Marvelously Charming

By Joseph Foster

Published on Dec 2, 2007


Marvelously Charming

Chapter 19

Ever After...

&This Chapter contains some sensitive issues, some of which many people may disagree with the character's positions, or make them to be my views, the most "controversial" of these issues is abortion, so if you are against abortion or reading about one may upset you please do not continue, and try to remember this is only fiction&

"WHOA THERE..." Chris hollered as Johnny attempted to push into his ass

"What?" Johnny panted a little

"Put on a condom..." Chris said

"We've been over this before..." Johnny argued

"Well now we're going over this again, my ass my rules put... on... a condom." Chris said firmly

"You know suddenly I'm not in the mood..." Johnny said and rolled over on his side of the bed

"You know what if you can't respect my choices, then forget the whole seduction thing, I'm gonna go take a bath." Chris said

He sat sadly on the edge of the large tub as he watched it fill with water, he added some bubbles, turned on the jets, climbed into the scalding water, and allowed his body to adjust to the sudden change.

"What have I gotten myself into?" Chris asked nobody and looked at the ring on his finger, and cried

"Some wedding night..." Johnny scoffed put on some low-riding sweatpants, and walked down to the kitchen

"Hey.. um... Johnny right?" Caleb asked

"Yeah, um, Caleb?" Johnny asked

"You got him." Caleb replied with a smile and went back to eating ice cream

"What are you in for?" Johnny asked

"In.. what?" Caleb said confused

"The dog house..." Johnny stated

"Oh... that... well I sorta called C.J... Sarah..." Caleb said, and closed his eyes, he heard Johnny cracking up, "What? It could happen to anyone... Well what'd you do" Caleb turned red

"Refused to put on a condom..." Johnny stated flatly, Caleb look surprised

"Um.. I'll be the first to ask the obvious question, why?" he asked Johnny

"Because in the four years we've been together we have never used one..." Johnny said

"But.. Chris... ASKED you to this time..." Caleb said but it seemed like a question to Johnny

"Yeah, I mean I don't know why he wants me to, I hate condoms, sometimes they melt, and then they are as effective as well not pulling out..." Johnny said

"Have you and Chris ever talked about this...?" Caleb asked

"Not about the melting part.. but about me not liking condoms, and he was ok with that, now all of a sudden..." Johnny made a throat slitting motion

"Did it occur to you that maybe Chris is trying to, I don't know, NOT have anymore kids...?" Caleb asked as though it were the most obvious thing in the world (kind of is...right?)

"Well yeah but we're married now why should I use a condom...?" Johnny demanded

"Because your `wife' asked you to, and you two are supposed to compromise, if this is about kids then talk about it, and you need to stop and think, this isn't always just about you."

"Well what's that supposed to mean?" Johnny asked

"It means that all I'm hearing out of you is why do I have to do this, me, me, me, I, I, I, but nothing about concerns for why Chris doesn't want to have unprotected sex with you and his reasons, you're being selfish." Caleb said

"Oh god, you're right, it's been less than 9 hours and I'm already a total failure at being a husband." Johnny said

"Well you know, it had to happen sooner or later, but it's not too late to fix it." Caleb said

Johnny didn't reply he just got up and went to the bathroom, the tub was empty, he looked around, checked every room, then remembered to one place Chris goes to find comfort, "FLAME ON..." he called out and flew out the window, he flew across the street, he saw Chris in the nursery, standing by the open window, holding their new born daughter. He hovered outside the window when he realized Chris was talking to the baby

"You know honey, you think that if you give somebody enough chances that they will just change for you, but when push comes to shove, they aren't there for you, everyone else is, but the one person that you really want to be there isn't, it's not that I don't love daddy, I do, with half of my heart, the other half belongs to you and your brother, I just, I'm not sure I can go through another pregnancy, maybe I'm only meant to have two, maybe I'm not the mother of the charmed ones, that's always been the first born's job anyway, I'm just now confident that I can raise you both, if Johnny wants more kids, he's gotta carry them, not me." Chris said and hugged his daughter close, Johnny flew back to his and Chris's bedroom, Chris was already there, undressing

Johnny walked up behind him and wrapped his arms around his shoulders "What is it Johnny I'm not in the mood anymore." Chris said

"I know, I just wanted to say I'm sorry, and I'm going to do be there for you every step, no matter what you decide to do with our lives together

6 months later

"Well what are we gonna do about it?"

"Well for one, you are going to take your daughter to her aunt's and I am going into the restaurant because maternity leave is up now, only reason I got 6 months is cause my mom owns the place... and then you are going to pick up your son from pre-k at 2:00." Chris said sarcastically, while getting ready for work

"I know, but Chris, this phone bill is out of control..." Johnny said

"Well, you know, you're the one who goes every which way with your super hero buddies, I can't always orb, so I call, I'm the one who said you should break and pay a flat rate." Chris said flatly

"But then sometimes we don... OK... You know what, forget about it, you don't get it all you do is spend money you don't look at the consequences about it." Johnny said

"Oh.. right... and I don't contribute anything around here right...?" Chris responded angrily

"I didn't say that..." Johnny said taken aback

"and I just shoot out a baby every couple of years, sacrificing my body, and my time during the day while you run around in your little tights kicking ass, but when I go for a drink or something now I'm doing something terrible, like a few beers is gonna make me a raging drunk!..." Chris yelled

"Look I didn't mean it like that, all I meant is that you need to be more careful with how you spend money..." Johnny said

"Ok, so then tomorrow I'll take my money out of the joint account and just put it in my own, then you won't have to worry about how I spend MY money!" Chris said

"Chris calm down..." Johnny said calmly

"I'm not gonna calm down, I'm going to work, mad, thanks!" Chris yelled checking his watch, "great and I'm late." Chris walked out, Johnny heard the front door slam, and the sound of a car engine starting

"Let's get going..." Johnny said and picked up Jocelyn

They walked out the front door, and drove to Paige's house, when there, they rang the door bell...

"Hey... Johnny how are you, HI Jocelyn!" Cooper said

"Hey Cooper, wait, you're Phoebe's daughter, why are you here?" Johnny asked

"So, you finally got kids and parents right, good to hear, but Paige got called by a charge so she asked me to cover for her since she was supposed to watch Joss." Cooper said noting a bit of a sour look on Johnny's face, "if you're not comfortable with me watching her that's ok, I get it you don't know me that well." She said

"Oh no Coop it's not like that at all, but oh you're right I don't know you all that well I don't need to dump my issues on you..." Johnny said

"No prob, I have nothing more pressing to do, baby's calm, and watching Patty and Penny is like watching a serenity pond, nothing ever changes, they're always amazingly calm and self capable, come in." Cooper said making their way into the cozy ranch style home

"You know I've never actually been in here..." Johnny said

"I know right, not bad for a parole officer salary... So what's eating you...?" She asked

"Me and Chris are in a fight, I confronted him with a phone bill issue, and we just go into it, and now he doesn't even want to combine our money anymore, because he thinks I think he's irresponsible with money..." he explained

"Well, did you give him a reason to suspect that?" Cooper asked

"I may have told him that he just spends money and doesn't think about the consequences..." Johnny said

"Oh.. now I've never been married, but to me that is like the ultimate slap in the face for a wife." She replied

Johnny ran his hands over his face, "I effed up didn't i?" Johnny said causing Cooper to laugh, "what's funny?" he asked

"Effed up? Are you a 15 year old girl?" Cooper asked

"Oh, Chris doesn't want to swear around the new baby, so we avoid the same issues we had with Johnny repeating certain words at the worst possible times. "

"Ok that makes sense.. I guess... SO how can you make nice with Chris...?" Cooper asked

"I could carry our next baby..." Johnny said hopefully

"Meh, not good enough, considering Chris doesn't want another one for a few years, but you could just make him a nice dinner and a child free night, to talk, and maybe formally apologize about this morning." Cooper said

"That's a definite start, he'll be home around 9, you think you could keep the kids over night?" Johnny asked

"I'm going to require compensation..." Cooper said bluntly

"Will a hundred bucks shut you up?" Johnny asked

"Will it EVER, dude your like the best person to baby-sit for..." Cooper exclaimed

"I know, I've gotta go to New York, see ya later." Johnny said and flew away

"That's so cool." Cooper said and put Jocelyn in the playpen

"What do you mean we're out of napkin? How the fuck do you run out of napkins?!" Chris vented

"I don't know sir, we just did..." A waiter said

"We are about to have the dinner rush Phil, and you're telling me that we don't have napkins... go to the supply shop downtown and get some white napkins, as much as 300 will get you, and if you aren't back in 45 minutes you are FIRED..." Chris hollered and handed the waiter money

"Um, sir, we're out of crab too..." The resident chef replied

"You have 45 minutes to make it to the docks and back or it's your job." Chris said and handed him money as well

"Um sir..." the hostess said cautiously

"What is in Amanda?" Chris asked attempting to be nice

"The health inspector is here..." she said

"Oh you have got to be kidding me, of ALL DAYS... send him or her in." Chris said with a fake smile."

"Hello I'm health inspector Newman, how are you today?" a very nicely proportioned man in a sharp expensive suit asked extending his hand

"I'm Chris, Chris Halliwell, manager of Charming, I'm just wonderful..." Chris said trying very hard not to shoot the man

"Oh, are you the wedding of the century Chris Halliwell?" he asked

"Yeah that's me, as long as we don't discuss my marriage I think we'll get along just fine, so allow me to escort you around our restaurant." Chris said nicely

They walked around and Chris showed him their methods and supplies, how they clean and what they use, every other shining detail.

"I must say this is one of the cleanest restaurants I have ever stepped into." Inspector Newman said

"Well my mom is a bit OCD so she cleans it herself, most owners wouldn't bother." Chris replied

"And what about you, do you clean up well?" The inspector asked obviously flirting

"Yeah... I do as a matter of fact, oh look Inspector, if my chef and waiter don't get back in approximately 2 minutes and 45 no make that 40 seconds I am gonna be firing them... But if you're gonna pass me I'd love nothing more than to discuss the restaurant over drinks, at P3 say 9:30..." Chris suggested seductively

"I really hope that isn't some sort of bribe..." the man said stiffly

"Um.. no.. allow me to rephrase, whether or not you pass us, I would like to discuss the restaurant over drinks." Chris replied coolly

"I was just playing around, I would pass you with or without a bribe, there is absolutely nothing wrong with this restaurant, congratulations you pass." He said

"Thank you... oh I didn't catch a first name..." Chris said

"Andre, Andre Newman, sorry I didn't properly introduce myself earlier." Andre said in a smooth voice

"Nice to officially meet you, so P3 9:30, hope to see you there." Chris said and went back to work, smiling a little, but then thought "what am I doing?"

Phil and Chef Andrew walked in with their respective cargo, "47 minutes boys, if my mood hadn't improved you'd both be searching the want ads, hurry with those the dinner rush is about to start." Both men looked relieved

After the rush Chris was tired but changed into his clubwear and drove to P3, he saw Andre sitting at the bar, "Hey Sammy, I'll have a Long Island." Chris said to the bartender

"Oh hey Chris, coming right up." Sammy replied with a smile

"Hey Andre, you look different dressed in club clothes." Chris said

"Hey, you too, you look very nice." Andre said

"Dude, I just had to get away from life for a while, coming here just seemed like a good idea." Chris said as Sammy handed him his drink "thanks buddy." Chris said and gave him a couple bucks

"Anytime Chris." Sammy replied

"Why didn't he card you, you look so young... How old are you anyway?" Andre asked

"Well, I had my 21st birthday party here a few nights ago, you got to ask me, my turn, how old are you?" Chris replied

"I'm 26." Andre replied

"Cool, you're probably wondering why I asked you to come here, honestly I noticed you flirting with me, and I just wanted to have someone to hang out with that I'm not married to and that doesn't spit or poop on me." Chris said

"Well you don't have to worry, flirting is practically part of my routine, I do it so people are put at ease when I examine their restaurants, I'm actually straight." Andre said

"Well that's good, cause then I don't have to worry about you taking advantage of me if I get drunk." Chris replied ordering another drink

"So, if you thought I was flirting why'd you ask me to come here, you weren't looking to cheat were you?" Andre asked seriously

"God no, I'm just so pissed at Johnny right now I would rather hang out with the source... of sexually transmitted disease at the moment..." Chris covered his slip

"Wow, you must be pretty angry, mind if I ask what happened?

"Well first, he refuses to wear a condom, so I told him he wasn't gonna be getting any, and he hasn't for six months...Then this morning he accuses me of being irresponsible with our money and not caring about the consequences of impulse spending, when I rarely spend over 200 dollars in a given week, he was mad about phone calls, which were made to HIM ..." Chris vented and gulped down his drink, he moved onto shots

"Easy there killer, so basically you two are having the usual marital battles..." Andre replied

"Yeah, but you know, normal isn't us..." Chris said deciding it was time to stop drinking

"Can we get some water over here, thanks..." Andre ordered from Sammy

"We never fought, then once we got married we fight all the time, and it's never ending I hate fighting with him, but you know, if we aren't fighting we don't tell each other our issues with one another." Chris put his head down.

"Look dude, here's how I see it, you and Johnny have something very few people get to experience, be mad, or sad, or whatever you feel, but don't let go." Andre said

"Thanks you're a good friend, I hope one day we can be real friends, but I should get home." Chris said checking his watch

"We should do this again sometime." Andre said

"Yeah, here's my card." Chris said

"Here's mine." And they swapped cards and shook hands, "take care Chris." Andre said

"You too." Chris said back and walked out to his car

On the drive home he thought about the past four and a half years he'd spent with Johnny, was he doing the right thing? He couldn't help but think he'd made some mistakes

He pulled into the driveway and took a deep breath, he walked up the stairs and unlocked the door, in the dining room there sat Johnny Sr., "Where have you been?" Johnny asked angrily

"Out." Chris replied

"Where, with who?" Johnny prodded

"Somewhere, with a friend, what's with the questions?" Chris asked and walked into the dining room, to see a dinner laid out, obviously no longer fresh

"THAT doesn't answer my QUESTION." Johnny spoke firmly

"Well, where I was is none of your damned business." Chris replied and went into the kitchen to find something to eat

"Have you been drinking?" Johnny asked firmly

"Who the hell do you think you are, coming at me with all these questions, what is it Johnny are you wondering if I fucked someone?" Chris asked dangerously

"You know that's not what I'm asking..." Johnny said

Chris didn't know where all his anger was coming from but he had to get it out "Why not, all you ever seem to wonder if if I was out on my back for some random stranger, you don't have any faith in me, and you haven't since the day you caught me in Pete's arms, and you know what, we were about to kiss, and if we had and you and Wyatt hadn't walked in I probably would have been on my back right there on the nursery floor, is that what you've been wanting to hear Johnny, is it?!" Chris asked angrily

Johnny was stifling tears "You know I have put all that behind us, why do you want to hurt me?" Johnny asked

"You, you, you, why is it always about you, am I invisible, is Johnny the only person on the planet, cause last I checked he had three other people in his family." Chris said harshly

Johnny grabbed Chris by the shoulders "You tell me where you were right now, and who you were with!" he said shaking Chris

"Jealousy is an ugly trait, I was with a man, a man who listened to me, and communicated with me, and you know what, it felt good to be friendly with him, and to answer those questions you asked before, I was at P3, with a man, and we had intimate conversation and sensual comfort, but to answer that nagging question, no we didn't have sex, and no we aren't going to, not only because I love you too much to do that to you, but also because he is straight, and I feel nothing for him except friendship." Chris said and pushed Johnny off of him

"I made dinner for us, I thought it would be a nice way for me to apologize, but I think maybe, I should sleep on the couch tonight." Johnny said sadly, broken from Chris's words

"I'm going to bed." Chris said and walked up the iron staircase to their bedroom

C.J, Caleb, Wyatt, and Piotr stood back and closed the doors

C.J said to Caleb "They have never had a fight this bad before."

"It's almost like they are pushing away from one another." Wyatt said to Piotr

"Almost like they regret getting married." C.J said to Caleb

"and to be honest if their relationship can't survive..." Wyatt said to Piotr

"Nobody's can." They both said to their partners

Chris cried himself to sleep that night, every emotion in his mind had been spewed at his husband and he'd hurt him, so badly, the look on Johnny's face as Chris spoke was a look of a broken man, a man who's heart had just been shatter, Chris just cried harder as he thought about it, his brothers could hear him, as could Johnny, and his children.

Johnny Jr. walked down the iron staircase into the living room and found his father on the couch, still awake, "Why are you and mommy fighting?" Jr. asked Sr.

"Daddy and mommy are having some problems kiddo." Sr. said in return

"Are you ok?" Jr. asked

"I'm just a little upset I'll be ok." Sr. replied

"Mommy's not ok, I can hear it." Jr. said

"He'll be fine..." Sr. said in reply, a little anger to his voice

"He just wants you to be sorry daddy." Jr. said and patted his fathers leg

"But daddy didn't do wrong." Sr. said

"My teacher says the bigger person always says sorry first." Jr. replied

"It's not always that simple baby." Sr. replied

"It should be for mommy, he's the bestest, you know that. Why not?" Jr. asked

"It just isn't." Sr. replied

"Then you don't deserve my mommy." Jr. said and walked back upstairs

Johnny sat on the couch, how could his four year old son be so completely right about the situation when he and Chris couldn't even get a grasp on it.

Johnny thought about what his son had said, about him not deserving Chris if he couldn't simplify things to a simple apologize, the kid had a point.

Everybody in the house was silent aside from the steady breathing of sleep, waiting for the morning to come

The next morning Johnny awoke early and made breakfast for Chris, he put it on a tray along with a napkin that had I'm Sorry written on it.

"Rise and shine." Johnny said with a smile and walked to the bed

"What's the occasion?" Chris asked groggily with an attempt at a smile

"Oh just me, apologizing to my beautiful wife for all the wrongs that I have committed for the entirety of our relationship." Johnny said, and handed Chris a gift wrapped box

"Um.. ok..." Chris said noting he had a headache, he sat up and opened the box, inside was a box of Trojan Magnums, "are you serious?" Chris asked in an indecipherable tone

"It's my way of saying, let's do things your way." Johnny said and looked into Chris's eyes

Chris just looked at Johnny and opened his mouth to say something, but forgot his words "Uh.. thank you Johnny, that means a lot." Chris said and moved the tray to the floor, "what do you say we test drive these babies?" Chris asked seductively

"I say..." Johnny jumped on top of Chris and tackled him to the bed smothering his face, lips, and body with kisses, Chris rolled them over and rubbed his ass all over Johnny's crotch, ripping off Johnny's wife beater, and tossing it aside, taking off his sweatpants as well and tossing them in the same spot. Since Chris was already in just his boxers he slipped out of them and threw them on the pile, and rolled over so he was on his back.

Johnny took control, he forced Chris's legs over his head and started to ravage his pink hole with his tongue, kissing, sucking, and spitting on the hole, he slowly drove his middle finger into Chris's tight ass, after a sexless six months Chris was in a lot of pain, it took Johnny extra long to be able to even use a second finger.

Johnny opened a condom and slipped it on, and grabbed some lube from the night stand, he applied some to his cock, and Chris's hole. He pressed it against the pulsing entrance and started to slowly slip in, the tightness was too much after six months, Chris cried out quietly and Johnny moaned as his fat cock was tightly gripped between the vice-like ass lips, he pushed forward and the sphincter gave and he was all the way in.

Chris and Johnny shared a moan, and Johnny went to town, slamming all the way in pulling all the way out and slamming back in, he was being very rough, and a little selfish, but nevertheless Chris was enjoying himself, the pain quit and even though Johnny was fucking him like a rag doll he was getting off on the frustration heing taken out on his helpless hole, "fuck I'm gonna cum.." Chris cried out, "me too" Johnny said and after a few moments and one last extremely harsh thrust the condom filled up, and Chris's cum jetted all over their stomachs and chests.

"Wow, that... was... a...mazing..." Chris said and lowered his legs

"Incredible, oh wow, you are so tight baby." Johnny said and collapsed next to his husband

"I love you Johnny, and I am so sorry about last night, I was just still angry from the morning, you can ask me anything you want about last night and I'll answer." Chris replied

"Were you drinking?" Johnny asked

"Yeah, three long island ice teas and 4 or 5 vodka shots, but then I had water for 2 hours, so I was fine to drive home." Chris said

"Who were you with?" Johnny asked

"A guy I met at work, the health inspector actually, his name is Andre Newman, he's straight and we are just trying to make friends." Chris answered totally honest

"Ok. Cool, look at that, we're communicating calmly." Johnny smiled

"So now that we've forgiven and had sex for the first time in months, what's next?" Chris asked

"Happily ever after?" Johnny asked with a goofy smile

"You... are SUCH a dork." Chris said and kissed Johnny

"Is this what marriage is supposed to be like?" Johnny asked

"I don't know, but I could definitely get used to it..." Chris said and went in for another kiss

The door burst open and Johnny and Chris immediately jumped up "MOMMY!" it was Johnny Jr. he ran to the bed and jumped up between them

"What is it honey, and you know you're supposed to knock." Chris scolded

"A bad man in Ja-Lynn room." He said short of breath

"Oh my god, honey stay here with daddy." Chris said and went running to the nursery

"It's ok, you can let the shield down, I'm not here to hurt you..." the demon said

"I don't care what you're here for, step away from my daughter..." Chris said bravely

The demon looked at Chris half sneering. "Leave me to my business and I'll spare you witch, you don't know who you're dealing with." The demon said

"Neither do you." Chris said and threw electricity at the demon hitting him in the shoulder

"I'm going to give you one more chance, let me take the baby and I will spare your life." The demon persisted

"How about I see how long it takes me to fillet you alive." Chris said throwing the demon with telekinesis and freezing him in mid-air "WYATT, C.J!!!" Chris called

"What is it buddy?" They asked, but didn't wait for an answer seeing the demon

"Any idea who he is?" Wyatt asked

"Nope, I was about to ask him..." Chris said unfreezing the demon's head "Heh, kinda reminds me of the day we met C.J..." Chris smiled "Who are you?" Chris asked scarily

"What have you done to me, unfreeze me witch." The demon said

"I believe my brother asked you a question..." C.J said

"I refuse to answer..." the demon said and Chris blew off his hand, the demon screamed in agony

"Now, I'm going to ask you again, WHO ARE YOU?!" Chris asked in a tone that caused even his brothers to flinch

"I am Caz, I work for a demon that wishes to raise your daughter as his own" Caz stated

"WHY?!" Chris asked in the same harsh scary tone

"Because once she takes over the underworld she wishes to have a powerful female heir, and your daughter is the most powerful female baby there is." Caz said

"Well give this bitch a message, if she wants my daughter she's gonna lose more than just an arm!" Chris said and unfroze the demon "GO!" Chris commanded

"Chris, are you okay?" Wyatt asked

"No, I'm not, some crazy bitch is after my baby, of course I'm not ok, I need to take her to the elders, that's the only place she'll be safe while I hunt for these demons." Chris said

"What about Magic School?" Wyatt asked

"Wyatt aree you fucking stupid, demons have found ways into magic school before, there's no guarantees, but unless somehow these demons become gods and or whitelighters there is no way to gain access up there." Chris said and grabbed Jocelyn and her things, and orbed out

He reached his destination and sought out Sandra, "Chris? What are you doing up here?" An elder known as Jeremiah asked

"I just fought a demon attempting to kidnap my daughter to make her the eventual queen of the underworld, this is the one place that she'll be safe." Chris said

"I'm afraid that's not possible." Jeremiah stated

"Oh I think it is, I don't care what your rank is, with everything you people have put my family through over the years you owe us plenty." Chris said fiery

"I told you that is not possible and that is the end of the discussion." Jeremiah said and turned away

"DO NOT WALK AWAY FROM ME!" Chris said and the elder blew up without Chris raising his hands, others witnessed this

The elder reformed "You dare attack an elder?" Jeremiah said hotly

"It was my emotions and my empathic ability getting the best of me, I did not intentionally attack you, though I wished to, which is why it happened anyway." Chris explained

"Look Chris, it WAS your own choice to have this child you must protect her." Jeremiah said

"And he is..." another elder Chris had never met said, "the best way he knows how, by bringing his daughter up here he will be making the best possible decision, we are the only way to ensure that this baby is not raised evil, and we do owe them this much in the least." The elder said

"But sir, he and the mortal..." Jeremiah began

"Are making the biggest sacrifice a person can make, sacrificing direct contact with a child so that they can save her in the end, it was not your place to tell him yes or no, but it is mine." The elder said


"That is the decision, the council knew of the possibility and we decided to always protect the future of magic at any cost." The elder said

"Ok Joss, honey, mommy has to go now, I have to say goodbye to you now, I don't know how I'm gonna do that, but baby, I'm gonna come and get you just as soon as I get rid of the problem." Chris said tears flowing freely as he kissed his daughter goodbye, and handed her to the elder, she started crying, and it sounded as though she were wailing for her mother

"She'll be ok, go save her." The elder said

Chris couldn't speak, he heard his daughter crying and he broke down, he started feeling pain, the pain of his child, he could feel her desire to be with her mother, he could feel her tears and feel the agony of the separation, he sobbed and orbed out, as soon as he landed in the nursery, he cried more, Wyatt and C.J came in and saw him curled into a ball cuddling with Jocelyn's favorite stuffed animal, crying his soul out.

Chris felt their presence and straightened up, "we have work to do." He said sniffled and walked determinedly to the attic

"Chris, slow down, what's going on?" Johnny called after his husband, Johnny Jr. was tailing them as well

"Get Johnny over to mom's house John, do it now, I'll explain later." Chris said commandingly as he opened the attic door

"What are we gonna do?" C.J asked

"We're gonna have a little heart to heart with a seer..." Chris said pointedly

"Wait Chris hold on, do you think that's such a great idea?" Wyatt asked

"You may have children Wyatt but you haven't been through my hells or come even close to what I've been through with my kids, don't try to tell me what isn't a good idea when it comes to saving my daughter." Chris said "Evil being with the power to foresee hear me now I call you now answer my plea." Chris said reading a summoning spell from the book

A dark skinned woman appeared before them in a red cloak, "Whoa, didn't our parents vanquish you?" Wyatt asked seeing the spitting image of the seer on the book

"That was my mother, I am also a seer, a demonic one at that, to what do I owe this dubious pleasure?" She said, rather unpleasantly

"We need you to tell us who is after my daughter, who is trying to take over the underworld." Chris said

"Why should I help you?" She asked vehemently

"Because if you help us I can guarantee you that nobody from our family will ever harm you or yours ever again." Wyatt said

"Very well.. There is a female demon, unlike any you've faced before, she believes she will be the next source, and wishes to raise your baby as her own." The Seer said

"We know all that, what's her name?" Chris demanded

"I have your word that I, as well as my family will not be harmed?" The Seer asked

"You have our word." They all said

"Her name is Crixa, and she is powerful, very powerful, and as far as we know, she cannot be vanquished, that is all I know." The Seer said

"Ok thank you." Chris said

"Good Luck, you're going to need it..." She said and de-materialized

"Ok, let's get this bitch." Chris said and grabbed the potion ingredients

"Monkshood, eye of newt, wolfsbane, frog legs, pigfeet, crushed cinnamon, ginger, what is this christmas cookies..., toad flax, a few other volatile combinations, and some of our blood and a blessing spell should do the trick." C.J said

"We need a plan they'll be expecting a potion..." Wyatt said

"Ok, an astral you, me, and Wyatt will orb in first, take out the guards you know she'll have, have you mastered conscious astral projection yet?" C.J asked

"I know where you're going with this... Wait a second, we don't own an armoire..." Chris said... he blew it up... it changed to a demon and exploded

"They've been monitoring us, that's how they knew when to attack!" C.J exclaimed

"Well now they won't know we're coming, we should wait a while..." Chris said

Chris found it hard to sleep at night, knowing his daughter wasn't just in the other room, days passed and nights became days, finally 5 days after speaking to The Seer they decided it was time to do it.

Chris Astralled...

"Ok Chris number 2 come with us." Wyatt said and orbed them out

"We have confirmed reports, the chameleon is dead, they must be onto us..." an advisor said to Crixa

"Let them come, I have studied the charmed ones, they are never properly prepared for a battle." She said and laid on her throne, pulling her cape over her low cut leather dress, she drummed her crimson nails awaiting the arrival of her enemies.

She heard screaming and knew what that meant, she sat up. Waiting patiently

"Crixa is it, did you get my message?" Astral Chris asked

"Oh yes, and I would love to see you try." All three of them hurled energy balls at her, she dodged them and levitated to the ground on which they stood.

"Is that the best you got?" She asked and threw flames at them, Wyatt put up his shield and sent it flying back at her, she flew back, "not bad.." she said

"Oh it gets better... Wyatt said, he fire blasted the ground at her feet and while she was flying through the air froze her, just long enough to call for Chris.

"Throw it before she bre..." She broke through the freeze but still didn't know Chris was there...

Chris called to her... "Hey Crixa over here..."

"No over here" Astral Chris called out confusing her long enough for Real Chris to throw the potion at her "You'll never have my daughter." Chris said as he watched her burn

"Do you guys smell that?" Wyatt asked

"Yeah.. it's better than a scented candle..." C.J joked about the cinnamon smell left after the explosion

"You guys go ahead, I have a daughter to pick up..." Chris said and orbed to the elders

"Chris, I trust since we're seeing you again, this means you have defeated the latest threat." The elder who hushed Jeremiah last time said

"Yes, and pardon my asking sir, but what is your name, I didn't catch it last time." Chris said

"You didn't ask... My name is Alexander, I am a sort of president to the elders." He said proudly

"You don't say, anyway, I'm here to pick up Jocelyn, was she trouble?" Chris asked

"Well, that depends how you look at it, she hasn't stopped crying during her waking moments, she only stops when she's so hungry she must eat, and whilst she sleeps, other than that she has been crying for 5 days." Alexander said

"I'm sorry about that, but the crying thing pretty much goes for both of us, unless I was doing something important or sleeping my time was spent crying as well." Chris said and the elder orbed Jocelyn and her things into his arms, she began to cry, but as soon as she saw Chris she stopped, and orbed herself into his arms.

She smiled, and that was enough to warm Chris's heart. "Oh baby, I missed you so much." Chris said and softly hugged his child.

"You are a truly wonderful father and mother to your children, we think of them as our grandchildren, if you need anything we are here." Alexander said

"Thank you." Chris said and orbed out

Johnny, C.J, and Wyatt were in the nursery, "What if they don't give her back?" C.J asked

"Shut up Cole, of course they'll give her back she's our daughter." Johnny said

"Shut up's a bad word." Johnny Jr. said from the doorway

"Sorry buddy, I meant be quiet." Johnny said patting his lap for his son to come to him

"Daddy why Ja-Lynn not at home?" Johnny Jr.asked cuddling against his father

"Because baby, the bad people were trying to take her away, and mommy had to take her to the good people for a little bit." Johnny said and coddled his son

"I miss her." Johnny Jr. sniffled, and wiped away a tear

They heard orbs, and there stood Chris, holding Jocelyn, they all ran over to see them

"YAY!" Johnny Jr. exclaimed

"Oh god, I'm so glad everything went ok." Johnny said and kissed his daughter and husband

"Better than ok, we're a family again." Chris said and kissed back

"A...real family?" Wyatt asked

"What's that supposed to mean...?" C.J asked

"Oh, forget about it I'm just glad we have something good to celebrate, pretty rare around here, at least nobody's pregnant." Wyatt said, causing a light laughter, C.J however looked uncomfortable

"Excuse me." C.J said and rushed off to the bathroom, only to vomit, "Oh dear god this isn't happening..." C.J said

The Next Day

"I just don't want children, I have seen the damage it's done to my brothers and I'm not ready, I'm just not old enough, or mature enough, they both did so great and they're younger than I am, what does that say about me?" C.J asked

"Well Cole, it suggests that due to your lack of a proper upbringing you feel incapable of raising a child, since your parents were well, evil, and well not your parents, it's not uncommon for people to feel unprepared, when they don't have anyone as an example."

"But I do have an example, and I'm 23 years old how am I supposed to make something out of myself if I have some kid weighing me down, I'm not parent material.." C.J said

"Have you considered your options?"

"I think I'm going to take care of it, I would never want to go through the process of dealing with having a baby if I'm not going to be the one to raise it." C.J explained

"So you think you'd like to have an abortion?"

"Nobody would LIKE to have an abortion, but I think it's my only option, I'm not ready, I didn't plan this, we were careful, and I just I wouldn't be bringing this child into an environment where he or she is loved and wanted." C.J continued

"Have you discussed this with the baby's father?"

"No, I don't want him involved, it was a mistake, and I don't need to involve anyone besides myself." C.J answered

"Ok, and if you get this abortion what are your plans?"

"I'm going to attend meetings, and go to counseling, I want to make sure that this doesn't ruin my life the same way having the baby would." C.J answered

"Ok, I think that we have enough, you are mentally capable of making this choice, so I see no reason why you can't go through with your appointment this afternoon, though I should tell you, that once you do this there is no going back, you MUST make sure that you are 100% sure this is the right decision."

"Thank you doctor, for your concern, for everything, is it ok if I orb?" C.J asked

"Feel free." The doctor said, and C.J called for Chris

"Ready?" Chris asked

"Never been more ready." C.J said and they orbed to the house

"So why'd you wanna see that shrink?" Chris asked

"If I say I don't wanna talk about it?" C.J asked

"Then I'd go into your head to get my answer..." Chris said, C.J looked at him horrified, "Kidding, I'm not Hitler, if you wanna tell us something you'll tell us on your own terms." Chris said and clapped him on the back

"Ow, dude cut back on the dumbbells you're getting way too strong." C.J said

"Really, cool, oh sorry, it's just after you have a baby your motivation to get in shape is so much higher, however, I don't recommend it as a regular part of your exercise routine." Chris joked and grabbed a water from the refrigerator holding one in the air for C.J

"Thanks." C.J said

"What's up with you dude, I mean as soon as I started talking you've just shutted down..." Chris said with a funny look "shutted is so not a word, lemme rephrase, as soon as I started talking your face just stopped showing emotion... is that better?" Chris asked smiling

"Nah I'm cool, but I um.. I have a physical to go to this afternoon, do you think I could, borrow your car?" C.J asked

"Um.. sure.. Johnny's getting the kids this afternoon, speaking of being unable to pick up my own kids, I need to get back to work, my 15 minutes is almost over." Chris said

"Later, thanks." C.J said

3 hours until appointment

"Hey baby, what's the problem, I was just at the gym when I heard your message." Caleb said as he walked through the front door

"Oh, it's not anything important, you didn't have to rush over or anything." C.J said

"Well, you sounded pretty bad on the phone so I wanted to make sure you were ok." Caleb said and hugged C.J

"I have a physical appointment and I was going to drive there, but I'm gonna be getting my... endo..oscopy... also... so I'm not going to want to drive back... So I was wondering if you would... go ... with me...?" C.J asked

"Of course, you know I'd do anything for you ." Caleb said and kissed C.J on the forehead

"Thanks, means a lot..." C.J thought of what he was asking without giving a reason, "Actually, I'll just have Wyatt take me, it'll be easier that way..." C.J covered

"Ok Sure... whatever you want, as long as you're back by 6 because we have seven o'clock reservations at that new sushi restaurant." Caleb said, C.J suddenly felt sick, and ran to the bathroom, he vomited and cleaned himself up

"Babe, you ok in there?" Caleb asked through the wooden door

"Yeah, I just, had too many stale cookies at the shrink's office." C.J explained gasping a bit

"You want some ginger ale or Gatorade?" Caleb asked thoughtfully

"No, just grab me another Fiji if you don't mind." C.J said and walked out of the bathroom

Caleb and C.J laid on the sofa together, "don't let me sleep past 3..." C.J said and drifted to sleep

After what seemed like seconds it was time to get up, "Wake up sleeping beauty." Caleb said and kissed C.J's lips

"Hey, what time is it?" C.J asked

"3:05, sorry I fell asleep too." Caleb said

C.J laughed "It's ok, it's just five minutes." He pulled out his cell and dialed Wyatt "Hey buddy, orb to the front of the house, I'll meet you out there..." C.J said and kissed Caleb "See you later."

C.J walked outside and found Wyatt outside the garage, he pushed him inside "Orb me to the medical clinic... please..." C.J said

"Sure, what you got an STD test or something?" Wyatt asked sarcastically

"...Yeah actually, you caught me..." C.J said and they orbed hoping the spell to make him look like a woman to the rest of the world was working

"Here we are, I'll meet you in this same broom closet after your appointment." Wyatt said with a smile, "just call with the cell phone not the vocal cords."


As C.J sat in the office all sorts of things were running through his mind

Damn the clock in here sure ticks loudly

Those kittens on the calendar are cute, why they have to remind you about young life right before something like this is impossible to know.

I wonder how many of these people in here are here for the same thing

Am I doing the right thing??

Should I have told somebody, anybody?

"Miss Halliwell?" A voice called from a half doorway

"Yes?" C.J asked

"The doctor will see you now." The soothing voice said

They walked to a white room, with white walls, and a white table, with white paper lining the surface, and C.J couldn't help but feel odd

"Change into this gown and have a seat on the table the doctor will be in shortly."

C.J couldn't help but notice the song that was playing, "You spend all your time waiting for that second chance"

C.J began undressing

"For a break that would make it ok, there's only one reason, to feel not good enough"

Taking off his shirts

"And it's hard at the end of the day, I need some distraction, oh beautiful release."

Unbuckling his belt and unzipping his pants, removing them as well

"Memory seeps from my veins, let me be empty, and weightless and maybe, I'll find some peace tonight."

Putting on the paper gown, feeling the scratchy man made material against his skin.

"In the arms of an angel, fly away from here, from this dark cold hotel room, and the endlessness that you fear."

C.J removed his underwear and got onto the white table, only the paper gown shielding him from the cold air.

"You are pulled from the wreckage, of your silent reverie, you're in the arms of the angel, may you find some comfort there

C.J sat on the table and laid back in an awkward position, many of the same thoughts, and some new running through his mind at bullet speed

"I'm Dr. Anderson...."

C.J focused on the clock, and listened to that loud ticking and the song that was playing, as a single tear fell from his eye

"So tired of the straight line And everywhere you turn There's vultures and thieves at your back And the storm keeps on twisting You keep on building the lie That you make up for all that you lack It don't make no difference"

C.J could feel the gloved hands on him, and focused harder on the ticking and the music, as another tear fell

"Escaping one last time It's easier to believe in this sweet madness oh This glorious sadness that brings me to my knees In the arms of an angel Fly away from here >From this dark cold hotel room And the endlessness that you fear

"Any pain?" The doctor's voice seemed to echo, C.J just shook his head and continued his focusing

"You are pulled from the wreckage Of your silent reverie You're in the arms of the angel May you find some comfort there You're in the arms of the angel May you find some comfort here"

C.J looked away from the clock and couldn't even look in the direction of the doctor, out of fear of what he might see, there was no more music, just that ticking

To Be Continued

This was a very difficult chapter to write, not to mention I was listening to "Angel" while writing the most difficult part, so I was crying, I felt it was appropriate so I incorporated it in the scene, which is supposed to be a sort of montage type thing. Don't know if it seems that way. Later...

Next: Chapter 20

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