Master and the Mate

By Deep Diver

Published on Oct 26, 2007


Master and the Mate By: Deep Diver (Copyright 2006 - 2007 by the Author) Editor: David L

The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the author's consent. Comments are appreciated at...

Chapter 45

The Brave Fisherman

During the night Ryan and Kyle were awakened by a knocking on their bedroom door. Mark came in and explained that Manny had a toothache and couldn't sleep. Kyle went to the boys' bedroom to check on Manny and Ryan went down to the kitchen and got some cloves out of the spice rack. On his way back upstairs he met Kyle coming down.

"It doesn't look too bad, his gum isn't swollen" Kyle said, "I'm going for an ice pack."

"Kyle, would you mind going to the pharmacy and buying some Numbzit? I think the Walgreen's at Irving and Grove is open all night." Ryan suggested.

"Yeah, that sounds like a better idea than ice. You have the car keys?" Kyle asked.

"They're on the table near the front door. As long as you're going, I think we need some more KY gel, unless you're not interested in the next DVD?" Ryan joked.

The next day Ryan agreed to take Manny to the dentist. On the way he stopped and asked Manny to close his eyes and breathe deeply. He then proceeded to hypnotize him. Once Manny was in the trance, Ryan asked him to imagine a pony standing in front of him.

"When the pony opens his mouth, begin to count his teeth. Can you see the pony?" Ryan asked.

"Un hu," Manny responded as if his tongue had become thicker.

"Now open your mouth and you will find that while the pony has his mouth open you can't shut your own and the longer he keeps his mouth open, the better you feel." Ryan suggested and then proceeded to give him some post-hypnotic suggestions to help him through the ordeal that awaited him in the dental chair.

Ryan himself hadn't had anesthesia at the dentists for years and thanks to self-hypnosis some of his best rests had been in the dental chair. Once they arrived at the doctor's office, the secretary put Manny on the waiting list due to his 'emergency' situation. Within the hour, the dental technician called Manny and Ryan accompanied him into the treatment cubicle.

Manny was beginning to tense up, but Ryan asked him to close his eyes and to remember his favorite place in the whole world.

"Manny think about the walls and what color they're painted. Think about how your favorite place smells. Perhaps it has a very special odor that helps you remember how you feel when you go there."

Manny began to go into a deep relaxation as Ryan talked him through the three levels of hypnosis. While he was speaking the dentist came in and stood behind Ryan just listening. When Ryan turned he was surprised to see a man much younger than himself.

"Loud," Ryan said, extending his hand to the dentist.

"Glen Morgan," The doctor said barely shaking Ryan's hand.

"This is Manny." Ryan presented the patient.

"Doctor, just tell me when you are ready. I have the patient prepped, he won't need any anesthesia." Ryan said.

The doctor looked askance at Ryan and wondered how he was going to handle this nut case. Not wanting to make a scene he decided to play along until the boy began screaming and then insist on using novocaine.

"Manny, I want you to remember the pony and when he opens his mouth, you will open yours and be unable to close it until I tell the pony to close his." Ryan commanded.

The doctor looked quickly up at the ceiling and thought 'what have I done to offend you Lord, that I should be punished with all these weirdoes?' But then he observed Manny's mouth drop open wide as Ryan said "The pony's opening his mouth, Manny, can you count his teeth?".

"Well which tooth was bothering him?" Dr. Morgan asked Ryan.

"Manny, just tell the doctor which tooth it is." Ryan commanded.

Manny spoke slowly with a lisp because of his bad tooth, "ith on thith thide on the top." Manny moved one arm slightly, indicating his right side. The doctor took an X-ray, saw the problem and quickly drilled the tooth, waiting expectantly for Manny's protests which never came.

"Can you feel this, Manny?" The doctor asked.

Manny nodded that he could.

"Doesn't it bother you?" asked Doctor Morgan.

Manny shook his head from side to side. The doctor was amazed. When he'd finally finished the treatment, Ryan told Manny that the pony was closing his mouth and Manny did the same. Then Ryan said, " Manny when you open your eyes you are going to feel great, the doctor did a good job and you were an excellent and brave patient you can open your eyes slowly now."

Once Manny was fully out of the trance the doctor asked, "Didn't you feel anything?"

"Yeah, I felt everything, even when you pinched my lip, but it didn't hurt, it all felt good." Manny said as he got out of the chair.

"You want a job here?" The dentist asked Ryan.

"No thanks, but if you ever want to learn the technique, I could teach you or if you ever have a really difficult patient you can send him to me first." Ryan said, handing the incredulous young doctor his card.

The doctor read the card:

Dr Ryan Loud

Licensed Psychologist and Hypnotherapist


"Can you help people stop smoking? I've really got to quit!" The young doctor asked.

"Yes, but I charge $500, plus the fee for each session, if the therapy is successful." Ryan said.

"That's quite expensive, don't you think?" said Morgan, surprised by the high fee.

"Well, no, you probably spend more than that on cigarettes in one year and besides I only send the bill if you start smoking again after I get you stopped." Ryan explained.

"When can I see you?" Morgan asked enthusiastically.

"Call my secretary after you decide to quit." Ryan challenged the young dentist, shaking his hand vigorously before he and Manny headed for the nearest Stone Cold Creamery.

Late that afternoon one of the Church ladies rang the doorbell. Mark answered the door and helped her carry in all the aluminum foil-covered pans which held the meal she had prepared. Kyle helped her transfer the food onto serving dishes and put them on the dining-room table and then called Ryan and Manny, while Mark busily set the table. The Church lady was getting ready to leave, but Kyle insisted she join them for the meal.

"Oh, no, I really can't eat, I have my husband and will eat with him when he comes home from work." She said.

"Well, I insist you at least sit with us while we eat. A good cook should observe people eating their meal to see what they like." Ryan insisted. "By the way, I'm Dr. Loud, this is Mark, Manny and Kyle who is our regular cook." Ryan said.

"I'm Mrs. Tensedale" said the uncomfortable Church lady.

"Manny, will you give the thanks?" Kyle invited.

"Lord, thanks for helping the dentist fix my sore tooth, and thank you for helping Ryan make the pain go away and for giving me a loving family. Amen."

"I think you forgot something Manny? We thank you too Lord for this fine meal and ask you to bless the hands that prepared it so nicely for us." Ryan added.

"Oh, yeah, sorry." Manny said to Mrs. Tensedale.

Mrs. Tensedale could not help comparing the well-mannered and polite family dinner in which she was participating with what normally occurred in her own home. She couldn't remember having said grace before eating with her husband who never blessed her hands which fed him daily and nursed him when sick. She had entered this house expecting to find bedlam but instead found a real Christian family where each member love and respected the others.

"Mrs. Tensedale, this salad is so good, you have to tell me what you put in it." Kyle said, noticing as the Church lady blushed.

"Kyle, try these vegetables, they're so tangy." Ryan said, giving the woman another indirect compliment."

"Hey, Manny, did the dentist pull your tooth?" Mark asked.

"Nah, he just put in a filling." Manny said.

"I hate going to the dentist, I can't stand the sound of the drill." Mark said, making a disgusted face.

"It wasn't a big deal, it didn't hurt at all." Manny said to Mark's surprise.

The meal ended with a baked apple pie that Mrs. Tensedale had made. Everyone had enjoyed the meal so much and the boys were begging her to come again. When she left the Loudâ€"Darling home she felt lighter than she had in years. They were all so appreciative of her efforts unlike her husband who worked as a copy-editor for the local neighborhood newspaper and only had words of criticism for her. She came expecting to gather evidence against a den of perverts and went home looking forward to her next visit and already planning the menu.

That night, both Kyle and Ryan were eager to get the kids off to bed so they too could continue watching the Saga of Swift Mountain Lion. Once they got to bed with their pillows fluffed, Ryan told Kyle about the handsome young doctor that had treated Manny.

"I had such a strong impulse to tie him down in his own chair and give him a work out." Ryan confessed.

"So why didn't you?" Kyle asked.

"Because he wasn't as good looking as you and anyway, I thought it would be a great fantasy to play-act with you the next time the boys are away." Ryan said suggestively.

"Damn, I can hardly wait!" Kyle said as he pushed the play button. "I'm so stuffed, damn that pie was good."

Ryan agreed saying, "yeah, I wasn't even hungry but that salad whetted my appetite."

The members of the tribe were getting antsy. It had been some time since they had made a kill. First the attack they had suffered had deprived them of some of their best hunters and now the buffalo seemed to be scarcer. The whole clan was in a low mood due to the lack of fresh meat and the need for skins to repair their lodges. If things were bad for the tribe, they were far worse for Howling Wolf since he was last on everyone's list of favorites.

His hunger got the better of him and without permission (which he didn't know how to ask for anyway), he took Swift Mountain Lion's long knife and again made himself a spear and headed for a nearby river. This river was deeper and faster moving than the last one he'd fished, but he was a good swimmer and looked for a good place to cross to the other side were he could see some quiet pools in the distance. He found one such pool and began to study the refraction and plan his attack.

At about this time, Swift Mountain Lion realized that Howling Wolf was missing and then noticed too that his long knife was not to be found. He felt his blood boil with the thought that his bed partner had up and escaped. He mounted his favorite pony and circled the camp til he could find some tracks (which was quite difficult because there were so many tracks with all the comings and going of the members of the clan).

Eventually he was making very wide circles around the camp when he picked up the trail and saw that the fool had gone toward the river which was far too difficult to cross. He stuck his heels into the flanks of his pony and began the chase. When he arrived at the river he was surprised to see his captive fishing. He remained hidden in the brush and just observed Howling Wolf, trying to discover his magic way of spearing the fish. But he was soon distracted by the stillness of Howling Wolf's lanky body. His skin glistened in the sun which was reflected off of his almost invisible body hair. The droplets of water also seemed to make his torso shimmer as if studded with diamonds. Swift Mountain Lion had never really paid attention to the beauty of the male figure, but now observing this young brave posing almost perfectly still, allowed Swift Mountain Lion to savor his sensual and proportionate lines. He felt a yearning tugging in his loins and looked forward to sleeping next to him again.

Finally, Swift Mountain Lion dismounted, pulled off his clothes and then attempted to cross the river directly toward the buck that had captured his attention. However he hadn't paused to plan his crossing and he soon found himself in a strong current and being pulled under since he hardly knew how to swim. In one last effort to save himself he flung his arms in the air and screamed "Howling Wolf, tokem oi."

Howling Wolf turned toward the river just in time to see the fast moving water pull Swift Mountain Lion under. Quicker than a flash, Howling Wolf flung himself into the current and swam in the direction of the drowning brave. Luckily the current forced Swift Mountain Lion's body to the surface and Howling Wolf managed to see him. Using the speed of the water plus his strong swimmer's body, Howling Wolf came to within arm's distance of Swift Mountain Lion just as he went over a small waterfall down into a larger pool that was somewhat calmer. Howling Wolf dove over the edge and swam down to the body and retrieved it. He pushed hard off the body and managed to lift both of them to the surface and grabbing Swift Mountain Lion from behind towed him to the shallower water where he could lift his head above the water.

"God the special effects are really done well, especially that shot of him caught under water." Kyle commented.

"Amazing the stunt men can do that and not drown themselves." Ryan agreed.

Now standing, he hauled the heavier man so his head and shoulders were lying on the sandy shoreline. Howling Wolf pushed on Swift Mountain Lion's strong abs and water flowed out of his mouth. Howling Wolf repeated this several times as he had seen an elder from his tribe do with the lifeless form of a young boy several years before. Swift Mountain Lion began coughing and eventually came around. He had a big bump on the back of his head where he had smashed into a large rock. Howling Wolf helped Swift Mountain Lion to his feet and they walked back to where he had left his pony. Howling Wolf again crossed the river carefullly in a safe place and retrieved the half-dozen fish he had caught. Then they headed back to the village in silence. Swift Mountain Lion riding his pony, leaving Howling Wolf walking behind and carrying the fish.

Howling Wolf prepared the fish and offered one to Swift Mountain Lion, who just pushed it away. He offered others to the chief and his family. The chief while not recognizing Howling Wolf took the offered fish for his hungry children's sake. Howling Wolf was confused by Swift Mountain Lion's behavior, but realized that he must be feeling a combination of embarrassment and anger that he now found himself in debt to the man on whom he wanted his vengeance.

Swift Mountain Lion actually was thinking that he had been punished for looking at a man as one is supposed to look at a woman. The Great Spirit had protected his magical friend from his devious wants, and in spite of his strength and size, Swift Mountain Lion began fearing Howling Wolf's powers.

After the chief and his family finished their long overdue meal, the chief came over to Howling Wolf and examined his spear. He then began making a spear of his own using his own knife and a few other braves also began making spears. Then they pointed Howling Wolf in the direction of the river and he understood that they wanted to learn how to fish. With no shared vocabulary, Howling Wolf tried using the intertribal sign language as best he could to try to explain some very complex ideas. Everyone was feeling frustrated, so he just decided to teach by example, showing how he did it.

To be continued

I really appreciate your emails as it encourages me to continue when I know that I have readers that appreciate my efforts. Please email any comments to me at

Next: Chapter 47

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