Massive Muscle Dragon Power

By Abra Cadabra

Published on Jan 23, 2023


A story of extremely beefy superheroes, muscle transformations and straight-to-gay reality changes.

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====================================== Massive Muscle Dragon Power, chapter 1 ======================================

As a morning person, Yazi liked to jog before the "city of brighter days" really woke up. His lithe muscles bounced in the compression shirt and sweatpants. Classic Asian undercut, a face that made some people ask if he was half-white, a bit on the short side but with a proud physique.

The white, blue and golden buildings of Neo Aurora gleamed in the sunrise along the river promenade, stretching past the horizon, as the air warmed.

Yazi jogged past a billboard where Silver Tiger, the second muscle dragon, endorsed the protein rich, silvery Mercury Cola that Yazi found a little too sour.

Silver Tiger's physique looked too insane to make sense, like a perfectly tweaked muscle-morph by a horny homo, each muscle emphasized to the point where a real person should have had trouble moving, so big the head seemed shrunk. It was a shame the ad only showed him from the navel up but otherwise it would have basically been porn, despite the clothing.

The silver "wrestling suit" uniform with bold white stripes looked painted on, barely a vein or fiber left to the imagination where it covered his skin – arms and shoulders free.

Yazi's fitness journey had been inspired by the muscle dragons, just like every other gay boy in Neo Aurora.

Unfortunately the dragons' list of officially slain pussy (never mind all the girls claiming they'd fucked their civilian identity) was only outdone by their list of Nyx kills. And all five of them had hinted at girlfriends.

The jogging 20 year old kept his eyes on the billboard. Silver Tiger's face was hidden under a glowing projection surrounding his head like a hood. The silver projection was a mix of anthro-dragon and tiger. It had a slight transparency, making you think you'd get to see the face beneath if only you stared hard enough.

It wasn't a simple mask, though, but translated the expression of the man underneath to the draconic visage and "talked" when the man did. On the ad, Silver Tiger's face was smirking.

Distracted by horny thoughts, Yazi nearly slammed into a crowd.

People were squeezing by the edge of the promenade to stand clear of a Nyx incursion.

A blob of darkness was wobbling grossly on the path, big as a van. Defense Force drones circled overhead. Yazi couldn't help but grin with horny anticipation. He had to stand clear, though. Things weren't safe until-

Two streams crossed the sky. One silver, one jade. Yazi wasn't the only one giddy but most people had a less... obsessive relationship with Neo Aurora's protectors.

The streams of colored plasma resolved into men.

Silver Tiger landed with his back to Yazi, the muscle dragon's mass implausible in its masculine glory, standing two meter (6'8'') tall. The true impact of his unachievable physique was vastly greater in real life.

The ultra-tight uniform covered the man's legs to the knees, fabric seeming to strain without ever ripping around the legs muscles thicker than Yazi's whole torso.

Even though nothing about the crazy thighs' shape was hidden, Yazi still felt drawn to the naked skin of the diamond calves over large, naked feet and the arms so big that each shoulder and bicep outdid the hero's head. His skin was slightly tanner than most Neo Aurora's native Asian population. His comparatively narrow waist was emphasized by a clunky belt, with alternating white and silver segments.

"Stand back, citizens," the draconic anthro-tiger head said. "We'll handle this."

Jade Turtle landed with quivering thighs – muscle dragon #3. His jade green uniform with white stripes sat just as perfectly on his body. He was the heaviest muscle dragon, the waist not quite as narrow but with his lats even more flared. His body was so broad and utterly immense that shouldn't have been able to turn like he did.

Jade Turtle faced the crowd, a human face's shape vaguely visible under the turtle-dragon head projection but never clear enough to give away features.

Not that Yazi was looking at the face. Jade Turtle was mostly a "right carrier", his dick tugged horizontally under the jade-green belt with a dragon symbol on the buckle.

The muscle dragons wore boxers under the singlets but that only hid the precise details of their packages. The cock and ball outlines were as clear as under any wrestling suit. The shape, the structure, the distinct mushroom. It looked merely "large" on the body, making it the size of a normal man's forearm.

Silver Tiger turned around, confirming he was an upward carrier today, his dick pointing at his navel, the cockhead basically touching the belt, pressed to the abs.

Yazi didn't even notice the defiler vine until Silver Tiger was already blasting.

The Nyx incursion had whipped out a grey, ugly tendril, rushing toward the crowd.

Both muscle dragons shot plasma beams in their colors from their fists. The vine ruptured and got vaporized. The crowd dispersed slightly.

More defiler vines broke from the blob. Jade Turtle focused his beam into the blob itself while Silver Tiger shot down the vines.

One of the tentacles had buried underground. This was known to happen so Yazi had been on the lookout. The defiler broke from the promenade path amidst onlookers.

People ran screaming but a little girl stumbled and fell, narrowly escaping a trampling.

Yazi rushed in. The vine snapped toward him. He was fit but not escape-an-interdimensional-invader fit.

He threw himself over the girl and absorbed the hit. It was barely softer than taking a baseball bat to the spine. Air left him.

Breathing with difficulty, he ignored the pain as much as possible and pulled the girl into his arms. He rose – thank you squats – and tumbled away with the child.

The vine snapped at him again. It barely grazed him when an orb of jade plasma shredded the tentacle to fading gray mist. Yazi still fell from the hit, twisting to shield the girl.

A woman came rushing in – her mother?

Yazi pushed the girl at her, then his vision faded. He couldn't even tell if he'd had his back broken or the Nyx had managed to defile him in one hit.



Yazi was done with his web design class, heading out with Baxley and Novena to find a food stall they all agreed on.

"Soccer later?" Baxley asked. The Chinese-descended man wore drab athletic clothes.

"Nope," Yazi said. "Doc said my back has to absorb the stabilizer gel for a whole week. I'm glad I don't have to skip gym, but no squats."

"What does it look like?"

Yazi lifted his shirt and pointed his back at the man. He still felt the numbness of the black and blue spot.

"Freaky," Baxley said.

"Does it hurt?" Novena asked. The half-white girl's hair was dyed in a different color every month. As always, she clung to her boyfriend.

Yazi huffed. "What hurts more is that Jade Turtle apparently congratulated me and I was too comatose to hear it."

Baxley laughed. "Yeah, I'd always take getting called a hero by a muscle dragon, awake or no."

Yazi was mostly thinking about the missed opportunity to see the dick-prints up close but whatever.

The trio came up on the edge of Neo Aurora University, moving toward the food court.

The sound of an explosion made the four or five dozen present students jolt. No, an implosion. It was a Nyx rush.

Darkness opened as a multi-dimensional portal, unstable and bubbling. An Umbrath barreled out. More followed.

Nyx-beast physiology had little rhyme or reason as the creatures weren't meant to exist beyond the attack. A black and gray tangle of limbs, moving like spiders, snails, octopuses or grounded bats. No face, no symmetry, only bio weapons.

Students streamed through the motto arc that read "Let Courage Be Your Shield". It became a jam.

Cow sized Umbraths zigzagged around the place, followed by a slow, thumping, elephant sized one.

Yazi and his friends turned over a table in front of the Uni Cafe, the parasol clattering to the ground.

One of the "cows" came straight for them like a raging bull. Yazi and Baxley grabbed the parasol like a spear and swung it to hit the beast where the face should have been.

The Umbrath veered off course and tumbled over the table. Novena screamed and scrambled out of the way.

Bubbles on the creature grew, jiggled, tore.

Following an instinct, Yazi opened the parasol and put it in front of their group. The Umbrath's bubbles burst with acid. The big umbrella fizzled as the splatter burned holes into it.

Screams of pain echoed across campus. More acid bubbles had gone off and injured students. They needed medical attention – then probably a week in a dermal rejuvy unit. If they lived.

The trio ducked along the building front. Yazi dragged a random, shocked guy along with them. The elephant-sized Nyx was ramming into a glass wall.

At last, shouts of triumph from the fleeing students. A streak of gold across the sky.

Amber Lion appeared, hovering at second story height and searing gold plasma into the biggest Umbrath.

The lion-dragon, first among the heroes, was the tallest by a slight margin. The flagship, the champion, the original. He spoke to cameras the most and Yazi nearly jizzed just thinking about the man's ever-cocky attitude.

The man with a golden lion-dragon head and the physique of a god – white stripes highlighting the insanity of the body under the amber uniform - flexed his arms to use his element. It was a visceral motion, his whole body contributing, naked feet apart as he angled his legs.

With one hand still shooting heat-seeking orbs of plasma to pummel squeaking Nyx-cows, Amber Lion let lightning crackle from his other hand, at a creature just emerging from the dark portal. Every muscle in his arm was flexed to the max.

Jade Turtle arrived and used his own ability. He landed hard, crashing into the ground on all fours and concrete responded to his touch.

The green muscle dragon rose and stone rose with him like warm wax as he flexed in a fluid motion. All over the area, walls of concrete went up, protecting students from exploding Nyx acid, especially the already injured ones.

With Jade Turtle's earth and Amber Lion's lightning, the Nyx rush stopped. The creatures emerging from the portal either got stuck or popped right away, piling up and turning to sludge.

With the area secure, the muscle dragon duo focused their plasma beams on the portal itself, destabilizing it.

Amber Lion was still in flight, turning to keep an eye on things. His bulge was the most amazing one. Always a "forward and downward" carry. He kept his cock as a thick curve hanging over his ballsack, making his bulge obscenely stand-out from the side. His amber belt hung low.

"Come on," Baxley said and pulled his girlfriend away. "You can watch it on the news later."

Yazi didn't go with them. He kept looking. He'd help with the injured after, or clean up the place. Right now, he was openly gawking.

The portal ruptured and loudly closed with a blink.

Amber Lion hit a double biceps pose, the draconic-feline anthro face grinning at the other muscle hero. Jade Turtle hit most-muscular and they high fived.

In unison they said, "Massive muscle dragon power!" and bumped their chests together.

Yazi barely dared blink, committing every move to memory. He'd be jerking off to this for years. He'd seen them as often this week as he had all year prior.

Apparently the Nyx were attacking more frequently again. Maybe this wave of aggression had an upside. Amber Lion started triaging the wounded while Jade Turtle made sure there was space for medics to enter the plaza. So close Yazi could have touched them.


Yazi was on the seventh floor of a building, waiting in line for his doctors' appointment, to get cleared for team sport again.

The string of Nyx attacks was dying down faster than the previous ones, so Yazi had to be content looking at clips of the muscle dragons' exploits online.

His gaze was transfixed onto the screens in the waiting room which showed Silver Tiger's glorious physique plunging from the sky next to a poison-mist spraying Nyx creature, followed by steel pipes sharpened to tips crashing into the beast. The metal-bending hunk with a tiger-dragon face flexed and grinned, then noticed how close the camera drone was and seemed to get a bit shy. Cute as fuck.

Something rattled the floor. Yazi tore his eyes away and-

A dark portal had appeared outside. He walked to the window like a few other patients to check it out. A portal this far up usually meant flying creatures were going-

Holy fuck, the portal wasn't airborne. It went all the way from the ground to maybe the eighth or ninth floor. Defiler vines wiggled within the dimensional wound.

A ribbon of red dashed closer from across the city.

Scarlet Phoenix was a black man, naturally of immense muscles, in a scarlet and white uniform. His head was a fiery, slightly translucent mix of bird and dragon. From an undisclosed African nation, he'd become the fifth man to be chosen as a muscle dragon.

The hero sent a volley of scarlet plasma orbs into the tear to no effect. He flexed and burst into flame. Tongues of fire countered the vines creeping from the portal.

Amber Lion showed up and flew right into the dark "tower". He returned from the Nyx dimension moments later, dragging shredded vines and organs behind him, which disintegrated under his electric zaps.

Scarlet Phoenix was no longer burning but still smoldered. His suit had caught thorny vines on the edges. A neck strap was torn, making the suit hang off him like a tunic, exposing pecs and upper abs.

Azure Catfish showed up next, flying near street level. Even with a body beyond mortal reach he looked lean next to his team members, being the lithest muscle dragon. He flexed his naked arms and other muscles beneath the azure blue uniform. Manhole covers jolted open as rain and ocean water burst up.

Yazi pressed himself to the window to see down. Defiler vines had managed to find victims. Citizens of Neo Aurora had become raging zombies, and Azure Catfish was coming in with a wave to shove them back.

Phoenix burned vines, Lion dove into the portal to wreak havoc, Catfish pooled the defiled people for easy later treatment. Having three muscle dragons around made Yazi feel fairly safe, even if-

Something in the portal was bubbling right on par with the seventh floor.

"Uh, away from the windows," Yazi said, then shouted it a second time.

A dark being the size of a car emerged in flight. No head, fangs all over, bat-wings nearly in a full circle around. It slammed into Scarlet Phoenix with enough force to drag him along as it headed for the building.

Yazi pulled a gray haired, old lady behind a bench with him and shielded her as the window ripped, big chunks of reinforced meta-glass clanking on the ground.

Scarlet Phoenix was buried under the creature, punching up with beams of red plasma that shredded flesh off the Nxy bat.

He'd been nearly disrobed, everything above the scarlet belt in tatters, his massive thighs popping from the suit legs, each so thick Yazi wasn't sure he'd have been able to fully hug one.

Yazi's already racing heart sped up as he saw the thick rod of meat pointing down Scarlet Phoenix's right thigh, the mushroom poking out of the uniform, though still covered by the ultra-tight boxers which were as scarlet as the hero's head.

Yazi shoved the old lady ahead of him and past doctors heaving two people into a single wheelchair.

"There's defiler vines all over the street," Yazi said. "We need the back exit."

A doctor nodded and started directing people to a different stairwell.

Yazi looked back. Scarlet Phoenix had ripped the dark bat apart and rose. He tore off his belt and the rest of his shredded uniform.

The projection-like underwear kept the black man's package firmly in place as he flew back out, fists on fire.

Yazi wasn't the last on out, despite hesitating. A women dragged her sleeping daughter along by the arms. Yazi threw the girl over his shoulder and jogged ahead.

Once in the stairwell, the official evacuation sirens sounded and the building shook.

The side of the stairwell was all window, and by the fifth floor Yazi was level with Amber Lion. The sweat glistening hero struggled against serrated tentacles which were wrapped around his arms and legs. They kept his hands apart so his beams couldn't cut them or the portal.

The golden muscle dragon's uniform had been ripped apart, hanging off his feet as tatters. His bulge lightly bounced in the amber boxers that no Nyx could remove.

Why weren't Catfish and Phoenix freeing him?

Yazi pressed himself to the window.

Azure Catfish was sort of trapped. The hoard of infected humans had grown so big that he kept having to circle the area to keep them from leaving his ever-churning stream of water. But repeatedly, zombies fell over and threatened to drown, so he had to go in and save them, just to lose control elsewhere. Ad infinitum.

Scarlet Phoenix was completely swarmed by bats. His plasma beams cut them down as fast as new ones appeared but they seemed fairly fire resistant so his element had little effect.

Where were the other two muscle dragons? Where there simultaneous attacks again?

Yazi, the girl on his back, and her mom made it to the third floor where the double-occupied wheelchair – moving in the slow stair-mode – had reached a steel beam poking from wall to wall.

"Is this what shook the building earlier?" he asked.

"Yeah," said one of the guys in the wheelchair.

Yazi put the girl down and helped both guys shuffle under the beam before squeezing the wheelchair through.

The window one floor higher cracked apart and something huge fell into the building.

Yazi pulled the sleeping girl past the beam when the building shook again. A bat tumbled down the stairwell, trashing wall panels with its uncoordinated walk. It was bleeding gray liquid. Openings on its body screeched at the humans.

A muscle dragon barreled down the stairs, still fighting with another bat. The first one turned back to engage.

It was Azure Catfish, the left half of his uniform acid-burned away, his boxers tightly holding his cock and balls. The underwear was as blue as his mask and from up close also had that tantalizing near-transparency that let an observer think it should have been possible to see through with enough focus.

Yazi took the girl bridal style and ran, her mother just ahead of him.

Azure Catfish had been struggling as much as Yazi had ever seen him on screen. This was a hard battle. And who was corralling the defiled folk now?

Beams of red zipped past the window, toward the street. Now on the first floor, Yazi looked at the outside again. The muscle dragons had lost control. Scarlet Phoenix was firing beams at the zombies, gentle enough to not kill anyone yet, but the situation was desperate. Amber Lion was trapped, vines thick enough to fully encircle his arms with a single loop pointing his hands to the ground. Lion himself was touching down, forced to land by the vines. The infected humans swarmed him.

The whole portal bubbled. Something massive was about to show up.

Their escapee group reached the ground floor, which was under ankle-deep water.

The exit was blocked by two dozen people.

"The vines are everywhere," someone said. "Everyone who went out got defiled. The Nyx made it into the basement, too."

Yazi handed the girl over to her mother. "The sky bridge," he yelled. "We can make to over to the mall from the second floor."

He led the bundle of people upstairs and into the bridge corridor. With them on the way he turned back to make sure nobody had been left behind.

Back on the ground floor, now alone, the building shook again. Lights went out. Yazi was cast into dimness.

Something shimmered. Pink light faintly came from... nowhere? Pink reflections on the water painted the room in wobbly lines.

A tiny object manifested before him. A ring.

It dropped and he held out his hand, catching it. A thick, pink ring, glowing and seemingly translucent – like a muscle dragon's face and crotch.

The ring was thick, with a signet of a dragon. And it wiggled as if alive, drawn to his finger like a magnet.

Yazi pointed his right hand at the ring in his left palm and the item jumped onto his middle finger. Its pink light intensified.

The man hurried to a window in the first floor stairwell. Amber Lion was still down, Azure Catfish nowhere to be seen but maybe under that huge pile of bats and Scarlet Phoenix was getting wrapped into tentacles.

Yazi knew what to say. With his right fist raised he shouted.

"Massive muscle dragon power!"

Pink lightning crackled along his body. His clothes flew off him in flecks.

His hands grew in size, bones moving under his flesh in an uncanny way to accommodate more meat. His forearms followed. He was getting taller.

"Holy fuck holy fuck yesyesyes."

His biceps blew up. He was getting heavy. His shoulders grew in size as they broadened. The effect reached his neck and it became so muscular that it cut off his windpipe before settling into the restructuring. His back nearly seethed with new mass, each muscle digging its way past every other one.

He ran, wobbly on longer legs, two heads of height closer to the ceiling. His arms grew bigger and bigger and bigger.

On the third floor, Yazi stumbled past the mess of Azure Catfish's fight.

His feet were growing slightly and his calves popped into diamond shape. His torso was now so heavy he had trouble holding himself upright. The dragon powered calves weighted him down but also added so much power they more than compensated.

His thighs and pecs came in at the same time. He could no longer look down on himself, his pecs so big they blocked the view unless he strained his neck or leaned.

His thighs were getting... beyond huge. Sometimes Yazi had fantasized about becoming a muscle dragon and imagined how he'd have to relearn walking with legs that thick. Now he had no choice but to walk with a douchey bodybuilder swagger.

He reached the seventh floor like a breeze and ran into the abandoned medical office. He pointed at the portal outside the shattered window and tried shooting plasma.

Nothing. He was big but not yet powerful.

Pink power crackled around his face.

Yazi turned to the mirror along the wall. His face was hidden under a rosy wolf-dragon head, anthropomorphic enough to imitate his expressions.

He was muscled as fuuuuuck.

Yazi grinned and a lupine-draconic grin reflected back at him.

He flexed. "Massive muscle dragon power!"

Plasma? Nope.

But his transformation wasn't done yet. His ass rippled with new muscles as his lower body physique got perfected. Starting below the pecs, his abs popped. The first row, then the second, then the obliques moving in, giving him a waist that looked narrow on him but would have been huge on his old self.

The third row of abs from the top grew into place to match the ones above and his remaining pelvis muscles grew to fit the ass. Everything was aiming for his crotch.

Neo Aurora Defense Force helicopters circled outside, shooting rockets at the Nyx incursion. Amber orbs rose from the ground. Yazi was eager to assist.

The final pair of ab muscles grew in for a full eight pack and his balls dropped, tripled in size. His dick hardened within seconds as it grew. He skinned back as his dick gained length and width, the foreskin not growing as much. His mushroom got exposed.

Ah, so as the muscle dragons had said, they really weren't cut. Turned out their dicks were just too big for-

"Aaahh!" Yazi had a hard, body-shaking orgasm and his new dick slammed three strings of cum into the wall with audible splashes.


He had jolted back and stayed airborne. More cum squeezed from his cockhead.

With his hovering body slightly curled, Yazi hesitantly tried flight as the aftermath of his surprise-orgasm faded. Up down left right. It was as easy as turning and leaning.

Pink light manifested around his crotch, giving him boxer shorts that kept his package - now soft but no smaller – in a tight bulge. He pushed his dick down his right leg.

It didn't feel good. He'd always been a right carrier but with his dick so huge and so tight against his thigh he felt distracted by every movement of his legs.

He pushed his dick up into a ten o'clock position. The boxers didn't go that high but were amenable to tenting to keep his package tightly on his body.

He aimed his fists outside and-

Pink plasma beams erupted from his fists. It felt like flexing his muscles even as he kept them relaxed.

The beam ripped into the portal to... some effect?

Yazi flew outside. Going from firm ground under his hovering feet to the sheer drop of seven floors made him want to turn around. But the muscle dragons needed him. The city needed him.

Sending target-seeking, pink plasma orbs at every Umbrath bat in sight, Yazi descended.

Amber Lion was free and naked, sending lighting at a pile of non-flying creatures as he punched the ones trying to run. Azure Catfish was up and pushing water down into the sewers.

Both muscle dragons paused at the sight of Yazi.

"Uh, hi?" Yazi said and waved, then thought better and flexed.

The blue super-hunk looked at the golden one. "For some reason I really thought the next one was gonna be a goat."

"Rose Wolf," Amber Lion said. "Can you take over for me? Scarlet Phoenix got dragged in."

The muscle dragon captain's English was without accent - likely not native to Neo Aurora – with somewhat of a southern drawl.

Yazi was so thrilled he had trouble forming words. "Y-yes sir, can do."

The muscle dragon leader took off in a beam of amber and entered the portal.

Yazi went to town on the critter. It was nothing special, biology-wise. This attack had been about the bats. For the first time, Yazi was hitting things other than a sandbag.

He laid into the car-sized bugs and octopus-crabs, making them splatter with his fists, sending plasma orbs at any who moved out of confinement.

The Defense Force had erected blockades to keep the zombies contained while medics picked them off for anti-defilement. The azure muscle dragon flew in circles with just a small load of water, enough to fill a public pool, and corralled the horde.

Yazi – no, Rose Wolf – punched and stomped. It was addictive. He was in-fucking-side a muscle dragon body.

Amber Lion burst from the portal, dark sludge raining off him to reveal once more his naked form. Behind him was Scarlet Phoenix, also naked but fully on fire. The black muscle dragon laid waste to every last vine still flopping in the area.

The two landed next to Yazi.

"New one?" Scarlet Phoenix said. "Didn't think we were going to get more."

Amber Lion put his hand on Yazi's back. "Rose Wolf. The man of the hour."

Yazi was bursting with pride. "Happy to help." He had to keep himself from squealing.

"Okay," Amber Lion said. "Everybody listen. It's coming through. Tallest Nyx I've ever seen. Seemed like a..."

"Sea cucumber," Scarlet Phoenix said. "Don't think it can move faster than one either, just fall over and crush a building. Or people. And it had openings that'll squirt who knows what."

"We catch it the moment it emerges. Catfish, get over here. Newbie, can you aim right at the center?"

"There?" Rose Wolf asked and shot a test orb. "Will do."

They took positions. Azure Catfish at the ground to delude any acid the creature could spray, the rest flying at various heights.

It emerged. So big it took up the whole length of the incursion gateway and so thick it had to squeeze through.

Four double beams fired, each at a segment.

The gray cucumber emerged fully and started to topple, threatening to flatten everybody on the street, defiled and rescuers alike.

Lightning, fire and crashing waves hit the creature to keep it upright while destroying it.

Rose Wolf flexed his body. Air zoomed around him. Atmosphere concentrated between the beams shooting from his fists.

It made sense. Everybody had assumed the next element was going to be air.

But he wasn't controlling the air. The little storm was created by something invisible drawing atmosphere into itself. A projectile, a... void.

Rose Wolf sent it into the center of the creature.

The nearly invisible clump of air impacted and twisted the cucumber's skin like an invisible, fist-sized blender. The giant beast ripped open, goo getting drawn into Rose Wolf's projectile and splattering out of it – but only half as much.

His element was nothingness.

The newest muscle dragon closed in with the others and held the cucumber up as it squashed itself, top half collapsing into the bottom one.

"What was that?" Amber Lion asked.

"Void, sir. My element."

"Good job, Rose Wolf. Glad to have you."

Yazi felt lucky his massive grin was hidden behind a mask until he remembered that the "mask" showed his emotions. Well, he was ecstatic. He flexed.

Next: Chapter 2

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