Marvelously Charming

By Joseph Foster

Published on Jan 25, 2008


Marvelously Charming

Chapter 26

Journey of a Lost Soul

&Remember... people that aren't my characters are the same age they would be in real time, or however old I say.. hee hee gotta love fiction...&

"No, don't say that you don't mean it..."

"I have to go Cam, we aren't meant to be together..."

"You PROMISED me we'd be together forever!"

"Things change, PEOPLE CHANGE, I'm not the same guy I once was, I'm not the guy you fell in love with..."

"You are, you are the man I fell in love with, I fell in love with you, you and only you, I'll die without you..."

"Then I guess I'll see you at your funeral..." Chris said and walked out the fake door

"Wow...That was... wow... truly amazing, you say you've never acted before??"

"Nope, never, well not including musical productions during school..." Chris replied

"Well, we don't usually say this on a first audition, but congratulations, you got the part..." the casting director said

"Seriously?" Chris asked, not having expected this in the least

"Yeah, so we'll see you next week for a table read..." the director said

"Sweet..." Chris said and left the set, as he was walking out, he saw Zac Efron walking in the other direction towards the set... "No..." He said to himself...

Chris drove his rental car to the hotel he was staying at and went up to his room, he locked the door and orbed home

"Hey Chris how'd the audition go?" Johnny asked, he wasn't very happy about his lover being nude on screen, but he knew Chris had always wanted to act and this was his shot.

Everyone perked up since Chris has been raving about this all week, "I got it!" He yelled and jumped into Johnny's arms planting a sloppy kiss on his lips

"OH MY GOD!!!" Wyatt yelled and joined the hug

Alex and David waited for them to separate and then congratulated Chris, who hugged each of them

"You guys, don't feel like you can't show affection, I mean, you are family no matter what.." Chris said and hugged them again

"So what's the role??" Wyatt asked

"Where are the kids?" Chris asked

"Mom took them for the day, tell us!" Wyatt responded

"Ok, well it's a controversial movie, so the character I play, I have a boyfriend, and we have been together a long time, but it turns out he has HIV and he didn't tell me, and we are sexually active together, and I am put at risk, so after all the craziness I leave him, years later I find out I'm positive, and blah blah blah, anyhow, I try to find him again but find out he died, so I am going through this life changing event and I meet a guy, who just so happens to be a doctor, he's negative, at the hospital where I begin treatment, and he accepts me, and the movie focuses on our journey of love until my death, it's called "Journey of a Lost Soul."

"Wow... that sounds, like a winner, but you're right it's kinda controversial..." Johnny said

"and you have to have sex on film?" Alex asked

"Not real sex, just simulated sex, you know like "Brokeback Mountain" minus the rough non lubricated sex..."

"Wow, so have you found out who's playing the doctor yet?" Wyatt asked

"No but I have a table read next week, so I guess I'll find out then..." Chris said

"John's been asking about you, he thinks you've been gone because you're mad at him, I've tried telling him otherwise, but he's got your stubbornness..." Johnny said with a laugh

"When mom brings them home I'll talk to him." Chris said

As they spoke a demon shimmered in and threw David out of the way using him to knock over Wyatt, Alex, and Johnny, he grabbed Chris around the neck and shimmered out

"What the hell just happened?!" Wyatt yelled

"Oh no, they got Chris..." Johnny said

"Well, well, well, looks like we caught us a charmed one..." A demon said

"Who are you and what do you want with me?" Chris asked confidently

"Don't you worry your pretty little head about that, for now, you're just bait..." the demon replied

"Bait for what?" Chris asked

"For your brother, he's the one we want..." Chris registered the symbol tattooed on the demons forearm, and astral projected to the house

"Chris!" Wyatt cried as he materialized

"There's not much time, I'm not sure if I'm conscious there or not I can't control that part yet, but you CANNOT come get me Wyatt, I'm their bait to get to you..."

"What are you talking about of course I'm gonna come get you, you're my brother..." Wyatt said

"Wyatt, promise me, no matter what, you'll trust my ability to help myself..." Chris said and de-materialized

"I promise..." Wyatt said and Chris disappeared

"And that's how I'm going to use your brother to bring myself to power..." The demon finished

"It won't work..." Chris said

"And why's that?"

"Because I'm stronger than you think..." Chris said and pulled himself up on the chains and kicked the demon back, "RESTRAINTS!" Chris orbed the chains and cuffs off of himself and onto the demon

"What the, how did you..?

"I'm charmed, as for you..." Chris blew him up

He orbed home and went straight for the book of shadows

"Chris, what happened?" Johnny asked

"Can't talk now, on a mission..." Chris said and began flipping pages

"What are you looking for?" Wyatt asked

"This... but it can't be... we beat them..." Chris said, showing the symbol of the Frerax clan...

Later that night Johnny and Chris got into an argument...

"Ok.. no way is this gonna work out, we can't have two more people plus another baby, we're full as it is, they are gonna have to live at the manor..." Johnny said

"Look honey this is only temporary, I mean this place is big enough for all of us.." Chris said

"Baby, I barely have enough time alone with you as is, and if we add three more people into that equation then I know we'll never have time for each other we have three kids can't we just focus on them for a while..." Johnny said

"You know I think you're right, and to better focus, I guess sex is out of the question, we wouldn't want to risk adding another person to the mix..." Chris said


"No, Johnny you're absolutely right, you are such a genius..." Chris said giving him a quick kiss and walking out of the room past Wyatt, David, and Alex

{See boys, THAT'S how it's done, don't be surprised if he builds you two a room himself...} Chris thought and walked upstairs to check on his youngest

"Come on put down your shield I just wanna play a game..." a demon said

Chris saw the demon and froze him unfreezing only his head, "Who are you...?" he asked confidently

"I am Krull, is that YOUR baby?" he asked

"I'm the one asking the questions, what are you doing around my son?!"

"Trying to sway him to evil..." Krull replied

"Who sent you?" Chris asked dangerously

"The new leader of the Frerax clan, and judging by the look on your face, I can see you actually thought you'd won, foolish little witch, thoughts like that will get you..."

"killed? Not something I'm worried about, that new leader what is he five ten, hundred eighty pounds, tattoo right here, he's dead" Chris said and walked up to Justus, his shield going down as he cooed at Chris

"How is that..."

"Possible... yeah, he let down his guard... I'm gonna give you ten seconds to deliver a message to your faction, you will cease any attempts to kill or capture members of my family or I will castrate and vanquish each and everyone of you with my bare hands..." Chris said and sent the demon flying...

"Mommy loves you, and I'll always be there for you..." Chris said and picked up his son, carrying him to the living room...

"What was all that racket..."

"Nothing honey just trying to live a day longer..." Chris said and walked past Johnny to the kitchen

"Ok Justus.. let's get you a little dinner before bedtime..." Chris said and filled a bottle and heated it...

He put the bottle to Justus's mouth but he just cried and moved away

"Come on buddy, it's time to eat..." The bottle orbed into the trash

"You are your father's son..." Chris said, but he got an idea, something he hadn't tried with either of his other kids but had been wondering about, he unbuttoned his shirt, and allowed Justus to take to the nipple as though he were a woman...

Chris marveled as milk flowed from his pec, he was amazed, neither Jocelyn nor John had ever refused a bottle so he'd never tried breastfeeding before

When Justus was satisfied Chris carried him to bed, and then walked to his bedroom, Johnny was already in the bed waiting..

"Hey honey, I've been thinking..." Johnny said and Chris smiled inwardly, knowing what was coming

"What is it babe?" Chris feigned wonder

"I think if convert the basement then Alex and David could live in the basement with the baby, it would be like their own space..." Johnny said

Chris was actually surprised, he hadn't expected Johnny to come up with something like that

"But..." there it is...


"Either you pay for it, or you use magic..." Johnny said

Chris knew he couldn't afford that, but also knew he couldn't use magic...

"Well that sucks... I can't afford a remodel right now... and magic is out of the question, I've self served enough, so I guess that's out..." Chris said

"Well, I mean, I could always pay... if... You make it worth my while..." Johnny said seductively

Chris looked into Johnny's eyes realizing this was just a game to him, he knew Chris couldn't afford something like that on his own, and also that he couldn't use magic, should he be upset that his husband is playing mind games, nah...

"You little bastard..." Chris said and straddled Johnny's lap kissing him gently at first then getting rough..

"Mmm... this is already worth it..." Johnny said and rolled Chris onto his back, they tongue wrestled for a few minutes, and Johnny ripped off Chris's shirt

"ASS... that's expensive!" Chris said and ripped off Johnny's shirt exposing his perfect build

"Hey!' Johnny yelled

"You asked for it..." Chris said and kissed him again... slipping off his pants, Johnny did the same and licked and sucked the length of Chris's body reaching his underwear, which he removed with his teeth, and licked the freshly exposed skin

"You get more and more beautiful by the day." Johnny said and kissed Chris's ass, licking inside the crack finding his target and pushing in his tongue

"OH GOD..." Chris exclaimed it had been a long time since Johnny had used his tongue for this purpose.. "oh baby, I love you so much, keep going baby, please it feels so good...

"That was... very believable..." The young producer said

"Well... it was sufficiently awkward to fake sex sounds while sitting in a room full of people..." the table laughed

The door opened, in walked two of the very last people he thought he would ever even be in the same room as... Chad Michael Murray and Zac Efron, needless to say Chris needed a breather..

"Sorry I'm late, got held up because Chad's limo driver caused a traffic accident that blocked traffic, but we're here now..." Zac said

"Interesting story, but come on let's read for your parts, Chad you're the first boyfriend, Zac you're the doctor, you come in about halfway through the movie..." Aaron, the director said

"Come on Greg please, just think about what you're doing..."

"I've thought about it Cameron, I'm done thinking about it, I'm leaving..."

"No, no, you can't go I'm sorry, I should never have lied to you, it was wrong, I was wrong, I ADMIT IT..."

"You can't be my lover for FIVE YEARS and then walk in one day and say oh by the way I have aids ESPECIALLY NOT TODAY!"

"What's so special about today?!"

"Some boyfriend you are Cam, think, five years ago today, you, me a coffee house, whatever, I'm going."

"I'm sorry, I should have known, I should have remembered..."

"But you didn't, no, I'm not special enough for you to remember...

"No, don't say that you don't mean it..."

"I have to go Cam, we aren't meant to be together..."

"You PROMISED me we'd be together forever!"

"Things change, PEOPLE CHANGE, I'm not the same guy I once was, I'm not the guy you fell in love with..."

"You are, you are the man I fell in love with, I fell in love with you, you and only you, I'll die without you..."

"Then I guess I'll see you at your funeral..." Chris said nastily

"Great job guys, wow, here come the tears, read through the lines for the flashbacks..." Aaron said

They read through their lines, and were both impressed with each other

"Ok... next order of business, we need you two, kiss..." Marty the producer said

"Us..." Chris asked indicating Chad and himself

"Yeah... We need to see if you two have chemistry, just think of your real life lovers..." Marty said

"Ok..." Chad said and looked Chris in the eyes, Chris saw a hint of desire, but assumed Chad was thinking of his lover, like he was thinking of Johnny, as their lips connected Chris felt strange but enjoyed it, he put as much into the kiss as possible, he pulled away and took a look into Chad's eyes and saw amazement...

"Well... There is definite chemistry there, so we'll do the nude screen tests tomorrow..." Aaron said, and Chris's facial expression changed

"That soon?" Chris asked

"Yeah, we begin shooting next month.." Marty said, again causing Chris's face to change, "first movie jitters you'll be fine." He said patting Chris on the back

Chris walked out of the conference room, "Hey Chris!" Zac called out, and Chris turned around

"What's up?" Chris asked

"Chad and I were gonna go out for a few drinks, you wanna come, I mean we should all try and build a relationship, right?" Zac said flashing a winning smile

"I suppose so... I'll drive.." Chris said

"Chad let's go!" Zac called and they ran to Chris's car

They hit a local bar and they decided to drive to a nightclub for some dancing, there was paparazzi outside and they got their photo snapped at least a dozen times...

They danced and got plenty of drinks, they took a cab back to the hotel, and went their separate ways Chris got to his room and locked the door and orbed home

Johnny was already in bed, "Johnny... Jooooohnny..." Chris slurred and shook him

"Wha, huh!?" Johnny sat straight up and Chris grinned widely

"Hi honey!" he exclaimed and wrapped his arms around him

"Are you ok baby?" Johnny asked tiredly

"I'm fine, I mean, I'm better than fine, I was dancing and making out with random people in a conference room..." Chris slurred and pulled the covers over himself

"What???" Johnny asked confused

"The table read... I made out with Chad Michael Murray, but I was thinking of you, you, you, because you I love you, not him, not him, you, I love you..." Chris said and slipped into a deep alcohol induced slumber

Over the next year the movie was almost ready, one scene was left, when the doctor and Gregory first make love, Chris had filmed half naked scenes with Chad for flashbacks, but this was full frontal, and he was nervous...

"Ok... Chris you can do this, you have a good body, there's nothing to be nervous about..."

The scene started rolling, Zac walked through the front door, "Hey baby, how was it today?" Chris asked

"I lost her, that poor girl, she didn't make it..." Zac delivered the line nicely and it brought a glimmer to Chris's eye

"Oh no, come here..." Chris pulled him close and kissed his forehead, then his cheek, then his lips, "you know how much I love you right?"

"I love you too Greg..." Zac said

They kissed again and Zac lifted Chris and carried him to the bedroom placing him on the bed, Zac stood and pulled off his shirt showing his perfect abs, Chris's breath caught, and he pulled off his own, and stood up to kiss Zac once more, and they frenched while Chris undid the clasp of the dockers, and Zac pulled off Chris's designer jeans.

They actually got into in and mimed a very passionate sex scene that would certainly get many people hard, the scene was only to be a couple minutes long in a montage sot of way, but they needed plenty of film to choose from... After the scene it was a wrap...

"Wow.. guys, that was beautiful, very believable..." Aaron said

"Great news, we've been picked up by Universal!" Marty exclaimed

"Seriously?" Chris asked

"Yes.. this means we'll be a mainstream release, this is great news, we're gonna book you guys on talk shows and everything..." Marty said and ran around screaming about Universal

"That's awesome!" Zac exclaimed and he and Chad hugged and grabbed Chris

"This is huge." Chad said

"Yeah, I mean there hasn't been a movie like this since the B.M back in '05..."

"This is good, but we'll be busy..."

"You have got to be joking... wow... well... good luck!" Wyatt said happily as Chris phoned

"What's up?" Alex asked holding his large belly

"Universal picked up Chris's movie, he'll be gone longer than expected for promotion..." Wyatt said mellow

"That's great.. for him, Johnny may not take it so well, he's been gone for almost a year, though he does spend the night a lot..." Alex said

"True..." Wyatt said

One Week Later

"First on the show today, we have the stars of a controversial new movie "Journey of a Lost Soul" please welcome, Chris Storm, Zac Efron, and Chad Michael Murray..." Ellen Degeneres called out clapping, and the three men danced out into view

After hugs they settled into the chairs, "So tell me guys what is this movie about?"

"Well actually Chris here is the leading man, he plays Gregory Reid a young man who finds out his lover is HIV positive and was keeping it from him, I can't tell you too much, but anyway down the road he finds out he is positive and when he goes looking for Cameron, his ex, he finds out he died from complications, and the story focuses on his journey for help, and along the way he finds my character and they accept each other as they are, it's a beautiful tale." Zac explained

"So how did it affect you guys to play these roles?"

"Well for me after I read the script I knew this was a good serious role to play, and I knew how playing a patient zero would be a good solid role, I did so much research for the role, and I have a respect for anyone who lives with this disease." Chad said

"Well for me, I play someone who is HIV negative, who is involved with someone HIV positive, so that alone presents controversy for a lot of people, for me it brought to light, that love is love, no matter what..." Zac said

"And for you Chris, being new to movies what does this role mean to you...?" Ellen asked

"Well for me, I auditioned and the really liked me, as a gay man, playing this role was exceptionally difficult, because this is my life, I mean my husband and I are STD free, and we have three great kids, it was hard for me to play this role, because all I could think of, was if I had this disease, what would I leave behind, but it truly meant a lot to me, I mean it was an honor to work with these guys..." Chris said

"Wonderful, so what was it like to play gay characters as straight men?"

"It was a new experience, and I have gotta say kissing Chris was pretty hot..." Chad said and the audience whooped

"So Chris, who was a better kisser?" Ellen asked with a smile

"Well... I.. No, I'm not answering..." Chris said and sat back amidst audience laughter

"Chris is a great kisser, and I have to say, if you all see this movie you WON'T be disappointed..." Zac said flashing a grin

"Is that a hint?" Ellen asked

"Just a friendly tip, the movie IS rated R..." Chris said with a wink.

The audience shared a hoot and holler session

"Ok that's all the time we have when we come back we'll have a session for dog training..." Ellen said and they cut to commercial, "So what was it you couldn't say?" she asked

"Oh, just a little five minute sex scene..." Chris winked and they went to mingle in the riff raff room, Chris was surprised to be asked for photos and autographs, he was more than happy to oblige

The next few months repeated this cycle, whether it was Oprah, Larry King, Barbara Walters, Letterman, Leno, the shows went the same way, mostly the same questions, though Barbara dug deep into Chris's emotions...

Finally the release date was nearing as was the premiere, and they had a week with nothing to do, Chris orbed home

"MOMMY!" John and Jocelyn ran to Chris

"Oh babies!" Chris exclaimed, he had missed them so much

"I missed you so much mommy!" John said now six years old and in first grade

"I misses you mommy..." Jocelyn said now 3

"Where's your brother?" Chris asked John

"With daddy..." he said

"What do you guys say to watching a movie with mommy AND daddy...?" Chris asked and they jumped up and down and John dragged Jocelyn to pick out a movie

"Oh my god..." Johnny exclaimed and ran to Chris hugging him, "I've missed you so badly..." Johnny said

"Yeah, these last few months they've had us sharing a suite so I couldn't orb out in the nights..." Chris said

I'm just glad you're ok..." Johnny said

"The premiere is next weekend, I need you there..." Chris said

"Why?" Johnny asked

"Because this is one of five most important days in my life so far and I need to share it with you..." Chris said

"I know babe, of course I'll be there..." Johnny said, "out of curiousity, what are the five days?"

"The births of our kids, the day I married you, and of course the premiere..." Chris said and his cell phone rang

"Hey Zac, what's up?"

"Nothing, just about to go out for a drink with Chad and the guys, you game?" he asked

"Nah, not tonight I'm just gonna hang out in my room." Chris said

"Coolness, give us a ring before next weekend though..."

The next week breezed by, and the movie was highly anticipated, and the premiere was that night, flash bulbs lit up the street and the red carpet was rolled out, there were celebrities everywhere, and critics were swarming.

Chris, Johnny, Chad, and Zac and their dates arrived in separate stretch limos

Chad, Zac and their dates went out first and walked inside with plenty of commotion, but Chris and Johnny got out of the car and the place erupted, they were blinded by the flash luckily for sunglasses at night they were fine, but Chris removed his for an interview and some pictures.

"So I hear that not only do you star in the movie, but you are also on the soundtrack?"

"Yes, I do two songs, one is a duet with Zac, and the other is a song about internalized feelings, it's not like a musical or anything, but the instrumental of that song plays at some key moments..." Chris said and casually walked away as he'd been taught

They sat in the screening as the movie started, Chris's heart skipped a beat as he heard the theme Justin Timberlake of all people had created for the movie, it was the song he and Zac sang together about struggles and love of any kind.

He watched the crisp picture of himself and it was strange, something about a 200 foot version of yourself talking was just weird. He mouthed along with his lines as they happened, and listened as the crowd reacted when he or his co-stars would say something funny, his favorite part was the silence when they were truly enthralled... Johnny's grip tightened when there in front of him was his lover undressing another man with his mouth on his...

Chris gave Johnny a reassuring kiss on the cheek, and the montaged scene ended with another confession of love. The movie reached the conclusion, with Zac at Chris's grave site, "See you soon." Is all Zac says, being open for interpretation the movie fades out to the credits and the song plays once again

Silence... then suddenly, roars of applause and booming throughout the room whistling and then a standing ovation... Chris was shocked

He was bombarded once again by people, this time telling him how amazing he was and how great the movie was, and how provocative, he was appreciative.

"So superstar what's next, an album, broadway, porno?" Zac asked and hugged Chris

"Zac Efron, meet my husband Johnny Storm..." Chris said

"Wow... it's great to meet you, sorry that we couldn't meet before you had to see me naked with your husband..." Zac smiled and out stretched his hand which Johnny took

"It's all good, it's not like there was real sex involved..." Johnny smiled

"Righty-o" Zac said and introduced his girlfriend Vanessa Hudgens

"You guys have a great night..." Chris said

A few months passed and the movie did great, breaking records and becoming a smash hit practically overnight, Chris got many offers for other films, but decided to take it slow.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Wyatt screamed

"WYATT!!?" Chris yelled and ran to him, Alex ran in holding Charlie (the newborn baby)

Chris found Wyatt watching TV a press conference or something

"What is it Wyatt what's wrong?" Chris asked

"They just announced you as a golden globe nominee for best actor!!!!!!" Wyatt exclaimed

"WHAT?!" Chris jumped up and down screaming in joy

"What's up!?" Johnny asked and Chris smothered him in kisses, the phone rang


More celebrating from Zac and Chad who got supporting nominations against each other

"I can't believe this!" Chris exclaimed

"What?" Johnny still clueless, and Wyatt rewound the DVR

"And final nominee for best actor in a drama is, Christopher Storm for Journey of a Lost Soul." Johnny was stunned

To Be Continued

It had always been the plan to make Chris an actor, but I delayed it for a while, and I also was trying to cook up a way for him to be naked with a guy and not have it be cheating.

Next: Chapter 26

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