Marvelously Charming

By Joseph Foster

Published on Jul 24, 2007


Marvelously Charming

Chapter 3

The Big Return

1 Month Later

"Chris I think we should go to your house for your birthday.. I mean I'm sure your mom would love to see you and your brother, and it's about time they all spent a little more time around me, and what better excuse than the birth of our favorite person?" Johnny asked seriously

"I don't know, last time you were around her she was pretty pissed... but how bad could it be?" Chris innocently responded

"Damn it" yelled a frustrated Piper

"What did I do now mom." Chris asked as he, Johnny, and Wyatt orbed in

Piper looked at her son all disheveled from what looked to be a rough night

"Happy Birthday sweetie! Oh it's so GOOD to see you two" Piper said hugging her two sons, "Oh.. Hi.. Johnny..."

"Your changing the subject.. what happened?"

"Oh alright you caught me..."

"Caught you what?" Wyatt asked

"I burned his birthday cake and this is the second one I had to make."

"Why can't you just buy a cake like Aunt Phoebe does for her kids, or like Aunt Paige does, and how did you know I'd be here?" Chris asked his petulant mother

"Yeah but Wyatt Auntie Paige can't cook cereal why do you think her twins and little Henry live off of mom's cooking, and I didn't but we were gonna celebrate it with or without you, we were just hoping for without..."

All of them shared a laugh

"Ok I'm running late classes start in 20 minutes, and I lost my gradebook"

"Chris help your dad then orb him to magic school if it isn't too much trouble."

"Not a problem, DAD'S GRADEBOOK" He yelled holding out his hand and the gradebook materialized in the swirling lights he was fond of.

"GOOD JOB BUDDY!" You just called for something you didn't even know the location of, that's advanced stuff."

"Thanks dad but you're late.. MAGIC SCHOOL!" Chris waved his hand and his father disappeared

"Chris, why didn't you just orb him yourself?"

"Do I look like I am in any condition to be seen by the extremely hot student and staff body of magic school?"

"HEY!" Johnny smacked Chris upside the head "That body of yours is mine, and I don't need my boyfriend parading around trying to be noticed."

"Point taken wow having a gay son really does have its perks, my wardrobe is so much better nowadays and the interior decorating is certainly much nicer.."

"HEY I'm not all that bad, is it so wrong to wanna look my best before I am seen in public? For real, mom you know how much I hate stereotypes, I haven't even been here in over a month"

"Yeah we know but you fit some of them so well Chris."

Paige then orbed in "Oh HEY guys!" she said hugging her nephews

"Morning Aunt Paige, shouldn't you be off, I don't know checking in with your parole officer." Chris asked sarcastically

"That joke is getting so old." She replied

"and so are YOU!" Chris quipped

Piper and Wyatt both started to laugh, Johnny just looked confused

"Oh you are so dead!" Paige said

Just as Paige tried to hit his head he orbed out and she tripped forward jamming a finger.

Chris called from upstairs. "Sorry about the finger Aunt Paige"

"How does he always know?" she asked the general audience

"Probably because you jammed a finger last time he pulled that trick" Wyatt answered

"Good point my dear nephew, where is my beautiful niece?"

"She is sick and I am currently making her some soup." Piper chimed

Paige looked at Wyatt and leaned in for the information "Really bad cramps and her mood swings are making things blow up things without using her hands and things are flying without a flinch. So she has to stay home, for the safety of her high school."

"I take it my loose lipped son has informed you on the situation." Piper said with out even looking up from the stove

"Yeah he did." Paige replied

"Well then since you know.... Why don't you make yourself and that dye job useful and take this to her, please." Paige took the soup, and ran her free hand through her fiery red and black hair

Paige went upstairs and knocked on the first door with the M sign on it "Melinda! It's Aunt Paige I have some soup for you."

"Leave it outside the door, I don't want to hurt you."

"Ok honey it's out here when you want it."

About thirty minutes later Wyatt and Chris came down the stairs and they saw a demon shimmer in

"DEMON!" Chris sent the demon flying towards the grandfather clock and froze him

Wyatt said a spell and his head unfroze

"Who are you and what do you want?"

Phoebe appeared in swirling white lights, Paige and Piper came running in "WHATS GOING ON"

"Don't worry mom we took care of it."

"I.D WE NEED AN I.D" Piper yelled

"I asked you a question, who are you?"

"Ask her!" the demon said and looked at Phoebe

"Excuse me? How would I know you?" The demon looked to be only a couple years older than Wyatt

"What's the matter mother don't you recognize your own son?" The demon asked

"Aunt Phoebe what's this jackass talking about?" Wyatt asked

"Language Chris, and I have no clue the only baby other than Christie, Caitlyn, and Cooper that I ever.. No! it's not possible, there's no way."

"What do you mean Aunt Phoebe, what isn't possible?" Chris asked

Phoebe sat down "There's something you boys don't know, about a year before Wyatt was born, I was pregnant, but the evil seer stole him from me when he possessed my body and went to her, the seer had us trapped in a cage and we used the most basic of spells to shield ourselves, and the magic was too much for the seer, and she as well as all the other upper level demons present at the coronation were obliterated, with little Cole still inside of her, I was only 6 weeks along there's no way a baby could have survived that, that's how I know it's impossible."

"If this little family moment is over me and Wyatt here have a demon to squash."

"Well as touching as that tale was I AM your son, I am surprised at the name you referred to me as, why was that my name?"

"Not to say I believe a word you are saying but that was the name of my baby's father, a man that did unspeakable things, and a man we vanquished three times." Phoebe replied

"Well before my cousins kill me would it be too much for you to let me down and explain myself." He answered

"I guess not." Paige replied " DEMON!" and she threw him as hard as she could into the sofa

"Now tell us exactly what you mean, and don't lie" Piper cut in

"Well as I have been told by the demons who raised me, I am the progeny of the source and a charmed one, namely Phoebe, they told me that after the coronation that I along with the seer were in the wasteland, and when they absorbed our auras they also absorbed, well me, and we gave them the power to leave the wasteland, and Trixani, the one who gave birth to me, lost my magic when I was born, she raised me and then when I turned 15. I was kidnapped by a demon and sent to the spiritual plane, the a death guide named Cole, saying that he was my father and that he was going to help me but that he was not alive and could not leave the spirit realm."

Piper looked a little more convinced that her sisters, both Wyatt and Chris knew why.

"Why was he going to help you?" Paige asked

"He said that I was not evil, he told me that even though the source is my father, that he is just as much, as his body was actually, well you know, and that I have a mother who would help me if I allowed her to, and only if I could gain her trust, the way he never could after the things he had done. He helped me to learn my powers both witch and demon alike, and I know that you don't believe me but I can also sense from you, AUNT Piper, that you know something your sisters don't, maybe you should tell them."

"What is he talking about Piper, you don't believe any of this do you, Cole is dead"

"Remember back when we were fighting the thorn demon?"

"Yeah, and Leo lost all his powers and was in Texas yeah I get it." Phoebe looked confused

"Well while I was a spirit, my guide, the one that I told you was an old friend, was actually Cole."

"WHAT?!" Paige and Phoebe said at the same time

"He helped me knowing that if my love for Leo could save me, then you wouldn't give up on love, and Pheebs, you have a great husband and three amazing kids, he did that by helping me."

"How did you know that she knew this?" Phoebe asked through tears

"Because I have the power of empathy."

"But demons aren't supposed to have that ability, they can't handle human emotions.." Piper said a little on edge

"Well I am 100% human, in that my father was mortal, and my mother was a witch, add to that the source's magic being on the outside looking in I have the capability to use the gifts handed down by my mother."

"And what gifts are those?" Phoebe asked with a little angst in her voice

"I can levitate, see the future, I have the gift of empathy, and electricity from the hands."

"I have each and every one of those powers." Phoebe was beside herself "And what other powers do you have"

"Energy balls, fireballs, fire-throwing, energy charges, slowing down time."

"So you have the powers you showed from the womb as well." Phoebe was convinced

"And I don't want my demonic powers anymore, I want to be good, I have never used my powers for evil, but I fear that if I live in the underworld too much longer I will give into the temptation like my father did."

Paige and Piper looked at Phoebe "It's up to you sweetie, it will take the power of three to bind that kind of magic, how old are you anyway?"

"I'm gonna be 17 in a few days."

"That's when Wyatt turn 16, the timing does work."

"So you really are my son, and we are all really your family"

"Well then let's make you a real member."

"Wyatt go write down everything we know about him and make his name Cole Jacob Halliwell"


"We're gonna create an identity for him a little nostalgia kick for the charmed ones."

"Is that name ok?"

"Any name you come up with will be fine mom."

"That's still a little weird but I'll take it, Paige make the potion countering each of the abilities that he mentioned, and a make sure it will only rid him of his demonic half."

"I'm on it."

"Chris why don't you and Johnny go make the call to Xavier's School, I think you guys should take an extended leave for the family" Piper said

"Why does he have to come with me I'm capable of dialing a phone." Chris responded

"Yes but I have to call Coop and tell him I'm bringing home another child."

"Oh...yeah...good luck with that!" Johnny called after her

Phoebe closes he eyes and then the man of her dreams appears before he eyes

"Hey baby, what's up the kids just went to school?"

Cole looked at the man before his eyes, he could tell this man had a killer body under that sweater, and those loose fitting jeans and this was now his step father, a boy could get used to seeing that walk around the house in its boxers.

"Honey, there's a demon in the living room."

"Wait, huh, then why did you call me I'm a cupid I can't just fight evil."

"No, the demon is my son"

"WAIT WHAT, are you trying to confess an affair or am I missing something."

"No nothing like that baby, it's just when I was pregnant by Cole the baby didn't die like I thought it did HE was found in the wasteland and brought up by demons, but has never used his powers for evil, and if you followed that you are a great husband."

"So I have a stepson, that my wife didn't even know about, I can deal with that, what's his name?"

"Cole Jacob Halliwell, but I'm thinking C.J for short I think calling him Cole might be weird."

"I wanna meet him."

"Well he is gonna live with us, after we bind his demonic powers."

Cole saw that the tension was clear and decided to read his thoughts to find out what was going on.

{Just meet him, shake his hand, If Phoebe trusts him then I trust him}

"That's good to know"

"What's good to know?" asked Coop with a confused look

"That you trust my mother's judgment so much that you would come shake the hand of a demon"

"Wha?! did you know ...?"

"He's an empath just like me."

"But he's a.."

"Demon, yeah we got that. 100% human though, his demonic nature comes from the source, not Cole since he was human during conception."

"Here why don't you sit down you look like you could use a moment." Cole said taking his feet off the couch."

"Yeah, and um quit that it's creepin' me out, both of you with the finishing sentences crap." Coop said a bit edgy

"I guess we're more alike than either one of us could have imagined.." Phoebe said

"Um, Phoebe, baby, how are you gonna explain him to everyone, I mean until today he hasn't existed."

"Well I was thinking that we could say that he was living with his father, and after he died nobody where he was living thought he had a living mother so he was living in a boarding school, until he found me himself, through his fathers black book... or something"

"Does that work for you C.J?"

"Yeah, sure as long as people don't ask questions, how is that all gonna be supported."

"Oh honey don't worry about that when we create your identity we will make school records and stuff too, it all depends on what we put in he cauldron, so if we say you went to Bristol Lake Preparatory records and stuff like that will indicate such a thing, it's all very complicated."

"Well Phoebe, I'm off, lots of love to give out." Coop kisses her good-bye and disappears into a heart.

"That's quite a guy you got there."

"Yeah, he's perfect, so tell me about yourself."

Meanwhile in the attic Chris and Wyatt were talking while creating their cousin's identity

"Isn't it weird that all in on the day we come for a visit, we find out we have a cousin, that our Aunt didn't know about, we fought a demon, successfully, and our sister nearly killed the house due to P.M.S?"

"Yeah dude it is, pass me the snake-skin"

"Here, so now what?"

"Well we need to write about his past and his present, so his identity will appear in all public records, he'll have new identification and a public record."

So the boys decided to create the things they wish they had done, or things they liked about themselves

"Born in San Francisco, at San Francisco Memorial, of course."

"Attended Kevin Walker Academy, Kennedy Boarding, through his freshman year, and is currently attending Xavier's school for Gifted Youngsters.. with us of course.."

"Honor Roll student his entire life."

"1st string Striker on the school's soccer team."

"Science award winner"

"One of the 4 most popular people in school."

"Now for his background, Lived in L.A with his father until his death at which time he was sent to Kennedy Boarding School, then located his birth mother Phoebe Halliwell, and was officially adopted by her as of today."

"Sounds good to me just one more thing, Name: Cole Jacob Halliwell DOB: 1/30/2003"

"Can't believe I almost missed that."

"You guys ready!?" Phoebe called from the bottom of the attic stairs

"Yeah bring him up... AUNT PAIGE!"

"Yeah I'm here and I have the potion, I waited for Henry to leave before brewing it though so it has to cool, and turn blood red."

"Funny how this can bring back such fond memories, huh Pheebs?" Paige asked

"Yeah haha so the last time we did this an innocent witch got caught in the crossfire it was 17 years ago cut me a GODDAMNED BREAK!"

"Meow! Ok it's ready, are you...Oh I never caught your name.." Paige said covering her mouth

"It's Cole, but mom, I mean Phoebe, called me C.J"

"Ok C.J are you ready?"

"Yes... I am."

"And it's ok to call me mom, I mean I said it was weird not unwelcome." Phoebe said putting her arm around C.J

"Now Piper, you bless it first, then Phoebe, then me, in order of power."

The sisters all three blessed the potion, and it changed to blood red

"Here goes" C.J drank the potion, and then started to yell, he was enveloped in lights and then they went into him, a black aura emerged from him in the shape of a cloaked figure

So the girls started to recite a spell.

Prudence, Penelope, Patricia, Melinda,

Astrid, Helena,

Laura and Grace

Halliwell witches stand strong beside us,

Vanquish this evil from time and space!

The cloaked figure erupted into flames and exploded before their very eyes.

"How many times have we vanquished the source now?..." Paige asked

"That makes four, but who's counting." Piper answered

"THAT WAS AWESOME!" Johnny said from the doorway

"Who's he?" C.J asked

"Oh right, you've been living in the underworld.." Wyatt said

"That would be my boyfriend, Johnny Storm, this is my cousin C.J Halliwell."

"Nice to meet you." They both said as they shook hands, the look C.J gave Johnny didn't go unnoticed by Chris who earned an elbow from Wyatt.

To Be Continued...

Next: Chapter 4

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