Marvelously Charming

By Joseph Foster

Published on Dec 24, 2007


Marvelously Charming

Chapter 24

All good things...

"He's not breathing..."

"No that can't be, he can't be gone, you have to try and bring him back."

"I tried, I really did, he's gone."


"Why did this happen, oh my god how are we gonna tell him the love of his life is gone?"

"Maybe we won't have to..." Johnny said

"What do you mean Caleb's gone, C.J and Chris came so close, they still haven't woken up..." Wyatt said

"Yes. But you have the power to assume control of people, or things, Chris told me about the time you made a robot self destruct during a danger room session, combine that with your projection power, and your healing ability and you should be able to do exactly the opposite to a human, and if that doesn't work there's always time travel" Johnny said

"I could try..." Wyatt said, concentrating very hard on taking over Caleb's body, once he was in control, he used his powers to awaken the senses and brain activity, respiration, and projected his healing power throughout the body, wanting life more than anything else."

It worked, but what Wyatt didn't know was he had transferred the majority of his life force to Caleb, and once Caleb awoke, Wyatt collapsed

"Oh no, Wyatt.." Johnny said and suddenly he was no longer in control of his own body, and was healing Wyatt

Wyatt regained consciousness "How did you... did it... oh..." He faded, alive, but asleep "Could somebody please explain what the hell is going on here?!" Carlos asked

"Well if it wasn't already pretty obvious, they have magical powers, and they were attacked by demons, it's all very simple honey." Gaby said

"I would still feel better if they'd just wake up." Susan said

"Wait a second I thought... he..." Tom said pointing to Caleb, who was now holding C.J "was dead..." he finished

"He was, but Wyatt, used basically all of his power to bring him back to life." Johnny said

"Really... wow... I didn't even think he liked me..." Caleb said

"How could he not?" C.J said to Caleb weakly

"You're awake..." Caleb said with a kiss to C.J

"I'm not feeling too good..." C.J said

"You were thrown over the banister, it's amazing you survived..." Caleb said

"Yeah?... No wonder my head hurts.." he croaked

"Bree, could you please get him some....." Caleb, got disoriented and passed out his head smashing into the cherry oak floor

"Oh! This doesn't look good." Bree said

"How could it, one of them was dead, now he's unconscious, and the other two are still unconscious..." Susan said

Bree filled some glasses "It was admirable, Chris almost died... to save... me..." Bree said

"Oh honey, you can't blame yourself, it's his calling to protect." Gaby said

"I know, but if I had simply minded my own business ...." Bree trailed

"No, this is nobody's fault..." Lynette said, and they all walked back with glasses of water for everyone, Chris still wasn't awake, neither was Wyatt

Johnny was holding Chris... "Come on baby, you need to wake up for me, please..." he cried onto Chris's forehead

"Can somebody carry him upstairs I would but I'm unable to lift heavy things..." Johnny said

"Why not?" Mike asked

"Well because... I ... um... I.. herniated a disk..." Johnny lied

"Oh, ok, I've been there, I'll take him up." Mike said

Mike gently picked up Chris, and carried him up the stairs, and to the master bedroom, laying him on the bed... "mmm.. hey..." Chris said, kissing the lips of the person laying him in bed, the person pulled back, he opened his eyes, and immediately covered them after seeing Mike.

"OH.. GOD..." Chris said

"Don't worry about it..." Mike said

"I am SO sorry..." Chris said

"It's ok, you were delirious, you forgot Johnny can't carry you because of that herniated disk, honest mistake... right?" Mike said

"Herniat... yeah, um I forgot about that herniated disk."

"I won't say anything..." Mike said

"Thanks. You know for carrying me, and for keeping quiet, but I'll just go down on.. I MEAN with you." Chris said turning all shades of red

"Remember... delirious..." Mike said with a chuckle and helped him up

"I'm good..." Chris said

They walked to the stairs, they saw C.J sitting on the couch his arms wrapped around Caleb's still form, "Hey everyone, look who woke up." Mike said, and Chris was barraged with people

"Oh baby, I'm so glad you're ok." Johnny said kissing him like he'd never kissed anyone before

"Yeah... What happened anyway...?" Chris asked

"Well, a massive demon attack, with C.J being thrown over the banister as the diversion so we wouldn't know they were coming, and then you saved Bree's life but got knocked through that wall... did I miss anything?" Susan said pointing at the wall

Bree hugged Chris "Thank you so much." She said

"No problem..." Chris said

"Ok guys, this has been a lot of fun, but I think everyone should head home." Johnny said

"Thanks again." Everyone said as they walked to Piper's to get their respective children

"We'll do it again soon." Johnny said and ushered them out

Chris had walked over to the couch where Wyatt was still unconscious in Pete's arms

"How's he doing?" Chris asked, rubbing his neck

"Oh, I-I-I don't kn-know." Pete said between sighs and what seemed to be a yawn

The front door opened and it was the sisters, "Gaby said you guys were attacked, is everything ok?" Piper asked, but then saw Wyatt, "What happened...?" she asked stroking her eldest's face

C.J watched the scene, and Chris and Johnny stood back, so Piper could get down by her son, "We don't really know, but we know he used a strange combination of powers, and a lot of magic to... bring Caleb back to... life..." Johnny said

"He did what?!" Piper, Phoebe, Paige, Chris, and C.J asked shocked at the same time

"He brought Caleb back to life..." Johnny said

"How...?" Piper asked

"I-I don't know, you'd have to ask him... um... who's with the kids?" Johnny asked

"Oh Leo put them to bed." Paige said

"You mean I almost lost you? I can't even imagine losing you..." C.J said and snuggled against his lover's large body, though he was not moving

"I don't mean to interrupt..." Phoebe said

"Oh..." C.J said and got up hugging his mother, "I love you mom!" he said, causing Phoebe to be wide eyed and hold him at arm's length

"That's the first time you've ever said that to me..." She said hugging him again, tighter, "I love you too."

"Caleb...?" Phoebe asked "He's unconscious, I don't know why but I have a really bad feeling..."

The days turned into nights, and the nights turned to days... days became weeks... and weeks became months... Wyatt and Caleb are still unresponsive

"How's he doing today?" Chris asked

"Same as every other day, I just can't bear to see him like this; you guys need to do a spell, something..." Pete said crying

"We're working on it, but if we don't word it properly it could have terrible side effects." Chris said kissing the top of Pete's head and walking out, a gesture witnessed by Johnny

Johnny walked to C.J's room, where he was folding his laundry

"I have something to ask you..." Johnny said to C.J

"As long as you can say it while you fold clothes, shoot..." C.J said not looking up

Johnny sat on the bed and began to help folding

"Have you noticed Chris acting differently since Wyatt's been comatose...?" Johnny asked

"Well, I have noticed he goes to see him all the time, if he's not with you or the kids, he's with Wyatt and Pete..." C.J said still not looking up

"And Pete, how's he handling it?" Johnny asked

"As good as can be expected, I mean this is his husband, and he may never get him back..." C.J said looking Johnny in the eyes

"And Chris and Pete, are they helping each other through this? And how are you taking this, I mean Caleb may not be your husband but you love him don't you..." Johnny asked maintaining eye contact..

"Well, it has certainly brought them closer..." C.J said noticing the downcast in Johnny's eye, "Hey..." C.J grabbed Johnny's face in his hands, "I know you're pregnant and your hormones are wacky, but you've been down this road before, don't make any assumptions..." C.J said and tapped Johnny's nose, causing him to laugh "And I am doing fine, but I REALLY wish Caleb would wake up..."

"You know Ceej, you are really great, you would make a great father, I think Caleb will be fine" Johnny said

"Yeah I guess, but I'm not really the married with children type... But being so close to losing him, I feel like I want to re-evaluate my options" C.J said

"Hey... neither was I, and from what I've heard neither was your mom, but look at you Christie, Cooper, and Caitlyn, you're all here." Johnny said and tapped C.J's nose, "so think about THAT..." he finished and walked out

2 weeks later

"Ok, we nailed the spell, I tried it on Cyclone and it worked like a charm..." Chris said

C.J perked up... "WHAT... What did you do to my puppy...?" he asked Chris, shocked

"Nothing... I just sorta... drained... his... um... life force..."


"Don't worry I put it back, and I was just one witch, so the power of three can certainly bring Wyatt back..."

"I still can't believe you drained my dog's life force..." C.J said, while Chris and Johnny cracked up

"Ok, enough laughing, C.J you and me have a date with Pete and Wyatt upstairs now..." Chris said, and Johnny's face went blank, C.J shot him a "no" look

They got up to the room, "Pete wait outside... C.J You just need to stand on the other side of Wyatt, and we need to create a circle, each of us with a hand on him." Chris explained, "Power of the brothers rise course unseen across the skies, we call upon the Halliwell line, to reinforce the new charmed line, infuse his soul with the life once known, let him rise and be able to stand on his own." Chris recited, swirling white lights emerged from both C.J and Chris, depositing into Wyatt's body, and out came a red light that exploded

"Is that what happened with Cyclone?" C.J asked

"Basically, I think it worked."

Wyatt's eyes fluttered open, "Is Caleb ok?" he asked

"Wow... you were really out of it..." C.J said

"Is he ok?"

"He's alive if that's what you mean." Chris said

"Oh thank god... How long was I out?"

"Um.. About five months..." Chris said

"Oh... that sucks... um... but everyone's ok?" Wyatt asked

"Yep." C.J responded

"Then that's cool, I just wanna see my kids, and my husband, that's all I need."


There was a blur and Pete was smothering Wyatt in kisses

"Oh my god, I am so.. glad.. you're... alive.." Pete kissed him again

"I just can't believe I've been gone for so long, how's Johnny and the baby?" Wyatt asked

"Good, he's about 6 months along now, we put off Jocelyn's second birthday party for Uncle Wyatt, she wouldn't have it any other way, told us so herself." Chris said, raising his right hand as though he was under oath

"Aww, where are my beautiful girls, and my niece and nephew?" Wyatt asked

"They are downstairs, if you're strong enough you could come down."

"I think I'll be fine." Wyatt said

They got up and started walking, as they passed C.J's room, Wyatt saw Caleb hooked up to machines

"I thought you said he was ok!?" Wyatt exclaimed questioningly

"He's alive, he's breathing on his own, but he's on a feeding tube." C.J said

"His mother was here, but went back to the hotel; she said she couldn't bear to see him like this, she told us she wants the doctor to remove it..." Chris said, C.J hadn't known the last part and had a shocked expression, "they are taking it out this afternoon..." Chris finished

"B-but, he.. he'll DIE!" C.J said

"I didn't..." Chris said

"But he's not you Chris!" C.J yelled

"Look Ceej, I know you love him, but you aren't his husband, his mother is the only family he has left, she makes the decisions..." Wyatt said

"I do love him, and I know how much he would hate this, so, let that bitch unhook whatever she wants..."

"The bitch intends to do just that, I am going to save my son from the one thing he would have hated more than dying, I do not blame you for being angry, but your little crush on my boy aside, this is what's best." Evenlyn Danvers stated coldly

"You don't know anything about your son, you've been withdrawn and selfish his entire life, and now all of a sudden you show up here and intend to tell ME, what HE would WANT?! You must be as crazy as he said..." C.J said and got slapped

"You are just some little faggot that wanted to get with my son, he's above all that, and this relationship you've cooked up in your warped brain was no more than a one sided obsession on your part, save me the love bullshit, I can tell by the way you act, you are the only thing that matters to you, screw everyone else and their feelings, my son has about 12 days to live enjoy them." She said and stormed out

"I can't believe she would do that to her own son, I hate her..." C.J said and went to sit by Caleb's bedside

"Is there anything we can do...?" Chris asked Wyatt quietly

"It's his time, if I had been meant to save him he would have woken up..." Wyatt explained

"I can't believe after everything we've been through C.J has to suffer once again..." Chris said and hugged Wyatt tightly

"I know if it was Pete, Ceej or especially you, I don't know what I'd do, I can't remember a time you haven't been there for me." Wyatt said and gripped Chris tight

"I wish we could save him, but it's not up to us this time, and I feel so helpless.." Chris said

C.J sat gripping Caleb's hand, "I wish she knew, I wish she could understand, Caleb, you are the one person in my life that I have actually wished I was different for, the day you said I love you to me, was the day I truly lived, and I only wish I had made the best of our time together, you were so great, I wish we'd gotten married while we had the chance, I only wish I was going to have you in my life..." C.J kissed his hand

"I'm Doctor Bridges, I'm afraid you'll need to step out..." a doctor said to C.J

"I love you Caleb." C.J left the room crying

Evelyn Danvers sat in her hotel room, knowing what was happening at this moment, she knew she should feel like she was helping her son, but she couldn't help but feel that she was giving up on him, and that he still had a chance...

C.J walked into the family room, "They're doing it, they're un-hooking the tube, I can't believe this..." he said and some paramedics came in with a gurney

"We're here to transport the victim to the hospital." A burly medic stated

"First door on the left upstairs." Johnny said

"Now they're taking him away to die..." C.J said and buried his face in Chris's shoulder

"You can see him whenever you want..." Chris said stroking his back, as his own shoulder became wet with tears

"I don't wanna lose him, I love him..." C.J said and looked at the promise ring

As they rolled him down the stairs C.J turned away, and they left

"I need to go..." C.J said

"Are you following the ambulance...?" Wyatt asked

"No, I mean I have to get away I can't stay here anymore..." C.J said and walked out of the house

Chris was about to go after him, "Don't... He needs this time, he'll be back when he feels like he can..." Johnny said

Chris hugged him, "if it was you..." he cried

"I know baby, I know, I love you so much." Johnny hugged him tightly

2 weeks later

"It's amazing he's held on this long, is these cases we usually see it as some form of unfinished business, though it's not medical it's more theoretical..." Dr. Bridges said to Evelyn

"Two weeks without nourishment, I always knew my son was strong but I had no idea how strong..." she said

C.J was sitting on a rock on a beach, and was crying, "Don't do that, you know how much I hate it when you do that..." Caleb's spirit said

"Caleb, what are you doing here, are you...." C.J didn't finish

"No, not yet, but I'm close, Cole, baby, I can't let you live like this, your life with your brothers is far too important for you to give it up over me, our love was strong, but you can't give up on your brothers." Caleb said

"I can't imagine life without you..." C.J said

"You know that was exactly the thought running through my mind when I saw you lying at the bottom of those stairs, since I met you, you have always been the most important person in my life." He said to C.J

"I really love you." C.J replied

"And I you, but it's my time, I'm not meant to stay anymore, I love you." Caleb said and faded away

Evelyn Danvers heard the clang of a ring hitting the floor; she picked it up, and read the inscription "A promise for life, Cole."

For the first time since she had found out about her son's situation she cried, and heard th machine in the room flat line, and cried harder...

"Caleb Danvers, time of death 10:45 A.M." Dr. Bridges pronounced

C.J felt as though a part of him had died that morning, he walked all the way home, not caring how far it was

"He's been gone for weeks, should we go look for him?" Chris asked

"Chances are he doesn't wanna be found." Wyatt said

"I'm right here." C.J said and was hugged by his brothers

"Oh how are you holding up?" Wyatt asked C.J

"Awfully, I know he's dead, I can feel it, and it hurts, my heart is broken, I don't wanna think about it right now." C.J said and sobbed into Wyatt's shoulder

"I'm so sorry, and I'm even sorrier because his mom said she was gonna come over to drop something off." Chris said

"Great maybe it's a knife through my heart like last time she was here"

The doorbell rang, "Let's all go." Wyatt said

When they opened the door a ragged looking Evelyn was standing on the other side

"I know he loved you, and I'm sorry for treating you the way I did, may I come in?" she asked, and they allowed her entrance

"What do you need?" C.J asked, she could see in his eyes he already knew and that made her sure of the connection between her son and this striking man.

"I thought you might want this..." She said, and pulled Caleb's promise ring out of her pocket

C.J's eyes widened at the gesture, "I don't know what to say, except thank you, and..." he hugged her, "I know what you're going through."

"He was all I had left, treasure every moment you spend with your family, it is so important." She said, and left

"I can't believe her total 180..." C.J said, sighing, and went to bed.

"He's so torn up inside I can barely stand..." Chris said to Wyatt

"Really, what do you mean?" Wyatt asked

"I mean, he regrets not having the baby, he regrets always telling Caleb he wasn't ever gong to marry him, and he regrets all the times he made Caleb sad, and it's all just dripping with grief and remorse, and such sadness, I need to redirect all of this, it's gonna weigh me down." Chris said

Over the next week, C.J barely ate, spoke, or even made eye contact with anyone, the funeral was that day, and he was sitting in his black suit, motionless, when Johnny walked in, "Hey buddy, you ready to go?" he asked

"No, I don't wanna go..." C.J responded

"Come on you need to... why not?" Johnny asked

"Because if I go that means he really gone and never coming back..." C.J said

"Dude, that's true whether or not you go to the funeral, but I'm gonna tell you, you need the closure." Johnny s

It was a private funeral, the three remaining covenant boys, Mrs. Danvers, and the Halliwells. Their Grams performing the service from beyond the grave

After the service, they all stayed around, and Chris got overtaken by emotions, and threw himself on the casket, screaming


"What the hell just happened?" Tyler asked

"Apparently Chris was vocalizing what C.J is feeling..." Wyatt said

"Oh..., why?" Reid asked

"Well C.J has withdrawn himself from reality, but he can still feel, and he is feeling so powerfully that it caused Chris to feel it, but it was too much, so it all just came out..." Wyatt explained more thoroughly.

"So, he's tortured on the inside because of my son, the poor dear, if I had known just how deep their connection ran, I never would have said the things I said..." Caleb's mother stated

"You had no way of knowing.... But they're gonna start burying Caleb soon, so we should go..." Pogue said

"Pogue could you get C.J? I need to go see how Chris is doing..." Wyatt said

"Yeah, no prob, we'll take him home." Pogue replied

Wyatt walked to where Johnny was holding Chris, "Hey buddy, how are you?"

"I-I don't even know, it was like I was watching myself do that, it was like C.J took control of me or something, I know it was just emotions, his heart is broken, he is so torn up inside, I don't know if he'll ever be the same..." Chris said

"We better get back to the house, I don't wanna see him buried..." Wyatt said, Johnny and Chris agreeing

When they arrived at the house, they all went to change, Chris went to go check on C.J, he was simply laying in his bed fully clothed in his suit, Pogue was talking to him...

"C.J, you have to know, Caleb felt very strongly for you, and he wouldn't want you to act like this because of him, he'd want you to be your usual self, he said in the event of his death, I was supposed to give you this, so here it is." Chris heard and saw Pogue hand him and envelope

"Hey, how's he doing?" Chris asked after Pogue exited the room

"He's awful, he's totally comatose in there." Pogue explained

"I'm gonna try with him." Chris said

"Good luck." Johnny was walking up as Chris went into the room

Chris walked into the room, "C.J, I know what you're going through right now, when I lost Zeke, I didn't show it, but I was ripped apart from the emotion, I loved him, I had to move on and be myself, and now I know the reason he died was so Jocelyn could be born, I know you're probably sick of hearing this like I was, but everything happens for a reason, you may not have been destined to be with Caleb, but that doesn't mean you don't love him, get angry, cry about it, but don't fight your emotions, cause you'll be fighting a losing battle, I love you so much Ceej, and I'd hate to see you waste your life angry and bitter about something you had no conrol over." Chris said, and hugged C.J crying, he looked and saw the letter.

"I realize you are withdrawn but I know you can hear me, so I want you to listen, I am gonna read you the letter." Chris opened the letter, "My darling C.J, if you are reading this it means I have passed away, and if this is the letter you received it was in your presence by a demon attack. You must know now in your heart of hearts, you are not to blame, you were my reason for waking up each morning, and sleeping at night knowing I'd be holding you. You were the love of my life, and I am so sorry for the sadness that you must feel, but I needed one effort to help you, so I made Pogue promise to give you this, I would have thrown myself in front of a bullet for you, energy balls, fireballs, ou name it and I would have thrown myself in front of it, if it meant you would be safe for another day, I would have fought beside you to the death, and I'm sure that's what happened, and you cannot blame yourself, I want you to move on, I want you to find love, and I want you to remember the love we shared, and the life we had together, remember it, but don't dwell on it, remember me Cole, I will always be with you, I love you, good-bye, For all eternity, Caleb Danvers." Chris read and began to cry, he saw C.J beginning to cry, and hugged him, "he's right C.J, his death wasn't your fault, you loved him, and we love you so come back to us."

Chris felt a grip on his back that hadn't been there before so he looked C.J in the eyes, "I just want him back so much, but if losing him means that we'll be able to continue to do all kinds of good, maybe I can move on, it was just his time." C.J said, Caleb orbed in

"What...?" Chris said still holding C.J

"How is this happening... what is this?!" C.J yelled

"I don't know exactly, what I do know is that something you said made the elders very happy and gave them faith that you could see me, and still be able to move on, so here I am, for your last goodbye, the goodbye you never got." Caleb explained

"I'll give you two some time." Chris said and met Johnny in the hallway

C.J kissed Caleb and pulled him to the bed, "C.J what are you doing?"

"I'm saying goodbye the best way I know how, make love to me one last time Caleb." C.J said

"I'm not, I don't... I have no excuse." Caleb said and kissed C.J tenderly yet forcefully

C.J kissed Caleb's rippling abs, and suckled his way to the one foot monster, and sucked it expertly down his throat, pulling off and kissing Caleb once more, who put them in a 69 position, sucking on C.J's 8 inch cock, he reciprocated.

"I'm ready...." C.J said, and Caleb looked into his eyes, he knew C.J needed it

"Ok." He said, and he got on top of C.J and lubed up a finger, placing it inside of C.J with a slight hiss

"More.." C.J commanded, first one more then two more, then he lubed up his cock

"I love you C.J." Caleb placed his well lubed cock at its target

"I love you too." C.J said and pushed against the huge cock

C.J felt a pleasurable splitting of his ass cheeks, and ground against Caleb's thrust, Caleb gripping onto C.J's thighs pulled him hard against the throbbing member as it hits C.J's prostate and rubs against it, C.J cried out and blasts his cum on his own chest.

Caleb licks his chest and continues to tenderly fuck C.J's ass hole

"I'm close, what should I do?" Caleb asked

"I'm ready, give me a child." C.J said with love

"I can't make any guarantees." Caleb chuckled and sucked on C.J's neck

"I know you want to, so just plant your seed, I love you and want to have your baby." C.J said

Hearing those words made Caleb so happy, he pulled out and shoved back in and started to make love to C.J with determination to cum.

"Oh god! UH I love you!" Caleb yelped and shot a huge load into C.J and rested against him

C.J wrapped his arms around Caleb, "I love you too." They fell asleep together

Caleb awoke a few hours later as did C.J, "Baby, I have to go, they're calling."

"Will I ever see you again?" C.J asked

"I want to, but, I don't know, so, I'm not going to say anything, except goodbye." Caleb said and kissed C.J

"Goodbye my love.." C.J sniffled

Caleb orbed out

C.J was surprised, he no longer felt sad, he just felt hopeful, would the next day be better, he had no idea how, but now, he actually wanted to find out.

C.J walked down the stairs greeted by Johnny and the kids

"Hey buddy you wanna join us, we're making Chris breakfast...?" Johnny asked

"Are we all eating it?" C.J asked

"Yeah, but it's breakfast in bed for Chris." Johnny stated

"What's the occasion?"

"Just me being the wonderful husband I am." Johnny smiled large and went about making the breakfast.

C.J watched as Johnny and his son maneuvered the kitchen, while Jocelyn played on the floor.

"Ok, J.C can you carry this to mommy?"

"Uh-huh.." the little boy looked so happy

Wyatt walked into the kitchen holding the paper in his hand... "Ooh, food... sweet."

"Could I see the newspaper?" C.J asked

"Sure..." Wyatt said and once C.J touched it he had a vision

A man running through flames, falls through weakened floor boards and is engulfed in flames

"What'd you see?" Wyatt asked

"I saw a guy, around our age, he was in a building it was on fire, he... died..." C.J said trying to maintain a calm demeanor

"Well we need to do something, um, I'll make a potion, so we can withstand flames, and we can track it, shouldn't be too hard." Wyatt said running up to their attic

C.J ran up the stairs to Johnny and Chris's room, "Hey guys I hate to interrupt but Chris we have a witchy type situation..." C.J said and waved for him to follow

"Coming..." C.J could hear some arguing probably from J.C, but he ignored it and went up to the attic

"Ok.. Here's the potions, we have one hour, we'll be impervious to flames we need to find this guy..." Wyatt said, and they orbed to a location Wyatt had found

"This is it..." C.J said and they went inside the burning building, as they were searching C.J had another vision, in this one he saw an unfamiliar boy and another who looked strangely like his dear departed cousin, saving an innocent, that looked like his innocent...

After snapping out of his vision C.J saw the guy running, and then everything seemed to go slow, C.J saw the floor boards beginning to weaken, he jumped to the man levitating knocking him back as the floor boards broke, "Wyatt! Chris!" he called and they orbed out

"He's out..." C.J said

Wyatt healed him just in case, he awoke, "the ghost!" was all he said

"I beg your pardon?" Chris said

"He's the one, he's starting the fires, he wants all people to suffer, to suffer the way he did..." the man rambled

"Who wants them to suffer?" C.J asked

"The ghost, the ghost wants them, all of them to suffer, he knows they burned him, they burned him intentionally burned him." He said

"Can you tell us your name?"

"I'm Andrew, Andrew Woods, I, I know things, things about ghosts, he's starting the fires..."

"Ok calm down, do you have a name for the ghost?" Chris asked


"Nobody can hurt you here..." Wyatt said

C.J just watched and was starting to feel uneasy

"How do we know you didn't start the fire?!" C.J asked

"Because why would I want to harm my brother, he's dead now thanks to this ghost, maybe you should think of what it would do to you if you lost one of your brothers." Andrew said, immediately changing his attitude

"Ok, listen Andrew, we need you to tell us, who is this ghost, how can we find him...??" Chris asked

"He picks family friendly buildings, places where people will suffer, places where he knows people who die will be missed, he's trying to decimate the city, that's his ultimate goal." Andrew explained

"I can't deal with this shit right now..." C.J said and walked out

"And what exactly is this shit?" David asked Alex

"You know what I mean, we just save this guy and now he's all like trying to tell us how to do what we do best, I don't think so, I won't let anyone tell me how to do this job, not this one, after everything we've lost, I think we know what we're doing..." Alex said exasperatedly

"Look, I get it, I remember that day too, it just, we, I... we just can't dwell on it, we still have each other..." David said

"I just, this guy, he reminds me so much of him, and if he hadn't.. if i... if he hadn't read that spell... they'd all still be here, I just, I miss them so much..." Alex said

"I miss them too, but they wouldn't want us to soil their memories with weakness, they were strong, and we must be to honor them." David said and hugged his surrogate brother

"C.J what the hell was that, I realize you're upset, but treating an innocent like that isn't acceptable, I thought when I chose you as the third charmed one I was making the best possible choice, but what you just did, was terrible, not to mention you had no basis." Chris vented

"Oh, so when I make mistakes, it comes down to you choosing me, well, maybe you chose wrong, hey maybe if you'd chosen the latter it'd be me that would be dead now and you wouldn't have to worry about preserving the oh so fragile feelings of a would be innocent.." C.J vented back

"What's gotten into you?" Chris asked

"Everything, I just lost the love of my life and I'm never getting him back, and now I have to deal with so called innocents that are somewhat suspicious..." C.J said

"The last thing Caleb would want is for you to treat an innocent like a guilty party, get your priorities straight, and then come back to us." Chris said and walked back into the house

Alex sat in his bedroom and was thinking, of better times, this world, in shambles, evil in control, magic having been exposed left them vulnerable, and the innocents, many lost, this was not the life he once knew, he fell asleep remembering better times

&We can do it if we do it together, come on guys, "In this night and in this hour we call upon the ancient power bring forth the magical bounty we seek justice is time for us to wreak," The spell was worded badly and the demons just kept coming, powers were useless against them Wyatt was the first to have his heart impaled by a metal bar which exploded causing him to turn to blood and ash, Piper was next she was hit with six consecutive energy balls throwing her through the air and getting chopped up by the exhaust fan in the warehouse, C.J did a backflip to avoid a fireball and a demon stabbed him 13 times with an athame, Phoebe levitated to kick but her leg was chopped off by a laser whip, same with the rest of her, Chris was crushed like a bug by a possessed Piotr, Paige was dusted by a firestarter, and the rest of the family was trapped into cages and burned alive, only a five year old Alex, being shielded by a nine year old David were able to escape.... In Magic School David took to the difficult task of fatherhood, at age nine he was raising a five year old, and Alex appreciated the slightly older boy, over the years the cousin's bond grew stronger, though David became overly protective of the fragile young boy. At age 15 Alex came home from baseball practice, on this rare occasion he was allowed to have a friend over, so he brought Jeff, a senior boy from the varsity squad, and they decided to hang out in Alex's room, once there Jeff moved in for a kiss, which Alex accepted willingly, Jeff began to kiss down Alex's body, Alex was ok with this, but then Jeff began to get rough, "take it easy Jeff" Jeff ripped Alex's shirt, "Jeff! Stop.." Jeff ignored this and pulled off Alex's pants, "Jeff, I said NO!" as Jeff was undoing his belt buckle he was grasped by the back of the neck and thrown into the wall, "my boy here, said no..." and David began to beat the living hell out of Jeff, if Alex hadn't screamed for him to stop he would have killed him&

A loud noise broke Alex from his slumber, he remembered the dream, his family all dying, in such horrible ways, and his first experience gone horribly wrong, he wanted to cry but forced himself to get up... He walked through the dingy house to find his cousin, in the kitchen he found him, the kitchen smelled of food and propane, not the shining beacon it once was when his aunt Piper had been alive...

"Um... David?" Alex said

"Yeah buddy, what's up?" he asked

"Would I, um... maybe be.. um.. could I go out tonight?"

"Who what where when and most importantly why...?" David askd

"A friend, a movie, in town, because we want to..." Alex said hopefully

"Nice try, try again, truth would be nice..." David said knowingly

"Ok, it's a date..." Alex submitted

"You know you're not allowed to date..." David said flatly

"Yes I know, but please just one date..?" Alex said

David softened his face, "Ok with who?"

"John Storm..." Alex said truthfully

"Um. I don't think so..." David said


"No, I'm truly happy I've already told you you're not allowed to date cause I mean it now more than ever, you deserve better... Are you still nauseous?" David asked

"Everyday, practically every hour, but who's counting...

"Look I just don't want you going out with somebody who dumped you the second they found out there was even a glimmer of a chance you could be pregnant.." David said

"You know, ever since his sister ran off with Doom, he just was never the same again, you know how they say everyone has a rock, Sue was his rock, now she's gone, and he's a closet case, and he hates the idea of settling down, like it's a plague or something.." Alex said

"Hey, everyone has their own ideas about stuff like that, but I don't think you should be going out with an ex..." David said

"Oh. You know... you're.... oh... .." Alex swayed, "I don't feel so good...." He fell forward into David's arms, there was a flash of white light

"INCOMING!" Chris called out, and as soon as the ghost appeared he stabbed himself

"ashes to ashes"

The ghost starts spewing fire every way possible

In the flash of white light, the shambled house disappeared and a very different, though very modern looking house appeared, but was gone as soon as the eye could adjust...

"spirit to spirit, take his soul, banish this evil..." Chris continued to recite and the ghost disappeared into the night

"What the hell was that?!" David yelled

"I have no idea, but this baby is gonna kick my ass..." Alex said

"You don't even know if you're pregnant..." David said

"Yeah well, if I throwing up this much I better be..." Alex said jokingly

"Did you see that spirit reciting that spell, it looked like.... Nevermind..." David said

"Chris?" Alex said

"Yeah..." the both said

"Whatever that was, we both must be crazy..." David said

"I think I did that, I wanted things to be like they were, but then I started puking, but we ended up... I wanna try something..."

"What do you mean you want to give up your charmed destiny??" Sandra asked C.J

"I can't be without Caleb, and I can't do the charmed thing anymore, I wasn't the right choice, and I know I need to be with Caleb..."

"There are two options..." Sandra said

"Ok..." C.J said

"Well, either you relinquish your powers and become mortal Caleb clips his wings and you two live as mortals, or you become a whitelighter, but you would need your brothers to agree to say a spell, one which will strip you of your inherited power as well as your charmed power, and replace them with those of a whitelighter, and you'll never see your family again, the choice is yours..." she finished handing him a slip of paper and orbing out..

"Ok.. now that demon is taken care of let's just kick back and relax..." Chris said, and C.J magic to magic's in...

"Did you figure whatever you were figuring out?" Wyatt asked

"Yeah, and I need you guys..." C.J said

"Ok... what do you need?" Chris asked

"I need for you to read this spell with me..." C.J said

"Um.. what spell?" Wyatt asked

"One that will make me a whitelighter..." C.J said

"Why?" Chris asked

"So I can be with the love of my life..." C.J said

"You mean, if we read this spell, then you won't be a charmed one anymore?" Wyatt asked

"And I'll never be able to see you again..." C.J explained

"Why would you want to do this, don't you care about what we're all about anymore?" Chris asked

"Honestly no, and I haven't for a while, I just can't bring myself to want to do this anymore, it's not who I am anymore, I've changed..." C.J said

"You're right, you have changed, I'll read the spell, just because I don't want to know you anymore..." Chris said, C.J was torn up inside to hear his `brother' speak those words, but he knew this was for the best

"I can't believe we wasted there years on you, Coop was right about you, I'll read the spell, hell I'll get your shit for you, and since you won't need it any more..." Wyatt orbed all of C.J's belongings to the junkyard, C.J was emotionally crippled at that moment

"You guys..." C.J started

"No, we don't want to hear you speak, not unless it's the spell..." Chris said

C.J handed them slips of paper, and they all read in unison, "A wayward witch in time and space, can no longer wear this witches face, remove his powers, transform this charmed witch into a spiritual guide, from fighter, to whitelighter, here us the power of three, from three to two."

C.J rose into the air and white lights exited his body and floated up, and bluish white lights flowed into his body, he came down to the ground

"I ju..." C.J started

"Save it, without the charmed ones, we are no longer brothers." Chris said and went upstairs followed by Wyatt

C.J began to cry, but somehow wound up in a white heaven like location

"C.J, how did you..." Caleb started and C.J kissed him

"I gave it all up... for you... and our life together, I love you..." C.J said

Caleb kissed him

"Are you?" Caleb couldn't finish

"God no, well I guess technically, I don't know, it was a spell, and here I am...

"Whatever baby, I'm just glad you're here..." Caleb said

To Be Continued...

Yeah... it was time for something new, but don't worry, you haven't heard the last of C.J and Caleb...

Next: Chapter 24

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