Master and the Mate

By Deep Diver

Published on Oct 6, 2007


Master and the Mate by Deepdiver

ed. Dave L.

Chapter 44

YMCA Swimming Hole

The next morning, when Ryan awoke, Kyle was already making breakfast and had made sure the boys were getting ready for school. The memory of the Indians sleeping side by side overtook Ryan with the feelings it evoked. He found himself hugging his pillow as he yearned for his lover to be naked and beside him. Reluctantly he got up, showered alone and got ready to go into his office. While Ryan sipped his coffee at the breakfast table he noticed that the weather was beginning to show signs of the arrival of spring and his thoughts turned to the Gardie.

"Manny, how would you like to take the course on navigation that the power squadron offers?" Ryan asked.

"That would be kewl," the boy answered in the slang of his age group.

"OK, I'll have my secretary register you." Ryan asserted. "Oh, but you don't know how to swim, if I remember correctly."

"Just a little. Sometimes my mom took me to the public swimming pool but she only let me into the baby pool." Manny admitted his lack of confidence.

"The baby pool! Oh that is so gross, swimming in urine." Mark teased.

"Oh no it isn't!" Manny said indignantly.

"Didn't your eyes burn a lot in that water? It was from all the pissing that the babies do while they're swimming." Mark pushed the envelope.

"OK, boys, that's quite enough. Manny your eyes burned because they put a lot of chlorine in the water to kill any bacteria." Ryan tried to forestall a full-blown argument from brewing.

Ryan made a mental note to join the YMCA so that Manny could take some swimming lessons at their indoor pool before the nice weather arrived. Kyle was listening to the conversation and recalling his own experience learning to swim with Ryan.

"You know, I could use some more swimming lessons maybe Manny and I could go over to the 'Y' each day after class." Kyle ventured.

"What about me?" Mark suddenly became interested.

"You won't like it, too many fu... awesome kids peeing in the pool!" Manny said and Ryan looked at Kyle over the top of his newspaper.

By the time they finished breakfast, it was agreed that they would all meet at the 'Y' at around 5 p.m. when there was an hour session for men.

When five o'clock rolled around, everyone was waiting in the lobby for Kyle whose class had over-run. Ryan had already taken out a family membership; and Mark's friends Pete and Joe had also decided to come along. When Kyle arrived they each found an empty locker where they could leave their clothes; Ryan put his wallet in his shoe, figuring that any intruder wouldn't look there. A sign at the pool entrance indicated that everyone had to take a shower before entering the pool. The group entered the steamy showers together, all naked.

Manny was fascinated by the size of each guy's cock and was very unabashed about checking everyone out. By far, Kyle had the longest, but Mark's was bigger if you took into account his proportions. Pete and Joe were just about average. Ryan had the thickest, and of course Manny had the smallest and the least hair in his crotch. Several jokes were made about each other's body which helped release the tension of all being totally naked together for the first time.

Kyle stole glances at Mark, Pete and Joe and noticed that all three had the typical beautiful bodies of young adolescents. Manny, of course, was beautiful in his boyishness, but it was still Ryan who got most of Kyle's attention. Ryan was a man's man and Kyle just sighed as he yearned to embrace him, naked, in public. Ryan also checked everyone out, but not from a sexual perspective. He was too professional in his thinking and merely made sure each had two descended testicles and no abnormalities that would affect their psychological well-being. He remembered the boy he had treated for months with extremely low self-esteem. Finally, as he was almost giving up his attempts to determine their origin, the boy had enough confidence to admit his hangup; and revealed that his piss slit was not in the center of the head of his cock but located on the underside. Ryan had referred him to a surgeon who easily corrected the abnormality and now the young man was a successful teacher.

Ryan spent most of the time in the pool doing laps when he wasn't stealing peeks at the lifeguard who he found to be a humpy and sexy guy. He was not exactly slim, but had meat on his bones without being fat. Ryan wondered what it would be like to touch his creamy skin and then to have him tied up in the basement.

Kyle spent most of his time trying to teach Manny as Ryan had taught him, but Manny's anxieties were running high and it was very difficult to get him to put his head fully underwater. Then another parent arrived with a two-year-old. The tot went right up onto the low diving board, walked to the edge and dived in without any pause, and then he slowly swam to the side of the pool. Everyone's mouths were agape as they watched the very young child run around to the diving board and jump in again.

After sometime Ryan took Manny in his arms and walked him around the pool. Manny clung to Ryan nervously as if he was a baby chimp clinging to its mother. Ryan found the sensation exhilarating, feeling Manny's clean and youthful skin pressed against his own. There were no sexual thoughts or even innuendos in his mind; it was more like the closeness rarely experienced between father and son. Ryan was happy: his family was happy and he was no longer lonely or yearning for Edwin. His happiness lasted until he returned to his locker and found his wallet missing. When he reported it stolen to the center's administration they admonished him and told him that the thieves check the shoes first!

That evening, both Ryan and Kyle were eager to retire. They were tired from the work out at the pool and eager to continue viewing the collection of DVDs about the Indians.

When Swift Mountain Lion awoke, he found himself alone. He was surprised that the Dakota animal could be so stealthy and get up without disturbing him. As he stood he began looking for tracks, thinking Howling Wolf could not have gotten far since the sun was just rising. He quickly counted the horses and all were tied to the line he had set for them the prior evening. He felt for his knife and it was missing. His heart began to race as he realized that his captive just might have become the hunter. He followed the tracks in the direction of a nearby stream and then saw the young buck with his knife lashed to a pole. The Indian was standing motionless as if he had become a statue. Swift Mountain Lion was already suspecting that he was possessed by some strange spirit; perhaps even that of his former friend. Then without warning the brave stabbed the pole into the water and pulled out a fine trout. He walked back, proudly displaying his catch, throwing the spear to Swift Mountain Lion and proceeded to clean his catch in preparation for breakfast. Swift Mountain Lion understood that he had just been challenged to do better and he proudly marched into the cold stream and began jabbing at every fish he saw, but was unable to spear even one. Howling Wolf smiled broadly as he started to laugh at the big brave Crow who couldn't even catch one small fish; the more Swift Mountain Lion tried the more Howling Wolf laughed.

Finally Swift Mountain Lion had had enough. His people were meat eaters who bravely faced large herds of wild buffalo. Who was this ignorant and puny Dakota tribesman to dare laugh at his captor? He came right up to his captive who was looking up from his squatting position with a broad smile on his face and pushed him down into the dirt. 'Now who's laughing?' Swift Mountain Lion thought. Howling Wolf picked himself up and went back into the stream to clean both himself and the fish that had fallen with him to the ground. He then went across the stream and after a few minutes of patient waiting, speared a second fish for his captor. 'How can I possibly explain to this intellectual throwback about light refraction,' he thought, as he hardly understood it himself. Howling Wolf he had been taught by his grandfather who had been a brave warrior in his youth and a wise chief in his later years about not aiming directly at the fish but after studying one's own foot on the bottom to figure the appropriate angle to aim the spear.

Howling Wolf finished cleaning the fish and then hung them on sticks to hang close to the camp fire. The smell of their breakfast had both their mouths salivating in anticipation of their meal.

As they ate, Howling Wolf kept smiling at Swift Mountain Lion until he broke through his offended masculine facade. Eventually, Swift Mountain Lion couldn't help smiling back and offered his hand to his captive to help him to his feet. He then handed him some more of the cactus branch and squeezed the last of its aloe sap into his hand. Spreading the soothing balm on his own thighs, Howling Wolf realized that Swift Mountain Lion had just given him a small bit of his dignity back. Rather than walk naked he decided to put on the dress, accepting the humiliation that Swift Mountain Lion was demanding, and thanked the Great Sky Spirit that there was no one about to see him.

By noon however, they had caught up to Swift Mountain Lion's people. As he walked behind Swift Mountain Lion's horse, children ran up to him and poked and punched him and ran off. The women that saw him spat in his direction with alarming accuracy. The warriors, worse still, just ignored him and refused to recognize him as worthy of their attention. Eventually they arrived at the lodge of Swift Mountain Lion's uncle, who was now the chief of their clan.

Swift Mountain Lion saluted his uncle and described how he had satisfied his revenge and that he had now returned to assume his duties as a warrior of the clan. His uncle indicated to him a lodge that had been prepared for his return but invited him inside his own tee-pee to share a meal and a smoke of the pipe in thanks to the Great Spirit for the success of his hunt. Swift Mountain Lion never even mentioned his captive; there was no need. It was already a tradition to humiliate captured braves by not even recognizing their presence.

After the two entered the chief's lodge, some women came up to Howling Wolf and gave him some duties. No one offered him even so much as some water. They treated their dogs with more respect; he was their enemy and deserved no better treatment. Howling Wolf was not surprised. His own people would have done the same if not worse. He found himself sitting behind a circle of women and helped shell some beans. Once in a while a maiden would look in his direction, but if he dared look back at her, they would spit at him. Later an elderly woman kicked him and indicated that he should follow her. She led him away from the camp and began piling fallen tree branches into his arms to carry back to camp. When he failed to pay attention to her, she swatted him with a thick twig.

When they arrived back at camp, another middle-aged woman gave him some more beans to shell, but by now he was too outraged and just threw the gourd filled with beans down on the ground. She began screaming at him, but he had no idea what she was saying. Swift Mountain Lion came quickly to the rescue of the lady, and turned and smacked Howling Wolf so hard he fell off to one side. Swift Mountain Lion then grabbed him by the hair and dragged him over to a wooden frame that had been erected to dry skins. He stripped off Howling Wolf's dress and then lashed him to the wooden frame spreadeagled and totally naked. The squaws and children stared at him and mocked his nakedness. Again Swift Mountain Lion had successfully humiliated Howling Wolf who was now praying that death would come swiftly; Swift Mountain Lion left him to hang there for the rest of the day. The only reason his skin didn't burn was due to the lateness of the day, but going from the heat of the day into the cool of the night was horrendous. His body was covered with goosebumps as he shivered in the cold in pain from the constant weight of his body hanging from his arms. Just when he was near falling asleep from exhaustion, Swift Mountain Lion threw a bucket of warmed water over him, cut him down and led him into his tee-pee.

Once he was dry, Swift Mountain Lion held out a bowl full of pieces of buffalo meat. He did not however, give him the bowl to eat, but rather barked commands at him.

"Tenik," said Swift Mountain Lion, but it meant nothing to Howling Wolf. "Ten...nik" Swift Mountain Lion repeated and then kicked the legs out from under Howling Wolf: and then he gave him a small piece of meat to eat.

"Kinet." Swift Mountain Lion said. "" he repeated and began kicking Howling Wolf until he rose to his feet. Then another small piece of meat was given to the young warrior.

"Tenik," commanded Swift Mountain Lion [and the word, 'Sit,' flashed up as a subtitle on the bottom of the screen]. Howling Wolf sat quickly as Swift Mountain Lion approached him menacingly. "Kinet," Swift Mountain Lion said [and the word, 'stand' appeared in the subtitles] and Howling Wolf stood and received his reward. Swift Mountain Lion kept the tired brave standing and sitting until he was convinced he was learning to obey his voice commands. It was now Swift Mountain Lion who was smiling and laughing at Howling Wolf whose anger at being treated like a common cur was boiling inside his head.

The last time that Swift Mountain Lion had commanded him to stand, there was no more reward of meat, instead Swift Mountain Lion began covering Howling Wolf's body with aloe oil. He massaged him from the neck down, covering first his complete front, including his genitals and then his back. Howling Wolf was shocked by the manhandling of his cock and balls and later his ass cheeks, but the sensation of being caressed gently by this goliath of a warrior felt so good after so much abuse during the day.

When he was ordered to lie on Swift Mountain Lion's bed roll he didn't resist since he had no more fight left in him and he just wanted to sleep. Again Swift Mountain Lion spooned him, but this time Howling Wolf felt Swift Mountain Lion's swollen cock pushing between his raw thighs. Howling Wolf felt such intense fear he dared not move a single muscle in his body. Swift Mountain Lion embraced his torso tightly and soon fell asleep. It took Howling Wolf longer to relax, but once he did he found that he too became sexually excited.

In their bed Ryan and Kyle imitated the last scene of the second DVD. Ryan placed his swollen penis between Kyle's thighs, but unlike the Indians in the flick, Ryan pumped against Kyle's ass until he came. Kyle caught Ryan's cum in his palm and then slowly ate his lover's male essence.

To be continued...

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( ) I enjoy the integration of sex and spirituality in this story.

( ) I would enjoy participating in a forum of "Master and the Mate."

( ) I wish the author would leave politics out of this story.

( ) I would be interested in Book II of the "Master and the Mate." If ever made available in written or in a pdf file.

( ) Master and the Mate gets me off.

Next: Chapter 46

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