Marvelously Charming

By Joseph Foster

Published on Oct 14, 2007


Marvelously Charming

Chapter 17

When those pesky boundaries are tested...

The doorbell rang

"Don't all jump at once..." Chris said and opened the door

"Hi!" Caleb said enthusiastically

"Whoa sport, take it down a notch." Chris said, "What's up?"

"I just wanted to bring you guys this" Caleb handed Chris a check"

"Um.. you.. shouldn't have?" Chris joked

"It's for a new mailbox, I left the amount blank, cause I really don't know how much a mailbox costs."

"Look Caleb.. I don't know how you do things on the east coast but here in San Francisco, we call this, stupid, now I am not the type of person to fuck someone over, but I could do some damage to your bank account with a blank check."

"Well... what should I do, I feel bad.." Caleb said

"Take me to the hardware store." Chris said simply with a smile

"Sure thing." Caleb said with an equally impressive smile

"John, running out for a mailbox, back later sweetie." Chris caught his slip and quickly covered "daddy loves you!" and closed the door

"You seem like a great dad, it's a wonder some woman hasn't snatched you up, they ove single dads." Caleb said as he opened the garage and they climbed into his metallic grey Ford Mustang GT

"Nice ride." Chris commented

"Yeah I love her to pieces." Caleb said recalling a memory of a would be death experience, they drove out of the neighborhood

"Yeah, I'm the same way with my car, it's like a friend you can ride..." Chris said not realizing how much of an innuendo it sounded like to Caleb

He swerved a bit "Sorry.. just been used to the steering in the moving truck." He covered

"No sweat, I'm cool, so Caleb, where did you go to school?"

"Spenser Academy, in Ipswich, that's in New England."

"Yeah, I've heard of it, a bunch of rich snobby preppy ass holes gathered in one place judging people on the basis of how rich their parents are, sounds fun..." Chris said nastily

"Whoa, you hit the nail right on the head, I hated it there, but FAMILY tradition made me attend." Caleb said sarcastically causing a small laugh from Chris

"Oh, I know all about family tradition." Chris said discreetly referring to his charmed life

"I'm with ya' buddy, I'm sure I can relate."

"No.. pretty sure you can't..." Chris blurted

"O..k..." Caleb said and stared at the road ahead

"Well, everyone's situation is so different." Chris said patting Caleb on the shoulder

They searched the store for mailboxes, and they found a good one. "60 bucks for a mailbox? Wow, a little more than I expected, but hey the one I murdered was practically an antique." Caleb said

On the drive home Caleb pulled into an alley

"What's your problem with me?" he asked

"What do you mean I don't have a problem with you,, I like you just fine, probably more than I should." Chris blurted

Caleb kissed Chris with a burning desire, Chris was shocked, but soon was so into it he didn't stop, he kissed him deeply and moaned into his mouth as Caleb's strong hand attacked his arched back, caressing his soft brown hair, in the heat of the moment they climbed into the backseat and shed their clothes, Chris was so into it he silently cast a spell to lube himself and make him just loose enough, he took Caleb's 8 inch monster in with one swift movement and humped up and down panting and groaning, he increased his speed while Caleb ran his hands down his back and cupped his pert ass, grinding his expanded cock into the juicy hole, and then exploded in Chris.

Chris awoke in the passenger seat, seeing they were in the same alley from the dream "Dude, I wanted to make sure you were ok, you just sorta passed out on me, you ok?" Caleb asked touching Chris's face

"I'm fine... Can we get going...?" Chris asked concealing his boner

"Sure." Caleb said and drove back to the house, he carried the mailbox for Chris, and stood on the porch for a minute with Chris before speaking

"Chris, are you gay?" Caleb blurted out in question form

"Um.. wow, um, nobody's been THAT forward with me before..." Chris said

"Well it's just that if you are I was wondering if we could go out for dinner sometime..." Caleb said hopefully

"Um.. Caleb..." Chris showed him his ring

"Wow... That was so not the situation I envisioned..." Caleb said

"Johnny and I are sort of, well, engaged." Chris said

"Wow.. the punches keep on coming, I thought you were better than that... I mean the guy's a player" Caleb said

"Well for your information I have been with Johnny for 3 and a half years." Chris said

"Ok... so maybe people change, sorry I wouldn't want to get in the way of true love." Caleb said sadly and walked away


"How could I be so stupid, I mean god, I can't compete with that, almost four years, I've never been attracted to guys, why start now??" Caleb said out loud

"What are you in here babbling about Yoda?" Tyler asked sprawling in a chair, they were soon joined by Pogue and Reid

"Nothing..." Caleb said testily

"Oh come on, it doesn't have anything to do with a certain cutie next door, does it?" Reid asked

"What are you talking about?" Caleb downplayed his reaction

"I saw the way you were scamming on that pretty little brunette, you know the one with the kid.. I'll admit it, if he wasn't with Johnny Storm I'd try to hit that" Pogue said

"I liked the super hero guy, something about him being on fire..." Tyler said

"Am I the only one that likes blondes?" Reid asked

"Yeah that's all great, personally I liked the one with those grey eyes, and the black, it's not like a big deal or anything, I was checking him out. But I kinda, sorta, well asked him if he wanted to hang, but I'm not even interested in him, I like his brother, the one without any kids" Caleb said

"Dude... it's all good, we're with you gay or straight, even bi..." Tyler said

"Ok... So.. I WAS checking him out...But the one I really want is C.J" Caleb said

"Pay up brothers." Tyler said

"What?!" Caleb reacted

"Well we kinda, sorta, made a small wager on whether or not you were checking him out, but Tyler won the bonus he guessed you actually wanted C.J..." Pogue said gruffly and handed Tyler a 20, Reid did the same

"Thanks so much, glad to know my personal life is a good way to make a little extra cash." Caleb smiled sarcastically


I walked in the door quietly hoping to avoid anybody, but Johnny Sr. was awake walking out of the kitchen, "Where the hell have you been?" Johnny asked with a laugh

"Well, Caleb dropped by to give us money for a mailbox, but I just had him take me to the hardware store, and pay for it, he doesn't know the ways of the world yet." Chris said lightly

"So are you coming to bed?" Johnny held out a hand for Chris, he took it

"I love you Johnny." Chris said and rested his head on Johnny's shoulder as they walked to their bedroom

They made love soft and passionate that night and shared a climax, tender and loving, they held each other and slept soundly

Awaking to yelling the next morning Chris ran downstairs to find Jason and C.J having a fight.




"Come on Ceej, you know full well we aren't a good match." Jason said calmly

"You know what I like about people like you?" C.J asked with a small smile

"What?" Jason asked coldly

"NOTHING." And with that C.J punched him in the face

Jason got up and was about to retaliate but C.J used his telekinesis to lift his body in the air "Did you know that I have the ability to form a field of emotions inside a person and amplify that until the amount of pain forces them to explode." C.J threatened

"TRY IT!" Jason said

"Ok..." C.J said chipperly

C.J focused the emotions not only of himself but of everyone he could reach empathetically, and began amplifying the emotions in Jason's core

"STOP!!!!!!" Jason screamed

"Do you know what happens to a person who is not meant for the handling of human emotions?" C.J asked as his eyes glazed over a mystical blue

"C.J that's enough, let him go!" Chris yelled

"Stay out of this Chris! The guy has to learn to respect people's beliefs!" C.J yelled

"But this isn't the way." Chris said and put his arms around C.J, who's eyes returned to normal, and Jason fell to the groud

"You just got more lucky than you'll ever know" C.J spat and telekinetically threw Jason through the door, shutting them with his power as well

"What happened?" Chris asked

"I was almost ready to sleep with him, I was going to tonight, but he confessed to me he slept with another guy last night, not drunk, or incapacitated in any way, he did it because he couldn't wait, I guess first instinct was right." C.J said sadly

"It's ok dude, you'll do better, hey maybe one of our new neighbors will go for you."


"Great I have a whitelighter issue..." Chris said and orbed to the Golden Gate bridge

"What is it Sandra?" Chris asked

"Oh Christopher, how are you, and the baby?" Sandra asked

"Well, the baby's 4 months now, and Johnny Jr's three now, Wyatt's 6 months, and I still don't know why I'm here." Chris said

"Well, we have been handed four new witches from the east coast elders, they are known as a covenant, from a line of witches that date all the way back to Melinda Warren, they may have been critical to the escape of the daughter of Melinda Warren, and if so, these four young men are very powerful, though they are no match for charmed power, they are powerful nonetheless." Sandra explained

"So... there are Elders that control the coasts? Are you kidding me?" Chris asked laughing

"No... And you are the whitelighter I am assigning to them, the bi-laws are different here than there."

"Well, that seems to be the story everywhere, we seem to be the only witches that have restrictions on what we can use our powers for..."

"You are allowed to use your powers for anything, so long as there is no personal gain, I hardly call that a restriction, the rules have loosened the past 10 or 15 years, you are allowed to practice openly, isn't that enough?" Sandra asked

"I suppose, but still, it's weird, everywhere we go, people are using their powers to do their chores, or anything they want, why can't we?" Chris asked

"In time child, you will be, but right now, there are still some elders that do not know of the changes in the world, and how they are positive for the witching world."

"I get it, so where are my charges?" Chris asked

"I think you can figure that out." Sandra said "Oh I'm kidding, whitelighter humor, here is everything you need, since they know of their magic, it is ok to orb in, you won't nee a cover story." Sandra said and orbed out

"You've gotta be kidding me." Chris said and orbed to the location

"All I'm saying is that we should try and hook up with the single ones..." Pogue said

"They are fine looking guys, I doubt they are single." Reid said

"I think that you guys should know Chris and Johnny are engaged..." Caleb said

"Have you seen my body Caleb, he won't be engaged to flame boy for much longer..." Pogue said cockily

Chris orbed into their living room. "Whoa.. this house looks just like ours..." Chris said causing everyone to turn around spooked

"Chris... How did you get in here, I bolted the door..." Caleb said cautiously

"Oh, it's just one of many talents I have, along with this..." Chris lifted Caleb by squinting his eyes

"WHOA!" The guys yelled

"Oh I'm just playing.. SO, I'm your guardian angel it appears.. weird I know..." Chris said and sat on the couch

"Wait.. What?" Pogue asked

"Well my muscular friend, it would appear that I have been assigned to be you guide since you are now under different magical bi-laws..." Chris said cutely

"How do we know we can trust you..." Caleb said getting in a fighting stance

"You don't but you should know I AM more powerful than you..."Chris said

"Let's test that theory.." Reid said and attempted to blast Chris, but his stomach illuminated and the blast was absorbed

"Mmm.. Don't.. Do that again..." Chris said

"Ok.. so he has powers..." Tyler said

"Yes.. now that you have visual confirmation, can we please get down to business, I am not here to hurt you, I could, but I won't, I am a whitelighter, a.k.a guides, or a guardian angel of sorts, I am here to be your go to person" Chris explained

"Ok... So... you're a witch...?" Tyler asked

"Yes..." Chris said

"...But you're also a white...lighter..." Caleb said

"Yep... any more questions???" Chris asked casually

"So... you... know... about us...?" Pogue asked

"Yes... and I also know that you have the idea in your mind that you can get me to either have an affair with you, or leave my fiancé, and children for you, ain't gonna happen dude." Chris said with a smile, astounding each guy

"How did you..." Pogue was stunned for words

"I'm... psychic..." Chris said and winked "and that is one of my many talents."

"You said children...?" Reid asked, nobody else had caught that.

"Oh I may as well tell you, me and my brother Wyatt are also mutants, so we have the ability to reproduce without using a woman if you catch my drift." Chris winked and touched his belly which grew before the young mens' eyes.

"Sick..." Reid said

"Yeah, I thought so too..." Chris said, and looked at Caleb "first, no I don't know the sex, it doesn't come out of my ass, C.J has no kids, and he's newly single." Chris said irate at Caleb who hadn't broken a stare.

"Really?!" he flashed a smile

"Be careful with him, he's been burned before, so he doesn't need that anymore, I'll see to it that he doesn't go through that ever again... and Caleb... give him some time." Chris threatened and pleaded at the same time

"So... What do you do, as our whitelighter?" Reid asked

"Well, you guys are under our magical by-laws now, so you are no longer allowed to use your powers for personal gain, and what I do, is help you through tough times, and heal your injuries if the moment requires it, do you have some form of spell book?" Chris asked

"Um.. first the thing with personal gain, really sucks, and yeah we have the book of damnation..." Caleb said

"Deal with it.. and that book needs to be updated, summon it." Chris commanded

Pogue did as ordered and the book appeared in his arms "Book of good magic in my sight help them through this brand new plight, apply from shadows where magic dwells the spells of the Halliwells." Chris said the spell, and their book increased in size

"Nice.." the boys said..

"Great I have to get home, and Pogue if you keep thinking about me like that I'm gonna kick you in the nuts." Chris said and orbed out

"How does he do that, it's so hot!" Pogue said

"Hey baby, I went ahead and fed Johnny, where were you..." Johnny Sr. asked

"Oh I was with my new charges, oh and it's the guys from next door." Chris said and sat on the leather couch.

"Wanna talk about it...?" Johnny asked

"I'm done talking..." Chris said and kissed Johnny with more passion than he knew he had in him

"Wait a sec, are you... saying... you'd... rather have... sex... than to me?" Johnny said panting for breath as Chris undid his jeans

"Yep..." Chris said and swallowed Johnny's cock in one swallow, and began giving him the best head he'd ever gotten from a guy or a woman

"Fuck talking..." Johnny said and forced Chris to take the whole thing

Chris continued licking, kissing, and sucking, on the massive fuck stick, "Oh baby, I'm cumming."

Chris didn't relent he kept only the head in his mouth, and felt the massive head expand as Johnny's searing load invaded his mouth, he swallowed every last drop.

"Wow... just... Wow... You... are.... Amazing..." Johnny said and collapsed back on the couch

"I'm gonna go check on C.J he was pretty angry..." Chris said and wiped his mouth

He walked slowly up the stairs and walked in to find C.J crying in Wyatt's arms, he joined them on the bed, "Why did he do it, why did he go and sleep around on me!?" C.J cried

"Oh honey, I'm sorry, he wasn't good enough for you, he wasn't really in it for you or he would have been able to wait..." Chris said

"I know, I know you're right, I just don't want it to be true... Am I ever gonna find someone as good as him?" C.J asked

"Ceej, I know for a fact you are going to find someone WAY better, in more ways than one, and he will enter your love life, after you've gotten over this thing with Jason." Chris said

"You seem pretty confident..." C.J said

"Well.. maybe I had a little premonition of my own..." Chris said and walked out to his bedroom.

"Mommy?" Johnny Jr. asked and walked through the door

"What is it buddy?" Chris asked

"Can I have a popsicle?" Johnny Jr. asked with the cutest most hopeful expression in his dark eyes

"Have your father get you one, mommy's tired..." Chris said

"SEE DADDY MOMMY SAID YES!" Johnny Jr. yelled down to his father

** Oh god, fuck me, fuck me so hard, oh my god CALEB you feel so good in my hole... FASTER.. OH YEAH.. GO DEEPER...***

Gasp Chris awoke with a rock hard boner and sweating profusely

"It's ok baby, breathe, it was just a dream.." Johnny comforted him

"Ok... thanks John... I feel better..." Chris laid his had on Johnny's chest and listened to his steady heartbeat, feeling complete he wondered how could he have been so lucky, he found his one and only, how many people get that opportunity

Johnny stroked his hair "Oh babe...." He sighed and drifted back to sleep

"Oh babe... good night Johnny..." Chris sighed contentedly and fell asleep, only dreaming of his future...

To Be Continued...

Next: Chapter 18

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