Marvelously Charming

By Joseph Foster

Published on Jan 4, 2009


Marvelously Charming

Chapter 37

Bite me... or Don't&

It has been a rough few months, falling in love with a vampire, having it be a long distance type thing... though the cosmic taxi sure makes the latter much simpler to deal with. I keep getting it from all angles, "what about your son?" "whether or not he hunts people, he's still evil..." though the thing I least expected was&

"Guys... come on... he's in love, the man he loves is not evil, he is forced to have a part of him he can never fully satisfy, and he is filling that emptiness with love instead of blood..." The shocking part was, it was Chris who said this&

"You... agree with me?"

"I may not be the first to volunteer to allow your boyfriend to baby-sit my children but if you love him, what's to stop you..."

"Well I'm not sure if LOVE is the right word..."

"Don't you?" Johnny asked from the couch

"How could I, I've only known the man a few months."

"I knew I loved Chris the moment I saw him smile when I walked into a room; the second he held our first kid, and the sparkle he had in his eyes, I knew that love was untouchable by any other feeling..."

I watched as Chris's eyes misted and he hugged against his husband, the love just radiated, "Do I look anything like THAT when I'm around him?"

"What do you mean?" Chris asked with a slight nervous laugh

"What I mean is, the way that your eyes get that teary look and you smile because of the way your guy talks about you, I mean it's like the love you guys have is visible..." I saw Chris turn pink at this statement

"Well I don't know, but you can tell you are feeling something. Just take your time and enjoy him, don't do anything rash."


"Do you believe in love at first sight?"

"Well that depends, did you want to love and then devour, or devour then love?" Bella asked

"Could you just be serious, you're the only one of us that has been human within memory's reach; you're the only one that can help me..."

"Well, when I first saw Edward he took my breath away, but that doesn't really count, because you're supposed to be taken in by a vampire..."

"But vampire tactics have never really worked on you, even James, one of the most lethal of all vampires, had to think like a human to almost kill you, until you he'd never failed, now that's saying something..."

"Okay, so maybe you're right... I mean, I suppose I didn't know that it was "LOVE" but I knew I felt something, and then when we started becoming friends, and we started dating, I found out for sure that this was somebody I would give anything to be with."

"How long..."

"Well, let's see... my first day in Forks, he hated me, and progressively over the months he began to thaw out a bit, well as much as a cold one can..." We laughed at her Quileute humor she'd obviously picked up from our werewolf buddies, "and then when all those boys who paled in comparison to Edward began asking me to the ladies choice dance, I knew I wanted him to be the one falling over me... but he never did... and I think that's one of the things that really attracted me, he was like no other guy I had ever met."

"That's how I feel about Alex, I mean, even his name makes me quiver a bit, and his smell, I haven't smelled anything so amazing since your human days."

"Thanks..." She punched me in the arm... I was still getting used to the fact that her punches hurt now

"Anyhow, he isn't like anyone I've ever met before, he's totally different, and I love the way even as human as he is that he can lay me out with the flick of his hand."

"Well, keep in mind, he IS a witch, I'm sure he has some kind of duties, and if he wasn't able to become a vampire, would you be willing to sacrifice you immortality?"


"Alex lets be serious, are you willing to possibly put yourself and your son in danger to be with this man?" Wyatt asked

"How many times do I have to tell you, THEY DON'T HUNT HUMANS..."

"Doesn't mean they don't fall off the wagon every so often..." Melinda said

"Now you too..."

"You need to listen to them Alex, hear what they have to say..." David said

"Are you kidding me, please tell me your fucking kidding me, Davey, you are like my brother, you've been like my father for 16 years, are you telling me that you think I'm making a mistake?"

"Would it make a difference if I do?"

"Yes, it would, so tell me, how do you feel?"

"I think getting involved with a vampire is dangerous, and reckless, regardless of whether or not he loves you."

"I think he does..."

"But you have to ask yourself, would he be willing to sacrifice his superior strength and immortality, to become mortal, to be with you?"

"I don't know..."

"Then would you be willing to become a vampire...?" Melinda asked almost accusingly

I couldn't answer I couldn't speak; I just thought for a minute, what life as a vampire would be like&


"In a second... all he'd have to do is ask, and I would be done with this life."

"That's an awfully big commitment..." Bella said

"I've been waiting my whole life for someone like him, and now that I have him, I'm not going to let go..."

"You my brother, are head over heels for that human..."

"I believe the correct term my sister is that WITCH..."

I saw the orbs and we stood up, "Speak of the angel..." Bella said and quickly left&

"We need to talk..." Alex said and looked me in the eyes; the look I'd seen that day in the garage the one that said all I should do is stand there and hear him out.

"Ok baby. Let's talk."

I saw the look in his eyes as he absorbed the pet name and hoped this would be a good talk&

"I need to ask you something, and it's a pretty big question, one that will change a lot..."

"Okay..." I said bracing myself for the please become human question

"Do you love me?"

Whoa... wasn't expecting that one, thank god I don't usually show much expression&

"Wow.. that is a big question, baby, listen to me..." I took his face in my hands delicately, "you are the one person in this world that I have EVER loved, and the only person I ever want to love, so to answer your question more directly, yes, with all of my would be heart..."

"Then it would appear that we are at an impasse..."

"How do you mean?"

"I mean that we have a choice to make, either I become a vampire, or you become human..."

I didn't know we had to CHOOSE, I thought he would pick for me&

"How to you propose we figure this out, flip a coin...?" I asked him

"Be serious..."


"You don't honestly think he'll do it do you?" Melinda asked

"I don't know, I mean he didn't answer the question he just orbed out..."

"He wants to be with him..." David said

"Of course he WANTS to, but he shouldn't be...?"

"Who the hell do all of you think you are?" Chris asked walking into the master bedroom where they were all talking

"Excuse me?" Wyatt asked

"Don't you talk to me like I'm an idiot, I'm an empath you moron..." Chris crossed his arms, "Who the hell do all of you think you are to dictate who Alex spends his life with..."

"Well..." David began

"Don't try and pull the "I raised him" bullshit, it won't fly, point is he's a grown up man and would likely appreciate some damned support instead of all you self righteous bastards and bitch judging him for who he may or may not love..."


"I love you more than I ever thought I could love someone, I didn't think I deserved love, I think it's time for you to hear my story&

Alex's Story

"When I was born my parents Coop and Phoebe were the happiest they'd been, because I was their last baby, and the first born without complications, complications would present themselves later around the time I was two years old. When I was two I developed Leukemia, and I was only able to survive because my Aunt Paige and Uncle Henry allowed their seven year old son David to be tested as a possible donor. When they found out he was a match, they refused to make him do it, said it would have to be his choice even though he was only seven."

"Wow..." Emmett said

"Wait there's more..."

Emmett held my hand as I continued digging up my past.

"Even at seven years old David was so far beyond advanced for his age, he knew right from wrong, left from right up from down, you name it and he was totally understanding, we'd always been really close.. I was too young to remember this, but I've been told the story so many times..."


"Honey, I have to ask you something..."


"Remember when mommy told you that your baby cousin is sick...?"


"Well sweetie, your body has something that might make him feel better..."


"Well baby, you're a little young to totally understand, but your bones have something that Alex needs..."

"Can I help him?"

"Only if you really want to, if you help him, you're not going to feel very good for a little while..."

"I wish it was me instead, I see Auntie Phoebe and Alex crying in the room..."

"You really love your cousin don't you...?"

"Well I don't have any brothers or sisters yet..." Little David said touching Paige's belly

"Yep, the girls are going to be here by the time you and your cousin get better, are you excited..?"


"Let's go tell Auntie Phoebe you'll help..."


"I was only two, my mother was crying, my father was crying, and I was crying, my cousin was standing strong, at only seven years old he was more composed than a grown man."


"I'll always be there when you need me..." Little David said and kissed Alex's forehead, before getting taken for his donation

"And he was always there for me, the cancer went into remission and I was able to be normal, well as normal as a half cupid half witch can be, but we were inseparable, when I was five, things took a turn for the worst; we were taken captive along with the rest of the children, so our families would be forced to fight on the demons turf. When they came to the rescue, a badly worded spell backfired and only empowered the demons more and they began to kill our family, my mother, father, aunts, uncles, sisters, cousins, everyone, even their loved ones, Wyatt had managed to throw two energy balls freeing David, and David was able to free me, but we saw Wyatt get decimated before our very eyes, blood and limbs were everywhere, piles of ash and scorch marks, and burned bodies, were all that was left of our entire family. David acted quickly and cloaked us from sight, we were the only survivors of the massacre, and we were forced into hiding."

"Oh my god, but how are they all..."

"Oh.. wow.. I forgot to tell you I'm not from this world, I am from a parallel universe, and in that universe evil won when it decimated my family, and the world became a dark place."

"Ok, well, I'm a vampire; I can deal with having a boyfriend from another world."

"Anyhow, he raised me;I met a guy and we were getting a little hot and heavy, I said no but he kept going. David had burst in and beat him within an inch of his life. After that I had trust issues, major ones, and then I met another guy, John Storm, we weren't exactly the perfect couple, I was out and proud, and he was so far in the closet he was in Narnia, he used me for sex, told me he loved me to gain my trust, and got me pregnant, and when I told him the whole truth, he ran off. Then one day when we were chasing a demon I had a head rush, and we somehow wound up in this world, and when I tried to take us back, we couldn't go back... and now here I am, years later, about to enter another relationship, even though this one is deeper with a true meaning, you can see how that might be somewhat difficult for me right...?"

"Wow... baby, I had no idea, I am here, I'm not going anywhere, I love you, forever."

"Will you become human for me?


As he told me his story, I held his hand, and I thought to myself, how could somebody so confident and so near perfection, have so much baggage... He is so composed he puts most vampires to shame; I never would have assumed that he'd been through anything like the things he told me.

When he said it would obviously be difficult for him to enter a relationship with true meaning I almost thought he was going to break up with me... then came the question I'd been waiting for.

"Will you become human for me?"

I'd never thought about being human, my last birthday was in 1935, what did I really know about being human, having a heart that actually pumps blood, getting laugh lines or wrinkles, all I know is that, even with all that, I would do just about anything to keep this man in my life, and if that means, actually getting tired, or having to work out, or even aging, how could I say no&


I could see in his eyes he was thinking about the question, I don't know if I should retract or what, is it too soon, I don't know "Yes" god I'm so stup--- "What?"

"Yes, I will become human for you, if that is what it takes to keep you with me, then we can be together, until death do us part."

"That sounds more like---"

"If I'm going to do this I'm going to do it right."

And with that Emmett placed a ring to rival Chris's engagement ring on the glass coffee table

"I will become human, if you will do me the humane honor of marrying me."

I was stunned, I am so not ready for this, but it's a huge commitment on his part why shouldn't I, I love him, but what if we fail, oh god oh god oh god oh god&


I just looked into his hopeful eyes&

To Be Continued&

Editing done by

I've edited some of the best stories on If you need a story edited, I'm your guy J

Next: Chapter 37

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