Marvelously Charming

By Joseph Foster

Published on Apr 29, 2008


Sorry it took like forever and a day, but I've been dealing with..., so unfortunately the story was back-burnered for a while, but here's a start at the stuff to come, hope you like*...

Marvelously Charming

Chapter 32

Blind Justice Pt. 1

One Year Later

"Please tell me you and the kids are up and ready to go..." Chris said into his wireless headset

"Yeah.. we are..."

"Liar... I'll be home in 20 minutes, I just have to pick up the last of the supplies for Jesse's birthday party..." Chris said as he drove through the now green light

Out of the corner of his eye he saw a black sports car, it was coming fast, and before he knew it, everything was black

"Chris?..." Johnny said into the phone

No answer...


The driver of the other car got out, and walked up to Chris's window, he knocked on it

"Hey... Are you ok...?" The mysterious looking man asked

Chris remained unresponsive

The man smiled and walked away

A passerby saw the exchange and immediately phoned for an ambulance

Johnny ran into the hospital searching for Chris, "I need to find my husband, can you help me?" he asked the first staff member he could find

"Whoa... calm down sir, take a breath... What's his name?" a woman with a soothing sound to her voice asked

"Chris, Chris Storm.."

She smiled, "Nobody told me we had a celebrity as a patient.." she winked at him, as they walked up to the front desk

"Nurse Powell, this is Johnny Storm, he's looking for his husband, Chris..." the young male nurse's face lit up slightly

"Your husband is in room 310, wo... yeah room 310..." Nurse Powell said as he observed the female physician shake her head

"What is it?"

"Nothing, go see your husband..." As Johnny walked away, all he could hear was, everyone else, but nothing else

Johnny found the floor Chris was on and his room, he looked pretty bad and was unconscious...

"Wyatt!" Johnny called

Wyatt orbed in, "Oh, no... how is he? I can't heal someone who's just unconscious..."

"Can't or won't?!"

"Hey now, this is my brother we're talking about, I've literally gone to hell for him..."

"Whoa seriously...?"

"Almost 8 years, and you're surprised?" Wyatt smiled

"Well... I mean... yeah... I guess..." Johnny chuckled and covered his mouth

"John, it's ok to laugh, Chris would never want you miserable..."

There was an appearance of orbs

"JOHN!... Why aren't you..." Johnny began but saw two people with him...

"Zac..." Johnny said

"Hello Johnny, how's Chris..."

"He's fine, wow... is that Jasmine?" Johnny asked of the little girl who was obviously Zac's child by looking at her

"Yeah, I can hardly believe it myself... Say hi to Uncle Johnny sweetie..."

"Uncle Johnny?" Johnny asked

"I though she should know her WHOLE family, so I show her pictures all the time, her favorite that puts a smile on her little face is the one with all the crew, you know before Piper and Leo... god I'm so sorry I should have come sooner, but I was trying to get this album out..."

"Don't worry, we got the flowers and Chris REALLY appreciated those emails and pictures updating him on Jasmine.."


"Yeah son?"

"Do I have to go to school?" John asked with a hopeful look in his eyes

"Not today."


"But do me a favor go home and stop Pete from sending Jocelyn, she should be here too..." John orbed out

"I cannot believe how big he is, how old is he?"

"He's eight, almost nine, Joss is almost 6..."

"Wow... she must look just like Chris..."

"Man, I swear, John is all me, Joss is all Chris, but Jesse, he's both of us... You should see Wyatt and Pete's kids, Laura is eight now, and Grace is turning seven this year, it's unbelievable, it feels like its all moving so fast..."

"Yeah, but you know, once life reaches a certain point it'll be smooth from there on..."

"I don't even wanna think about that..." Johnny said

"Mama?" Jasmine said walking towards Chris

"She's walking, so is Jesse, although its more of a struggling bounce..."

"She can run, but walking doesn't go over too well..."

"Has she been targeted by demons?"


"Good, neither has Jesse..."

"I want to move out here, I just think our kids need each other I mean, like it or not, they are still twins...."

"But what about your career..."

"Dude, I still have all that musical money... I'm fine to take a break, I can Julia Roberts it a bit..."

"What the...." Wyatt said and when Johnny and Zac looked over Jasmine had her little hands over Chris's bandaged head and it healed

"What happened?"

"I don't know, she wanted to get on the bed so I put her up and she just started healing him..."

"Why didn't you heal him...?" Zac asked

"Because I didn't want to draw attention from the doctors, and now who knows what's going to happen"

They heard moaning, and then slapping sounds of Jasmine slapping Chris's chest a bit, then they heard two sets of giggling, and Chris woke up, and hugged the little girl, "Oh Jasmine, baby, I've been thinking of you..."

"Hey Chris welcome back..." Zac said

"Wow... thanks... what happened anyway, felony hit and run, maybe a drunk driver?"

"They don't know details, but they do know it's a hit and run..."

Chris started playing with Jasmine, she was smiling, "mama" she said and Chris's eyes widened

"Oh my god... he first word..." Zac said

Chris stared at Zac for a second, "What are you doing here...?" he asked but then snuggled against his youngest child

"I was about to take Jas to the nanny's but then John orbed in and told me what was going on and I thought you might need to see your daughter..."

"Thanks, she's gotten so big... and looks... just like you... wow.. so Ava was right, we don't need a DNA test..."

"Look Chris, I'm putting my career on hold for a while, I think its important Jesse and Jasmine be together, even if we aren't, this past year has just felt so wrong, and I swear, sometimes when she's crying, she's crying for him."

"Oh wow, thank you, that means, more than you'll ever know..." Chris said almost in tears

"Well, look who decided to wake up." A cheerful sounding nurse said from the doorway

"Yeah, what can I say, I'm a restless sleeper."

"Very good, I'm just gonna get some quick vitals, my lord what a beautiful baby girl."

"Isn't she though?"

"Huh... that's so strange, I'm sure she's your daughter, but I look over at him there, and wow, she is him 4 feet shorter with long hair."

"Oh wow.. imagine that..." Chris said nervously

"Ooh, sweetie, try to relax, your pressure just went way up..."

"Sorry, a little bit stressed..."

"No apology needed, just relax, and I'll be back later..."

"Oh my GOD..." Chris blurted as she left the room

"I know, I was waiting for her to just out with the affair accusations that were racing through her head, that she's now talking to the other nurses about..." Wyatt said

"Wow... Wyatt, you're really getting this empathy thing..."

"Yeah, it's my one power that I'll never have fully, but the parts I do get are pretty cool..."

Phoebe and Paige orbed in and without so much as a word, Zac, Wyatt, Johnny, and John, got whacks on the head, a collective "Ow, what was that for?" was heard

"Nice job calling us, we have to hear about this on the news, TMZ, and Mitzy Newman, from next door, how could you not tell us something like this...?" and the four males received another whack, while Chris smiled from his bed, and Phoebe and Paige both whacked him while the others laughed

"What was THAT for, I'm the one hurt..."

"Don't think we don't know you were talking on your cell phone while driving..."

"So how are you doing?" Paige asked

"I'm ok, I kinda, nevermind it's stupid..."


"No it doesn't matter..."

"If it matters to you it matters..." Paige said

"Ha... mom always used to say that, I don't know, it's stupid, I mean I realize I'm 25 and shouldn't feel this way, but, this is the first time I'm hurt and mom won't be there to take care of me, I just wish she was here."

"That's not stupid at all sweetie, it really isn't, it's only been a year, and so much has happened, loss, gain, it doesn't make you any less of a man to want your mother right now, especially since she's gone." Paige said

"Oh Aunt Paige, those foster kids are lucky to have you, you're such a great social worker..."

"So, when are they letting you out, I know how much you hate hospitals."

"Eck... I hope by tonight, I mean it's not like I'm hurt anymore..."

"Who healed you?"

"Jasmine, she's so young, she has no sense of consequence yet..."

"Oh well... you're a fast healer..." Phoebe said

"That's what they tell me.."

The whole family wound up visiting Chris at some point, that night he fell asleep with no drug assistance since he wasn't hurt, his mind was racing he finally relaxed, and that's when the dreams started...

"You should have saved us..."

"You Failed ME"

"You were supposed to be STRONG"

"It wasn't our time"

"You... Are... WEAK!"

"How could you let us DIE?!"

Chris started to shake and thrash in his bed, air caught in his throat, "It's your fault their dead, you could have saved them..." he saw himself speaking

"You were more worried about yourself than saving them"

"No you're wrong, I couldn't have saved them, I was dying..."

"Well guess what THEY'RE DEAD!"

"OK!... Listen... self... we couldn't have done ANYTHING, we had a hole in our chest and were being poisoned to death, they were set to die, the Angel of Death even said so, the Angel of Destiny said so too, if they hadn't we would have!"

"What good is this power if it can't save the ones I love..."

"I always ask that question, but we can't always save the innocent, as much as we want to."

"But why did they have to die??"

"Because it was their time, it's part of life."

Chris awoke, to Johnny holding him

"Johnny, what are you... where am I?!"

"It's ok sweetie, you're in the hospital..."

"Where's mom.... Oh yeah, that part wasn't a dream was it..."

"No honey, I'm sorry, that was real..."

"I can't believe they're gone.."

"It's ok baby, you know when my parents died, there were some days I didn't think I could possibly survive the sadness, but, I remembered, I have Sue, and my friends, and then I met you, and you gave me the best of the best reasons to live, you gave me love, and three beautiful children to prove it, and we share that, so I know, we can survive... together..."

Chris felt the tears, of happiness of what was just said, but also of the sadness of what he's leaving behind...

To Be Continued....

What's the deal with Chris's accident?

The Mystery man at the scene.... Find out next chapter/episode

Questions... Comments...., find the yahoo group for my other stories as well...

Next: Chapter 32

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