Marvelously Charming

By Joseph Foster

Published on Jan 8, 2008


Marvelously Charming

Chapter 25

Witch Way Now?

When I introduce other famous characters I must tell you... They are whatever age I say they are... hey that's why it's fiction.. heh


I have been trying to write this but with the holidays and my birthday all being in a short span of time, I haven't had a lot of time, but I managed to finish on.. oh look at that, my birthday.. haha... so I worked a little over time for you guys so I hope you like it. Johnny Jr has been J.C but people are saying it's too confusing with C.J, I was doing this cuz it was too much to type, so I'll split the difference ONCE MORE and Johnny Jr AKA J.C will now be called John

Previously on Marvelously Charming

"You're right, you have changed, I'll read the spell, just because I don't want to know you anymore..." Chris said, C.J. was torn up inside to hear his `brother' speak those words, but he knew this was for the best

"I can't believe we wasted there years on you, Coop was right about you, I'll read the spell, hell I'll get your shit for you, and since you won't need it any more..." Wyatt orbed all of C.J.'s belongings to the junkyard, C.J. was emotionally crippled at that moment

&Wyatt was the first to have his heart impaled by a metal bar which exploded causing him to turn to blood and ash, Piper was next she was hit with six consecutive energy balls throwing her through the air and getting chopped up by the exhaust fan in the warehouse, CJ did a back flip to avoid a fireball and a demon stabbed him 13 times with an athame, Phoebe levitated to kick but her leg was chopped off by a laser whip, same with the rest of her, Chris was crushed like a bug by a possessed Piotr, Paige was dusted by a firestarter, and the rest of the family was trapped into cages and burned alive&

White flash

"What the hell was that?"

"I don't know but that spirit looked like... never mind..."

"I gave it all up... for you... and our life together, I love you..." C.J. said

Caleb kissed him

"What do you mean he's gone?" Phoebe asked sternly

"We mean, he became a whitelighter to be with Caleb, and we can never see him again..." Chris said

"My son, chose to abandon his destiny, and his entire family... why?" She asked tearfully

"I'm so sorry Aunt Phoebe, we shouldn't have read the spell..." Wyatt said

"What spell?" she asked, her head snapping up

"The one he had, we were just so mad, that he wanted to leave all of us, we read it, but I knew he would have found another way to go, I could tell in his mind..." Chris said

"As much as I hate that you two allowed him to leave, I also know you couldn't have stopped him if you'd wanted to... So I'm not mad..." Phoebe said and hugged her grown nephews

"We've gotta go..." Wyatt said, noting it was time to pick up the kids

"Ok, but be careful guys, you're vulnerable without the power of three..." Phoebe said and walked them to the door

On the drive to the school, "She's right you know, we are gonna be vulnerable to attack, we need to be extra careful.." Wyatt said

"Yeah... You never know when a demon will attack..." Chris said

"How many was that?" Alex asked David

"I think 20, but who's really counting, have you been working on that possible new power?" David asked

"Yeah, I have and I think we should go home and try it..."

They orb back to the manor, "Ok... I'm going to focus myself, on the place we went to before..."

As Alex was focusing, demons burst through the front door, and David grabbed a hold of him, but instead of orbs there was that white flash of light and they landed in a familiar place...

"Well it's not exactly, but..." Alex shivered, "does this place look strangely familiar to you...?" he asked David

Phoebe and Paige walk through the front door, "Piper you home?!" Phoebe called out

David and Alex looked at each other shocked and Alex cloaked them with invisibility

"In the kitchen!" Piper called back

The guys followed the two women to the kitchen

"Oh god, I don't even know how to say this... Your sons read a spell, a spell that turned C.J. into a whitelighter, so he could go be with Caleb.." Phoebe said

Alex and David looked at each other knowingly

"Well, not that I approve, but did he ask them to?" Piper asked

"He did, and Chris swore to me that he could sense that C.J. would have just found another way, but I just, I want my son back, we've only known him for eight years, it just isn't right..." Phoebe said

"Chris and Wyatt are bringing Laura and John, god how many times is that kid gonna ask to be called something else.. well anyhow Chris is bringing them over to spend the day, Johnny just called, and apparently there is something that came up and he has to bring Joss and Justus over as well." Piper said

"Oh, that's cool, I love spending the day with my great nieces and nephews..."

Alex and David looked confused, their cousins didn't have any kids, they were all living the single life, well up until... yeah... that...

"Mom you here?" Johnny called out, Alex stopped thinking, he knew that voice, he knew it well

"In the kitchen honey!" Piper called out

Johnny walked through the archway, a little girl walking next to him and a baby barely a month old if that, Alex covered his mouth to stop from yelling

"Thanks so much for this Ma, Sue and Reed really need the brother/brother in-law to fly out for this newest mission, it really will help me.." Johnny said

Alex looked at the man in front of him, he was muscular as ever, but instead of the closet case, over confident jackass, this John Storm seemed, down to earth, out, and even more shocking, married... to his cousin...

"Oh it's not a problem, I'm so glad you've finally started calling me mom, it's been what six years for you and Chris now, how are you guys doing?" Piper asked sweetly

"Better than ever, but with this C.J. thing, he's been a little distant, sad almost, I can't tell, he's not opening up..." Johnny said

"Mom!" Chris and Wyatt called out

"Kitchen!" Everyone yelled out

Alex and David were stifling tears and laughter, because never in their lives had they seen their family this, alive... not since they were kids

"Grandma!" Laura and JC called out and ran to hug her

"Hey baby, you should get going..." Chris said kissing his husband

Alex got a little twinge of jealousy, but kept his cool

"Who was that?" Chris asked

"Who was what?" Johnny asked

"I just felt a hard jealousy..." Chris said causing Alex's face to change

"Nobody in this room has reason to be jealous..." Paige said, and for the first time, David realized who was standing there, and he quietly yet audibly said "mom..." and covered his mouth..

"Yes?" Piper asked

"I didn't say anything..." Chris and Wyatt said

"Somebody said mom..." Phoebe said...

"I'll take care of this..." Wyatt closed his eyes, and focused on the room, and suddenly two men became visible

"Whoa!" Chris said

"Henry?!" Paige said and fainted

"Mom!" one of the men called

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, what the hell is going on here?" Chris asked

"Um... I suppose we have some explaining to do..." David said

"Yeah... I think you do... Starting with what are you doing here, you're dead..." Wyatt said to David

"I'm... dead?" David asked, shocked

"Yeah... you died when you were 16... but you don't look 16 anymore... how old are you?" Chris asked

"I'm 26..." David replied

"How is that possible, Wyatt's 24... I'm 23... you're supposed to be.. 21... what's going on here?" Chris asked

"See... we're not entirely sure..." David said

"And who are you?" Wyatt asked Alex...

"What do you mean who's he, that's your cousin Alex..." David said

"Um... we don't have a cousin named Alex..." Chris said

"Of course you do, Phoebe's youngest..."

"Um... Aunt Phoebe first of all... second of all, my youngest is Caitlyn..."

"Um... well... this is obviously a different world..." Alex said

"Must be... um... so how did you guys get here?" Wyatt asked

"I have a new power, it apparently allows me to be here..." Alex said

"Yeah... um... sure... well I really have to go baby..." Johnny said, kissing Chris again, and kissing his three kids goodbye

"Bye daddy!" JC called out as Johnny flew out the back door

"Whoa... what was that?" Alex asked, not realizing he'd spoken

"Oh.. that's Johnny, my husband, aren't we in your world...?"

"There's something we should talk about... but we should sit..." David said, and Paige awoke, she ran to David..

"Oh my god baby!" She threw her arms around him and began to cry, "I never thought I'd see you again..." She sobbed into his shoulder, he gripped her tightly thinking the same thing about her

"I love you so much mommy..." he said crying into her shoulder

"I know baby, I love you too." She said

"We should all sit..." Alex said

"Ok... in our world..." David started

"Your world?" Paige asked

"Yes.. an alternate world of sorts..." David said


"Well in this alternate world, Alex and I are the only surviving members of the Halliwell family line, at ages five and nine, we witness the death of every member of our family at the hands of the Frerax clan..." David began

"Oh, them... We kicked their asses we killed Xaberex, their king, and the one that well, uh... to .. um.. you..." Chris said to David

"I see, well we witnessed the brutal murders of all of you, and CJ as well..." David said

"How can we truly believe this... I mean what proof do you have...?" Phoebe asked

"I have the ability of premonition, I can show any of you that have that ability..." Alex said

Phoebe and Wyatt stepped forward and held out their hands, Alex put a hand over each

&We can do it if we do it together, come on guys, "In this night and in this hour we call upon the ancient power bring forth the magical bounty we seek justice is time for us to wreak," The spell was worded badly and the demons just kept coming, powers were useless against them Wyatt was the first to have his heart impaled by a metal bar which exploded causing him to turn to blood and ash, Piper was next she was hit with six consecutive energy balls throwing her through the air and getting chopped up by the exhaust fan in the warehouse, C.J did a backflip to avoid a fireball and a demon stabbed him 13 times with an athame, Phoebe levitated to kick but her leg was chopped off by a laser whip, same with the rest of her, Chris was crushed like a bug by a possessed Piotr, Paige was dusted by a firestarter, and the rest of the family was trapped into cages and burned alive, only a five year old Alex, being shielded by a nine year old David were able to es cape&

Phoebe and Wyatt were gasping and crying as they came out of the vision

"What did you see?" Piper asked concerned about her son and sister

"It was awful, we were all... So .. oh god.." Phoebe ran to the bathroom

Wyatt just stood there unable to speak

"WHAT... did they just see!?" Piper yelled out again

"They saw... the worst possible thing..." David said

"Ok, cut the bullshit, they saw something and we all need to know right now!" Chris yelled and a rush of power flew at David knocking him into the wall

"David?!" Alex yelped running to his cousin's aid

"David???" Piper and Paige said at the same time

David brushed himself off "I go by David, I never really liked the name Henry ma, sorry..." he said

"What they saw was our entire family being decimated by demons, stabbings, limbs being cut off, lots of energy balls, and majority of the family being killed by being burned alive. Hate to break it to you all, but they saw each and every one of you, and themselves being brutally murdered.." Alex said

"Wow... that... sucks..." Chris said

"So how did you guys...?" Wyatt asked shakily

"I don't know, I mean it just sort of happened, I was really wishing I had my mom because I'm..." Alex began but cut himself off

"What?" Phoebe asked her would be son

"Nothing, it's not important..." he mumbled

"No, Alex if it brought you here then it is important, we need to know..." Wyatt said

"Ok... um.. how do I say this... I.. um... well.. I'm sorta... I'm, well... I'm pregnant..." Alex said nervously

"Congratulations." Everyone said to him

"...With John Storm's baby..." He finished and braced himself

Chris's eyes shot open even wider, and his smile faded, "I beg your pardon..." Chris said cautiously

"I know this is weird, but remember different universe different person..." David said quickly

"Well obviously I'm not gonna get mad, I mean it's not like Johnny and I are, Johnny and I in your universe, hell I'm dead there, it's just weird to hear that someone else is pregnant with your husband's child, even though it's not really your husband... God I'm so confused." Chris said

"Well... If it makes you feel any better your Johnny is a much better person than my John, where Johnny is compassionate and loving, happy to be married with kids, John is selfish, narcissistic to a diseased level, and abandoned me the moment he found out I'm pregnant, not to mention the idea of marriage terrifies him." Alex said sadly

"Honestly, Johnny was once just like that..." Chris said

"What changed him?" Alex asked

"He met me, and we shared a bond, a bond that made us stronger together, and eventually we fell in love, and it was rough, but he turned into a beautiful person..." Chris said

"I'm sure they are very different, but the thing that really surprised me, is that Johnny has powers here..." Alex said

"He didn't in your world?" Piper asked

"No, he didn't, Sue married Victor VonDoom, Reed Richards went insane, Ben got married and left the state, and Johnny was left all alone, he shut himself off, but became so self obsessed that when he met Alex, he was, well still is, but was a closet case, who only used Al as a way to get off, and when him getting off resulted in a baby, he bolted." David explained

"Hen... I mean David, would it kill you to let the boy answer for himself?" Paige said shuddering at her word choice, David hugged her

"It's ok mom, I'm here now... You don't need to feel bad anymore..." he comforted her and she let go once more

"Ok... well.. as great as this has been you two should really get back to your own world..." Piper said

"You're right..." David said

Alex attempted to use his power but failed

"We could try the power of three..." Chris said, his face changed, "Well that's impossible, number three bailed on us..." he finished

Orbs appeared and in them appeared Sandra, "His power to straddle worlds has been taken by the tribunal..." she said ominously

"Ok.. isn't there supposed to be some kind of trial...?" Phoebe asked

"In typical cases the answer would be yes, but he was given to power so he could come here, the power served his purpose, we'll leave it up to you to make them members of polite society..." she said and orbed out

"Wait.. .why can't we go... damn her!" Alex shouted and the coffee table flew to the wall

"Whoa there killer, I guess if you can't go home then that means you're meant to be here." Phoebe said calmly

"Well.. if you're gonna be living here then those rags have gotta go..." Chris said

"Leave it to my son the fashionista to make clothing the top priority, do what you must Paige and I will doctor up some government documentation!" Piper exclaimed

"Ok guys... let's go to our house and get you guys presentable for public..." Chris said and led everyone across the street, while walking David spoke

"So why don't you guys live in the manor, I mean shouldn't good be by the nexus and all?" David asked

"Well if the nexus were still around then yeah we'd be living there, but after the former charmed ones A.K.A our moms vanquished the nexus and Zankou, we can live anywhere."

"Here we are Casa de Storm..." Chris said,

Wyatt cleared his throat, "Excuse me?"

"Well it's in mine and Johnny's name..." Chris said innocently

"Pete, you here?" Wyatt called out

"Hey guys, glad you're home I made sushi!" he exclaimed

"And it smells like you're gonna hafta cook something else darling, Alex here is knocked up, and can't have sushi..." Wyatt said and kissed Pete who frowned, but smiled small after the kiss, "as you wish my wife." He joked

"Wow, I didn't know he was so nice..." David said

"What's that mean?" Wyatt asked

"Well in our world he murdered Chris in cold blood, I didn't expect him to even be in this world, let alone living with you, and... married?" David questioned

"Yeah, for three years now." Wyatt said holding up his hand

"WHOA!" Alex and David said

"Oh you think that's good, take a look at that..." Wyatt said and pointed at Chris's ring

"HOLY JESUS!" Alex said

"Wow, I think a hole burned in my eye..." David said

"That is the biggest rock I've ever seen... Johnny proposed with that?" Alex asked

"Look Alex I know that your experience with Johnny wasn't a good one, but mine has been incredible, so please just have an open mind..." Chris said and led them upstairs

"Ok Dave, you come with me, and Alex you go with Chris..." Wyatt said and they parted ways

"This should be appropriate..." Chris said handing Alex some khaki shorts flip flops and a polo shirt

"Thanks Chris this means a lot..." Alex said

"Don't thank me yet, we are going to the salon after this, and then we shop..." Chris said

"You're not gonna make me go blonde are you?" Alex asked

"You've got sandy hair would that be SO awful..?" Chris said in his best flamboyant voice

Alex smiled and dressed

"Very nice.. you're definitely losing that hair..." Chris said

"Ready!?" Wyatt called

"Yeah, let's get going already..." David called

"OKAY!... god, they don't know how long beauty takes..." Chris joked quietly

They filed into Chris's Range Rover, and drove to the city, and found their favorite salon

"Ok, I am going to tell them what to do, you're both such wonderful blank slates..." Chris said

Alex did end up blonde with a wispy new haircut, David ended up with spiky brown locks with subtle caramel highlights, Chris got some chunky white-blonde highlights put in his light brown hair, and Wyatt got a semi over the eye razor cut with one brown chunk in the front, Wyatt treated everyone.

They went to the mall, and found some great clothes for their cousins, and Chris pulled out his black card and paid for it all, after buying some expensive new clothes, Wyatt treated everyone to a nice lunch in a fancy restaurant...

"Hey isn't that the guy from that musical movie you guys loved when you were alive?"Alex asked quietly so no one would hear

"Where?" Chris asked

"Over there at the table in the corner..."

"Yeah you're right that Zac Efron, damn a little maturity did him good..." Chris commented

"He's looking at you Alex..."

"No he's not Chris, he's looking at you, probably gonna come over here and ask you to put a hat on because of the glare from your high lights..." Alex quipped causing everyone to burst into laughter, which of course in a quiet restaurant attracts attention

"Hey, you're Chris Storm right?" a voice said from behind them

"Um who's asking.." Chris said and turned to see a man in his early thirties in a business suit

"Benjamin Decker, I'm an agent, and I saw that spread in 415 magazine and you'd be perfect for a role in a movie that I'm assisting a friend in casting..." Chris's ears pinked

"Yeah.. about that spread, I wasn't exactly myself in that, I wouldn't really, I should just stop talking now.." Chris said embarrassed

"Well, if you'd like to audition, you have the look we're looking for and the body type needed for nude scenes..." The man said bluntly

"I beg your pardon what scenes...??" Chris asked

"Nude, naked, no clothing... you know, sex..." The man said

"Yeah.. um.. maybe I could audition... do you have a card or something...?" Chris asked

"Here, home and cell are on the back..." he said and handed Chris the card and walked away

"Ok, how did that guy know who you were...?" David asked

"Well, I'm a bit of a celebrity in these parts, I married a celebrity, and run a high profile restaurant, people notice me..." Chris said

"and what kind of spread in 415 magazine???" Alex asked

"Well, I was kind of under the influence of magic, and sorta did a nude photo shoot, and the only thing covering me in the center fold were put in digitally..." Chris said pinking more

"Oh my god..." David said and put his hand over his mouth

"Did the moms see this?" Alex asked

"YEAH.. sadly they saw it, and I am scarred to this day, but hey, there's no retouching..." Chris said proudly

"Well that's something to aspire to, you know, maybe we should get home and help the moms commit identity fraud..." Wyatt suggested a waved for the waiter

"He's right, I hope they didn't make my name too whacked out..." Alex said

The drive home was filled with chatter, and with everybody urging Chris to do the movie...

"I can't answer until I discuss this with Johnny, I mean there is nude sex scenes involved, plus it's only an audition, don't you guys think you're getting a little ahead of yourselves...?" Chris asked

"Well, we're just proud of you, so, sue us..." Wyatt said

"You just remember Mr. Twice Blessed, you may be more powerful, but I can still kick your ass.." Chris said and turned onto their street

"Whoa, what's that?" David asked, "Why is that guy wearing a robe standing in the middle of the road

"Oh my god... it's... Dumbledore..." Chris said and pulled over

"Professor Dumbledore, what are you doing here?" Wyatt asked the elderly man

"I came because I was worried, we haven't heard anything from you for years, we were all hoping you'd come back to teach, and then one of our teachers from another universe claims you are all dead, so I had to come see for myself..." the man explained

"Oh... Well... yes in his or her world we are in fact dead, but in ours we are still very much alive..." Chris explained

"How are Harry, Ron, and Hermione...?"

"They graduated this past year and have decided to go for a how do the muggles say it, a rather, normal college experience, so they have moved to America for the next four years..." Dumbledore said proudly

"Well where do they attend, we'll wanna visit..." Wyatt said

"I believe the term the used to describe the was U.C Barcliff...Barclay... Barker...? I don't know..."

"U.C Berkeley?" Alex asked

"Yes. That's the one, an impressive school, they only knew of a couple, from some amercican television show they all watched when not at Hogwarts, som form of abbreviation, however that lacks importance, I can see that you are all well, so just remember those teaching positions are always open for you th... two... where is the third boy?" Dumbledore asked

"He, um, is no longer with us..." Wyatt said

"Oh my dear boys I am sorry, how did it happen..?" Dumbledore asked

"Oh god no, he's not dead, he just selfishly gave up his life as a witch to become a whitelighter to be with the love of his life..." Wyatt bitterly explained

"Alas, love is a very powerful form of magic, it makes us do things we never once imagined possible for us to do." Dumbledore stated

"Yeah and we certainly didn't think it would be possible for our brother to abandon us and leave us vulnerable to attack..." Chris said

"If you don't mind me butting in.. um.. who exactly are you and how do you know them?" David asked

"I am Professor Albus Dumbledore, headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and there boys saved our school and many lives and we are indebted to them..." Dumbledore stated

"That's cool... Um.. Chris if you don't mind we need to move along, I have to um.. puke my guts out..." Alex said feeling very nauseated

"I better apparate back to the castle now. It has been a pleasure as always

"Bye professor..." Wyatt and Chris said, and they sped to the house

Alex ran to the bathroom and vomited, they could all hear him retching

"I so don't miss being pregnant... SHIT! It's seven, I promised mom I'd pick up the kids by then." Chris said and ran across the street

Chris walked through the front door and found Piper tied to the banister, Chris ran up to her and stopped, seeing the floor was a pool of water with sharks circling

"Mom!? What happened a demon?!" Chris made the pool disappear, and began untying her

"Worse, the dynamic duo, your demon son, and Wyatt's evil spawn joined forces when I wasn't paying attention..." Chris couldn't help but laugh at the description of his usually sweet son, and adorable niece

"Lemme see.. Laura Paige Halliwell, Johnathon Christopher STORM JR GET IN HERE NOW!" Chris boomed

The two innocent looking kindergarteners walked in heads hung

"What did you do to your grandmother and don't you dare lie to me I will know if you're lying!?" Chris demanded of them

"It was John's idea..."

"LIAR! It was YOURS!" John yelped

Chris looked at them both with a fierce look, "ONE of you is lying to me, now I wasn't the truth or so help me you two will be in so much trouble..." Chris said firmly

"It was my idea..." John admitted blushing a little

Piper observed her son in action, and was very impressed, it had always taken her hours to sort through who was responsible for what... "Chris it's not that big a..."

"Don't interrupt me while I'm disciplining, and you would do well not to undermine me in front of the children." Chris blurted out

Piper's face changed from sympathetic to angry but she said nothing

"You two orb to your rooms, and if I find out you made one single sound you are going to be punished..." Chris said and they orbed out holding hands trembling slightly

"I beg your pardon, since when do you speak to me like I'm your equal?" Piper asked in that way that only a parent can

"You undermined my authority as a parent I had every right to say was I said, I am however sorry if you were offended by it but I do not apologize for saying it, you would have done the same thing..." Chris said softly

"I suppose you're right, I just guess that I'm not quite used to my son the parent and authority figure..." Piper said hugging Chris

"I have to go deal with a lying son..." Chris said and went to get Justus, then they walked home

"Hey Chris was mom upset?" Wyatt asked

"Oh, Wyatt, you need to deal with Laura, I've already yelled, but I can't do the punishing..." Chris said

"Wait, what, why? What happened?" Wyatt asked

"They tied up mom. To the banister, over a magical pool of sharks, it was my son's idea, but Laura was involved, I have to go deal with John..." Chris said and walked up stairs

"Wow... is that the kind of stuff I'm gonna have to deal with?" Alex asked

"No.. yours will be worse, cause yours will have our kids as an influence..."

Chris put Justus down in C.J's old room, now the nursery and Jocelyn's room, and walked down the hall and knocked on John's door, now his own room.

"Come in..." he heard a little voice say

"Hey... John, what came over you, you never have acted this way before?" Chris asked his oldest son

"What do you care anyway mom?" John pouted

"Hey... HEY..." Chris said softly, "Honey you need to tell me what's wrong..."

"I just want you to pay attention to me, you're always with Justus, or Joss, it's always about your babies, never me, you don't even love me..." It broke Chris's heart into tiny pieces to hear his son tell him this

Chris picked up his son and placed him on his lap, "You listen to me, I love you, I love you so much, I'm so sorry you feel like that, I never wanted you to feel that way..." Chris said kissing his son's light brown hair

"I do..." the boy cried into Chris's shoulder

"I'm going to make you a promise son, I am going to try extra hard, I'm going to give you as much attention as the babies, but, in return, you need to be on your best behavior."

"Ok mommy..."

"But, you are still getting punished..." Chris said

"But Mooooommmyyyyyy..." John pouted his big icy blue eyes tearing

"I'm sorry baby, but what you did today was totally wrong, and you are going to be grounded from Benjamin's house this week..." Chris said not wanting to go overboard

"No mommy, please, I want to go please something else..." John pleaded with his mother

Seeing how much he wanted to go Chris considered changing it but stayed strong, "You need to know that what you did was wrong, so you are grounded from going to Benjamin's and if you ask me to change it again you are gonna be grounded from next week too..." Chris said and John buried his face in his pillows

Chris heard his cries and even a muffled "I hate you.." and it hurt, but he knew this may be the first, but not the last time he hear this from his kids

To Be Continued

I know it's a little short, and it's a bit of a filler, but don't worry, I'll have something better within the next few days to make up for how long it took.

Next: Chapter 25

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