Marvelously Charming

By Joseph Foster

Published on Oct 11, 2007


Marvelously Charming

Chapter 16

Everyday Occurrences

Normally I would have dragged out the "season premiere" to torture you all, but everyone seems so desperate to know what happens next so I got right on it.. enjoy...

Last Season on Marvelously Charming

"They are more powerful than anything I have ever seen"

"Class 7, how is that possible."

"I'm Bobby, welcome to mutant high...."

"Wow, Pete, I've never felt so full..."

"You can just spend the night, if you wear some bottoms."

"Johnny, I'm pregnant."

"I'm pregnant, Pete."

"18 year old male, prep for emergency surgery..."

"You've been out for 6 months, your son is the size of a full term 1 month old baby, but is 6 months old, I'm sorry..."

"I never knew he was such a two timing whore!"

"I want nothing to do with you, we're done!"

"Do you Wyatt Matthew Halliwell take this man...?"

"Wow, Zeke it's been a long time..."

"So how about a date?"

"I might be pregnant..."

"Zeke... I'm pregnant..."

"Pete..." "Oh no you're pregnant again..."

"Chris... I'm half demon"

"We'll get through this, together."

"Welcome back to the school, we have a mission for you, in London..."

"Petrificus totalus... don't go anywhere Harry..."

"Hi I'm Hermione... This is Ron and I think you met Harry."

"Someone's calling me..."


"You just couldn't let me be with someone else could you?!?" GASP

"Maybe we can give this another shot..."

"We've gotta go, Hogwarts is under attack"

"How dare you say my name!"

"Is that all you've got... HARRY!"

"Say hello to Satan for me..."

"Riddle, Diggory, Potter, Black, Voldemort's victims join our fight, Prudence, Penelope, Patricia, Melinda, Astrid, Helena, Laura and Grace, Voldmort's victims and Halliwell witches stand strong together and with the power of three, we the descendants call the spirits, to vanquish this evil from time and space..." "This is it!!"

Voldemort explodes sending the four boys slamming into the wall, and to the floor...

Season 2

Four lifeless bodies lay on the floor of the great hall

"MOVE!" Call Madam Pomfrey and Professor McGonagall

Madam Pomfrey examined the bodies, as the students watched in horror, Voldemort was gone, but at what cost...

"They're gone..." Madam Pomfrey states sadly

"Oh no..." Professor McGonagall said with tears beginning to roll down her face

But the bodies all began to disappear one by one like a movie projector turning off

"What is going on?!" Professor McGonagall yelled her voice breaking

Meanwhile in the Gryffindor common room the four boys awoke

"Lift the shield guarding this space reveal us now and unerase." The charmed ones said

"Thank god for good old plans from mom and the aunts..." Wyatt said

"Yeah, astral projection is a gift from above, thanks Aunt Prue." Chris said blowing a kiss at the ceiling.

"Ok, we should really get down there, I'm sure by now they all think we're dead, or something worse." Harry said

They orbed into the Great Hall "HARRY!" Hermione shrieked and grabbed him into the tightest hug a human has ever endured

"You're crushing my organs!" Harry said breathily

"What is the meaning of this?!" Professor McGonagall yelled

"Well, we knew that Voldemort would have put added protection to ensure that his demise would take with anyone that was in the same room, which is why we cast the spell to protect all the students, and created a barrier of magic around the main fight zone, and when we defeated Voldemort and we were taken with, it was only copies of ourselves." Wyatt explained

"So you mean to tell me, that the four boys we found dead, were not real...?" McGonagall asked

"Yep, they were decoys so that nobody but Voldemort would die, I suppose this means our work here is done, and we should get going..." Chris said

"Well, you boys are always welcome here, you saved our school, and we can never repay you for that." Dumbledore said as he walked in "I would like to know how you avoided detection..."

"We used a simple cloaking spell, modified to make it appear that our astral selves were human, it was like, um, we were possessing our astral selves so that if Voldemort tried to sense our powers or something like that, he wouldn't detect our plan" C.J said

"Ingenious, you boys are truly amazing, and we hope perhaps one day you will grace our halls again as Professors."

"I think you boys should..." Johnny orbed down to the great hall

"MOMMY!" Johnny grabbed Chris's leg and held on crying, drawing a lot of attention from the surrounding people

"Oh baby, what's wrong, why are you sad?" Chris said stroking his son's soft brown hair

"Woobie gone..." Johnny sniffled

"Oh no..." Chris said scooping up his son, "it'll be ok, we'll just conjure one up before we're under our magical laws again."

A few people were watching the young man taking care of his son, some were confused, having not known he was a father, and others, like Ron, were simply amazed at how great he was with his son, "Is mommy hurting?" Johnny asked, seeing a cut on Chris's arm.

"Oh wow, where'd that come from?" C.J asked

"It must be an echo from possessing our astral selves, I wonder why the baby, didn't heal me... oh my god you don't think... no that's IMPOSSIBLE!" Chris said scared

"Its ok mommy, I love you..." Johnny said and put his little hands over the deep wound and healed it

"Thank you sweetie, and I love you too..." Chris said and kissed Johnny on the cheek

Johnny giggled cutely and asked for Woobie... "A stuffed animal misplaced by he return it now from wherever it may be." Chris said and Woobie materialized in his hand, he gave him to a smiling Johnny

"HAHA WOOBIE!!!" Johnny shrieked and giggled kissing Chris on the cheek "I wanna go play."

"Go play, rotten child." Chris said and sent him off on his own way

"You are a marvelous father." Dumbledore said with a twinkle in his eye

"Well if you want me to be technical, I'm a good mother..." Chris said with a genuine smile

"Would you like for Madam Pomfrey to examine you, to see what happened..." McGonagall asked

"Yes, but only if my brothers can come..." Chris said

"Of course." Madam Pomfrey said and led them to the hospital wing

When they arrived Chris changed into a gown, and Madam Pomfrey conjured the proper medical tools, and Wyatt conjured electrical outlets to power them.

"Ok, now I am going to need you to relax..." She prepped the ultrasound, and the gel she put on his stomach was very cold

"Ok, now there's the baby, oh dear..." she said worriedly

"Oh dear... oh dear what?!" Chris asked horrified

"Dear, I'm not locating a heartbeat..." She said, continuing to examine

"What?!" Chris asked in a heart breaking confused voice

"I'm sorry, your baby suffered blunt trauma, most likely from the echo you referred to, and I'm so sorry dear, she didn't make it." Madam Pomfrey said with a single tear falling from her eye

"No, no, no.. That CAN'T be right, it just can't, no, you must be wrong, she can't be dead, she just can't! Chris shrieked and grabbed his stomach sobbing and screaming

"Oh god..." C.J said and hugged Chris, as did Wyatt, all crying.... Madam Pomfrey left them alone, and Chris's screams echoed through the hospital and out to the hall as she left the wing.

"Madam Pomfrey, what seems to...." Dumbledore only had to look into the woman's eyes as she shook her head to know the answer to the question he was about to ask, "oh..."

"Oh no... Do you guys know what this means?" Hermione asked seeing the exchange between Madam Pomfrey and Professor Dumbledore

"What does what mean...?" Ron asked

"Yeah...?" Harry said

"Chris's baby died." Hermione said tears forming

"But... he just got him his bear back..." Ron said confused

"No... not Johnny.. the baby he's carrying, remember when we saw that he healed himself but he told us the baby he was carrying did it, well, after the attack and the echo as he called it happened, the baby didn't heal him, and after his examination Madam Pomfrey came out here alone, looking so sad, and shaking her head, then after she does that Dumbledore slumps for the first time since we've known him..." Hermione broke, and the tears started

"Oh no. this is horrible what Chris must be going through..." Harry said and held his friend while she cried

"Well, he had it coming..." Ron said offensively and before he knew what was happening, he was holding his face where Hermione had slapped him with all her might, and now was pointing her wand at him

"You show a little compassion and respect or I'm going to be spending the rest of my given life in Azkaban prison for your murder!" Hermione screamed violently in Ron's face, and then gut punched him

"What seems to be the matter?" Dumbledore asked hoarsely

"Nothing, Ronald just needed an attitude adjustment." Hermione said

"Yeah, Hermione was trying to put some sense in his obviously half empty mind." Harry said with a glare at Ron

"Very well, I shall let it slide this time." Dumbledore walked away

"What? You don't ev---..."

"YOU don't even want to finish that sentence Weasley." Hermione said dangerously, and walked away


"Don't talk to me Ron, you are SO not the kind of person I thought you were, the Ron I am friends with, would NEVER say that someone deserved to lose a child, we are no longer friends." Harry said, and left Ron standing there

"Why?" Chris said

"Oh bro, I don't know, but you know, everything happens for a reason, and right now you need to believe that more than ever." Wyatt said crying

"Why did I lose her, I wasn't even fighting it was our astrals..."

"Because of the psychic link, between the possessor and the possessee..." C.J said

"But what about Wyatt? Why didn't that happen to Wyatt?" Chris asked

"Because he has the protection shield, and so did the baby, so they were doubly protected, and your baby just wasn't strong enough." C.J said

Chris sobbed more and then Johnny orbed into the hospital... "Mommy ok? Johnny asked Chris

"No honey, mommy's not ok, remember when I told you that you were gonna have a little brother or sister...?" Chris asked

"Uh-huh!" Johnny said smiling, but his smile faded when he saw the pain on Chris's face "Why mommy crying?" Johnny asked

"Oh honey, your baby sister, she is in heaven now, remember talking about heaven, your sister is with the angels." Chris said, trying very hard not to cry

Johnny's little lip quivered "Where baby?"

"In heaven sweetie..." Chris said, tearing up seeing his almost 3 year old son about to cry over the sister he'd never know

Johnny hugged Chris and laid his head on his stomach, crying, Chris cried as well, and stroked his son's hair, "We'll be just fine baby, we'll get through this together." Chris said, and lifted his son

"Let's go home, I don't want to deal with these people anymore, I just want to go home." Chris said

"Ok." Wyatt orbed their stuff home, and then orbed them home

"Oh my god!" Piotr said and got up from playing with Laura, to greet his husband and his family

"Hey stranger!" Wyatt said and planted a big wet kiss on Pete's full lips

"I'll take it if it means more kisses like that, wow!" Pete said

"MOMMY!!!!" Laura squealed a ran to Wyatt in a stumbling run

"Oh hello there princess Laura, how are you today your majesty?" Wyatt asked kissing his daughter's cheek

"GOOD!" She kissed his cheek

"Oh hey boys, welcome home!" Piper said hugging her sons and her nephew

"Guys, we need to talk..." Chris said

Leo and Johnny Sr. walked through the door "Thanks for all you help today man, it really helped." Leo said to Johnny

"What's... going on?" Johnny asked as his leg was attacked by his son "DADDY!" he squealed

Johnny picked up his son "What's going on here?"

"Apparently we need to talk." Piper said

"Well as you guys know, Wyatt is pregnant..." Chris stopped as tears began to form

"Yeah, and don't forget about your little bun in the oven.." Piper said

"Oh, I know, and I was pregnant too..." Chris said

"What do you mean, was...?" Johnny asked

"I had a miscarriage, because of the battle at Hogwarts." Chris said

"Oh honey!" Piper said and grabbed her son into a hug

"I just can't believe she's gone!" Chris said and cried

Everyone joined in on the hug, and then separated after Chris calmed down

"Look baby, we're here for you, you know that..." Piper said

"Thanks, but right now, I just need to be alone." Chris said and walked to his bedroom, laying on his bed crying

Johnny Sr. quietly entered the room, laid down beside Chris and just held him, nothing sexual to his actions, he just kissed the crook of Chris's neck, and once Chris's breathing became the steady breathing of someone asleep, Johnny slept as well, holding the man he loves in his arms.

Johnny awoke to the familiar feeling he knew he was being sucked off, but didn't know by who or why, when his eyes adjusted he looked down to see Chris blowing him

"Chris, baby, what are you doing, I thought you wanted to go slow."

"Shhh... I just wanna have some fun, I need some right now, and who better to get it from than the man I love..." Chris said and took the full 10 inches into his mouth which lacked the gag reflex

"Oh..." Johnny moaned

As soon as Johnny got close, he flipped Chris onto his back, and kissed and licked his way down to his sweet hole, he lapped and swirled his tongue, wetting the rosebud, he sucked on his finger and put his mouth on Chris's cock, while he slipped a digit into the tight hole, and started to finger fuck Chris while sucking his dick.

Chris was moaning, and Johnny added more and more fingers until four were comfortably being used. Johnny used spit to lube up his aching hard on, and pressed into Chris, they shared a moan and Johnny pushed past the tight entrance into the tender warmth of Chris's tight ass

"Ooooh Chris, it's been so long, it's even better than I remember." Johnny said and pushed the rest in until his pelvis was resting against Chris's muscular ass

"Oh Johnny make love to me." Chris said and looked into Johnny's eyes, and they kissed a tender passionate kiss

"I love you Chris." Johnny said, and began a steady fucking rhythm

They made love for three and a half hours, and then Johnny finally came in Chris and they shared a passionate kiss, and fell asleep once more.

In the morning when he awoke Johnny looked over at his boyfriend, he thought about their time together and how many mistakes he'd made, and how Chris was amazing to take him back after everything he'd done and said, he kissed Chris lightly, and he stirred

"Morning sleeping beauty..." Johnny said and kissed him once more, this time the kiss was returned

"Thank you for last night Johnny, it was just what I needed, but, I needed to be the one to start it, and thank you for being there for me, and just holding me." Chris said

"Chris, you know how sorry I am for everything I've done or said that was wrong, right?" Johnny asked

"Yes I do, and when I say I know, I mean I KNOW, and I know, that you are truly, the only one for me, and if you were to say, ask me to wear the ring you've been keeping in your pocket I would say yes." Chris said with a smile and wink

"You mean, you would be my fiancé again?!" Johnny asked beaming from ear to ear, taking the ring out of the night stand

"Only for another five and a half months..." Chris said and Johnny looked confused, "That's when I want to have the wedding, on our 4 year anniversary."

"I think that's perfect!" Johnny exclaimed and put the same ring from their first engagement on Chris's left hand

They kissed again "I'll be the first to say, we need to brush our teeth..." Chris said laughing

"I think you're right, that was rank!" Johnny said, and they got up and shared the vanity, then showered with each other, no sex, just sensual washing, and the occasional kiss

They walked downstairs smiling, and laughing "Hey there, you guys are up early, how about some breakfast?" Piper asked while making coffee

Chris and Johnny had a seat at the island Leo had recently fixed up with marble counters and new chairs.

"Hey mom, do you think I could have the day off from the restaurant?" Chris asked his mother with his hand on his head, she noticed his engagement ring was back

"Nice rock, and I think given your circumstances the restaurant can function without a manager and just an owner for one night." She said while scrambling the eggs

"Thanks mom, I just wanna spend the day with my Johnnys." Chris said, and went to go up and check on Johnny Jr. who was still sleeping.

He got up there and found a demon about to try and attack Johnny who was peacefully sleeping

"Evil being of death fire shall take your very breath." Chris said and waved his hand and the demon imploded

Johnny didn't even stir, Chris went up to his racecar bed and kissed his cheek

Chris went downstairs, "Johnny don't flip, but I found a demon over Johnny Jr.'s bed" Chris said

"Yeah, when you were first gone, I found like 5, but I took care of it." Johnny said reading the paper

"Oh, ok, good, I'm glad to know you can take care of things when necessary." Chris said kissing his fiancé's cheek

"Breakfast!" Piper exclaimed and placed plates in front of them

"Thanks Piper." Johnny said

"Yeah mom, it looks great..." Chris said and they ate.

"Thanks guys, but I need to get going, a Chris I expect you to be leaving with me tomorrow morning." Piper said in her most business like manner

"Yes mam!" Chris saluted

"Wise-ass!" Piper said and walked out of the kitchen

Johnny scooped up Chris, sat him on the edge of the counter and began kissing him, Chris wrapped his legs around Johnny and Johnny ground into him.

"WHOA! WAAAAY more than I needed to see this morning!" C.J said

"Oh sorry C.J" Chris said blushing

"Well at least I can see you worked things out, and from the feelings I'm getting from both of you, you made up for lost time last night." C.J said with a wink

C.J served himself some eggs, offering each of them some, but they told him they'd eaten

"Well. I see the rock is back, I still can't get over that thing." C.J said holding Chris's hand

"Oh, and Johnny, you should know, me and Pete are a lot closer now, we're more like brothers now, so I need you to apologize to him, and try to be his friend." Chris said

"Well, I think I can try for you, but, I'm not going to saying I'll ever be like his brother, or anything, but I will apologize, and try my best." Johnny said

C.J and Chris looked at each other "SO... Yeah he meant it." They told each other at the same time

"Ha.. You two really have that whole brother thing down." Johnny said

Wyatt walked into the kitchen, and he served the kids some eggs, cut even smaller, and he took a much larger portion for himself

"Wow... Someone's been working out!" C.J said, noticing the new bulging muscles on Wyatt since he was shirtless

"Yeah me and Chris both, 5 days a week 2 hours a day." Wyatt said and Chris stripped showing their nearly identical bodies, Wyatt was slightly larger, but Chris was more defined

"Too bad that body won't last you much lon..." C.J said and stopped and covered his mouth... "Oh Chris, I'm so sorry." C.J said

"Well. I can't dwell on it, I need to get on with my life, there's plenty of time in my life for children, and as of now I'd rather make fun of Wyatt and how he's gonna lose his bod!" Chris said, and Wyatt chucked a piece of toast at his head

"I didn't even notice your new bod last night..." Johnny said to Chris and kissed him lightly

"Awww..." Everyone said at the same time

"Oh shut up!" Chris said

"Well C.J, how are things with Jason?" Chris attempted to shift the subject

"Not as good as things with you and Johnny, but still good, we are moving to the next level." C.J said and Chris arched his brows


"Then how?" Wyatt asked

"We're gonna be a couple." C.J said

"Ain't that sweet." Chris said

"Weren't you guys already a couple?" Pete asked

"Yeah, but we are gonna be exclusively dating only each other." C.J said

"Ha.. me and Wyatt skipped that step, went from boyfriends to marriage." Pete said with a laugh

They all enjoyed their breakfast

"So Chris, what time do you need to be at work?" Wyatt asked

"Well actually I don't me and Johnny were gonna spend the day together, and maybe take Little Johnny to the park, you guys are more than welcome to join us..." Chris said

"Well maybe for a little while, but then we have to get to our auditions today." Wyatt said

"What auditions?!" Chris asked

"Oh just the modeling auditions that Pete and I set up for all of us, babies included." Wyatt said

"Modeling?" Chris asked sounding a lot like his mother "Couldn't you just sign us up for bulimics anonymous or something, and then we could skip the actual modeling and go right for the after effects.

They all laughed, "Well, we want to make extra money, and we know Johnny can get a job, and your son too, but with that ugly face, you might not."

"Well with your soon to be fat ass, maybe you shouldn't audition to something you can't sign up for." Chris said sticking his tongue out

"Oh... right..." Wyatt said and touched his stomach

"But you know what the enquirer would do to get pictures of a pregnant male..." C.J joked and everyone laughed while Wyatt turned beet red

"That's SO not funny..." Wyatt said and started to cry

"Ooh, my poor baby don't cry Wyatt, we didn't mean it..." Chris said patting his brother's back

"I-I hate b-being p-pregnant!" Wyatt cried on Chris's shoulder, while Chris stroked his back

"It's alright, let's get you upstairs, you need to rest." Chris said

"I'm not going to break." Wyatt said

"But Wyatt, with all this stress, and the trauma of the Hogwarts battle, you need to give your little boy or girl some extra down time" Chris said fighting tears of his lost child

"I'll do it, for you Chris..." Wyatt said and Chris led him upstairs

"Now don't get up for anything, call me, Johnny, C.J, or Pete and we'll get it for you." Chris said

"What do I do about peeing?" Wyatt asked

"Well. I think that's one thing we can allow you to do on your own." Chris said

"Thanks for always being there for me Chris." Wyatt said calmly

"You are welcome, and I'll always be there for you, just like you and C.J will always be there for me." Chris said and kissed Wyatt's forehead

"Hey babe, you ready to go?" Johnny asked

"PARK! Mommy PARK!" Johnny Jr. yelled

"And what is the PROPER way to ask for something?" Chris scolded his son

"Pleeeeeaaase." Johnny Sr. said

"I meant for HIM to answer not you, you smart alec." Chris said and they left the manor

The walk to the park was pleasant enough, they stopped at the ice cream truck and got the kids each something small

Johnny Jr. perked up "Mommy, where Uncle Zeke?" he asked

Chris shuddered a bit "Um, well Uncle Zeke is taking care of your baby sister in heaven." Chris said tears forming

"Oh." Johnny Jr. said and finished his ice cream

"Honey go with daddy, Uncle Wyatt, Pete, and Laura to the park, there's something I have to do." Chris said and turned to Johnny Sr. "I'll be there soon, I need to talk to Zeke."

Johnny looked confused but gave his fiancé a kiss and told him "go ahead we'll we fine."

Chris found a secluded area and orbed out

He set up the candles and grabbed the book of shadows "Here these words hear my cry, spirit from the other side come to me I summon thee, cross now the great divide." And Zeke appeared in the white globes of light

"Hello Chris, I hoped you'd summon me."

"Zeke, I'm so sorry, I've been pretending that your death didn't affect me but it did, I can hardly sleep, or eat, and I feel horrible for going back to Johnny the same night that I... turned you.. into a fichus tree, god I'm sorry." Chris said sadly on the brink of tears

Zeke stepped out of the circle of candles and solidified, he hugged Chris "you have nothing to be sorry about, you know, everything happens for a reason, I was brought into your life to prove to you that love can conquer all when in the right hands; you have every right to be happy Chris, and I ensured that by broadening your mind to be able to accept Johnny back into your life, you and he are destined to be together, and regrettably you were meant to lose our baby, to make way for yours and Johnny's bun in the oven, just in time it seems." Zeke said looking down to Chris's belly

"Wait, are you telling me, I was destined to lose our baby to be able to get pregnant by Johnny? And I'm..." Chris asked touching his belly

"Yes... And C.J was given the vision of us at a wedding to make him open to accepting a half demon into your life, we were not destined to be together, and I had a deal with the elders and the angel of death, it was my time, but they gave me until you were pregnant to live, and then it was just a matter of time." Zeke said

"That all doesn't really make sense." Chris said

"I made a deal, saying that I would help you not give up on yours and Johnny's love, in exchange for a couple months of life, to spend it with the one person I wanted to, but you were called away on assignment so that part didn't work out too well." Zeke said

"I love you Zeke."

"and I knew you were never in love with me, which is another reason your baby wasn't meant to be, someone in the charmed line is not meant to be a mistake, they must be conceived in love, or they will not form the same bonds with sisters or brother, I must go, blessed be." Zeke said and disappeared

Chris just cried Johnny Sr. appeared in orbs, "I thought I'd find you here." Johnny said and wrapped Chris in his arms

"I-I needed some closure, he was brought into my life to make sure I'd be able to love you." Chris said and buried his face into his fiancés shoulder

Johnny looked into Chris's eyes "So he was here to make sure we would be together?" Johnny asked still holding Chris

"Y-yeah, he said that since our baby was a mistake she wasn't meant to be for the next charmed line, and that the premonition that C.J had was planted by the elders. He knew I wasn't in love, but he made a deal to spend more time with me, and I was so selfish." Chris broke down again

Johnny grabbed Chris's face in his hands and forced him to look in his eyes "NO, you are the most selfless, generous human being I have ever met, you are perfection and you need to believe that, so you can move on." And after saying that he held Chris and kissed his forehead

"Thank you for understanding this." Chris said and pecked Johnny's lips

"I am here always baby." Johnny said and they just held each other, Johnny picked up Chris, "let's go to bed."

Chris orbed them into his bedroom Johnny was on top of Chris and kissing him passionately, Chris moaned as Johnny suckled on his neck

"Hey Chris could you help me... OH my GOD!" Piper covered her eyes "I am SO sorry"

"MOM!" Chris yelled

"leaving..." Piper said, turning red and running down the stairs bumping into Leo

"What's the rush?" Leo asked

"Oh nothing, I just walked in on our son and his fiancé about to make another little bundle of joy, no big deal

"Johnny, I have to tell you something..."

"Ok." Johnny said with his hands over his face still embarrassed

"I'm pregnant."

"What, how?" Johnny asked

"Well.. since we love each other very much.." Chris said, causing Johnny to laugh

"I just mean, it hasn't been long since you well.. you know..." Johnny said

"It was meant to be." Chris said, and Johnny kissed him

"How did you find out?" Johnny asked excitedly

"Zeke told me, he also said that you... and me... are meant to be together, forever, or as long as forever entails." Chris said looking into his lover's eyes

A demon shimmered in behind Johnny "Johnny get down!" and an energy ball was thrown at Chris, but a fiery shield was put up and the energy ball exploded not fazing Chris

"Fucking demons never learn." Chris said and tried to blow him up but fireworks materialized over the demon's head "uh-oh..." Chris said and the demon blasted him out the bedroom window, Wyatt having sensed the danger, and orbed in, remembered a spell from when on assignment at Hogwarts, "IMMOBILUS!" Wyatt shouted and channeled that spell through his hand

Chris's body gently floated down to the ground

"Thank god, I thought I was dead." Chris said and stood up

"Mommy, ok?" Johnny Jr. ran to Chris, and C.J walked into the backyard

"Yeah honey me and the baby are fine."

"What baby?" C.J asked

"Oh no.. JOHNNY!" Chris exclaimed and ran into the house to his bedroom, finding Johnny stabbing the demon with the athame from Chris's sock drawer

Johnny turned around and saw Chris, "BABY!" he yelled and hugged Chris

"I'm fine, Johnny, just a little...." Chris said swaying a bit

"Baby, you ok? You should rest." Johnny said

"Hey, what's going on, is everything ok?" Wyatt asked, followed by C.J and the kids

"Everything is grand, but I think we should move out again." Chris announced

"You think that's a good idea?" C.J asked

"Well I think its best for me and the baby, my powers are a little off, and the demons seem to like to attack the manor..." Chris said

"Ok, that's the second time you've mentioned a baby, I thought that she wasn't around anymore..." Wyatt said

"Well, I'm pregnant..."

"You certainly don't waste anytime..." C.J said to Johnny

"Honey, I think it's time we moved back to our house, and bring them with us... Is that ok?" Chris asked hopefully

"I think that's a great idea." Johnny said and pulled him into a hug

Ok, we just have to talk to mom and dad...alone..." Chris said

"Do we have to, I mean your mother just walked in on me about to violate you.."

"WHAT?!?" C.J and Wyatt asked jubilantly at the same time

"Yeah... mom walked in on us about to well, you know..." Chris said embarrassedly

"Oh that sucks, you know we all forget sometimes that we are in our parents' house, and that it's sort of their right to not knock..." Wyatt said

"Yeah, I also forgot to lock the door..." Chris said

"That helps.. Ok let's go tell them the news..."

Johnny and Chris joined hands and walked to the kitchen

"OH.. guys, I am SO sorry, I knocked, but I guess you didn't hear me, and oh god I just feel so bad.." Chris held up his hand

"It's alright mom, it's your house you're allowed to not knock, it would be stupid and completely dismissive and disrespectful for us to yell or scream at you like we own this place, which brings me to my point, we all discussed it, and we are gonna move back across the street." Chris said, not breathing during the sentence

"It's not because of this, is it sweetie?" Piper asked

"No, no mom this is just the deciding factor, I've been kicking this around since Johnny and I reconciled, and with our new baby on the way..." Chris blurted

"Wait, our, you mean Wyatt and Pete's baby, right, or am I missing something?" Piper asked

"Well, there's no good time to tell, I'm pregnant, and in the balance of things this baby is meant to be, and the other baby wasn't." Chris said

"Well, that's not a surprise, I mean, when a baby is destined to be, it's destined to be, and we are going to honor your choice, but remember we're here when you need us." Piper said containing her emotions

"Don't worry mom, we'll just be across the street." Chris said

"I know sweetie, and it's about time I let you guys go, but as a parent I'm sure you understand separation anxiety." Piper said with a light chuckle

"I do mom, and I know I have lots to b grateful to you for, thank you for supporting me through any and all times, no matter what." Chris said, crying

"Aww, sweetie, come here, I know those tears all too well." Piper said and coddled her grown son, "holding you now, just reminds me of when you were a baby.."

"Cut the dramatics, I'm already crying hard enough." Chris said, they heard loud sobbing

"It's just so touching..." Wyatt said sobbing harder, C.J patted his back

"Oh... come here boys..." Piper said beckoning Wyatt and C.J "Everything is going to be great, I love all three of you."

"Let's orb our stuff to the house." Chris said.

They gathered their things and Wyatt orbed everything, while Chris and C.J orbed to the house to orb everything where it needed to be since neither Wyatt or Chris could do any heavy lifting

Wyatt and Johnny Sr. walked over holding their respective children's hands

"Wow. It's like you guys never left."

"Cool... This is gonna be an adventure."

They heard something crash outside and rushed to see who or what it was, after exiting the house they saw a moving truck and what used to be their mailbox.

"Oh god, I am SO sorry that was a compl..." the mystery man looked up and saw all the good looking faces staring at him, he was confused, "I'll... pay for that..." the young man said, soon a Hummer pulled up and 3 men around their own age exited the vehicle

"Caleb you can't go one day without doing something wrong can you?" a young slender blonde asked

"Zip it Reid, I've got enough on my mind with Sarah leaving me for ... Oh... Sorry you guys don't need to be hearing about my shit, we only just met." The man they now knew as Caleb said with a pearly smile and wink

Johnny Sr. was the first to speak "Nice to meet you, John Storm." Johnny held out his hand

"Yeah. Of the Fantastic Four, right.. cool.. I'm Caleb, these are my friends Pogue, Reid, and Tyler, we just moved here from the east coast for college, it's weird around here


As I introduced us I couldn't take my mind off the striking beauty of each of these guys, they were around our age, with the exception of John, but they all had those bodies that screamed for touch.


Ok, so I know I have Johnny but it's ok to look... right? This guy is tall dark hot and handsome, god am I glad we cast that spell that makes us look ... not.. pregnant?... to the rest of the world

Johnny Sr.

If this dickwad checks Chris out one more time... Chill Johnny you promised Chris you WOULDN'T act like a brute, he's wearing your ring, he's with you.. GET IT THROUGH YOUR HEAD, he loves you.. ok I feel better

"Well, you've met Johnny, so, I'm Chris Halliwell, this is Wyatt Halliwell, C.J Halliwell, Piotr Halliwell, and these little ones playing in the yard are the mini Halliwells, John Halliwell, my son, and Laura Halliwell Wyatt's daughter, Johnny baby, come say hi to our new neighbors." Chris called to his son

"You're tall..." Johnny Jr. said to Caleb

"Oh really.. Well.. you're short..."

"I'm also 3 genius..." Johnny Jr. said laughing

"Johnny!" Chris said astonished at his son's manners "you show some respect for adults, now apologize to Caleb."

"I'm sorry Caleb." Johnny Jr. said and walked away sadly

"I swear if that boy wasn't so much like his faa^×ther... being... me... I'd well.. I'd yelled .. yell louder.. god just shut up Chris."

"Well, it was nice meeting all of you, I should drive the six feet I have left before we start unpacking..."

"Do you need some..." Chris stomped on Johnny's foot

"Some what?" Caleb asked

"One to direct you where to go so you don't hit anyone else's mailbox..." Chris said with a light hearted chuckle

"That's a good one, I'm sorry, I'll be more careful." The guys drove and parked in the house next door

"WHAT... was THAT?!" Johnny asked

"You were about to offer them help, and if me and Wyatt weren't there helping, they might get the wrong idea, and I doubt that four normal guys would be receptive to male pregnancy and living next door to witches/mutants/super heroes, whatever you wanna call us..."

"Actually I think they'd be fine with the witches part..." C.J interjected

"Why do you say that?" Wyatt asked

"Because, I sensed a power, not as powerful, but similar to the power of three, it could be nothing, but I thought I may have detected something a little witchy." C.J said

"Well, we should just keep and eye on him."

"Definitely." Chris agreed

"But what are we gonna do in the meantime." Johnny asked

"We're gonna be safe, wise, and we're all gonna stick together." C.J said

They walked in the house "This should be fun." Chris said, and used telekinesis to close the front door

To Be Continued

Next: Chapter 17

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