Mary Stone Comes Out

By Titan Hoop Club

Published on Oct 27, 2023



This is a work of lesbian celebrity fiction. Characters from the Donna Reed Show are used without permission. The sexual scenarios existed only in the imagination of the author. If you are offended by lesbian stories involving a teenage girl with an older woman, please read no further.

(Lesbian Celebrity)

14-year-old Mary Stone was in an unsure, insecure point in her young life. Only months out of junior high, the Hilldale High School freshman was now in a school population three to four times the size of what she was accustomed to, and with students who were up to 18-years-old, and much more physically mature. Scarier still, Mary, at 14, was expected to enter the dating world. She felt ill-prepared for the changes.

Looking in her bedroom mirror, dressed only in a petticoat and slip, Mary sneered at her reflection. In her mind, she felt that she was too scrawny, and still looked too much like the little junior high school girl that she had only recently been. Squeezing her still-blossoming breasts, they seemed disappointingly small and inadequate to Mary.

Boys, however, thought very differently about the budding beauty. Mary was always immaculately dressed, and her hair was perfectly coiffed atop her pretty face. There had always been older boys who hoped to take advantage of vulnerable, insecure freshman girls.

Mary would be loath to admit it, but she was a prissy social-climber at heart. She felt that her world had been destroyed when she was toppled from atop the junior high pyramid, to just another immature, flat-chested freshman girl.

The pretty teen yearned to be popular again, this time on a larger scale. However, dating a pimply-faced, skinny freshman boy her own age, no matter how nice, would be tantamount to social suicide, Mary thought.

Mary looked admiringly at the full-breasted, hourglass-figured junior and senior girls who were dating the richest and most popular boys, who all seemed to have their own cars and their parents had country club memberships.

Mary's dismal outlook brightened one day when she was asked on a date by a senior boy who was on the football team. Daniel Morse was not a particularly popular boy, but he was a starting Guard on the Hilldale football squad, a senior, and had his own noisy jalopy.

Daniel, or Danny, as he was usually called, was not the Prince Charming that Mary had hoped for, but he was good enough to draw the envy of many of the other freshman girls. That was good enough for Mary... at least for now.

Danny arrived promptly at 7:00 p.m. Mary coquettishly kept him waiting for a few minutes before she would make her grand entrance down the stairs. Mary's mother, Donna, wasn't pleased that Mary had agreed to a date with a senior boy. Her husband, Dr. Alex Stone, reassured Donna that Mary had a good head on her shoulders and would do the right thing. Donna continued to be apprehensive, but agreed to let Mary go on the date.

Danny was big for 1958. At 6'1", 220 lbs., with a blonde flat-top haircut, Danny was considering scholarship offers from several midwestern colleges. For reasons that will soon be clear, Danny was not very popular with girls his own age.

Jeff, Mary's 10-year-old brother was impressed with the letter-sweater-wearing football hero, and was a bit of nuisance as he asked Danny for football tips and questions about the "big game," as Danny stood at the bottom of the stairs waiting for Mary to appear. Meanwhile, Dr. Stone sat wordlessly in his big chair, smoking his pipe.

At last, Mary came gliding down the stairs like the Princess that she hoped to appear to be. "Hello, Daniel," she said haughtily. Despite being only 14, Mary was dressed beautifully in a powder-blue sleeveless, calf-length dress. She had carefully chosen a pale white wrap to keep her shoulders warm, and more importantly, to hide her most insecure feature: Her tiny, freshman-size breasts.

Rising from his chair, Dr. Stone at last spoke: "Where are you two off to?" "The movies, Dr. Stone," Daniel responded politely. As Mary reached the bottom of the stairs, Danny seemed to dwarf the petite, pretty 14-year-old. The size difference made Donna even more nervous. All Dr. Stone could see, however, was his beautiful oldest child, whom he sentimentally still called, "Baby."

Danny had a beat-up convertible that had started life as a 1940 Ford Roadster. Mary tied a scarf over her head to protect her hairdo from the wind. As they drove, Mary soon learned that they were not headed to the movies.

The high school senior pulled into a carefully chosen wooden area where there were no street lights. "What are you doing?" Mary asked in a justifiably concerned voice. "You told my father that we would be going to the movies."

"Relax, Mary." Danny said. "Do you want to be a little girl all of your life?" Danny used his size and strength to force his rough kisses on the petite 14-year-old. Mary struggled with the football player's hands as he moved Mary's wrap aside, and began to coarsely try to fondle Mary's fully-clothed, diminutive breasts.

Mary fought the good fight to retain her reputation and virginity, hissing "If you don't let me go, I swear I'll scream." Danny released the freshman girl, suddenly thinking of the scholarship that he would lose, and the scandal that would ensue from forcibly molesting Mary Stone, the doctor's daughter.

"Take me home," Mary demanded. Danny complied. He knew that the next little freshman girl might be more cooperative.

Dr. and Mrs. Stone were quietly watching TV when they heard a car come to a screeching halt outside of their home. A car door slammed, and the noisy car went peeling off into the dark night.

Mary was crying as she ran up the stairs. She was quickly followed by her mother who gave a knowing look at her husband, silently indicating that she would find out what was wrong, and attempt to handle it in her motherly way.

Mary was laying facedown on her small bed. She was still wearing the pretty dress that she had left in. Mary's mother, Donna, sat wordlessly on Mary's bed, waiting for her young daughter to speak.

"Oh, mother, it was awful!" Mary sobbed. Donna put a reassuring hand on Mary's shoulder as she allowed her daughter to continue talking. "He was like an octopus, mother." Donna was now concerned. "Are you O.K.?" She asked. "Yes, of course." Mary reassured her mother. "He didn't get very far, and I made him immediately drive me home."

Donna was relieved. She had once been a similarly pretty young girl, and she knew exactly what Mary was describing, without her needing to provide any uncomfortable details. "I think I hate boys," Mary said scornfully.

Mary's mother stayed with her for several more minutes until Mary had calmed down. Jeff was standing outside Mary's door eavesdropping. Despite fighting with Mary like cats and dogs on a regular basis, Jeff had a strong desire to hit Danny repeatedly over the head with a shovel.

Returning to the living room, Donna reassured Alex, "She's O.K." Those two words let Dr. Stone know that the boy didn't need to be prosecuted, and that his beautiful young daughter had returned intact, and virtually physically unscathed.

Emotionally, Mary was anything but O.K. Returning to school on Monday, she noticed that many of the older girls were looking at her quizzically. Many of them had experienced similar treatment at the hands of Danny Morse, and they maliciously looked for any telltale signs that Mary had "put-out."

Mary vowed that she would from that day on worry less about boys and her popularity, and spend more time on her academics.

A bright student, Mary planned to go to college like her parents. She was ecstatic when she was chosen to write for the school newspaper, The Hilldale Roar. It was a very rare occasion when a freshman was selected for the newspaper staff.

Mary was soon lauded for her excellent feature stories, and the student-editor chose the pretty freshman girl for a story on a visiting celebrity.

Joan Conrad was a very successful, 35-year-old amateur tennis player, with career wins at the US Open and Wimbledon. Joan had recently announced that she would be retiring following the 1958 US Open in June. The tennis champion was in Hilldale to visit an aging maiden aunt.

An enterprising young reporter, Mary had called the Malden Arms Hotel in search of Miss Conrad. Finally reaching her, the tennis star agreed to an interview with Mary, which was set for Saturday at 1:00 p.m. in her hotel room.

Mary primped like she never had before as she prepared to meet the famous tennis player. Mary had only recently been allowed to wear makeup. Her beautiful mother had skillfully taught Mary how to wear it sparingly, but to its best effect.

Standing in bra and panties, Mary fastened her white garter belt around her slim, girlish waist, and fastened her nicest silk stockings to the straps, smoothing out any wrinkles with her hands. A soft, white, knee-length slip was next, followed by a starched white petticoat which would allow her Swing dress to puff out attractively, and highlight Mary's slender waist.

Mary immodestly checked herself in the mirror for the next half hour. She had chosen her most mature-looking dress. Mary wore an upturned collared auburn-colored dress with pleated skirt, which attractively highlighted Mary's natural reddish-brown hair. Adding a simple white bow to the back of her curled ponytail, made the petite 14-year-old feel at least 16 as she walked to the nearby bus stop, headed for the downtown hotel.

Walking towards the front desk of the hotel, Mary had two items in her hand: A small clutch purse containing bus fare, a makeup compact, and lipstick tube. Additionally, she carried a small writing tablet with lined paper.

"I'm here to see Miss Conrad," Mary announced to the desk clerk. Calling the tennis player's room, Mary was instructed to go up to room 452.

Mary smoothed her dress in the elevator, and checked her face and lipstick one final time in the small mirror of her makeup compact.

Joan Conrad had done hundreds of interviews over her nearly 20-year career. It had gotten to be a bit of a chore, but for some reason she felt compelled to comply with the perky, local high school girl who had asked for the "exclusive interview."

Knocking at the door, Mary was greeted by the attractive, casually dressed tennis star. "Miss Conrad?" Mary asked perfunctorily, "I'm Mary Stone, from The Hilldale Roar." Joan was impressed by the fresh-faced, pretty, high school girl.

"Please come in," the 35-year-old tennis star said, smiling. Her blue eyes surreptitiously devoured Mary's lithe, teenage body. "My, but you're a pretty little thing," Joan said sincerely. "Please have a seat." Mary blushed at the unexpected compliment from the celebrity. She had done her best to present her most mature, professional appearance, and Mary beamed at her obvious success.

Joan was sturdily athletic, with muscular arms and legs, and not a wasted pound of flesh on her taut body. She was dressed in a comfortable pair of culotte shorts that daringly showed more thigh than normal in 1958, Joan had a beautiful golden-tan from her endless days of playing tennis in the sun. Joan's soft, blonde hair was pulled back behind a simple white headband, and she had a sunny smile on her beautiful face.

The high school girl felt strange stirrings as she surveyed the pretty, muscled athlete. Mary was naturally confused by her newfound feelings, as she sat daintily on a small loveseat in the spartan hotel room. Joan sat on the edge of the bed as they began to talk.

Mary crossed her slender legs demurely as she opened her notepad and prepared her fountain pen. Unlike her brother, Jeff, Mary was no sports fan, but she had taken the assignment seriously, and had carefully researched the impressive, popular tennis player.

Mary asked all of the normal questions about Joan's many singles championships, and her recent doubles pairings with her new, much-younger partner, 20-year-old Vivian Seberg. Joan answered all of Mary's questions thoughtfully and carefully... not revealing that Vivian was also her young, sometimes lesbian lover.

Joan was fixated on the well-put-together, pretty, high school girl, with the cute little bow in her hair. Joan wondered what lied beneath Mary's starched petticoat?

Mary closed her notebook as if to end the interview. She was interrupted by the tennis star who said, "Now I have some questions for you." Joan learned that Mary was only 14-years-old, and that her father was a pediatrician, and her mother was a housewife who was active in the Women's Club and PTA. Mary revealed that she had an annoying, smart-aleck little brother, whom she had secretly adored since birth.

Mary felt that strange tingling again as she opened up to the beautiful tennis star. Complaining of a stiff back, Joan joined Mary on the padded loveseat. Besides a hard, wooden desk chair, the loveseat was the only object in the small hotel room to sit on.

As if to get more comfortable, Joan stretched her arm, and placed it around Mary's slender shoulder as they continued their friendly conversation. Joan had efficiently seduced women and girls all over the globe, and recognized the familiar signs of the curious stirrings that were going on in Mary's young body, and the teenager's increasing shyness and inability to look into Joan's deeply-focused blue eyes.

"Do you have a boyfriend, Mary? You're such a beautiful girl," Joan practically purred in Mary's ear. "I don't think I like boys right now," Mary said honestly to the tennis star who didn't know that the teenager had recently been pawed by a rude older boy. Joan's interest in the young girl was now piqued.

"I don't like boys, either," Joan said with a knowing smile. Leaning forward, Joan tucked Mary's chin upward with her index finger, and gave the pretty 14-year-old a tender, gentle kiss on the lips. It was something unlike anything that the teenager had ever experienced. Mary could feel herself almost melting from Joan's unexpected kiss. The previously unfamiliar tingling sensations in Mary's young body quickly grew to a scorching heat in her loins.

Mary closed her eyes, and made herself available for another kiss. In the movies, she had seen actresses and actors open their mouths when kissing. Mary had learned in the girl's locker room that this was called a French kiss, but the wholly inexperienced teen had only been chastely kissed by her parents and aunts, not to mention being recently roughly and unpleasantly kissed by Danny.

It was a revelation to the teenager when Joan parted Mary's lips with her experienced tongue. Mary responded as if she had been French-kissing all of her young life. Joan's hands softly caressed Mary's peaches and cream face as their tongues sensuously intertwined in a sort of spontaneous dance.

Mary was too busy enjoying her first real kisses to notice that one of Joan's hands had traveled to the top of her prim dress, and was now gently fondling Mary's small breasts.

Joan began to whisper sweet nothings into Mary's ear, saying "You're my beautiful little girl," and "I want to make love to you more than anything I've ever wanted to do in my life." Joan had used these line many times before on young girls. Nevertheless, Mary soon found herself swept off of her feet by the beautiful, mature tennis star.

Standing up, Joan extended her hand to help Mary off of the loveseat. Wordlessly, Mary allowed Joan to begin to remove her dress, which Joan thoughtfully placed carefully over the wooden chair in an effort to keep it from getting wrinkled.

Mary's petticoat was the next to go, and then her silky slip was gently raised over Mary's head. Joan carefully brushed the teenager's reddish-brown hair back into place as she placed another reassuring kiss on Mary's lovely lips.

Mary was now standing nervously in the middle of the room, as if on display, dressed only in bra, panties, garter belt, and stockings. Joan purred her approval of Mary's slender body as her hands began their tentative exploration of the teenager's smooth, unblemished skin.

Mary twitched slightly when Joan brought her hand down to caress Mary's petite, panty-clad buttocks. Then, with two well-practiced fingers, Joan unhooked Mary's A-cup bra. Lowering the straps, Mary's small, cone-shaped breasts were revealed to the 35-year-old lesbian. Mary was trembling noticeably as Joan's two hands reached around the teenager to fondle Mary's slightly-freckled, little booblets, which were shaped like tiny funnels upon the 14-year-old's slender chest.

Mary's pink nipples were suddenly erect as the older tennis star began to squeeze and gently twist the budding boobs, and pinching Mary's mouth-watering nipples.

Joan quickly removed her blouse and bra. Pressing her mature boobs into Mary's delicate back, Joan continued to fondle the young teenager's blossoming breasts from behind. Joan tenderly kissed Mary's lithe neck as she admired her nearly-naked young prize in the vanity mirror.

The tennis celebrity allowed Mary to sit on the bed before Mary began to carefully remove her garter belt and silk stockings. Joan reserved the pleasure of removing Mary's panties for herself.

Laying the young girl on the hotel bed, Joan first removed her own panties and culotte shorts. Mary had never seen a grown, naked woman before, and marveled at the tennis players muscled core, arms, and athletic legs. Joan's athletic butt appeared to Mary like two round pieces of granite, and her pubic hair was a thick and matted brownish-blonde color.

Now-naked, Joan straddled the ankles of the teenage beauty, and began to slowly remove her simple, white, high-waisted cotton panties. Mary's eyes were closed and she was biting her lip as Joan proceeded on her dedicated quest towards reaching Mary's 14-year-old pussy.

Realizing that she was now past the point of no return, the ponytailed virgin disclosed the obvious, "I've never done anything like this before. I'm afraid that I have no idea what to do," Mary said in a plaintive voice.

Joan smiled and said reassuringly, "Just relax and enjoy it. Your natural instincts will take over." Joan reached over Mary's prone body and kissed and licked one of the teenager's now-flattened little boobs with a knowing leer, gleefully circling Mary's pink nipple with her tongue before contining her joyful task of slowly removing the underage girl's white panties.

For Joan, it was like unwrapping a shiny Christmas package. Since she had been a young college tennis player, Joan had developed a decided predilection for the intimate company of young girls. While coaching tennis students' in-between tournaments, she been able to seduce a bevy of teenage girls from the United States, Europe, and Japan. Mary would be Joan's latest conquest. Joan's mouth watered in anticipation of having sex with the 14-year-old beauty.

The older tennis star was now seeing her first glimpse of forbidden pubic hair as Mary's panties continued on their slow descent. Now completely exposed, with her panties at her thighs, Mary bashfully tried to cover her most private area with her hand.

Joan gently removed Mary's protective hand, and gazed admiringly at the teenager's smooth-skinned naked body. Mary, still somewhat immature, had only a few wisps of brownish pubic hair crowning her puffy pussy lips. Mary twitched instinctively as Joan petted and stroked her soft pubic hairs, being particularly careful not to scare the teenager by pressing her intentions between Mary's slender legs... Well, not just yet.

Unlike Mary's carefully removed dress, Joan now swiftly removed Mary's panties beyond her slender legs and ankles. Twirling them over her head, almost triumphantly, Joan tossed the white panties on the floor.

Mary looked up nervously at the firm, B-cup breasts of her soon-to-be older lover, and hoped that nothing that was about to transpire would be physically painful. Mary had some basic knowledge of the interaction between a penis and a vagina, but had no idea how two girls could make love? In fact, she had never even heard the word, lesbian, before.

Joan looked down lasciviously at her young, nubile, 14-year-old prize. Mary's slender legs were tightly closed, so Joan laid beside the teenager, and resumed tongue-kissing Mary, while running her busy hand up and down Mary's lithesome, bare upper torso.

Shifting her athletic body until she was atop the shy teen, Joan pressed a breast into Mary's surprised mouth. Mary did her best to kiss the medium-sized boob, and gave several hesitant, nervous licks to Joan's nipple as the older woman uttered a contented sigh, while continuing to lodge the breast into Mary's cooperating mouth.

Joan ultimately resumed her tactile descent down Mary's slender body. Joan finally initiated her way between Mary's smooth legs with her sunshine-tan face. Mary gritted her teeth and closed her eyes in anticipation of the unknown. Suddenly, the sensation of Joan's experienced tongue employed on her virgin pussy presented the pretty teenager with a multitude of new sensations... all of them thrilling!

Inserting her index finger into Mary's pussy, Joan was careful not to pop the teenager's cherry. Mary's intact hymen would be reserved for her future husband.

Mary's young legs began to quiver as Joan's active tongue built up speed. Mary had never heard the word cunnilingus before, but she liked whatever the tennis star was doing to her pussy. Releasing the clenched bedcover between her hand, Mary placed it over her mouth to prevent her satisfied cries from being audible through the thin hotel walls.

Joan's hands were now placed firmly against Mary's creamy inner thighs. Her blonde hair was bobbing and shaking feverishly as she deflowered Mary's virgin pussy with her eager tongue. Mary raised her head to watch, while gasping and moaning into her hand. Her legs began to shake violently and her stomach muscles spasmed involuntarily.

Mary had experienced her first orgasm.

The teenager now had a bright smile on her face as she laid back with her arms in a contented, cross-like shape on the bed. "Wow!" Was all that Mary was able to say.

Quickly catching her breath, Joan continued to bore in on Mary's nearly bald, juvenile pussy. Mary soon experienced her second and third orgasms before Joan moved her toned body up between Mary's legs and began kissing the teenager.

Finding herself atop Mary in the missionary position, Joan began to gently pump her athletic hips into Mary's compliant crotch. Mary wrapped her spread legs around the tennis star, allowing her unfettered access to her young pussy as the tennis star continued her grind into the high school freshman.

Resting on her stomach, Mary's tiny butt cheeks were being kissed and squeezed by the older tennis celebrity. Mary giggled like the schoolgirl that she was as her cute backside was playfully attended to.

Joan jumped up to take advantage of Mary's prone position. Opening her muscular, tan legs, Joan presented her pussy in front of Mary's curious face. "Want to give it a try?" Joan asked hopefully.

Mary gave a nervous smile, and slid slightly forward. After being orally serviced for the better part of an hour, Mary had some idea of what to do. Joan was raised up on her two arms as she provided Mary instruction on where to find her clit, and other sensitive areas of her vagina.

Mary began to lick dutifully and earnestly. Her unpracticed tongue began to vigorously engage with Joan's pussy. Joan was as excited by Mary's pretty, young face between her muscular legs, as she was by Mary's game first attempts at cunnilingus.

It was Joan who first looked up at the clock and regretfully suggested to Mary that it was probably time to get dressed and return home before someone started looking for her. Mary nodded her head. As much as might like it, she knew that spending the night with Joan would be impossible. For Joan's part, she couldn't possibly afford to be caught in bed with a naked underage girl.

Mary dressed, and carefully fixed her smeared lipstick, and combed and straightened her reddish-brown bangs and ponytail before preparing to exit the hotel.

Joan remained naked on the bed as she wistfully watched the pretty teenage girl dress and depart... likely forever. Two fingers had been inserted into her pussy as she took her last long looks at 14-year-old, Mary.

Returning to her home later that early evening, Mary was fearful that her secret lesbian tryst with tennis star, Joan Conrad, would be quickly discovered. Wordlessly, she climbed the stairs to her bedroom, keeping her head down.

Seeing Mary, Dr. Stone spoke: "You've been gone an awfully long time, Mary. How did your interview go?" Mary stopped briefly and said, "It went very well. She's a very interesting woman... in many, many, ways."

The End.

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