Marvelously Charming

By Joseph Foster

Published on Aug 15, 2007


Marvelously Charming

Chapter 9

The Decision

1 month later

"Ok Johnny, the Elders gave me a deadline if I don't figure this out by midnight tonight, they are gonna do it for me, what should I do..." Chris looked at his son, nothing but a smile

"You're no help." He said tickling his son's belly

Johnny walked in with groceries followed by C.J and Piper

"Hey guys, how'd the shopping trip go?" Chris asked as he lifted his son out of his high chair and held him

"Oh it was great, having these two with me really made is so much easier. I was able to go to Costco and buy all the big stuff we used to buy before Leo threw out his back." Piper said happily

"Anything else need to be brought in?" Chris asked while Baby Johnny gripped his finger

"No, nothing." Johnny said sitting down "You know before today I'd never been shopping..."

"How'd you like it?" Chris asked smiling, and bouncing the baby on his leg

"It was new, I didn't enjoy being constantly approached by people asking me if I was Johnny Storm.." He said

"But you used to love the spotlight..." Chris said thoughtfully and stroked both his boys' faces.

"Yeah, but I have new priorities now, stuff that really matters." Johnny said and started to stroke Chris's hair "I love you Chris, and I'm glad we're here." Johnny said

"Me too, I love you so much Johnny." Chris said and kissed his fiance

"OW!" Johnny said and realized he was on fire

"Take that shirt off!" Chris said shielding his son

Johnny threw the shirt on the ground and stomped on it "That was one of my favorite shirts!" Johnny whined "How did that happen, I mean I realize we haven't had sex in over 3 months but I am not THAT unstable." Johnny said

"Cool it hot stuff, I think our baby didn't like us being so close together with him between us and decided to separate us, but didn't know what he was doing.." Chris said as Baby Johnny smiled at his other father

"Aww, how could I stay mad, just look at him, he has your look of innocence." Johnny said and lifted up his son, then all of a sudden, they saw a cloud of fire appear around the baby's mouth and his pacifier was in his mouth.

"I think our son is coming into his powers, and I think the mix of your fire and my whitelighter powers is going to make for some interesting new developments." Chris said and walked over to Johnny and the baby

"Ok buddy you're going with Daddy Chris." Johnny said kissing his son's belly

"Time for your nap." Chris said and he walked up to the nursery, and put him down

"You're going to be just fine, daddy won't let anyone hurt you." Chris said and kissed his son before he left the room

He went to his and Johnny's room, to work on making his decision

Now that Chris and Wyatt had officially left Xavier's school, to take care of their families, Piotr was in a bad place.

"Look baby, I love you and I wanna be with you, but I can't just abandon my responsibilities, I am an X-Man, I can't give that up."

"Ok, first of all you're not even an X-Man, HELLO JUNIOR how's it goin, and second of all you have a daughter to take care of, a daughter that needs you and her sis---." Wyatt stopped, knowing full well he couldn't finish that sentence

"What is it? Spit it out man what's going on here...?" Piotr exclaimed

"I love you Petey, but if you leave, I don't want you to come back." Wyatt said, and in his head saw that beautiful future he'd seen disappearing before his eyes

"Are you saying to me, that if I leave, there will no longer be a you and me?" Piotr said

"Yes, that's what I'm saying, if you walk out that door, I never wanna see you again!" Wyatt yelled viciously

"I can't believe you can't see the bigger picture, what I am all about is above reproach, I help save the world from the bad type of mutants, and make your life easier, or do you not remember what the school you so quickly left stood for?" Piotr retorted

"What I do remember is that YOU knocked ME up and I left school to take care of OUR daughter, or don't you remember her, she needs BOTH of her Daddys!" Wyatt yelled again louder this time

"I think we need to cool things down, it's not like we were in this to get married, we are a couple, a couple that happens to share a child, and many people have a child or children and don't stay together, or stay together while one of them lives far away." Piotr said calmly

"I'm not one of those, and if you leave, I guarantee you, you will never see MY daughter again." Wyatt warned venomously

"You bastard, you are USING my child against me, if you try to keep me away I will go to the authorities, and I WILL take you to court." Piotr said just as coldly

"I'm a witch, remember, I can make you disappear in ways you can't even comprehend, o you watch what you say or do to me." Wyatt threatened

"I do remember, and you remember this, I have the strength to crush your skull with two fingers, so if I were you, I'd watch my step." Piotr threatened back

"I've had about enough of this, call me if you come to your senses... MANSION!" Wyatt orbed Piotr away

C.J walked in, "Jesus Christ what was that all ab---." He was cut off and Wyatt pressed his lips against C.J's

"mm, no... Wyatt, we can't do this, I'm your cousin, last I checked that's against the law." C.J said containing is erection

"Just go with it.." Wyatt said and kissed him again pushing him onto the bed and straddling him rubbing his chest and pinching his nipples while kissing him

"Oh my.. Wyatt, I'm a virgin..." C.J admitted turning red

"That's hot.." Wyatt said taking off his clothes and laying down in his underwear "Your turn cowboy."

C.J stood up and took off his Giants t-shirt, and tossed it aside, just like his father he had broad shoulders and a tapered waist sparsely yet still quite sexy hair, and small perky nipples inviting a warm mouth to lick them, he unbuckled his leather belt and pulled off his low-rise jeans revealing a tiny pair on black briefs, containing what looked to be a decent sized asset.

He pulled those off and out popped 7 inches of glory, uncut and perfect sucking size

Wyatt's mouth now watering "Get over here stud." He said and C.J straddled him

"I've had my eye on you since the first day we met." C.J said and kissed Wyatt softly and soon the passion was so intense they were both glistening and Wyatt roughly grabbed each globe of C.J's perfect bubble butt, and started to finger him, noticing how loose he was he asked

"I thought you said you were a virgin?" Wyatt was confused

"Oh, bath water and a dildo..." C.J admitted even more red

"Couldn't have been that long ago it's still HOT in there, and loose, you're already prepared." Wyatt said as he aimed his 9 ½ inch cock at his target

"Just do it and don't stop till you're about to cum." C.J said

"Where do you want me to cum?" Wyatt asked

"Just pull out and we'll go from there, I ain't getting pregnant, and there's no time to search for a condom, just do it." C.J gritted his teeth and Wyatt thrusted in in one movement eyes closed tightly

"OOH, it's so much better than a dildo." C.J moaned and started to roughly ride Wyatt's crotch rocket

"Oh. oh god yeah, your so hot." Wyatt hissed as he pounded into the hot ass meeting his partner's thrusts as he bounced on his lap.

"Oh Wyatt, you're so big and powerful, UH yeah, OH I love how full you make me feel." C.J said

They changed positions and Wyatt got behind C.J so he wouldn't have to look at his face, he started doggy fucking him and was moaning so loud he was glad his parents were at Magic School, C.J was screaming in pleasure, Wyatt was so close to coming he pulled out and started to jack it

"Oh YES, Oh god PIOTR I LOVE YOU!!!" Wyatt came all over C.J's back

"What?!... You ass, you just called me Piotr!" C.J fumed

"So what, I know it was YOU having sex with me.." Wyatt said a little coldly

"Is that why you didn't wanna look at me, cuz you were picturing him!?" C.J asked in a heartbreaking child-like whimper

"So what if it is, I needed a way to get over Pete, thanks for your help." Wyatt said as he got up and started grabbing his clothes

C.J felt used, and dirty, and furious "Are you telling me that I was just a way for you to CUM, you felt nothing NOTHING AT ALL, I- - I was a virgin, and you took that from me for nothing. Wyatt, YOU ARE SUCH A PATHETIC ASSHOLE!" C.J said and started to cry, he didn't put on clothes he ran to the bathroom and started to vomit

C.J got into the shower and turned the water on scalding hot and he climbed in and just started to sob his eyes out and let the burning water ravage his skin, he sat down in the shower and let the water run, like his tears.

Meanwhile back in Wyatt's bedroom, Chris walked in "What the hell happened, there has been non-stop yelling in here for hours?"

"Just a few small issues." Wyatt said emotionless

"Wyatt, bro, when you go cold like this, the only reason for that is that you have too many issues, do you wanna talk?" Chris asked him

"I just made 2 of the biggest mistakes of my life." Wyatt said and C.J was passing the door and heard them talking still wet, and crying a little but covered with a towel.

"What mistakes? What happened?" Chris asked

"I broke things off with Pete."

"Why... I thought you said he was in your glimpse of the future, you two had kids.."

"Yeah, but he wanted to leave me, he wanted to go back to New York, and he wanted to stay at the mansion and become a full X-Man." Wyatt said in a sad voice

"And what's wrong with that, that's been his dream since he discovered he was a mutant and started attending that school, so what else happened, I know it has to only get worse..." Chris said urging his brother to go on

"Nothing is wrong with it, but I felt like he only wanted to leave cause he was afraid of committing to me and Laura, I almost blurted out everything, but I didn't" Wyatt said as he noticed Chris's facial change

"Go on..." Chris said

"Then I told him if he left I never wanted to see him again, and he wouldn't see his child ever again, and he threatened to sue, we both threatened bodily harm and custody battles..."

"Ouch.. ok go on I'm listening." Chris said

"Then after I sent him back to the mansion, C.J walked in..." Wyatt said and C.J had to contain himself from barging in so he could hear. Chris was sure of what was coming

"You DIDN'T...!" Chris said knowing full well he had

"I kissed him, he resisted me, and I convinced him to go with it, he told me he was a virgin..." Wyatt had to stop for a breath and wiping some tears

"Wyatt, how could you do this, he is only just feeling good about being part of this family, and not to mention he's had a huge crush on you knowing he can't and shouldn't act on it, he held onto his virginity as a virtue, one of few he was able to have from being raised by demons." Chris said, and C.J was shocked, he and Chris has talked about a lot of stuff, but they hadn't delved that deep, of course he thought "HE'S AN EMPATH... DUH."

"It gets worse, so after, w^×I came I made him feel like garbage, I treated him like a whore, someone who didn't matter, it broke my heart when he spoke to me, but I felt like if I treated him without any feeling, that I wouldn't set myself up to get hurt again." Wyatt said crying harder

"Just let it out dude, it's ok to cry.." Chris said stroking his brother medium blonde hair

"I just feel lower than low, I took his virginity, and I didn't even show his the love and respect that I truly felt with him, it just hurt too much to think about Pete, I guess I fucked up totally." Wyatt finished

"You should talk to him, I'm sure he would understand if he knew you didn't truly mean the things you said." Chris said

"He doesn't have to." C.J said and walked in

"Oh god Ceej, I'm SO sorry, you can't even know how bad it feels.." Wyatt said

"Wyatt, I'm an empath, I know what you're feeling, and I also know, that you truly meant everything you said, and I accept your apology." C.J said and kissed Wyatt on the cheek "But I think it would be better if we focused on being cousins, friends, and nothing more." C.J said

"I agree, anything more would just complicate things." Wyatt said and hugged his cousin "Let's pretend this never happened, and if you'll both excuse me I have a boyfriend to get back." Wyatt threw on his clothes and orbed to the mansion

"Oh Wyaaatt..." He heard being moaned and turned on the lights, finding Angel on his back with Piotr plowing into him roughly

"Oh that's it, pull out I'm done wit---." Angel stopped when they both realized they weren't alone

"WYATT!!??" Piotr yelled and Angel flew out the window

"Sorry to interrupt..." Wyatt said normally

"Aren't you mad, I'm not mad, as long as your not mad that I just did the same thing with C.J, realized the errors of my ways, and want you back, whether you stay here or at the manor..." Wyatt said hopefully

"You had sex with C.J, but you said my name?" Piotr asked

"Yeah, um, like I said the SAME thing." Wyatt said and walked up to Pete placing his hands on either side of his face "I love YOU, and ONLY you." And he kissed Piotr

"I love you too Wyatt, forever, and I want to come live with you and our daughter." Piotr said

"Oh, you don't have to..." Wyatt said thinking of the argument earlier

"Look Wyatt, the things you said really resonated, and if I continue to put myself out there, and avoid what's truly important in this world, then what sort of man does that make me, I can't live like that, I want to be with you, and take care of our baby." Piotr said and a tear fell down his cheek

Wyatt wiped the tear, and kissed Piotr again, and they made love, with a condom, of course, no babies yet..

A week later, Chris and Wyatt were at the mall sitting at a food court table sipping iced coffees, with Laura and Johnny on their laps talking.

"Do you think we're doing the right thing, keeping the kids, and me getting married so young?" Chris asked his older brother

"I think we are destined for greatness and our kids are too, and that in order to achieve that greatness we need to be strong and follow our hearts." Wyatt explained

"But you've been to the future, you know that you're supposed to end up with Piotr, I haven't seen mine, all I know is I have children and a husband, what if Johnny isn't the man I'm supposed to spend the rest of my life...?" Chris said

"Well, maybe, you just need to have faith, when mom went to the future, she saw that it didn't work out with Leo, but that was a future where Aunt Prue was still alive, and only Melinda was alive, that OBVIOUSLY changed, then when Billie was teamed up with Christie she saw herself and Leo in the future playing Scrabble, so, you can see they wound up together, and I think that no matter what happens as long as in your heart you believe Johnny is the one for you then he is." Wyatt explained and took out a bottle for Laura and handed one to Chris.

They didn't realize so many people were watching them, Chris could hear their thoughts but since he wasn't focusing on anyone they weren't clear and he just tuned them out.

"Hey, I'm Angela, and this is my friend Vanessa, we were sitting over there and just had to come over." Angela said

"Are those yours?" Vanessa asked both of them referring to the babies

"Yep." Chris and Wyatt both responded

"They are both so adorable, look at her hair, it is so long already." Angela said about Laura "You're so pretty, oh, I love your barrette." She said

"He is truly adorable, I see he takes after his father." Vanessa said and looked at Chris seductively

Chris was going to have fun with this. "Yeah, I've been saying that, but he does look a lot like me too." He said seriously

"How do you mean, aren't you his father?" Vanessa asked

"Actually, I think I'm technically his mother..." Chris said

"What's going on here?" Angela asked

"Well we're gay, and mutants, funny combination we know, so we actually gave birth to these babies." Chris said hoping it would turn them off

"SEE! I told you they were gay!" They both said to each other at the same time

"We were coming over here to scope you for some friends of ours, but we'll let them know you're already taken.." Angela said

"I'm not just taken I'm engaged..." Chris said and flashed his ring at the beaming girls, who were both mesmerized by the flawless ring

"Well.. Congrats. Here's our numbers we should hang out sometime, do something gay guys and straight girls do with each other... What ever that is.." Vanessa said

"Thanks for stopping by, but we've gotta get going." Chris said and put his son in the carrier, Wyatt followed and they made their way to the car

"Driver!" Chris called out

"Fine, but only cause I drove here." Wyatt said and threw him the keys

They strapped the babies, and drove home, "Oh Chris I um, forgot my bag at the mall, I'm gonna run back, I'll just take the kids with me." Wyatt said grabbing the keys and leaving

Chris waved good-bye and walked into the house, "Hello?" he called, he house was deserted, he walked forward and heard a small crinkling sound when his foot toched the floor, he'd stepped on a folded piece of paper and when he looked down her found the paper and a trail of red roses.

"Chris I thought we deserved some time away, follow the trail."

Chris smiled to himself, and followed the trail, and followed it to the landing on the steps where another paper was waiting

"Keep going, left at the fork."

Chris followed the trail and found a note on the bathroom door and paper clipped to it was a greeting card.

"open the door"

Chris did so, and there was an Armani tux and a red tie and a red thong, attached was another note

"Wear them."

He went into the bathroom and changed and sprinkled on some of his favorite cologne and opened the medicine cabinet for some mouthwash, attached to that was another note

"See how well I know you, after you rinse, head to the dining room."

Meanwhile downstairs Wyatt, Piotr, Leo, Piper, Paige, and Phoebe were finishing the set up with a small bistro table like the one from their first date, some flowers, and a table for food, with two large plates set up and garnished, with candles ready to be lit and champagne, on ice and ready to be served. Johnny walked out of the kitchen and was ready to greet his lover "Thanks guys, now get going to our house."

Piper hugged him "Oh I can't wait to hear about tonight from him, good luck."

They all heard him on the steps and took that as their cue to leave they all wished him luck

"Happy Anniversary Baby!" Johnny said and walked up to his delicious looking fiance and kissed him passionately

"Johnny, this is so romantic, how did you pull this off, I swear all that stuff wasn't there when I got here?"

"I have my ways, now my gorgeous fiance, would you like to join me for a meal?" Johnny asked pulling out Chris's chair

"I'd love to." Chris said graciously sitting

"I did the cooking but your mom supervised." Chris had hesitated at the fork full of food and that relaxed him knowing his mom had been there, he took the bite

"Johnny! This is amazing!" Chris said and took another bite

"They say the key ingredient to all food is love, and for you my precious Christopher I have plenty of love." Johnny said as they ate peacefully

"Johnny I love you so much, thank you for tonight, I don't deserve this." Chris said cheekily

"On the contrary, you deserve much, much more, you are the `mother' of my child, and the man of my dreams, and my fiance, and I love you, and you love me, we both love our son, if that isn't enough of a reason for you to deserve all this and more, then nothing is." Johnny said

"You can sure give a good speech." Chris said

Johnny hit the play button on the concealed remote, and music started to play, "Chris would you dance with me?" he asked with his hand held out

"Yes." They began to dance slowly and Chris laid his head on Johnny's padded shoulder and let out a tear

"Chris, there's nobody else for me." Johnny whispered in his ear

"I want to make love to you Johnny." Chris said seductively and led him upstairs, they got to their room, and removed their tuxedos,

"Do you mean you wanna top?"

"No, I just want you to make love to me." Chris said as he laid back

Johnny kissed him lovingly and Chris moved himself, and started to suck Johnny' monster, which was reaching a length Chris had never seen

"Oh baby you're beautiful, you're so good to me Chris."

Chris laid back again and guided Johnny's pulsing cock to the entrance of him hungry hole, "Make love to me Johnny." He said, and allowed Johnny to have control.

He lovingly pushed forward and popped in the head Chris moaned loud, he allowed Chris's tender hold to acclimate to the thickness, and started to bury the entire shaft in it's rightful place, his pubes here resting on Chris's tight bubble ass.

"Oh Chris, you've never felt so good." Johnny moaned loud

"It feels so good, Johnny, now make love to me." Chris commanded

Slowly and lovingly Johnny started to make passionate love to Chris, then remembered.

"Oh shit hold on..." he grabbed a condom and tore it open, he slid it down and pressed back into the waiting quivering hole.

"Oh Johnny, I love you keep going don't ever stop, UH OH GOD!" Chris groaned and moaned loudly calling out Johnny's name to the gods, and enjoying every second of being plowed

"Oh Chris, oh baby, I'm gonna cum, oh, oh OH YEAH! OH CHRIS OH." And with that Johnny exploded into the condom and stayed in Chris while he kissed him, they were sweaty and sticking together, Johnny pulled out and disposed of the condom.

"I'm gonna take a shower." Chris said and went to the bathroom, while Johnny still naked ran and grabbed the envelope from the kitchen counter

When he got back upstairs he joined Chris. "I wanted this to be a quick shower." Chris said

"We don't have to do anything, just wash each other, and maybe kiss a little." Johnny said cutely and proceeded to shampoo Chris's hair and lather his body, and Chris did the same to Johnny and they took turns rinsing off and made out until the water became cool.

They went to their room and got dressed. "I have something for you." Chris said, and pulled a box out from under the bed, it was pretty big, and then pulled out a smaller box.

In the big box that Johnny unwrapped first was a Nintendo Wii, and practically every game that was released.

"Wow, Chris, how did you afford this."

"Well I have saved a lot, for a long time, and I dipped into the savings my Grandmother and Great Grandmother, started for future grandkids, in case they were well.. not around.." Chris said

"Thank you baby, I think I've been talking about getting one for so long, but just haven't been able to find one, and just gave up." He said

Chris handed him a smaller one, and inside was the pictures they'd taken, in expensive looking frames, the first one of them as a family with a tiny Baby John and Chris still in the hospital, the second one was the picture of Baby John asleep on Johnny's chest, and the third one was of Chris and Baby Johnny, taken only a week before this occasion.

Johnny teared up and said "This is perfect.. I love you."

"You are perfect, and I love you too."

"I got you, or rather us, something as well." and Johnny pulled out the envelope.

Chris was a little tweaked that his gift was a "we" item, half expecting a gift certificate to a lingerie store, he took the envelope he turned it over and a key fell out

He pulled out the sheet of paper, and it was a deed, to a house 1320 Prescott St, that was next door

"Oh my GOD, Johnny, you didn't?!" Chris asked excitedly

"I did."

"I can't believe it, we have a house, a HOUSE!!!!" Chris yelled and jumped into Johnny's arms.

"It's right across the street, so you never have to be far from your family, and they can all be a part of our children's' lives." Johnny said holding his lover

"I wanna see it. Can we walk over...?" Chris asked happily

"Of course, but you forgot one thing..." Johnny said handing Chris another small box

"Johnny, nothing more is necessary, for years, nothing more is necessary..." Chris said modestly

"Look, you deserve everything and more." Johnny said as Chris opened his box to find a key

"Another key?" Chris said examining it, discovering it was the key to a car

"The key to your new Range Rover!" Johnny exclaimed

"Oh my god Johnny! ... No, honey, I can't take this, I mean, we aren't even married we've only been together a year, and this, is just too much." Chris said slightly sad

"Toph, baby, I'm gonna tell you this yet again, there is nothing I wouldn't do for you, is it so wrong that I want you to have anything you desire?" Johnny asked

"But why? I mean, it's only been a year, doesn't all this stuff come later, like after marriage." Chris asked

"So you're not happy with the gifts...?" Johnny asked biting his lip in sadness

"No, that's not it I love them, and I love you but you don't have to do all of this, you have me." Chris said hugging his fiance

"Did it occur to you that maybe I enjoy doing these things for you, because you make me so happy, and have given me so much jut by standing by me, that I want to repa you with even a fraction of what you've given me over the past year, you've loved me with no restrictions, and been there for me, given me a son, and I want to provide the best for my future husband and my son, and any other little Chris and Johnnys that will be running around, so do me this favor and just accept what I give you." Johnny said to Chris

"Ok sweetie, but, this is more than enough for now." Chris said pecking his fiance on the lips, "Let's go see the house!" Chris exclaimed and ran down the stairs dragging Johnny along

They went out the front door, and walked across the street

"Do the honors..." Johnny said

Chris put the key in the lock and unlocked the door

"SURPRISE!" Everyone yelled and they all swarmed them and presented them a fully furnished home, complete with pictures of the family on a red wall

"Wow..." Johnny said, not having expected them to set up the house

"Oh my god, thank you guys, so much, but this arrangement is SO gonna change." Chris said laughing at the furniture set up "It looks like a battle star ship from 2100!" He continued and everyone laughed

"Well Wyatt was the brains behind this room, I did the entire upstairs, Aunt Piper did the kitchen, mom did the office and library, and Aunt Paige did the basement and exercise/magical practice area, and we all sorta helped out everywhere else." C.J explained

"Well thank you everyone, it looks great, except this, but it's all good, it's the thought that counts, right bro?" Chris said with a smile to Wyatt

"Yeah, sorry, I thought it would look good.." Wyatt smirked

"It would, if the furniture was plain as opposed to dekko, that's why it looks like something from Star Wars" Chris said

"Ok, well as much as we appreciate everything, how about you all go out to a nice meal for all your hard work, and take the kids with you, and for that, I'll pay, have whaever you want." Johnny said holding up his credit card

"I'll take that." Phoebe said like a teenager

"Have fun." Chris said and walked them out

"You guys are the best... oh no, we don't have space for everyone in the cars we have, Paige orbed them all here, and we don't wanna use the cosmic taxi if we can avoid it, I guess I'll have to come back for the rest." Piper said a little down

"Well, if you take Dad's car, and your new Jeep, that should fit everyone."

"Yeah honey but that would leave 2 people, plus the two babies." Piper said trying to figure something out."

Chris debated with himself, "OK... Take my car..." He said a little flustered that he hadn't even driven it yet.

"What car?" Piper asked

"I'll be right back." Chris said "Hey Johnny?!" as he ran into the house he saw someone hovering over Johnny while he was laying down, obviously knocked out

"NO!" Chris said and threw an energy ball at the demon, barely fazing it, he kept throwing them, and managed to call for help

Wyatt came rushing in and fire wave blasted the demon, but he just reformed

"Stupid witches, haven't you learned yet, I am indestructible"

"Not for long." Wyatt said and reached deep within himself and pulled out one of the powers he never dared to use

From his eyes you could see the power building and like a bottle shaken to his core he exploded with power, he shot what looked to be electricity covered metal spikes from his hands, and when they impaled the demon, they blew him up piece by piece.

"Wyatt, what the hell was that?" Chris asked pretty scared

"What was what?" Wyatt said and walked out

Chris ran to Johnny and found him bleeding profusely from a fresh wound on his stomach, he applied pressure and checked to see if he was breathing, he was,

"Johnny, are you ok, baby, talk to me!" Chris said crying

"...Chris.... .I'm s-so, s-sorry, I thought...I could stop him..." Johnny coughed

"No, no Johnny you are not going to leave me, I can't lose you!"

"I---Love.... You.." Johnny said and his eyes closed

The family was now gathering around, watching, but not daring to approach the awful scene before their eyes

Chris was bawling "Johnny! You CAN'T LEAVE," He shook him "and you know why, because we're supposed to grow old together, we're supposed to have children and live a long happy life together, and damn it Johnny I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!" Chris shrieked and a tear fell onto the hand that was covering the wound on Johnny, and slowly his hand became covered in light was glowing

"What?... Johnny baby, if you can hear me, come back to me, come back..." Chris said and slowly the wound started to heal, and the color on Johnny's face was returned

"Chris!" Johnny exclaimed "What happened?"

"You don't remember..." Chris asked not really in the form of a question but more like a statement

"I remember a demon attacking me, and something hit me... and then, you... healed me." Johnny said kind of questioningly

"Well, I wasn't going to let you die, and then out of nowhere, right after I said I loved you, I... healed you."

"So then that wasn't a dream..." Johnny said to no one

"What?" Someone asked

"Well, I was floating over my body, watching everything as it happened, I saw Chris crying and screaming, and all of you giving him his space, and then I saw his hand start to glow, and my soul was able to just float back down, I thought I was dreaming, but now I see, that really happened." Johnny said and hugged Chris one more time

"Ok you guys are still going out to dinner, we've never let death stop us before, Johnny honey I need the remote opener for the garage." Chris said

"It's in my car, um, here." Johnny handed him the remote key to his car

Chris walked out with them, and they all were surprised to see a grey Supercharged Range Rover Sport sitting in there with a green bow on it, as green was Chris's favorite color.

"Well, who's doing the honors of being the first to drive it before me?"

Henry Jr. and C.J popped up to the front of the line

"How about I give it to... the third new charmed one..." Chris stated handing the key to C.J

To be continued..

Next: Chapter 10

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