Marvelously Charming

By Joseph Foster

Published on Dec 15, 2007


Marvelously Charming

Chapters 22

Life With Those Little Befores... Afters...?

As a "2 Hour Christmas Special" The cast of Desperate Housewives will be guest starring, I claim no ownership to any of the characters

&If you're a fan of Desperate Housewives, I've aged Bree's baby, and Susan's baby and named her Autumn, given Gaby a daughter Priscilla, and Lynette has Penny&


This chapter will be narrated

Life for we Halliwells has always been somewhat, exciting, but over the past few years life has changed, not only are we living our own lives, but those of our families.

Take my brother Chris and his husband Johnny for example, they lead a relatively sane life, two and a half kids, a beautiful house, and spouses that would walk ovr hot coals and broken glass so the other wouldn't have to feel pain. When they met six years ago, all anyone expected was a flash romance, and for my brother to end up hurt, he ended up pregnant and died, but in another flash, was brought back, and with that started their epic love, a love that people die never having experienced, and what's their secret you ask, why communication.... Let's listen in

"So I took the test again, and it's positive, I got piss all over the place but I think we should see Ava tomorrow." Johnny said

See how well they communicate

"Yeah, um so just cause you're pregnant don't expect me to do everything, call Ava and make your appointment I work tomorrow." Chris said

"How about I make it on your lunch hour so you can go with me?" Johnny asked hopefully

See how good they are...

"Ok baby, I suppose since it's your first baby, I'll be there for you." Chris said kissing Johnny's forehead

"Here it's a vegetarian omelette." Chris said and gave the food to Johnny

"Pass the chocolate sauce..." Johnny said

"I beg your pardon?" Chris asked

"I was kidding." Johnny said

Aren't they cute, yeah they sail smoothly for the most part, unlike my other brother and his new boyfriend.

See, ever since they got together C.J Halliwell and Caleb Danvers have been a rollercoaster of happy then sad, and vice versa, mainly starting that fateful day when C.J, with nobody's knowledge, had an abortion.

"I can't believe you are still holding this over me, I made my decision, and I stuck by it, it doesn't change how I feel about you." C.J said

"I think you're making to big a deal out of this, I was only teasing if you wanna buy Hairspray go right ahead."

Yes even the little things become dramatic with those two, but the love is still there, mostly.

"You know Cal, I think I'm falling for you..." C.J said with a smile

"Are you trying to say..." Caleb asked hopefully

"I love you Caleb, and I want to be your official boyfriend."

Caleb wrapped his large arms around C.J "I have waited so long to hear you say that, I love you too, and I would be honored to have you as my boyfriend."

Aww... Tear.. they are too cute, so now that they love each other, and everything is cool let's check in on my hubby.

"Hey you're back, where'd you go...?"

OH nowhere just narrating a story nothing to concern yourself about

"I was just walking around, getting some air, and thinking."

Good save...

"Ok, well Laura is starting school today, and they ask that one of the parents attend for the first day, do you want to go or should I." Pete asked

Damn it work...

"Oh sorry, I can't I've gotta go to work."

"It's ok, I took the day off just in case."

He's great isn't he?

"Ok sweetie, I'll see you in time for dinner tonight."

Kissing him goodbye never gets old, so now that I have to go to work, maybe the story could take another point of view....


Ever since Johnny has started to understand more and since he's bonded with C.J now he won't respond to anything besides pet names or J.C, he's so like his mother

"Ok J.C, you ready for your first day of school?"

Snapping a picture of my son for his first day of kindergarten, turned today into one hell of a milestone, I can't believe he's five, and going to school.

"Yes mommy, I am ready, you drive me?" he asked

"Yes I am, and I'll be there with you."

We requested that he and Laura be put into the same class, so they would know at least one other person, we figured then they would be more open to being sociable.

"Yay! We leave now?" he asked

"As soon as your FATHER GETS DOWN HERE!"

"DADDY HURRY UP!." He yelled

"Ok. I'm ready." Johnny said and kneeled in front of his son

Oh what a sight, they look so much alike its eerie

"Ok guys, get ready for a picture."

Johnny wrapped J.C in his arms and they smiled big for a picture

"Let's go mommy."

At the kindergarten as I presumed the paparazzi just couldn't wait to catch a glimpse of J.C Storm (we changed his last name after the marriage) and it pissed me off, but J.C didn't seem to care, he just couldn't wait to start school.

We walked to his assigned class room, and we were met with smiling faces, a few of the kids were crying, but for the most part they were basically content.

"Welcome to my classroom, I'm Ms. Evelynit's a pleasure to meet you Mr...?" the teacher kindly greeted me, now being a telepath I was fully aware that she knew exactly who I was, but since she was being so kind...

"Storm, but you can call me Chris, and this adorable little one is J.C, my son." I told her after pulling him from behind me.

"Well J.C we are going to be great friends, why don't you go pick a seat so I can talk to your daddy." He just smiled and ran over to Laura, I could see they were up to no good, but hey I could be wrong.

"He seems lovely." The teacher told me

"He is, and he's very bright." I said with a smile

"I can tell that you two have a bond like not many parents do, but I must say he is awfully small for his age, so I just wouldn't want him to be teased." She said thoughtfully

"Well I... His mother gave birth to him premature, Johnny and I have raised him since he was six months old the size of a one month old..." I quickly covered my slip, hey I didn't lie THAT badly

"Oh dear, that's awfully premature, but you don't have to worry, I will keep an extra close watch on him, and make sure the other kids don't give him too much flack." Ms. Evelyn said with a reassuring smile

"Well, he is very small, but he's also very strong, he can handle his own, but that would be greatly appreciated." I said smiling, especially since she had no idea just how well he could handle his own

"Ok, if you'd like to go stand with the other parents, I'll be starting class soon, there's coffee and donuts for parents." She smiled again

I grabbed a cup of coffee, it was weak, but tasted fine, I spotted Pete being harassed by many of the mothers, I just had to smile

"Hey Petey, how's it goin'?" I noticed he wasn't wearing his wedding band

The mothers went for coffee, still eyeing him

"Oh, thanks so much, they were practically mauling me..." He said gratefully

"Yeah, probably because you're not wearing you wedding ring..." I said looking at his hand, which he quickly grabbed

"Oh shoot, I was washing dishes this morning, and I didn't put it back on, Wyatt's gonna kill me..." It was an honest mistake, so I put my hand in my pocket and summoned his ring

"Here, I knew it belonged to one of you..." I'm really getting better at this lying thing

"You saved my skin again Chris..." Not really recalling saving the first time, I just smiled

"No prob, but don't let it happen again."

A beautiful slender red head walked up to me while I was conversing with Pete

"Hello, I'm Bree Hodge, are you two new around here?"

"Oh us, no, we live in San Francisco, but since this school is so much better for our kids' futures we decided driving them two towns away is better than subjecting them to the horror of public school." I over-dramatized, sensing this woman was a bit hoity toity, from the way she spoke

"I couldn't agree with you more, I've had my little Benjamin on a waiting list since he was born, when did you enroll your kids...?" She asked, obviously looking for the scoop

"Oh, I enrolled him last week." I said, knowing more questions were coming

"Oh... Girls, come meet..." She stopped and looked at us

"Chris and Piotr, just call him Pete." I responded with a plastered smile

"Pete and Chris." She finished

"Hey it's nice to meet you I'm Susan Mayer." I shook her hand and so did Pete

"I'm Gabrielle Solis." More shaking

"Lynette Scavo..." yet another

"Nice to meet you ladies, I'm Chris Storm, and this is my brother in law Piotr Halliwell." I said as politely as possible, truth be told these women were like 40, and I felt awkward only being 22

"Ok, now forgive me for being blunt but neither of you look old enough to have children starting school." Lynette said

OOH, take a step back she's a woman, she's a woman...

"Oh well I was 17 when he was born." I choked back swear words

"Oh my how ever did you cope...?" Bree asked, she may have been tooth-achingly sweet but I'm not in the mood for a root canal right now.

"Well being that I am a responsible person, I stepped up and did what was right, I wasn't selfish enough to just walk away from a child, if I was man enough to make the kid, I'm certainly man enough to take care of it, Petey's the same way, he was 20 when Laura was born." I said hoping for a subject change

"Well that's very admirable, so is he you only child?" Susan asked

"Oh no, I have another, she's almost 1, her name is Jocelyn, and another one on the way." I showed a picture of Joss hoping this would get me off the topic of teenage pregnancy

"She is striking, she looks kinda like Priscilla did as a baby, don't you guys think?" Gaby said showing her friends the picture

"Which one is Priscilla...?" I asked, wanting to know what my daughter might look like one day, hell if it was anything like Gaby, I'd definitely only be thinking of two words, Chastity and Belt...

"Oh she's the little one in the designer skirt, same as the one I'm wearing..." Gaby said like that was the most normal thing in the world, I saw her and I could only hope my little girl was gonna be that adorable "Which one is yours? She asked

How could I say she's not normal, my kid's wearing Abercrombie... "Oh he's the one in the Abercrombie, the adorable one with the dark brown hair and the icy blue eyes, just like his father..." OH SHIT

"Um... Your eyes are hazel..." Susan said

"Oh... right... but when I was little... they were... blue..." I covered

"How would you boys feel about coming over for a play date as soon as class is over, we would love for all of our kids to become friends..." Bree suggested

"Oh I just have to check with my husband..." I said like it was nothing, hey I had a high profile wedding, they must know already, with the American media being what it is

"Oh, ok, why don't you give Johnny a call, and then talk to Wyatt for me, I forgot my phone..." Pete said

"I'll be right back ladies..." I said, looking at the looks on their faces.

I stepped out into the hallway and dialed Johnny's cell

"Johnny Storm..." he greeted

"Hey baby, how's your day so far?" I asked

"Oh. It's better now, how's school?" he joked

"Haha, look a few parents have asked for J.C to be part of a play date, so I was thinking he should be as social as possible, but it's up to you..." I said to him

"Oh, that's great, I sure never got invited on play dates when I was in school, it'll be good for him, go on have a good time.." I love that man

"Ok, will do, love you baby."

"I love you more, but I gotta go, give J.C a kiss for me."

After hanging up I smiled to myself... What a normal life...

Dialing Wyatt's number I thought to myself, how amazing this really is, I have 2 kids, another on the way, demon activity has been fairly light, things are going really well.

"Hey Chris..." Wyatt said sounding a little sick

"Hey Wy, um, Pete wanted me to call you, the kids are invited to a play date, and it's sorta for the parents too, so, he wanted me to let you know that's why we won't be home right after school."

"Oh. Ok, I'm not feeling that great, work is hell today, way too much paper work, so I probably won't be home to notice, tell him I said to go ahead and have fun." He coughed a bit

"Ok dude, I'll see you later. Bye."

"Ok, we're set, the guys know where we'll be." I said to Pete

"So will you gentlemen be joining us?" Bree asked in her way too perky manner

"Most definitely." I said in an almost mocking tone, I really didn't mean to sound that way I just couldn't help myself

The first day was cut in half, so we were following their carpool van to Bree's home

When we got to their street I was amazed, it was so surreal, it was like the new version of Prescott, the house I assumed was Bree's had an amazing garden, I had to hand it to the lady, if homemaking was an Olympic sport, she'd definitely be a gold metalist, and probably have polish on hand.

"Ok. Children, go to the back yard, and you can play." Bree said

"Mommy, when are we gonna go see daddy?" J.C asked me in a shy way

"What is it baby, you don't want to play with the other kids?" I asked him fixing his collar

"It's not that, but daddy's sick, I want to help..." He said so cutely it melted my heart

"Well sweet pea, daddy is going to be fine, but he's contagious so you can go to him, or you'll get sick, and can mommy worry about both boys at the same time...?" I asked him ruffling his brown locks

"No..." He smiled

"And do you think the tickle monster is gonna stop if you get sick?!" I asked making a claw

"NO!" He shrieked and I started tickling him "Now go play with your new friends!" I said swatting his rear end

"So... Your son calls you mommy?" Gaby asked

"Yeah, he says it helps him keep from confusing us..." I said

"Because he.. has two daddys..." Lynette said

"Yep... Because he has two daddys... he... calls me mommy..." I said, god how uncomfortable is it to be normal!?

"Well I think it's very admirable of you." Bree said, all I could do was just wonder how exactly it was admirable... but whatever

"Well, you're obviously a great... mother?" Lynette sort of questioned

"It's ok if you call me his father, he understands, but insists on calling me mommy." I said I know how red I must be by now

"I'm sorry if we're making you uncomfortable, how about some nice tea?" Bree offered, all I could think now was.. WHERES THE BOOZE?!?

"Tea would be great." I said graciously

"So Piotr, what do you do?" Susan asked

"Well, I'm a stay at home dad and uncle, I'm kinda like the nanny for Johnny and Chris, and in return Wyatt and I don't have to pay part of the house payment. but Wyatt my husband is in advertising." Pete said he seemed unfazed, probably because they were so focused on me...


God when did I sign up for this?! These women are brutal, poor Chris, if he changes any redder he'll pass out

"That's great, and Chris what do you do for a living?"

"Oh I manage the Charming Restaurant in San Francisco." Chris said finally he seemed to be comfortable

"Oh, I love that place, the décor is beautiful, but the spicy tequila lime chicken alfredo is to die for, not to mention I have never been into such a clean place, I could have eaten off the floor." Bree said

"Well thank you, that is actually my recipe I came up with when we opened, while I was 14, I designed the layout, and my aunt Paige did the décor, but mom owns it and the entire menu are her recipes, but the family contributed one, well those of us who can cook anyhow, which other than mom is really only myself and Wyatt" Chris smiled genuinely for the first time since meeting these women, he's finally getting it

"I had no idea, that's remarkable..." Bree said

"You don't say..." Chris was getting a little testy


{I am but these women make talking to a shrink preferable}

{You're the one who wanted a normal life}

{I said normal not Stepford!}

{Don't make me buy a house on this street!}

{OK I'll be nicer...} Chris smiled at the ladies

"So what did you all do before being moms full time?"

It turned out Gaby was a model, Lynette was a high powered ad exec, Bree has always been a mother, and Susan illustrates for children's books.

"That's great." I said thoughtfully

** Chris **

Then I heard screams...

"Oh KIDS!?" We all yelled at the same time

There was a guy wearing a weird helmet and a blue woman standing by the kids

"Who are you?!" Lynette yelled

"I am Magneto, and I'm here for... Their children..."

"What could you possibly want with our children?" I asked

"Simply due to their complex combination of DNA they are the key for me to overtake and rule all human population." Magneto explained

"You're gonna have to get through me first." Piotr said and changed into his metal self prompting gasps from the women and the children.... Well not J.C or Laura... obviously

"Not a problem." Magneto said and used his force to throw Pete through the house

"You're not gonna have a lot of luck with that for me." I said

Telekinetically removing his helmet I orbed out, kicking over his partner, and suspending him in midair, entering his mind I knocked him out and did the same to the blue woman, not before saying a quick spell to immobilize them

"I call upon the spirits to help undo and send them off to Timbuktu, are you kids ok?!" I asked J.C and Laura, they immediately hugged me

"We're fine, where Uncle Piotr?" J.C asked and I saw the hole in the roof of the house

"What are you?" Bree asked shocked.

"We all need to talk in the kitchen." I said, and everyone entered the house

"Petey you ok?" I asked seeing him come to

"Yeah, little headache is all."

I repaired the roof and the ceilings and the dent on the floor with a spell

"Ok, well now that you've seen, it's time for us to explain, and I know that you four are the queens of gossip, I know from reading your minds, and what we are about to tell you does not leave this room, is that understood?" I asked

"I think I can speak for everyone, you saved our children so we owe you at least our silence." Lynette said followed by nods of agreement

"Ok, well Petey here is a Colossus, he is a mutant and he has immense physical strength, show `em Pete." I said, and he picked up Gaby with the pinch of his fingers, "see, and I am a little more complicated, not only was somebody on my father's side a mutant but, I am also half witch and half whitelighter, meaning I have magical powers." I explained further

"Really?" They all asked

"Yeah well you witnessed a bit outside." I said

"Yeah but we weren't really paying attention, we were worried about the kids." Susan said

"I was getting to the demonstration." I tossed an apple in the air and blew it up

"Oh my goodness..." Bree said

"Yeah, I am so sorry you had to find out like this, if we were ever going to tell you this wasn't ideal." Pete said

"But you're good?" Gaby asked

"Oh yes, I am one of three of the most powerful forces of goodness on the earth." I said reassuringly

"And him?" Bree said pointing to Pete

"He helps as you saw outside, if he hadn't been made of metal he would've squashed Magneto.

"So he's bad, this Magneto guy?" Susan asked

"Yes, that's why I fought with him." I explained

"Ok, we can handle this, are your kids... witches... as well?" Bree asked

"Yes, but don't worry your children will never be in danger around Johnny or Laura, they both have protection shields that will prevent harm, that's the fiery and blue things you saw surrounding the kids." Chris said

"OH THANK GOD... I thought they were harming the kids, but it was your kids protecting ours." Lynette exclaimed

"No Lynette, that was just our kids helping."

"Provided that if more people like this will be coming around, as long as your kids can protect themselves, as well as our kids, I don't see a problem with these play dates becoming a regular thing." Bree said, which surprised me

"You mean you still don't mind if Johnny and Laura hang out here?" Pete asked

"No, they're harmless, how about Wednesdays, they can just ride the bus with the kids, and that will give Pete an afternoon off, and you can come get them after work...?" Bree suggested

"That would be perfect, should that start this Wednesday??" I asked

"I think so, as long as we're all in agreement?" Bree questioned the group

"And what do you kids think, do you want J.C and Laura to come over every Wednesday?" Susan asked, and all the kids adorably nodded their heads at the same time

"Well I'm glad they've all bonded so quickly." Lynette said

"Well we better head home it's almost six, and I'm supposed to cook tonight... Would you ladies like to come over for dinner Wednesday after the playdate?" I asked

"Oh that would be lovely as long as you make your spicy tequila lime chicken alfredo." Bree said

"Oh that can be arranged, bring your husbands, and we can send the kids across the street to my mother's for the night." I suggested

"A WHOLE night without kids, oh can your mother handle all the kids."

"Well she has my dad, and if you don't mind her using magic on your kids..." I joked

"Actually that might not be such a bad idea for my boys..." I laughed at Lynettes comment

"I'm actually being serious, if she could maybe make them hold still or some thing..." Lynette said in all seriousness

"I can tell her that magic is ok for anyone 10 and up." I said

"Good plan." Lynette said, "I just wish I had that ability now..." she finished

"Ok, well J.C, Laura get your things and say bye." Pete said

"We don't wanna leave..." Laura said

"Come on sweetie we have to go see mommy." Pete said and her eyes lit up, she said bye and ran to the car

"Let's go buddy, say bye to your friends." He high fived Benjamin, and waved to the girls, they all waved back

"See you ladies AND your husbands tomorrow night, and here I wrote down the address for you." I said, and we air kissed good-bye, and we drove off

** Johnny**

Ok, it was just a play date, where are they it's almost seven...

I heard the door open

"DADDY!" J.C ran into my legs

"Hey son, how was your first day?!" I asked him as enthusiastically as possible, my nausea was outta control though

"I made friends!" he shrieked, oh son, cool it, my head hurts

"Really, how many?" it was so cute he looked so stumped as he tried to count them

"4!" he said excitedly

"Do you know their names?" I asked him, I just wanted to see his adorable thinking face again

"Priscuwa, Ottoman, Dime, and Bemin... I think..." he answered with a sour look

"Close honey, it's Priscilla, Autumn, Penny, and Benjamin." Chris said with a smile, J.C just scrunched his face and gave me another hug and ran off to play with Jocelyn on the living room floor

"Hey baby, how was the playdate?" I asked him

"Oh, it was good, until two mutants tried to kidnap the kids..." Chris replied

"WHAT... Why didn't you call...?" I was pretty pissed now

"Well, I took care of it, and the kids have their shields, nobody was hurt, but I had to tell the ladies the big bad secret." He explained

"Ok, but you should have called me.." Still angry

"Well you know what Johnny, what would you have done, flown on over and checked on me, I am perfectly capable of protecting our children." Chris spewed at me

"You obviously didn't do that well today..." Ok it was low, but it had to be said

"Didn't do that well?!" Ok I pissed him off now... "What the heck is that supposed to mean, these kids were pr... You know what, you and me upstairs RIGHT NOW, we aren't gonna do this in front of the kids, Pete keep an eye on them." Chris roughly grabbed my wrist and orbed us upstairs

"What now?" I asked him

"You... shutting up and listening... The kids were practically raised around demons, them having to use their shields is nothing new and as soon as there was one hint of danger I went full force on those mutants, and protected them the best I could, as I ALWAYS have since BIRTH!" he yelled

"You should have been with them you should have been watching..."

"OH so now I'm a bad parent because I was taking a little break, these parents do this all the time with their kids, and you know what I wanted to feel normalcy for the time being, I knew a demon wouldn't attack with mortals around, and we've never been the targets of the mutant world before so I made a perfectly safe decision, and at the moment danger presented itself, I pounced, and did what I had to do, so I don't appreciate being criticized." Chris said and began changing his clothes

"Look I'm sorry, I didn't mean to imply you're a bad parent cause you're not, but the fact of the matter is, you need to pay more attention to the kids..." Ok that set him off

"PAY MORE ATTENTION?!? What the FUCK, I'M THE ONE WHO TOOK THE DAY OFF TO GO TO SCHOOL WITH HIM, I'M THE ONE WHO WENT TO A FUCKING PLAY DATE AND HAD TO BE JUDGED FOR NOT ONLY BEING YOUNG BUT ALSO FOR BEING GAY AND MARRIED, WITH A BABY ON THE WAY, DO YOU KNOW THE THINGS I HEARD THOSE WOMEN THINKING ABOUT ME, AND ALL THAT CHANGED WHEN I SAVED THE KIDS..." Chris began coughing from the yelling, but he went on "and you know what, they were truly grateful, they didn't care how close the bad ones got to the kids, or about my orientation, or my possible having a girl pregnant while married to a man, all of that went out the window, because I preserved something they hold so dear, and the one person who should truly care, is throwing it in my face like I did something wrong..." Chris finished crying, and pulling a hoody on, he opened the door and left the room.

In the bathroom Caleb, Wyatt, and C.J were listening

"Guys, they haven't fought like this before, this is serious, they are the strongest couple I know, they rival mom and dad, and here they are at this impasse." Wyatt said

"Those two are what I aspire to, well minus the marriage part, not for me, but the way they are with each other, is awe inspiring." C.J said

"Dude, my parents used to fight like that and then they divorced..." Caleb said just getting looks from C.J and Wyatt

"Let's go downstairs and start some dinner." Wyatt said, they could hear me throwing stuff around the bedroom

They all walked out and downstairs, Chris was cooking in the kitchen

"Hey buddy what are you making?" Wyatt asked him

"Just spaghetti, hope that's ok..." He sounded so sad

"Yeah dude, that's perfect, you ok?" C.J asked

"Yeah, I'm fine..." His voice broke a little, and a tear fell into the water

"You're not fine, talk to us, we're your brothers..." Wyatt said and lightly hugged Chris from the back

"Hey babe, could you go watch the kids in the living room, we need some time alone." C.J said and kissed Caleb's cheek

"It's just that, I do... s-so much, and he doesn't even notice..." Chris said letting a few more tears fall

"Oh honey, he notices, he's just preoccupied with the new baby, and with having to slow down with his fantastic four duties, it's a big change for him..." Wyatt soothed

"Yeah, but I went through the same thing twice, and died once in the process." The man does have a point... "You wanna know something, we know how much you do, and you should know, even though you're the youngest, to us, you are like the older sibling, you are so great with your kids, you run a restaurant, and you have complete and total control of each and every one of your powers." Wyatt said

"And you are wise when we're lost, and your cool and collected while we're frantic and worried, you've got it all, not to mention a son who adores you." C.J said

"But all he sees is that I wasn't watching..." Chris said burying his face in Wyatt's broad shoulder

"But you were there for all of those kids, and only two of them were your flesh and blood, you saved 4 other kids, and we see that, and he will too." Wyatt said, noticing that C.J was gone, not knowing he was on his way to see me...

"How could you say those things to Chris?!" C.J asked from the doorway

"Stay out of this, this doesn't concern you." Ok I'm really pissed right now, so sue me.

"Oh I think it does, I just spent the last 10 minutes talking to my brother, yeah remember him, extravagant wedding ring, cute little dimples, your husband, well he's downstairs breaking down over a pot of spaghetti while you stand around up here like a dimwit, thinking he messed up." C.J said

"Breaking down?" I asked, I knew this couldn't be good

"Yeah, that sodium in our noodles, that'll be Chris's tear drops flavoring them, so why don't you stop being such a bitch and think about the facts, he not only saved your son, but he saved Wyatt's, and all four of your son's new friends, and he did it without thinking about himself, and you know what, all those women were able to look past the fact that Chris was probably the reason their kids were in danger at all, and why... because he saved them, and that is all that matters to a true parent, so think about that." C.J said and stormed out

God he's right, why did I have to be such a dick, should I blame hormones? Ok, I need to go talk to Chris...

Once I got down the iron staircase I saw him sitting at the island the spaghetti was in the sink, and he was bawling into his arms, how could I be the cause of that, I never wanted to hurt him.

I walked up behind him and started to rub his shoulders

"I said go away..." he looked up at me with a tear streaked face, "Oh did you wanna rip out my heart and stomp on it, cause it's basically all that's left??"

"Look Chris I just wanted to apologize, I haven't been myself lately, all of these changes and now with me being the pregnant one, I'm so messed up, I didn't mean any of those things I said, I swear, you are the best parent I could ask to be my children's other father." I said sincerely

"I believe you, but it doesn't change what you said, if you said it, you must have felt it at least a little, I've learned that much over the years. But, I will forgive you, because I have been in your position before, but I won't forget it, not for a while, consider yourself on probation." Chris said and kissed my lips so tenderly I boned up, "No." Chris said before I could say a word

C.J and Wyatt high fived outside the kitchen "Thanks Guys!" Chris hollered, causing them to look at each other.... "Telepaths..." they said at the same time...

Couples learn a lot during the course of their relationships... like how to communicate the small things... or how to forgive harsh words...and even that fighting is normal for all couples and no couple is perfect, but one thing some couples never expect to learn about their partner, is that they are less than willing to make a true commitment, but sometimes it is the fear in their heart that scares them away from that fateful decision, but what of those happy couples who others aspire to be like, are they perfect, or are they simply... meant to be...

To Be Continued...

I thought I'd end part one like an episode of Desperate Housewives, and hey it sounds good at 2am. Feedback appreciated. Luv ya! Keep on Reading!

Marvelously Charming

Chapter 23


"Ok I swear if the world doesn't start showing me some respect I'm gonna stop saving it every week." Chris yelled as he walked through the door

"Ok... What's up?" Johnny asked as he greeted Chris at the door with a kiss

"Well, I was just interviewed for 415's 10 Sexiest Career Men under 25, and they told me that I was cover material, I mean why the fuck would I want to pose nude with nothing but a briefcase shielding my cock!? How degrading is that" Chris ranted

"I think it sounds pretty hot..." Johnny said and sat on the couch patting the spot next to him

"You would, but I've worked hard for my career, and you know being the sexiest career man under 25 does stroke my ego a little, but I am reputable why should I lower myself, I'm not some... playmate..." Chris said

"Baby you just have to do what your comfortable with, tell them you'll do the shoot, fully clothed, and if that's not enough skin, tell them a bathing suit is the most you'll do... or is it the least... whatever you get it" Johnny said and ate a spoonful of ice cream

"Well I'm supposed to go to the shoot by noon, I suppose I should go, I mean I am number one..." Chris said

"Have you decided how we're going to try and take down the charmed one?" a demon asked another

"I am going to simply attack them as men, and see how that goes, did you get the personal effects?" the other demon asked

"Yes sir."


"Have you guys seen my lucky pen?" C.J asked

"Did you check the coffee table I saw it there yesterday." Chris responded

"How about my fossil watch, I thought I put it on the nightstand, I've checked everywhere...?" Wyatt asked

"Try my bathroom." Chris suggested

They both returned a few minutes later, "this is just pointless!"

"Wait neither of you, FUCKING goblins, they also stole my keys to the restaurant."

"Oh wow, this sucks, how are you supposed to work...?" Wyatt asked

"Well I'm not, I'm off today, surprisingly mom decided to close today, I think the place got rented out for a private party, by Wendy and her family."

"Oh, cool, Ceej, what about your pen?" Wyatt asked

"Oh I was gonna go job hunting, I lost my job at the doctor's office."

"Dude, just come work for me." Chris suggested

"Yeah, well don't take this the wrong way Chris, but I have to deal with your shit already, and don't really wanna have to deal with it with you as my boss..." C.J said

"Wow. Ok... I need to have mom make me a new set of keys, I tried summoning them but the goblins might have them in another plane."

"and my watch was so dirty, I was gonna clean it, but from the looks of it, maybe I should clean the house first, and maybe I'll find it along the way..." Wyatt said and went to get started..."

"First.... Cole..." The demon said and dropped a voodoo doll and C.J's pen into the cauldron

"Gotta find my pen, ooh ooh ooh, gotta find my pen..." C.J was searching all over he felt a little lightheaded and his eyes began to glow, "OH I NEED a JOB..." He said and walked out of the house

C.J walked down the road, and walked into every business looking for a job, getting application after application handed to him, but then he came up to a strip club, it was a gay strip club, and he walked in.

"Hey I'm Cassidy, and you are.... JUST what I'm looking for... PLEASE tell me you're looking for a job..."

"A job... Why yes, a job is exactly what I'm looking for, so what do you need...?" C.J asked

"Well we're looking for a stripper, do you have time for an audition?" Cassidy asked

"Well if the audition can result in a job then yes, because a job is what I need, a job." C.J said

"Cool, hop up on stage and show me what you got." Cassidy said pointing to the stage

C.J got on the stage and stood there for a moment, "Go ahead don't be shy, we're all your friends here."

C.J asked for some music, when it started playing he danced a little in place and started to caress his body, starting at his neck and tracing it down to his pants, and back up to the buttons on his shirt, he sensually undid the top four buttons with one hand, and danced a little more, caressing his body, then he ripped off his shirt buttons flying, exposing his sparsely haired tapered muscular upper body. This didn't go unnoticed by his audience, who stopped moving boxes and cleaning to watch, and he slide down his body and caressed up his rear end. He ripped off his pants (they weren't rip aways...) and stood in a black thong, his ripped back side facing his audience, now hooting and hollering, he did a handstand and opened his legs, falling into the splits and humped the floor until he was standing bent holding his ankles, and faced the audience winking.

Dressed only in his thong, he walked up to Cassidy, who was sporting major wood

"Do I have the job?" C.J asked

"Not only do you have the job, but I'm gonna pay you with that as your first performance." Cassidy said re adjusting himself "Come back at 7pm for your first show"

"Ok. Glad I got the job."

The other guys tipped him with tens and twenties

He got some of their clothes and walked home

"Wyatt..." The demon said and put his voodoo doll and the watch into the cauldron

"Where is it, god it's so dirty under here... oh well I may as well do the dishes while I'm at it..." Wyatt said and started to wash the dishes

Chris walked in "Hey Wyatt, did C.J seem a little off to you?"

"No more than usual why?" Wyatt said scrubbing a plate, when his eyes started to glow

"He just seemed like, I don't know desperate to have a job, and it's just so not like him." Chris said

"Maybe it's the new him, humph, you know, no matter how hard you scrub a dish can never get clean enough... dirty...dirty...dirty... FILthy... dirty..." Wyatt said and threw the dishes in the trash, shocking Chris, "OCK, look at that window, water spots all over it DIRTY!" he blew it up, "THERE much better."

"Wyatt what is wrong with you, those dishes were your wedding gift from..."

"Who cares they were practically Wal-Mart." Wyatt said and walked away

"Me..." Chris finished, "That window costs money to replace..." he continued

"We live in San Francisco, an always open window will be fine." Wyatt said

"Ok, Wyatt I have to go to my photo shoot, so try not to burn the place down..." Chris said and walked out

"This is just gonna take far too long..."

Meanwhile in Elder Land

"Kyle, we sense something wrong with the charmed ones, go, check on them..." Alexander commanded

"Excellent, you're a natural but a little more skin wouldn't hurt." The photographer said to Chris who was posing under a waterfall in board shorts and a tight black tank top but he was dry...

"Pssh. I can't do that..."

"It's your career... RELOAD!"

Kyle orbed in behind the set... "Chris...?"

"Kyle what are you doing here...?' Chris asked

"There's a problem with your brothers you need to come with me now!" Kyle said

"Excuse me who are you...?" The photographer asked Kyle

"I'm his... friend..." Kyle said

"Well friend BUH as in BUH bye this is a closed set."

"But there's a family emergency..." Kyle said while Chris's eyes started glowing

"Do you need to leave?" the guy asked

"No, it's alright, I'll stay." Chris removed his shirt, and took off his bathing suit, stark naked, he grabbed a towel the size of a dish rag, and got under the water fall, emerging soaking wet

"Ok..." the photographer started snapping away, "um friend, person, um, disappear..."

Kyle orbed out, to find Wyatt re-shingling the roof, "Um Wyatt, what are you doing?!" Kyle asked

"I'm re-shingling this roof it is filthy." Wyatt explained

"Could you come down I need to talk to you about your brothers..." Kyle requested, Wyatt slid down the ladder, and stood there

"What about them?" he asked

"Let's go inside." Kyle said and stepped in some mud, but Wyatt blew him up

He reformed, "What the hell was that, I may be dead but it still hurts!" Kyle yelled

"LIKE HELL you are gonna walk into the house with those muddy shoes..."

"Like hell... " Kyle said and orbed out to find C.J

He found him at the strip club, performing his audition for the rest of the staff...

"Oh... My.. GOD..." Kyle said because C.J was completely naked

"Hey buddy this is a private session..."

"Um I'm his psychiatrist, I need to evaluate him before he can perform in your club..." Kyle said quickly

"A shrink, is that some new law?" Cassidy asked

"Yes. I just need a few minutes..."

"Cole, I got another job for ya, go talk to that guy."

"Not now Kyle I'm busy" C.J walked away and Kyle gave Cassidy a thumbs up

At around 9pm, C.J was doing another show when Caleb walked in with his three friends, Kyle was in the audience to

"Whoa, dude, isn't that your boyfriend?" Reid asked

Caleb looked up at the stage to see C.J in his C.K thong dancing to trashy music

"Wow, I can see why you don't wanna share..." Pogue said

"He is lookin' good" Tyler said watching C.J do the splits

C.J removed his thong, amidst whoops and cat calls, and yelling, when he tossed it Caleb caught it, and the second C.J looked into those pained eyes, his eyes glowed and he returned to normal, he ran back stage hearing the crowd groan, he put on a robe and ran to look for Caleb, he was gone

"Where's Caleb?" he asked Pogue

"He left, it's not everyday you find your boyfriend is a secret stripper..."

Kyle came up "We'll find him..." he said to C.J

"Oh hey Wyatt I'll be upstairs proofing these pictures."

Wyatt didn't even notice

3 hours later

"We still haven't found him, let's just go find my brothers

They orbed to the house

"Hey Wyatt you need help?" C.J asked because he saw Wyatt sweeping

"Oh no, thanks, I'm done, except for the sweeping..." Wyatt said

"What does he mean...?" Kyle asked as C.J looked at where the house used to stand

"I think I know..." C.J points to the house's spot

"Oh my god, how are we gonna work this one out...?"

"Wyatt where's the house?" C.J asked

"Oh it's just a spell, think of it as a good dusting..." Wyatt responded

"Again, how are we gonna work this out...?" Kyle asked

"I don't know how did you break me out of it...?" C.J asked

"I didn't when you saw how hurt Caleb was you snapped out of it.. wait where's Chris...?"

"I don't know, he had the photoshoot... and the.. day off... oh no..." C.J responded

"You think?" Kyle asked

"Play along..." C.J said... "Hey Wyatt, where's Chris?"

"Oh I don't know..."

"Well he went to the photoshoot, he had the day off so he was gonna come home and relax..." C.J said

"What are you saying?" Wyatt asked and continued sweeping

"Wyatt when you made the house disappear you also made Chris disappear..." C.J said

"No.. I didn't" Chris nodded "NO I wouldn't.... CHRIS!!!" They ran into the spot where the house used to stand

"Can you reverse the spell?" C.J asked

"I don't know I only know how to word it for stuff to disappear, I don't think I can..." Wyatt said

"Then you better make us disappear cause this one we can't explain..." C.J said

"Let the object of my objection return so that it's existence can be re-affirmed."

The house rematerialized...

They heard yelling coming from the kitchen

"You couldn't take one good picture could you!?" Chris was about to cut the head off a chicken

"Oh my god!" C.J yelled and grabbed Chris's hand with the butcher knife in it

"Lemme go I have to kill the photographer

"Chris, why did you name the... Oh my GOD, that chicken is the photographer!" Wyatt yelled

"Kyle orb him out of here away from the chicken..."

"Yeah take me to the chicken." Kyle orbed them out

"Let's find out what's really going on... Why are you in a bath robe?"

"You just noticed... tell you later..."

"Give it time, soon they will be consumed by their obsession..."

"Boy are you guys ever behind..." Wyatt said and blew up one of the demons

"How is that possible?!" the other asked

"We're charmed, now if you reverse the spell on our brother I'll spare your life..."

"Ok.. just don't hurt me..." he said and removed the voodoo doll from the cauldron...

C.J blew up the demon with emotions.. "C.J! I said I'd spare him..."

"And YOU did... However I didn't..." C.J said and they orbed home

The Next Day

"Well I can see we all did some crazy things while we were possessed..." C.J said holding up a copy of 415, "listen to this... Why wait for dessert, we've got a generous scoop of man candy chilled and ready to serve Christopher Storm San Francisco's Sexiest Career Man under 25... complete with pin-ups and a center fold..."

Wyatt grabbed it... "Nice... no retouching... Check out your husband Johnny..." Wyatt tossed the magazine at him

"OUCH... Baby you look amazing..." Johnny said

"Thank you... but I think it would be better if we threw that away..."

"I don't know, every woman and a whole lotta men were looking at this I could see them on the street..." Wyatt said

"I still can't believe my obsession made me a stripper, and may have cost me Caleb..." C.J said

"Hey, he'll understand, just talk to him..." Chris said

"I need your keys..." C.J said

C.J drove, and drove, all the way to the house, and walked to Caleb's door

He knocked and Reid answered "Hey Reid, is Caleb around...?"

"Yeah, I'll get him..." Reid uncharacteristically offered

"What do you want?" Caleb asked as he walked into the main room

"I want to talk to you..."

"What is there to talk about, you took off your clothes for complete strangers and degraded yourself for money, there isn't much to talk about, I saw it, I caught your thong..." Caleb said voice breaking "Do you have any idea how painful it was for me to see you up there...?" Caleb asked

"I really do, I can feel it now, I know, but I was under a spell..." C.J said

"Oh, ok, so it's always some kind of spell, it's never on you, it's always someone else's fault..."

"But I was really under a spell..." C.J started to cry

"It doesn't even matter, I don't want to know you, you crushed me, how can I forgive that?" Caleb asked practically crying

"Because we love each other..." C.J said gasping a little

"No, I love you, you don't really love me, you wouldn't have done that to me..."

C.J started to sob, "I didn't do i-it to you, it was a spell, and because I'm so in love with you w-when I s-saw how much you were hurting i-i-it broke the spell."

"How do I know your telling me the truth?" Caleb asked sniffling

"Because I love you, and I wouldn't lie to you..." C.J said

"What did you just say?" Caleb asked

"I wouldn't lie to you..." C.J said

"No... before that..." Caleb asked clearing his throat

"I.. Love you..." C.J said

"Do you really mean it?" Caleb asked

"More than I've ever met anything in my life... I love you so much and I am so in love with you Caleb Danvers." C.J said

"That's the first time you have outright said it, I've been in love with you since the day I met you." Caleb said and kissed C.J so passionately they buckled to the floor

"I love you." C.J said and kissed Caleb again

"Why didn't you ever say it?"

"I was scared of losing you, but it was that same fear that made me say it." C.J said

"I love you so much C.J, I never want to hurt you again."

"I never meant to hurt you baby."

"Will you wear this promise ring?" Caleb asked pulling a silver ring from his pocket

"What for?"

"So you know from here forth, my heart belongs to you..."

"I know that without a ring...."

"This is so other people know it..." Caleb confessed

"OK... but put it on me..." C.J said holding out his wedding band finger.

"And I'll wear the matching ring, so our hearts are always with us."

"I don't know what I'd have done if I hadn't met you, you have become the most important person in my life, and I don't want to imagine my life without you." C.J said and kissed Caleb once again

"C.J, you are so amazing, I got you something, something to symbolize my commitment to you" Caleb said

"But Cal, isn't that what the ring was for...?" C.J said

"Just close your eyes..." Caleb said, Chris orbed in, and handed him a box, Caleb set the box next to C.J "Open..."

"...A...Gift box?" C.J joked

"Open it..."

C.J opened the lid, and inside was an adorable beagle puppy it couldn't have been more than 6 weeks old

"OH MY GOD!!! It's adorable I love it..." C.J said and picked up the tiny puppy kissing it's head

"Really?" Caleb said beaming at the scene

"He's so cute, I love him already." C.J said

"We should name him don't you think...?" Caleb asked

"Cyclone." C.J said

"Why Cyclone, that's so random..." Caleb laughed

"Look at his coloring here, it kind of looks like a cyclone the way it looks spun." C.J said petting the little puppy

"Cyclone it is." Caleb said kissing first C.J then the puppy

"Wait we have to talk to Chris and Johnny it's their house..." C.J said setting the puppy aside

"I already did, which is why I picked a beagle, because there is no dog safer for little kids to be around." Caleb said

"This is great, I've wanted a dog for so long, but the condo didn't allow it, and Johnny wouldn't budge..." C.J said

"I guess being pregnant mellowed him." Caleb said

The Next Day

"Hey Johnny it's Chris, you need to be home for dinner tonight the parents are all coming over for dinner tonight, and I need my wonderful husband by my side." Chris said to Johnny's voicemail

Dialing Wyatt "What's up Chris?"

"Oh I didn't expect you to answer, you have to be home for dinner tonight, all the parents are coming over for dinner." Chris said

"Ok, I'll be home by 5:30, things are running smoothly, knock on wood, anyway if im gonna guarantee punctuality I better go, bye dude." Wyatt said

Grace and Jocelyn were in the playpen, Johnny and Laura were watching Dora the Explorer, Pete was doing the yard work, and C.J was cleaning up like an OCD maid.

Chris dialed his mother, "Hey Chris, am I still babysitting a hoard tonight?" she asked

"Um, yeah, the parents said anyone 10 or over is fair game for magic use if needed, and you might want Paige or Phoebe to be there with you."

"AUNT Paige or AUNT Phoebe, I don't care how old you are you use proper titles..." Piper scolded

"Ok, you'll need backup, I have to start some appetizers, what should I make...?" Chris asked

"You'll think of something, I'm gonna run out, I'll talk to you later sweetie." Piper said

"Bye mom."

Chris spent a couple hours whipping up some appetizers; he made some nicely garnished dishes of fancy truffles, and basic Ritz crackers with a pretty assortment of toppings, nothing over the top.

The doorbell rang at 5:15, Chris wasn't ready, but went to open the door

"Delivery for Cole Halliwell..." the Fedex guy said

"Oh, thanks, I'll sign for that." Chris signed and received the package

"Have a great day."

"HEY CEEJ, FED EX FOR YOU!" Chris called

"Oh, great..." C.J panted as he reached where Chris was standing

"What you get?" Chris asked

"It's a little something for Caleb..." C.J said with a smile

"God if it's lingerie do not finish explaining..." Chris said

"No, but you're on the right page..."C.J said

"You know if I was a total jerk I would read your mind." Chris said and went to change his clothes.

"GUYS I'M HOME!" Wyatt called

Chris heard him on his way back to the bedroom, "HEY WYATT, YOU NEED TO TAKE THE KIDS TO MOM'S!"

"OK, I'LL DO IT BEFORE I CHANGE!" Wyatt yelled and gathered the kids' stuff, walking out the door

Around six, while he was simmering the sauce and baking the chicken, the doorbell rang again, "I'll get it, C.J keep stirring." Chris said

Chris opened the door, and Bree, a man who looked to be her husband, and Benjamin were standing on the other side, "Oh good, we got the right house, it's good to see you again Chris." Bree said, "Oh, this is my husband Orson." Bree said and handed Chris a tray of appetizers

"Pleased to meet you Chris, I've heard good things." Orson said shaking his hand, Chris sensed a fierceness to Orson, he sensed a darkness and a couple secrets, but nothing to say he wasn't totally in love with Bree.

"Hello Benjamin, nice to see you..." Chris said

"Hello Mr. Storm, it's nice to see you too."

"You're so polite." Chris said, "Can I take your coats, once all the guests have arrived, I'll take the kids to the sitter." Chris said taking their coats

"Oh wonderful, I love your house, it's so edgy, but still so traditional." Bree said commenting on the décor

"Yeah, I redesigned it a little, but I wanted to keep the integrity of the house." Chris said and the doorbell rang.

He opened the door, and there was Lynette and some pretty pissed looking kids, "Hey Chris."

Chris didn't even wanna try to deal with those kids, "Yeah, um, HEY Benjamin, why don't you walk with the Scavo kids to the pink house across the street..."

"That would be alright." Bree and Lynette agreed

"Ok, you boys be safe, and look both ways." Chris said

"Oh, Chris this is Tom, my husband." Lynette said to Chris and they shook hands, Tom had this sexy awkwardness about him, it was adorable, like a big kid, he sensed that even if Tom wanted to cheat he was way too afraid of his wife to even consider it

Next was Susan, and all Chris could think was WOW, her husband is HOT, he also knew her husband found him hot, but he also sensed a true loyalty to his wife, and that made him happy to know there were still some other good ones out there.

Gaby was the last to arrive, and her husband was smokin', he had the rugged latino thing going, and his goatee looked so good, he had a loyalty, and fear of his wife, though if Chris wanted to he could have had him, he sensed that too, but hey he got that sense about Gaby too, so they're even.

Wyatt came and met everyone and then, volunteered to walk Priscilla, Autmn, and Penny over to Piper's

"You guys have a lovely home." Susan said

"Thank you..." Chris said looking at his watch, as he did so Johnny walked through the door, "Honey come meet our guests." Chris said

"Oh hi everyone, I'm Johnny, Chris's husband." He shook everyone's hand, and Chris got the physical attraction vibe from ALL of them, along with jealousy, and a little envy on the men's part, as hot as they were they're no Johnny Storm

"Ok. So who would like a drink...?" All the men opted for the beer option, the women all white wine, besides Bree who asked for mineral water

C.J, Chris, and Wyatt passed out the drinks and they sat down in the living room to converse

"It's so wonderful, we only usually get to spend a night like this on Wysteria, we don't get this chance very often." Lynette said

"Well, we should try and make it happen more." Johnny said sipping his beer

"This wine is wonderful." Bree said

Chris heard the timer, "Oh that's dinner, your favorite Bree.." he smiled at her

He felt a pang of jealousy from Orson, and a big overprotective vibe

{What was that all about?!} Chris heard from him

To ease the situation, Chris kissed Johnny on the mouth lightly before going to the kitchen

{Oh yes, I almost forgot...}

C.J went with to help, "So I take it you heard that too?" C.J said

"Cheah, he thought I was hitting on her, I was like.... OKAY I need a way to remind this guy, she has two extra appendages and lacks one crucial one for me to be interested." Chris joked

"Dude, that guy has issues, you know he ran down Mike with his car?" C.J asked

"I couldn't decipher what he did, I knew it was bad and it had to do with someone..." Chris said

"I still don't know why, or if Mike knows it was Orson..." C.J said

"Well it's not our place to tell." Chris said, and now everything was ready to be served

They all sat down to dinner, Johnny rose, "I'd like to propose a toast, to our families, and our children, and the future." He said, and glasses clinked

"Oh, Chris, this is delicious." Bree said

"And that's a BIG compliment coming from my wife..." Orson said seriously, but people laughed

"Well since you like it so much, I can give you the recipe, but since it is my little secret, we'll have to trade." Chris said

"You have yourself a deal."

Chris's cell phone rang

"Hey mom what's up?" Chris asked without greeting his mother

"Hi Chris, just checking in." Piper said

"Oh everything's great nothing demonic here how about there?" he asked

"Well I'm finally getting some peace and quiet I used a sleeping spell on those red headed brats, and the rest of the kids are complete angels." She said

"Thanks again for this mom, it means a lot." Chris said

"Ok honey I love you. Bye." She said

"Me too. Bye" he replied

"How are the satanic Scavo kids?" Tom asked

"Well Tom... She said they're sleeping like angels..." Chris said

"There's a surprise." Susan blurted out, causing laughter, "I'm sorry."

"Don't be, they aren't exactly poster children..." Lynette said

"I'll drink to that..." Bree said raising her mineral water

"So what do you all say to dessert, coffee, and small talk?" Johnny asked

They all retired to the living room, and sat discussing anything and everything

C.J heard a crash upstairs and went to check it out

A demon was ransacking the supplies in the attic, "HEY!" C.J said throwing the demon into the wall and he was impaled by a hook meant to hold up a bicycle, he went poof

"That was easy..." C.J said, and as he walked back to where everyone was, he was knocked over the banister and toppled down the rest of the stairs, grabbing everyone's attention

"C.J! Oh my god!" Wyatt yelled as he, Chris, Pete, Johnny, and Caleb ran to him

Around thirty demons shimmer, blurred, materialized, and flamed in surrounding them

The demons summoned energy balls and fireballs.

"Oh my lord..." Bree said, causing a demon to throw an energy ball at her, "ENERGY BALL!" Chris yelled and threw it back at the demon who'd thrown it

They all attacked, but Chris and Wyatt each orbed out holding onto Pete, Johnny and Caleb, causing some demons to be vanquished by each other

They went on the offensive, using fighting techniques they'd been taught by the former charmed ones, and using their powers to counter act the demons.

There were two demons left, one with two heads, and one with horns, both were powerful

The one with horns acted like he was throwing a fireball at Chris but threw it at Caleb instead, knocking him through the window on the front door.

The demon with two head threw an energy ball at Johnny but Chris jumped in front of it, he was hit and spiraled through the air through a wall separating the foyer from the living room, "CHRIS!" Johnny yelled, and somehow the demon who'd thrown the energy ball evaporated, dead.

"And then there were two..." The horned demon said and threw fire from both hands at Wyatt and Johnny, two forcefields appeared, one fiery and one blue. From behind the blue field Wyatt firewave blasted the demon vaporizing him

Susan was tending to Caleb, Bree to Chris, and Lynette to C.J

"He's not breathing."

To Be Continued...

Will the Charmed circle be broken, tune in next time ;)

Next: Chapter 23

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