Master and the Mate

By Deep Diver

Published on Feb 15, 2007


This story is copyrighted to the author. You are welcome to download for personal use but not for sale or profit. The series is homoerotic with detailed descriptions of sex between consenting males age eighteen and above including domination, bondage and s/m. If this is not your scene please leave this site NOW. Also if you are underage to read this type of material or it is illegal in your country please leave. This means you if you are younger than 18!

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Ryan decided to bring the meeting to a close before things got out of hand again, fearing he might need too much more time and energy to pull them back to order.

Pastor Hasselworth congratulated Ryan sincerely on what he thought was a good therapeutic session in spite of the fact that he didn't get to present his scriptural quotes that he felt would definitively settle the gay question, but he had the next session to look forward to. .

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Master and The Mate - by Deepdiver

CHAPTER 19 - Pirated

A couple of days after the first counselling session, Mark was coming out of the school gates when a man of about 35 years of aged called to him.

"Hey, you're Mark, the Bennings' kid, aren't you?" The stranger asked. "I recognized you from seeing you on televison during their funeral. That was a real shame what happened to your parents."

"Yeah, I'm Mark. Thanks." Mark replied as he continued to walk towards his group of friends.

"Hey, man, wait up. I was wondering if you recovered any of your things off the boat?" The man asked.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Mark asked, beginning to feel irritated by this stranger.

"You know what I mean. Was the ice chest recovered? It could mean a lot of money for you." The stranger said with a strange tone in his voice.

Mark began to feel very uncomfortable and decided to pass by his friends and headed straight to the school bus. The implications of what the stranger had said and the questions Detective Dome had raised were now flooding through his brain. He needed to be alone and to rethink recent events; Mark barely greeted his friends as he passed them and headed home leaving the stranger well behind.

Boarding the school bus, Mark sat next to Peter who was waiting for him in their regular seats. Mark said little on the trip home, getting off the bus as usual about a block from Ryan's new house - he'd sold his apartment soon after adopting Mark because there wasn't enough room and bought a large house not far from the marina for convenience.

Mark stopped after the bus pulled away, wondering whether to go home or make for the marina and the 'Gardie'. He was still undecided when suddenly a Ford Econovan screeched to a halt beside him on the street. The two side doors were flung open and two men jumped out and grabbed him, dragging him back through the open doors and pushing him to the floor. One of the men held a moist cloth over his nose while the other closed the doors. Everything in Mark's world went dark quickly.

Mark came round slowly, feeling queasy and dimly realizing that he couldn't move. As his senses returned gradually he realized that he was tied down to a wooden table - naked except for his underwear. As he became fully conscious he suddenly thought that he had no idea of where he was and started desperately looking round. Someone had obviously been watching him, and seeing him look round they quickly placed a blindfold over his eyes. He tried to resist, but bound as he was, he could barely move his head and he was easily subdued.

"Where's the ice chest?" A voice asked him, reminding him of the stranger who had spoken to him as he left school.

"I don't know what you're talking about. Let me go!" Mark insisted.

"You're in no position to give orders. Now you just lied to me. You do know what I'm talking about and you are going to tell me where it is. You can tell me now and we will let you go, or you can tell me later, after you suffer a great deal of pain. Now which is it going to be?" The stranger said sadistically.

Mark felt the man's hands on his pec as he grabbed his teat with two fingers and began to pinch the vulnerable boy.

"Oughhhhhhhhhhh. Stop it let me go! You have no right. I don't know. Everything went down with the boat." Mark pleaded.

  • *

No one thought anything when Mark didn't come straight home from school; both Ryan and Kyle thought he had gone over to Peter Christopher's house to study together. When he wasn't back for dinner, they began to wonder why he hadn't called to say he'd be late, just as the phone rang. It was Peter, wanting to talk to Mark. Discovering that they'd both come home on the bus together and that Mark had gotten off the bus at his usual drop just a block from the house, Kyle immediately went to check Mark's room.

Once Ryan and Kyle realized that Mark was missing again they searched for Detective Dome's card and called him. While they waited for the police, they called Bill to make sure that Mark had not gone to the 'Mon Cheri.' They also had Bill call his parents on the outside chance he had gone back over to their place.

Within a half hour there was a patrol car at Peter's house with an officer interviewing him and Dome himself arrived at Ryan and Kyle's new house.

"Thank God you finally got here." Ryan said greeting the detective.

"Nice digs, this place must have set you back a good bit." The detective said innuendoes dripping from his voice.

"Well, actually, I had to sell my condominium in Manhattan in order to pay for this - along with the inheritance from my brother." Ryan explained, trying to quell the officer's suspicions.

Once they'd explained to him that Mark had gotten off the bus within a block of the house, the detective called in more units and they began to search the area and to interview the neighbours to see if anyone had seen anything. Peter called to say that he'd spoken to a few of their classmates and that they had seen a stranger talking to Mark outside school and that Mark had seemed upset, nearly ignoring them and just getting on the bus.

Later an officer came in and reported to the detective that an elderly neighbour who lived down the block had seen a white van screech to a halt and then speed off. Since she lived on the other side of the street she hadn't seen the scuffle. However the police went to where she had seen the van stop and were able to get some tire prints as well as confirm that the grass that lined the space between the curb and the sidewalk was showing evidence of a possible scuffle. The police called in forensics and they went over the area and scrutinized every square inch in the hope of finding some evidence or clues.

  • *

Mark was still quivering after having his pecs tweaked roughly when he heard the familiar voice he thought of as the 'stranger from school speak to someone else.

"Get him ready and call me if he says anything."

"Fine." The second unfamiliar voice said.

Mark heard the footsteps of someone leaving the room.

As the footsteps faded in the distance, the unfamiliar voice said "Listen kid. I'm an undercover cop, I need you to just relax. I won't let them hurt you. I don't want to blow my cover, so just play along with me and take your cues from me, OK?".

Mark then felt the man using scissors to cut away his underwear. He immediately tensed.

"I am going to put pads on your genitals and then connect them to a 'TENS machine', so if you know anything, you had better speak up now." The voice said loudly, and then in a gentle whisper it continued. "You won't feel a thing, but when I tell you I'm turning on the current, give a yelp and then pretend to be having spasms."

Mark felt some relief in knowing that there was someone there to help him, but he also feared that this too was a trick to get him to talk. The man took a clipper to his pubic hair and said, "sorry about this but I have to make it look real."

Three hours later, forensics informed Detective Dome that they had a match on the tire tracks to the van. They had now called in an agent from the narcotics squad and the two officials connected via a conference call.

"Detective Dome here."

"I'm Lieutenant O'Connor, of the narcotics squad. Look we have been watching that van for some weeks now. We have an undercover agent implanted in the gang and we have a radio beacon hidden on the van. We can tell you where it is, but we need to be sure that you don't go in there shooting and we can't afford you blowing our agents cover. Are you willing to work together on this, or should we take it from here?"

"OK, OK, we can work this together. Our only real concern is that we get the kid out of there unharmed. It looks like they kidnapped him and may be torturing him to find out where the drugs are."

The two officials chose a place to assemble their two squads where they could plan their raid. Dome noticed that O'Connor had not given him the precise location of the van, just an abandoned factory located nearby.

  • *

Mark felt the undercover agent shaving his pubic area after clipping his pubes off. He tried not to think about what was happening, but in spite of himself, his cock began to swell. The undercover agent couldn't help but admire Mark's beautiful young masculine body. He was good at undercover work since he had gained a lot of experience of hiding his sexual preferences from everybody from his early teens. He felt a tingle in his pants as he worked on Mark's genitals.

"Relax, kid, that happens to everyone. It don't mean anything." The agent said as he finished cleaning off the remaining shaving cream and drying the skin of Mark's crotch. He then put the gel on the pads which would make them adhere to Mark's cock and testicles. But when the agent connected the probes, he made sure that they didn't go in all the way and used some black tape to cover his ploy. He then connected the other ends of the probes to the 'TENS' machine.

"OK, Boss, he's ready if you want to watch this." he called out loudly.

The man with the familiar voice returned with several other people, sneering at the now naked kid and mocking his erection.

"Wow that haircut makes your cock seem twice as large. I'll bet he never lets it grow back!" The stranger said mockingly. The others in the room laughed.

"OK, kid, going to tell us where the coke is?" The stranger again asked sadistically.

"I swear, as far as I know, everything went down when dad's boat sank; I barely survived myself." Mark pleaded.

"I wish we could believe you, but you know how it is, that much stuff is just too tempting." said the now too familiar voice.

"OK, let's show the little prick what'll happen if he doesn't wisen up!" The voice ordered.

"Mark, I'm going to give you a low voltage shock first so you can get an idea what to expect if you don't tell us what we want to know. Here goes..." The undercover cop said, hoping that Mark would have enough of his wits about him to go along with the scam until he could figure a way to get him out of this situation.

"Aheeeeeeeee." Mark screeched, shaking his whole body. "Please, no more, please." he said with so much conviction that the undercover agent was afraid that he might be overdoing it.

A new voice said, "I've had that thing on my back and it never hurt that much on low, what gives?"

"Yeah, but did you try it on your balls?" The undercover agent said trying to cover up for Mark's over reaction.

"No bloody way! So Mark you can see that we can really hurt you - that was just a low setting. Now are you going to tell us what happened to the drugs?" The third voice said, trying to be comforting in order to gain Mark's confidence.

The police were now taking up their positions on the surrounding roofs. They had decided to bring in the special forces unit with sharpshooters. They themselves formed teams of two officers one each from drug enforcement and from Dome's murder investigation squad. When they were all in position, a police van rammed the front door of the abandoned factory where they had determined the white van was located.

The police rushed in from all sides and quickly secured the place; but the van was empty and they found no one inside the deserted building. They called forensics again to examine the van.

Ryan and Kyle together with Bill and his parents were sitting and praying that the police would locate Mark and rescue him. Ryan's cell phone rang; it was Dome, who told him that they had found the van, but not Mark. He also told Ryan that there was an undercover officer who was probably with Mark and they were waiting for him to contact them. They were still talking on the phone when Dominic came in with some food he had hastily put together. His nephew Tony, helped him carry it in and Bill was soon helping as well.

"You look a wreck." Tony said to Bill.

"Well, Mark and I are tight and I'm worried about him." Bill said to Tony, who put his arms around Bill who began to tremble in his arms.

The aromas of Dominic's food filled the house, but no one really had much of an appetite. Dominic fixed small plates and put them into everyone's hands and said, "you need to keep up your strength, manga... manga,"

Ryan grabbed hold of Dominic and they hugged. "Dominic, thanks, you seem to be always here when I need you, when we need you."

"Ryan, we're friends. Friends do these things and wish they could do more."

"Dominic, I'm sorry; I'm so worried for Mark." Ryan confessed.

"We all are, Ryan, we are all on the same page, as my nephew likes to say."

Next: Chapter 20

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