how big it was, and I desperately want every inch, I need to be taken hard, Please Master let me feel your giant cock, make me beg to be one of your Slaves and Sluts". Master Brett's smile did all the talking for him , he knew that he had another slave to play with and someone else that could keep me, under control and amused when he was away on one of his many business trips. Master Brett pushed forward to match Tim's desire to push back, both knew what the other wanted, Tim wanted to be filled with horse cock, and Master Brett wanted complete and utter dominance and control over this new slut that was taking his cock, he didn't just want to fuck him he wanted his submission.

Master Brett drove his lengthy shaft deep to the balls in the hapless Sissy Bitch, taking Tim's breath away, making him moan and squeal. Then turning to me , Master Brett ordered me to get in front of Tim's pulsating cock, "Use the glorious cock sucking mouth of yours, and bring him to the edge, Tim, don't you even think of Cumming, if you do I'll flog your arse raw, your my Bitch , and I'll let you know when you can cum". I quickly dropped to my knees and manoeuvred Tim's dripping cock into my mouth and began my assault on his girly shaft. I could feel every thrust and push from Master Brett; it was like an extension of his horse cock sliding into my waiting mouth. Tim was caught in the middle and loved every arse banging, cock sucking moment, and Master Brett was making a statement, with every thrust, he taunted the both of us by call us names. "My two little Sissy Bitches, all dressed up, and fucking each other, you two a pair of whores, only good for sucking and fucking, I can't wait to take you two Girly cunts to the club and let everybody fuck you". I was sucking Tim down to the balls with every one of Master Brett's thrusts; you could tell Tim was losing his mind and ability to maintain any self respect. My co-worker had now turned into a complete and utter slut, "Please Sir Fuck me deep, I want that horse cock, it's so fucking big, I need you to breed my arse, while your Sissy Bitch sucks the life out of my cock". "OK Sissy Bitch, stop sucking this Girly cunt, and bend over in front of him, and let see if he knows how to fuck , now get his cock into your pussy" . With a slight bit of rearranging and adjustment of space, I was now bent over the couch, and Tim's slippery cock eased its way into my hole, this was definitely a first for me , but one I was going to remember and continually repeat in the future. Tim's dripping cock sank all the way in, there was no pre stretching, only one single thrust and I was impaled on his fat cock, once again it felt like Master Brett's cock had grown another seven inches, and was pounding my arse through someone else. Tim stockings and garter, rubbed against mine creating a beautiful friction between our combined material bindings. Tim raised his hands up to above my Corset and pinched and pulled my nipples, making me scream in sheer delight. I'm not sure what heaven feels like, but this must be close, we all got into a rhythm, of continual thrusting and movement, Master Brett grabbed Tim's nipples and pinched and pulled them, whilst driving his cock at furious pace into Tim's well creamed arse, Tim into did the same thing , he had little control over his movements , but just rode the fucking wave, which drove his fat shaft into my butt, Tim was now twisting the orbs so hard on my chest that I was about to blow. "Please Master, Fuck Tim Harder, making him cum in my arse, I need to feel his seed deep in my butt," "Yes Sir, Please Fuck me hard I need to cum", the two of us Girly cunts need your power, your control and Dominance, Please Cum Sir", I want to be your Bitch as well". That was all Master Brett wanted to hear, from somewhere he picked up another gear and drove his cock deeper into Tim's sloppy hole, his body stiffened, and a sheen of sweat covered his chiselled frame, and as he pulled on Tim's nipples, then he exploded, creating a tidal wave of cum to pour into his arse. A sexual domino affect occurred ,Tim then started to shake and scream as his prick pulsated and plastered the inside of my arse, I thrust back to receive every drop. Tim released my nipples, took hold of my cock, masturbated my dripping girly shaft, It took all of about ten strokes for me to join the others as we blew our loads. Tim took a lot of my creamy cum in the palm of his hand, and brought it straight up to my mouth, I loved being served cum, and my mouth and tongue couldn't lap it up fast enough. I truly must be a slut, and then I realised the hand that was feeding me belonged to another Sissy Slut that had just had his arse well and truly fucked by Master Brett.

The three of us wallowed in the afterglow of sex, and none of us wanted to make the first move to break up our joint union, but we were all totally exhausted, and our knees could sustained any longer, we could feel the cocks slowly abating, and slipping out of our butts, "OK you two Sissy Sluts, it's time to kiss and suck the cocks you've just had up your butts". We knew better than you refuse a direct demand, so we turned, dropped to our knees and engulf the deflating cocks, it's nowhere near as good as a stiff pulsating cock, but the taste of a freshly used one was pretty good, we both savoured the taste but as you can appreciate both members were very sensitive, and the owners of the quickly withdrew from the sucking mouths, then we all collapsed to the floor, to regain whatever composure we could before having to move again. All three of us were sucking in deep breathes, but Master Brett , still managed to order us into another pose, "Both of you into a 69 position and lick each other's butts", it took a bit of manoeuvring , but soon we had our extended tongues glued to each other's well fucked holes. We both strained our necks to get a better position, but it was worth every ache and pain we endured, and of course the bonus was the delicious creamy taste. Tim and I were moaning and groaning, "Look at you two pair of Sluts going at one another, it appears I'm going to have to order 2 collars instead of one. Tim, do you still want to join my Bitch and serve me your true Dominate?, pleasure and pain are your only rewards, and you certainly appear to get along with my Sissy Boi, drag your tongue out of my Bitches arse and answer me now!" Tim raised his head and extracted his tongue, "Yes Sir, I need your dominance and control, and would love to be another Sissy Boi just for you."

Tim and I disentangled ourselves, again trying to catch our breathes, "Take your time, bring yourselves down, but I really think we need drinks, Sissy Boi, show my new slave where the kitchen is" we both rose as one, then wandered off to get the drinks and food, we could feel Master Brett's eyes burning holes into our butts, and our stockings and garter framing our well used man pussies. I'm sure both of us were thinking the same thing, this is only the beginning of our journey together, and I wonder what the future holds in store for us.

Readers, now that you have read this story and others like it , please consider the hard working team at Nifty that made it possible for me to write and get published and for you to read and hopefully enjoy, your donation will help them continue their work......... ......

Slave Mark

Next: Chapter 31: Slave Marks Feminine Side 6

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