Master Brett and Slave Mark

By Mark Irving

Published on Aug 25, 2023


Master Brett and Slave Mark, Slave David's Initiation Chapter 3

What a strange situation to be confronted with, I love and respect Master Brett, but now I have the complex added issue of having two Dominates, OK the second one was more of a switch, with the occasional passion to dominate another submissive, but he had me doing things that were way out of my comfort zone, but I loved the power and assertive nature he used to control and manipulate me. He knew my obsession with submission and used it against me, did I want him to stop, and go back to being a submissive? YES. Could I resist being a slut to someone else, that had an irresistible presence of power and dominance, NO! I was supposed to be training him, but now he was taken more and more control of me. I guess I'll have to do what I always do, go with the flow, except my fate with both Master Brett, and now Slave David or Master David, either way I'm in for heaps of Dominance.

The next few days, Master Brett had us tending to his needs, giving him a double massage, Slave David would start at his feet and calves and I would rub and massage Master Brett's shoulders, neck and arms, then slowly move down to his lower back, whilst Slave David would gradually work up his thighs, and eventually his very cute butt, spending lots of time touching, caressing and probing his crack and puckered hole. This of course generated lots of moans of delights, then Master Brett would turn over, telling us to switch ends, now I had the opportunity to massage his toes and ankles, shins and thighs, while Slave David rubbed his chest, nipples and stomach area. I was now in a position to oil up Master Brett's cock and balls, which were full and his giant cock standing loud and proud, I enjoyed watching that magnificent weapon getting excited, the head of his cock grew to a dark plum colour as I manipulated the skin up and down, Master Brett grabbed Slave David's cock and played the same magical tune I was playing on his, I could feel the veins starting to swell and watched as his balls lifted and dropped, Master Brett even lifted off the table, thrusting his cock into my hands. But, Master Brett was the master of diversity and was not about to let an opportunity go by, he dropped his hand between Slave David arse cheeks and probed two or three fingers into his vulnerable hole and he too was lifted onto his toes as the fingers worked deeper into the crevice. "Bitch, suck your fellow slaves cock , but don't you dare stop playing with my cock," it was a constant battle to see who would cum first, Master Brett had a head start on Slave David , but between the three fingers in his arse and my vacuuming mouth, I still had the edge.

Master screamed as he blew his load over his oily chest, my hand and fingers, then the Domino effect started, "Please Sir may I cum , I need to blow my load, Please let me cum inside this filthy bitch", with that Master Brett pushed his forth finger into the stretched hole and "told Slave David to "fill my mouth, and Bitch, don't you spill any I want to see you suck him dry", My mouth went into over drive, creating a vacuum that any Dyson would be proud of. It was difficult to continue playing with Master's cock, but it was just about deflated, and he just pulled my hand of it, allowing me to concentrate on Slave David's blood engorged cock. Then he too yelled that he was about to blow, then string after string of cum coated the back of my throat, and once again my mouth and tongue ensured that nothing escaped. "My god, you're a dirty fucking, cock sucking whore, no wonder Master Brett loves your mouth, You're so lucky Master, one day I hope to be as good as he is, he's just sucked me dry, please make him stop, "Release him Bitch , that will do!,"

We all managed to recover, and Master Brett told Slave David to start the shower, and once under the spray ordered David to wash him down with soap and scented oils whilst I cleaned up the massage table and towels, and placing the oils away in the cupboard. When Master Brett came out of the shower I dried him off and spray him with cologne, and presented him with his bath robe. "I think we all need a coffee Bitch, I have some work to do, and you two can rest in the kitchen, but bring me a sandwich in about an hour or so, you two can have whatever you want".

Both David and I checked our clocks to make sure what time to take Master Brett a tray of food, then we settled down to have something ourselves, and it didn't take long before David started to drift into Master David mode, but he had to keep his voice down , so we basically talked in whispers, "You are a filthy Slut, the way you suck the cum out of me was nothing short of amazing, and if and when Master Brett leaves the house I'm going to put the head of your cock in the vacuum cleaner hose and see how you like it. And don't you think for one moment that I've forgotten about your arse, I know where all the big toys are now, and you're going to get them one by one, because you love getting fucked, don't you Slut,? "Yes Sir, I love getting pounded in the arse, and when you fuck me I get so excited and turned on, I love being Master Brett's Bitch, but there's something raw and sexual about you and your control, I can't seem to control my urge to serve you and be your total slut" "I think I might take you down to the sex shop, put a mask on you and have you blow a dozen or so guys as they come into your private booth. Or bend you over a bench at the local gay haunts and put a sign above you, saying that you need to be fucked long and hard, would you like that Slut" "Yes Sir whatever you want, I'm your dirty whore when Master Brett's away"

We had to cut our conversation short because the hour was almost up, so we quickly prepared a fresh ham and salad sandwich, and also a fresh coffee and a slice of cake, I offered to take it into Master Brett who was madly typing away on his computer, "Thanks Bitch, can you and slave David clean my car , give it a polish , and remove any unwanted gear out of the car, and the trunk, I have to take a run interstate for a few days, and I'll need the space for the equipment I need to purchase, and you'll be in charge of things around here until I get back. If you need anything, you have my number, and the emergency numbers are on my desk. Go shopping, get whatever you need, and of course nobody comes over, is that clear, and I want you to keep an eye on Slave David, He's been a little strange of late"

When I got back to the kitchen everything was cleaned up, dishes were put away, and benches wiped over. I informed Slave David about our car cleaning duties and Master Brett's movement for the next few days, which was met with a raised eye brow of and a wry smile of expectations from Slave David. We found all the cleaning fluids required to clean the car in the garage, and set about the task getting the car cleaned and polished to the standard Master Brett required, his boot was cleaned out, except for essential emergency stuff.

Both David and I went shopping, buying whatever food essentials we needed and one or two other things for the house, we even decided to have a roast dinner for when Master Brett arrived back home. We also stopped off at the local bottle shop to pick up an appropriate selection of wines for the dinner.

The following day, I assisted Master Brett in the shower, taking the time to rub soap into every nook and cranny on his lovely , even dropping down to lick and suck his sweet erection, there something truly magical about swallowing a cock deep into your throat and hearing the recipient moan with pleasure, Master Brett redirected the spray so I could give him a quality blow job without drowning in the process, my head cruised from one side to the other, licking his shaft , meanwhile my hand and fingers found Master Brett's butt and love tunnel and he never grows tired of being fingered while getting sucked. Outside the shower Slave David waited, with towel in hand in preparation for his turn to dry our mutual dominate if and when he stepped out of the shower. My mouth worked over time sucking and licking that horse cock, and it was long before Master Brett's shaft started to swell and his thrusting became more urgent, and he pounded the back of my mouth and throat, eventually he screamed out "Suck my cock you Slut, Your such a whore, you can't get enough of my cock or cum, you wanted it , now here it comes". With that he pumped his dick into my mouth, spraying his seed into the far reaches of my mouth and throat, this action always drives me insane with lust, and all I want to do is drain every last drop of his beautiful essence. My job completed, I rose and continued to wash and rinse him off while he regained his composure and balance, and when he stepped out of the shower and into Slaves David towel, I washed and rinsed off, then turn the water off. I of course had a separate towel, and was allowed to dry myself away from Master Brett and Slave David.

Master Brett gave both us Slave tasks to complete whilst he was away, and to make sure the house and grounds were kept in pristine condition, and once again reminded the two of us not to have any visitors or guests stay over. We assured him that we wouldn't. He gave us both a kiss goodbye and a promise to call us when he arrived, then drove away.

I told David that I would jump on the mower and cut the lawn and suggested he could perhaps rake the driveway, and remove any weeds. We set about our tasks and chores, and after about three hours of mowing and raking, we sat back to have a well earned rest, I made David and myself a couple rounds of sandwiches and a cold drink. "I think when you serve me you should be wearing your maids outfit, go have a shower and put it on NOW", "Yes Sir, right away" I moved quickly up stairs, deciding to give myself an enema, showered and shaved, put my pretty pink maids dress on and scurried down stairs, but I didn't sit at the table with Master David, but knelt at his feet, as any good servant should. "Excellent Bitch, have your lunch down on the floor, and when you're done, you can clean the dishes and put them away, and then meet me in the lounge, I'm sure there's something else we can put in that mouth", having said that he drifted into the lounge, I wasn't too sure how all this was going to turn out, but taking orders and commands always managed to raise my cock to new heights of excitement. The dishes were done and I paraded into the lounge where Master David was sitting, the lower half of his body was totally naked and exposed his stiff cock standing proud between his legs, and his balls hung seductively, inviting my gaze. "Well don't just stand there, get your slutty mouth on my cock, you know what to do" Once again the Slut in me took over, I dropped to my knees and engulfed his blood engorged knob , then slowly sucked my way further down his shaft, my hands played with his balls, every now and then I lick his nuts and gentle sucked each one into my mouth, then back to his cock, nibbling and sucking the soft outer skin. " You're so fucking good, If this was an Olympic sport you win gold every time, Take my cock out of your mouth and rub it all over your face", I want to capture it on my phone", I looked up and there he was holding his phone, my level of humiliation went through the roof, "Are you ready to receive your Master's cum , because I've been saving it for you" My mouth was full of dick , so I could only mumble and nod, "here it comes bitch, two balls filled to the brink, and you're going to take it all, and don't spill any".

I may be a lot of things , but the one thing, I could never be accused of, is being a messy eater, if it spilled, I lick it up, if it needs to be cleaned, it gets sucked up, if something needs to be swallowed, my mouth would be only too happy to assist. I truly was a whore in every sense of the word. My lips and mouth smothered that cock, with a blur of movement; my tongue lapped every crease and inch, and the vacuum cleaner did its job. Master David screamed his approval as the volcano erupted, spewing his cum deep into my mouth, "OH MY FUCKING GOD, what a mouth, you're the best slut anybody could have, keep sucking whore". Even though he was sitting down on the couch, he stiffened out and continued to thrust his snake into my mouth, trying to drive it down my throat. His hands clamped onto the back of my head, increasing and controlling his driving action, and preventing my escape, then he quickly released me, and pushed me away due to the over sensitivity in his cock.

I sat back and watch as he had a couple of aftershocks and quivers, then totally relaxed, a sense of achievement swept over me again as I took in the view of this Dominate as his swollen cock slowly deflated and rested alongside his balls. "I presume you prepared your arse Bitch, because I haven't forgotten about the way you love taking things deep into it, and you had better get used to the idea that my fist is going to make regular visits, and perhaps one day two fists up the hole of yours, I didn't know whether to be excited or scared, I must admit that when he did it the other day there was a certain amount of satisfaction and achievement knowing that I had conquered my fears and took his fist, but now with the threat of him doing it again and again, had me a little apprehensive. "Now Slut what I want you to do, is go get all the bigger toys, dildo's and dongs, bring them down here and also a big jar of lube you're going to need it. By the way don't leave any behind; I know what's in the toy cupboard, if you leave any of the real big ones, I'll take you out the back and fuck you with a baseball bat, now get going" My short maids outfit did nothing to hide my cock which was growing in anticipation, I gathered up the toys , and placed them in a basket along with the lube, then quickly moved down stair and into the lounge.

Master David, had pulled the coffee table closer to the lounge chair, and placed large towels over it, I Placed the toys at his feet, then he started to arrange them on the table, smallest to largest, which was crazy considering the smallest was seven inches and fat, but the largest was 12 inches and huge in diameter, it was probably thicker than his hand, and longer, "OK Slut grease up your arse, let's see how far you get along the dildo line. But here's something to keep your mind off things," He pulled down the front of the maids outfit and attached a Japanese clover clamp to each, then added weights to drag my nipples down, as soon as he attached them, blood disappeared from that area, due to the never ending clamp pressure. I moaned and groan, But Master David didn't care, and he had other plans. "Now slut you're going to move down the line , taking each cock deep into your arse, until you hit the base, then you're going to move onto the next one, and so on, and take your outfit off I want to see those dildos disappear, Way you go ".

My arse was well and truly greased up, I had worked a few fingers into my hole to loosen the muscles, but now as I squatted over the first toy and slowly sank down on it, It felt fantastic, it slipped in without too much issues, "OK fuck yourself", Master David with a smile , I bounced up and down enjoying the ride, "OK move on" I extracted the first dildo then squatted over the next, this was about 9'' inches, but about the same girth, then I lowered myself, the transition was easy enough, but when I finally hit the base I knew I was full. Once again, l was told to fuck myself, so I complied raising and lowering my butt, taking it all after 3-4 tries, this was fun , I especially loved the constant pain from the nipple clamps. Master David saw that I was having too much fun and ordered me onto the next toy. The next dildo in the line was a 10 inch multi ribbed one that was wider, "Get on with it" I moved along the table, seeing the monster that I was about to impale myself on , positioned my butt, I lined myself up , then started my descent, the head slipped in ok, but as I got to about the middle of the dildo it flared out, I had to relax and slow my intake, allowing my muscle to adjust, then once again slowly edged my way until only the base showed. I could barely believe that I my butt had consumed that silicone monster, "That was very impressive, sit on that for awhile, allow your cute arse to get used to stretch, but now I want you to pull and twist those clamps, I love hearing you moan, and your girly nipples excite the hell out of me." I pulled and yanked on the clover clamps, I watched as the little jaws pinched the orbs, and the failure of blood being able to reach the nipples caused them to go white. But I certainly did moan, and there was a strange type of pain mixed with a real lot of pleasure, and Master David was certainly enjoying the show, because his cock was up and flowing with pre-cum, as I humiliated and fucked myself on the cocks.

Just watching him play with himself , amused at my expense, I was captivated by the sight of his cock disappearing into his palm, and re-emerging on his down stroke, I just had to fuck myself , so I slowly edge up and down creating friction , and of course loosening up the muscle in my rim, Being the Slut I am , just drifting up and down inch by inch was never going to be enough for me so I released half the toy, only to drive myself back down on it again. My cock was dribbling pre-cum as I touch the prostate in the process. Both Master David and I were so obsessed with our mutual pleasure that we failed to see Master Brett standing in the doorway, with a stunned look on his face, but more importantly holding a menacing looking bugger whip.

"What the fuck is going on here? And don't either one of you move, the first one to move will get whipped" I was barely in a position to jump up, but David tried to move , and was quickly swatted with the whip, right across his arse creating and welt, and also a scream in pain, followed by another one for good measure. I most certainly didn't move, but got a flick across my butt for the sheer hell of it. David slumped back in the chair and I self impale on the cock, but didn't move. "It might interest you girls to know that I had CCTV cameras install while you two were working, so I have everything on tape. David you and I have a meeting in the dungeon, so get your arse down there NOW, STRIP AND LOCK YOUR FEET IN THE CUFFS, I'll be down soon" As for you Bitch, I would have thought you knew better, I knew that you'd drop to your knees as soon as someone gave you an order, your just a helpless slut, but you need to be taught a lesson. Get your arse on that other cock , and you will take it all the way" Once again the tip and head of the next cock quickly disappeared, but now I had my true Master watching, and it was with a sense of pride that I took the next six inches, I looked up and watched Master Brett, almost imploring him to stop, "keep going bitch , you allowed yourself to be seduced by a would be Dominate, so you have to be punished, NOW GET AND TAKE THE WHOLE FUCKING THING". There was a cold sweat starting to sweep over my body as I gradually inserted the toy, I was hitting areas that even Master Brett hadn't reached, even with his horse cock. "Your almost there Slut keep going, my cock was spewing pre-cum , but there was no way I could stop , I wanted to go all the way, then I hit the base, and my arse cheeks rested on the table . "I didn't think it was possible, but once again you have proved me wrong," I just sat on the table in complete ore of myself, I didn't think I could take it either, Then Master Brett produced some masking tape , walked towards me , ordered me to hold the base of the huge cock whilst it was still buried inside of me, Then proceeded to wind the tape around my waist, between my legs, up either side of my balls and around again trapping the huge cock deep in my arse. I had to walk, or waddle as I moved. Talk about uncomfortable, it felt like I had a tree limb embedded up my butt, every step was a cautious one, "Go put the kettle on Bitch, make me a coffee and bring it down to the dungeon" I moved gingerly to the kitchen knowing that I had 12 inches of fat cock up my arse, and no way of removing it. Master Brett headed towards the dungeon and the hapless David. By the time I arrived with the coffee Master Brett had weaved a very red pattern on David's arse, the buggy whip was flexible and mean, I couldn't hear the screams of pain, due to the extensive sound proofing, I laid down the coffee as Master Brett continued to assault David's butt, turning it a bright crimson colour, before he stopped. Unbeknown to me Master Brett had secured a ball and cock cage on David and fastened a lock on it making sure that he and only he could grant David another erection anytime soon .

He made sure that both of us heard his last order or statement "I'm the ONLY MASTER of this house, I make the rules, you Bitches follow the rules, David you're lucky I don't melt the key down a leave you this way, Sissy Boi, you should be sold or given away to another Dominate, but your too good a slut to let go. BUT KNOW THIS THERE WILL BE NO NEXT TIME. David until you have learnt your lesson the cage stays on, I may get others to fuck you, even Sissy Boi might get to do it, but if you fuck up, I'll get a dog to do it, do I make myself clear?" "Yes Sir , David said with his head bowed. "Sissy Boi your not as bad as David, your just a sucker for domination, but I gather by the CCTV footage that you like getting fisted, so heaps of that is heading in your direction, and get used to drinking piss, you may end up being the local gay toilet if you fuck up again", "Yes Master Brett, I know I fucked up, and I deserve to be punished anyway you see fit. "Just get up to the kitchen and prepare tea, , David you can stay down here and think about how close you came to never using that cock of yours again. From now on you will eat and sleep on the floor, I've seen how well behave you are as a dog; let's see how you like that for awhile".

It took Master Brett a couple of days to calm down, and life between myself and him to return to normal, it been just as long for my butt to return to its original size and function. David has another month to go before he's returned to Slave Status, but his cock cage has been removed, but has been told to keep it well and truly in check. Tonight Master Brett has plans to fist my arse, and allow me to drink from the golden fountain, life as a submissive to Master Brett is full of adventures.

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Slave Mark and Slave David

Next: Chapter 25: Slave Marks Feminine Side 1

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