Master and Slave

By gayandhorny

Published on May 30, 2023


For his second visit, MASTER arrived right on schedule. He had ordered me to leave the door unlocked, and to be waiting naked, collared and on my knees, so of course I complied.

When he walked in, I lowered my face to kiss his feet, but he stopped me.

"I didn't give you permission to lick my feet, faggot. You have to beg for it."

"Please, MASTER, may I lick your boots, SIR?"

"You'll have to do better than that, faggot!"

"Please, MASTER, may I have the honor of licking your boots, SIR?"

And then he allowed me exactly one minute of bootlicking. Of course I was already obscenely hard at seeing him again, and having just one minute was really frustrating. I wanted so badly to be accepted as his slave, and now I was realising I could take NOTHING for granted -- except that I would be constantly hard for him, and constantly humiliated.

When the minute was up, I reluctantly raised my head, only to have him spit right in face. I knew by now not to lick it up; he liked seeing me covered in spit. So I thanked him for spitting on me, and for the one minute of bootlicking.

The first time we had met, he had not even gone up to my bedroom. This time he ordered me to lead him up. As we walked up the stairs, he held my leash, and slapped me hard on the ass. When we got to my room, he leisurely took off his clothes and lay down on the bed. I made the mistake of trying to get in beside him. Immediately he slapped my face, hard.

"You NEVER get in bed with me without permission, slave!"

"Sorry SIR, please forgive me, SIR, and thank you for correcting your slave, MASTER."

He ordered me to remain on my knees beside the bed. On the bed, he lay in a really sexy position, which showed off his perfect body. It was like worshipping a male god.

Then he moved closer to the edge where I was waiting, and he brought his cock right up to my lips, but not touching them. He taunted me with it for a while, and then told me to open my mouth, but NOT to touch his cock. And his did the most humiliating thing: He carefully put his cock just a little way in, did not even touch the inside of my mouth, and then took it away from me. He is really good at this kind of torture, giving me just a little of something which I really wanted, to make me need it even more, and then showing me I can't have it. I was so frustrated I cried out. I started begging to suck his cock. And then he told me I was going to have to wait for that honor, and to pay extra for it. Then he pulled me up near his face, and told me to kiss his cheek. Again, I was wild with desire, what I really wanted was to kiss him on the lips, but by now I knew better than to do that without permission. Then he roughly shoved my face down again near his crotch, and ordered me to lick his balls. And that is all the contact I was allowed that day. I was so in love with his balls now, licking them so greedily, and then, once again, he took them away from me. He repeated this several times, and each time I was just hungrier for him, for any part of him, just to worship his body. But I was not allowed to touch him anymore. He was hard, he clearly liked tormenting me like that, and each time he could see in my eyes how badly I wanted more.

Then he told me to lie beside him on the bed. But I was not allowed to touch him. It was torture being so close to him, and not having any physical contact. Of course he did it deliberately, knowing how frustrating it was for me. So close and yet so far! All I could do was look at him longingly, and try to memorize the beautiful lines on his body and face. As he already had done a few times, he told me to kiss him, and then, just as I got close, he spit in my face. I fell for it every time.

Finally he told me to lie down on my back, on the floor. He stood up, looking really majestic, and planted his foot on my chest, just to show his total dominance over me. I wanted to kiss his foot, but he wouldn't let me. Then he straddled me, so I was looking up at his superb body, just wishing I could suck him, kiss him, anything. And he slowly jerked off over me. And when he came, he just let it spray all over my face, leaving me lying there, covered in his cum. He ordered me not to move. He dressed, let himself out, and left. But not before picking up all the money I had left on the bureau beside the bed. He didn't leave me a penny. It was like being financially raped by him, and ... I have to tell the truth, it just made me harder, feeling used and abused by him, so arrogant, and knowing I would never object, he had so much power over me.

Of course I immediately jerked off, still lying there on the floor, licking up his cum from my face greedily. And I jerked off at least 3 more times in bed that night. It was like he had a leash attached to my balls; he could pull me any way he wanted. He was showing me once again how needy I was, and how much I needed a real man like him, to control me. And the more he tormented me, the more I loved him.

Now I wanted to see him again, soon. But of course what I wanted was not what happened. I wrote him a couple more begging emails, thanking him for tormenting me. And of course by now I couldn't help saying, "I love you, SIR". Less than a week, and I was head over heels in love with him, I needed him so badly. Just being tortured by him was an honor for me. I had never felt so inferior, but I also had never felt so horny for a guy. He was hitting all my buttons, deliberately, constantly finding new ways to make me need him. But what he did next drive me absolutely wild.

A couple of days later, to my surprise, he called and announced he was coming over. Of course he expected more money, and I was glad to pay it, even though this was starting to get seriously expensive. But he knew I could not refuse him. But I did not realise how much more needy I could get. I was about to find out.

When he arrived he was with another guy. The other guy, whose name was David, was very sexy, slim and smooth, beautifully built. As soon as MASTER came in, he ordered me to lick his boots. This was the first time I was humiliated like that in front of another guy. Then he ordered me to kiss David's feet also. Of course I complied.

He told David we were going upstairs. He went right into my room, without asking, and took out some rope from a plastic bag. Ordering me to kneel, naked, he quickly tied my hands behind my back, and to the radiator. Then he looped the rope around my balls, made a tight knot, and tied that to the radiator also. So now I was sitting uncomfortably, unable to stand up or lie down. I thought he was going to spit on me or beat me, but he turned away, and ordered David to strip. Soon they were both naked, and MASTER ordered David to suck his cock. Now I understood: David was a new slave, and he was getting to suck MASTER right away. I had never even been allowed to touch his cock, and David was slurping away, sucking him like his life depended on it. And MASTER looked at me, as if to remind me that I was not even allowed to service him yet. But it got worse. He started kissing David, and slowly pushing him onto the bed. Soon David's legs were over his head, and MASTER was teasing his hole. And David was begging to be fucked. MASTER knelt over him and kissed him, and then he started to fuck David, hard. David was moaning and yelling, Fuck me, Fuck me harder, SIR. And MASTER just kept plowing into him, with that gorgeous huge cock of his that I wanted so badly. MASTER eventually thrust really hard -- it must have hurt David -- and came inside him. David yelled, Thank you, SIR, and shot almost at the same time, onto his own stomach. Then MASTER kissed him again.

I was absolutely wild with jealousy and horniness. Everything I wanted so badly was being given to David, and I had to watch, totally helpless. My cock was practically cumming without being touched. It is hard to describe my emotions: jealousy, envy, horniness, desire for MASTER -- more than ever -- and, mainly, humiliation. MASTER was showing me he could do anything he wanted in front of me, and on top of it all, I would pay for it. And I needed him more than ever.

After resting a while, MASTER came over to me, and untied me. He kicked me over to David, still on the bed, and ordered me to lick up David's cum from his stomach. He pushed my head into it, to make sure my face was covered with it. When I was done, he ordered me off, and told me to kiss David's feet, and to thank him. I was almost crying with need for my MASTER, with humiliation, and with frustration. And then David pulled his feet away from me; even he could refuse me, humiliating as it was. But MASTER told me to keep my head down on the floor. He took all the money, they quickly got dressed, and they both just walked out, leaving me on the floor, naked, covered in come. I was shaking. He was treating me like the lowest slave, and I just wanted him more and more. I was trapped.

(to be continued)

Next: Chapter 6

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