Master Brett and Slave Mark

By Mark Irving

Published on Jul 18, 2023


Master Brett and Slave (2) Mark, Outback adventures

After I sat around the fire for awhile and checked the footage on my phone, I decided to call it a night, I made sure the campfire was safe, double checked my truck and camp site, and then went inside the van. I stripped down what was left of my clothing and crawled into bed, a thousand thoughts and memories did their best to keep me awake, but mental exhaustion and the day's drive finally caught up with me. The next thing I remembered was a shining ray of light beaming through my window, a quick glance at my watch indicated that it was 8.30am; I've never slept in this late before. Reluctantly I slipped out of bed and into another set of clothing, and hiking boots, trying to formulate some type of plan for the day, I ran through my check list. Fire Wood, string line for washing, and set up the camp kitchen, (slow cooker) and equipment. But the first thing I needed to do was get the camp fire going, coffee and breakfast.

30 minutes later the fire was up and running, the coffee was on the boil, the BBQ plate had been swung over and was nicely heating up, I had the toast cooking. Everything was perfect, there was a slight mist on the water, the occasional fish jumping, and the only noise that could be heard were local birds welcoming the day. This is what I had been missing, I had made a mental note not to call the office, and they wanted me to relax, so that's what I'm going to do. Mind you I don't think they said anything about what happened last night. Speaking of which I wondered where Brett, aka Master Brett was, perhaps he was a late sleeper, perhaps he was off walking somewhere, either way my toast was cooked, and with a smothering of butter, I was soon into it.

I poured myself a cup of coffee, and then out of nowhere a voice said that "he would have one too", I looked up and Brett was approaching the camp fire. I quickly returned to the van a found him a cup, He said "white and two sugars, thank you". I made him one and handed it to him, "Are you forgetting something?". I quickly remembered that I was supposed to kneel before him; I quickly dropped to my knee. "Excellent, now that we have that out of the way, let's talk." I found another camp chair and we sat around the camp fire, had more toast, and our conversation drifted back to last night, and the events that unfolded. Master Brett started the conversation, "Last night you were introduced into my world, I'm a dominate, and you showed every sign of being a submissive, at any point last night, you could have gotten up, walked away, gone into your van and this conversation would not be needed. But Mark , you remained on your knees and gave me immense pleasure and excitement as you tasted, and also you became so caught up in the moment that you pulled yourself off in front of me and spewed your cum into my mouth, and savoured your own cum when we kissed. I listened intently to what he was saying, trying to make sense of it all, and everything he said was correct. I thought to myself, was there some part of me that wanted this to happen, was there some deeply hidden design to conform and perform for this person. "Now, I know this is fairly new to you, but you really seemed to embrace what we were doing, and you got particularly turned on when I started to call you names, you became obsessed, over taken by lust, and from what I could see and feel you loved your role as a submissive." He was waiting for me to speak, but could see that I was processing all that he was saying, then I spoke, fairly nervously mind you, and I tried to formulate my words correctly.

"Last night, you hatched a plan, and put it into action, in some ways you took advantage of my generosity and manipulated my inexperience, pushing my curiosity to such levels that I no longer had control over what I was doing. But having said that I could have seen through your game and walked away, BUT , I didn't , I was consume by lust, the experience had me so excited, I wanted, needed to be controlled. I control everybody else's life's around me at work, and I must admit that I loved not having control and basically switching roles, I have never experienced anything like it before.

"Your right, I did have a conversation with a friend, prior to the Massage, but I wasn't sure which way you would go. But now we come to the next part of the process, the part where you want to continue on from last night. I can teach you all there is to know about BDSM, Master / Submissives. It's an exciting world, and everybody gets what they want, or need from a relationship like this. But it's your choice, last night was fun, we both got to enjoy each other, but now if you want to walk away, there's no problem, but I want to put it on record that you are a submissive, and will be a very good one. Now I'm going to have a shower, and give you time to process what we have discussed, just remember last night was only the tip of the iceberg, there will be rewards, punishments, your very being will be tested and boundaries expanded, and will be used, owned and lent out as I see fit, your arse, mouth and lips will be constantly used by me and my friends eventually, So think about it, and whilst I'm in the shower , I want you to have one as well, I have put an enema kit in your shower tent, with instructions, and you want to continue , use it and be naked and waiting on all fours on your bed and cover your eyes with a tea towel, I want you to feel everything . Just remember my name is Master Brett and your SAFE WORD IS CAMERA, you say that word and everything stops". I watched as he walked back to his van, and disappeared inside. I did the same thing, grabbing my wash bag, and then set up the camp shower, with both hot and cold water. I read the enema instructions and then administered the enema, filling my bowels and expelling the contents in a hole I dug the day prior, I repeated the process about 3 times, and then wash myself thoroughly. All the time I was trying to process all that Master Brett told me, appreciating the fact that I was about to venture down the rabbit hole, without really knowing what was going to eventuate, excitement, fear and lust were driving my next move. I dried myself off and moved inside the van, got on all fours and waited.

I could hear footsteps outside the van and then the same footsteps approaching my bed, my very being was exposed and there for the taking. "Don't say a word, just enjoy the feeling." I felt the weight of his body on the bed and then some I never expected, I felt the wetness of his tongue sliding along my crack and eventually stopping at my virgin arse hole, This was one of those moments that had the WOW factor, he pulled my cheeks apart, and drove his tongue in, I moaned with delight, and started to rotate my arse, I was quickly reminded just who was in charge, Master Brett pulled away and slapped my arse a few times. I quickly stopped and he resumed his probing of my puckered hole. Master Brett slipped his hand around the front taking hold of my now very stiff cock, rubbing and teasing, generating pre-cum and coating his fingers then bringing them up to my mouth. "Suck this Bitch, and get used to the taste, there's plenty more heading your way." His tongue made its final pass, then I felt him move closer to me pressing his thighs against mine, but more importantly I felt the horse cock rub up against my hole, Master Brett teased me, by rubbing up and down my crack, then he positioned the knob of his snake against my slippery entrance and very slowly pressed inwards, I moved away, but he held me fast so I couldn't move. "Relax Whore, just relax, breath normally, if you want to ,you can slowly rotate that cute arse," as he was talking he had distracted me and had edged in a bit deeper, Master Brett massaged my cock keeping me on the edge, and every movement I made helped impale myself on his shaft. I had never felt anything like it in my life, I was being stretch by a living creature, his mighty weapon was gradually filling my hole , then all of a sudden I felt his huge horse balls touching mine, then I realised that I had taken his entire fat shaft up my arse. I wanted to pull away, but Master Brett told me to "Once again relax, your body will adjust to the width and length up your arse, and when it does that I'm going to ride your arse, and fuck it until I fill it with cum., so relax Slut, because it's going to happen. And by the end of the ride, you're going to beg me to fuck your little girly arse. Your little virgin arse will belong to me your Master",

I felt so full, and Master Brett continued to slid his hand up and down my cock, his other hand grabbed my nipple and twisted the orb, adding a whole new sensation, I moaned and screamed as he pulled and pinched, then he began to thrust in and out slowly, backing out, then driving it back in to the hilt, he was co-ordinating his thrusts , with the twisting action on my nipples, and the teasing of my cock. I sure the noise we made scared the bird life away, Master Brett picked up speed and drove his horse cock deep in my girly cunt, then sure enough my lust took over and I begged him to fuck me , to pound my Sissy hole, Make me his Slut and whore, all I could think of was that beautiful swollen cock and how much I wanted it. "Tell me you that you want to be my Bitch, my slave and whore, tell me that you want to belong to me." "Fuck Yes, I want to be your Bitch, Blow your cum deep inside me," Then I felt him shake , tremble, and stiffen as his final thrust embedded his horse cock so far up my arse I collapsed onto the bed, as his man seed spewed into my bowels, and even as we lay flat he continued to pound my butt. I was trapped under this fucking machine while drilled my butt. Master Brett pulled out of me whilst he still had a semi erect cock, turned me over then forced his still swollen cock into my mouth to finish him off , I sucked and licked like a man possessed , I wanted that cock, every fucking inch of it, but there only so much sensitivity a cock can take so he pulled out and wiped his deflated member over my face, then slumped back onto the bed. My cock was rock hard and dribbling pre-cum everywhere, so I started to pull myself off. Master Brett watched for a while whilst he recovered, then grabbed my legs pulled them up over my head , basically rolling me up, so now my cock was directly above my face, Master Brett removed the tea towel and told me to "Pull yourself off now, I want to watch how your cum spew's over your cock sucking mouth, and face," From my position, as cramped s it was, I could see my swollen cock, the pre-cum dripped from its knob, I had never been this close to my own cock, and weird and wonderful ran through my lust filled brain, (but I will investigate those sick thoughts later on) I frantically pulled my cock , teasing the head and very quickly bringing me ever closer to a mind shattering orgasm, Then I too shook, and shivered as my dick blew it's load everywhere, I yelled and moaned with sheer relief and delight, I can't ever remembering Cumming so much , every square inch on my face was covered, with my delicious cum, my tongue tried it's best to lick up whatever it could reach and devour. Master Brett lowered my legs and I just lay there totally fucked, exhausted and covered in cum, Master Brett swiped his fingers across my face and guided the cum covered digits into my mouth, I couldn't I licked his fingers fast enough as if they were the most delicious food on earth.

Some moments had past, both Master Brett and I had finally, returned back to earth and our breathing started to level out, he turned to me and asked "Well Bitch, how was that, did you enjoy your first ride?" I took a moment to answer, trying to formulate my answer correctly, also trying not to answer like a babbling child. "Master, I have never felt anything like it, it was scary at first, I didn't really know what to expect, first you're hot tongue on my arse, that drove me wild, but also relaxed me to a point, then I felt your body against mine and I knew I was at the point of no return. Initially I thought you were putting the handle of a baseball bat up my arse, it felt that big, but then my butt muscles slowly relaxed and started to get used to your beautiful thick cock. The pain quickly disappeared, replaced by enjoyment but also the overwhelming feeling of having my arse totally filled and stuff gave me a sense of pride that I took your giant horse cock completely to the balls. I just wanted it to last forever, even as I started to rotate my arse, and push back against your driving cock, I wanted more, I couldn't get enough, I had an overwhelming desire to please you , and like a kid in a candy store, I was excited at the prospect of all these delights in front of me. In short FUCKING FANTASTIC, let's do it again".

" I'm glad you loved, because there's a lot more heading in your direction, but, just so were clear I tell you when and if we fuck, your good and will get better, but I will always be in control, and you will always be my submissive."

"Today, I wanted you to feel the experience of being taken in a loving way, full of passion, but used for my enjoyment, Yes, I need you to love what we do, but also commit to me as you're Master, but it will be my pleasure that comes first. There will be times when, our sex will wild, hard and erotic, and it may not be just me enjoying you. You will be expected to perform equally well for whom ever I lend you too. If you think being fucked by me was exciting, just wait until you have two dicks in you at the same time."

I was madly trying to take all this information in, and also trying to keep my cock in check, it was on the rise again, my brain was trying to process everything, but my cock just wanted to play. Master Brett witnessed me rising to the occasion, but he quickly shut that down, as I said "I decide when we play, now go outside, I think we both need a coffee". As I moved off the bed he slapped my arse, again reminding me of my place in our new arrangement. I didn't bother with clothing, just set about making the coffee, and pulled up the camp chair and reflected on what just happened. A couple of minutes later, Master Brett joined me, pulled up a chair, and asked what plans I had for the day, as if nothing had just happened. I told him that, "I had planned on hiking one of the nature trails, possibly taking a few pictures as art studies, and generally spending time in the bush", He asked me if" he could join me, and that he was a keen photographer as well". I said that I was happy to have him come along; I told him that I would pack some lunch and would leave about 10.30am. Curiosity got the better of me," Master, I thought you said that you were in charge and you controlled everything". "It's very early in your training, and there will be times where you won't have a say in things, but for now we are just two blokes enjoying each other's company. That's not to say that during the course of the day I may get you to suck my cock, or bend you over a tree limb and spank your butt, or enjoy your arse again, you barely know me or I you, and it's very important that we are compatible out side of the BDSM arrangement. You need to trust me, and I need to know your limits, it's not just about sex, together we will explore each other, enjoy each other, I will control and you will serve. BUT TRUST is the major key to our arrangement. Get all the gear you need, pack your bags, it might be an idea to put some clothes on and I'll get my stuff and meet you here at 10.30".

With that said, he finished his coffee and retreated back to his van, I must admit I did watch his cute arse all the way, I thought to myself, I did want an outback adventure, and this was just the start, who knows what lay in store in the next couple of weeks..It's certainly going to be interesting...

Readers now that you have hopefully enjoyed reading this and other stories, please remember, if it wasn't for Nifty and the wonderful team, we writers would not get published and you the reader would be left watching re-run's on TV, I know times are tuff, but please consider making a donation.

Mark Irving aka Slave Mark

Next: Chapter 15: Outback Adventure 3

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