Master Brett and Slave Mark

By Mark Irving

Published on Sep 24, 2023


Master Brett and Slave Mark's Feminine side, chapter 4

I must admit, ever since I started wearing stocking and being treated as a Sissy Boi, my sleep patterns have gone out the door. No matter how hard I try, the sheer excitement of sucking , or being sucked, not to mention getting fucked in my once virgin arse, kept me tossing and turning, and more often than not getting a stiff cock which I had to deal with prior to getting any sleep.

And tonight was certainly no exception, I kept running the entire night through my head, from sucking Manny's stiff pulsating cock, right up until I had that same lump of meat fully embedded in my butt. What's more I was gyrating my arse in tune with Manny's frantic fucking motion, and begging for him to use it, to pound it as hard as he wanted, I was a total Slut for his cock, and I desperately wanted more, the more he pushed in, the more I pushed back, I was a Sissy Girl, possessed and driven by lust and a never ending need to be used and fucked. It took all my strength and will power not to drag out my cock and pull myself off, but I also knew I had work in the morning, so finally exhaustion took over and I drifted off to sleep, and a well deserved rest, no sooner had I fallen into a deep sleep, when I was awoken by the bloody alarm clock in the morning. I couldn't believe it was 7.00am already, I was thinking to myself where did the time go? Anyway, time for my shower routine and breakfast, and I needed to be on time today, no more shopping adventures, I had a client meeting at 10.00am and needed to touch base with a couple of staff doing adjustments to various building plans in the works.

By 9.00am I had the staff and adjustments sorted (thankfully they were only minor tweaks to the original plans), and after a talk with the designers we were given the green light to continue. Tim and I met up with the new client, and ran some ideas past him and gave him a rough draft and layout of the complex he was designing, we took him out to lunch and discussed various options, that he could take back to his directors, but both Tim and I felt that our plans were given a favourable response, and when the client left we headed back to the bar to celebrate another successful meeting and drafting job for the team.... We migrated from our bar stools into one of the booths, A few more drinks under our belts and our conversation turn to my new recreational pastime. "What colour have you got on today Sissy Boi?" Without even thinking I responded with "red satin, with black trim", and being a smart arse, I told Tim "I wore them just for him", then laughed. "OK Sissy boi, since you're so smart, unzip your fly and show me", (as I said the drinks were flowing), and 5 seconds later my panty covered cock and crutch area was on display for him, "Nice choice, and I see your girly cock wants to come out and play, but we can't mess around here, you really are a slut. My friend owns a motel close by, and he owes my one or two favours, I'm going to enjoy playing with you sissy Boi". I zipped up and followed him back to the car, and then we drove to the hotel. Once inside the door of the motel, Tim took control, I was ordered to take my pants of and display my undies for him, my top came off next then I was ordered to pivot around, showing off my butt. It's hard to convince anybody that you're embarrassed when your cock is trying to break out of its silky confines. This was the first time Tim had actually seen me hairless, I didn't know if I wanted to be embarrassed or proud of my new look , but Tim certainly didn't care, all he cared about was a man in his Motel room sporting a hard cock and dressed in silky underwear.

"Well don't you look a pretty picture, I'm sure you've been told what position you need to be in, get to it now" I automatically dropped to my knees and placed behind my back. Tim walked over to my kneeling position and slowly dropped his pants, revealing a pair of black see through lace undies, I was shocked to say the least, but then he rubbed his cock against my face, I could smell the scented perfume he had on, but I was more taken with his stiffening cock, it was growing in size every second and I wanted it, but knew better than to take the lead role, I needed to wait for the order, then it came. "Well this stiff cock won't suck it's self, get your mouth and tongue into action, and get it nice and wet, I think it's about time your girly arse got some dick in it", believe me I didn't need to be told twice, I swooped on the cock , like a hungry bird chasing a worm ....

I licked the outside of the lace covered cock, savouring the heat with emanated from his crutch, I mouth the girth of the snake within, then slowly drew his panties down, and the more I revealed, the more excited I became, finally his monster cock was exposed, jutting straight out from a hairless crutch, his balls, were just as majestic as his shaft. I slipped my hands from behind my back to caress his cock and balls whilst I licked the entire shaft making sure I didn't miss a single inch. I had worked with Tim for the last 15 years, but I had no idea that he was hiding this monster in his pants, I was now a man or should I say a Sissy Slut completely obsessed with sucking cock, and pleasing the owner, no matter who he was, I nibbled on the head, gave little love bits up and down the shaft, even gently sucked on his balls, then I relaxed my throat muscles and guided his tool deep into my throat, right down to the balls, "You must have a great teacher slut, not many Girly Bois can do that, but now it's time to check out your arse. Get those cute panties off and get on the bed and spread your legs, your time has finally arrived, Sissy Boi"

I moved onto the bed, buried my head into the mattress, leaving my butt and hole fully exposed and available to Tim, I could feel the mattress depress as Tim climbed onto the bed behind me, then the very touch of his cock pressed against my hole sent shivers running throughout my entire body, I not sure where he got the lube from, but could feel the cold lubricant sliding up and down my butt, Tim occasionally stopped at my hole to press inward, slowly encouraging my muscles to relax, then he would edge further in. I was moaning and groaning, pleading with Tim to put his cock in me, but he kept telling me to wait, he was in control of things NOT ME, but that didn't stop me from wiggling my arse and thrusting back to meet his stiff cock. Between his movements and mine I had taken half his cock and wanted more. Then Tim slid his hands around to my chest , grabbed my nipples and twisted them, making me yell, but at the same time drilled the rest of his shaft deep into my butt, right down to the balls, this took my breath away, and I almost collapsed, the sheer fact that he had hold of my orbs held me steadfast. Time began rocking back and forth sliding in and out, gradually building speed and intensity. Tim then upped his verbal taunts, calling me a Sissy Slut, Fucking whore, and cock sucking Bitch, if this was supposed to degrade me it didn't work. I was all of those things and more, I loved getting fucked, I absolutely revelled in getting my nipples pulled and twisted. The name calling only helped bring out the real inner slut that I was. Tim slowly built up speed and friction, then I remember what Manny had said whilst he was fucking me "Use your internal butt muscle, to tighten up the hole, squeeze your butt cheeks and try to jam his cock inside" I did these things and was rewarded with another verbal taunt, "So you know how to do that too, WOW, you're so fucking tight, I going to blow my load right up your arse you filthy whore", with that his body stiffened out , he grabbed my hips and tried to set a speed record for arse fucking, then it was his turn to yell, his body shook all over and with a final grunt he decorated my inner bowel with his seed. If all the fucks I get are like ones I got from Manny and Tim, then I'm going to love them all, Tim's powerful body slumped exhausted on top of mine, his wilting cock still buried inside, but was gradually finding its way out of my butt, leaving behind a mixture of our combined juices, that was seeping and escaping from the confines of my well fucked arse. Both Tim and I collapsed alongside each other on the bed, both of us trying to reduce our speeding heart rates, and control our breathing, neither one of us said anything, no words were needed, he got what he wanted and I go another chance to feel a cock deep inside my butt, confirming my absolute status.

After about 10 minutes of rest, I conveyed my story to Tim and how this whole BDSM story evolved, I told him about the club, Master Brett and the training at the hands of Manny. Tim explained that he had a similar story , but was a switch, ( someone that went both ways, top or bottom, sub or Master ), but also informed me that he didn't have a Top or was under the control of a Master, basically left to play free range. Tim also told me that I was very good and would love the opportunity to meet Master Brett at some point, with the possibility of playing together. After each of us relayed our stories we used the shower in the motel room, got dressed and made our way back to the office, unfortunately work still had to be done, and deadlines had to be met. I was a very strange feeling, knowing that I was going to be working in the same office with someone that would fuck me or have me suck him off if he felt the urge. I'm fairly positive that I'm going to need more undies than I currently have, and it certainly won't be dull around the morning tea breaks or water cooler.

For the rest of the day, both Tim and I finished up our report on the morning meeting and drew up and amended contracts to be sent to the clients, and come 4.30, we packed up and left for the day, without anymore discussing or reference to our lunchtime session. Once home I hit the shower, prepared something to eat, and just relaxed, and this once again gave me time to reflect on my transformation into a Sissy Slut that can't get enough cock. The thought of taking my cock out and bringing to a screaming orgasm was very real, the silky panties kept me on the edge, just the feeling made my cock hard, and just when I was about to give in, and allow myself some pleasure the phone rang. "Hello Bitch, are you free to speak"? , "Yes Sir, I'm all alone sitting on the couch, and thinking about all the things Manny has taught me, and how my new dress code has affected my sexual awareness."Well I'm glad to hear you're enjoying your new found lifestyle, I'll be home in two days, and I expect to see and feel how good you really are, Manny tells me you're going to have your hair removed tomorrow, and I can't wait to see the results. DO NOT PULL YOURSELF OFF UNTIL I'M WITH YOU. I'll see you on Thursday night at precisely 8.00pm at your place, be ready Bitch". And just like that he was gone, short, and sweet and direct; Master Brett had the ability to control my very being without even being there. The thought of pulling myself off was even greater than it was before, BUT now I have orders NOT TOO, so much for personal enjoyment. For the rest of the night I watch some dribble on the TV and then went to bed around 10.30pm, I had gotten into the habit of wearing soft silky night attire instead of boxers or in the buff, anyway, it made no difference I was the only one seeing my secrete fetish.

The next day I arrived early, getting a few things done, and planned out the designated jobs for the drafting crew, and come lunch time I informed Tim that I was away for the afternoon and that he could run point if there was any issues, but he had my number if he needed me to check anything. An hour or so later I'm laid out on a table, covered in wax strips and some sadistic female doing her best to rip the skin off my body, she even used electrolyses to remove the hair from my crotch, sack and crack, 2.5 hours later I paid that Sadistic bitch and walked back to my car. I was told that the redness would disappear soon and would only require touch ups in a few months. I thought to myself , it will take me that long to recover, anyway it was done now and I soon stopped feeling sorry for myself, so I went home and jumped in the bath to soak away some of the pain inflicted on me. That night I slept fairly well and when I woke up most of the redness had gone and only the slightest amount of residue pain was left in the groin area. But the oil and ointment she gave me certainly calmed the inflame areas to a manageable level.

I was really getting used to the idea of wearing silky undies to work and the feeling of sheer stockings on my feet and legs was truly amazing, even though I had to wear socks over my stocking covered feet and my cock and balls appreciated the exquisite feeling of being fully encased in sensuous sheer see through fabric, far superior to cotton jocks or briefs..... Whilst at work, Tim would occasionally drift into my office and ask what colour panties I had on today, and when I proudly told him what colour and style, he gave me a smile and thumbs up, and then proceeded on his way. I loved the way the silky panties and stockings interacted with my business pants, everything seemed to glide over my office chair, and my constant state of arousal made me check myself prior to walking out in to the drafting area. The rest of the staff appeared oblivious to my current state of arousal, and went about their business until home time, Tim on the other hand questioned what I was up too tonight, without giving away too much information, I told him I was going out with friends. Little did he know that I was about to hook up with Master Brett and probably have a night of sexual debauchery, he just smiled and wished me luck, and would love to hear about it tomorrow. I'm sure he had a thousand and one questions, but didn't press me for one, giving me one final smile before he drove away.

I had been home for about two hours, I'd completed my shower routine, enema and a very close shave of my face, and all other areas were completely devoid of hairs. Then I put my outfit on that I thought Master Brett would like, remembering that he likes Black and Red, so my stockings were red, Garter was black with a red Trim and my Corset was black with red lacing, I threw on the sheerest pair of red knickers I had and waited. At approximately 7.45 I left the front door ajar, had one final scotch and coke, and slightly stronger than normal, but then again this was no normal occasion. I took the opportunity to add a bit more atmosphere and mystery to the session, so I put on a blindfold and waited, I knelt down just inside the front of the door and was rewarded by the sound of approaching footsteps, the door swinging open and being closed. "Well, look at you a absolute picture of a true slut, I thought you would look good , but Manny has done a wonderful job, Your outfit is beautiful and judging by your stiff cock , I'd say your just a little excited, I know you can't see it , BUT I'm a little excited myself, seeing you dressed like this, has my cock nice and hard for you, and I know you're going to treat it right, now open up your pretty little mouth" You would not believe how excited I was, my cock was throbbing with anticipation, and I know I licked my lips more than once. I could hear Master Brett's zipper being lowered, then the faintest touch against my cheek, it was the smoothest flesh I've ever felt, he just rubbed it from one side to the other, over my lips and chin, forehead and back to my lips, pausing long enough to allow me to mouth the head, I wasn't sure of the size of the cock, but it was certainly bigger than Manny's and a bit thicker than Tim's. My tongue came out and licked the swollen head feeling every ripple of skin, and as I was doing this his cock pushed further into my mouth, past my lips, I automatically adjusted to the size and girth of the invading monster, I sucked on the partial cock, then withdrew, licked the outer skin, covering it in saliva then took Master Brett inside my mouth again, I wanted to show him that I wanted to love and worship his cock, not just swallow it. "Your good Bitch, take it nice and slow, there's plenty of cock to come, not only do you look good, your mouth and lips have me really hard, here's some more man cock for you". My hands crept up to his arse, and for the first time felt his muscular buns, I massaged and grabbed two hand full's and just kept rocking my mouth forward and back allowing my mouth and jaw to accommodate his shaft, all that practice with Manny and Tim was now paying dividends, I felt Master Brett's cock touch the back of my mouth and the start of my throat, it took all my concentration not to gag. I continued to lick, suck and rock, in and out until I felt comfortable enough to take more cock into my throat. "Fantastic Bitch, I see you've been practicing, just a bit further you filthy whore, your almost there", and with a final lunge he put all of his pulsating shaft in my mouth and throat, I could feel his balls resting on my chin, I had never had anything that big in my mouth, Master Brett just held it there. Once he was sure I had adjusted to his size he started his own rocking movement, holding the back of my head, and was now basically fucking my mouth, I was just a vessel for his cock, the more he pushed in the harder I grabbed his arse cheeks, and I in turn helped Master Brett use my mouth for his pleasure. I was sure that he was going to ride my face until he blew his load, he was certainly doing enough moaning and groaning, but he had other plans for the snake that was in my mouth, and even as he withdrew the monster shaft, I licked and mouthed the entire length.

"Stand up Bitch, and let me have a real good look at my slave and Sissy Boi, I love your panties, but you can take them off, I do love the way your cock is still rock hard, and dripping pre cum, turn around and bend over girl, you're so silky smooth, you're going to love what I have in store for you next"

I could feel Master Brett behind me and the touch of his fingers on my butt, and the way he spread my cheeks, I was in heaven, then I felt a smooth wet feeling on my arse hole, then realised that he was in fact licking my butt, tonguing my hole, it was the most extraordinary feeling I've ever felt, the more he licked the more I pushed back. Master Brett hand and fingers found their way to my nipples and automatically started twisting them, I dam near came on the spot, he was driving me to the edge, but kept me there without pushing me over. Ever so slowly my hole relaxed and responded to the attention it was getting, then I felt Master Brett shift his position, he was now standing behind me, still groping my nipples, but now his shaft was nudging my crack and potentially my hole. Greed and lust took over, I wanted his cock, I wanted the huge fire hose up my arse, I was a man possessed, I was a Girly Boi that needed cock , his cock, so I pushed back, inviting his intrusion, then I felt the head touch my opening, then gradually edged it's way in. I bent my body forward to allow him better access to my butt, and to his credit he just continued to push inward, his cock was truly massive compared to others, Tim's was great , but Master Brett beat the both of them. "What a hot fucking arse, and you know exactly how to use it, I'm going to ride your butt until you scream and cream Bitch", with that he pushed his entire length into my butt, I have never felt so full, my arse was stretched to the point of tearing , but I wanted more of this monster. Then all of a sudden a voice from deep down inside, began its own verbal assault, "Fuck I want your cock, every fucking inch, Fuck your girly boi, put that man meat deep inside my butt, oh yes! Keep going don't stop I need your Cock Master, fill me up with your creamy cum" Master Brett heard my plea , and ploughed my arse with rapid strokes, "What a dirty fucking whore, all you want is cock, well that's what you're going to get" His body stiffened, his cock felt like it got bigger, and his assault on my nipples grew more intense, then he blew, yelling and screaming , and what's more I joined him, my cock blew a mighty load without even being touched, Master Brett continued to cream my arse, the friction was fantastic, the giant snake in my butt slowly diminished in size, but his over sensitive cock couldn't stand it anymore, and creped out of my butt, his hands and fingers released my nipples, and we both slumped to the floor cuddling each other , tremors continually rocked our bodies as we came crashing back to earth. The feel of his muscular body pressed up against my Sissy outfit was electrifying, the way he rubbed my stockings sending shock waves through my entire body, I had goose bumps when he slid a couple of fingers into my well fucked arse and brought them up to my mouth to lick clean. I couldn't get enough, I wanted more, "Please Master I need more, I want to taste us, I want to drink your sweet cum, especially out of my freshly fucked arse". Once again he dipped fingers into my honey pot, coating his fingers and returned them to my mouth, I sucked and licked his fingers as if they were little cocks, I truly was a slut, but I felt I needed to show him the extent of my devotion.

I extracted myself from his embrace, allowed him to roll onto his back, then I slid my Sissy Clad body down his making sure that I kept contact the entire way, somewhere along the way my blindfold had been removed, and now I was face level with his semi deflated cock, but I wanted every drop of remaining juices that was left or stuck on the powerful horse cock. I wrapped my lips around his shaft, taking it to the balls and licked for all I was worth, Master Brett gave me free rein to do whatever I wanted, and so I licked, sucked, nibbled and vacuumed his monster. I was exactly where I should be, dressed as a Sissy Boi, and on my knees sucking my Masters cock. It didn't get as hard as it was before, but It was beautiful to have my mouth absolutely stuff with man cock. "This is beautiful, but I have something else for you to do, follow me" and as he rose to his feet, the rest of his clothing disappeared as we made our way into the bedroom, "Get on your back slut," ( I was beginning to love that saying) Master Brett followed me onto the bed , got between my spread legs, and raised them up, my stiff, pulsating cock had not cum for a few days as per Master Brett's orders, and perhaps this time I get to feel that beautiful explosion. Master Brett lowered his head and mouth and took my cock into his sweet mouth, sucked the dripping pre-cum and removed to from his mouth, licking his lips, but then continued to push my legs and feet higher, until he bent them over my head, my back was straight up, but bent slightly forward, and my now stiff cock was directly over my face. This was completely new to me, I had never been this close to my own cock, I couldn't touch it with my tongue, BUT FUCK I wanted too. "I can't have my Bitch wander around with a nut bag full of cum, so you're going to pull yourself off, directly into your mouth, and to help you along the way, I'm going to fuck your sweet girly arse with my fingers, and one day I'll do the same thing with my horse cock, get going". I did not have to be told twice, I've been on the edge for days, As I stared at my cock, merely an inch away, he pushed two fingers deep into my hole, my hand rapidly stroked my excited cock, and his fingers matched my speed, I could feel his giant horse cock pressing into my upturned shoulder blades, but I was more interested in the every growing volcano of lava about to explode. Both of us were frantic with desire and lust, and I couldn't resist anymore, "Please Master, may I cum, I need to cum, you have me so fucking hot, I'm about to explode," "Go ahead Bitch, my Little Sissy Boi, show your Master just how much you want to suck your own cum" Then with a bit my downward pressure on my arse I felt the tip of my cock touch my lips at the same time my body convulsed, spewing my cum over my face, and into my waiting mouth, my arse hole clamped around his fingers, and string of cum flew everywhere, my tongue did its best to capture everything that went even remotely close, and I even had the pleasure of licking the top of my cock, before it slowly deflated. Master Brett removed his fingers and laid me back on the bed and used the same finger to wipe any residue cum back into my mouth for me to suck clean, then he kissed me passionately , enjoying my mouth and tasting my cum and juices. We both caressed each other, our hands exploring each other's bodies for the first real time. We just lay together revelling in the afterglow of fantastic sex, I have never felt so protected, but at the same time so used, my body had experienced things, I never thought were possible, I was totally engrossed in this BDSM scene and Master Brett, Manny and Tim had taken me to the edge and thrown me head first down the rabbit hole, knowing full well that I was born to be the Sissy I had become.

I had come full circle, in such a very short time, only two weeks ago I was a pussy chasing heterosexual, but now all I could think of was Master Brett's monster cock and how excited it made me. My life was transformed, and my body made over in a way that excited Master Brett. "Ok Bitch, let's hit the shower, get cleaned up then go to bed, and tomorrow I want to hear all about your journey into our BDSM world, and I'll let you know of what future plans I have for you. And by the way, you look fantastic, your smooth skin, and outfit gets me really hot, and you my Sissy Bitch are a great fuck, time for that shower". "Yes Sir, Thank you".

Readers, now that you have read this story and others like it , please consider the hard working team at Nifty that made it possible for me to write and get published and for you to read and hopefully enjoy, your donation will help them continue their work......... ..........

Slave Mark

Next: Chapter 30: Slave Marks Feminine Side 5

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