Master and the Mate

By Deep Diver

Published on Jan 18, 2007


This story is copyrighted to the author. You are welcome to download for personal use but not for sale or profit. The series is homoerotic with detailed descriptions of sex between consenting males age eighteen and above including domination, bondage and s/m. If this is not your scene please leave this site NOW. Also if you are underage to read this type of material or it is illegal in your country please leave. This means you if you are younger than 18!

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. . . from the end of Chapter 6: Bill knew that this was all new to Kyle and did not want to spook him by moving too fast. Kyle was so taken by each little step that he wanted to prolong them as long as possible. They embraced, then fell to their knees without interrupting their locked lips. They both thrilled at the feeling of heat emanating from their crotches and their obvious hard ons rubbing against one another. The closer they came to removing their clothes, the louder the beeps began. When the beeps reached an irritating level, Kyle could no longer ignore them and opened his eyes wide. Damn, it was all a dream! Shit, I can't believe it ... .it was all so real ...

The Master and his Mate - by Deepdiver

CHAPTER 6 - Inflamed Passions

That evening Ryan was aboard the 'Gardie' having a drink with Bill when Kyle arrived back from his class. Seeing both of them chatting unnerved him; he had been hoping to see Bill as he came by the 'Mon Cheri,' but she was dark and no one was in sight. Kyle hid his feelings about being the third wheel on a bicycle as he greeted his boss and Bill.

"Care to join us?" Ryan said as, he got up to mix Kyle a Black Russian. "So how's your class going?"

"Fine." Kyle replied.

"Come on Kyle, 'fine,' is a judgement, like saying good or bad, but it tells us nothing about the experience. Care to elaborate?" Ryan said trying to draw Kyle into the dyad.

"Oh, we were learning about charts and how to read them. It was interesting to see the one of the Sound, but a map is a map." Kyle said accepting the opportunity to integrate himself into the conversation. "So what were you guys talking about when I came in."

Both men blushed bright red in the face. "Well, actually, we were talking about you." Ryan confessed.

"What were you saying - - should I be concerned?" Kyle reacted.

"No, we only mentioned you in passing. We were discussing our sexual preferences." Ryan clarified. "You know already that we're both gay, but gay is a very broad term."

"Sorry, I don't follow you? What do you mean?" Kyle asked out of curiosity.

"Well some gay men are what we call versatile, while others have more defined preferences for the role of top or bottom." Ryan continued.

"Top or bottom? What the hell's that mean?" Kyle said now even more confused.

"Well, Bill here is a bottom, that means he likes to be penetrated. I myself am a top; that means that I enjoy penetrating. But these terms are more stereotypes and for many do not cover their sexual experiences or tastes."

"Yeah, I don't like to think of myself as a bottom, but rather as a player." Bill interjected.

"Personally, I like to act out fantasies, like master/slave, policeman/arrested youth, warden/convict, professor/student." Ryan said, revealing his favourite fantasies. "Nothing extreme, just s/m lite."

"I never did anything like that, K" Bill said, thinking of the fantasies outlined by Ryan; both his curiosity and a part of his anatomy aroused by his thoughts

"Well maybe you would like to try a session?" Ryan suggested.

"I'm game. What about you Kyle, will you play?" Bill asked.

"I don't know, sounds a bit weird to me. Why don't you two go ahead and play and I'll just watch." Kyle said hesitatingly.

"OK you can watch, just as long as you don't get an erection. If you get excited sexually, you have to join in. Its only fair." Ryan said pushing Kyle to his limits.

"Ah, I don't know." Kyle said.

"Well, you say you're not gay. So what's the problem?" Bill pressured him further.

"So let's play slave and master." Ryan began and continued saying, "Bill, as of this moment you are my slave sent here to work for me. The first thing I like to do is inspect any new slave so strip off your clothes. Kyle, if you don't want to accept the conditions, you can go to your cabin 'til we're done."

Bill immediately stood up and began taking off his shirt, but he did so very slowly with his back toward Kyle, who couldn't keep his eyes off him and made no attempt to get up and leave. Even though he had seen most of his body the night when he gave him a massage, seeing him slowly removing his clothes was having an effect on Kyle. When his shirt was off, Ryan came up to Bill and put his hands on his shoulders.

"Well now, nice broad shoulders," he said while running his hands down the younger man's arms. "Yes, nicely defined biceps and nice strong arms." Then Ryan turned Bill around so he was now facing Kyle and embraced Bill from behind as his hands floated over his pecs and abs sensually. "Look at the well-defined hairy chest of this stud, Kyle. Do you think I should shave this slave or leave him as he is?"

Kyle could barely speak as this hot scene unfolded before him. "I don't know. But he does look good just the way he is,." Kyle said not realizing how much he'd just revealed about himself to Ryan.

"Yes but as a slave he should be shaved so that he understands that he is not an equal to his master. He no longer has control over himself; he cannot even decide the length of his hair." Ryan said, as he moved his hands down to Bill's shorts, lowering them and revealing his tightly-fitted boxer briefs. Kyle's eyes were fixed on Bill's crotch where he could see his cock clearly through the black cotton fabric which was stretched by his erection. Ryan moved his hands into Bill's underwear and floated them over his smooth butt skin and then lowered the shorts very slowly revealing his genitals to Kyle. Once Bill was naked, Ryan began exploring every inch of his body with his hands and lips. Kyle's lips parted as he began imagining himself doing the same. Unconsciously he licked his dry lips.

"Hey there, Kyle, you have an erection!" Bill said, "Damn, it sure looks like my body turns you on!"

Ryan looked over at Kyle's crotch and it was true, he was obviously at full mast. "Kyle, you are now my slave too. You accepted the rules by staying so take off your shirt."

Kyle realized that he could not deny his state of arousal and feeling trapped he began stripping off his tee shirt. Both Ryan and Bill stared at him with lust in their eyes. Kyle had never experienced being the object of desire in this way and found himself getting even more excited. Then Ryan and Bill moved over to him. Ryan went behind and kissed the back of Kyle's neck and moved his hands over the smooth firm muscles of his back. Bill moved to his front and put his hands on Kyle's pecs and made circles around them.. Then Ryan's hand came around Kyle's front and floated over his torso while Bill kissed his lips. Kyle began to tremble; his dream was becoming a real life experience but even better than he'd imagined. Bill kissed Kyle so gently and Kyle used his tongue to greet Bill's lips. Then it was a dance of tongues. Bill and Kyle deep throated one another while Ryan pulled Kyle's pants off completely and then lowered his jockeys.

Ryan left his two slaves for a moment, disappearing below; and came back with an attache case full of toys. He took out a set of handcuffs and cuffed Kyle's arms around Bill's torso. Then he cuffed Bill's hands around Kyle's body. Ryan then put lubricant on Kyle's penis - - Kyle almost jumped out of his skin when he felt Ryan manipulating it! His nervous system was overloaded very quickly with so many new and varied sensations.

Ryan then put some lubricant between Bill's thighs; then he took Kyle's penis and put it between Bill's oiled legs and told Bill to close down hard on Kyle's penis. Bill's own cock was now trapped between his and Kyle's stomachs. They began grinding into one another's crotches. Ryan put a condom on his own cock and penetrated Bill's butt hole and the three embraced in a sexual frenzy until all three came one after the other. Kyle was playing with Ryan's nipples with his cuffed hands and this caused Ryan to spasm again which served to make his cock expand within Bill's rectum. Bill feeling the expansion heaved closer to Kyle where they both continued to express their contentment with loving kisses.

They continued this sexual orgy until they were all satiated and Ryan undid the cuffs so the boys could sprawl out on the cabin's floor. After a while, having recovered from the strange feelings he'd experienced, Kyle got up to make some popcorn. Ryan and Bill just sat around naked, watching TV: aimlessly channel-hopping, and sipping some A & W root beers.

When Kyle returned, he was sporting a grin that immediately melted everyone's ice in their sodas. "What?" Kyle asked.

"You are just so damn gorgeous." Ryan said; while Bill nodded in agreement and Kyle blushed.

"That was awesome, I never felt anything like that before, never." Kyle observed as the three sat and idly ate the popcorn with their drinks as they continued looking for anything interesting on TV. "Why is it that the more channels there are the harder it is to find something to watch?" moaned Ryan aloud as he gave up changing channels in disgust.

After watching the BBC news which reported the dubbing of Sir Davidson Quietly - - 'odd name' thought Bill - - for his heroic proofreading services, a knight of the realm, all three retired to Ryan's bed where they spooned each other and drifted off into a deep dream-laden state.

As he finally followed the others into slumberland Ryan thought about how the evening had progressed and was very happy to be spooning Bill while Kyle spooned him. He could hardly wait 'til it was time to turn over. He felt Kyle's dick between his ass cheeks and wondered how long the three could remain bonded this way.

What is Ryan's favorite cocktail?

What brand of Root beer did they drink?

What did Kyle learn in class?

How is a Black Russian different from a White Russian?

Did Ryan practice safe sex? Shouldn't you? Just a little authorial lecture here: I have few enough

readers as it is, so please friends, remember whenever you go to bed with someone you go to bed with all their prior partners ... so, safe sex or no sex!

How about a round of applause for our proof reader... Dave L!

Next: Chapter 8

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