Master Brett and Slave Mark

By Mark Irving

Published on Aug 11, 2023


Master Brett and Slave Mark, the BDSM Rookie Chapter (2)

To say that I had a restless night would be an understatement; the constant thoughts of what I had seen and participated in rocked my otherwise boring life. Never in my wildest dreams would I have ever imagined myself acting like I did, and so willingly. And now as I was waking up, my cock was rock hard, I know that us guys generally wake up with a woody, but this was different, my cock was straining and stretching the skin, and it had a real purpose, and my resistance was gone I had to play with it, had to get some relief, and now that I had my stiff cock in hand, the thoughts of what I lowered myself to do last night, came racing back into my head, and everything that I did was done with a certain degree of eagerness, I wasn't forced or pushed to do it, I was almost compelled by an inner desire, and a natural instinct to kneel on the floor and excepted my fate.

But the crowning moment I guess was when I was under the table with Brett's cock in my mouth, all my previous doubts and fears, and questions had gone. My rather dull life had been overturned, my normal 9-5 life had been twisted and reshaped, if not scrapped, but now all I cared about was taking my pleasure, whilst catering to Brett's, then to have my position exposed to another person whilst I sucked and savoured his beautiful cock, to the point where he blew into my near virginal mouth, and told to capture all of it without spilling a drop, at the time I couldn't believe what I was actually doing, but you could not have pried my off that cock with a crow bar. Even as I stood up I was confronted by a lovely male dressed in stockings and garter, and before I knew it I was locked into a wild passionate kiss, both our tongues were in a fight for possession of the last remaining droplets of come in and around my mouth.

My hand was furiously pounding my cock, with the thoughts of the erotic depravity at which I had stooped too, but didn't stop the pulsating urge to blow, and blow it did, my eyes rolled, my legs found muscles I didn't think I had, I could feel my heard pounding in my chest, I was getting friction burns from the speed that I was creating, I shot 3 strings of beautiful cum into the air, in all directions, the grip on my cock was so tight that I even frightened myself, I finally looked down and my grip was covered in cum, for some ungodly reason I quickly released my cock only to bring my hand straight to my mouth and lips. I have no idea what came over me but my tongue and lips made short work on the remaining cum, each finger was licked and sucked within an inch of its life. In all my years I have never entertained the idea of consuming my own cum, but here I was devouring and savouring the taste of my own essence. Finally, my body started to return to normal, (fucked if I know what normal is anymore), the muscles in my legs eased, and my pulsating cock had resumed its original flesh colour, and only the smallest amount of post cum fluid sat on the very tip of the head.

I laid there in my bed, surrounding by the melting, clear remnant of my cum spray , and allowed my body time to recover, giving me time to contemplate my next move, I tried to refrain from dwelling on last night, because I didn't want to repeat what I've just done. So I quickly jumped out of bed and into the shower, almost contemplating a cold one, but I refrained from going down that track, (I love my hot showers too much). I've always noticed that I do my best thinking in the shower. And this was one of those occasions. There was no denying that I loved last night, and Brett was certainly a big bonus, his personality and easy going nature, made my introduction into the BDSM scene so much easier, he had the ability to keep me relaxed, and reduce my fear factor. He casually walked me through various play scenes and scenarios allowing me to meld into the play without being too pushy, and finally offered me the opportunity to be part of the group, and especially as his submissive. Even as I dried myself off, the thoughts of last night kept racing back into my head, both of them, once again I resisted giving myself another orgasm, preferring to get dressed and have breakfast.

As I downed a couple of pieces of toast, and savoured the taste of the freshly brewed coffee, I looked at the business card on the table, the same one Brett gave me last night, that particular card was potentially the key to the door. I thought to myself, I could just throw it away, and put last night down to an exciting adventure or a wild fling, or I could dial the number on it and walk through the door and fall down the rabbit hole again, just like Alice. But I didn't build a successful business by making rash decisions, so I set about doing stuff about the house, doing the shopping, whatever it takes to keep my mind occupied, and Brett didn't put a time line on when to call, so I wanted time to soak up all that had happened, and to weigh up the pros and cons. I was Sunday night, so I shouted myself a dinner at the local pub, had a few drinks, and notice the crowd around me. Most were paired up, others were so intent on losing money on the pokies they had forgotten to go home, and a few had park their butts on a bar stool, and only had the bar tender for company. And of course there was yours truly, sitting at a table by myself, eating alone without anybody beside me, hardly any comparison to last night. And the card in my pocket was getting more and more inviting the longer I reflected.

At 9.00pm I relented, I dragged the card from my pocket and dialled the number. It was one of the longest dial tones ever, I almost gave up on the number, then I heard a voice on the other end of the phone, "Hello Brett here, "what can I do for you" Nervously I told Brett who I was and asked "If he still wanted me for his submissive". I have never been so afraid of an answer in my life, I was nervous, excited and terrified all at the same time, I was bored with my lonely life, my life needed to be kicked started again, and I was desperate for a positive answer. "Well Mark, last night you showed real potential, but this is a big step, are you sure you're up for it. It's not all soft and gentle with pretty flowers; there are a few thorns, and things that bite. But Mark I'm still looking and if you're interested, we can meet somewhere and discuss a few things, but just as we are clear, your name is now slave Mark and you will call me Master Brett or Sir. Let's meet at Tuscany's Restaurant on Wednesday night at 7.00pm, don't be late, Oh and another thing I want you to wear frilly sexy girls knickers to tea, if you can't do that, DON'T TURN UP. I want you to know who owns you from the start, I'll see you there, and hung up. .....

My god what have I done, not only have I fallen down the rabbit hole but now I've eaten everything and drank all the fluid, once again my head was spinning, how the hell was I going to last until Wednesday night, I still had 3 days of work and I know I'm not going to be able to concentrate fully on anything, (TOO LATE NOW). So, armed with the time, date, and place, I set my mind to thinking about the frilly sexy knickers, and the threat if I didn't wear them, and I certainly didn't want that. After another restless night I phone the boys in the office and informed them, that I would be a bit late, I needed to get some things from the store prior to getting into work. With some fear of guilt and lots of worry I made my way through the aisles to the lingerie dept, and was way out of my depth, and blushing madly, "Can I help you Sir, came a rather petite voice, and that voice belonged to a equally petite, slim well dressed young man." I quickly put my hand on a couple pairs of silk under pants, and said "I think these will do". "Are these for your daughter, wife perhaps, but these are for younger kids", If we're looking for something larger, these over here may do the trick", he took me over to a different section. "What size is your wife?" and when I couldn't answer, he stared me down, and gave me a wink, then he showed me a few pairs of soft silky undies, these were see through and very sheer. "I think these will fit you perfectly, and it will show off your bits very nicely". I think I turned all shades of red, but he had my number, he had caught me out. "Let's just take those to the counter for you and we'll process the sale straight away, and be sure to come back a SEE ME should you require any other additional items in your size." As we made our way to the counter, he brushed his hand over my arse, and gave it a light squeeze, and whispered in my ear that he does personalised fittings, should Sir require any additional help. My face flushed and without thinking, I said that "one day I may need help, and I would definitely call on him". And I returned his wink, and a cheeky grin. I was trying to catch him out, as I paid for the goods and left the store. I thought to myself, a sissy bitch for one day and you're already getting hit on.

The next three day were a blur, I even had a conversation the foreman who started all this, He asked how my week end was, and I told him that I dragged myself down the pub, met a few people and expanded on my circle of friends, in fact I was going out to dinner on Wednesday night, I didn't elaborate and he didn't ask, but he did say I had a bit more of a spring in my step. Wednesday finally arrived, and I left work early, giving myself plenty of time to prepare, I even took the opportunity to catch up on some back ground information on BDSM play, protocols and basic requirements of a submissive. If nothing else I was always very thorough, a few things caught my eye, things that I needed to act upon, i.e. enemas prior to anal play, purging your urine until it as crystal clean. So with a few hours to spare I made my way to the chemist to purchase an enema kit, razors and perfume. Once home I read the instruction carefully and prepared myself mentally for what I was about to do to myself. With some reluctance I managed to follow the instructions, purging my bowel, and ensuring my perfect presentation if required by Master Brett.

Once again I had no idea what I was getting myself into, I kept telling myself , a few days ago I was a straight laced heterosexual business man running a successful company, and now I was preparing myself to meet someone that will definitely change my whole perception of life as I know it. Even now as I look in the mirror, I could see my newly acquired undies wrapped around cock and balls, and my ever increasing bulge straining to show me how good he looks in the silky attire. I quickly pulled my pants up and continued to get dressed and head to Tuscany's, remembering Master Brett's words DON'T BE LATE.

I arrived at the restaurant, found a parking spot close to the front door and walked in casually scanned the restaurant, and then I saw Master Brett sitting in an enclosed both towards the rear of the dining area. I approached and waited for him to grant me permission to sit. Master Brett pointed to a seat opposite him, and asked if I had the appropriate underwear on, "Yes Sir, a pair of sheer see through ones", "I won't ask you to show me now , but later you will have to model them for me" "What was it like going into the shop to buy them?, Did you have any trouble?" I related my story about being hit on by the sales clerk, and the fact that he squeezed my butt and offered me a personal fitting. "Interesting, we may have to take him up on the offer at some later date, Were you embarrassed, humiliated, or secretly stimulated by the whole experience" "Master Brett it was a bit of everything, looking for panties to wear, and then being found out, that they were for me, was scary, and exciting, but having another male grope my arse in a public place, did put a lump in my pants". And when I put the panties on tonight, I couldn't help but get a little aroused. "Good, I'm glad to hear it, I do like to humiliate my submissives, just to keep them on the edge , so to speak, I know that you will have certain boundaries, and things that you have not encountered yet, but I will take you to the edge of those boundaries and tease you over the edge, It's a bit like sucking a cock for the first time, you know you love it, but when it hits the back of your throat, you want to pull back, but the devil inside will make you drive the cock deeper into your throat and past your gag reflux muscle. You did very well the other night, but that was only a taste of what is to come. Slave Mark you will be rewarded for various acts of servitude, and punished for misdeeds, or just for my pleasure. You saw some of the boys being flogged and spanked, all this is heading in your direction. YOU HAVE A SAFE WORD, which when you say it, all play stops; your word is `UMPIRE' I want you to enjoy being my submissive and bitch. And if you have any question you have to ask, or raise your concerns, is that clear Bitch?"

Just like the other night Master Brett was clear and precise, he was easy to listen too, and his instructions were straight to the point. "Yes Sir, thank you, I heard and understood everything you have said, Safe word is UMPIRE, you will at times push my boundaries, and there will be rewards and punishments"

"Excellent, now let's have tea, then we'll go back to my place to start your training". We had a lovely Italian pasta dish, garlic bread, a bottle of wine, and grabbed a bottle to go, approximately 2 hours later I was sitting on the couch alongside Master Brett, when he pointed to the floor, "When you're with me you will always kneel at my feet or sit on the floor by my feet". I quickly moved to the appointed spot. "keep your head down and don't move", I felt him raise up out of the couch and in a few minutes later returned , but this time he was completely nude. "Bitch, I want you to stand and remove your clothing, everything except your pretty undies", I want to see just how you look in them". My excitement levels were going through the roof, I couldn't get up fast enough to comply, I striped off my clothes, tossed them in a corner and stood before Master Brett, displaying my girly underwear, and my ever increasing bulge, It was no longer a bulge, but a raging hard on, doing its best to break through the sheer material. "A bit excited are we? Let's see if we can't do something about that, get over my knee, I want to feel that butt," once again I complied without question, I was about to receive a spanking, and I can't remember the last time I had one of those, but I was fairly sure this was going to be something, completely different from my childhood swats. First, Master Brett positioned his legs so my stiff cock was squeezed between his thighs, so I couldn't move, then he rubbed my arse, occasionally running a finger under the band of my panties, and down through the crack in my arse, playing with my virginal rose bud hole, and then when I was nice and relaxed his assault on my arse began, Master Brett was trying to make a statement, and that he was in total control. I'm not sure of the correct amount of slaps I received, but 50 would have been a close estimate, I almost had teas running, my arse was the hot and sore. My trapped cock was still rock hard, and with every blow it moved between Master Brett's thighs, bringing me to the brink of explosion. "Get off my lap and kneel between my feet, Look me in the eye and beg to suck my cock" I moved like grease lightning, forgetting all about my burning arse, and ragging hard cock, I knelt and started to beg" Please Sir, I love your cock, please allow me to suck that beautiful cock, it's all that I've thought about over the last few days. I've pulled myself off thinking about how delicious it tastes, Please Master Brett can I lick and suck your sweet cock. "Go ahead Bitch, you have earned a reward, and you took your spanking very well". I took my eyes off his and immediately directed my gaze at the most beautiful 8 plus inches of hot cock I've ever seen, it was beautiful and it was all mine, I was a man processed, I slowly licked up and down that shaft , ever so slowly I engulfed his cock, I not sure who was teasing who, but his hand were now on the top of my head, pushing down to receive more cock, and my mouth and throat was doing its best to accommodate each thrust of that horse cock. That lovely smooth cock sucking, had now become a full on face fuck, Master Brett wanted to give me every inch and the Slut inside me wanted it far more, I could feel his balls resting on my chin on every down stroke, we were both obsessed , his every forward thrust , met my downward sucking action I started to drive him mad with wanton lust, and I could feel his entire body shake and quiver, his thigh muscle tightened up, then his cock pulsated in my mouth and the blood curding scream that emanated from him as he coated the back of my throat, my slutty tongue danced over his entire shaft, and I certainly didn't want to waste a single drop, my mouth and lips captured his blood infused cock head, and sucked like I was a Dyson vacuum clear, this time taking him over the edge. The other night under the table was nothing compared to the blatant face fuck, there was no controlled movements or experimentation, just pure fucking lust. Master Brett, during all this time had found his verbal game, all called me everything that I had now became, "a cock sucking whore, an arse licking girly boi, and a fucking slut that would do anything he wanted", and my only response a mumble , mouth full blurry "Yes Sir, Anything you want I will do". Some of the things he wanted me to do , I didn't think were possible, but I was beyond caring, all I wanted was his horse cock, and every drop of cum, I made it my job to drain the very essence out of this powerful Dominate , my new Master.

Finally Master Brett's cock had became so sensitive that he pushed me away, "That will do Bitch, you cock sucking whore, go get us a drink from the fridge". As I staggered to my feet, licking my lips, making sure I didn't miss any escaping cum droplets, I then realised that the front of my silky underwear was completely soaked, and my cock was still rock hard, I could still feel the heat on my arse from the spanking and I'm sure my butt cheeks glowed a brilliant red. I must have looked weird but I was the proudest submissive of all time, as I returned to the couch with two beers, my panty covered cock on full display, I knelt at Master Brett's feet like the pet that I was, "Very good Slave, you just may be the best Bitch I've ever had, and you certainly have a very nice mouth", I'm sure that all the boys are going to enjoy my new toy"

Today was just the start of your training, but you're a natural submissive, you love taking orders, and your excellent at what you do, and with experience and time, you'll learn all sorts of wild and wonderful things, but for tonight, I think you've shown me enough to keep you, would you like that Bitch". " Yes Sir , nothing would make me happier than to serve you and your friends, I need to be controlled and used, and desperately want to be your submissive".

"OK, rest up, take your time with your drink, then get dressed, and leave, I want you to think about your commitment to me, and all the fun we'll have together, I'll be in touch" As he said all this he pulled me up, and we stood together, my silk covered stiff cock and his now deflated horse cock rubbed against each other, as we kissed passionately, our tongues danced inside each other's mouths. As we broke apart and I started getting dressed, I realised for the first time, I was really happy, and that thought stayed with me all the way home.

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Slave Mark

Next: Chapter 20: Bdsm Rookie 3

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