Master and the Mate

By Deep Diver

Published on Mar 5, 2007


This story is copyrighted to the author. You are welcome to download for personal use but not for sale or profit. The series is homoerotic with detailed descriptions of sex between consenting males age eighteen and above including domination, bondage and s/m. If this is not your scene please leave this site NOW. Also if you are underage to read this type of material or it is illegal in your country please leave. This means you if you are younger than 18!

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Ryan's cock quickly engorged as Kyle stimulated it. Then Ryan turned his head to one side, their lips joined and their tongues danced together. Ryan felt Kyle's cock pushing against his lower back and used his hands on Kyle's golden, hair-covered, thighs; delighting in the feeling of hard muscle and soft skin.

Slowly Kyle masturbated Ryan, becoming gradually more and more vigorous. Ryan just laid back and allowed Kyle to pleasure him. He imagined that he was on a semen farm and that his male juice was being taken from him forcefully and his whole body tensed while his balls moved up higher and he shot his wad as Kyle worked his meat until he gave up every last drop of his cum. Ryan then fell asleep in Kyle's arms feeling so loved and so relaxed in the warm water.


Master and The Mate -- by Deepdiver

CHAPTER 22 - Steamy Nights

The next day, Pastor Hasselworth called Ryan's office seeking an appointment with Ryan. He was seeing few clients these days and his secretary, Susan, easily worked him into the schedule. At two in the afternoon Hasselworth was seated in the waiting room when Ryan signalled Susan that he was free.

"Reverend, good to see you, we missed you last night." Ryan said sincerely.

"Well, I am here about last night. It seems that you managed to seduce Roger into your depraved world! His mother called me last night and told me how you managed to set him against her." Hasselworth said accusingly.

"I don't know what the woman told you, but I never said one word in favour of homosexuality or against her. She torpedoed herself." Ryan said defensively."

"We are well aware of your satanic tricks! You can't fool me." Hasselworth said.

"So you really believe that I am responsible for Roger being gay?" Ryan asked.

"Yes, with all your psychobabble and pseudo-science you confused them and then you seduce them into your depraved sins. You know you are all going to hell?" Hasselworth continued.

"OK, what's this all about? At what age were you sexually abused?" Ryan said, following a gut instinct.

"How could you possibly know about that, unless you are in cahoots with Satan?" The reverend said accusingly. "No one knows about that, not even my wife!"

"Look, I didn't know about it, but I suspected it from what you yourself said. Between 40 and 60 percent of boys have been sexually molested and you are so uptight about homosexuality and your condemnations are so vocal that I took an educated guess. You have been hiding your secret so long it must be a terrible burden to carry alone?" Ryan said trying to reach out to the man.

"Oh, no, you are not going to seduce me with your understanding and kind words so that you can later bring me down into the filth that you yourself are mired in." The reverend resisted.

"Well, Reverend, if you are happy in your marriage, I doubt that there is anything that I could do or say to make you want to leave that behind." Ryan said, trying to help the man lower his defense mechanisms. "So you were abused sexually by someone you trusted?"

"How do you know these things? Surely it is by the power of Satan?" Hasselworth said, obviously hurting inside.

"No, not by Satan's power; but by the power of Jesus in whom I believe and because you just told me. I'm just listening to you. You said, 'you are not going to seduce me with your understanding and kind words so that you can later bring me down.' Didn't you just say that? So I figure that is just what happened to you ... as a boy? You trusted someone that was kind to you and that person later molested you. Am I correct?" Ryan appealed to Jesus' name to attempt connecting with this man who was obviously trying to reach out for a life preserver.

"Yes, yes..." the reverend cried as he began to weep and cover his face in shame.

"Hasselworth, by the way what's your first name?" Ryan asked softly, looking at this six foot tall, darkly handsome and thinnish man hunched over in his chair.

"Its John, I mean my name is John." The reverend answered

"Thank you, John, for allowing me to call you by your Christian name." Ryan said, wanting to help empower his client and to make a therapeutic alliance with him. "Your burden is so heavy precisely because you have been carrying it alone. Trying to pretend it never happened so that it will go away. But it doesn't go away; does it? You carry it wherever you go and it takes so much of your energy to hide it. Let me help you, please, John; I can't change what happened to you, but I can help you deal with it and help lighten your burden." Ryan said trying to instil hope in this adult victim of childhood sexual abuse.

"Only Jesus can save me and cure me." John affirmed.

"You are right, John, but Jesus called disciples and healed many through them. We should not ask for a miracle when God has already given us the means. Sometimes God prefers that we do the work with him so that we grow." Ryan explained. "I am sure you yourself while you encourage your flock to pray also encourage them to see their doctors and follow medical advise."

"I just want to forget about it and move on with my life." John insisted.

"Of course you do. But you know that Jesus said that if we want to follow him, we must take up our cross and carry it. Pretending you do not carry this cross is a betrayal of your faith." Ryan said trying to use the Scriptures to help John to accept the therapy which he knew would help him greatly. "Many victims make that mistake. They try to forget their past, but it only comes back to haunt them and many come full circle and find themselves abusing others." Ryan warned using a veiled threat.

And so, slowly, Ryan began the work of helping John unravel the misconceptions and the feelings of unworthiness that had plagued him since his childhood. John attributed his suffering to punishment for his childhood sin like many victims who blame themselves and succumb to guilt feelings for years. Ryan had to work overtime to undo the harm that John had done to himself as he lived under the misconceptions of a boy, ideas formed in his childhood that weighed heavy on him in his adulthood, some sowed their by the perpetrator in order to scare him into not revealing their 'secret.'

Ryan helped him come to understand that he was doubly abused: once sexually and then psychologically as well. He came to see that his fanatical adhesion to religion was an attempt to escape the hell of abuse rather than the option to freely choose to follow Christ. Ryan helped him reaffirm his ministry, but now rather than being motivated by fear, he recognized that he could use his own experience to help other victims become survivors too. Ryan and John achieved much in a short time, but John's therapy would continue on and off for the rest of his life as he would arrive at later stages in his development.

Later that afternoon, when Ryan arrived home, Mark was already there; studying together with his lanky, but faithful friend, Peter. Ryan interrupted their study and asked if they could talk.

"How's it going boys? All well in school?" Ryan asked. He didn't ask Peter to leave because he knew that Peter was with Mark most of the day and any insight he had could be invaluable.

"Actually, it's better than ever. Everyone is especially nice. Even Joe Green, who is about the biggest jock in the school, has been hanging around us like a watch dog!" Mark said and Peter confirmed this with his eyes.

"Well, glad to hear all is well. I'll leave you to finish your studies. Peter, thanks for being here, you are welcome anytime." Ryan said, leaving in search of Kyle; who was in the kitchen preparing dinner. Ryan walked up behind him and put his arms around his waist and kissed his neck.

"That smells delicious." Ryan said, looking ocer Kyle's shoulder.

"It's just spaghetti and meat balls." Kyle answered, "Dominic's nephew taught me how to cook it."

"I meant you, really. But the food smells good too!" Ryan teased.

Ryan washed up as Kyle finished cooking. Around five-thirty dinner was ready. Peter joined them; and Ryan blessed the food, asking a special blessing on the hands that prepared it and for the Lord's protection over them all.

"Mark, has Ryan told you that we are considering adopting?" Kyle asked. "We would like your input too before we decide anything. After all, he would become your brother."

"Really, I could have a baby brother? That would be so cool." Mark answered child-like.

"Well, more like a younger brother; I think a baby might be just a bit much for us to handle." Ryan said, "You like that idea?"

"Yes, Peter and I could teach him so much." Mark said.

"So it's settled. We can start the process." Kyle said happily.

"Wow, slow down guys. I am glad Mark likes the idea, but let's take some more time to think about this. We all know that we like the idea. But I think it would be a good idea if each of us comes up with three negative things and three positive reasons so we can anticipate how this is going to affect us." Ryan suggested.

"I can't believe this. In my house, no one ever asks what I think. They always just tell me what they've already decided and sometimes not even that. I find out when things begin to happen." Peter said, comparing his own home with Mark's.

"Dad, can I go over to Peter's for awhile after we finish eating. We need to do some work for our Math class and he has a program on his PC that can help us." Mark said.

Both Kyle and Ryan looked at one another, waiting for the other to answer. Peter and Mark looked from one to the other. Finally, Ryan blushed and said. "Sure, just as long as you promise to stay out till 9 p.m."

"You mean be back by 9 p.m." Kyle corrected. "No, I mean UNTIL, nine!" Ryan said staring at Kyle. And everyone began to snicker.

Once dinner was over, Ryan took Kyle down to his special room in the basement and made the most of the free time without Mark in the house.



What happened next depends. There is an alternative ending for this chapter after this brief hiatus [pause]. What actually happened is so steamy that my friend and editor, DQ, refused to allow it; saying he would quit if it stayed [I never thought he'd carry out his threat -- but he was adamant!] Thus if you would like to know the sordid details of what really happened in those hours between dinner and the closing paragraphs after this note; you will have to email me for it; just request M & M - C 23edited. If you wish to remain anonymous just go to either or or another anonymous service and instead of signing in, open a new account with an alias. Sorry, deepdiver is already taken. GRIN


Afterwards Ryan and Kyle went up to the den and watched the news sitting on the loveseat caressing one another. Kyle's bottom was sore, but his heart was content. Ryan who helped so many, needed Kyle to help him with his own needs. Kyle felt so fulfilled being the support of the helper.

"Are you really interested in bringing another kid into our home?" Ryan asked.

"Yeah, Mark is going to graduate in just a few years and then this place will be too big for us. I like the idea of us being parents together." Kyle said.

"What about yourself? Are you going to be a 'stay at home dad' all your life? Wouldn't you like to go back to school and studying something?" Ryan asked.

"I'm happy here. I haven't thought about doing anything else." Kyle said.

The phone rang and it was the school psychologist from Mark's school reminding them that they had promised to come and talk to his mental hygiene class. Ryan consulted Kyle and they set a day for the following week.

Mark was late getting home; finally arriving about 9:15 p.m.

"Young man, you are 15 minutes late." Ryan said sternly.

"It could have been worse; he could have come home early!" Kyle said jokingly.

"This is no time for jokes. Mark you are late and need to be corrected. Now get over here and bend over my knee!" Ryan ordered.

Mark was stunned. Guilt feelings exploded inside him and he sheepishly approached Ryan who positioned the boy over his knee as if to spank him. Once Mark was doubled over, Ryan laid his arm over him, holding him down and both he and Kyle began to tickle him.

Mark was screaming hysterically as he tried to break free. In the struggle all three slipped down onto the floor. While Ryan held Mark down, Kyle lifted his shirt and started to blow farts with his mouth on Mark's stomach. Mark laughed and writhed, never having experienced love this way before, he suddenly felt very happy and the three just laid on the floor together thinking what it would be like to have another son in the house.

"Say Kyle, where did you get the idea to blow farts on Mark that way?" Ryan asked.

"Oh, I was on your PC and read that in a story on the Nifty archives." Kyle answered.

"What story?" Ryan asked curiously.

"I think it was 'The Road Home,' by Tyler Peel" Kyle said.

"I thought as much!" Ryan said laughing.

"God, you two are so queer!" Mark said sparking more laughs.

Next: Chapter 23

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