Marvelously Charming

By Joseph Foster

Published on Jul 26, 2007


New Friends (or Foes) Family Nonetheless

"Paige, Phoebe, are you guys gonna stay over tonight?"

"Yeah but we are gonna bring everyone with and that way all the kids can get to know their new cousin." Phoebe responded

"That's nice.. Well don't forget that Chris and Cooper aren't talking right now, so we want to not have them bunk together, perhaps Cole could room with Chris for tonight."

"But Johnny was gonna bunk with me." Chris replied

"And honey if you think I'm gonna let you and your boyfriend share a room just know, the same rules apply now that did for girls."

"It's so good you guys finally cracked and converted all those rooms to bedrooms, we never would have been able to survive with only 4."

"Well a sewing room was a bit much, especially since nobody sews.. Fabrics anyhow.." Piper said remembering stitching Leo in a mini sewing room

"Well why don't you guys go round up your kids, Paige so you have less to orb you should have little^ÅI mean Henry Jr. orb the girls, damn I always forget he's not too much younger than Chris."

"Will do Madame." Paige said sarcastically

"So Cole, what was the underworld like, mom won't let us go down there to see it." Wyatt asked

"Honestly dude, it was terrible, it's cold dark, and very wet, no electricity just torches."

"Sounds 5 star^Å" Johnny said

"You wanna play playstation?" Chris asked everyone

"Uh, what's that?" C.J asked

Wyatt and Chris laughed at that

{Is this guy for real??} Johnny sent to Chris

{HUH? No playstation, keep it cool he did live in hell for 17 years..haha hell.}Chris replied

"You guys know I can hear that right?"

"Hear what?" Wyatt asked with confusion

""Is this guy for real" for one Johnny, but thanks Chris it's nice to know that someone understands the meaning of isolated for my entire life."

{Yeah too bad you were isolated, and too bad we're related cause I'd tear that ass up..} Wyatt thought

Both Wyatt and Cole looked shocked and were both different shades of red

"Chris baby, Cole is gonna be bunking up with you tonight so conjure up a bed or something."

"Okay mom we discussed this already, but.. will do."

"Aren't you guys worried about personal gain?" Johnny asked "I mean I realize I'm new at this but aren't you?"

"Well we are careful and we use our magic for some tasks we call it practice that way we don't get in trouble for it." Wyatt said

"I see, are you sure you don't have a problem bunking up with me tonight." C.J asked Chris

A loud voice echoed in their ears. "And why should he..." A Boy and two girls appeared before them they looked about 13 or so. "He does have a little crush."

"Henry shut the hell up, just because I'm gay doesn't mean that I have a crush on every guy I see, and I HAVE a boyfriend anyway.. one that I'm in no way related to thank you very much." Chris yelled

"You certainly act like it" Both the girls said.

"You two just be quiet you're too dim to understand, not to mention you're only in 8th grade what do you know?" Wyatt stood up for his brother

"We know that you practically drool every time we go to the mall and a certain check out boy checks you out." Penny said to Wyatt

Cole was amazed that someone could be so open with their family about who they really are.

"So does everyone know you guys are gay?" C.J asked

"Yeah pretty much, I was dating a guy for a while but I ended up having to vanquish him." Wyatt said

"So he was a demon.." C.J continued the sentence

"Yeah I realized that the first time we were, well let's say touching, and he had orbs on him where I had touched him and that only happens when a whitelighter touches a demon." Wyatt explained

"So you vanquished him, just like that? No hesitation?"

"Yeah well I mean you can love someone or care about them but eventually you have to make the decision, are they too dangerous to live, me, my mom, and Aunt Phoebe had to make that decision, and we just hope that none of our family ever has to do that." Wyatt said

"You guys all seem great, and again thanks for the thoughts Wyatt" Cole said with a wink

"Ok I realize we just got here, but who's he... Mom didn't explain anything" Penny asked

"Yeah she just told us to meet up with you guys at the manor and that you would fill us in" added Patty

"And we really wanna know..." Henry tossed in

"Well I'm Phoebe's oldest child." C.J said

"But Cooper is her oldest kid." Penny said with confusion

"No, I am, they thought I died at birth, but I was kept alive by demons and here I am." C.J explained further

"So are you a demon?" Henry asked shielding his two sisters

"I WAS, but mom and the aunts bound my powers." C.J finished

{What a crock what's this guy planning} Henry tossed out to his family

"NOTHING, I just want to know my family." C.J replied out loud

"Nobody said anything dude" Henry covered

"But you thought it!" C.J yelled at Henry

"I thought they bound your magic!" Henry retorted

"They did! But only my demon powers were bound, and it was a potion by your mother and I hear she's the best." C.J threw in

"So what you like have Aunt Phoebe's powers?" Patty asked

"Yeah all of them" C.J told her

"Well since you're my cousin why don't you help me with my bags to Melinda's room" Penny said throwing her bag at Cole

He caught it and gasped; He was having a premonition, Both of the twins and Henry Jr, were being turned to piles of ash.. He caught his breath


They orbed in with Henry, Leo, Christie, Caitlyn, Cooper, and Billie

"Henry what happened?!" Paige asked her son

"How should I know I was with you guys?" Her husband replied

"Not you honey our son, the one who screamed for us!" She said slapping his head

"I don't know Penny threw her bag at him so he could help her with it and when he caught it he gasped for air, and it was like he was in a trance." Henry Jr explained

"Oh I know that reaction, he must've had a premonition." Phoebe said

"You mean he can do that too?" Henry Jr asked

"Yeah Henry he can."

"Cole, honey what did you see." Phoebe asked

"I saw...Them...die" he said pointing to Paige and Henry's children that they were holding

Everyone in the room looked shocked

"But demons haven't come after them before why now?" Henry Sr. asked

"Because they know we have all of us in one place, it's a suicide mission but thy feel they could get someone." His dear wife responded

Piper looked at Cole "Listen buddy can you tell us exactly where they were when his happened?

"It was late, really late in the kitchen, maybe they were getting a midnight snack, the house looked deserted." C.J said

"Alright then guard duty for Paige's kids tonight they have their own room, Paige you'll stay with them and guard from the inside, and Piper you can stand guard outside the room.

"I wanna help" Johnny said interrupting Phoebe

"No thank you Johnny, fire can't help us this time." Phoebe said honestly grateful for the offer, "and I'll take second shift, everyone else be on alert. It'll be ok honey this isn't your fault" Phoebe finished her previous thought and hugs her eldest."

He gasps again another vision, Outside the room with a letter M on the door, Phoebe gets sent flying through the door and one of the pieces of the door becomes lodged in her back, she's dead

"What did you see Cole?" Piper asked

But all he could do was hold his stomach where Phoebe had been stabbed and he slumped to the floor.

"PAIGE HEAL HIM" She screamed

The twins were screaming and Johnny, Wyatt, and Chris looked horrified both Henrys just looked dumb founded

Henry Sr. asked his wife, "What happened how did he get hurt, he was just standing there?"

"All these years together and you ask these questions now.. Just a sec babe." Paige held her hands over the wound and they began to glow, the wound healed

"Because the psychic connection being so strong for his vision what ever happened in his vision echoed and happened consciously too." Phoebe explained, stroking her eldest son's hair

"What happened Cole?" Piper asked him

"I saw my mom being killed, by a demon."

"That explains why he was hurt, his connection to Phoebe, when she apparently got impaled he felt it so much that it happened to him, their shared powers as well a blood just made it happen faster" Piper told everyone

"She was standing guard, I think, where were you gonna have Paige's kids sleep?"

"We were gonna move Melinda to the couch, and let them take her room, why?"

"Because mom was killed by being sent flying through a door, a door with a M on it, M for Melinda, she was standing watch."

"Oh no, what are we gonna do, if we don't stand watch three kids die, if we do the Charmed circle is broken"

"What if we set a trap.." C.J suggested

"What kind of trap do you have in mind Cole?" Paige asked

"You and mom could swap identities and we could have some crystals ready, and while you standing watch as Phoebe, then you'll get attacked but you can call for the crystal cage to trap us a demon."

"That's pure genius, but what if your vision was of me pretending to be Phoebe getting killed?"

"But when I got the vision I was touching my mother, but point taken, I'll stand guard with you"

"No it's too dangerous." Phoebe objected

"No because if we both stand guard I can use empathy to redirect his powers and use them against him." Cole argued

"The man makes a good point." Henry Jr. added thoughtfully

"Yeah mom we want to have a mom when all this is over." Penny said hugging her mother

"Ok Cole, it's you and me standing guard, I look forward to some good conversation, I have to stay awake after all." Paige said eyeing her new nephew with a little suspicion

The hours ticked away and everybody separated and reluctantly went to the their rooms and to sleep

At about midnight Henry Jr. was really thirsty, he thought about attempting to orb a bottle of water from the kitchen but knew he lacked the power, then he remembered his mother is awake.

He opened the door to his room


"Yeah sweetie, what do you need?"

"I know I'm not supposed to leave, so can you go grab me a bottle of water?"

"Sure sweetie, I'll be right back, Cole, go into the room with them and protect them if anything happens."

Paige went to the kitchen for the water

Two demons shimmered in, "Is she the one he wants?"

"Yeah that's the one"

Demon number one conjured a fireball "Come with us willingly or we'll take your corpse, your decision."

"Or...FIREBALL!" Paige stole the fireball and sent it back towards the demon

"What? Your not a whitelighter.." the demon was confused

"But I am" Paige said as she morphed into her true form

"Well a charmed one is a charmed one, I'll kill you regardless." The second demon replied

"Well you're welcome to try." Paige said

"Ah, yes Paige, you were always the witty one, weren't you, how witty will you be when I filet your precious children." The first demon said

"You'll have to get through me first." She replied

"Not an issue." The demon replied and lunged forward but Paige orbed out into Melinda's room

"Cole get ready, I'll protect them, it's all you now, I don't have the right kind of power."

Cole exited the room and waited for the demon to show

"ok." The demon shimmered in "You will not be harming my family." C.J told the demon confidently

"Is that you young Cole? You're father's been asking about you.. He was wondering when you were going to fulfill your end of the bargain, and deliver him the book of shadows."

"What is he talking about Cole?" Paige asked as she emerged from the room

The demon threw a fireball towards Paige but it stopped midair

"How what..?" The demon was confused "That's not your power!"

"But it's the power of someone in this house; therefore it is MINE as well." Cole replied

"And I only let my father believe that I was working in cooperation with him, so he would allow me an exit from the spiritual realm." C.J said

"Well if you're not with me, then you're against me." The demon replied removing his hood to reveal his father.

"Cole? But how is that possible we vanquished you." Paige said

"Don't worry Paige, I'm still very much dead, but someone I don't know who, conjured me, the way you do with your grandmother from time to time, and like her I have my powers whilst I'm here." Cole Sr replied

"So DAD, what are you doing here?" C.J asked with venom to his words

"Can't a father visit his son at his home?" Cole asked

"Not when said father has been dead for years." C.J replied

Paige interrupted "Wait a second, why did you want the book of shadows?"

"Simple, I wanted to have something of the charmed ones, that I could use to make you three use the grimwar to resurrect me."

"I've had enough of this conversation I am gonna check on my kids" Right when Paige turned her back Cole Sr. sent her flying Cole Jr. reacted and orbed the bedroom door open.

"I told you, you won't be hurting my family, CRYSTALS, CIRCLE!"

"What are you doing?!" Cole screamed as everyone emerged from their respective bedrooms

"Something my Aunts and mother should have done the minute you became a spirit"

Cole Jr. Picked up the athame his father had dropped and stabbed himself

"NO!" Phoebe screamed

C.J's spirit was hovering above his body then grounded itself

"Ashes to ashes

Spirit to spirit

Take his Soul

Banish this Evil"

He kept repeating the spell until he watched his father disappear once and for all

Paige healed him as soon as his body woke up his head hurt like hell, and then Paige slapped him across the face.

"WHAT?!? I'm awake!" he screamed

"That's for not telling us everything, and not to mention risking your life, 2 more minutes and your brain would be damaged!" Paige screamed at him

"Yeah those side effects can be a bi.. I mean difficult sometimes huh?" C.J said

"Go to bed honey, I'll clean this up." Phoebe said motioning toward the crystal cage and pile of ash

All the kids started back into their rooms

"I guess he's the ash now." C.J said

"How do you mean?" Paige asked

"Just that instead of Penny, Patty and Henry being hurt it's my dad that's gone for good now."

"Go! Bed! Now!" Piper yelled

Cole walked into Chris's room and laid down on the bed Chris had conjured for him

While he was laying there he remembered the days events, in one day he had learned about his family they had accepted him and he found out his cousin had the hots for him.

"Not bad for a day's work." C.J thought

To be continued.

Next: Chapter 5

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