Master Brett and Slave Mark

By Mark Irving

Published on Aug 17, 2023


Master Brett and Slave Mark, Slave David's Initiation Chapter 2

Master Brett, has assigned the task of cleaning up to Slave David and I , and even though, I was fairly drained emotionally and physically, I knew I had to comply, so Both Slave David and I put what clothing we started the night with back on and commenced our cleaning. Slave David looked good in his leather jock, and his arse nicely encompassed, by the rear straps and of course my maids outfit always made my cock hard, and left nothing to the imagination, thank god, I didn't have to clean this mess up by myself, I've had to clean up these function all by myself at various times, and it was good to have another bitch help with unenviable task of cleaning and vacuuming the lounge and play areas. I often wondered about my fellow man and question, the state of their houses, surely they don't make this much mess in their own homes, yet they come here and trash ours. How fucking hard is it to put rubbish or scraps of food in a trash bin, you would think that they would now where the kitchen is by now or at least put the glasses on the sink. Anyway Slave David and I ploughed on finally making sense of the place and putting things back in order, I must admit that I occasionally perved on David Arse when he bent over, and I had a sneaking suspicion that he was doing the same when I bent over to retrieve something. I set Slave David the task of doing the dishes and cleaning the kitchen, whilst I tackled the vacuuming and spot cleaning of surfaces. About an hour later the final task was to sweep and mop the hard surfaces, kitchen, laundry, bathrooms. When all that was done Slave David and I sat in the kitchen made ourselves some coffee, and nibbled of some of the leftover food the cook left. " Well what do you think of our little gatherings, feel free to speak your mind, I'm not a Dominate, I'm just another one of Master Brett's Bitches, the same as you. I get punished as you will, I'll get fucked and fisted, by the same bloke you do, and I'm subjected to the same rewards and humiliation that you will have to endure. I have no status here, except that I've been here longer, I may be the Alfa Submissive, but I'm just another Slut" I could see Slave David processing all that I said, then he opened up, "Mark, when I asked you to introduce me to Master Brett, I fully expected to be used, and I came into your world with my eyes wide open, but I also knew that there would be eyes watching all the time, observing me and how others treated me, so I had a degree of trust IN YOU, Master Brett may have been busy with his guest , but I knew you wouldn't be far away, and prepared to step in, such as you did when those other slave over stepped the mark. I have never been so excited in my life, I wanted a purpose, I wanted to serve, and tonight, I hope will be the start of a wonderful future as a Submissive" "When you two girls have finished talking, get up here now", came a booming voice over the intercom, we quickly cleaned up our cups and dishes, then headed upstairs.

Upon entering the bed room Master Brett had pulled back the covers to reveal his beautiful horse cock, Sissy Bitch, get my cock nice and wet, and you Slave David, lick her arse, I want to see your tongue disappear into that hole, both of us descended onto the bed as Master Brett, laid back and enjoyed the attention, I licked and suck, as I had done a thousand times before, taking that monster as deep as I could, my gag reflex had long since disappeared, giving me the ability to swallow long and deep, I could feel the hot and slimy tongue working on my arse, and it was slowly loosening up with the constant probing tongue. "OK, Slave David your job is to hold Sissy Bitches legs up and spread, while you sit on her face, it's her turn to lick your arse, while I plough that girly cunt of hers, She absolutely loves to be fucked deep and hard, and when I fill her girl cunt with my juices you're going to lick it out". My view of things were totally blocked by Slave David's arse, the only sight I saw was a dripping arse hole being wedged onto my waiting tongue. But I could feel the monster cock sliding into me , right down to the balls, he loved to go full length with every stroke or thrust, occasionally he would go slow, teasing the crap out of me , then he would try to set world records for fast fucking, so much so that Master Brett edged ever closer to a mind blowing orgasm, His movement were no longer calculated and measured, he had turned into a lust driven monster fully intent on ploughing my gash, "Get ready whore, here it comes you cock sucking slut, both of you get ready," as soon as Master Brett starts his verbal taunts, it always drives me over the edge, Slave David's tongue in my arse did nothing to stop me from wanting to cum, "Please Sir, can I cum with you, I need to cum so badly, and your fantastic horse cock has brought me to the edge again, Please Master, let me cum" "Blow your load Bitch, and while you do that I'm going to fill your arse, and as soon as I do, Your girly Sister is going to suck it out of your arse then suck all the juice off your belly and chest". Master Brett, stiffened his legs and drove in one last time as his scream of ecstasy filled the room, his eyes rolled and body shock as cum spewed from the head of the python in my butt, not to be outdone my pulsating cock sprayed ropes of cum across my belly and chest, and no sooner had I started, when I realised that Slave David was slurping the cum from my arse, using his mouth as a vacuum cleaner, sucking my entire ring into his mouth, then quickly sucked and licked my explosive juices, cleaning every drop of cum and combined fluids, then he lay completely on top of my exhausted body and kissed me deep, opening up my mouth and allowing cum to dribble from his mouth to mine, then we locked into a passionate kiss as only two submissives sluts can.

"Right, you two sluts hit the shower, clean up and be back here in ten minutes, Hurry up the clocks ticking" we headed for the shower, soaped each other, cleaning every inch of our bodies, rinsed off , grabbed a couple of towels to dry ourselves, then moved back into the bed room, "Slave David you get the floor, pillows and blankets are there,(pointing to a corner mattress ) Sissy Boi, you're in here with me, in the morning you two girls make breakfast, and I'll be down at 9.00am sharp, I have things to do , so have everything ready". With that said I crawled into bed and cuddled Master Brett, and Slave David organised his pillow and blankets on the mattress. "Good night Girls, well done David, welcome to the house". It wasn't long before the night's entertainment caught up with us and we were all in the land of nod.

I'm an early riser, so I crept out of bed, had a quick pee then nudged David to wake him up, as he started to stir, I put my fingers to his lips to keep him quiet, then pointed to the toilet, whispering to him that I'll meet him down stairs in the kitchen. It was only 6.30am, but in my opinion the best part of the day, we decided to wake up by having another shower in the downstairs bathroom, As we set the water temperature, and moved in to the flowing stream, it gave us a chance to perv and play with each other, David's hands caressed my arse pushing and probing ,sliding soapy fingers deep into my butt, and for my part I massaged his balls and hardening cock, It wasn't as big as Master Brett's horse cock, but it certainly filled my hands, and his balls hung deep with pent up cum resting inside, one of my hands touched his sweet cock , whilst the other found its way to his nipples and I couldn't resist pulling and twisting them, David moaned and groaned as much as I did as he introduced a third finger into my willing arse, it wasn't long before he edged a forth finger into butt, then he started rotating his hand , all the time he added more soap and oils. I started pulling on his cock, massaging the entire shaft, we redirected the water spray and we concentrated on giving each other pleasure. David pushed me against the shower wall, spread my legs, and whispered in my ear that occasionally he had a dominate streak, and this was one of those times, "Get and push your arse out Bitch, I want you to feel how big I can be, now push that sweet fucking girly cunt out, you have four fingers in there at the present and now I want you to pressed down on my fingers, relax those muscle and just let my fingers in". I was so hot and horned up that I wanted this to happen, I braced myself bent at the knee and pressed downward, thankfully there was plenty of oily soap, and my anal muscles were loosened up, David had curled his thumb into his palm creating a cone type of shape, and he continued his rotating movement, as I once again brought downward pressure onto his hand, I have never felt so stretched it was a dull ache, but I didn't want it to stop. "Thank it slut, I knew you were a total whore the first time I met you, you can't get enough arse play can you?" "No Sir I want this I want to feel your hand deep inside my arse, I love being used like a little pig, Please Sir, let me sit on your fist" and with that i dropped all my weight onto his fingers and hand and my anal muscles gave way, and even though there was slight pain, I had conquered his fist, I had been joined to the man by his wrist and the start of his forearm. There was a moment of silence as David pushed in and out of my butt, I've never felt so filled in my life, I had taken plenty of fat cocks but nothing could compare to this, It felt like I had a tree stump stuck up my arse, every nerve ending was screaming, anything that resembled normality was gone, but the truth remained, I had a fist, wrist and partial arm up my butt, I was like a human puppet, dancing to whatever orders I was being given by David. "I'm going to love being part of this family, I get to take orders from Master Brett and you my Sissy Bitch will take orders from me, I know you love this and I know you're going to love doing all sorts of things to you when Master Brett isn't here, isn't that right whore? "Yes Master David, whatever you want" as I said those words of submission he slowly extracted his arm, then his wrist and eventually his fingers, it took all my will power to not to collapse onto the shower floor, Both our cocks were rock hard, and without a moment's hesitation we both brought ourselves to a mind shattering explosion of cum, spraying ropes everywhere, on walls , over our legs , some even hitting the shower taps, we had to hold each other to prevent us both from toppling over. We redirected the water spray back on us, cleaned up the shower, we soaped our bodies again this time rinsed off, and dried ourselves and made our way out of the bathroom and into the kitchen.

Once in the kitchen we made a pot of coffee, and had a chat about what just happened, David apologised, and explained that on rare occasional he gets the urge to dominate, and control someone else , but never got the opportunity to do so". "Relax, stop worrying, there's nothing to apologise for, I always love to submit, BUT it must be when Master Brett is not here, or away working interstate or out of town. BUT just remember we belong to him, and subject to his rules, we cannot leave any tell tale body marks or he will take the bull whip to both our arses. We chattered for about an hour then we set about making a stake of pancakes, eggs, French toast, and coffee, all in readiness for Master Brett's arrival at 9.00am sharp. And at precisely 9.00am Master Brett strolled into the kitchen, sat at the table and asked "What have you two girls been up too, nothing naughty I hope." "Nothing Sir, just talking about protocols and procedures, we also were discussing the events of last night. "Good, Sissy Bitch keep telling Slave David what needs to be done and what is expected of him, normally I would have a new slave eat from a bowl in the corner, but because you proved yourself last night, I've decided that you can eat with us up at the table, grab a chair, and dig in, this looks fantastic"

It always amazes me, the Ying and Yang of the BDSM scene, at one moment the Dominate is either whipping your arse, bringing you to tears, fucking or fisting you, and giving you exquisite pain, and in the next moment treating you with dignity and with undying love and passion mixed with constant pleasure.

Last night's entertainment was evidence of that, and this morning's shower was another level, the pain and pleasure and sense of achievement I felt as Slave/Master David thrust his fist up my arse, and the sensual showering and pampering afterwards was clear and evident that the coin has two sides. All three of us enjoyed the breakfast we laid out, and Master Brett informed us of his movements for the rest of the day." He had a business meeting at 11.00am. , and then dinner I'm out to dinner with friends. Together we are organising a collaring for one of the out of town BDSM couples. The collaring will be held here in about a month, so both of you keep yourselves available, I'll let you know when I have more details, so I will be late home. Today Sissy Boi, I want you to introduce Slave David into puppy play, put a mask and collar on him and don't forget the butt plug tail, and then take our new pup for a walk on the lead around the property, I do have another couple coming over to drop a parcel off, DO NOT BREAK TRAINING, Slave David has to get used to being on display and humiliated as part of the family".

Slave David and I cleaned up the dishes as Master Brett dressed for his meeting, and at approximately 10.00am he left giving us both a kiss and a hard swat on the arse, prior to driving away. We gave the house a quick once over to make sure no empty glasses were hidden away or any trash lying about, we changed all the bedding in the place, and put new sheets on the beds. By about 1.00 pm., we sat down and had a coffee and more left over items from last night. I reminded David that we had some training to complete just after lunch, and we needed to be seen doing it, should the other couple drop by, David was all up for the new experience, and was keen to get going once we cleaned the lunch dishes. Whilst David finished up in the kitchen I went to the play cupboard to retrieve the dog mask and lead, and the rather large butt plug tail, knowing that Master Brett would expect nothing less. Satisfied that the kitchen was clean, we moved outside, (thankfully it was a warm 26 degrees). I had David stand in front of me whilst I secured the Mask, locking it into place, the Mask was fashioned on a wolves face and mussel, and I asked David to bend over and spread his butt cheeks, presenting his very tasty arse hole to me I couldn't help but give it a few licks prior to greasing up the butt plug and gently sliding it into his hole, and when he took his position on all fours, he did indeed look like a human puppy. Next came the collar and lead, I informed him that there was to be no talking, only growls and whimpers. Now pup David was to crawl behind me keeping step as we walked about the house, he was taught to sit, beg, and sniff my butt and crutch as any good dog would do, I told him to stay, then called him to me. Then came time to venture into the gardens, front and back, and while he rolled around on the grass we heard the gate opening and the two visitors arriving, I told Pup David to sit, whilst I greeted them, I recognised one of them as Master Paul and his human pup Tony. We Chattered for a while then allowed the two pups to play with one another, the ran in circles, sniffing each other's butts and crutch, they took turns playing submissive and laying on their backs while the other dog sniffs and gets horny. At one stage Pup Tony wanted a piss, so he raised one leg against a tree and pissed squirting the trunk, and of course as dogs do Pup David sniffed the trunk, the pup play was fun to watch, but Master Paul had other things to do, so he called his dog to heal reattached the lead, collected their parcel and left. I called pup David to my side pattered his head and began to remove the Mask and collar, David's face was a little hot and sweaty from wearing the Mask, so I got him a cool drink and we sat outside in the shade of a tree. I was about to remove the butt plug, but David said that he liked having it wedged up his butt.

"Well David what did you think of that, you got to play human puppy with another pup, and judging but your stiff cock , I presume you enjoyed yourself" . "I certainly did, it's one thing to be a submissive, to Master Brett and yourself, but being a submissive to another dog, took my humiliation to another level, having to sniff another person's pee had my cock stiff as a board".

"Really, I must admit that watching you sniff the crutch of the other pup was a turn on for me too, the way his cock stood straight out and your mask almost sucking his length". "I'm glad to hear you say that Sissy Bitch, now get over here now, It's your turn to be the submissive bitch", Honestly Master David must have been reading my mind, and being the slut that I am, I can't resist an order, and I quickly followed his direction and knelt at his feet, "So you enjoyed watching me sniff another pups piss, Well I think it's only fair that you get a good close up look of a pissing cock", with that he placed his cock only inches from my face. "You know what to beg for Bitch, I want to hear you beg", "Please Master David, spray your piss on my face, piss in my mouth, I love being degraded and used for your pleasure, Please Sir, let me drink your golden nectar". Once again I had been transformed into a total fucking whore, in a matter of seconds, and begging to be humiliated, and Sir David had taken control of my ever movement. Not only did I have Master David's cock pissing on my lips , but now I had engulfed his cock while the flow was still strong and hard, his hot pee hitting the back of my throat before swallowing mouth full after mouthful. Slowly he eventually stopped, removed his cock from my mouth, " Ok Bitch one last thing", he pulled my legs up my chest , I thought he was going to fuck me, but sadly no, he continued to push my legs up further until my cock was above my face, then he ordered me to piss on myself, I wasn't sure if I could, but with 3-4 hard slaps on my arse he convinced me to try. I had to concentrate , but then the first few drops, hit my chin, I automatically tried to lick the drops off, but then a slow and steady trickle of nectar flowed onto my chin, mouth and tongue, then the trickle turned into a steady golden flow, drenching my face. My mouth opened and I couldn't swallow fast enough, "You look fucking fantastic Sissy Boi, I didn't think it was possible to find such a filthy, disgusting whore like you, we are going to have so much fun. I may be Master Brett Slave , but your my Sissy whore, and you had better get used to the idea, every time Master Brett's way, you will drop everything and be my Bitch". I was hardly in a position to argue, and I knew I now had two Masters.

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Slave Mark and Slave David

Next: Chapter 23: Bdsm Rookie 5

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