Mason Meets Roland - (M/Manalbondfiction,interr,oral

By moc.ibtta@35skcatsyah

Published on Jan 12, 2003




Author's Note

Mason Reed lived in total abstinence for three years, following an abusive relationship. After noticing a particular gentleman around town for the past year, Mason summons enough courage to introduce himself. The friendship takes Mason into a new realm of intimacy: one that he was aware of, but had ignored, which helps him to emerge from his self-imposed shell.

This story is pure fantasy. Unlike "Karl's Fullfillment", the characters and events are totally fictional. The lack of interest in erotic, male-to-male bondage/tickling within my resident geographic area, has led to putting these fantasies in writing. This effort contains very descriptive details of male-to-male erotica: anal/oral sex, bondage, interracial, masturbation, and tickling. The intent of this writing is to show erotic male-to-male bondage/tickling as sexy, fun, and intimate. In this composition, male-to-male bondage/tickling is both shown as a precursor to, and as part of, the male-to-male sex that occurs.

This is only my second attempt at writing anything, ever. Please forgive any writing inadequacies that I may have, for surely they exist. Also, this is my first attempt at fiction. I hope that I've made this story interesting, entertaining, and stimulating. For those readers who may not have any tastes regarding bondage, and/or tickling, hopefully other aspects of this writing will yet be interesting to you. For those of you with definite male-to-male bondage/tickling interests, possibly this story will turn you on. Should any of you readers connect male-to-male intimacy to male-to-male bondage/tickling, then maybe; just maybe; this writing will get you highly turned-on!

The story codes for this writing, if I am correct, are: M/M, anal, bond, fiction, interr, oral, tickling.


Chapter One

Mason had seen him before. Here and there, at the drugstore, the Seven-Eleven, Arby's, a couple times at the beach. Yeah the beach really caught his eye... nice bod'! Outside of this though, something about this guy, appealed to him, but Mason was unsure of what it was.

"Oh My!!! This guy even looks good in a work uniform! Obviously, he just got off work, seems tired, but moving fast. Which car? Must be one of these... Oh well... I'll just wait".

About ten minutes later, he came thru the exit doors. Mason's heart raced. "I must be totally nuts!"

As he reached his car, Mason stepped forward. "Excuse me, Sir!"

Cautiously, he turned around, shifting his feet quietly. His body poised seemingly, in a cat-like stance.

"I know this seems crazy at one-thirty in the morning, especially in a Meijer's parking lot, but... I've seen you before, and I'd like to introduce myself. My name's Mason Reed, and I... Uh... well... I don't know what it is, but... I must say, there's an attraction... at least... on my part anyway. I'm aware that you maybe a family man... uhmm... at least if memory serves me right... I think I've seen you with a wife and son... well... uh... I'm sorry"

He smiled broadly, extending his hand. "I'm Roland Walker". His grip was firm. "Well, Mr. Reed, of what interest could I possibly be to ou?"

"Uh... Well... I've never done this before, so please don't think strange of me... but I do find you attractive. I... uh... Look, I'm sorry... I am attracted to men, but... I haven't had many relationships. I'm sort `a private, and this is the first... uh..."

"The first time you've approached a guy in a parking lot?" Roland said, still smiling.

"Yes, that's it. I hope I'm not coming across like a nut case. Haven't been in a relationship for quite sometime... over three years now. I'm clean, and not into drugs. Very little alcohol for that matter. I..."

"Tell you what, Mr. Reed, got a computer?"




"Go to the a-s-s-g-m dot COM, find "Karl's Fullfillment", that's Karl with a "K", then read it. If you like what you've read, then contact me. You'll see my two e-mail addresses there. Don't worry; I'm not putting you off. If you're still interested, we'll take it from there. I'll remember who you are, if you contact me."

Mason shook Roland's hand again. "I'll contact you for sure".

"How do you know it's not somethin' wild, or crazy? Maybe even sadistic and violent?"

"I don't think so. I can sense it in you. Besides, if it were, would you be tellin' me to do this?"

"Touche. Good point. Anyway, I hope it does interest you."

"I don't doubt it. Be talkin' to ya' soon! And... Hey, Thanks!"

"No problem. Have a good night, my friend!"


Roland put his purchased items in the trunk of his car, glancing over at Mason, as he reached his vehicle.

"Probably be turned off, once he reads the story", he thought to himself. "Oh, well!"

Mason got into his car, and watched Roland drive off. "Sexy man! "Karl's Fullfillment." Why does that sound familiar?"

Chapter Two

"Wow! There's no stereotype to this guy!" Sliding his chair back, Mason was amazed. Arriving home, he immediately logged on, found the website, then searched the Archives Stories-By-Content headings. Fully expecting to find a story about a well-hung Black guy, royally reaming somebody's behind, Mason scanned the first category, "Anal/Oral." Totally surprised not to find "Karl's Fullfillment", his interest considerably piqued. Instead of moving across the headings bar, Mason clicked down, to "Interracial". Hopeful anticipation mounting, he slowly scrolled down the alphabetical listing until, "There it is!"

His eyes locked onto the storyline codes. M/M, Bond, Interr, Oral, True, Tickling. Momentarily, Mason was taken aback. He gathered himself quickly. Curiosity rising, he clicked the back arrow, once more eyeing the categories. He chose "Bondage", scanned the list, finding the story title. Mason searched "Oral", then "True", the story title being listed as well, under those categories. Finally clicking the story title, Mason was gripped by the Author's Note:

This true story focuses on a young twenty-four year old Caucasian, who comes to age, as a tickle top. Karl's relationship with Roland, a forty-five year old African-American, allows him to realize a long-held fantasy of having a ticklish bondage friend to play with. Karl also discovers a latent, controlling nature within himself, that begs for satisfaction. He becomes aware of, a need to control, manipulate, and direct another male's sensitivities, for ticklish/erotic effect. The results, achieves an intense, higher level of satisfaction for both Karl, and Roland.

Although Karl does incorporate oral means in playing with Roland, there is no physical sex. The results of their relationship, swiftly reached heights of satisfaction that negated such intent. Furthermore, such avoidance, aided in quickly developing an intimate respect, and appreciation for one another, truly being heartfelt.

This is not a tale of male-to-male tickle torture. Although intense, this is a true story of male-to-male bondage/tickling erotica. The characters presented in this work, Karl and Roland, achieve a certain arousal and release through tickling. The real events depicted in this story are described as they happened: a minimal amount of fictionalization regarding character names and locale has been used, as well as a small touch to the bondage/tickling/erotic scenes. Otherwise, this story represents Karl, Roland, and their relationship as it developed, in complete actuality.


Mason stopped reading, and got up from his desk. "Where did I see this before? This isn't the site where I first saw this... Where?" Mason spun around and picked up his phone. On the second ring, a sleepy voice answered.


"Trent, its Mason"

Trent Vanderwheig was instantly awake. "Hey Bud! How's it? You OK?"

"Sure, I'm fine. Got a question for ya'".

"Shoot, Bud"

"OK. What was that story, the one that had you so worked up a few months ago? Remember the title?"

"Sure do. Read it all the time. It's Karl's Fullfillment', with a K. Lucky jokers, both of em."

"OK, great. Where did you find it?"

"Site's called the UK Tickle Dungeon, an MSN community. I think the communities are called groups now. Anyway, you gotta join, it's free, and the story is an MS Word attachment. Why? You interested?"

"Yeah, didn't you download it?"

"Yep! Sure did! You want me to send it to you?"

"A-S-A-and-P, my friend. Don't mind, do you?"

"No problem, hold on... Hey!!! You gettin' into the scene, Bud? Doin' the favor for me sometimes, got ya' more interested, Huh?"

"Trent... it may be better than that!"

"What could be better than...? The hell you gettin' at, Bud?"

"I'm getting at this: I may have met the author, and, the sexy ticklee, of "Karl's Fullfillment." Big, Black, handsome, in the flesh. I approached him in the parking lot, at Meijer's, tonight."

"Don't you dare!!!? Don't you dare be shittin'me, Mason Reed! You gotta be kiddin'! How???"

"Had no idea, Trent. I've seen this guy a few times before, around town. Now that I think about it, never saw him before last spring. He's gotta' be the one. Seen him at the beach, playin' with his boy. Guy's got a nice build, in his mid to late forties... Look, I saw him going into Meijer's earlier. He's always appealed to me, so I waited. When he came out, I approached him. I was scared shitless... he looked as if he would've torn my head off, if I made the wrong step. Damn! That stance?! Does he...?"

"Dammit Bud! You can't be doin' that! At night??!! `Specially after that last jerk-off you were with!"

"I know, I know! But, you can sense somethin' different in this guy! Look it... Trent, he told me to look up the story, then contact him, if I liked what I read! I've only looked at the author's note, then I remembered seein' it somewhere! That's why I called you! And his name's Roland!"

"What?! ... Shit! Bud, you may be on ta' somethin' here... You sure...?"

"I found the story at the a-s-s-g-m dot COM, that's where he told me to look! And his e-mail is haystacks38 at hotmail, right? Or, haystacks53 at a-o-l, right? He said his e-mail would be in the story! Trent? Yo'! Bud! You still there?"

"Yeah, Bud... Still here... Jeeeezz! Look... it should be comin' across right now... take a look-see"

"Yeah, I've got it. Gonna' print it out, so I can read it real good."

"You gonna contact this guy? Look, if you hook-up, see if..."

"Won't forget ya, Bud. Be tons uh-fun. Plus you can..."

"Exactly, Bud... Been a while, but that would be worth it... Plenty worth it"

"Sure, I know it will. Let me get this thing printed out, so's I can read it. Sorry to wake you, but I had to get my hands on this"

"Don't worry `bout it, Bud... Hey! You think you might let..."

"Don't know `bout that yet. Too soon to tell. Gotta see where this guy's comin' from. Plus, I still..."

"I know, Bud. Listen, now that you've got me all worked up, gotta jerk-off back to sleep, an' some sweet dreams to dream about. It's all your fault, Bud!"

"Good night to you too, Bud! Talk to ya' later"

"Nite, Bud... See ya'"

Mason poured himself a glass of wine. When the printer was done, he gathered the sheets, and sat in the bay ledge of his huge picture window, that faced the lake. Mason read slowly. The intimacy of the bondage-tickling story, stirred long depressed feelings within his inner being. When finished, he read the story again, the entire three, long, and detailed chapters. When he completed the second reading, Mason looked out, across the dark waters of Muskegon Lake, a stunned, but elated feeling within himself. Still staring across the lake, he said to no one, "This ain't no stereotype here Bud! Yeah, Trent... This one here... is very, very much worth it!"

Chapter Three

Before logging on, Roland was already filled with disgusted resignation. He had posted both his story, and message ads at numerous, yahoo! Groups, MSN Communities, three or four male personals sites, and a couple of message boards. Over a year and a half had gone by, with no local results. Roland received plenty of responses from gay/bi males locally, who were interested in sucking him off, turning up or backing their rear ends to him, but no one interested in M/M Bondage/Tickling fun. A few interested responses were from as far away as California, Florida, St. Louis, Connecticut, New York, and New Jersey. The few responses within the state were at least an hour and a half drive, most were up to three hours. Roland's work schedule, and home routine, just didn't allow for a long drive to meet someone.

This night, like so many days and nights, since moving to the western side of Michigan, Roland was expecting to surf the Internet, in an unfulfilled search for a male tickling partner. Roland was so turned off, he had totally forgotten about his chance encounter, the night before, with Mason Reed. As his computer chirped, "You've Got Mail", the square MSN pop-up icon read, "You have one new message in your Hotmail inbox". Roland first

clicked on "Read Mail", immediately began deleting the junk mail as he read the subject lines, stopping abruptly. Disbelief held him breathless, as he saw the subject line, "Mason Reed". Roland blinked, still disbelieving what he saw. There were two more subject lines below that one, and he quickly deleted them. "Mason Reed" was the only subject line remaining.

Roland hesitated. "I've had a total of six responses to my story, in over eighteen months. What the shit does this nutcase have to say? I hope this ain't another Stuart!" Roland frowned, clicked on the MSN symbol, then clicked once more to go to his hotmail' inbox. When he eyed the subject line "Mason Reed" at the hotmail' location, Roland was dumbfounded. "What the???" He clicked on the subject line, and was shocked at the message:

Dear Roland, If I may be so bold, as to address you this way, I've sent this message to both your addresses found in "Karl's Fullfillment". I am very much interested, in pursuing a relationship with you. First,

Roland stopped. Stunned, shocked, dumbfounded, befuddled, the whole kit-and-caboodle can be used to describe his surprise. Roland got up, went to the kitchen, and got himself a glass of water. Trembling, he leaned against the counter, sipping his water for five full minutes, before returning to his computer. Once seated, Roland willed his quivering fingers to send the message to another folder, and closed the `hotmail' window.

Returning to his AOL screen, Roland opened the remaining e-mail, and saw that it was the same message:

If I may be so bold, as to address you this way, I've sent this message to both your addresses found in "Karl's Fullfillment". I'm very much interested, in pursuing a relationship with you.

First, about myself: I'm forty-two years old, president of a small communications company, single, and gay. I've only had three relationships in my life. The first two, each lasted over ten years apiece, and were good alliances. Separations in both of these relationships were due to employment changes and relocation: one on my part, the other, that of my lover. I still regard these two gentlemen as friends, and think highly of them both.

The third and last situation, was with an abusive, drug addicted lover, which is still difficult for me to discuss, even in writing. This lasted for almost two years. In short, due to my blind love and desire for this person, I've undergone reconstructive surgery facially, and elsewhere. I've fully enjoyed my role as a bottom male my entire adult life, but for the past three years, I have abstained from any relationships, casual or otherwise.

Fortunately, I am healthy. Despite several unfortunate, forced, unsafe, sexual encounters with my past lover, I have remained HIV negative. Although I've been advised, that I am physically able to endure again, I'm still unsure, if, and when, I will be mentally, and emotionally ready to engage in physical sex.

However, I sense something in you that, feels safe. I hope this statement does not alarm you. I'm not trying to take refuge in you, or what you are seeking. On several occasions, I've seen you around town, by yourself, and with your family. I took serious notice when you were with your wife and son, and the atmosphere amongst you. That said a lot about you, and meant much to me.

I think participating in what you seek, would be fun. I must admit, reading your story, rekindled many suppressed feelings within me. I hope to make your ticklish experiences quite pleasurable. I realize that I'm not an Adonis', just a short, stocky, red-headed nerd, but I believe that I do know how to please my man-friend. At least, I think so. I would love to tease, and tickle that bod' of yours (I've seen you at the beach). Hearing your orgasmic growl' would be of great pleasure to both of us.


Roland was dumbstruck. He sat for several minutes, trying to take this all in. There was no doubt to Mason's sincerity, the honesty about his past, attested to that. "Goodness!" was all Roland could say, shaking his head in wonderment. He calmed himself, rapidly typing a reply.

Chapter Four

To say they were both nervous, was an understatement. When Roland parked his car, he sat for a few minutes, attempting to will away the trembling in his legs. "Shit! I hope this works out!" Finally getting out of his car, Roland walked to the visitors' elevator, which took him to the lobby. Announcing himself at the security/reception desk, he was still thinking, "If this is another Stuart case, I'm through! That's it! Takin' everything ... I mean everything... off the damned Net! Will not go thru this stupidass horseshit again! When he stepped onto the private elevator, Roland shook his head, "Nobody...! Nobody wants to be bothered with tickling! Stick it in em bareback...try to jack you off in two seconds..., yankin' on yo' shit like it's a piece of what-the-hell-ever...actin' like yo' dick's a damned tire pump..., an' all that stupid bullshit! Why... Why would anybody want to... Why am I puttin' myself thru this?!?!!? Damn!!! Shut up talkin' to yo'self like this. Fool!!!"

At the same time, eight stories up, Mason fretted, pacing back and forth. "I dunno..., dunno!! I don't know `bout this!! Do I have all my marbles in place??? What if...? What??" The buzzer sounded, announcing that the elevator was arriving at his private entrance. Mason spun around tiptoed. He waited for the doorbell to chime. Steadily, he walked to the door, opened it, seeing the apprehension on Roland's face. Mason smiled lightly, "Hi!!" Roland nodded his head, "Hello Mason!" The two embraced, Mason bussing Roland on the cheek.


Roland nodded, "Yeah. Sorry if it shows too much."

"That's OK, I've been rather frightful myself today."

Mason rubbed Roland's back with one hand, as they walked into the large living room. "Care for some wine?"

"That's fine, just a little. Don't drink ..."

Mason cut Roland off with a quick kiss. He smiled, with a longing look into Roland's eyes. Roland returned the smile. "I'll be OK."

Roland stood at the huge picture window, enjoying the expansive view of Muskegon Lake. He gazed out, over the four-mile length of the lake, past the narrow sand-banked outlet, to Lake Michigan. He began to relax.

The view, brought in by enormous window space: the high ceilings; the light, bright, off-white color scheme; all served to be soothing.

"Amazing. An old abandoned factory and warehouse. What a wonderful... beautiful view. Water relaxes me... don't swim... don't fish... could care less. But this... this... calms me."

Returning, Mason sat the tray with wine and glasses, on the window seat. He stood quietly beside Roland, sliding a hand underneath Roland's golf shirt, feeling the warm skin. Mason's fingers did a light graze up Roland's back, causing him to shiver. Mason stepped behind Roland, pressing against him. His hands reached around, sliding up, to Roland's chest. Mason's fingers lightly traced the shape of Roland's nipples, through the shirt material.

"UUHHUUHH!" Roland arched his back, his body trembling. Mason did this for thirty seconds or so. Roland's head tilted back, laying against Mason's, moaning and trembling. Mason then moved his hands down Roland's sides, his fingers sliding in spider-walk fashion. "GUUHHGEEHHEEE!" Mason reached under Roland's shirt, letting his fingers graze the skin at the beltline. "HEGEEGEEEGEEHEE!"

Mason pulled Roland's golf shirt up over his head, taking it off. He began licking Roland's back, at the same time, reaching around, and lightly teasing his nipples. Roland stretched tiptoed. "WHUUHHUUMM!" Roland felt his legs go weak, and leaned forward, placing his hands on the window seat. Mason reached over, took the cap off the wine bottle, and poured a small trickle onto Roland's back. Roland gasped, then shivered, as the cold wine rolled down his skin. Mason poured some more, lightly spreading the liquid over Roland's back with both hands. When Roland felt Mason's tongue on his back once more, he gasped, jerked upright, moaning. Mason reached around to Roland's nipples again, lightly grazing them, feeling Roland's sensuous shudders against his body. Roland's hands went to both of Mason's arms, rubbing them softly.

Mason was still teasing Roland's nipples, kissing the back of his neck and shoulders, when the phone rang. "Hello?" as he sat on the sofa.

"Mason! What're ya doin' in the window, fella??!! Who's the bod' you teasin', Huh?? Nice build! Love whatcha' doin' to those nips, man! For once, ya got somebody in your place!! Ya givin' him a nice boner?!?! Has he got a nice tool?? Lemme' come by an' get a look at that! How `bout it, huh??"

"Lenny!!!! You bastard!!! Spyin' on me again! Where... Shit!!! Hold it!"

Mason got up, moving next to Roland. He opened a drawer next to the window seat, retrieving a pair of field binoculars. He scanned for a few seconds, then spoke into the phone.

"Go somewhere else!!! You asshole!!! I see you out there!!! Go get some dick yerself, dumbass!!! Why... why in the world... do you take your boat... out into Lake Michigan... Shit!!! You gotta' be... at least six miles out... away from here... and look in my damned window!!!"

"Oh don't be such a shithead, Mason! Lemme... lemmee... lemmee, puhleese? Just lemme taste on his tool... be a sweetheart... you can share!" Lenny Czyczinski was laughing the whole time. "You don't know what ta do with that! Mason... I can make him happy, boy! Tell me... whatcha' gonna' do with that... huh?? Ya' know what ta' do with the guy? Do ya'??"

Mason flushed red. "Yes. Yes, I know exactly what to do, Lenny!!! I'm gonna' tie him up... tease an' lick his nipples... an' suck his toes... lick his feet til he's about to bust... He's got very sensitive feet, Jimmy... turns him on like you always dream about... then I'm gonna' tickle him crazy!!! You listenin' Lenny??? When I'm done ticklin' him... I'm gonna' suck his bone... tease his nipples some more... slowly lick an' tickle his feet some more ... then I'm gonna' suck him til he cums!!! It's gonna' be fun Jimmy... probably take two... maybe three hours!! Gonna' swallow a truck load o'cum, Jimmy boy!!!

Two miles past the sand banks that separated Muskegon Lake from Lake Michigan, aboard the forty-eight foot, Mistress of the Gay Mists, Leonard Czyczinski went pale. Wide-eyed in surprise, Lenny stammered, "What!!! Heeeyy Mason!!! Look... You gonna' play with his feet... tied up??!! Look... Lemme come up Mason!!!"

"He's a nice guy Lenny!!! You're an ass!!! A royally screwed up ass!!!! He's mine to play with... an' I'm gonna' make him happy!! Me... an' me alone!!!"

Look Mas', I'm sorry for pokin' in on you like that. If this guy likes to have his feet played with... Look... I know you may not... I mean... Let me play with his feet. You don't have to suck him... He can screw me... OH... MAAAANNN!!!! You really gonna' tie him up?"

"Get a life Lenny!! I'VE HAD IT WITH YOUR SHIT!!!" Mason felt white hot heat surging up his spine. He paused. Eyes closed, he spoke again, "Lenny, I will stomp your PUNK ASS!!! THAT'S IT!!! AND... DO NOT RING MY PHONE!!!!" Pausing again, Mason took in a deep breath. In a low menacing tone, Mason stated evenly, "You do, an' I'll wring your friggin' neck!!! You hear me Boy?? I swear, call back, an' I'll come after you!!! For the last time, You... Leonard Czyczinski... have pushed me.. Too... Damned... Far!!!"

Mason clicked off the phone, and sat down on the end of the sofa. Looking up at Roland, "He's an ass, a pure-d-asshole."

Chuckling, Roland replied, "Man, you're mad as all get out. This character always spyin' on you?"

"He's the banker my company deals with. Helluva' banker. Smart as a whip. Understands every time we go to him for something. Even comes up with creative ideas. Makes a lotta' money for his bank."

"Outside of that, he's a complete jerk. Socially, he's arrogant, snotty, uppity asshole. He's a foot freak... gay foot freak. Loves the shit out of men's feet. Problem is... he's impatient... can't stand the loneliness... goes around to the most god-awful places lookin' for guys. Been lucky so far... but he's gonna' catch trouble one day. Can't stand his foolish ass!"

"Known him for sometime now. Met him when I was in Chicago. Went to grad school together. He's aware of what I've been through. My guess is... maybe he's jealous... me being able to stay away from guys. Has no idea of what it's like... being emotionally screwed up the way I've been... for three years... then dealing with... keeping to myself. The clown has nerve enough to tease me about it! Then... calling me from his boat... this isn't the first time... he's got a couple of powerful telescopes top deck... or... seeing me out somewhere, an' tellin' me `bout my lonely time the past evening... what a jerk!!"

"So, that's why you told him about me... my feet?"

"Look... I'm sorry..."

"Don't fret over it. Serves him right! I love it! Folks need to mind their own business."

Mason looked down, staring with a forlorn gaze at the floor. Roland held Mason's wine glass out to him, which he took. Roland sat beside Mason. "Look... don't worry about it."

"I know... I mean... Thanks... I appreciate that. Just trying to let my aggravation settle... He royally ticked me off. Don't know when the last time my blood has boiled like this"

"Understand that one, completely." Roland leaned over, slipped off his shoes, and socks. He sat back, left leg absentmindedly crossed beneath him, sipping his wine. Mason stared down at Roland's right foot. "Lenny would love those long toes", he thought.

Mason sat his glass down, then placed his hand gently to Roland's chin, turned his head slightly, softly kissing his lips. He took Roland's glass, placed it on the table, then gave Roland a long, deep kiss. His hand slipped down, to Roland's exposed left foot, which was sticking out beneath him, lightly grazing the bare sole. Their tongues swirling against each other, Roland squealed within the kiss, his body jerked, and snatched his leg from underneath himself.

Mason giggled as Roland gasped. He lowered his mouth to Roland's right nipple, tonguing it slowly. Roland took in a deep breath, moaning as he let the air out. Mason enjoyed the shudders emanating from Roland's body, as he continued licking the right nipple, his fingers teasing the other.

"UHHHH... WHUUUHUUUHH... UUHHHUUUUMMM!!!" Roland was arching, sliding over, down onto the plush seating. Mason never had someone react like this. But, he never had someone this sensitive either! Laughing, Mason stopped, "I'm not gonna' wrestle with you, my friend! C'mon, raise up!"

Roland raised himself up, giggling. "Sorry... Told you how I am tho'!"

"No, don't apologize. I love it... turn so I can put these on you." Mason produced a pair of fleece lined leather cuffs. Embedded beneath the surface, was a chain with clasps at each end, which served to secure each cuff around the wrists. Another clasp was linked, as to connect the two cuffs together. Mason looked at Roland and winked his eye. "You won't be tearing these apart"

Roland raised an eyebrow. "I guess not! What kinda' freak you gonna' turn into?"

"One that hopefully, pleases you!" Mason laughingly undid Roland's belt, then unhooked the top of his trousers. Roland leaned back, unzipped his pants, allowing Mason to slide them off. Mason took Roland, dressed only in dark hi-cut briefs, by the hand, "C'mon, hope you don't mind this. Mason led Roland toward the end of the huge living room. Near the corner, typical of older industrial buildings of the time, was a large support column. The pole was round, four feet in diameter, angled out at the eight-foot level, at forty-five degrees as it neared the high ceiling.

Mason cuffed Roland's wrists individually. Standing on a footstool, Mason attached a wrist overhead, to each side of the column, where small metal dowels protruded. Roland was stretched slightly, unable to pull his arms down. Towing straps, with ratchet-style tightening apparatus, went around Roland, across his forearms, at the waist, across the mid thighs, and shins. Roland was snugly bound against the column, unable to sway forward, or to the sides.

Once Roland was secured to the column, Mason began lightly kissing his tautly exposed body. Armpits, sides, chest, tummy, were all subjected to light snuggles. Mason would press his lips and nose into Roland's flesh, and wiggle his face about. He didn't flick his tongue, or suckle, just a slight puckering of his lips, with his nose lightly grazing Roland's skin, then wriggling his face somewhat, pressing against Roland more firmly. Roland shivered in reaction, gasping deeply. After a few minutes, Mason continued the snuggly teasing, but began an ever so light grazing of Roland's skin, with his hands.

Mason's fingers started at Roland's waist, on both sides. Slowly sliding upward, Mason barely touched Roland's skin. The sensations were exquisite, agonizingly lingering, sending long electric ripples throughout Roland's nervous system. Roland's body went from shivers, to trembles, into shudders.


As Mason's fingers slid further upward, Roland's shudders became more pronounced. The light graze passed through Roland's armpits.


The sensually electrified graze, slid along the exposed side of Roland's biceps, and stopped at the elbows. As Mason more slowly retraced his fingers, back along the same delightfully teasing path, his tongue began grazing the erect right nipple.


Mason held his hands still, flexing his fingers back and forth, along a length of Roland's upper arms. His tongue slid across Roland's chest to the left nipple.


Mason slid his fingers down, barely touching the beginning hollow of Roland's armpits. He slid his tongue across Roland's chest, twirling as it went, until it snaked across to the middle of Roland's right armpit. Mason's tongue slowly circled the pit hollow. The effect was more electric.


Mason pressed his tongue more firmly against the hollow flesh, twirling slowly. His fingers moved into the left hollow, a very slow sliding walk. The light touch almost tickled, yet most certainly, was sensually exciting. The combination of Mason's tongue moving the hair against the skin of Roland's right hollow pit, and the fingers grazing the left pit hollow, was moving Roland into a state of excruciating sexual wanton. Roland, long deprived of a male's teasing mischievous touch, felt the beginning stages of tingling sensations, coursing throughout his entire body. His erection stretched painfully against his hi-cut briefs,


Mason had teased Roland for over fifteen minutes, which left him in a sweaty, huffing state, twitching against the pole. Mason stopped, and went over to the bar, retrieving a backless barstool. Mason set the stool up close to Roland, then stood back, staring at his glistening body. He wanted to give Roland's chest plenty of attention, which was what his eyes locked in on, the two times he saw him at the beach. Since meeting Roland, Mason daydreamed aplenty on those sensitive nipples many times. Mason kicked off his shoes, removed his socks, undressing down to his boxers. As he sat upon the stool, he leaned forward, blowing his breath softly against Roland's nipples. The prior teasing left Roland's nipples in an itchy, hardened level of arousal, which heightened their sensitivity. Moaning, Roland shivered.

Mason's tongue swiped against one nipple, a thumb grazed back and forth, over the other. The sensation further hardened both nipples, sending waves of sensuous shock through Roland's body. Wide-eyed, mouth agape, Roland deeply sucked in air. The amorous tongue stayed flat against the right nipple, sliding over it, deepening its hardness. The right thumb, quickening its pace, caused the same effect, to the left nipple.


Mason switched to tonguing the left nipple, his hand teasing the right. Every few minutes, Mason would switch again. The longer Mason continued teasing Roland in this manner, the more sensitive he became, driving him deep into guttural growls. After twenty minutes or so, with Roland ardently shuddering and growling in his upright bondage, Mason's fingers began a light tickle grazing in the hollows of Roland's armpits. The effect of the sensuous nipple tongue/tease, with the simultaneous tickling of his pits, jolted Roland.


Mason was floating. Three years lacking, he now had this wonderfully sensitive body, one that he had admired from a distance, in his erotic, teasing, and ticklish control! The sensuality surrounding this bondage, tickle-teasing scene, gave Mason a long overdue stimulus. The growling, stemming from an erotic incitement that he administered, was music to Mason's ears. The giggly, ticklish reaction, intermixed with sensual growls, played like a symphony long lost. Mason's tickly fingertips incited the clear, upper and midrange giggles. His mischievous tongue induced the low rumbling growls of mounting sensual desire. The sexy, erotic orchestrations, conducted by Mason, signaled awake an idle, carnal lust. His own erection stood in ovation, itching from the head, to the prostate, to the anus, tingling in amorous delight.

The orchestrated chorus of ticklish erotica, intensified as Mason's fingers dallied in the lower hollows of Roland's pits, and sides of his chest.


Mason slid off the barstool, moving it aside. Continuing the feverish lapping of Roland's nipples, Mason's finger-tips splayed against his taut upper sides, wriggling with slight inward pressure. Mason, the symphonic ero-tickler, directed Roland into a new tickle-rhythmic reaction. Roland's body stutter jerked within the restrictive bonds.


For Mason, the vibrating feedback of Roland's ticklishness, thru his fingertips, was pleasurable. The bondage method used, effectively held Roland so that, Mason could feel each of the trembling, shuddering, and quaking reactions in his body. The tickling, combined with the warm, wet slathering of Roland's spicy, sensually acute nipples, signaled Mason, that he was refreshingly in control... and it felt good!!!

Mason's fingertips glided down to Roland's lower sides. The reaction excited Mason more than he expected.


Mason felt the itch growing within his anus. He squeezed his cheeks, causing the itch to tingle a bit more. His fingers wriggled into Roland's lower sides a touch deeper, increasing Roland's ticklish fit.


The itching grew, tingling its way to Mason's prostate. He squeezed his cheeks even more. Instinctively, still in control, his fingers grabbed the waistband of Roland's briefs, pulled them down, revealing a throbbing six inch erection. Mason tickled Roland's waist and groin area, lower tummy, and sides. Immediately, Roland's hysterics took on a deeper rumbling tone. Mason's tongue, swirled to the side of Roland's chest. He grazed the tip of his tongue along the edge of Roland's pec muscle and upper ribs, into the hollow of his armpit. Fast-paced, the tongue tip flicked up and down, adding to Roland's ticklish frenzy, which became more guttural.

Several minutes went by, and Mason's gaydar sensed that it was time to up the hysterical ante. Still tickling Roland's lower sides and torso, he went back to teasing Roland's nipples, this time softly sucking and licking them. Mason held light suction, while flicking/swirling his tongue on and around each nipple. This sent even deeper, lustful stimulation into Roland's fully sensitized, highly sex-charged nerve network. The combination of the lewd, fervent incitation of his most carnal sensory receptacles, and the tickly agitation of his close-to-most-ticklish lower torso, now flooded Roland's senses, overflowing throughout his body. His forehead itched. His neck itched. His spine itched. His butt itched. His scrotum itched. His thighs, knees, and shins itched. His toes itched. If Mason were to touch his bare soles now, for they itched the most, Roland and the heavy column he was bound to, would take off like a Saturn-5 rocket!


Almost another ten minutes or so went by, when there was another change to Roland's outbursts took place.


Mason looked down, seeing a steady oozing of pre-cum from Roland's erection. Quickly, he slid down to his knees, swallowing Roland's rock-hard member. Mason's fingers kept their ticklish machinations ongoing upon Roland's tummy, groin, and lower sides. He bobbed his head along the full length of Roland's erection, sucking as he took it in. Mason's tongue slid under the length of the shaft, making sure to swirl around the pulsing head.


Mason felt Roland's hard-on swell more. He sucked, slurped, and bobbed his head more vigorously. It took another five minutes, Roland pleading the whole time.


Finally, his erection stretching even further, Roland erupted into a roaring orgasm.


Mason took three hot, heavy, shots of cum to the back of his throat, which he swallowed greedily. For over a minute, Roland's hard-on vibrated in his mouth. The cock head, spasmed in a bulging, flexing manner, as it went from smaller cum squirts, to dry heaves. Mason slurped backwards on Roland's member, leaving his lips over the red, swollen head. He pulled the skin backward, away from the head, and began gliding his lips over and back, concentrating on the orgasmic sensitized head only. With suction added, Roland was screaming.


This sent Mason himself into trembling, orgasmic pleasure. Grunting, his body shuddered in carnal ecstasy, for the first time in three years.!

Delirious, head spinning, Mason stood up on wobbly legs. He leaned forward, his mouth finding Roland's right nipple once again, and resumed sucking and tonguing. His trembling hands went instinctively to both exposed armpits, starting anew, their intense, grazing tickling. The sensation shock, bombarding his nipples and under-arms, in his extremely heightened, immediate post-orgasmic sensitivity state, threw Roland into a crazed, babbling, screaming, fit.



Roland's body trembled roughly. The intensity of the tickling and tongue teasing was such, that he thought he truly was going mad! Never had his sensitive susceptibilities been so passionately stimulated! His nipples, highly focused sensory receivers as they were, received clear, unadulterated signals of pure sexual provocation. These precision, sensually tuned nipples, flawlessly sent these transmissions over heated, erotic pathways at lightning speed, deep within his inner core. Mason's gaydar honed fingers, accurately sent fine, ticklish vibrations thru the skin of Roland's tender underarms. Every sensation, from both the nipples, and armpits, amplified each other to an unimagined level of sexual magnitude.

Five minutes was all that was needed. The growls returned suddenly. The body quakes rumbled violently. Mason dropped with urgency, hungrily taking in Roland's straining member. Hands gliding over the shaft, a suction was created, causing a vacuum pressure differential. This difference in pressure upset the concentrated set of nerve endings along the head and shaft. In just a few strokes, the pressure difference was great enough, to imbalance the affected cauldron of Roland's sperm sac. Aided by the inflammatory post-orgasmic tickling and tonguing, Roland's scrotum jettisoned another huge spasmic load.


So intense was the ejaculation, that despite the excellent, restrictive bondage, Roland was tiptoed, bellowing thru each rhythmic spasm of his member, which lasted for well over two minutes.


Mason held the jerking, vibrating member in suction, until he felt it going flaccid. He let Roland's "bone" slide from his mouth, and fell backwards, onto the floor. Head swimming, floor spinning, he stared up at Roland with a sated gaze. Roland was gasping heavily, his body still twitching from the sexually frenzied tickling that he had just endured. He also was delirious. The column he was tied to seemed to float.

Mason had never been privy to such an unbridled display of orgasmic intensity! He had planned on repositioning Roland and tickling his feet, but Mason realized they were both too exhausted for that. In the future however, he would have more of this pure adventure in lust. With these reactions, what in the world, would come from

playing with Roland's most ticklish feet?! Wow!!! After that, at some point, he would feel this animalistic outburst, surging within his own canal of heated passion! Wow!!!

Aboard the Mistress of the Gay Mists, Lenny Czyczinski was motionless, in awe. Flabbergasted actually, by what he had just witnessed over the past hour and a half. The sight observed through the powerful telescope, held him rigid in place, as he saw close up, how Mason played with Roland. Lenny himself soiled his shorts twice, as the real-live bondage and tickle-teasing scene played before him. Six and a half miles away, the guy that he taunted for being lonely, had the time of his life, a renewed male to male intimacy, one that Lenny dreamed of! Mouth agape, Lenny moved backwards on unsteady legs, sitting down hard onto a bench seat. Lenny stared with disbelief for a few minutes, then leaned forward, burying his head into his hands.

Chapter Five

Relaxed, his legs stretched out along the sofa, Mason reflected on the past Saturday. He enjoyed himself immensely, and the joy carried over into the first three days of the workweek. He rested fitfully the entire day on Sunday. At work Monday, things moved fast as a blur. Yet, he felt no pressure, no urgent feelings of it-had-to-be-done-yesterday. The same could be said for Tuesday, and today. He felt great!

Smiling, Mason looked over to the big, round support column. Never, absolutely never, had he remotely imagined, of sensual foreplay, with a guy in bondage! Furthermore, of all things, erotically arousing a guy, using his bound sexual frenzy, as a setup for tickling?! Next, taking advantage of his ticklish nature, further arousing him to a raging, growling, cum-dripping state of ero-ticklish hysteria??!!. Never in a million years!!! What a wonderful, fun, cool way to come back, from a three year hiatus!

Eyes closed, smiling still, Mason replayed the scene in his mind. Struggling, trying to refocus his senses after such an erotic delight, he stood on the footstool to release Roland's wrists from their overhead captivity. Roland's arms flopped down, freed from the strap across his forearms, hanging loosely at his sides. Releasing the straps that held Roland's legs, Mason pulled Roland's briefs down to his ankles, helping him to step out of them. Roland slid his feet outward a bit, keeping his weight against the column. Several minutes went by, before attempting to move away. Mason leaned his shoulder into Roland, aiding him in standing up straight.

Mason helped Roland over to the sofa, where he laid down. Mason, kneeling beside Roland, leaned over, with a long, deep kiss. He got up, went to his bedroom closet, returning with two light blankets. Roland was sound asleep. He covered his nude, new-found ticklish friend, then laid upon the matching love seat, across from him. They both slept for two hours.

Mason awoke before Roland did. A few minutes later, Roland awakened, and Mason giggled as Roland threw back the blanket, revealing a rather mean looking, piss-hard erection. Roland grunted a smile, "Man... I ain't thinkin' about you!", waving his hand at Mason. Mason pointed toward the hallway, "Through there... both has a shower."

Mason continued smiling as he remembered how they talked in the sitting room afterwards, exchanging small hugs, kisses, Roland getting dressed. The long, deep kiss as Roland left, reminding him that it would be a couple of weekends before they could see each other again. Mason thought of what may transpire when they met next.

Lenny Czyczinski flashed across Mason's mind. His blood turned cold, a stone-faced demeanor came upon him. "It's to soon... but he'll call." Yes, he would surely deal with Lenny, in his own way, within his own time frame. Not quite sure of how or what he was going to do, Mason felt something that he had never felt before. His anger toward Lenny was not an overtly emotional feeling. This was a deep, controlled, quietly seething rage that was patient. Lenny was in for something that he never expected. All Mason had to do was wait.

"JEEEEEEEEEEZZZZZZZZ-OOOOHHHH-PEEEETE!!!! Of all times... to be on assignment! Dammit!!!"

Trent Vanderwheig was fit to be tied. He wished he was tied! Reading the letter from Mason had him in a royal tizzy. In vivid detail, Mason recounted the entire scene with Roland, the weekend before last. Included were the various conversations preceding Roland's visit, the e-mails, and so forth. Mason wrote of what he learned from Roland, his emotional make-up, his sex-drive, what turned him on, and what he thought Roland would do. Mason felt that Trent and Roland had great potential compatibility, since they both had off-the-scale ticklishness, that were keenly connected with their sexual natures.

Mason went on to say what he hoped would happen the next time Roland visited. He was sure that Roland would be a passionate love maker, and he was looking forward to having Roland in bed with him. This time, he would not overlook Roland's feet, making sure that he drove Roland "over-the-top." Mason hoped to make the next meeting with Roland as erotically ticklish and sexy as possible.

Trent paced back and forth thru the motor coach in exasperation. "Three months... three months... stuck here and there... until I get back!!! AAWWWWW SHEEEEIIIITTT!!!"

Pietr snatched open the door and jumped up the steps, inside. "Trent! Vas ees vrong?!?! Are you..."

"Nuthin... NUTHIN!!! Just leave me alone... Leave me alone!!! Don't bother me... not now... Dammit... GET OUT!!!"

Pietr had worked with Trent several times, but never seen him agitated like this. What could be bothering him in such a way? That letter had to be bad news. The photo shoot was going quite well, but now, Trent seemed to be in no mood to continue today. Pietr had hoped to get Trent's attention in another, more intimate way, but he doubted if that would be a good idea. "Best to leave it alone, until he's in a better mindset."

Trent couldn't believe it. Stuck in the Swiss Alps, on assignment for a European automaker, and Mason gets with a ticklish guy that could possibly be a real good tickler himself! A top guy, who's ticklishness was sexually rooted and motivated, and loved to be tickled into one raging boner! Here Trent was, both a ticklish and sexual bottom, with his ticklishness also sexually rooted and motivated, loved to be tickled into sexual submission, stuck on the other side of the world!! Shit!! For six more weeks!!

Trent was enormously successful as a commercial and industrial photographer. His work took him around the globe, sometimes for months at a time. Automotive companies, aircraft makers, tourism businesses, NASA, furniture makers, construction outfits, oil companies, mining concerns, the Pentagon, banks, an endless list, all had a direct line to Trent Vanderwhieg. He was on a current business/photo trip doing work for Audi/Volkswagen, BMW, Airbus, SEMTEC, Royal Dutch Shell, Norwegian Cruise lines, the European Banking Consortium, and the Oslo Floral Society.

Once he finished the BMW photo op, he had to go to Amsterdam. He had to go to Dubai. He had to go to Brussels. He had to go to Oslo. He had to go to Bonn. He had to stay overseas. He could not fly back to Michigan, not yet!!! So, all he could do, was be flustered. Was he ever flustered!

"Pietr! Lets go! Now!"

"But Trent... vee haf goot sunlight! Ees goot day to..."


Pietr rushed to get Trent's equipment, ushering the two models and production assistants onto the motor coach. One of the assistants asked about the three vehicles used for the photo shoot. "Leef dem. Vee get tomorrow." Pietr had the good sense not to upset Trent any further.

Fiorna, one of the models, who would have given anything to make Trent happy, at any time, looked at him, and knew it was best not to speak. Trent, slumped in the custom leather recliner, legs crossed atop a table, was unaware of Fiorna's longing eyes staring at him, with a worried look. Had she known what was bothering him, she would have screamed from the highest Swiss Alp, that Trent, and only Trent, could tie her, tickle her, anywhere, anytime, in or out of bed, with as much sex as he wanted.

Pietr, as worried about Trent as Fiorna, glanced up at the rear-view mirror at times, while he expertly guided the custom-built motor coach down the mountain side. Had he known, what had Trent in such a terrible funk, Pietr would have announced without shame, that he would tickle Trent as much as he liked, anywhere, anytime, anyplace, with as much sex, however Trent wanted it, giving or receiving.

Upon their arrival to the chalet, Trent stormed thru the lobby, yelling at Pietr to tell the front desk to leave him alone. No calls, no messages, no nothing. And he didn't give a damn who it was, he'd better not be disturbed. Fiorna stood next to Pietr, her hand on his arm, looking up at him with frightened, questioning eyes. Pietr could only shake his head, deciding not to call the office, and forego the daily report.

At the same time, it was just before seven in the morning in Muskegon, Michigan. Mason Reed was in his office going over operational reports and preliminary budget proposals, preparing for an 8:00 am board meeting. The phone rang, Mason answering without noticing the caller ID. "Good Morning, this is Mason Reed."

"Uh.... Hello Mason, Lenny here."

"Lenny! What an unpleasant surprise! It's not banker's hours yet! Aren't you spoiling your non-beauty rest?"

"Well, I... Uh... I thought I might catch you before things got busy... I... Uh... I'd like to..."

"Lenny, I'm preparing for a working, breakfast meeting with the board members. I'm really not interested in having my stomach upset beforehand. But, since you're on the line, make it quick! Also, I'm not planning on asking you for a million bucks this month, so don't even think of it!"

"Okay... I've got that coming, I know that..."

"Buddy, you have no idea!"

"... but I'd like to get together with you, and talk. Honestly. I'm sorry, really sorry for being such an ass. I'd..."

"Yes, you are a royal pain in my ass, Lenny! As far as talk goes, we talk when I get ready! Our quarterly meeting is still on... that hasn't changed, and it will not change! Outside of that Leonard, we talk when I say so! Do not bother me until I call you!!! Make sure I do not see your sorry ass unless, it is for business! And I'm not sure how long I can stand dealing with you on that basis! Now, Leonard, I hope you have a very shallow day, for that certainly fits your screwed up personality and make up! Now, I have important work to do, and I need to cleanse my mind of you!"

Mason set the phone down before Lenny could respond. At that moment, Cheryl Rosen walked in. "Trent Vanderwheig, overseas, is holding on line three. Mason, he doesn't sound too cheerful. Hope he's OK."

"Ohhhhhhh Shit!!!"

Chapter 6

The kisses were long, deep, luscious affectations of desire. No hurry. Each kiss, slowly raised the heat of passion, tongues twirling around each other, in a willing sensuous dance. The western sunlight, beaming around the closed blinds, added to the lustful warmth. Skin to skin, each body transmitting heated desire to one another. The hands, gliding in soft, teasing caresses over each others nude maleness. No rush.

Mason found Roland easy to kiss, easy to caress, easy to embrace. Just as easily, Roland returned the kisses, the caresses, the embraces. No hurry up and get it on. No vulgarities uttered. Only soft moans, coos, and sighs. Refreshing were the giggles when Mason would stick his tongue in Roland's ear, or nibble his earlobe. Roland found Mason to be as erotic, causing shivers when his fingertips would lightly glide over Mason's back. They softly tongued, nibbled, and suckled each other's necks. They would kiss again, long and slow. No rush. The gasps, as Mason would slowly tongue Roland's nipples, followed by the shuddering moans, were completely gratifying.

Never, had Mason conceived of meeting another male as erotically easy going as Roland. He was truly the most exotic, sensitive, person that he had ever known, to the touch. The lightest kiss, the softest swipe of the tongue, anywhere on his body, carnally excited Roland. Again, what delightfully pleased Mason was, when he would kiss, or lick, or suck Roland's erection, no vulgar talk. No rushing to bust a nut. Only trembles, gasps, sighs, moans.

Roland surprised Mason, with one easy move, as he slid out from under him. Roland's hands gently urged Mason to lay on his stomach. It was Mason's turn to coo in pleasure as Roland's tongue swirled down his spine. For almost ten minutes, Roland caressed Mason's back, tonguing, nibbling, heating Mason's nature.

Roland slid further down, his hands softly kneading Mason's hips. His fingers dug in gently, with circular motion, wriggling and squeezing. The stimulation was electric. Mason had not felt such electric warmth in his cheeks for a long time. The warm, silky smooth touch of the tongue, shocked Mason, as he felt it glide up and down, at the top of the split between his cheeks. Roland toyed with moving deeper into the crevasse, dragging his tongue back up to the small of Mason's back , then swirling back a little further. Mason was trembling, moaning louder. Roland suckled a bit, as he tongued closer to Mason's anus. Mason wiggled his butt, going from trembles to shudders. Roland slowly pressed his tongue hard, then soft. As he reached Mason's anus, Roland quickly flicked his tongue downward, then up, pressing flat against the opening. Mason shuddered tremendously, as his head shot up from the pillow.


Roland held his tongue flat, waggled side-to-side, up/down, then round and round.


Roland laughed aloud, "Goodness!!! You sound like me!" Mason was grabbing at the pillows, gasping deeply.

Roland buried his face between Masons buttocks again. He spread the cheeks wider, his lips puckered around the tender flesh. Roland slid his tongue into the entrance of Mason's anal canal, sucking lightly. Mason squealed.


Mason shuddered, bucked, fists pounding the mattress. Roland sucked, while lightly and quickly sliding his tongue in and out. He mixed the teases, swirling his tongue around the outer edge of Mason's love hole. He teased with the tip, then flattening out; hard pressed against the anus, with waggling motions, all the while the gentle suckles continued.

Mason was going into a silent fit. It was so long ago, that he was rimmed like this. But... it was not like this! He couldn't remember. The sensations were so soft... so electric... yet, so... so... he didn't know!!! Roland was... was...

"Ooohhhhhmmmyyyyyyyyyyy!!!" Mason had a hard-on that was... ohhhh.... the itch!!!


Roland stopped long enough to give Mason the bottle of lotion that he used earlier, after showering. Mason put plenty in his hand, stroking his hard-on. Roland continued orally teasing Mason's anus, giving him another jolt.

Only a few minutes went by, when Mason's whole body shuddered violently, screaming as he climaxed. Roland slid alongside Mason, and held him snugly. Curled up within Roland's loving grasp, Mason sobbed in pleasure, his body still trembling from the orgasmic release. Many kisses followed, long and slow. Again, no hurry.

Chapter 7

Stone-faced, looking straight ahead, Mason marched past the two executive assistants, surprising them without an acknowledgement, right into Lenny's office. As Mason unceremoniously closed the door, his eyes bored hard into Lenny, who, startled, rose up from his chair to greet him. "Sit down, Leonard!" Lenny sat down without speaking. Mason threw his trench coat over a chair, dropped his umbrella on the carpet, and walked over to the big window.

For a few moments, Mason stood silent, staring out, at the stormy, rain-darkened sky. When he finally spoke, his voice was even. "My daddy busted his ass... driving gravel trains. Monsters. Tandem trailers... damn near two hundred thousand pounds gross. Sometimes eighteen hours a day. All types of weather, year `round."

"Mother stayed home, pampered me an' my brother. Saw to it that we did our school work, behaved well. My ol' man... come home exhausted... would sit with us... go over our homework... hug us when we did well. Hugged us even more when we screwed up. He'd scold us but... never mean about it... then hug us... always said that it was alright, loved us anyway. Mother always was teaching... we had books up the ass."

"One day, some dumb chick ran a red light... front trailer of my dad's rig, went over her front end... whole thing... truck, trailers, everything... rolled over, twice. Thirty miles an hour. Daddy was tossed all around that cab. Tore down poles, lights, signs... wrecked four other cars. Sent six folks to the hospital... just sittin' at the light... mindin' their own business. Made a mess of that intersection. Truck was loaded... shit went everywhere. Nobody killed, fortunately. Ol' man was alright. Stupid bitch didn't have as many scratches or bruises as my daddy did!"

"Next day, he got up... stiff and sore as hell... got ready for work. Mother had a fit. She was screaming mad... never seen her like that, before or since. He stood there... didn't argue... let her get it all out. He looked at her, "Baby, I gotta go... for you and the boys". Never raised his voice. Kissed her and went to work."

"I've got a Class A chauffeurs license, Leonard. And I keep it up to date. There ain't a rig out there; my sweet, chunky, gay ass can't drive. Ten speeds. Thirteen speeds. Eighteen speeds. Split sticks... tandems, stakes... pups...what-the-fuck-ever, Leonard! I know who I am. My daddy... the one who paid for private school tuition... paid for big time college for me and my brother... he taught me to drive, Leonard! Both of us!"

"Leonard Czyczinski, I know who I am!!!"

Mason turned; suit coat spread back, hands in his pockets. His eyes cold, once again boring hard into Lenny. "You, Leonard... thirty-nine years old, are a miserable old cuss! Look at you! Head of a commercial lending branch, for a major Chicago bank... a multi-state bank.... and you got your office, on the shores of Lake Michigan... at an angle, on the wrong side! This is Muskegon, Michigan, fool! An old foundry town!" Mason leaned forward, his hand pointing out toward the window, "You want to work... sitting here... while you are cutting multi-million dollar lending deals... and look out... at this shit?!"

"Leonard, I own an entire floor... almost ten thousand square feet... my residence... and it faces the lake! I have peace when I get home! My folks still live in that little, two bedroom frame house, outside of Chi-town... that they raised us in! Every two years, my daddy leases a car that my mother picks out. All the dealer has to do, is call my bank! My brother and I have two vacation homes, for them... just for my parents! One is in Traverse City, cash! Three hundred fifty grand... cash! Three sides, facing the lake! The other is in the Caribbean, on a hill, once again, three sides facing the ocean! Again, with my brother, paid for! They come and go as they please, with my credit card... I got it just for them! I don't use it! I have savings accounts and CD's for my niece and nephew. I don't have to... Randy is doing just fine, he and Denise, but... I... Mason Bradford Reed... I know who I am!!!"

"Leonard... you are confused! You had your uncle... a rich banker... you rode his coattails, boy! For some reason, you don't talk to your family... not even your uncle... who set you up royally! A brother an' two sisters who adore you! Your daddy, a steel worker... proud as heck of his son. Your mother... loving as any mother could be... Why don't you talk to them? Your uncle... self-made... who loved his big sister... doted on all of you... loved his honest, hard-working brother-in-law, because he loved his sister! Set you all up with the bank! Your daddy, sweated his guts out, at that hot, dirty, stinkin' steel mill. Uncle Banker put your ol' man's hard-earned money in smart notes... converted them into bank stock... when the bank was bought out by the big boys, your whole family made out! This is after he sent all of you to school! Man was smart enough to help another household, yet provide for and satisfy his wife, two children, and her family! Uncle was smart enough, grateful and unselfish enough, to do that... for all of you! Can't you appreciate that? What-the-hell-else do you have? What?!?! A measly twelve or fourteen hundred square foot place, at some snobbish-assed yacht club... that the bank pays for... and that stupid-assed boat! You, Leonard... have separated yourself... from a loving family... for that?!! Is there any pride? Any self-respect?"

"Now tell me, Leonard... enlighten me... for I can't figure this out. Why... why in the world... no, that's not right, excuse me, please. Who, Leonard... who-in-the-fuck... would pay eight... damned near nine hundred grand... for an EVAH-LOVIN' PIECE-OF-FIBERGLASS... JUST-TO-SIT-OUT-IN-THE-LAKE-GOIN'-NO-DAMNED-WHERE... SITTIN' STILL?!! AN'-WATCH-WHAT-THE-HELL-IT-IS-THAT-I-AM-DOIN'-OR-WHAT-THE-MUTHAFUCKIN'-HELL-I-AM-NOT-DOIN'??!! THE FACT OF THE MATTER IS... LEONARD... WASTING TIME AS YOU HAVE... SITTING OUT THERE... AS MANY DAYS AS YOU HAVE... IN THE WATER... TRYING TO WATCH... THROUGH MY WINDOW!!! SIX MILES OUT!!! YOU NEED HELP!!!"


Pale, sweating, unable to move, Lenny sat trembling in his seat. Mason leaned his face closer to Lenny, his voice low, with a dangerously icy edge. "I should not waste my time with you, boy! But... you will do as I say, when I say! You Leonard, will call Dr. Fredericks, make an appointment, and... you will have a complete, thorough, physical exam. I will hear from you in two days Leonard, that your exam has taken place. Once your blood, piss, and what should be snot tests are back, you will inform me of the results. In the meantime, you are to stay your sorry, pitiful ass away from those damned... nasty-assed... back-alley joints that you go to, looking for some rotting dick to suck! Your ass is mine, Leonard! Fail to do as I say, and the hospital will have to split your dumb, punk-ass wide open... just to get my foot out!"

Stunned, visibly shaking, Lenny sat eyes unblinking. The short, precise manner in which Mason stabbed him to the core, was unnerving! Lenny had never imagined Mason like this. In an instant, Lenny understood that Mason had kept to himself deliberately, these past three years. Lenny had been duped, by himself, believing that Mason was a weak, sniveling individual. Lenny drove himself, deeply, into finding someone whom, he thought, was weaker than he was. So much so, that his deluded satisfaction in witnessing Mason's loneliness, blinded Lenny from seeing Mason's healing, actually taking place! Worst of all, while Mason in fact, was growing, healing from his ordeal, Lenny floundered in his own inactive growth, actually shrinking in maturity!

Grabbing his coat and umbrella, Mason stormed out of Lenny's office. Cara Voigt and Marge Jenkens stared wide-eyed, as Mason walked by. They both viewed Mason's tirade thru the floor-to-ceiling glass wall. The curtain was only partially closed, allowing them to see in. Although they couldn't hear what was said, Marge and Cara knew that it wasn't pretty. They both turned to look in at Lenny, who was still sitting, staring off into space. Cara turned back to watch Mason. As he turned the corner toward the elevators, she rose from her desk, and ran down the hall, opposite from the elevators. Cara found an office and closed the door. She dialed Cheryl Rosen's direct office number, her former college roommate, and longtime friend. Mason never, never, appeared like this before. What in the world was going on?

Chapter 8


"Delightful!!!, was Mason's thoughts. He cheerfully nibbled Roland's bound, bare feet, in tantalizing ticklish fashion. Roland was bound nude, to a plush, armless leather chaise, with an adjustable back. His arms were positioned lengthwise of his torso, but underneath the backside of the chaise, and cuffed at the wrists. To prevent Roland from lifting his body up, rope was attached to the ends of each cuff, wrapped around and across his stomach, in such a manner that flattened his arms against the backside. Mason wrapped rope across Roland's thighs and shins in the same way. Each foot slightly overhung the edge at the corners. Just above the ankles was rope that was attached to a support bar, braced to the front legs of the chaise. Roland could not bend his knees, or pull his legs back. Mason made sure Roland was bound rather securely.

For over a half-hour, Mason tongued Roland's nipples, nibbling and tickling his torso. When Mason turned his attention to Roland's sensitive bare feet, tonguing them elicited such a reaction, that was surprising. Mason already discovered that binding Roland's arms behind him, seem to make his nipples more sensitive. While licking them, Roland gushed more deeply in erotic reaction. His eyes closed, Roland turned his head, neck arched, uttering,


When Mason first teased Roland's feet with his tongue, he bent the toes of each foot back, stretching the skin of the soles, then ran his tongue slowly up from the middle of the arch, to the base of the toes. He slid his tongue back, twirling his tongue around the arch area.


Same reaction, as with Roland's nipples! WOW!!! Each toe was suckled, nibbled, and licked between. Roland was taken back and forth, from gasps, giggles, and sensuous outbursts when Mason's tongue explored the surface of both soles, to ticklish laughter when a finger traced up and down the base of each toe.


The ticklish antics became more lively and animated, when Mason bent each big toe back, and his teeth lightly raked against the tickle-sensitive base half. He cocked his head slightly to the side, pressed the front surface of his teeth against the taut skin, and worked his jaw up and down.


Mason did this, going from each big toe to the other, several times, for a few minutes. He was finally discovering the very sensitive nature of Roland's ticklish, bare feet! Adjusting his body, Mason grabbed Roland's left foot with both hands, again turning his head slightly, and used his teeth in the same fashion to tooth-tickle across the arch area. Roland's nerve network, had been sending the itchy, erotic tingling to his feet, beginning when

Mason was teasing and tickling his upper body. Only the ropes prevented him from literally taking off, the tooth-tickle-touch, igniting his reactive afterburner!


Mason moved his lips to the ball of Roland's foot, puckering around it, sucking, and resuming moving his teeth up/down against it.


Unbelievable! Mason wasn't pressing too hard against Roland's foot, nor too deeply. This guy is that ticklish! "Delightful!", was all Mason could think. Roland's body was shaking against the secure ropes, the plush, black leather cushions of the chaise, rippling with the ticklish tremors. Mason's hands, lips and teeth, could feel the ticklish rumbles, vibrating in Roland's bare foot. What a way to turn a guy on! Still holding Roland's foot with both hands, he nibbled across the pad of the foot, along the base of the toes.


Mason was becoming more turned on by orally tickling this bare foot. The taste... the feel... the sensitivity... Roland's foot was of such delectable pleasure! He felt the same enjoyment, as when he had Roland's pulsing erection between his lips! Amazing!

"Okay", he thought, "Let's try this..." For a change of pace, using the thin surface area of his fingernail, Mason turned his forefinger sideways. Pressing in slightly, Mason moved his finger in a straight line, up/down, while downwardly trailing his arm. From the pad of Roland's foot, to the lower arch area, Mason created a sharper, condensed, thus more electrified sensation that tickled Roland into deeper, guttural hysterics. Mason noticed, as he reached the middle of Roland's foot, how it shook greatly. His ears also noted how suddenly Roland went silent. As Mason retraced the narrow ticklish line upward, Roland gushing aloud again, he noticed the same reaction, when he reached just below the pad of the foot. Quickly moving back to the middle of Roland's foot, Mason held his arm still, only moving his finger, in shorter, tighter strokes. Roland went silent again for a few moments, body shuddering, his foot vibrating in place.


Mason scooted his body around, turning his back to the chaise, wrapping his arm around Roland's ankle. Unnecessary as it was, for Roland's foot could not move in any direction, Mason cuffed Roland's foot close to his body, his forefinger continuing the short, concentrated tickling strokes in the mid-arch area of the bare sole.


Guttural, deep hysterics. Symphonic baritone again! Mason was receiving a charge like he had never known! A couple minutes went by, when gut instinct told Mason to slide his finger up, to that spot below the pad of the foot. Not consciously thinking about it, Mason dug his finger in deeper, not hard, but more firmly, wriggling and twisting, but not moving from that spot. Roland went ballistic.


Mason let up, momentarily, then dug in again.


Mason tickled Roland with two fingers walking up and down his foot. Roland was louder, more reactive. Mason dug his finger into the sensitive skin in the middle of Roland's foot! Great Googly! Roland screamed again!


Two fingers again, tickling Roland in the middle of his foot.


Mason found the real tickle spots in Roland's left foot! The spots that were switches to be used, to turn Roland's ticklishness up! Mason's own erection was tingling, as he thought of how he could use this, to affect Roland's boner, at anytime! "Well OK... he doesn't need it for that! But... it sure can be used... to manipulate it!!!"

Mason swung around, facing the chaise, and began tickling both feet with his fingers. Roland was in a ticklish uproar.


Another ten, fifteen, or twenty minutes went by, then Mason gave Roland and himself a rest. Mason was ready to take in Roland's rod, as he sat staring at it. He loved the way it was bouncing with each heartbeat. His own erection was throbbing strongly, with that itchy tingle running near full strength through his body. After a few minutes, Mason quickly loosened Roland's arms, repositioning them stretched back, beyond Roland's head. Since Roland's wrists were past the edge of the head of the chaise, Mason reattached the cuffs in the middle of both forearms. He looped rope through each clasp individually, and then anchored both lengths to the bar that braced the main support legs. Mason also re-secured Roland's torso to the chaise, this time wrapping rope across his chest, in addition to the lengths across the abdomen.

A few more minutes of rest, then Mason had Roland back to deep hysterics, this time sucking, tonguing, and tickling his right foot. Mason toggled the tickle switches in Roland's right foot, which were in the same spots as the left, then proceeded once more, to zestfully tickle both feet. Another fifteen or twenty minutes of further intensely tickling Roland's feet, and Mason's gaydar zeroed in on the guttural tone in Roland's reactions.


Mason grabbed Roland's right foot, his lips puckered over the middle of the sole. Mason worked his teeth against the ticklish flesh, working their way over to the inner edge of the arch and back. Roland reeled in reaction, increased growling added to the hysteria.


That was enough... they both were ready! Mason scrambled to find his trousers. He reached in both front pockets excitedly. Snatching both hands at the same time, he pulled the pockets out, sending the contents flying onto the carpet. In his excitement, Mason had to turn around twice, before he found the foil-wrapped packet. Straddling along Roland on the chaise, he tore open the foil, unwrapping it from around the condom. Forcing himself to remain calm, Mason rolled it over the length of Roland's throbbing shaft. Sliding forward, Mason leaned further, reaching behind him. Easing back, Mason guided Roland's erection to his love hole. Damn! He forgot the K-Y lube! Mason slid back, and off the chaise. "There it is!" Straddling Roland again, Mason applied the lube to himself, and then slowly eased back a bit, as he felt the head of Roland's stiffness slide between his cheeks. Shuddering as he felt it enter his anus, Mason continued easing back, squatting until his portal of pleasure swallowed the length of Roland's shaft. His body angled up, Mason folded each leg back, underneath himself, allowing a deeper, direct penetration.

With the warmth of Roland's thick, pulsating six inches filling his love canal, waves of impassioned pleasure surged through Mason, bringing him close to shooting his load. Mason rocked gently, his anus gliding slow and easy, back and forth, along the stiff love pole inside of him. Shudders that stemmed not from pain, but from a luscious male-to-male intimacy that he controlled, bubbled within Mason from head to toe. Three years had passed by: fighting emotional and physical pain; the fears of intimate interaction; the doubts of freely giving himself to another; allowing his emotions to feel for another person; questioning his own judgment in sizing up other people; that had all come and gone. He was in charge now, on the brink of a new release. The realization of this control, mentally, emotionally, and now physically, caused Mason to moan heatedly.

Mason's fingers began to tickle Roland, wriggling on both sides, into the rib cage.


Bound securely to the chaise, Roland could only quake, and shudder. The ticklish tremors, spurred additional quavers to his already heated, throbbing rod. On each backward slide, Mason held the vibrating shaft deeply, in in a hesitating squat. As he did so, Mason flexed his inner muscles tighter around the quivering erection inside of him. The vibrations massaged his prostate more deeply. Each successive downward slide, found Mason holding longer, his inner walls flexing several times. He picked up the pace, and slid his hands to the sides of Roland's chest. Mason spread his hands, allowing his thumbs to graze over Roland's nipples, and then alternately tickle the sides of his pecs with his fingers. Waves of erotic-tickle passion rolled through Roland, continually translating vibrations to and through his erection.


Mason slid his tickling fingers into Roland's armpits. He felt the pleasure pole he was riding, stiffen more.


The head of Roland's erection began bulging with each pulse, swelling into deeper massages against Mason's prostate. As Roland's shaft stretched even further, Mason's felt a feverish itch, the temperature rising throughout his love canal. Mason's scrotum tightened, then convulsed, shooting his load onto Roland's abs and chest. Shuddering as he cried out...


Mason kept control, sliding his anus over Roland's hot love pole, while ticklishly grazing his pits. A minute or so later, Roland erupted.



The heat of Roland's cum radiating through the fabric of the condom, and the strong pulsations of his climax, gave Mason another short orgasmic spurt. His head reeling and body trembling in ecstasy, Mason bathed in the feeling of release. The depletion of controlled, disciplined abstinence, felt great. The input of controlled, disciplined lust, and naked intimacy, was a most wonderful, pleasurable feeling. And he wasn't finished. Not yet.

As he slid up and off, from Roland's erection, Mason breathed in deeply, in order to calm the swaying feeling, and clear his head. He rolled the condom off from Roland's erection, and suckled for a few moments, before sliding off the chaise. Sitting cross legged on the floor, in front of Roland's feet, Mason closed his eyes for a short while, to further calm himself. Opening them, Mason focused on Roland's bound bare feet, breathing in deeply once again.

Mason pressed his index fingers in the middle of both feet, at the spots he discovered earlier. He wriggled his fingers, toggling the switches in Roland's now, hyper-tickle-sensitive bare feet.


Mason held the wriggling motion for over thirty seconds. Roland screamed, unable to keep his feet from shaking against the tickling fingers. Mason used his fore and middle fingers to incite both spots, on both feet. Roland instantly became a ticklish nutcase.


Allowing his tongue to tease Roland's flexing, ticklish toes, Mason's fingers began busily tickling up and down both ticklish feet. Roland was in a high frenzied state of sensitivity, his brain registering the silky touch of Mason's tongue across his toes, and the maddening, tickling fingers grazing his feet. The deep sensations ordered his erection to stay at attention. Mason switched gears, sucking and grazing his teeth against the ball of Roland's left foot, fingers performing with mischief on his right foot.


Sensing that he was close, Mason continued ticklishly grazing one foot with his teeth, while pressing and wriggling into the tickle spots on the other. Roland would stiffen, go silent momentarily, and then roar hysterically. Mason would alternate the two tickle methods between each foot. Roland was a mess. Finally, Mason heard the deep rumbles within the hysterics.


Mason continued tickling Roland's feet in this manner, a few minutes longer, until he heard a deeper, guttural tone to the intermixed growls. He scrambled to untie the ropes. Once he removed all of the rope and cuffs, he helped an unsteady Roland off the chaise. Supporting Roland, Mason guided their walk to the bedroom. Still breathing heavily, Roland easily fell across the bed. Mason, retrieving another packet from the dresser, was elated to see Roland's erection still throbbing at attention, as he rolled over on his back.

After straddling Roland, and sheathing the fresh condom over his erect hard-on, Mason laid forward. Legs locked around Roland's legs, Mason lavishly tongued his nipples, ticklishly driven to a hypersensitive state. Roland bucked against Mason's weight, howling sensuously. It didn't take long, before Roland was growling in amorous reaction. Mason remembered to have K-Y lube on the night stand. He rolled from atop Roland, grabbing a pillow. Mason rolled again, laying face down. He slid the pillow under his groin, raising up his rear, and then lubed himself generously. Smiling, he reached over to Roland, fingers dancing across his chest. Roland, fidgeting from the touch, rolled over and behind Mason. Roland held his curved, erect phallus down, pressing slowly. He slid easily inside Mason, both gasping from each others' radiant heat.

Roland's slow easy strokes sent thrilling shivers through Mason. He gasped in surprised pleasure, as Roland's body folded over his, weight pressing against his buttocks, holding the inward stroke, doing the "slow grind". Roland rotated his pelvis in circular motion, again slowly, then easing out and in. The heightened sensations were new to Mason; no one had ever performed this way. Raising his weight up, Roland continued the slow, steady strokes. Mason loved the way Roland was taking him slowly up to a rush of tingly sensations, then back to a steady current of sensual flow. He was surprised again, as Roland pressed his weight over him, but this time allowing for deeper strokes.

For the next hour, in which Mason twice climaxed, Roland kept his wonderfully easy pace, mixing and varying his motions. Mason flexed his inner muscles against Roland's shaft, counter-rotated his hips to the "slow grind", wiggled and waggled his rear to Roland's strokes. Mason's first orgasm was a long build-up, as a pot of water brought to a slow boil. Spurred finally by an extended "slow grind", the boil-over began as light tremors, gradually intensifying over several minutes, to rolling shudders. Washing over him, were feelings that Mason had long forgotten, his cum steadily oozing, in a lingering climax.

The emitting orgasmic heat stiffened Roland's love pole considerably. Once again folding himself over Mason, distributing his weight between his hands and knees, Roland was angled for direct, straight line penetration. Continuing thru Mason's orgasmic elevation, he maintained the same easy pace. For Mason, in his heightened sensuous state, each stroke was a bountiful thrill. He began to rotate his groin, to the rhythm of Roland's strokes, adding to the lustful current, which coursed thru his body, from head to toe. Mason floated in luscious ecstasy, his return to intimate contact, wonderfully tended to by an easy going, gentle, yet strong, lovemaking by Roland. Devoid of any other thoughts, Mason's mind and body was clearly focused on the sensualistic incitement of his senses. Another twenty to twenty-five minutes went by, when Mason felt the beginning twinges of a second climax building.

It began as minor convulsive spasms in his rectal region. An itch was also starting in Mason's toes, and the base of his neck.


A few minutes later, with the itch still present, two smaller convulsions occurred.

"Oooooooooooohhhhhhhoooooo... whoooooohhhhooooooo!"

Roland began to mix more "grinding" action to the deep strokes.

"Uuuuuuhhhhhhhmmm... Whoooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!"

The itch was spreading, thru Mason's feet, up his legs, growing in intensity. The itch beginning at the nape of his neck was crawling down his spine.


Roland increased his pace. The spasms were not as far apart.


Roland added a bit more vigor to the rotation in his hips, holding the motion longer on the inward strokes. He now emitted low growls.

"Uuuuuhhhhhnnnngggrrrrrrr... Wwhhhhuurrrrnnnnggrrrrrrrhhuuuhh!!!"

Mason felt the dual itch closing the gap between his upper and lower body. The spasms in his groin grew in frequency and intensity.


Mason pulled his knees in closer to his body, rocking in rearward thrusts to meet Roland's inbound strokes. Roland adjusted his weight backward, placing his hands on the side of Mason's hips. He moved faster, but under control, without becoming wild and reckless. When he rotated himself, Mason met him with counter rotations. Roland's feet were itching as well. He could feel the walls of Mason's portal of pleasure in spasmic grips around his shaft. Mason did not want the pulsing head of Roland's love pole to stop the deep, rolling massage that he was receiving.

When the erotic north/south itch met in Mason's love canal, there was a swirling mix of sensatory escalation, triggering a gut-tightening tension of delight. Mason couldn't believe it, the longer the tension held.


The tension released, allowing large, spasmodic surges of orgasmic elation. Mason's body was rocked by the climax, shuddering immensely as he erupted. The itch continued as his own erection began shooting forth his load in short, rapid-fire bursts.


Roland's erection was stiffening hard as a rock, stimulated by the intense output of erotic heat from Mason, whose orgasm continued. Mason ejected a heavy rope of cum, followed by several rapid-fire, dry shots.


Urged on by the orgasm-induced, convulsing walls of Mason's love canal, Roland's lust-laden pole stretched suddenly. The intense itch in Roland's feet, hardened nipples, scrotum, and shaft, was maddening. Roland expelled his load: only the condom sheathing prevented his stiff member from being classified by NATO, as a rocket launcher. As such, the four huge cum shots that were fired, could have been properly identified as missiles. Roland's guttural, ear-splitting roar was akin to that of a lust-crazed animal.


The heat from the torrential backwash, emanating thru the protective layer of the sheath, transmitted more waves of pleasure throughout Mason's heightened senses. Shuddering, he slowly eased forward, until he was lying once again on his stomach, his rear arched over the pillow. Mason moaned, as Roland, still erect, followed his movement, continuing with a very slow, deep rotational motion. A few minutes later, Mason was brought to one more, dry spurt climax.

To Be Continued...

Mason Meets Roland

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