Marvelously Charming

By Joseph Foster

Published on Jul 26, 2009


It was a long time coming, but it's time to end this story, readership has dwindled, and I don't feel the motivation to keep writing if nobody is reading, the story will continue until an even 50 chapters and be done. Unless of course some amazing wave of feedback comes in, I've had little to no response to the sneak peek, but I'm not ready for that drastic of a change... so we'll see how response goes... By the way this chapter has a throwback to some drama Chris and Johnny had, but includes a previously unseen sex scene... a hot drunken one... can you remember that being hinted at before... not to mention this chapter will bring us back to the time that was the hardest for Johnny and Chris... the return of some character favorites [chapter 46] and some nice sometimes hot flashbacks...

Marvelously Charming

Chapter 45


What can I say, it was bound to happen anyway, I always knew leaving the world would be the hardest thing to do, but who knew it would feel like this, I've cheated death so many times and now here I am knocking on the pearly gates so to speak, death felt like dropping from a high drop on a roller coaster, like I was free falling, as though your heart is in your throat and stomach is coming out of your butt... I don't regret death, yet I do not welcome it, my kids, my husband, my family, i'll never see them again, and that is the part that not to seem ironic, the part that kills me. I've loved them each and everyone of them fiercely, day by day, when the triad attacked I knew I had no choice but to protect them, all of them, so I attacked first, I was hit with nine energy balls before hitting the ground, my body burned and bloody... He came running to me, but by the time he made it to me I was gone...

72 Hours Prior

The day I died started with a family meeting, we discussed the triad's movement against us, and we decided on a plan of attack...

"Okay the triad has made the first move, what they want us to do is attack them so we can't, we have to stand our ground and we have to fight harder than we ever have fought before..." Wyatt motivated his family

"We all have to work together to defeat them, the power of three is going to prevail, but only with the help of our family." Chris added

"If we all work together and collectively use the power of the Halliwell line, we should be able to stop them from reconstituting again." Melinda chimed in

All wise choices, but what I couldn't seem to grasp was where did those of us non Halliwells fit in...

"Johnny, Pete, we need you on this, we need you to help command and coordinate the magical community, they're on our side this time, but we can't use them for detective work, they'd never go for it after last time" Paige said

"You got it..."

"Yeah, of course, anything we can do."

We all set forth making potions, practicing our combat, and powers of course, it took Chris almost an hour to explain to John why he couldn't go.

"You know... we know a few vampires that might be willing to help if they knew the severity of the situation..." David said

"You really think the Cullens would get involved?"

"I think that if Alex is truly a member of their family now, they would do just about anything for him..." David said and orbed out

"Maybe he's right, having some immortals on our side couldn't hurt..." Wyatt said

"True, and we won't have to worry about the Cullens turning on us."

"I think that we should take as many allies as humanly possible." Chris said and we all agreed with him and Wyatt...

It was mere hours later that we orbed into magic school (See their move had been to reclaim it for evil once again...) and they were performing some sort of ritual, so Chris threw a potion at them separating them, it was at that moment that I saw them all align and each throw an energy ball towards Chris that multiplied into three, I saw this in a slow motion, and I wasn't about to allow my husband to take that, I hurled myself in front of the energy balls, it was all moving so slowly it seemed like a bullet time special effect, and the energy balls collided with me one after the other throwing my burned and bloody body into a stone wall, and all I heard was an enraged scream, I looked up to see Chris rise into the air and do multiple 360's and suddenly electricity fired from him at the triad, they were all knocked back, and then the vampires started to tear them to bits, but all the while the charmed ones read a spell...

"Stop the evil triad we summon the powers that be cloak these beings from all things magic, avoiding something much more tragic."

They then lit them on fire as though disposing of a lifetime of anger in that fire

Chris started to run towards me, "JOHNNY!!!" he screamed and it seemed to reverberate off the walls echoing

He kneels beside me, and takes my hand, I can't feel this, but I can see it from my position above my body, Melinda is giving me CPR to try and bring me back, but it doesn't work...

I see Chris break down in tears, "NO!! Johnny you can't leave me, please come back, I can't do this without you baby, please, PLEAASE, Oh GOD... You said we'd grow old together, you told me we'd be okay, you said you'd always be there, WHY!! JOHHNNNYYY PLEAAASE!!! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH, I can't even imagine my life without you, come on baby please wake up, please, please, please, please, please, please, JOHNNY!! NO! NO! NOOO!!!!!" He screamed as Wyatt pulled him in embracing him "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" he screamed in such a scream of just agony, I could feel his heart tearing apart, he buried his face into Wyatt's shoulder and I floated away...

I arrived in a bright white area surrounded by columns and clouds, I figured this must be heaven, there were people in robes and I didn't know what to do, "Hello?"

"Hello Johnny, I'm Sandra, I'm an elder."

"Oh... right Chris mentioned something about that..."

"We don't have much time, this is a very delicate situation, we are going to do something for you and for Chris that violates every code we've ever had as a tribunal, it is a unanimous vote, you of course were destined to become a whitelighter, but you will be assigned to the Halliwells, and will be allowed to continue in your position as a father to your children and husband to Chris, mind you, you will out live them and live forever, is this something you want?"

"Do you even have to ask, do it, do it now... please.. I just had to watch my husband scream and cry over my body, send me back..."

"Very well..." She said and the tribunal of elders held out there hands and I floated back down to my body where a sobbing Chris was surrounded by tear filled people, I felt my floating self reunite with my body, and the bruises, burns, and blood disappeared in white lights and everyone looks astonished

"Johnny..." I hear from Chris hopefully

I open my eyes and sit up slowly, Chris runs to me and embraces me so tightly, "How is this possible?"

"I'm one of you now..."

"A whitelighter?"

"Your whitelighter..."


"No buts, I'm an exception, we can still be together, and since nobody is here, nobody will know I'm dead..."

"I don't believe it, how?"

"I guess the elders decided they owed you..."

"Thank you so much for saving my life, but I was so scared, I thought I lost you..."

"You did, I was gone, completely, and I still am, but I'm here in a much different way, Sue, Reed, and Ben aren't gonna take it well that I no longer have my mutant power, and can't help them..."

"You are mine again, I don't care about anything right now..." Chris said and kissed me, then everyone surrounded us and I was bombarded with hugs and praise for my bravery

"You must feel weird without that extra body heat..." Chris said

"You could sub in..."

"Eew... We don't wanna hear that..." Melinda said and we all erupted into laughter


"OW OW OW!!!" I exclaimed as I removed the casserole from the oven

"Johnny, what's wrong baby?" Chris asked as he ran into the kitchen

"Ow..." I turned on the water and ran it over my hand, "I used to literally BE fire, and now I can't even touch a casserole dish, it's just hard to get used to being so... so... human—ish..." I said with a wry smile

"Honey, do you want me to heal you?"

"No, I'm gonna be okay, I just don't know about this, it's really weird, I can't fly, every time I try to I wind up orbing and falling flat on my ass..."

"Yeah, that comes with the territory, you should talk to my aunt Paige, she went through this change later in life too, so you two have that in common..."

"Maybe I should..."


"Okay, so now that we've practiced orbing and you can at least land on your feet let's try something else, let's try sensing..."

"Alright... what do I do?"

"Well, let's pick someone you're familiar with... I sent Chris out and told him to go somewhere he's never been before, I know where he is because I've sensed him, so I need you to do the same, to do it, you need to find your center, and focus..."

"Okay..." I really tried to focus, balancing myself to find my center...

"Now, think of Chris, and want nothing more than to find him, and make that your only priority..." Paige coached, she was very good at this, in 2 weeks I have learned so much about my new life... "FOCUS!" She commanded more forcefully

I thought of nothing but Chris, I knew I had to find him, I made it the only thing in my head and my goal... "I'm sensing him, it's faint..."

"Good... now focus more carefully, pinpoint him, think precisely..." She coached me gently

I tried very hard and I immediately sensed him... "He's in Canada in Toronto!"

"GREAT!" She applauded me and patted me on the back, "I know that must have been draining for your first time, so we'll call it a day, I'll summon your man to cook you a nice meal... with that she called for Chris and he hugged me

"Baby, I'm so proud of you, you've come so far already."

"I've got you and Paige to thank for that, you guys have been great." I said and gave him a quick hug once more and he did actually go to cook dinner...

Chris's phone rang... I answered it


"Is this Chris Halliwell Storm?"

"No, this is his husband, can I help you?"

"Yes, I have Nick Cassavetes on the line..."


"Yes, may I put him through to Mr. Storm?"

"Yeah, just a second... Chris?"

"Yeah hon?"

"A movie director is calling you... I thought you said you were done with movies..."

"I am... gimme the phone..."


And that's how it began...


Chris was on the phone for almost an hour while I ate the food he'd cooked for me and I could hear him sharing a laugh and talking business but I just ignored it for the time being...

He walked in... "That was interesting..."

"What, you turned him down though right, you know what it did to our family the last time you did a movie..."

"Johnny, you don't get it..."

"What is there to get, you ripped apart our family to pursue your dream..."

"I was just offered 25 million to be in his next movie..."

I knew my eyes were probably bugging out of my head

"What?" I asked

"You heard me, I was offered on par with someone like Johnny Depp, to be in this directors next movie, that's why he called me himself, baby, this is the man that did `The Notebook' like my favorite movie ever... and I could work with him... and you know we can use the money, you don't have the Fantastic 4 anymore, P3 and Charming are struggling lately, it would be tough, but if I do this, we'd be set..."

"You know how I feel about this... but the kids have to go to college... right?"

"Baby, I'll orb home every possible moment..."

Chris dialed the number and excitedly informed the director I was already beginning to dislike that he was in, and would `fly' out that weekend to set everything up

I sat back and recalled the days when Chris was gone so much, I'd even cheated on him one drunken night, and for some reason that was the memory that played back...


I was at P3 throwing back shots like there was no tomorrow, when I saw him walk down the stairs, I'd always noticed him, but even with this blurred vision I could see how hot he is...

"Oh wow, Johnny, I didn't know you'd be here."

"Heey Alex, care to join me?"

We did shot after shot...

"You know Johnny, how do you do it?" Alex slurred

"Do what?" I slurred in response

"Wait... wait... and wait for Chris to come on home, from Narnia... or whatever he .. wherever he is..."

"Yeah, Narnia's a far walk from here man... I don't know, I guess it's the love... you know... thing..."

"I guess... but aren't you like... horny?"

"So bad... blue balls... every night..."

"You want some help?" Alex asked seductively

Barry walked up to us, "You know guys, we're gonna close up, so I'll get you a cab back to the house."

"Thank YOU Barry man... you are the... best." I said to the manager

We made out the entire cab ride home, and we went up to my master bedroom while everyone was asleep...

We kissed with so much lust and passion I was overtaken in my drunken state I pushed Alex's head down and forced his large thick cock down the blonde's expert throat, "That's right suck that cock, get it good and wet so I can fuck that ass."

Alex mumbled on my dick and deep throated me in a way Chris never had I was on the verge already, "On all fours..."

I shoved my bare cock inside him using only his own saliva dripping from my hard as a rock cock for lubrication, I covered his mouth as I penetrated him roughly with no romance behind this, he was my means to an end, nothing more.

I pounded him in a standing doggy style until I felt my orgasm begin to build and I roughly yanked my penis out of him shoved it down his slutty throat and came in gallons from lack of sexual attention...

That was how I remembered it, this new movie was stirring up these bad memories, I can only hope they don't continue...

The following Monday I was watching flipping channels, when Access Hollywood flashed on the screen I stopped it was usually something boring to see, then Chris's picture came up, "In other news, our reports indicate that Chris Storm has signed on for the latest New Line Cinema Promise' for a quite a large number reportedly 25.2 million dollars will be paid to the actor, you may remember him from his films the smash hit Journey of a Lost Soul' for which he nabbed an Oscar, and the more conservative yet highly rated `Brothers' this newest film marks his first public appearance since re-marrying his husband Johnny Storm the former member of the Fantastic 4, rumors of at least one song on the soundtrack, get ready for it ladies and gents... he's back..."

I turned off the tv and breathed a sigh, this was gonna be hard, but I have to prove to Chris I am with him, no matter what

"Okay, now that everyone's here, I just want to start this whole ordeal, the movie is based on four married couples, and the promises they made with one another on the day they said I do, it's one of those fun dramas that has multiple storylines, Chris I hope you're up for play a straight doctor... Megan, you're his neglected wife, and when you go out on the town for a night with the girls you meet a guy, that's you Elijah, and they have an affair, the first time the stories cross paths it will be because Chris will become suspicious of the ongoing affair, and become the client of the Elijah's wife to find out if his wife is sleeping with someone, and that's when the story takes a turn from drama, to suspense, after Chris finds out, he snaps, sorry Megan, but be ready for some abuse, this thing might reach rated R people, we are putting the good doctor in the bad bad shoes of snapped spouse..."

a voice in Chris's head said

"Now there's only one sex scene, that's with Fox and Kelley, its not raunchy no, these are neglected spouses who are finding the comfort they need, even though a lot of people will hate these characters, we want to play both ends up here, we want them to feel sorry for them like they were pushed to each other, in the end everything will make sense..."

<Sympathy... who needs it...> the voice said again

Chris just shook it off saying it was just nerves.

"So Chris, the cast is going out to get some grub and drinks, you up for it?" Megan asked with a smile, obviously flirtatious

"Of course, no better way to gain a good relationship with your cast than food and drink..." Chris joked and they all headed out

"I WANT MY MOMMY!!!!!!" Justus screamed at the top of his lungs causing Johnny to double back

"Mommy's not here right now!"

"I... WANT... MY... MOMMY!!!" he screamed again and began crying

"Mommy's at work, come to daddy, it'll be okay..." the little boy walked over and buried his face in Johnny's shoulder

"I-I m-m-miss mommy

"I know... I know... mommy will be back soon..."

"I never... slept with a man..." said Matt, whom was playing one of the married men

Chris, Megan, Blake, Rachel, Zoe, and to Chris's surprise Jason, all took a shot of the vodka...

"Jason!? Really, you gotta tell us who..."

"Um.. well, I'm on a soap opera while I look for movie work right... so.. well. I like, one night, hooked up with my... well.. not really my... he's well my onscreen brother..."

Everyone did a toast to that, all the straight guys seemed to have a lot of questions about life as a gay man

"Is it tough to be in the spotlight and gay?"

"Probably no tougher than being the `homewrecker' to Zanessa..." I said and we all laughed

"Wait, so you and Efron really hooked up?" asked Luke

"Well, I don't know if you call it hooking up when you date for six months..."

"Did you mind when he and Vanessa had a baby that if im right about the timing was conceived during your relationship with him...?" Rachel asked

"It was a one night thing, they'd broken up, saw each other, and bam...nine months later little Jasmine poof... there she is... I don't care, we weren't together... WE WERE THE NEXT NIGHT THOUGH!" and everyone laughed again

"So you really married a superhero huh?" Zoe asked

"Yeah, I guess I did..." and I did that freaky hand trick you've seen in star trek we were all having a good time

I shook my head of whatever that was

"So have you ever even kissed a girl?" Megan asked

"In high school..."

"Was she as pretty as any of us girls?"

"Is this a trick question?" I asked and everyone laughed yet again

"How long have you and Johnny been together?"

"Eleven years in about a month."

"How old were you when you two started dating?" Zachary asked

"Were you living under a rock Quinto, they were like the biggest scandal back in the day, 17 and 25... how very enquirer of you Chris..." Megan said laughing

"No. for your information I was living in a tent... you would know about tabloids..." Zachary joked

"Don't be sour just cause my movie grossed more than your movie..." Megan teased

"Yeah with your racist robots..." Zoe said

"Please, you got to make out with Chris Pine, I got Shia Labeouf... ew... he's cute but so just... felt like I was drowning..."

Everyone oohed at that

"Wait I thought you guys were dating..." I said

"Please, spare me the tabloid rehashes.. super handsome, but so not for me" she said in response

"So Chris, you looking forward to playing the abusive husband...?" Luke asked

"Not so much the abusive part... but... hey you can't win them all..." I responded

"Well husband... let's dance..."


"You were supposed to come home after the table read!" Johnny yelled at me

"I was going to, but then I was asked out to drinks with the cast, so I had to go..."

"So it's back to this again, only now the kids are all older, they know you're gone, and they all cry for you every night, I was counting on you last night, you have responsibilities..."

"Johnny, I know, but the club is folding, the restaurant is holding it's own but it may close too, that's our only income now that you don't have the fantastic 4 gig anymore, this money from this movie will save us, in this economy, come on, a year or so bouncing back and forth I'll do more for my kids than I would filing for bankruptcy..." I responded, finally admitting my failures felt awful, "I failed, my mother was the glue that held those places together, without her, they'll both end up closing, and her legacy is dead, I can't do it all, but I can guarantee our kids a future."

"Chris, don't worry, I'll throw some big benefit at the club, and I'll save it, my name still pulls weight in this country..."

"You do what you need to do and so will I..." I said

<So prideful, must hurt to admit your failures...>

"SHUT UP!!!" I screamed and my powers caused Johnny to blow up

He reformed... "That's a useful feature... what the fuck was that Chris..."

"I don't know, just tired I guess..."

<That's right lie to him, he doesn't need to know... yet...>

"I've gotta get back I've got screen tests..." I said and orbed out

"Okay Chris, Megan, we wanna do a quick run through of the confrontation scene..."


"I've got errands to run before the benefit tonight, is there anything you need from the store?" Claire asked

"Can I ask you something?" Greg said

"Of course honey..."

"Do you know Julian Branch?" he asked

Claire looked mildly disturbed, "Julian, Julian... no it doesn't seem to ring a bell, is there a reason?"

"No, just his wife, she's my lawyer, I met with her about a case in the hospital, husband attacked his cheating wife, turns out there is precedent for him to get off scot-free..."

"That's horrible, a man should show more restraint, maybe she felt neglected from a busy husband who was never around..."

"Maybe... I'm just so lucky to have you, you my lovely wife, who would never do that to me..." Greg said and gave his wife a hug, and whispered in her ear, "Would you?" and squeezed her hard

"Honey... you're hurting me..."

"You didn't think I'd find out, you thought I was stupid!?" Greg shakes his wife


"You're a gold digging whore..." he says as he shoves her hard

"And you're a horrible man, you leave me here all day to do your errands and keep up your house while you go off to work 24 hours a day, you never even make love to me, you're always too tired, well I found someone who does it for you like I do everything else for you..." Fake slap across the face

"Do not talk to me that way, I have provided you a wonderful life, given you everything you've ever wanted, clothing, a car, a home, all I asked in return was for you to be here... not laying on your back in some cheap hotel room..."

"Yes... you've given me all that, but all I ever wanted was you..." Claire said while crying holding her face where she'd been `slapped'

CUT—Author POV

"Great job guys, that was, wow, Chris, I need you to be a little more realistic with the slap when we film it, Megan, a little more wet with the tears, all in all guys, fantastic job" said Nick

"Good job, I've never had to fake slap someone, I'm glad it didn't backfire..." Chris said to Megan

"Yeah, you too, wow... thanks for being so gentle when you shook me... and shoved me..."

"I'm getting this whole abusive thing down aren't i..." Chris joked

"Yes.. big bad man..." Megan joked and made her way to her trailer

Chris decided to do the same,

"Who are you...?"

<Why Christopher I am surprised at you, don't you take the time to learn the names of who you kill?>

"You don't sound human..."

"So you're a demon?"

"Well if you're not human and you're not a demon what the fuck are you?"

<Language young one, you have much to learn, and I cannot wait to teach you>

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"We'll see about that..."

Chris set to work writing a spell to get rid of the voice, <I can control you to make it impossible to write a spell, or tell anyone about me>

"So you're a telepath then..."

"The only telepath I've even had a hand in killing... but you're not jean..."

<Yes... You're ON FIRE now... hehehe>

"You're the Phoenix aren't you...?"

<and Bingo was his name-o... you got it, guilty as charged>

"Why me?"

<Because you're the weak one, and I was sick of being a woman, so I chose the weakest member of the Charmed line to execute my plan>

"And what plan might that be?"

<Oh... just the execution of the human race, you understand... pesky humans always trying to kill what they don't understand>

"The world accepts us now, we don't have to hide..."

<They only pretend, as we speak they are mobilizing an attack that could wipe out all creatures that exhibit non human characteristics>

"I don't believe you..."

<They call it a cure, but they will turn it into weapons, weapons that we are powerless to stop everyone powerless except us...>

"I won't help you..."

<You won't have a choice>

"Maybe I'll just kill myself"

<Have you forgotten who you're talking to... I don't think so>

"I will stop you..."

<Then we will all die because of you... you're choice>


I realize it's not that long, but I had such a struggle writing it so I will promise a long chapter 46...


Next: Chapter 44

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