Master Brett and Slave Mark

By Mark Irving

Published on Jul 16, 2023


Master Brett and Slave Mark (6) Photo Shoot

As soon as I got home, I had a quick shower, freshened up, and gave myself another enema, placed his collar around my neck, and the mandatory stockings and garter, a fresh pair of undies, in preparation for Master Brett's arrival, and as soon as I saw the head lights of his car took up my submissive position in the middle of the lounge. My head was bowed as always and my eyes closed, but I could feel his presence and the over whelming feeling of being owned by this powerful dominate always put me in the right head space. The sound of his zipper being drawn down and the feeling of flesh rubbing against my cheek and eventually working its way onto my lips sent waves of pleasure through me, "Open up you dirty whore, I own this mouth, now show me how much of a Slut you are" I licked his beautiful cock from top to bottom, nibbled up and down his shaft, even licking and sucking on his balls, I rested my hands on his arse , squeezing the orbs, feeling the tight muscles as I lubricated his horse size balls, then returned to his cock, licking the knob before engulfing the entire length, feeling it touch the back of my throat, I briefly let it sit there, while my throat muscles massaged around the tip, then withdrew, raking my teeth along the shaft. Whilst I was giving Master Brett a quality head job, he continually called me everything that I was or became, "You're a total fucking whore, sucking on every cock at the drop of a hat, licking every hole that bends over in front of you, and sucking up cum like a vacuum cleaner, you're a filthy dirty Slut, a cock sucking Bitch that belongs to me", then the familiar knee rattles and buckling as his powerful climax approached, I could feel his cock swell in my mouth, and his gradual thrusting became erratic, then with a yell on conquest he plastered cum into my mouth and throat, the volume of which escaped and dribbled down my chin, I kept sucking and licking until the sensation of my actions became too sensitive for Master Brett to endure, so we parted giving us both time to recover.

Whilst on my knees, I reflected on the time when I first took Master Brett's cock in my mouth, and the tentative, almost reluctant first swipe of my tongue against that beautiful piece of flesh, and taking his monster deep into my throat was basically impossible, there was so much gagging, but know, so much has changed, under Master Brett's skilful instructions and control, I believe I can hold my own with the best of them. "Get up Bitch, you beautiful cock sucking whore" he pulled me to my feet, pulled me close to him and kissed me passionately, tasting and savouring the final drops of his cum that lingered in my mouth. "You're such a whore, and laughed, let's have a drink before tea, and you can tell me all about your slutty adventure."

After a few drinks and tea which consisted of pasta Bolognaise, Master Brett was filled in about my meeting with the Editor, and the total backing I now had in regards to the article and the overseas investigation. Master Brett knew that the Editor was a Dominate of sorts but wasn't sure of his degree or depth of his knowledge within the BDSM world, but at some point we may need to all get together and review all that has transpired over the last months or so, it should make for an interesting meeting. I informed Master Brett that I had the green light to venture to Germany anytime, and we only needed to get his vacation time slotted in, and the various contacts in Germany sorted then we can start our overseas leg of the article, and because it's all work related, it now becomes a tax write off.

Even whilst sitting at the table Master Brett made some phones calls to his work supervisor to check the rosters, and he too got the green light for the following week, given him ten days off. He also made some long distance calls to Master Hans in Germany and was welcomed at anytime, and that we could stay at their villa for as long as we needed. A smiled beamed across his face as if he just won the lottery, "You are going to love Germany, and your article may just venture into the R Rated section of the book shelf. These guys wrote the book on BDSM and were staying at the BDSM hot spot, this is going to be great, I haven't had a holiday in ages and it's been a long time since Hans and I got together, and he's going to love you". Master Brett was like a kid in a Candy store he was that excited, and I was equally excited, it was going to be our first trip away as a couple, OK, I was still only his submissive, but it felt more than that, we had a bond of trust that you can't buy, I knew that I was going to be protected, no matter what Master Hans and the German BDSM world had in mind for me.

The following week was spent making flight arrangements, finalising the article section, and making preparations for the background history component and the origins within the German sector of the BDSM world, Master Brett completed his handover to his replacement, whilst he was away, and by the following day we sitting in an aeroplane heading towards the Rhine Land and Germany. And the best part was Master Brett and I got bumped to first class courtesy of the Editor, and 12 hours later we were drinking German beer in a Tavern waiting for Master Hans to pick us up.

About an hour and a couple of beers later we were joined at our table by a very distinguished, smartly dressed man, he had an aura that projected power and status. Master Brett beamed as they renewed their acquaintance, and I was introduced as Master Brett's partner and submissive. We spent the next hour or so talking about my article and book prospects, but this also allowed the two old friends to catch up. Master's Hans and Brett mutually decided it was time for us to leave, and there was a pre organised dinner waiting for everybody at the Villa, but it would also give us time to shower and freshen up prior to meeting the other members of his family. The Villa was set in a valley at the foot of rolling hills and amongst acres of aged grape vines, the place was post card perfect, as we drove up to the front of the Villa we were met by smartly dressed serving staff that took our bags. Inside the Villa there were paintings of Master Han's family, marble statues and artworks from renowned from all over the world. It appeared that Master Brett and I had stepped into another world; we both looked at each other, trying to take it all in. We were shown to our room, which could have passed as a room from the Hilton in Paris. It took us a while to process the full luxury that we were given, but knew that we had a time line, and we didn't want to keep others waiting, so we quickly showered and dressed, neither one of us brought dinner jackets, so we settled for neat casual hoping it would be appropriate.

As we entered the large lounge area we were greeted by Master Hans, who thankfully was attired in the same type of clothing, putting us both at ease. We were offered pre-dinner drinks then given a quick tour of the layout of the Villa, then taken into the dining area, shown our seats and before we knew it we had semi clad male slaves dressed in white lap, laps like in the old Tarzan movies, each of the slaves were adorned with a silver embossed collar, with the inscription "property of MH" engraved and had a locking devise on the rear of the collar, and proudly serving us entrees and nibbles. Of course, the two dominates re-hashed old times, and discussed what might be in the future; I was brought into the conversation when they discussed the BDSM history, and Master Han's eventual growth as a leader of the movement within Germany. Both Dominates related stories, past and new, and my gradual involvement as a submissive, they both assured me that my journey was about to take on a whole new level of involvement. As interesting as the conversation was, I was intrigued by the constant movement of the slaves as they went about their designated tasks, and when they finished serving us they disappeared back into the kitchen, every now and then one would come out to check on our drinks, or if we required anything else.

Master Hans spotted my curiosity, and told me these young slaves were his property and they all devoted themselves to him, and for their service he placed X amount of money into a bank account for them. None of the slaves had to stay, there were no locks on the doors or gates, they all want to belong to him, but whilst in his service, they would do anything he told them to do, this included being loaned to friends, transferred to other Dominates, or if they required time away from his service, they were given a holiday at his cost.

It was explained to me that if a Dominate provides a comfortable environment and a trusting one, then the slaves will want to be owned, guarded, and given protection, and in return would submit to the Dominates command without question, no matter how bazaar, strange, weird or perverse "NO DOMINATE WILL EVER HARM HIS PROPERTY, THEY ARE HIS MOST PRECIOUS POSESSION", but they have a responsibility as well, once under his roof or protection they are sworn to secrecy, NO BODY TALKS OUTSIDE THE VILLA. The slaves are allowed to bond together, even marry each other, but my needs come first. A HAPPY SLAVE IS, THE PERFECT SLAVE, and by the look of you two, I already know that is the case. Master Brett and I just looked at each other and nodded or agreement.

The meal was fantastic, and it kept coming, until we couldn't fit in another bite. We left the table and all those beautiful naked men, to return to the lounge. We were serves after diner drinks, by an equally gorgeous young man, sporting a partial hard on. Master Hans said that this particular slaves a bit naughty and may need to be punished later. I was asked to do a article presentation of the pictures, video and story outline so far that the Editor had sent to me prior to us leaving for Germany, he and the magazine staff worked their magic and produced something that even I was amazed at. The variation and quality was all first class, the editing, was second to none, they had worked wonders on the film, even Master Brett said he was proud of the production, we had only seen bits and pieces, but not the full edited version. Master Hans was equally impressed and applauded the presentation. " You have indeed captured the essence of our world and lifestyle, I have not seen the quality of such work before, you are to be congratulated, and Master Brett, YOU NEED TO KEEP THIS ONE. He is fantastic "Master Brett agreed, and said that, "I was not going anywhere, and that he had long term plans for me". A sense of pride swept over me as I heard his comments. I had only just realised my role in this lifestyle, and had a lot to learn from both these Masters, but for the moment I felt there was a need for respect, so I rose up from my seat on the couch and knelt alongside Master Brett. Master Brett just nodded his approval and continued his conversation, there were no need for words, I knew my place, I knew when to speak, and when to keep quiet. I heard what their plans were for the next couple of days, and I was assured that I would have plenty of material for my article and book. But for now it was getting late, and should retire to bed, stating that we had a big day tomorrow, I must admit all the travelling had taken its toll on both of us. We made our way to our room and bed and it wasn't long before we cuddled up, kissed one another good night then quickly drifted off to sleep.

The following morning there was a hub of activity within the household, the same semi nude men in the lap, laps prepared breakfast, and once again there was a mountain of it. Master Brett and I only ate fairly small in the mornings, but once again over indulged, then had a short walk amongst the vineyards and outhouses. Eventually we found Master Hans in one of the buildings; he had strapped the young slave that served us after diner drinks to a set of stocks and attached clover clamps to his nipples, these in turn were connected to a light rope, and tied to a eye bolt half way down the stocks, the slaves butt was exposed and spread wide open and a large butt plug inserted, "Ah, good you have arrived just in time, I was just about to punish this slave, but my friend the honour is yours, be my guest. And you Slave Mark could you do me the honour of taking his cock in your mouth." I just looked at Master Brett as if asking permission, "Bitch, whilst in Master Han's house you will treat him as if he were your Master" I quickly dropped to my knees, positioned myself between the stocks and the outstretched legs of the slave and mouthed his lovely cock. Master Brett began by slapping his arse, both his cheeks got a thorough working over, but the clever Germans do nothing without a plan, Master Hans knew that the young slave was hot for me the night before, hence the semi erection, so today, he was about to get his pleasure and pain all in the one hit, so to speak. Every strike to his arse, sent jolts into his hips, then into my waiting mouth, pushing his now hardening cock deeper into my throat. Master Brett took one of the floggers and struck him firmly driving his cock in and out of my mouth, not to be left out of the action, Master Hans took another flogger and tag teamed their assault on the young slave. With every stroke or swish of the flogger, the slaves nipples were pulled and yanked , extending his nipples, whilst his cock pounded my mouth and face, the floggers also pushed the butt plug in each time the Master's laid into him. But the strange thing was that the slaves cock never softened, it was stiff as a board, and he was gradually working his way into the back of my throat, I could feel his knees starting to buckle, and the girth of his cock swelled with his impending climax, "Please Sir, may I cum?, the two Dominates looked at each other, nodded, and Master Brett said, "you wanted my slave last night, you wanted to put your fat cock in his mouth, well here's your chance, blow your load, and Bitch Mark don't swallow, keep it in your mouth, we want to watch you two sluts swap the cum backwards and forwards as you kiss one another, that was the final straw for the young slave, he shook, buckled and came, his entire body convulsed as he pounded my mouth, the sheer volume could not be contained and it leaked out the corners of my lips. I quickly rose to my feet, bent my face forward so the slave and I could passionately swap his very tasty seed, our tongues madly danced in our mouths, licking and sucking every last drop of his essence. The two Masters removed his butt plug and then filled his arse with their cocks, Master Brett was given first fuck, then Master Hans, they took turns pounding the Sluts burning butt, they swapped every couple of minutes, both of them moaning and groaning, but continued to assault his butt, fucking him senseless, Master Brett turned to me and told me to suck him dry again, I looked down and his beautiful cock was hard again, never one to shy away from an order, I engulfed the young cock, and before long was rewarded with another mouthful, not as much as his first load , but just as tasty. Master Brett yelled and screamed as he blew into the open hole, and not to be outdone Master Hans quickly took his turn and emptied his load into the Slut. I quickly took it upon myself to lick and suck Master Hans cock, teasing and tickling the knob and also sucking the combined juices from his beautiful weapon, I did the same thing with Master Brett's horse cock, taking down to the balls on each inward action, then turned to the hapless Slut, spread his butt cheeks and dove my tongue into the open orifice as it oozed cum and juices, I sucked that young slaves arse hole as if I was a vacuum cleaner, the more I sucked the more he pushed out, this caused the young slut to moan with pleasure, his arse danced on my tongue, but also caused his nipples to once again get pulled and twisted with every movement. "I think he's been punished enough for now let's leave him here, the others will tend to him later, let's go have a coffee", Master Hans said as we walked away, and with me still licking my lips, I turned and winked at the secured Slut, making sure I didn't leave a single drop.

I told Master Brett that I needed a shower and would return a bit later for coffee, I went through my shower routine, cleaning inside and out, shaved my legs and put on my suspenders and stockings, and a lovely matching pair of undies, all this was under my casual clothing, I had worn prior, happy with the way I was now attired I rejoined the two dominates for coffee. "We were just talking about you; Master Brett was telling me that you're fairly new to our lifestyle, but judging by your efforts outside and in the videos, I would have mistaken you for an experienced player. I'm very impressed; you have quality skills and a beautiful hot mouth, I think with Master Brett's permission you and I need to spend some time together" Master Brett just nodded his approval," I'm sure that can be arranged" he said whilst grabbing another Danish. "But today we have something special for us to do, we are going to meet with some very influential people that I have shown your article and presentation too, and they wish to discuss your book and of course your Magazine article, us Germans like to be involved in everything, and they have the financial backing to push the book through Europe. All these people are high ranking players and they too may want to get to know you better" "Thank you for all your help, I hope I won't disappoint you or your friends, you have been way too kind, with your help and guidance Master Hans I hope to portray the BDSM lifestyle as loving caring environment, full of trust and devotion, and not the seedy dark side of life which has been shown in the past." "This is the answer I thought you would have, and the same one Master Brett said that you would reply with, you are a credit to him, and he has found his true love in you. Our meeting will be held here at 8.00pm tonight, but until then let me show you around the area, you will not need money, this holiday is on me" Master Brett and I just looked at each other, with our mouths open and a shocked look on our faces, we were going to say something, but thought it useless to argue his generous offer.

Master Hans had one of his drivers play chauffeur, whilst we sat in the back taking in the views, we were taken to spots, not normally open to visitors, and given plenty of opportunities to play tourist, and my photographic skills came in handy. Even Master Brett and Hans jumped behind the camera and took shots, we had portraits done of all three of us, Master Brett and I, and the two dominates. They even had me strip to my underwear and had my pose for them; I showed them how to get the best lighting, and subdued lighting, half shadows and artistic shots. " I mentioned to Master Hans that he had an artistic style and I would happily pose for him anytime, anywhere", Master Brett winked to me and whispered that "I had mastered the game of suck up, and he was proud to be my Master". The rest of the day was spent driving around to various locations, more photos, and Master Hans especially liked taking photos of me with a hard cock pressing against my panties, or it just poking above the hem line, but not once was I allowed to cum, they kept me on the edge all day. Once back at the Villa both Master Brett and I showered and prepared for guest prior to our dinner meeting. I was given instructions to wear simular underwear as I did today, but would require a jacket for the guests.

As the guest rolled in, Master Brett and I were introduced and the drinks began to flow and a chores line of semi naked men brought in food and catered to our every need. Even the young slave that had been punished in the morning wandered through sporting a tray of entrees, I had a quick look under his lap laps to see he still had rosy cheeks, he whispered to me "that it was worth every second", and then carried on working the room. Master Brett saw me taking a peak at his butt, "Naughty, be careful you may be next" and laughed. We had a fairly informal meal with all the trimmings, plenty of drinks and of course the servants had their butt's slapped a few times as the Businessmen loosened up. But more importantly they discussed my plans for the article and book. They all agreed that my investigation and expose of the BDSM scene was very thorough and warranted any type of backing I wanted, each of the men had contacts all over Europe and felt they could all contribute something to ensure the books success. I was amazed at how quickly all this had come to life. I couldn't thank the men enough, then one of the men suggested a carousel, not really knowing what he meant I ask Master Hans to fill me in, he in turn looked at Master Brett, and whispered something in his ear, Master Brett nodded and "told the guests that the other servants would have me ready, for the nights entertainment in approximately an hour's time and in the play room, Bitch, I know you trust me, and you're going to thank me appropriately later, finish your drink and go with the servants, they know what to do, have fun."

I finished my drink and was escorted into the playroom, no sooner was I in the room, I was helped to get undressed, my outer clothing was removed, leaving me in just my stockings and garter, my undies were removed, and of course the young slave was amongst the removalist team, he took it upon himself to slid a finger along my crack, and slowly edge his finger in, he was rewarded with a moan of delight, "Naughty boy, I loved sucking your cock this morning , and your cum is so very tasty, I hope to get more of it later", he just laughed and nodded. I was taken over to a circular padded bench and asked to lay down on my back, then my hands were secured together and my ankles got the same treatment, I had enough range of movement, so it wasn't uncomfortable, I was loosely hog tied, in a type of star shaped cross, then the table was raised to I presume groin level, my head could drop back and be comfortable, but slightly towards the edge, and my butt area was like wise on the edge. Chains ropes from the ceiling were lowered and secured to my hands and ankles; they in turn were hooked into a swivel joint. It appeared that I was on a human lazy Susan and it didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out was going to happen next. The lighting was dimed and soft music was put on, and just as a tester, to make sure everything was in its proper place and working well, the servants all raised their lap laps to expose their hardening cocks, and as the disk moved each of them slipped their cocks into my mouth, and the young slave from the morning even took advantage of my unprotected arse, and slipped his beautiful piece of flesh deep into my butt, causing another moan of sheer pleasure. Five minutes later the slaves disappeared and inform both Master's Hans and Brett the guests that the entertainment was ready and available for use. Once they entered the playroom they all applauded and of course the mandatory cameras came out and photos were taken of the trusted up toy on display. Each of the guest were assisted to disrobe , and when they were fully naked, each of the men waved their cocks in my direction, until one actually slipped it into my mouth, and another just as quickly filled my butt, I was getting spit roasted, and taken from both sides, then spun around to the next couple, who duplicated the same action, not to be outdone, both Master Brett and Master Hans removed their clothing, with the aid of the servants and slaves and they too stood alongside the circular padded disk and waited their turn, the cameras were clicking and videos were being taken as I was drilled from both sides. Master Hans slipped his cock into my mouth and muttered something in German, whilst Master Brett slipped his giant horse cock deep into my butt, until I felt the familiar touch of his balls. All the men pounded my arse and mouth for a minute each, and then swung me around to the next swollen cock.

I love the variation in cock size, and the delectable taste of my arse juices as each man eventually filled my mouth, their combined actions was a blur, I didn't have long enough to concentrate on one cock, before the next one arrived, then just as quickly disappeared, the same was happening with my butt, normally I would squeeze my butt muscles given the cock an internal massage, but it soon vanished, being replaced by another.

In my disoriented state I failed to see the Servants arrive and take their kneeling position behind the dominates, and each one of the slaves massaged and separated the butt cheeks of the dominates, then drove their tongues in their butt holes, driving the tops crazy with lust, it truly was a depraved, erotic orgy of lust, It was a well orchestrated sexually driven fuck fest, and I was the lucky bastard on the receiving end. Then as if the dominos were about to fall, the familiar sounds of men approaching their climax, as tongues worked their magic in unison with my mouth and arse, the guest started to blow their loads, some filled my waiting mouth, others filled my butt, then each in turn did the same thing, and if they couldn't hold off they blew on my face or upturned balls, I had cum on me and in me at the same time. Master Hans waved his hands towards the servants and they too were given permission to blow their cum all over me, the video footage continued to roll as the slaves emptied their balls all over me, now I looked like a slippery pig. But the best was yet to come, Master Hans waved his hand again and the slaves began the task of licking up the copious amounts of deposited cum. And there were no surprises who got the job of licking my very well fucked arse, the young slave had an equally impressive tongue to match his cock. I was in heaven, and living the dream life, but still more surprises, the tongue in my arse disappeared and there was warm feeling on my stiffened cock and crutch area, and as I focused on that one I felt another on my chest, and other on my belly, then it dawned on me, I was now on the receiving end of a German shower, their golden nectar rained down on me, coating my entire body, all the Masters emptied their bladders, some taking direct aim into my waiting mouth, try as I may I could swallow it all, then the slaves were given the go ahead to pee all over me as well. I absolutely love being the centre of attention, and tonight was the highlight of my life, and something I'll never forget. It had been about an hour and a half since the first cock drilled me and I was feeling the effects. Finally I was released from my bonds and allowed to rest , before being helped into a shower and washed clean by a couple of servants, one of which was the young slave, it appears that I have found a new friend. After the shower I was given a robe to wear and rejoined the Dominates in the lounge, and as I arrived I received a round of applause, stating how good I was and just how much they enjoyed me. Master Brett pulled me into his embrace and kissed me passionately, it was the perfect show of love and devotion we had for each other, and the other Dominates respected our bond and unity. The night carried on, to the early hours of the morning, before the guest disappeared, some were also offered slaves for the night if they wanted to stay over for the night. As for Master Brett and I we eventually made it back to our room and crashed, falling fast asleep, within minutes of hitting the pillow.

As we woke up the next day, the Villa was a hive of activity; the servants all went about their duties, preparing breakfast, cleaning the playroom back to its pristine condition ready for the next adventure. We made enquiries as to the where about`s of Master Hans, and were informed that he had gone into town to make some business arrangements. We were also informed that Master Jeffery was still on site and stayed in one of the guest rooms, the servant we spoke to said that he would be joining us for breakfast very shortly and has offered to escort us to various places of interest. As we were discussing these arrangements Master Jeff arrived looking as casual as ever. You would not have thought he was a high flying businessman. Last night at the meeting I was so overwhelmed by their generosity that I failed to see the forest for the tress. Master Jeff was a good looking man sporting a well trimmed beard, and a very pleasant personality; he informed us that for business reason he migrated to Germany and brought with him a wealth of knowledge that was required to project him up the corporate ladder. His engineering background and professionalism fitted in with the German way of thinking and was very quickly embraced by the Rhine land.

"I love your article and your approach, it's the sort of thing we need to highlight our lifestyle, and your book will absolutely fly off the shelf over here, I've already made some phone calls and have a few publishing firms willing to translate and print as soon as your ready", Today with your Master's permission I want to show you some of the older more established dungeons that have been used in this area, and introduce you to the dungeon Masters who are a wealth of information, and well worth speaking too".

Master Brett and I warmed to Master Jeff straight away, he was honest, up front, and only wanted the best for my article and book, and the fact that he wasn't hard on the eye, didn't hurt, and if I can remember back to last night he had a beautiful cock, and a manly chest of hair, and I'm fairly positive he was the one pissing into my mouth, but there was a real lot of that happening last night. I had a bit of a smile to myself as I recalled the action from last night, but was quickly brought back to reality by Master Brett who grabbed my nipple and told me to stop day dreaming.

After our breakfast we were chauffeur driving to a remote Villa and introduced to the owner, he in turn showed us the various outbuildings which were used as playrooms/dungeons when guest arrived; He was saying that couples or groups could hire out these rooms for extended stays, and had full use of the grounds, inside the rooms had been restored to their former glory, and modernised, but the company that did the restoration were given instruction to maintain the look of the old dungeons, they wanted to keep it as authentic as possible, to keep the illusion alive and real. Extensive heating was installed, and a hidden shower and bathroom was behind heavy metal doors. BUT, the eye bolts, restraints and toys were all real, and the floggings, caning and suspension play was designed to keep everybody on their toes. Slaves that were brought here where under no illusion that they were the property of their Masters and at any given time would be subjected to punishments, humiliation, degrading acts, to brake their will, and become servants and devoted slaves to their Masters. My camera was clicking away, my tape recorder was capturing every word, and my cock was growing with every word spoken. We moved into another outhouse and was greeted by pictures and paintings of Human horses pulling buggies with their Masters atop the buggy whipping the slaves into action, the male slaves were adorned with harnesses, horse bits and a house tail butt plug sticking straight out, there were pictures of these slaves prancing, jogging in full gear. Also in the outhouse were small stables for the human horses to bed down. Everything looked real and authentic, some pictures showed the horses being hosed down, and others showed the Dominates and horse trainers inserting tail plugs, mouth bits and head harnesses. Master Brett and I looked at each, licked our lips and continued the tour. We ended up having lunch up at the main house, served by human horses, complete with tail plugs, it was truly surreal, and one for the books.

Master Jeff whispered something to Master Brett and after some consideration and thought nodded his head, thinking nothing more of it, the Villa Owner continued his history lesson on the Villa and his involvement as a Dominate, He related, how things were back when he was a young dominate, everything you did had to be kept quiet and in the shadows, But with the help of my book, it will be portrayed us a lifestyle choice, not a dirty secret.

Master Brett and I were driven to a warehouse in one of the city districts and introduced to the owner, who was a personal friend and associate of Master Jeff, it was your basic ware house from the outside, but once inside it was a hive of activity. We had walked into the biggest show room of BDSM gear I've ever seen, it was the Bunning's answer to the BDSM world, it had every conceivable toy, gadget, from nipple clamps, right through to stocks, crosses, mechanical hoist, furniture and clothing, gentle ticklers, right up to full blown bull whips, there were buggies, and horse gear, rubber, PVC and leather sections, a library and book section on every other kink you could think of. Both Master Brett and I were blown away by the sheer size and volume. My camera was working overtime to capture site before us. We were told that the ware house runs 24/7 and is the biggest supplier in Europe; this place caters to everybody tastes and doesn't look like slowly down. I could write a whole chapter on this store alone, or put it in the reference section. Before Master Brett and I left we offered to purchase a few/Lots of items, but owner refused our money, saying it was his gift to us, no cost.

We made our way back to Master Hans's Villa and said our goodbyes to Master Jeff and thanked him for the tour, Master's Brett and Jeff had another conversation that I was not privy too, and then he too said his farewells.

Master Hans ha organised various tourist opportunities for us, and made sure that we were taken to the best restaurants, shown all the best venues that the general public wasn't privy too. One of the nights we were given the opportunity to watch a hoisting and mind control display, where the body was gradually lifted via hooks pierced through the skin, the submissive was almost in a trance as the hooks and ropes were secured and tension on the rope were all exactly aliened, there was possibly 50 anchor points through the soft flesh on the participant. And in a very slowly but even lift via a hoist, the body moved steadily upwards, clearing the table by approximately 24 inches. Everybody applauded the trust and love between to dominate and submissive and Master Brett and I were clearly amazed and impressed by the display. BUT as much as we loved watching, it certainly wasn't on our list of things to do.

Master Brett and I had about three days to go in Germany, and I certainly had mega amounts of information, photos and transcripts. And of course we had plenty of time to ourselves, I think we fucked and made love in all areas of the Villa, I was tied up and used, flogged senseless whilst in the stocks, I was left tied to a tree in the courtyard, blindfolded and sucked off by the slaves that were working on the grounds, and all because we could, I was told later that Master Hans also took a leading hand in sucking me off, but the best part was, whom ever brought me to climax had to retain my cum and kiss me transferring my cum from their mouths to mine. I was even turned around so my arse was on open display and each slave or servants was allowed to spank my butt, and this happened over a 4 hour period, so you can imagine my butt was fairly red by the end of the session, and of course my camera was used to captures my punishment or pleasure, it was hard to tell the difference after awhile. Master Brett whispered in my ear before he untied me that" I was going to spend the night with Master Jeff, and that I was to show him the respect he deserves as a high ranking dominate. And then the following day we have a surprise for you for all your good work with the article and book". I knew better than to question Master Brett, after all I was owned by him and trusted him, without question...

After I rested for a few hours, I showered and went through my normal routine, shaving, and a enema, Master Brett had one of the servants rub oil onto my butt, to sooth the ache, I dressed as I would for Master Brett, we all had a casual dinner, which always seems like a banquet, plenty of wine and beer was offered around by the Lap, Lap boys, and soon enough everybody was feeling loose. Master Jeff was ushered in, joined the group for awhile, then with a passionate kiss from Master Brett I was escorted to Master Jeff's car and whisked away. Our conversation in the car drifted between our days in Germany and the progress of the article and book. And when we finally got to his Villa, a host of naked men welcomed us, and took our coats, offered us drinks, then left us alone. Master Jeff approached me, kissed me passionately then guided me to my knees; I'd been in this position many times and knew what was heading in my direction. Master Jeff quickly dropped his pants to reveal a beautiful stiffening cock, rising out of a nest of black hair, but all that stuff was lost as I licked and sucked his weapon, licking his balls, and gently sucking each one, " Suck my cock Bitch, take it all I want to feel your chin on my balls" I've seen you on video, I have pictures of you with Brett's cock deep in your throat, but now it's my turn" I licked and suck as if was the last cock on earth, the knob of his cut cock was sitting deep in my throat, the hairs surrounding his shaft was tickling my nose, and all I wanted to do was swallow more of it."You're so fucking good, I may just buy you off Master Brett, and you can stay in Germany and be my bitch, my whore" I was so intent on giving Master Jeff the blow job of his life that I didn't care about what he said. He was so over come with lust that he was just running off at the mouth. By this time he had removed the rest of his clothing, and quickly spun around and bent over at the waist to reveal his cute arse and a fury covering of hair, but my sole intention was to drill his butt, and get my tongue in as far as it would go. "Your such a slut, you have a real whore of a tongue, you're driving me crazy".

Master Jeff pulled away leaving his hole open and my mouth and tongue swinging with nowhere to go. "Get your clothes off Slut, I'm told that you're a real Sissy Boi, and dress up for all your Dominates, well tonight I'm going to see firsthand, and then we'll play some games" Without giving it a second thought, I stripped off to my underwear, my cock naturally stood at attention, and my nipples hardened. "I've heard these little orbs like attention, so I've got a few things to bring them to life", From a side table Master Jeff pulled out some clover clamps, attached them my nipples, causing a moan of sheer delight, then he produced hooks and two circular sinkers that had swivels moulded into them, he quickly attached these to the clover clamps, and they automatically dragged my nipples down and out. "Now you have Girly Boi breasts, and every step you take, every movement you make will remind you of how much of a Sissy Boi you are" . Master Jeff attached a lead to my collar and talk me for a walk in and around his Villa, the other naked boys watched and clapped as I was paraded around. My nipples were dragged down, each step reminded me that I had weights attached. Master Jeff even stopped in front of the boys and had me swing the weights from side to side, the pain was intense, but my fucking cock still stood out stiff as a board. As we approached a set of stocks I was secured and locked in, my legs spread and my arse greased up, my nipples were still weighted down and hanging." Sissy Boi I want you to beg me to fuck you, I want the other slaves to hear how much you want my cock inside your girly cunt" "Please Master, Can you put your beautiful stiff cock deep in my girly cunt, I need to feel how big it is, Please Master Jeff I want your giant cock to fuck me hard," I said it loud enough so everybody could hear me, but more importantly I wanted him to feel like the king of the world, plus I really wanted and needed to be fucked, I had been teased all day, used all day and now I wanted some real pleasure. I didn't have o wait long, my arse was quickly filled and Master Jeff started a steady rhythm, and with every thrust the weights swung from side to side, and even bounced occasionally, but with all the built up excitement, Master Jeff was fast approaching blast off, his actions became erratic, his moans of pleasure became louder, and his thrusts deeper and longer, then with a scream of sheer lust he exploded filling my bowel with his beautiful seed. He kept pounding taking me down to the balls with every stroke, and then eased his cock out. My hole was still extended and his cum oozed out, but only as far as his fingers, which captured his flowing seed, then he offered his fingers to my mouth, which I greedily excepted, licking each digit, making sure I didn't miss anything. "You're so fucking good, WOW, and to think you're only new to this game of ours"

I was released from the stocks, the weights removed, and as the blood rushed back to my very red orbs I squealed like a Sissy Boi, Master Jeff laughed, "On your knees bitch, suck my cock that just fucked you, get all those lovely juices off it," I didn't question what I had to do, I just did it because it was expected of me, such is the life of a submissive, I licked that weapon clean and was proud of the effort I put in. Master Brett removed my cock from my mouth, and as I was licking my lips I felt a warm trickle of pee hit my chin and as his aim improved he hit my lips, "Open up bitch, I've been thinking about this ever since the other night when you were on the carousel, I loved it then and I'm loving it even more now" . my mouth opened up as wide as possible to allow him more room to aim and his pee hit the mark with continued pressure, and to his credit he had purged his system prior so there was no acrid taste or smell, it was like getting a warm scented drink, and I wanted more, but I wanted to give him a show, so I moved my face around so he could watch his beautiful piss flow over my face, and as his last drops faded, I licked his cock again to show my appreciation.

I was then surrounded by naked boys and escorted to a shower block, washed clean with scented soaps , dried by perfumed towels and taken up stairs to Master Jeff's room where he was laying in bed waiting for me. "Come here my sweet Sissy Boi , you were fantastic, and everything I had heard about you is true, your future with Master Brett will be filled with love and trust, and one or two adventures I assume, but for now let's get some sleep, you have a big day ahead of you tomorrow", we kissed passionately before drifting off to sleep.

We arrived back at Master Hans Villa around 11.00am and the place was an absolute buzz of excitement, there were naked boys running everywhere, do things shifting stuff, cleaning everything within an inch of its life. There were caterers bringing food into the kitchen, flowers adorned the entire Villa. I didn't know where to look first, but thought I'd better find Master Brett to let him know that I was back. I thank Master Jeff for a wonderful night and hoped I'd see him again before we left, we kissed goodbye then he was gone.

Master Brett was in our room getting all dressed up, then he saw me and asked me to do the same, he had arranged some clothing on the bed, a lovely white blouse and light grey slacks, he also laid out white stockings and garter, with matching undies. "What the occasion, it's crazy down stairs", "We have a special guest coming over to meet you, and I need you to look your best" that was all he said as I quickly took a shower and dressed as he required. Ten minutes later we walked down stairs and into the main lounge area. You could have blown me away with a feather, all the people that have had some input towards the article and book were all gathered in the room, Master Yoshi, my Editor, Master Jeff, the Warehouse owner , the Villa owner, the German businessmen and of course Master Hans. Music started playing and Master Hans spoke. "Gentlemen our honoured guests have arrived, could you now come up to the front", he was pointing at Master Brett and myself, we walked up and stood in front of the gathering. Still not really understanding what was going on I followed Master Brett's lead.

Master Hans spoke again "Gentlemen, Friends, Dominates and Slaves alike we have gathered here to pay tribute to Slave Mark for his fantastic efforts in bringing our world and lifestyle out of the dark, He has embraced our lifestyle and has a beautiful caring Master that we have all come to love, in one way or another, The crowd erupted in laughter, and some more than others, you naughty boys. But today is more than that, pointing towards Master Brett; he asked if he had something to add". Master Brett turned to me, grabbed my hands and looked straight into my eyes, and asked me" Would I consent to be his Bitch, Slave and partner for life, to do as you are told, consent to be my property from this day forward, and to except and wear my collar as a sign of your servitude and devotion". I had tears running down my face, I had never seen or been involved in anything so moving or touching, Brett had the same amount of emotion in his ears and was fighting back the tears. The gathering was deadly silent as I spoke; trying to put into words my exact feelings. "Brett I love you with all my heart and in front of all our friends, I pledge my heart and soul to you and desperately want to be your property, b itch and slave for life, you have shown me just who I am, and brought out the real me, I would proudly wear your collar, today and forever". Master Hans produced a red velvet cushion that had a gold and silver collar, with a locking device, and a matching gold and silver necklace with a key, with care and precision, Master Brett slipped the collar around my neck, locked it into place, and placed the necklace around his neck, I turned slowly to show the assembled audience, and they all applauded and cheered, and Master Hans "pronounced us as Master and Slave."

Master Brett and I embraced, kissed passionately, then we were swamped by our guests and well wishers, all of this was captured on film of course, and made a mental note to include this whole ceremony as a finale chapter in my journey as a Slave and submissive.

The article was finally finished after I toured Europe and England, (which I might add may well be another book or article in its self) The Germans may be the home of Rubber, Piss, Porn and Kink, but the Poms do it with it with a stiff upper lip, and with an upper class type of School boy Assertiveness and Discipline. It certainly was interesting, even Master Brett was required to put on Aires and Graces prior to whipping my arse in front of the Brits. But, with all the information I received, transcripts gathered, photos collated, and the video footage filed away as a reference, I was able to produce and publish the BDSM book, which flew off the shelves around the world, and was constantly called upon as reference reading. My editor, promoted me to head research journalist, with a healthy increase in my wallet each week, he and the Jeweller have been regular members of the club and bathhouse, both of which have played with Master Brett and myself at parties. The Japanese have opened up two new Bathhouses that we oversee and manage and Master Brett and I have been invited to Master Yoshi home in Japan in a few months. And who knows there may be a second and third book or article in the pipeline?

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Next: Chapter 12: The Hidden Cave 2

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