Marvelously Charming

By Joseph Foster

Published on Sep 4, 2007


Marvelously Charming

Chapter 11

A first time for everything

3 months later

I think this may be my shortest chapter... SERIOUS writer's block

"My baby boy is one today!" Chris exclaimed falsely as he was dressing Baby Johnny in a new outfit for the occasion

"Hey, what's going on?" Corey asked

"What are you doing here?" Chris asked with a faded smile

"Well, I wanted to see how things were, I mean since last time we haven't really talked..." Corey said

"There's nothing to talk about..." Chris said as he put the baby back into his crib while he talked

"Yes, there is, you, I can never forgive myself for what happened, I never should have involved Henry in anything, but he meant the world to me..." Corey blurted out

"What?" Chris asked

"Nothing, I shouldn't have said that." Corey covered

"No, you're gonna tell me, you owe me that at least." Chris snarled

"Ok, well, me and Henry were in a... discreet... relationship, we would meet up for sex at my apartment..." Corey admitted

"WHAT!" Chris yelled causing the baby to cry a bit

"Yeah, we were, and he wanted to protect me from the demon, but the demon lost all interest in killing me and I wasn't fast enough." Corey cried

"You may have loved him, but you should have never allowed him to go with you, he was always a loose cannon!" Chris exclaimed

"How can you even say that, your cousin is dead, and I just told you exactly how nobly he died, he died FOR LOVE can you understand that, would you die for Johnny, or your son for that matter." Corey asked heatedly

"Of course I would, but you should have tried harder, you should have done something, kept him away, ANYTHING!" Chris said an broke down

Corey hugged him, "I know, I miss him too, it's ok to cry." He said attempting to comfort Chris

"Why would they put us through so much, to give us this in return, are we that terrible?!" Chris asked, referring to the Elders

"I don't think THEY had anything to do with it, I think the best way we can avenge Henry's death is by vanquishing the demonic ass holes that did this to him..." Corey said resting a hand on Chris's shoulder

"How?" Chris asked

"I think we need the power of three..." Corey said

Chris wiped his face and gulped "I'll call my mom and no Paige will never be able to do this she's still so sad."

"I think you know what I mean, it's time for you, Wyatt, and C.J to become the new power of three." Corey said

"That, is not an option we simply aren't ready, Henry's death put out training off, we were supposed to have the ritual the same..." Chris was again interrupted by his crying son

"We need a strong power of three to take these guys out, they are powerful, and I think their more powerful than even your mother and aunts can face, we need the new and improved power of three." Corey said motivationally

"Who says we have the power to take them out, huh, if the current power of three can't how can we?" Chris asked irritated as he checked his son's diaper

"You are powerful Chris, more powerful than you think, and you and Wyatt are an unstoppable force together, and with C.J to make you the power of three, you guys will be the most feared magical beings on the planet." Corey said urging Chris

Chris chuckled a little "I thought I was supposed to be the whitelighter..." Chris finished changing Baby Johnny

"Look Chris, you can be mad and do nothing about this, or you can channel that anger into vengeance for your cousin." Corey said and left Chris holding Baby Johnny, he put him back in the crib

"I'm not strong enough, I don't know, I'll talk to my brothers about it..." Chris said to no one, and walked down the hall to Wyatt and Piotr's bedroom

"Hey Chris, Wyatt just went downstairs to get some air freshener, Laura was a little, well, she had some bodily problems... we cleaned it up but it still smells a bit... stale" Piotr said

"Oh god, Petey, stale doesn't cover it, I smells like something crawled into your daughter and..." Chris stopped himself and his smile faded

"It's ok to say the word Chris, it's not hurting anyone." Piotr said and put his hand on Chris's shoulder

"That's just it, it hurts me, I feel like if I had just done something, anything, if I had checked on my charge more." Chris said and again began to cry

Piotr wrapped his large muscular arms around Chris, and Chris buried his face into his buffed shoulder "Look Chris, I'm not usually good in these situations, I don't know what to say or do, I make things worse, but I can tell you what I know, if you were meant to save Henry you would have, it was his time, nobody's fault." He said and stroked Chris's hair

Chris looked into Pete's eyes and saw worry and true concern for him, his hard muscular features were soft and caring, Chris was lost, as was Piotr, who had never notice the flecks of green in Chris's hazel eyes, he'd never really looked before and had just assumed they were brown like Wyatt's

"Piotr thank you, you have made this a little more bearable." Chris said quietly while still looking into his eyes

"I care about you Chris, you and your whole family are the first I've known in many years" Piotr said inching a little closer to Chris's face with his own

"Pete, you're the first person who has really understood my feelings about this." Chris said and inched closer

Johnny and Wyatt walked in laughing and talking, they both immediately saw the compromising position that their lovers were in, Piotr was still holding Chris, and their lips were practically touching, "What's going on here?" Wyatt asked

"Oh... um, well Petey was just listening to my latest issues, and being very helpful, he made me see that this all isn't my fault, and that I couldn't do anything about it." Chris said and patted Piotr on the back a little nervously, knowing how it must have looked

"You sure, it looked a little more... intimate..." Johnny commented a little angry but attempting to cover

"No, no intimacy, I was simply forcing Chris to look into my eyes as I told him the truth, and told him what he needed to hear, and anything else you may think you saw, was just your mind playing tricks on you." Piotr said confidently

"Ok, since I love and trust both of you, I am going to accept your word as the god honest truth." Wyatt said and hugged both of them, then just hugged Chris "it really isn't your fault, and you can't keep blaming yourself." Wyatt said with an extra tight squeeze

"So, what do you guys have planned for today, I mean before the birthday party." Wyatt asked

"Well I was thinking of a trip to the mall, now that I'm back down closer to my old size, which I have to say, I'm prouder of my much more lean and muscular body now, thank you, but I think some new clothes are in order." Chris said proudly lifting his shirt to show off his new six pack and tapered waist.

"Wow, that's even better than the last time I saw you naked." Johnny said and ran his hand down his lover's abs

"Hey, you're in our room, take... THAT... elsewhere..." Wyatt said laughing, so Johnny passionately kissed his lover and pinned him against the wall, and pulled back long enough to say "my house... my rules..." and continued kissing Chris

"Whoa, how does his lunch taste...?" Piper asked as she barged in

"Whoa, whoa, WHOA..." Wyatt started, "Do you know those inventions called doorbells, they were created so things like `this' wouldn't happen." Wyatt indicated the situation

"Well, they were also designed to be answered, so when you didn't open the door, I tried the handle, and... SHOCKER it was unlocked..." Piper said sarcastically

"I think she's telling the truth..." Chris said

"I am, and I am here to tell you guys, Paige isn't doing so hot, she's been committed." Piper explained

"What?" Chris asked

"Yeah, last night she took over 15 sleeping pills, they pumped her stomach, and they aren't sure how long she'll need to be observed, but this means we're 1/3 short of the power of three." Piper continued

"Meaning..." Wyatt asked

"Meaning, it's time to start our next line of Charmed ones, you Chris and C.J, it's got to be now, before the next big threat attacks." Piper said

"Ok, when?" Chris asked

"Now..." Piper said "C.J is waiting at the manor..." she finished her sentence

They got everything together, and Johnny volunteered to watch the kids, so they walked across the street and met up with C.J in the attic

"Ok, so, now that you're all here there is a spell I need to all to recite." Phoebe said, giving them each a hand written spell

"Hear now the words of the witches The Secrets we hid in the night The Oldest of Gods are invoked here The Great Work of Magic is sought In This Night and In This Hour We Call Upon the Ancient Power Bring Your Power to we Brothers Three We Want the Power Give Us the Power" "Anything?" Piper asked

"No..." C.J started

"...Really..." Phoebe said and grabbed a baseball whipping it at C.J's face, as his eyes squinted the ball was sent back and through the glass window

"...DAMN IT, we just got those things fixed!" Piper exclaimed

"Sorry Aunt Piper, I didn't know I'd do that." C.J said

Next Phoebe moved onto Wyatt, she opened the window "Now if you got Piper's power, then your power should be able to freeze... That..." Phoebe said indicating a jetliner

"What if I got your power?" Wyatt asked

"Well that is entirely possible I mean you do already have the power to accelerate molecules, and slow them down, so the Elders may have seen fit to alter the distribution, try this, give me you hands." Phoebe forced a premonition of a demon attack "Now touch my hand" she instructed, and he did so

GASP Wyatt saw a demon incinerating a woman with his eyes she was so scared

"Wow, that was, wow, do you ALWAYS feel so woozy during a premonition?"

"Yeah, sorta comes with the territory." Phoebe said

"Ok Chris..." Piper said and tossed a chair in the air, Chris raised his hands and the chair exploded and froze in midair, in pieces

"Well, that's different" Phoebe said

"Ok son, now a small wrist movement, like this." Piper said and performed an example "and unfreeze it."

Chris mimicked the movement willing the scene to unfreeze and the pieces of the chair to fly everywhere.

"So, because I already had that power I get the premonitions?" Wyatt asked

"Yes, and it's likely you will get levitation as well as empathy, though with empathy, you'll never reach the levels of Chris and C.J." Phoebe explained

"Why's that?" Wyatt asked, a little embarrassed

"Because, well you may not get it at all, you aren't a destined empathy, so you could be destroyed if you are forced to have the world's emotions inside of you and with the death and destruction your latent powers could cause if released, it's not safe." Phoebe explained

"So, I won't get a charmed active power?" Wyatt asked

"Hello, boy, you are so thick..." Phoebe said and did a floor sweep to try and take Wyatt down, and he leapt into the air, but rose about 5 feet and just stayed... "Levitation, genius." Phoebe said and laughed a little

Everyone was giggling because of the look on Wyatt's face... "How do I get down???" He asked frightened

"Just want to go down, and channel you emotions into wanting that more than anything." Phoebe said and Wyatt closed his eyes, and he just fell out of the air

Chris rushed over to his brother "You ok bro?" Chris asked

"Yeah, I guess I overshot just a little." Wyatt said rubbing his arm

"We'll train you guys for a bit and after have some lunch." Piper said and everyone went their separate ways to change clothes and prepare lunch

They ran home, C.J went to his room and dressed in a red tank top and black track pants, Chris changed into a white tank top and green track pants, and Wyatt changed into a black tank top and white track pants, and they all put on their shoes, and walked out of their respective rooms at the same time

"God, we look like an 80's rock band, all dressed alike..." C.J commented and his `brothers' looked at him like he was crazy

"Dude, you made a joke, I'm proud of ya." Chris said

"But, yeah, we agree with you, but its good we all think alike, means we've bonded over the past few months, and that's good." Wyatt said as they continued down the stairs as they were about to leave Johnny stopped them before the door

"Heh, you guys look like an 80's rock band, anyway, I just wanted to let you all know that me and Pete are gonna run to the store, so we'll just take the babies with us, so you don't worry." He said addressing Wyatt and Chris

"Ok babe, see you later." Chris said and kissed his fiancé quickly and left with his brothers

When they got to the manor they saw that the living room had been transformed into a sort of Dojo, and Phoebe was looking ready, she was stunning in a pink Nike sports bra and loose fitting grey sweatpants

"Ok guys, first is hand to hand combat, now, Chris and Wyatt since you've been trained I want you guys to spar, and I am gonna go through some basics with C.J and we'll get to the other stuff later Wyatt."

Chris and Wyatt took opposing fighting stances, and Wyatt attempted to hit Chris in the face but Chris blocked, Chris kicked Wyatt blocked, Wyatt went for the face but quickly did a reversal kick and Chris ducked, when Chris floor swept Wyatt levitated and dropped

"you're getting the hang of levitation..." Chris said as he did a back flip as Wyatt attempted to jab him

"Nice..." Wyatt said and advanced on Chris, but he did a forward flip an locked his ankles around Wyatt's neck and used his legs to pull himself up and double punch Wyatt in the face and threw him backwards using his legs.

"OOH Wyatt, are you ok?!?" Phoebe stopped her tutoring of her son

"Yeah, I'm ok," he said and spit out some blood "Where'd you learn that move??" He asked

"Mortal Kombat..." Chris said innocently "Lemme heal you..." Chris felt kind of bad

"Nah, it's cool bro, save the healing for later, when we'll both need it." He said and resumed fighting stance, Chris advanced quickly and jabbed Wyatt in the stomach, and then on the other eye.

"SHIT!" Wyatt yelled and grabbed his eye

"HEY!" Phoebe yelled "Never let your guard down, a demon won't be like your brother, if you take so much as one moment to think about the pain, they will kill you." Phoebe said firmly

Wyatt nodded and wiped the tears out of his eyes, he swung at Chris and when he dodged he levitated into a flip over Chris's shoulders and kicked him in the back. Chris fell forward sprawled, and quickly flipped over and got up using his legs.

Wyatt kicked to one side and when Chris went to block quickly used the fakeout to kick him in the face with the other leg, Chris fell back, and pretended to be in pain, Wyatt kicked his leg up and as he brought it down Chris caught it and snapped his ankle in one direction

"OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!" Wyatt screamed, and fell over crying

"Oh no, Wyatt..." Phoebe said and rushed to him "It's broken, wow Chris I didn't know you had that in you, I'm proud of you... I think that's enough hand to hand for you two today" She said and patted both on the back

"Yeah, me too, b-but just heal me..." Wyatt said through the tears, and Chris held his hands over the broken ankle, and began to heal it, as the bones reconstructed and moved back into place Wyatt screamed in agony, then as soon as the ankle was healed, Chris healed everything else.

Wyatt did the same for Chris, who had a dislocated shoulder from the kick to the back, and numerous cuts and bruises

"Sorry about the ankle Wyatt, nothing personal it was just training." Chris said as they got up

"No big, if we weren't able to heal each other it would be one thing, but it doesn't even hurt anymore." Wyatt said as they walked to the kitchen

Back in the living room Phoebe was sparring with her son, and he was picking up very well, even managed to land a blow or two, but he was bloodied and had a swollen shut eye.

"You did great son, now go get some food, and have one of your cousins heal you." Phoebe said and hugged her son

"Good god!" Piper exclaimed when C.J walked in "I didn't realize Phoebe was running the WWE Smackdown in our living room, Wyatt heal your cousin, before he drips blood on the food." Wyatt did as he was told and C.J was back to looking perfect as he usually did

"That's much better, here's some food for my three handsome charmed men." Piper said and set a plate at the island for them to eat

"Thanks Aunt Piper." C.J said

"Yeah, thanks mom." Chris and Wyatt said at the same time

"Mom, I think we should go after the demons that... killed Henry." Chris said boldly, and Piper sliced her hand with the knife

"GODDAMN IT." She yelled and Wyatt instinctively healed her "Ok Chris, if you can find them and track them, then I suggest you do so." Piper said and resumed preparing the stuff for dinner that night.

"What is the meaning of this intrusion?" A demon dressed in leather asked his guest

"I'm sorry sir, I did not mean to intrude, but the others sent me to alert you, the witches are on your trail." The smaller demon responded

"WHAT?!" The larger demon yelled causing his lair to rumble

"I'm sorry, I'm just the messenger..." The small demon said meekly

"Tell me, how can I break the Charmed circle, my feeble bodied friend?" The now angry demon asked his guest

"Well, many demons have tried and failed, the closest anyone has ever come is with the 7 deadly sins, and the demon of rage, but without the time to duplicate both of those magics the first Charmed ones destroyed we will be vulnerable to attack" The feeble demon responded

"Very well, I shall send an ally after the new charmed ones we must test their strength, bring me a Frerax, preferably the one that killed the eldest son of the youngest former charmed one

The demon left to do as he was told "Oh this is pointless..."

"Mom, I'm never gonna be able to blow up a golf ball..." Chris whined

"Well with an attitude like that you won't be able to take out the demon that took out Henry, now FOCUS..." Piper urged her son, and threw the golf ball up in the air, Chris thought of the ball as the face of the demon he'd never forget, and it blew up before he even used his hands

"Wow... um... ok, well we should try that again, only this time please, a little more control over your emotions." Piper encouraged and threw up the next ball, Chris raised his hands and obliterated the ball.

"Great! Now you may think this is pointless, but if you can blow up a golf ball, do you honestly think a demon a thousand times bigger than the ball is going to be very hard?" Piper asked with a pat on Chris's back

"I got that mom, I figured that's where this was headed, thanks for the explanation though." Chris said and Johnny walked in holding Baby John

"Chris my sis just called and we have to do some... Well we have a large something to take out... in outer space..." Johnny said

"Johnny, I'm a little busy, do YOU really need to be there??" Chris said shortly

"Um.. well, it's the Fantastic 4 and I make number 4..." Johnny said smartly

"But you have other priorities now, Johnny, you've been gone every night this week, doing your other shit for work, and now you're gonna run off to outer space, enough is enough, you need to pick your battles, and right now one of them is against me." Chris said, taking Baby John from his arms

"Chris, when I asked you to marry me, that meant through the good and the bad, something you are all too familiar with, like it or not I AM a superhero, and with that comes specific obligations, and I can't abandon my OTHER family and be with you and Johnny all the time." Johnny said, not sure he liked his choice of words

"Ok, I get it, go..." Chris said sadly... "GO!" He yelled angrily and threw Johnny through the door with telekinesis

"I love you..." Johnny said and flew away

Chris orbed out leaving his mother standing there confused

He laid Baby John in the nursery, and slowly walked towards his room, and when he got there he collapsed in his bed and just cried... "I love you too..." he said and cried himself to sleep.

To Be Continued

Next: Chapter 12

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