Marvelously Charming

By Joseph Foster

Published on Dec 10, 2007


Marvelously Charming

Chapter 21

Power Play.

& Ok this one also deals with a firestarter, but this "episode" is completely different, I haven't gone repetitive on you... yet.. haha.&

Like on "Charmed" they had their more serious episodes, and their more quirky one, this chapter is a tad quirky.

I thought now would be a good time to bring you up to speed on everybody's powers.

Piper- Molecular combustion, freezing time, altering time (very limited), ability to reform objects (and people) she's blown up

Phoebe- Premonition, empathy, levitation, enhanced hand to hand combat, and electicity from the hands

Paige- Orbing, invisibility, orb telekinesis, psycho-kinesis (moving things she can't see),

C.J- Premonition, empathy, electricity rays levitation, enhanced hand to hand combat, (inherited power), telekinesis (charmed power)

Wyatt-Premonition, 50 foot levitation (ability to fly short distances), shockwaves/waves, fire blasts/waves, dominion over the earth and all it's elements, freezing, molecular combustion, telekinesis, energy balls, electricity from the hands, orbing, and projection (All powers are enhanced due to the prophecy, and can be used the same way as a class 5 mutant, meaning he can control anything he can on any level, limitlessly)

Chris- Empathy (given by the elders in a time of need), freezing, molecular combustion (charmed power), telekinesis, energy balls, orbing, electricity from the hand, and astral projection, and teleportation (learned in magic school/from parents, inherited)

Johnny Sr.- Complete control of fire, flying

Piotr- Hand to hand combat, coating self in metallic alloy

Johnny Jr.- Only kid with power displayed so far- Healing, pyro-kinesis, forcefield of fire, blah blah blah

"When did you become such a bottom?" Chris gasped and rolled off Johnny

"I don't know, why didn't you ever tell me it felt so good?" Johnny panted and laid back blissfully

"Probably because I knew that you would do this." Chris said and snuggled against Johnny's hairy chest, "So, I don't want you to wax anymore..." Chris said

"I thought you liked the way I looked bare of hair..." Johnny said

"Who knows maybe it's maturity or something, but I love this hairy thing you have going on, it's very sexy." Chris said running his hands along the sparse hairs, tonguing them a little

"Well, I was only waxing cause I thought that was what you wanted, but I don't have to anymore, and hey I get to avoid pain." Johnny smiled, and the alarm clock went off

"Did we spend all night having sex?" Chris said questioningly

"Isn't it great how sex can replace sleep...?" Johnny asked playfully

"Well I better get ready, I need to be at the restaurant in an hour." Chris said getting out of bed

"You have such a nice...." Johnny gagged

"Wow, am I that repulsive...?" Chris chuckled

"mmm." Johnny gagged and ran to the bathroom.

"Baby, you ok?" Chris said as he entered the bathroom

"Y-yeah, I'm fine, probably just got the flu or something." Johnny said

"Oh, then why don't you take the day off and rest, drink lots of water, I need to shower." Chris said and stripped down

Johnny brushed his teeth and hopped into the shower with Chris, "Hey, hey, did you brush?" Chris asked, as Johnny leaned in for a kiss

"Of course..." Johnny said and kissed him all over

"I can't I need to be at work soon..." Chris said

"So be a little late..." Johnny said and rubbed his cock against Chris's back

"I can't I already have enough shit from the employees because I'm the owner's son." Chris said

"I won't take no for an answer." Johnny said and pinned Chris against the wall

"I know how you like to role play Johnny, but I don't play the victim very well.." Chris said

"Can't blame a guy for trying, look when or if we have sex is your decision, I mean there is a such thing a spousal rape, you said no, I'm going to respect that." Johnny said

"Will a blow job suffice?" Chris asked deviously

Johnny just said "go for it"

"Sorry I'm late, I got held up at the house." Chris said

"Yeah blowing his boyfriend..." One of the waiters said

"Actually the correct term would be HUSBAND, so Rick, why don't you take garbage detail." Chris said

"How about you blow me?" Rick said in a macho voice

"How about... you're fired." Chris said in a deadly tone

"On what grounds?" Rick asked unfazed

"Hmm, let's see, failure to comply with a reasonable request, sexual harassment, disrespect of a superior, discrimination, oh and let's not forget MY personal favorite, because I said so, get out." Chris said, and Rick stormed off

"Jamie you're being promoted get a waiter uniform from the back, Jerry you're training him tonight, and if any of you others have anything to say now is the fucking time." Chris said forcefully

Chris walked back to his office to work on the monthly income, and was followed by another waiter, "What is it Chuck, I'm about to be busy with tons of paper work." Chris said without looking behind him

"I just wanted to let you know, the rest of us don't feel that way." Chuck said

"What way?" Chris asked turning around

"That the only reason you're the manager is because you're Piper's son."

"Thanks for the bulletin." Chris said

"Well we all know that's the only reason you got the job, but we also know that Piper wouldn't have let you keep it unless you earned it." Chuck said

"Yeah, well I bussed tables and waited them for 3 years before I became manager, I was 14 when this place opened and I started as a busboy, when I was 17 I became manager, and I've dealt with people like Rick every step of the way, I'm no stranger to it, but I'm only a couple years older than you and only a couple years younger than the other guys, it shouldn't be this hard you all to show a little respect every now and again." Chris said

"Chris, you are a great boss, why else would Piper's days off have increased to three of seven days a week, she trusts that you can run things, and business is booming, we all see that." Chuck said and clapped Chris on the back

Later that night Chris could hear some commotion, "I WANNA SEE A MANAGER RIGHT AWAY!" A woman yelled

"Chris could you come out here?" Denise one of the waitresses asked

"What's up Nisy?" Chris asked

"Danielle spilled food on a lady, and she's pretty pissed, she's asking for the manager, you're on." Denise said

"Ok I'm coming." Chris put on his suit jacket and proceeded to the main area

"Table 21." Denise indicated a horrified looking Danielle

"Hello I'm Christopher Storm, the manager, what seems to be the problem?" he asked as politely as possible

"That klutz over there tripped over her own feet and spilled butter and steak sauce all over my Dolce and Gabana pantsuit." The lady vented

"I am terribly sorry mam, is there anything we can do, perhaps pay for the dry cleaning?" Chris suggested

"I want her fired." The lady said

"I'm sorry mam, I can't do that, this WAS an accident, and Danielle has a shining record with us, but I can personally pay for a new pantsuit." He said

"I'm supposed to believe that a restaurant manager makes enough to personally buy me a new pantsuit...?" the lady asked snootily

"Yes, that Storm at the end of my name allows me to write you a nice little check and judging by the pantsuit, I'd say 5000 dollars should do the trick."

"You are good."

"I'm going to need for you to come with me to the office, and fill out a form saying that no further action will come of this, and then I can cut the check." Chris said

They went and took care of business, Chris called for Danielle.

"Yes, sir?" She asked

"Dani, what happened?" he asked

"My heel broke, and I stumbled, I wasn't fast enough."

"I'm going to have to dock you for the money you now owe me for a Dolce pantsuit."

"You're going to dock me?" She asked

"Do you have 5000 laying around?" he asked

"Only my life savings." She said sadly

"Honey, I'm not expecting you to give me your savings, but I am going to be taking 50 dollar payments from you paychecks until the five grand is paid off."

"That'll take 2 years." She said sadly

"I'm sorry Dani, but I can't just pay out 5000 and not get it back, I just can't."

"Look Chris, you have money, I don't, I'm 17 years old, I'm making below minimum wage and tips aren't that great, I can't afford to lose 50 bucks a week, I have tuition, and rent to pay, I'm working 3 jobs." She started to cry

"Don't cry, it's ok." Chris said

"I'm sorry, I haven't told anyone this, I'm all alone I have nobody, I am supporting myself, I work at Hooters on the weekends!" She cried

"Ok, here's the deal, you give me 1000, of your savings, I can bill 2000 to the company as a business expense, and we'll forget about the rest, you can put that money back in savings in no time." Chris said feeling bad for the poor girl

"Let me go get my purse."

Chris started to do paper work he heard a gun cock "Hey there Chris." Rick said and pointed the gun at him pulling the trigger

Chris froze the room as the bullet was touching his forehead "HOT!" he screamed and he telekinetically forced the bullet into his desk, he picked up the phone "Hi yeah this is Chris Storm I'm calling from Charming Restaurant, I have an attempted murder for you, please hurry." Chris wondered if he sounded too calm as he punched Rick out

Workers rushed in "What..." Danielle started and they saw the scene

"Are you ok?" Chuck asked

"Oh I'm fine, but my desk isn't." Chris said

Ten Minutes later a large cop walked in followed by a normal sized cop

"Which one of you is Chris?" The bigger of the two asked

"That'd be me." Chris raised his hand

"That the guy?" he asked

"Yes, and the bullet he fired is lodged in my desk." Chris said

"So what happened?" the officer asked

"Well I fired him earlier today, and he came back tonight and he was ranting and raving, so when he pulled out his gun I tried to disarm him, so you'll find my prints on the gun too, he ended up getting away from me but I jumped over the desk and he shot luckily..." Chris froze the room he levitated Rick, and telekinetically hit him in the head with the lamp, which he let drop along with Rick's body, not before picking up the gun and smudging the prints he knew they'd find, then he unfroze the room "I was able to hit him over the head with the lamp...

"Was he right there a second ago?" The large officer asked confused about his body placement

"Maybe he rolled over, but anyway, I would like him charged with attempted murder." Chris said

"That shouldn't be an issue, but we'll need a sworn statement, Officer Franks will take that." The large officer said

Chris gave his statement; it was later that night while he was packing up that night when a waiter, Jamie walked in, "Hey Chris, I just wanted to make sure you're okay with everything that happened tonight."

"That's sweet Jamie, I'm cool. I'll b..." Jamie placed his lips against Chris's

"Whoa...WHOA!" Chris said and pushed him off

"I'm sorry, I don't know why I did that." Jamie said defensively

"It's ok, but James I am your boss, that kind of behavior is not okay, you need to understand, not only is that illegal, you're only 16, and I'm also married, with two kids." Chris said

"I know, and I'm sorry, I just felt..." he stopped

"Felt what?" Chris asked

"I don't know!" Jamie screamed and held his head, Chris's desk burst into flames

"You're a firestarter..." Chris said and froze the flames

"Whoa." Jamie said

"Grab some water." Chris said

Jamie returned with water and Chris poured it over his desk, "my poor desk, hasn't it been through enough."

"I am so sorry, for everything, I just don't know how to control these, these THINGS!" Jamie grabbed his head

"DEEP BREATH, calm down, count backwards from ten and exhale..." Chris instructed, the boy did as he was told

"I didn't hurt anything..." Jamie exclaimed

Two demons shimmered in, "We're here for the fire starter." A large mean looking one stated

"Well I'm also here for the firestarter, to protect him that is, so move along." Chris said dangerously

Chris could sense all the feelings of panic and terror from Jamie, and he knew this was his first experience with demons, but he also sensed faith and assuredness, that Chris would protect him no matter what..

"I'm going to make you a deal witch, step aside and let us take him, or we'll kill you and make you wish you had." The female demon replied

"Or what about this." He channeled all the feelings and pains he could into the demons, and caused them to explode.

"Wow, how did you do that?" Jamie asked

"Pretty much the same way you do only I've learned how to control my powers." "Can you help me?" Jamie asked with a child like innocence

"I have a feeling you were destined to come work for me, so I could help you, which also means you are my new charge." Chris said

"What?" Jamie asked confused

"Just come with me I know three women better suited to field your questions." Chris grabbed his arm and orbed to the Halliwell manor

When they arrived in the living room, the women were having tea, with a woman Chris felt a strange connection to... "Mom...?" Chris asked

"Oh hey Chris!" Piper exclaimed

"Mom, what's going on, you haven't been this excited about, well, anything in my whole life..." Chris asked

"Well this is a great day, the sun was out, the sunset was beautiful, your Aunt Prue came down for a visit, and we're having tea, want some?" Piper asked

"AUNT PRUE?!" Chris asked shocked, "DEAD AUNT PRUE, VANQUISHED AUNT PRUE...?!" Chris was confused

"Well you've summoned the dead before..." Piper said

"But you told us that we weren't allowed to see her..." Chris said

"We weren't, but once we moved on and accepted her as dead and never coming back, she was allowed to come down."

"I guess that makes sense, but mom, I need help, one of our waiters is a firestarter." Chris said

"Good or evil?" Piper asked not really fazed

"Well he must be good, because I don't get empathic vibes, and was able to orb with him." Chris explained

"I'm so glad even though your old enough to drink you still come to me when you're in a bind." Piper said

"Well, I had to, but back to the issue at hand..." Chris said

"Well he's a firestarter, emotions are tied to his powers, the bounty hunters can track him every time he uses them, they are highly coveted mainly because they are supposed to be the protect..." Piper stopped when she made a realization

"What is it?" Jamie asked in a terrified voice

"---ors of the source..." she finished

"What's the source?" he asked

"A really, really bad guy." Chris said

"But don't worry that doesn't mean you're evil." Paige interjected from the couch

"Ok... I can deal with this. I've been through worse..." Jamie gave himself a pep talk

"Mom, what did you guys do to help Tyler back in the day." Chris asked

"Well, he chose to bind his magic..." Piper said

"I was under a hex, so I didn't do much." Phoebe said and went back to talking to Prue

"But first, we took care of the threat..." Piper began "but this must mean they've started a new demonic academy, because we took Ludlow out."

"Ok, well, either you don't use your powers anymore, or we lure them here with your powers and assume their identity." Chris said

"Who's they?" Jamie asked confused

"Oh sorry, the bounty hunters, we can either bind your firestarter magic and you can go about your life without that part of it, or I can teach you to control it and we can go take out the new threat." Chris explained

"A part of me wants to say option one, but the rest of me is saying I am responsible for my life, and I choose to keep my power, so I choose option two, go down fighting." Jamie said

"Wise decision young padawan." Chris said

"Well while you're here Chris, someone is dying to meet you..." Paige said and covered her mouth while everyone laughed at her expense

"It's ok Paige I accepted my death over a decade ago..." Prue said putting a hand on her shoulder

"This is so crazy, I mean, I never thought I'd actually be able to meet you." Chris said and hugged Prue

"And honey I thought I would be meeting all of you when you were born, and here you are 21 and I'm meeting you for the first time, as the youngest sister no less..." Prue said and smirked

"Hey!" Paige, Piper, and Phoebe said at the same time

"Don't worry you guys look exactly the same as the day I died, but Piper I like your hair better like this, I always said you should cut it short, and Phoebe, the botox is really doing you well..." Prue said containing more laughter

"Oh my god PRUE, why weren't you this funny while you were alive?" Phoebe asked, her smile faded. "Hey I haven't had botox!' She yelled

"I'm kidding."

"Wait so if your dead, why are you solid?" Jamie asked

"Well honey I'm sort of like a real person for a day, the men and women upstairs thought they owed my sisters, so here I am, for 24 hours, solid and totally human." Prue explained

"Magic is so confusing." Jamie sighed

"I'd like to tell you it only gets easier, but we've been doing this since before you were born, and to this day it has yet to simplify." Piper said to Jamie with a sympathetic look

"It's my cross to bear, I'll be ok. I just need to learn how to control." Jamie said obviously distraught

"Incoming!" Wyatt echoed, followed by orbs

"Great!" Chris said and froze the demon, and blew him up with emotions before anyone could assume the vanquishing position

"Hey what did you do that for?" Wyatt asked

"If you didn't notice, we're a little busy, demons can wait." Chris said, "Ok, so, Piper, why would they be after Jamie?" he questioned

"Well if a demon were going to assume the position of the source, he'd need bodyguards, but that also means the academy has a new headmaster." Piper said

"How do I get there?" Chris asked

"Chris no, it's dangerous, you'll need your brothers." Prue said

"Oh my god... AUNT PRUE?!" Wyatt exclaimed

"In the flesh... well for another 16 hours give or take." She replied and hugged Wyatt

"This is amazing..." Wyatt said poking her face

"YEAH... anyway, so how do WE get there?" Chris asked

"Leo can tell you he's in the kitchen." Paige answered

While Chris went to talk to Leo, Johnny, Melinda, Piotr, and the kids all orbed in.

"So what's the commotion about our dead aunt being alive?" Melinda asked looking at Prue and going up for a hug

"Oh my god, honey you are even more beautiful than I imagined, you look just like your mom did at your age."

"Yeah, so I was just giving my brothers in law and the love children a tour of NYU since they have nothing better to do." Melinda said

"Nice to meet you, Prue is it?" Johnny said extending a hand

"Yes and you are Johnny, Chris's husband?" Prue asked confusedly

"That's me."

"Which makes you Pete, Wyatt's husband." She said more sure of herself

"Pleasure, you're thee first ghost I've met." Piotr said nervously

"And these little ones are my great nieces and nephews." Prue said, hugging Johnny Jr. and Laura first

"I'm Johnny, this is Laura she's shy." The young boy said

"You are both so cute."

"This is Jocelyn, mine and Chris's youngest."

"And this is Grace, min and Wyatt's youngest.

Prue started to cry "I can't believe I've missed so much.." She cried and Paige comforted her

"If you're up for meeting someone new, I'm C.J Phoebe's oldest." C.J said and hugged her

"Oh my god... I take it Cole is the father, considering he looks like a clone." Prue said shocked

"Yeah, he's a REALLY long story." Phoebe said

"OK guys we better get going." Chris said

"How about a kiss for your long lost husband...." Johnny asked

"Oh hey baby. How's the sick life?" Chris asked kissing Johnny on the cheek

"Some chicken soup and cold medicine has gone a long way." Johnny replied

"Just be careful what you take, just in case you're pregnant..." Chris giggled and orbed out with Jamie, Wyatt, and C.J

"Who goes there!" a bald demon demanded

"Just a few bounty hunters, here to cash in, you got a problem with that?" C.J asked menacingly

"What's with the kid?" another demon asked

"He's the bounty genius!" Wyatt stated

"Ok, well if you're a bounty hunter you'll know the password..." The bald demon spoke

Chris was tired of this already and blew off the demon's head and watched as his body fell and disappeared into pieces

"That was it, you're in." another demon said and opened the gate, they were led through a series of hallways, and told to walk through a door

"Welcome to my academy I'm Rain Diablo, headmistress of this Demonic Academy.", "You have the firestarter I presume...?" she asked

"I am." Jamie said nervously

"Were you spoken to young man!?" Rain snapped and flicked her finger knocking him out cold, "Nobody teaches manners anymore, your bounty's outside, the new source will be here soon to kill him and take his power, you've done well."

"Wait kill?!" Chris exclaimed

Suddenly they were flying through the air and landing on their backs outside

"We've gotta go back!" Chris said

"Can you write a spell?" C.J said

"There's the one we use when we're locked out, door unlock no magic block." Wyatt said

"Door unlock no magic block." They said in unison

Chris ran up to the gate but was violently thrown back

"It's not working." C.J said, and that's when Chris heard it Jamie sounding so oung and innocent crying out

"No please don't hurt me!" they heard and Chris looked at the gate summoning all the emotions he could and channeled it to charge his body, he began floating and threw his hands in the direction of the gate causing the gate to disintegrate." And he ran followed by his brothers to where Jamie was

As Wyatt blew up the door Chris knocked Rain back through a stained glass window, "Wyatt heal him." Chris said

Wyatt held his hand over Jamie's lifeless body, but nothing happened, no healing, nothing.

"I'm sorry Chris, we lost him."

They saw orbs, there was Jamie standing there "You're a whitelighter...?" Chris said confused

"Yeah, they said that I was meant to die, and I was allowed to come here to tell you, Chris, it wasn't your fault, when she knocked me out, it shocked my body, and with my medical condition it killed me, so you guys need to worry about stopping the new source, I'll be cheering for you. Blessed be." Jamie said and orbed out

"I can't deal with this right now." Chris said and orbed home

"There you are, um... there's no good way to say this, Chris, you're not gonna have to get pregnant again..." Johnny said with a smile, Chris looked at him strangely "Because I already am." Johnny finished with a half smile

"Oh my god, I was joking..." Chris said

"Well I'm not, apparently once I became the bottom in this mutant relationship I also became able to give birth to our spawn." Johnny said

"You have no idea how happy I am." Chris said and hugged Johnny

"I'm getting there." Johnny said

"I love you so much Johnny Storm." Chris said giving him a kiss

"I love you too Chris Storm." Johnny kissed him again

To Be Continued

Yeah it was a bit sappy I thought with all the crap I put them through some good had to happen too.

Feedback is appreciated

Next: Chapter 22: Marvelously Charming 22 23

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